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The giant actin-binding protein nebulin is regarded as a component of the thin filaments in vertebrate skeletal muscles, whereas the existence of nebulin in invertebrate muscles has not yet been demonstrated. Using the cross-reactivities of polyclonal antibodies raised against nebulin from muscles of trout and lamprey, we were able to identify nebulin in the myofibrils of the cephalochordate Branchiostoma lanceolatum (lancelet) by immunoblot and immunofluorescence techniques. The ∼720-kDa protein is localised in the I-bands of the sarcomere, where vertebrate nebulin has previously also been shown to be localised. Since lancelets have a phylogenetically key position at the vertebrate/invertebrate boundary, the detection of a high-molecular-weight nebulin indicates that nebulin-like proteins may be common to striated muscles in all chordates and increases the probability that non-chordate invertebrates also possess nebulin-related proteins. Accepted: 22 July 1999  相似文献   

The precise assembly of the highly organized filament systems found in muscle is critically important for its function. It has been hypothesized that nebulin, a giant filamentous protein extending along the entire length of the thin filament, provides a blueprint for muscle thin filament assembly. To test this hypothesis, we generated a KO mouse model to investigate nebulin functions in vivo. Nebulin KO mice assemble thin filaments of reduced lengths and approximately 15% of their Z-disks are abnormally wide. Our data demonstrate that nebulin functions in vivo as a molecular ruler by specifying pointed- and barbed-end thin filament capping. Consistent with the shorter thin filament length of nebulin deficient mice, maximal active tension was significantly reduced in KO animals. Phenotypically, the murine model recapitulates human nemaline myopathy (NM), that is, the formation of nemaline rods combined with severe skeletal muscle weakness. The myopathic changes in the nebulin KO model include depressed contractility, loss of myopalladin from the Z-disk, and dysregulation of genes involved in calcium homeostasis and glycogen metabolism; features potentially relevant for understanding human NM.  相似文献   

We find that extraction of as little as one troponin C molecule per troponin-tropomyosin strand on a thin filament reduces the slope of the pCa/tension relation. We interpret this to mean that the regulatory units along a thin filament of rabbit psoas fibers are linked co-operatively so that a thin filament activates as a unit. The presence of extended co-operativity explains why the pCa/tension relation in skinned fibers has a slope much higher than predicted by binding of Ca2+ to one regulatory unit. Replacement of the extracted troponin C with purified troponin C fully reverses the effect of extraction and shows it to be the essential Ca2+ binding protein responsible for the steep slope of the pCa/tension relation.  相似文献   

Using electron microscopy and optical diffraction, Ca2+-dependent binding of a glycolytic enzyme (aldolase) to thin filaments of isolated skeletal muscle I-disks have been revealed. On the micrographs of negatively stained I-disks the cross-striation determined by troponin-tropomyosin complex distribution has a period of about 38 nm. The width of troponin-tropomyosin stripes is 5-6 nm. On the optical diffraction patterns from isolated I-disks the meridional reflections measuring 38.5, 19.2, 12.8 nm are present. On the micrographs of isolated I-disks, treated with aldolase in the absence of Ca2+ (1 mM EGTA) the width of periodic transverse stripes (period approximately 38 nm) increases from 5-6 nm to 25-28 nm due to the interaction of aldolase with thin filaments. On the optical diffraction patterns from I-disks treated with aldolase in the absence of Ca2+ (1 mM EGTA) the strong meridional reflection equal to 38.5 nm is present, while the reflections equal to 19.2 nm are absent. The optical diffraction patterns from I-disks treated with aldolase in the presence of Ca2+ (greater than or equal to 10(-5) M) do not, as a rule, differ from those obtained from I-disks not treated with aldolase, i.e. they contain the three above reflections. The binding of aldolase to thin filaments in the absence of Ca2+ is the reason of disappearance of meridional reflections equal to 19.2 and 12.8 nm.  相似文献   

Tension and dynamic stiffness of passive rabbit psoas, rabbit semitendinosus, and waterbug indirect flight muscles were investigated to study the contribution of weak-binding cross-bridges and elastic filaments (titin and minititin) to the passive mechanical behavior of these muscles. Experimentally, a functional dissection of the relative contribution of actomyosin cross-bridges and titin and minititin was achieved by 1) comparing mechanically skinned muscle fibers before and after selective removal of actin filaments with a noncalcium-requiring gelsolin fragment (FX-45), and 2) studying passive tension and stiffness as a function of sarcomere length, ionic strength, temperature, and the inhibitory effect of a carboxyl-terminal fragment of smooth muscle caldesmon. Our data show that weak bridges exist in both rabbit skeletal muscle and insect flight muscle at physiological ionic strength and room temperature. In rabbit psoas fibers, weak bridge stiffness appears to vary with both thin-thick filament overlap and with the magnitude of passive tension. Plots of passive tension versus passive stiffness are multiphasic and strikingly similar for these three muscles of distinct sarcomere proportions and elastic proteins. The tension-stiffness plot appears to be a powerful tool in discerning changes in the mechanical behavior of the elastic filaments. The stress-strain and stiffness-strain curves of all three muscles can be merged into one, by normalizing strain rate and strain amplitude of the extensible segment of titin and minititin, further supporting the segmental extension model of resting tension development.  相似文献   

The long bones of the vertebrate body are built by the initial formation of a cartilage template that is later replaced by mineralized bone. The proliferation and maturation of the skeletal precursor cells (chondrocytes) within the cartilage template and their replacement by bone is a highly coordinated process which, if misregulated, can lead to a number of defects including dwarfism and other skeletal deformities. This is exemplified by the fact that abnormal bone development is one of the most common types of human birth defects. Yet, many of the factors that initiate and regulate chondrocyte maturation are not known. We identified a recessive dwarf mouse mutant (pug) from an N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis screen. pug mutant skeletal elements are patterned normally during development, but display a ~20% length reduction compared to wild-type embryos. We show that the pug mutation does not lead to changes in chondrocyte proliferation but instead promotes premature maturation and early ossification, which ultimately leads to disproportionate dwarfism. Using sequence capture and high-throughput sequencing, we identified a missense mutation in the Xylosyltransferase 1 (Xylt1) gene in pug mutants. Xylosyltransferases catalyze the initial step in glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chain addition to proteoglycan core proteins, and these modifications are essential for normal proteoglycan function. We show that the pug mutation disrupts Xylt1 activity and subcellular localization, leading to a reduction in GAG chains in pug mutants. The pug mutant serves as a novel model for mammalian dwarfism and identifies a key role for proteoglycan modification in the initiation of chondrocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Phosphorylase plays an important role in energy generation during muscle contraction. We have demonstrated that purified rabbit skeletal muscle phosphorylase a and phosphorylase b bind to rabbit muscle F-actin, F-actin-tropomyosin, F-actin-tropomyosin-troponin, and myofibrils. Neither phosphorylase a nor phosphorylase b binds to myosin. Phosphorylase a and b bind to F-actin with S0.5 values of 1.5 X 10(-6) and 2.1 X 10(-6) M, respectively. At saturation, 0.035 mol of phosphorylase a and b is bound for every seven G-actin monomers in the F-actin polymer. Using the F-actin-tropomyosin-troponin complex as opposed to F-actin as a binding target, there are five- and threefold increases in the maximal binding capacity for phosphorylase a and phosphorylase b, respectively, without a significant change in the S0.5 value for either form of the enzyme. A similar stoichiometry and affinity of phosphorylase binding are observed when myofibrils are used as the binding target. Ca2+ ions and AMP increase the maximal binding capacity for phosphorylase a to myofibrils while ATP decreases the Bmax. Our study suggests that in skeletal muscle, phosphorylase a and phosphorylase b may interact with the thin filament, and that this binding to thin filament proteins may be controlled by changes in sarcoplasmic concentration of Ca2+ and ligands of phosphorylase during muscle contraction.  相似文献   

R Nave  D O Fürst  K Weber 《FEBS letters》1990,269(1):163-166
Nebulin is a high molecular weight polypeptide (mass 0.6-0.8 million) which accounts for 3% of the myofibrillar mass in skeletal muscle. Due to its resistance to extraction under native conditions, relatively little is known about the biochemistry of the molecule. Here we report in vitro binding of alpha-actinin (a major Z-line protein) to nebulin. After solubilization with sodium dodecylsulfate myofibrillar polypeptides separated by gel electrophoresis were blotted on nitrocellulose and probed with 125I-labelled alpha-actinin. Nebulin is the only polypeptide decorated by alpha-actinin. This result gives biochemical support for the hypothesis, based on recent immunoelectron micrographs, that nebulin could form in skeletal muscle a fourth filament system, possibly extending to the Z-line.  相似文献   

We examined the function of beta-actinin as a pointed end capping protein of thin filaments in skeletal muscle. An improvement in preparing beta-actinin yielded purified beta-actinin which retained its activity for more than a week. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that the two subunits, beta I and beta II, of beta-actinin are, respectively, split into two to three components (isoforms) with different isoelectric points. Polyclonal antibody was raised by injecting such purified and undenatured chicken breast muscle beta-actinin composed of several components into a rabbit. Immuno-gold labeling examination with electron microscopy of an F-actin-beta-actinin complex decorated with HMM showed that 85% of bound gold particles was on the pointed end of actin filaments, while the remaining 15% was on the barbed end. This suggests that in beta-actinin preparation pointed end and barbed end capping proteins inevitably coexist. Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy directly showed that beta-actinin is located at the pointed end of thin filaments in myofibrils; it was also suggested that a capping protein having common antigenic determinants to beta-actinin is located at Z-line. Thus, the physiological function of beta-actinin as a pointed end capping protein was examined as follows: When beta-actinin was dissociated from the pointed end of thin filaments in an I-Z-I brush by using a high salt solution, thin filaments could be disassembled at the pointed ends at concentrations of exogenous actin lower than a critical value. At a physiological ionic strength, these salt-washed thin filaments gradually shortened at a constant rate of about 45 nm/h. Both the association and dissociation of monomeric actin at the pointed end were suppressed by the rebinding of exogenous beta-actinin. The main physiological role of beta-actinin is therefore to stabilize thin filaments in the sarcomere by preventing addition and removal of actin monomers at the pointed filament end.  相似文献   

A new protein component of skeletal myofibrils has been isolated and characterized. It is prepared from impure myosin preparations and corresponds to band C, the principal contaminant observed in sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis patterns of such preparations (Starr and Offer, 1971).The C-protein, as we term it, is deduced to be a component of the skeletal myofibril because (i) glycerinated or fresh myoflbrils contain a component with a mobility identical to C-protein on sodium dodecyl sulphate gels, (ii) this component is extracted from myofibrils by the same solvent which extracts C-protein and (iii) C-protein may be prepared from preparations of isolated myofibrils. It is presumed to be a component of the thick filaments because it binds strongly to myosin at low ionic strength; immunological evidence which confirms this view is presented elsewhere.The quantity of C-protein in the myofibril has been estimated to be 2.0% by densitometry of sodium dodecyl sulphate gels of glycerinated myofibrils using actin as an internal reference. About forty molecules of C-protein are present in a thick filament.The properties of C-protein distinguish it from the other well-characterized myoflbrillar proteins. The C-protein molecule contains a single polypeptide chain of molecular weight 140,000. The intrinsic viscosity of 13.6 ml/g suggests that the molecule is neither completely globular nor as elongated as molecules like paramyosin or tropomyosin. The α-helical content is very low and the proline content higher than the other myofibrillar proteins. The molecule associates at low ionic strength.C-protein has no ATPase activity, nor does it affect the ATPase of pure myosin. But it reduces the activity of the actin-activated myosin ATPase by about half, this inhibition being independent of the level of Ca2+. C-protein does not bind Ca2+ in the presence of Mg2+. Its possible location and function are discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in gene expression associated with skeletal muscle atrophy due to aging are distinct from those due to disuse, suggesting that the response of old muscle to inactivity may be altered. The goal of this study was to identify changes in muscle gene expression that may contribute to loss of adaptability of old muscle. Muscle atrophy was induced in young adult (6-mo) and old (32-mo) male Brown Norway/F344 rats by 2 wk of hindlimb suspension (HS), and soleus muscles were analyzed by cDNA microarrays. Overall, similar changes in gene expression with HS were observed in young and old muscles for genes encoding proteins involved in protein folding (heat shock proteins), muscle structure, and contraction, extracellular matrix, and nucleic acid binding. More genes encoding transport and receptor proteins were differentially expressed in the soleus muscle from young rats, while in soleus muscle from old rats more genes that encoded ribosomal proteins were upregulated. The gene encoding the cold-shock protein RNA-binding motif protein-3 (RBM3) was induced most highly with HS in muscle from old rats, verified by real-time RT-PCR, while no difference with age was observed. The cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (Cirp) gene was also overexpressed with HS, whereas cold-shock protein Y-box-binding protein-1 was not. A time course analysis of RBM3 mRNA abundance during HS showed that upregulation occurred after apoptotic nuclei and markers of protein degradation increased. We conclude that a cold-shock response may be part of a compensatory mechanism in muscles undergoing atrophy to preserve remaining muscle mass and that RBM3 may be a therapeutic target to prevent muscle loss.  相似文献   

Rabbit skeletal muscle alpha-tropomyosin (Tm) and the deletion mutant (D234Tm) in which internal actin-binding pseudo-repeats 2, 3, and 4 are missing [Landis et al. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 14051-14056] were used to investigate the interaction between actin and tropomyosin or actin and troponin (Tn) by means of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). FRET between Cys-190 of D234Tm and Gln-41 or Cys-374 of actin did not cause any significant Ca2+-induced movement of D234Tm, as reported previously for native Tm [Miki et al. (1998) J. Biochem. 123, 1104-1111]. FRET did not show any significant S1-induced movement of Tm and D234Tm on thin filaments either. The distances between Cys-133 of TnI, and Gln-41 and Cys-374 of actin on thin filaments reconstituted with D234Tm (mutant thin filaments) were almost the same as those on thin filaments with native Tm (wild-type thin filaments) in the absence of Ca2+. Upon binding of Ca2+ to TnC, these distances on mutant thin filaments increased by approximately 10 A in the same way as on wild-type thin filaments, which corresponds to a Ca2+-induced conformational change of thin filaments [Miki et al. (1998) J. Biochem. 123, 324-331]. The rigor binding of myosin subfragment 1 (S1) further increased these distances by approximately 7 A on both wild-type and mutant thin filaments when the thin filaments were fully decorated with S1. This indicates that a further conformational change on thin filaments was induced by S1 rigor-binding (S1-induced or open state). Plots of the extent of S1-induced conformational change vs. molar ratio of S1 to actin showed that the curve for wild-type thin filaments is hyperbolic, whereas that for mutant thin filaments is sigmoidal. This suggests that the transition to the S1-induced state on mutant thin filaments is depressed with a low population of rigor S1. In the absence of Ca2+, the distance also increased on both wild-type and mutant thin filaments close to the level in the presence of Ca2+ as the molar ratio of S1 to actin increased up to 1. The curves are sigmoidal for both wild-type and mutant thin filaments. The addition of ATP completely reversed the changes in FRET induced by rigor S1 binding. For mutant thin filaments, the transition from the closed state to the open state in the presence of ATP is strongly depressed, which results in the inhibition of acto-myosin ATPase even in the presence of Ca2+. The present FRET measurements provide structural evidence for three states of thin filaments (relaxed, Ca2+-induced or closed, and S1-induced or open states) for the regulation mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Calcium binding by rabbit skeletal myosin, thin filaments and myofibrils was measured in solutions with and without 2 mM MgATP and with ionic strengths adjusted with KCl to 0.05, 0.10 and 0.14 M. Free Mg2+ was held constant at 1 mM, pH at 7.0 and temperature at 25 °C. In the presence of MgATP, the relation between free Ca2+ and myofibrillar bound calcium shifted to the left as ionic strength was decreased from 0.14 to 0.05 M. In the absence of MgATP, myofibrillar calcium binding was enhanced over a wide range of free Ca2+ concentration, but calcium binding was no longer a function of ionic strength. Similarly, calcium binding by thin filaments and myosin was unaffected by changes in ionic strength from 0.05 to 0.14 M. In view of evidence that cross-bridge connections between thick and thin filaments increase as ionic strength decreases, our results suggest that these connections enhance myofibrillar calcium binding. These results thus confirm previous data of Bremel and Weber (Bremel, R. D. and Weber, A. (1972) Nature New Biol. 238, 97–101) who first showed that nucleotide-free cross-bridge connections enhance thin filament calcium binding.  相似文献   

The data indicating the absence of seasonal changes in the isoform composition and functional properties of actin and thin filament associated proteins from skeletal muscles of hibernating ground squirrels were obtained. Taking into account the data obtained earlier by the authors on significant qualitative and quantitative changes in isoform composition and functional properties of the other contractile protein, myosin, it is concluded that the suppression of contractile capacity of the executive apparatus of skeletal muscles of animals upon hibernation and its repair upon arousal are determined by the above adaptive changes in myosin.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1988,107(6):2199-2212
Nebulin, a giant myofibrillar protein (600-800 kD) that is abundant (3%) in the sarcomere of a wide range of skeletal muscles, has been proposed as a component of a cytoskeletal matrix that coexists with actin and myosin filaments within the sarcomere. Immunoblot analysis indicates that although polypeptides of similar size are present in cardiac and smooth muscles at low abundance, those proteins show no immunological cross-reactivity with skeletal muscle nebulin. Gel analysis reveals that nebulins in various skeletal muscles of rabbit belong to at least two classes of size variants. A monospecific antibody has been used to localize nebulin by immunoelectron microscopy in a mechanically split rabbit psoas muscle fiber preparation. Labeled split fibers exhibit six pairs of stripes of antibody-imparted transverse densities spaced at 0.1-1.0 micron from the Z line within each sarcomere. These epitopes maintain a fixed distance to the Z line irrespective of sarcomere length and do not exhibit the characteristic elastic stretch-response of titin epitopes within the I band domain. It is proposed that nebulin constitutes a set of inextensible filaments attached at one end to the Z line and that nebulin filaments are in parallel, and not in series, with titin filaments. Thus the skeletal muscle sarcomere may have two sets of nonactomyosin filaments: a set of I segment-linked nebulin filaments and a set of A segment-linked titin filaments. This four-filament sarcomere model raises the possibility that nebulin and titin might act as organizing templates and length- determining factors for actin and myosin respectively.  相似文献   

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