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狂犬病(Rabies)是由狂犬病病毒属成员(Lyssavirus)引起的人兽共患病,全球99%以上人狂犬病是由该属主要成员狂犬病病毒(Rabies virus,RABV)引起的。近年来,我国RABV毒株多样性明显增多,但是现有狂犬病疫苗对不同毒株(特别是新出现的毒株)免疫保护效果尚不清楚。为研究目前商品化的人用狂犬病疫苗对RABV街毒株是否具备交叉免疫保护能力,本研究通过制备不同进化群、不同宿主来源的3株街毒株GDMMD16、NMALSF01和NeiMeng927A的细胞毒,分别对免疫过aG株和/或PM株狂犬病疫苗的23份人血清进行狂犬病荧光抗体病毒中和实验,结果发现所有血清对GDMMD16、NMALSF01和NeiMeng927A街毒株的中和效价均高于WHO推荐的标准(0.5IU/mL),表明上述2种商品化的人用狂犬病疫苗对3株RABV街毒株具有保护能力。  相似文献   

In Europe, the elimination of wildlife rabies using oral rabies vaccination [ORV] of foxes for more than 30 years has been a success story. Since a comprehensive review on the scope of the different oral rabies vaccine baits distributed across Europe has not been available yet, we evaluated the use of different vaccine baits over the entire period of ORV [1978–2014]. Our findings provide valuable insights into the complexity of ORV programs in terms of vaccine related issues. More than 10 oral vaccines against rabies were used over the past four decades. Depending on many factors, the extent to which oral rabies virus vaccines were used varied considerably resulting in huge differences in the number of vaccine doses disseminated in ORV campaigns as well as in large spatial and temporal overlaps. Although vaccine virus strains derived from the SAD rabies virus isolate were the most widely used, the success of ORV campaigns in Europe cannot be assigned to a single oral rabies virus vaccine alone. Rather, the successful elimination of fox rabies is the result of an interaction of different key components of ORV campaigns, i.e. vaccine strain, vaccine bait and strategy of distribution.  相似文献   

Replication-deficient rabies viruses (RABV) are promising rabies postexposure vaccines due to their prompt and potent stimulation of protective virus neutralizing antibody titers, which are produced in mice by both T-dependent and T-independent mechanisms. To promote such early and robust B cell stimulation, we hypothesized that live RABV-based vaccines directly infect B cells, thereby activating a large pool of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) capable of providing early priming and costimulation to CD4+ T cells. In this report, we show that live RABV-based vaccine vectors efficiently infect naive primary murine and human B cells ex vivo. Infection of B cells resulted in the significant upregulation of early markers of B cell activation and antigen presentation, including CD69, major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II), and CD40 in murine B cells or HLA-DR and CD40 in human B cells compared to mock-infected cells or cells treated with an inactivated RABV-based vaccine. Furthermore, primary B cells infected with a live RABV expressing ovalbumin were able to prime and stimulate naive CD4+ OT-II T cells to proliferate and to secrete interleukin-2 (IL-2), demonstrating a functional consequence of B cell infection and activation by live RABV-based vaccine vectors. We propose that this direct B cell stimulation by live RABV-based vaccines is a potential mechanism underlying their induction of early protective T cell-dependent B cell responses, and that designing live RABV-based vaccines to infect and activate B cells represents a promising strategy to develop a single-dose postexposure rabies vaccine where the generation of early protective antibody titers is critical.  相似文献   

Twenty-one heads of cattle were vaccinated with Madibovin, 31 with Rabdomun and 127 with Rabisin on 4 different farms. Rabies neutralizing antibody titre (≥0.5 IU/ml) was detected in 80% of 163 animals tested about 1 month and in 42% of 133 animals tested about 1 year after primary vaccination. On 3 of the farms 86 animals received booster vaccination about 1 year after primary vaccination. All these animals had antibody titre (≥0.5 IU/ml) about 1 month after booster and antibody levels were higher than after the primary vaccination. Rabies antibody titres (≥0.5 IU/ml) were detected in 96% of 50 animals tested 1 year after the booster. No significant differences (p>0.05) in antibody levels were detected between animals vaccinated with Madibovin or Rabisin (farm C) respectively with Rabisin or Rabdomun (farm D) at any collection time. Responses to rabies vaccines varied considerably between the farms. After primary vaccination of the animals on 2 farms with the same batch of Rabisin, the antibody levels clearly differed (p<0.0001) between the farms. Our results indicate that booster is always necessary after primary vaccination to ensure that all animals are protected.  相似文献   

Antibody Response to a Human Diploid Cell Rabies Vaccine   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
An experimentally killed rabies virus vaccine prepared in a human diploid cell strain (WI-38)—Wyeth rabies vaccine (WRV)—was used by various injection schedules in two separate studies to define more closely in human volunteer subjects an effective vaccination schedule for pre- or postexposure immunization, particularly for donors of rabies-hyperimmune plasma. To permit valid comparisons between our results and those of other workers, antibody levels achieved were expressed in terms of international units (IU) per milliliter of serum. Antibody response of previously nonvaccinated persons were only modest after a single dose of WRV, never reaching a level higher than 0.80 IU/ml over a 56-day testing period. Moreover, antibody was not detected at 0.16 IU/ml before the 14th day, either after a single dose or after two doses given 3 days apart. The best response followed four doses of WRV given within 4 weeks. This schedule resulted in the highest rate of seroconversion to the ≥6 IU/ml antibody level required of potential rabies-immune plasma donors. Giving the first vaccine dose in aluminum hydroxide diluent did not enhance the antibody response. There was a definite suggestion in the various injection schedules that higher and more sustained antibody levels were reached when the interval between the first and second vaccine doses was longest. The greater immunogenicity of WRV as compared with duck embryo vaccine was best demonstrated by the fact that a single booster dose of duck embryo vaccine to previously vaccinated individuals resulted in only a sevenfold antibody rise during the following 56 days, whereas a booster dose of WRV elicited a 69-fold rise. Al(OH)3 in the first dose of WRV had no effect, but the enhancing effect of a longer interval between vaccine doses was noted once again; 20 of 20 subjects who received three doses of WRV with 4 weeks between doses developed good levels of rabies antibody, and 19 exceeded 6 IU/ml.  相似文献   

改良抗体结合实验检测灭活狂犬病疫苗效价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立抗体结合试验检测狂犬病疫苗(aG株)效价的方法。方法:将待检测疫苗与疫苗标准品梯度稀释后分别加入人抗狂犬病毒免疫球蛋白国家标准品中和1 h,之后加入80%感染剂量的狂犬病毒CVS-11,体外中和1h后接种BSR细胞,培养24 h后免疫荧光染色,在显微镜下观察结果,通过检测剩余病毒量计算待检疫苗的效价,同时与小鼠中和试验法(NIH法)测定狂犬病疫苗效价进行比较。结果:2种方法对8个样品效价的检测结果无显著统计学差异(P=0.997,配对t检验)。结论:初步建立了改良抗体结合试验,可用于狂犬病疫苗中间产品的质量控制。  相似文献   

人源抗狂犬病毒二硫键稳定性Fv抗体的生物学特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对抗狂犬病毒scFv进行稳定性改构 ,纯化制备有活性的人源抗狂犬病毒二硫键稳定性Fv抗体片段 (dsFv) ,然后对其生物学活性进行研究。将dsFvVH 、VL 基因在原核表达系统pET22b(+) BL21(DE3)中表达 ,将其包涵体分别在变性缓冲液中溶解 ,稀释后加入折叠缓冲液使其折叠形成有活性的dsFv抗体片段 ,上Ni-NTA柱进行纯化。然后以其亲本scFv作为对照 ,对dsFv的亲和力、稳定性以及体外中和活性进行评价。结果显示 ,与其母本抗体scFv相比 ,改构后的抗狂犬病毒dsFv保持了对狂犬病毒Vero疫苗的特异性识别能力 ,而且其亲和力明显提高 ;抗狂犬病毒dsFv在血清和BSA中的稳定性有明显的改进 ,而且其热稳定性和抵抗尿素化学变性的能力亦大大改进 ;蚀斑减少中和实验显示 ,抗狂犬病毒dsFv抗体片段能特异中和狂犬病毒 ,阻止狂犬病毒对Vero细胞的吸附 ,抑制狂犬病毒对靶细胞的感染 ,从而导致蚀斑减少甚至消失 ;scFv抗体片段仅可部分抑制蚀斑的形成 ,但不能全部抑制。这为进一步研究抗狂犬病毒dsFv基因工程抗体的免疫保护作用及其在临床的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   



The province of Bohol, located in the Visayas islands region in the Philippines has a human population of 1.13 million and was the 4th highest region for human rabies deaths in the country, averaging 10 per year, prior to the initiation of the Bohol Rabies Prevention and Elimination Project (BRPEP).


The BRPEP was initiated in 2007 with the goal of building a sustainable program that would prevent human rabies by eliminating rabies at its source, in dogs, by 2010. This goal was in line with the Philippine National Rabies Program whose objective is to eliminate rabies by 2020.


The intersectoral BRPEP was launched in 2007 and integrated the expertise and resources from the sectors of agriculture, public health and safety, education, environment, legal affairs, interior and local government. The program included: increasing local community involvement; implementing dog population control; conducting mass dog vaccination; improving dog bite management; instituting veterinary quarantine; and improving diagnostic capability, surveillance and monitoring. Funding was secured from the national government, provincial, municipal and village units, dog owners, NGOs, the regional office of the WHO, the UBS Optimus Foundation, and the Global Alliance for Rabies Control. The BRPEP was managed by the Bohol Rabies Prevention and Eradication Council (BRPEC) under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Bohol. Parallel organizations were created at the municipal level and village level. Community volunteers facilitated the institution of the program. Dog population surveys were conducted to plan for sufficient resources to vaccinate the required 70% of the dogs living in the province. Two island-wide mass vaccination campaigns were conducted followed by “catch up” vaccination campaigns. Registration of dogs was implemented including a small fee that was rolled back into the program to maintain sustainability. Children were educated by introducing rabies prevention modules into all elementary schools in Bohol. Existing public health legislation at the national, provincial, and municipal level strengthened the enforcement of activities. A Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) survey was conducted in 2009 to evaluate the educational knowledge of the population. Increased surveillance was instituted to ensure that dogs traveling into and out of the province were vaccinated against rabies. Human and animal cases of rabies were reported to provincial and national authorities.

Key Results

Within the first 18 months of the BRPEP, human rabies deaths had decreased annually from 0.77 to 0.37 to zero per 100,000 population from 2007–2009. Between October 2008 and November 2010 no human and animal cases were detected. Increased surveillance on the island detected one suspected human rabies case in November 2010 and one confirmed case of canine rabies in April 2011. Two mass vaccination campaigns conducted in 2007 and 2008 successfully registered and vaccinated 44% and 70% of the dogs on the island. The additional surveillance activities enabled a mobilization of mop up vaccination activities in the region where the human and canine case was located. Due to the increased effective and continuous surveillance activities, rabies was stopped before it could spread to other areas on the island. The program costs totaled USD 450,000. Registration fees collected to maintain the program amounted to USD 105,740 and were re-allocated back into the community to sustain the program.  相似文献   

Although rabies incidence has fallen sharply over the past decades in Europe, the disease is still present in Eastern Europe. Oral rabies immunization of wild animal rabies has been shown to be the most effective method for the control and elimination of rabies. All rabies vaccines used in Europe are modified live virus vaccines based on the Street Alabama Dufferin (SAD) strain isolated from a naturally-infected dog in 1935. Because of the potential safety risk of a live virus which could revert to virulence, the genetic composition of three commercial attenuated live rabies vaccines was investigated in two independent laboratories using next genome sequencing. This study is the first one reporting on the diversity of variants in oral rabies vaccines as well as the presence of a mix of at least two different variants in all tested batches. The results demonstrate the need for vaccine producers to use new robust methodologies in the context of their routine vaccine quality controls prior to market release.  相似文献   

Untreated rabies virus (RABV) infection leads to death. Vaccine and postexposure treatment have been effective in preventing RABV infection. However, due to cost, rabies vaccination and treatment have not been widely used in developing countries. There are 55,000 human death caused by rabies annually. An efficacious and cost-effective rabies vaccine is needed. Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5) is thought to contribute to kennel cough, and kennel cough vaccines containing live PIV5 have been used in dogs for many years. In this work, a PIV5-vectored rabies vaccine was tested in mice. A recombinant PIV5 encoding RABV glycoprotein (G) (rPIV5-RV-G) was administered to mice via intranasal (i.n.), intramuscular (i.m.), and oral inoculation. The vaccinated mice were challenged with a 50% lethal challenge dose (LD50) of RABV challenge virus standard 24 (CVS-24) intracerebrally. A single dose of 106 PFU of rPIV5-RV-G was sufficient for 100% protection when administered via the i.n. route. The mice vaccinated with a single dose of 108 PFU of rPIV5-RV-G via the i.m. route showed very robust protection (90% to 100%). Intriguingly, the mice vaccinated orally with a single dose of 108 PFU of rPIV5-RV-G showed a 50% survival rate, which is comparable to the 60% survival rate among mice inoculated with an attenuated rabies vaccine strain, recombinant LBNSE. This is first report of an orally effective rabies vaccine candidate in animals based on PIV5 as a vector. These results indicate that rPIV5-RV-G is an excellent candidate for a new generation of recombinant rabies vaccine for humans and animals and PIV5 is a potential vector for oral vaccines.  相似文献   



Current prophylactic vaccines against human papillomavirus (HPV) target two oncogenic types (16 and 18) that contribute to 70% of cervical cancer cases worldwide. Our objective was to quantify the range of additional benefits conferred by second-generation HPV prophylactic vaccines that are expected to expand protection to five additional oncogenic types (31, 33, 45, 52 and 58).


A microsimulation model of HPV and cervical cancer calibrated to epidemiological data from two countries (Kenya and Uganda) was used to estimate reductions in lifetime risk of cervical cancer from the second-generation HPV vaccines. We explored the independent and joint impact of uncertain factors (i.e., distribution of HPV types, co-infection with multiple HPV types, and unidentifiable HPV types in cancer) and vaccine properties (i.e., cross-protection against non-targeted HPV types), compared against currently-available vaccines.


Assuming complete uptake of the second-generation vaccine, reductions in lifetime cancer risk were 86.3% in Kenya and 91.8% in Uganda, representing an absolute increase in cervical cancer reduction of 26.1% in Kenya and 17.9% in Uganda, compared with complete uptake of current vaccines. The range of added benefits was 19.6% to 29.1% in Kenya and 14.0% to 19.5% in Uganda, depending on assumptions of cancers attributable to multiple HPV infections and unidentifiable HPV types. These effects were blunted in both countries when assuming vaccine cross-protection with both the current and second-generation vaccines.


Second-generation HPV vaccines that protect against additional oncogenic HPV types have the potential to improve cervical cancer prevention. Co-infection with multiple HPV infections and unidentifiable HPV types can influence vaccine effectiveness, but the magnitude of effect may be moderated by vaccine cross-protective effects. These benefits must be weighed against the cost of the vaccines in future analyses.  相似文献   

Rabies vaccines concentrated by ultrafiltration, zinc acetate precipitation, ammonium sulfate precipitation, or aluminum phosphate gel adsorption were compared with respect to recovery of protective activity and purity, as measured by protective activity per mg of protein. Vaccine obtained by ammonium sulfate precipitation had a better recovery rate and a higher purity than those prepared by the other methods. Potent vaccines were also obtained by the zinc acetate precipitation and aluminum phosphate gel adsorption methods, whereas ultrafiltration was the least satisfactory method from the standpoint of vaccine purity. Chromatography of virus concentrated by ultrafiltration on a cellulose ion exchange column reduced the level of nonviral proteins. The protective activity data obtained for the vaccines examined in these experiments were found to correlate with the vaccine's complement fixation titer per mg of protein.  相似文献   

The American region has pledged to eliminate dog-mediated human rabies by 2015. As part of these efforts, we describe the findings of a desk and field mission review of Haiti’s rabies situation by the end of 2013. While government officials recognize the importance of dog-mediated rabies control, and the national rabies plan adequately contemplates the basic capacities to that effect, regular and sufficient implementation, for example, of dog vaccination, is hampered by limited funding. Compounding insufficient funding and human resources, official surveillance figures do not accurately reflect the risk to the population, as evidenced by the large number of rabid dogs detected by focalized and enhanced surveillance activities conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR) and the Health and Population Ministry (MSPP) with the technical assistance of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although international support is common, either in the form of on-the-ground technical support or donations of immunobiologicals, it is not comprehensive. In addition, there is limited coordination with MARNDR/MSPP and with other actors at the strategic or operational level due to human resources limitations. Given these findings, the 2015 elimination goal in the region is compromised by the situation in Haiti where control of the disease is not yet in sight despite the best efforts of the resolute national officials. More importantly, dog-mediated rabies is still a threat to the Haitian population.  相似文献   

人呼吸道合胞病毒活疫苗研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
人呼吸道合胞病毒是引起婴幼儿支气管炎和肺炎的主要原因,也可导致免疫缺陷病人及老年人群显著发病和死亡.人呼吸道合胞病毒疫苗已被世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)列为全球最优先发展的疫苗之一.经过50多年的研究,尤其是随着重组技术和反向遗传学的出现,对RSV疫苗的研究取得了重要进展,...  相似文献   

Influenza represents a substantial global healthcare burden, with annual epidemics resulting in 3–5 million cases of severe illness with a significant associated mortality. In addition, the risk of a virulent and lethal influenza pandemic has generated widespread and warranted concern. Currently licensed influenza vaccines are limited in their ability to induce efficacious and long-lasting herd immunity. In addition, and as evidenced by the H1N1 pandemic in 2009, there can be a significant delay between the emergence of a pandemic influenza and an effective, antibody-inducing vaccine. There is, therefore, a continued need for new, efficacious vaccines conferring cross-clade protection—obviating the need for biannual reformulation of seasonal influenza vaccines. Development of such a vaccine would yield enormous health benefits to society and also greatly reduce the associated global healthcare burden. There are a number of alternative influenza vaccine technologies being assessed both preclinically and clinically. In this review we discuss viral vectored vaccines, either recombinant live-attenuated or replication-deficient viruses, which are current lead candidates for inducing efficacious and long-lasting immunity toward influenza viruses. These alternate influenza vaccines offer real promise to deliver viable alternatives to currently deployed vaccines and more importantly may confer long-lasting and universal protection against influenza viral infection.  相似文献   

从具有高滴度狂犬病毒抗体的多位疫苗注射者采集外周血淋巴细胞,构建人源抗狂犬病毒Fab基因工程抗体文库。用纯化的狂犬aG和CTN株病毒颗粒富集筛选所得Fab噬菌体抗体文库,利用ELISA和间接免疫荧光法IFA鉴定所得人源单克隆抗体Fab段基因的功能特性,并通过序列测定确定所得抗体的轻链和重链的型别,成功获得11株抗狂犬病毒糖蛋白的人源单克隆Fab抗体。将其中5株人源单克隆Fab抗体的轻链和重链分别克隆入全抗体表达载体pAC-L-Fc后转染昆虫Sf9细胞,利用杆状病毒系统实现全抗体的分泌型表达。5株全抗体在体外与狂犬病毒CVS-11株的中和反应中均显示具有狂犬病毒中和活性。人源中和性抗狂犬病毒基因工程全抗体的获得为我国自行生产抗狂犬病单克隆抗体鸡尾酒奠定了物质基础。  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - Rabies is a fatal encephalitis caused by the Rabies lyssavirus (RABV). The presence of minimal neuropathological changes observed in rabies indicates that neuronal...  相似文献   

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