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Epiregulin (EPR) is a ligand of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family that upon binding to its epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) stimulates proliferative signaling, especially in colon cancer cells. Here, we describe the three-dimensional structure of the EPR antibody (the 9E5(Fab) fragment) in the presence and absence of EPR. Among the six complementarity-determining regions (CDRs), CDR1–3 in the light chain and CDR2 in the heavy chain predominantly recognize EPR. In particular, CDR3 in the heavy chain dramatically moves with cis-trans isomerization of Pro103. A molecular dynamics simulation and mutational analyses revealed that Arg40 in EPR is a key residue for the specific binding of 9E5 IgG. From isothermal titration calorimetry analysis, the dissociation constant was determined to be 6.5 nm. Surface plasmon resonance analysis revealed that the dissociation rate of 9E5 IgG is extremely slow. The superimposed structure of 9E5(Fab)·EPR on the known complex structure of EGF·EGFR showed that the 9E5(Fab) paratope overlaps with Domains I and III on the EGFR, which reveals that the 9E5(Fab)·EPR complex could not bind to the EGFR. The 9E5 antibody will also be useful in medicine as a neutralizing antibody specific for colon cancer.  相似文献   

Human transthyretin (TTR) is an amyloidogenic protein whose mild amyloidogenicity is enhanced by many point mutations affecting considerably the amyloid disease phenotype. To ascertain whether the high amyloidogenic potential of TTR variants may be explained on the basis of the conformational change hypothesis, an aim of this work was to determine structural alterations for five amyloidogenic TTR variants crystallized under native and/or destabilizing (moderately acidic pH) conditions. While at acidic pH structural changes may be more significant because of a higher local protein flexibility, only limited alterations, possibly representing early events associated with protein destabilization, are generally induced by mutations. This study was also aimed at establishing to what extent wild-type TTR and its amyloidogenic variants are intrinsically prone to β-aggregation. We report the results of a computational analysis predicting that wild-type TTR possesses a very high intrinsic β-aggregation propensity which is on average not enhanced by amyloidogenic mutations. However, when located in β-strands, most of these mutations are predicted to destabilize the native β-structure. The analysis also shows that rat and murine TTR have a lower intrinsic β-aggregation propensity and a similar native β-structure stability compared with human TTR. This result is consistent with the lack of in vitro amyloidogenicity found for both murine and rat TTR. Collectively, the results of this study support the notion that the high amyloidogenic potential of human pathogenic TTR variants is determined by the destabilization of their native structures, rather than by a higher intrinsic β-aggregation propensity.Protein misfolding and aggregation are involved in the pathogenesis of particularly relevant human deposition diseases, known as amyloidoses. In such diseases, normally soluble proteins undergo misfolding and become insoluble, causing the extracellular deposition of fibrillar aggregates (for reviews, see Ref. 1, 2). To date, more than 40 distinct human proteins have been associated with amyloidoses. For some of such proteins, including transthyretin (TTR),4 lysozyme, gelsolin, ApoAI, and ApoAII, fibrinogen A α-chain and cystatin C, the amyloidogenic potential is induced, or is enhanced as in the case of TTR (see below), by specific mutations. The most frequent hereditary amyloidoses are caused by the genetic variants of human TTR (2).TTR is a homotetramer of about 55 kDa involved in the transport of thyroxine in the extracellular fluids and in the co-transport of vitamin A, by forming a macromolecular complex with retinol-binding protein, the specific plasma carrier of retinol (35). Its three-dimensional structure is known at high resolution (6, 7). The structure is characterized by a large predominance of β-strands, and its four monomers are arranged according to a 222 symmetry, where one of the 2-fold symmetry axes of the molecule coincides with a long channel that transverses the entire tetramer and harbors two symmetrical binding sites for the thyroid hormone thyroxine. Each monomer contains eight β-strands (A-H), arranged in a β-sandwich of two four-stranded β-sheets, with a short α-helix connecting two of the eight β-strands. In the tetramer, the four monomers are organized as a dimer of dimers. Two monomers are held together, forming a stable dimer through a net of H-bond interactions involving the two external β-strands H and F. The two dimers associate back to back and form the tetramer, by interacting mostly through hydrophobic contacts between residues of the AB and GH loops.Normal TTR possesses an inherent potential, albeit low, to generate amyloid fibrils, giving rise to Senile Systemic Amyloidosis (SSA) in ∼25% of the population aged over 80 years (8). More than 100 point mutations are described for human TTR. Most of them are involved in the hereditary amyloidoses known as familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) or cardiomyopathy (FAC) (9). Single point mutations enhance the amyloidogenicity of TTR, so that patients show an earlier age of onset and a faster disease progression compared with SSA patients. The observation that single point mutations can drastically influence the disease phenotype is particularly relevant. In fact, the study of pathogenic TTR variants may provide clues to the mechanism of their abnormal behavior leading to amyloid formation. Although amyloidogenic proteins in general may be structurally unrelated to each other, and lead to various pathological phenotypes in humans, the amyloid fibrils originating from different proteins share the common cross-β structure, consisting in continuous β-sheets lying parallel to the longitudinal axis of the fibril, with the constituent β-strands running perpendicular to this axis. Therefore, the amyloidogenic proteins have to undergo structural alterations to be able to generate the cross-β structure, i.e. new β-pairing interactions have to be established on the way to fibril formation. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying protein misfolding and aggregation into highly ordered fibrillar structures are not clarified definitely, although significant progress is recently been made toward their elucidation (1, 10, 11).Based on the seminal observation that the rates of aggregation into amyloid fibrils in vitro correlate with simple physico-chemical amino acid features (12), several algorithms were introduced in recent years to predict, with good success, the intrinsic β-aggregation propensities of protein and peptide sequences (for a review, see Ref. 13). The intrinsic β-aggregation propensity is a measure of the tendency polypeptide chains may have to aggregate into the amyloid structure, provided that aggregation proceeds from unstructured monomers. The prediction of intrinsic propensities to β-aggregation for amyloidogenic or non-amyloidogenic variants of the same sequence was used to explain in several instances their relative ability to speed up/slow down in vitro fibrillogenesis or the enhancement/reduction of their amyloidogenic potential in vivo (14). However, a high intrinsic aggregation propensity may not result in an actual aggregation, due to the protecting role of the ordered native structure (15, 16). Therefore, the amyloidogenic potential in the TTR variants may depend further on the change of stability in the native TTR tetramer induced by mutations. In particular, it remains to be clarified to what extent human TTR possesses an intrinsic propensity to β-aggregation, and whether amyloidogenic mutations enhance such a propensity, or only destabilize the TTR tetramer, thereby facilitating the misfolding and misassembly of a protein which is in itself prone to β-aggregation.With regard to the pathway from native to misfolded TTR and to amyloid aggregation, the results of a number of in vitro studies are consistent with the rate-limiting dissociation of the TTR tetramer, followed by misfolding of TTR monomers and their downhill polymerization to generate pathological aggregates (1725). The crystal structures of amyloidogenic TTR variants are generally well conserved (2630). Accordingly, the functional properties of the variants, such as the ability to interact with retinol-binding protein (5), are maintained, being consistent with the fact that large conformational changes are not induced by amyloidogenic mutations, at least under native-like conditions (11). In vitro studies have shown that a moderately acidic medium (pH 4–5) facilitates TTR fibrillogenesis (17) and that the extent of fibril formation is remarkably enhanced for amyloidogenic TTR variants in comparison to wild-type TTR (31). Recently, it has been shown by x-ray analysis that an acidic pH (4.6) causes a large local conformational change in an amyloidogenic TTR variant (I84S) affecting two subunits within the tetramer, which probably destabilizes the TTR tetramer (32). In contrast, no significant structural changes for wild-type TTR at pH 4.6 and for I84S TTR at neutral pH were found, suggesting that conformational changes associated with a destabilization of the TTR native state may be induced or enhanced in amyloidogenic TTR variants by partially denaturing conditions (32). Pursuing these observations, we extend here our investigation to include other amyloidogenic TTR variants in comparison to the wild-type protein, with the aim to unravel structural alterations that are possibly associated with an enhanced amyloidogenic potential, according to the conformational change hypothesis (11). In addition, we report the results of a computational analysis of the mutational effects on both the intrinsic propensity to β-aggregation and the stability of the native β-structure. The same analysis is performed on murine and rat TTRs, whose structural organizations are very similar to that of the human protein (33, 34).  相似文献   

AMPA receptors (AMPARs) are glutamate-gated ion channels ubiquitous in the vertebrate central nervous system, where they mediate fast excitatory neurotransmission and act as molecular determinants of memory formation and learning. Together with detailed analyses of individual AMPAR domains, structural studies of full-length AMPARs by electron microscopy and x-ray crystallography have provided important insights into channel assembly and function. However, the correlation between the structure and functional states of the channel remains ambiguous particularly because these functional states can be assessed only with the receptor bound within an intact lipid bilayer. To provide a basis for investigating AMPAR structure in a membrane environment, we developed an optimized reconstitution protocol using a receptor whose structure has previously been characterized by electron microscopy. Single-channel recordings of reconstituted homomeric GluA2flop receptors recapitulate key electrophysiological parameters of the channels expressed in native cellular membranes. Atomic force microscopy studies of the reconstituted samples provide high-resolution images of membrane-embedded full-length AMPARs at densities comparable to those in postsynaptic membranes. The data demonstrate the effect of protein density on conformational flexibility and dimensions of the receptors and provide the first structural characterization of functional membrane-embedded AMPARs, thus laying the foundation for correlated structure-function analyses of the predominant mediators of excitatory synaptic signals in the brain.  相似文献   

Engineering the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthetic pathway offers the potential to obtain modified derivatives with optimized adjuvant properties. Neisseria meningitidis strain H44/76 was modified by expression of the pagL gene encoding lipid A 3-O-deacylase from Bordetella bronchiseptica and by inactivation of the lgtB gene encoding the terminal oligosaccharide galactosyltransferase. Mass spectrometry analysis of purified mutant LPS was used for detailed compositional analysis of all present molecular species. This determined that the modified LPS was mainly pentaacylated, demonstrating high efficiency of conversion from the hexaacyl to the 3-O-deacylated form by heterologous lipid A 3-O-deacylase (PagL) expression. MS analyses also provided evidence for expression of only one major oligosaccharide glycoform, which lacked the terminal galactose residue as expected from inactivation of the lgtB gene. The immunomodulatory properties of PagL-deacylated LPS were compared with another pentaacyl form obtained from an lpxL1 mutant, which lacks the 2′ secondary acyl chain. Although both LPS mutants displayed impaired capacity to induce production of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 in the monocytic cell line Mono Mac 6, induction of the Toll-interleukin-1 receptor domain-containing adaptor-inducing interferon-β-dependent chemokine interferon-γ-induced protein 10 was largely retained only for the lgtB/pagL+ mutant. Removal of remaining hexaacyl species exclusively present in lgtB/pagL+ LPS demonstrated that these minor species potentiate but do not determine the activity of this LPS. These results are the first to indicate a qualitatively different response of human innate cells to pentaacyl lpxL1 and pagL+ LPS and show the importance of detailed structure-function analysis when working with modified lipid A structures. The pagL+ LPS has significant potential as immune modulator in humans.  相似文献   

文建凡 《动物学研究》1998,19(4):323-330
综合分析了国际国内近年来有关核骨架研究的新进展,从几个方面的研究事实,包括核骨架对染色质DNA的有序组织,核骨架参与DNA复制和基因的表达与调控以及核骨架的起源进化等,阐明核骨架是细胞核内染色质结构的有序组织者和功能活动的参与者,核内纷繁复杂的生命活动能有条不紊地进行,核骨架在其中扮演了重要角色。  相似文献   

Although the oxidative condensation of two thiosulfate anions to tetrathionate constitutes a well documented and significant part of the natural sulfur cycle, little is known about the enzymes catalyzing this reaction. In the purple sulfur bacterium Allochromatium vinosum, the reaction is catalyzed by the periplasmic diheme c-type cytochrome thiosulfate dehydrogenase (TsdA). Here, we report the crystal structure of the “as isolated” form of A. vinosum TsdA to 1.98 Å resolution and those of several redox states of the enzyme to different resolutions. The protein contains two typical class I c-type cytochrome domains wrapped around two hemes axially coordinated by His53/Cys96 and His164/Lys208. These domains are very similar, suggesting a gene duplication event during evolution. A ligand switch from Lys208 to Met209 is observed upon reduction of the enzyme. Cys96 is an essential residue for catalysis, with the specific activity of the enzyme being completely abolished in several TsdA-Cys96 variants. TsdA-K208N, K208G, and M209G variants were catalytically active in thiosulfate oxidation as well as in tetrathionate reduction, pointing to heme 2 as the electron exit point. In this study, we provide spectroscopic and structural evidence that the TsdA reaction cycle involves the transient presence of heme 1 in the high-spin state caused by movement of the Sγ atom of Cys96 out of the iron coordination sphere. Based on the presented data, we draw important conclusions about the enzyme and propose a possible reaction mechanism for TsdA.  相似文献   

Normal ripening red-, orange- and yellow-fruited cultivars oftomato showed similar patterns of fruit growth and tomatineaccumulation to those of non-ripening mutants. In all fruits,the tomatine concentration declined continuously from an earlystage although the absolute amount per fruit showed a biphasicpattern of accumulation and decline. The turning point' occurredat an earlier developmental stage in normal fruits than in mutants.Normal fruits also had a lower initial and higher final tomatinecontent than mutants on a per fruit basis although, on a unitweight basis, their initial concentration was higher and finalconcentration lower. Small, prematurely-ripened red fruits hadalkaloid levels intermediate between large, unripe, green fruitsand large, ripe, red fruits. It is concluded that growth andripening processes may both contribute to the decline in fruittomatine. Key words: Tomato, Fruit ripening, Tomatine  相似文献   

—In the hypothalamus, the highest GABA content (approx. 26 nmol/mm3) was constantly observed in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA). In other parts of the hypothalamus uneven distribution of GABA was also observed, but areas showing high concentration of GABA did not coincide with the locations of various hypothalamic nuclei. In the LHA, which is known to contain a feeding centre, the anterior part (6.4 and 6.0 mm anterior (A 6.4 and A 6.0) respectively to the vertical zero plane of de Groot) showed a remarkably high content of GABA. The GABA content in the LHA at A 6.4 was decreased during the initial phase of insulin hypoglycemia and, in contrast, showed a significant increase following hyperglycemia induced by alloxan administration. In the ventromedial nucleus (VMH) of the hypothalamus, which is known to contain a satiety centre, the GABA content was increased during the initial phase of insulin hypoglycemia. The results suggest that both certain parts of the LHA and VMH contain or receive GABA-inhibitory neurons and that these neurons may play important physiological roles in controlling functional states of the feeding and satiety centres in the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

在本顶研究中,我们探讨了大气CO2加倍和气候变化条件下,中国陆地生态系统的结构与功能的变化。与多数研究不同的是,我们耦合了两个以地理空间为参照的生态系统模型,即生物地理模型(KBIOME)和生物地球化学模型(TEM),用此研究现状和未来的环境下,中国的植被分布和年净初级生产力(NPP)的状况,我们采用3个大气环流模型,(GFDL-Q,GISS和OSU)预测的结果代表潜在气候变化。3个气候模型的预测都煌中国将变得更温暖并总体上更湿润。耦合的模型预测中国陆地生态系统的结构与功能都将产生十分显著的变化。植被的变迁表现为:1)中国东部森林带北移,温带常绿阔叶林面积扩大,较南的森林取代较北的类型;2)森林和草地的总面积增加,这是作为取代干旱藻木林、沙漠和高山苔原的结果。年净初级生产力在大气CO2加倍和气候变化条件下,增加30%左右,与其它研究不同的另一点是,我们可能进一步区分生产力变化的原因,在所增加的生产力中,12%-21%是源于生态系统的取代较低产的生态系统的结果。这项研究预测了未来中国植被和生产力潜在的变化并给出了变化的范围,为同类的研究以及有关的政策评估提供了有用的参考信息。  相似文献   

Streptococcus sanguinis is a causative agent of infective endocarditis. Deletion of SsaB, a manganese transporter, drastically reduces S. sanguinis virulence. Many pathogenic organisms require class Ib ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) to catalyze the conversion of nucleotides to deoxynucleotides under aerobic conditions, and recent studies demonstrate that this enzyme uses a dimanganese-tyrosyl radical (MnIII2-Y) cofactor in vivo. The proteins required for S. sanguinis ribonucleotide reduction (NrdE and NrdF, α and β subunits of RNR; NrdH and TrxR, a glutaredoxin-like thioredoxin and a thioredoxin reductase; and NrdI, a flavodoxin essential for assembly of the RNR metallo-cofactor) have been identified and characterized. Apo-NrdF with FeII and O2 can self-assemble a diferric-tyrosyl radical (FeIII2-Y) cofactor (1.2 Y2) and with the help of NrdI can assemble a MnIII2-Y cofactor (0.9 Y2). The activity of RNR with its endogenous reductants, NrdH and TrxR, is 5,000 and 1,500 units/mg for the Mn- and Fe-NrdFs (Fe-loaded NrdF), respectively. X-ray structures of S. sanguinis NrdIox and MnII2-NrdF are reported and provide a possible rationale for the weak affinity (2.9 μm) between them. These streptococcal proteins form a structurally distinct subclass relative to other Ib proteins with unique features likely important in cluster assembly, including a long and negatively charged loop near the NrdI flavin and a bulky residue (Thr) at a constriction in the oxidant channel to the NrdI interface. These studies set the stage for identifying the active form of S. sanguinis class Ib RNR in an animal model for infective endocarditis and establishing whether the manganese requirement for pathogenesis is associated with RNR.  相似文献   

Epac, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the low molecular weight G protein Rap, is an effector of cAMP signaling and has been implicated to have roles in numerous diseases, including diabetes mellitus, heart failure, and cancer. We used a computational molecular modeling approach to predict potential binding sites for allosteric modulators of Epac and to identify molecules that might bind to these regions. This approach revealed that the conserved hinge region of the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain of Epac1 is a potentially druggable region of the protein. Using a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer-based assay (CAMYEL, cAMP sensor using YFP-Epac-Rluc), we assessed the predicted compounds for their ability to bind Epac and modulate its activity. We identified a thiobarbituric acid derivative, 5376753, that allosterically inhibits Epac activity and used Swiss 3T3 and HEK293 cells to test the ability of this compound to modulate the activity of Epac and PKA, as determined by Rap1 activity and vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein phosphorylation, respectively. Compound 5376753 selectively inhibited Epac in biochemical and cell migration studies. These results document the utility of a computational approach to identify a domain for allosteric regulation of Epac and a novel compound that prevents the activation of Epac1 by cAMP.  相似文献   

Myocardial constitutive No production depends on the activity of both endothelial and neuronal NOS (eNOS and nNOS, respectively). Stimulation of myocardial β3-adrenergic receptor (β3-AR) produces a negative inotropic effect that is dependent on eNOS. We evaluated whether nNOS also plays a role in β3-AR signaling and found that the β3-AR-mediated reduction in cell shortening and [Ca2+]i transient amplitude was abolished both in eNOS−/− and nNOS−/− left ventricular (LV) myocytes and in wild type LV myocytes after nNOS inhibition with S-methyl-l-thiocitrulline. LV superoxide (O2˙̄) production was increased in nNOS−/− mice and reduced by l-Nω-nitroarginine methyl ester (l-NAME), indicating uncoupling of eNOS activity. eNOS S-glutathionylation and Ser-1177 phosphorylation were significantly increased in nNOS−/− myocytes, whereas myocardial tetrahydrobiopterin, eNOS Thr-495 phosphorylation, and arginase activity did not differ between genotypes. Although inhibitors of xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) or NOX2 NADPH oxidase caused a similar reduction in myocardial O2˙̄, only XOR inhibition reduced eNOS S-glutathionylation and Ser-1177 phosphorylation and restored both eNOS coupled activity and the negative inotropic and [Ca2+]i transient response to β3-AR stimulation in nNOS−/− mice. In summary, our data show that increased O2˙̄ production by XOR selectively uncouples eNOS activity and abolishes the negative inotropic effect of β3-AR stimulation in nNOS−/− myocytes. These findings provide unequivocal evidence of a functional interaction between the myocardial constitutive NOS isoforms and indicate that aspects of the myocardial phenotype of nNOS−/− mice result from disruption of eNOS signaling.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes originates in an expanding adipose tissue that for unknown reasons becomes insulin resistant. Insulin resistance reflects impairments in insulin signaling, but mechanisms involved are unclear because current research is fragmented. We report a systems level mechanistic understanding of insulin resistance, using systems wide and internally consistent data from human adipocytes. Based on quantitative steady-state and dynamic time course data on signaling intermediaries, normally and in diabetes, we developed a dynamic mathematical model of insulin signaling. The model structure and parameters are identical in the normal and diabetic states of the model, except for three parameters that change in diabetes: (i) reduced concentration of insulin receptor, (ii) reduced concentration of insulin-regulated glucose transporter GLUT4, and (iii) changed feedback from mammalian target of rapamycin in complex with raptor (mTORC1). Modeling reveals that at the core of insulin resistance in human adipocytes is attenuation of a positive feedback from mTORC1 to the insulin receptor substrate-1, which explains reduced sensitivity and signal strength throughout the signaling network. Model simulations with inhibition of mTORC1 are comparable with experimental data on inhibition of mTORC1 using rapamycin in human adipocytes. We demonstrate the potential of the model for identification of drug targets, e.g. increasing the feedback restores insulin signaling, both at the cellular level and, using a multilevel model, at the whole body level. Our findings suggest that insulin resistance in an expanded adipose tissue results from cell growth restriction to prevent cell necrosis.  相似文献   

The signaling molecule cAMP primarily mediates its effects by activating PKA and/or exchange protein activated by cAMP (Epac). Epac has been implicated in many responses in cells, but its precise roles have been difficult to define in the absence of Epac inhibitors. Epac, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the low molecular weight G protein Rap, is directly activated by cAMP. Using a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer-based assay (CAMYEL) to examine modulators of Epac activity, we took advantage of its intramolecular movement that occurs upon cAMP binding to assess Epac activation. We found that the use of CAMYEL can detect the binding of cAMP analogs to Epac and their modulation of its activity and can distinguish between agonists (cAMP), partial agonists (8-chlorophenylthio-cAMP), and super agonists (8-chlorophenylthio-2′-O-Me-cAMP). The CAMYEL assay can also identify competitive and uncompetitive Epac inhibitors, e.g. (Rp)-cAMPS and CE3F4, respectively. To confirm the results with the CAMYEL assay, we used Swiss 3T3 cells and assessed the ability of cyclic nucleotide analogs to modulate the activity of Epac or PKA, determined by Rap1 activity or VASP phosphorylation, respectively. We used computational molecular modeling to analyze the interaction of analogs with Epac1. The results reveal a rapid means to identify modulators (potentially including allosteric inhibitors) of Epac activity that also provides insight into the mechanisms of Epac activation and inhibition.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications of ribosomal proteins are important for the accuracy of the decoding machinery. A recent in vivo study has shown that the rimO gene is involved in generation of the 3-methylthio derivative of residue Asp-89 in ribosomal protein S12 (Anton, B. P., Saleh, L., Benner, J. S., Raleigh, E. A., Kasif, S., and Roberts, R. J. (2008) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 105, 1826–1831). This reaction is formally identical to that catalyzed by MiaB on the C2 of adenosine 37 near the anticodon of several tRNAs. We present spectroscopic evidence that Thermotoga maritima RimO, like MiaB, contains two [4Fe-4S] centers, one presumably bound to three invariant cysteines in the central radical S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) domain and the other to three invariant cysteines in the N-terminal UPF0004 domain. We demonstrate that holo-RimO can specifically methylthiolate the aspartate residue of a 20-mer peptide derived from S12, yielding a mixture of mono- and bismethylthio derivatives. Finally, we present the 2.0 Å crystal structure of the central radical AdoMet and the C-terminal TRAM (tRNA methyltransferase 2 and MiaB) domains in apo-RimO. Although the core of the open triose-phosphate isomerase (TIM) barrel of the radical AdoMet domain was conserved, RimO showed differences in domain organization compared with other radical AdoMet enzymes. The unusually acidic TRAM domain, likely to bind the basic S12 protein, is located at the distal edge of the radical AdoMet domain. The basic S12 protein substrate is likely to bind RimO through interactions with both the TRAM domain and the concave surface of the incomplete TIM barrel. These biophysical results provide a foundation for understanding the mechanism of methylthioation by radical AdoMet enzymes in the MiaB/RimO family.  相似文献   

Bacterial HtrAs are serine proteases engaged in extracytoplasmic protein quality control and are required for the virulence of several pathogenic species. The proteolytic activity of HtrA (DegP) from Escherichia coli, a model prokaryotic HtrA, is stimulated by stressful conditions; the regulation of this process is mediated by the LA, LD, L1, L2, and L3 loops. The precise mechanism of action of the LA loop is not known due to a lack of data concerning its three-dimensional structure as well as its mode of interaction with other regulatory elements. To address these issues we generated a theoretical model of the three-dimensional structure of the LA loop as per the resting state of HtrA and subsequently verified its correctness experimentally. We identified intra- and intersubunit contacts that formed with the LA loops; these played an important role in maintaining HtrA in its inactive conformation. The most significant proved to be the hydrophobic interactions connecting the LA loops of the hexamer and polar contacts between the LA′ (the LA loop on an opposite subunit) and L1 loops on opposite subunits. Disturbance of these interactions caused the stimulation of HtrA proteolytic activity. We also demonstrated that LA loops contribute to the preservation of the integrity of the HtrA oligomer and to the stability of the monomer. The model presented in this work explains the regulatory role of the LA loop well; it should also be applicable to numerous Enterobacteriaceae pathogenic species as the amino acid sequences of the members of this bacterial family are highly conserved.  相似文献   

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