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The distribution of a pulse of teichoic acid-specific radiolabel between wall and membrane teichoic acids in pneumococci was constant over a subsequent chase period, suggesting that wall and membrane teichoic acids are biosynthesized simultaneously and independently.  相似文献   

Innate immunity is the first line of host defense against invading pathogens, and it is recognized by a variety of pattern recognition molecules, including mannose-binding lectin (MBL). MBL binds to mannose and N-acetylglucosamine residues present on the glycopolymers of microorganisms. Human serum MBL functions as an opsonin and activates the lectin complement pathway. However, which glycopolymer of microorganism is recognized by MBL is still uncertain. Here, we show that wall teichoic acid of Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterial cell surface glycopolymer containing N-acetylglucosamine residue, is a functional ligand of MBL. Whereas serum MBL in adults did not bind to wall teichoic acid because of an inhibitory effect of anti-wall teichoic acid antibodies, MBL in infants who had not yet fully developed their adaptive immunity could bind to S. aureus wall teichoic acid and then induced complement C4 deposition. Our data explain the molecular reasons of why MBL-deficient infants are susceptible to S. aureus infection.  相似文献   

Wall teichoic acid (WTA) or related polyanionic cell wall glycopolymers are produced by most Gram-positive bacterial species and have been implicated in various cellular functions. WTA and the proton gradient across bacterial membranes are known to control the activity of autolysins but the molecular details of these interactions are poorly understood. We demonstrate that WTA contributes substantially to the proton-binding capacity of Staphylococcus aureus cell walls and controls autolysis largely via the major autolysin AtlA whose activity is known to decline at acidic pH values. Compounds that increase or decrease the activity of the respiratory chain, a main source of protons in the cell wall, modulated autolysis rates in WTA-producing cells but did not affect the augmented autolytic activity observed in a WTA-deficient mutant. We propose that WTA represents a cation-exchanger like mesh in the Gram-positive cell envelopes that is required for creating a locally acidified milieu to govern the pH-dependent activity of autolysins.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus colonizes the nose, throat, skin, and gastrointestinal (GI) tract of humans. GI carriage of S. aureus is difficult to eradicate and has been shown to facilitate the transmission of the bacterium among individuals. Although staphylococcal colonization of the GI tract is asymptomatic, it increases the likelihood of infection, particularly skin and soft tissue infections caused by USA300 isolates. We established a mouse model of persistent S. aureus GI colonization and characterized the impact of selected surface antigens on colonization. In competition experiments, an acapsular mutant colonized better than the parental strain Newman, whereas mutants defective in sortase A and clumping factor A showed impaired ability to colonize the GI tract. Mutants lacking protein A, clumping factor B, poly-N-acetyl glucosamine, or SdrCDE showed no defect in colonization. An S. aureus wall teichoic acid (WTA) mutant (ΔtagO) failed to colonize the mouse nose or GI tract, and the tagO and clfA mutants showed reduced adherence in vitro to intestinal epithelial cells. The tagO mutant was recovered in lower numbers than the wild type strain in the murine stomach and duodenum 1 h after inoculation. This reduced fitness correlated with the in vitro susceptibility of the tagO mutant to bile salts, proteases, and a gut-associated defensin. Newman ΔtagO showed enhanced susceptibility to autolysis, and an autolysin (atl) tagO double mutant abrogated this phenotype. However, the atl tagO mutant did not survive better in the mouse GI tract than the tagO mutant. Our results indicate that the failure of the tagO mutant to colonize the GI tract correlates with its poor adherence and susceptibility to bactericidal factors within the mouse gut, but not to enhanced activity of its major autolysin.  相似文献   

Anionic glycopolymers known as wall teichoic acids (WTAs) functionalize the peptidoglycan layers of many Gram-positive bacteria. WTAs play central roles in many fundamental aspects of bacterial physiology, and they are important determinants of pathogenesis and antibiotic resistance. A number of enzymes that glycosylate WTA in Staphylococcus aureus have recently been identified. Among these is the glycosyltransferase TarM, a component of the WTA de novo biosynthesis pathway. TarM performs the synthesis of α-O-N-acetylglycosylated poly-5′-phosphoribitol in the WTA structure. We have solved the crystal structure of TarM at 2.4 Å resolution, and we have also determined a structure of the enzyme in complex with its substrate UDP-GlcNAc at 2.8 Å resolution. The protein assembles into a propeller-like homotrimer in which each blade contains a GT-B-type glycosyltransferase domain with a typical Rossmann fold. The enzymatic reaction retains the stereochemistry of the anomeric center of the transferred GlcNAc-moiety on the polyribitol backbone. TarM assembles into a trimer using a novel trimerization domain, here termed the HUB domain. Structure-guided mutagenesis experiments of TarM identify residues critical for enzyme activity, assign a putative role for the HUB in TarM function, and allow us to propose a likely reaction mechanism.  相似文献   



Tinnitus is an auditory phantom perception that is most likely generated in the central nervous system. Most of the tinnitus research has concentrated on the auditory system. However, it was suggested recently that also non-auditory structures are involved in a global network that encodes subjective tinnitus. We tested this assumption using auditory steady state responses to entrain the tinnitus network and investigated long-range functional connectivity across various non-auditory brain regions.

Methods and Findings

Using whole-head magnetoencephalography we investigated cortical connectivity by means of phase synchronization in tinnitus subjects and healthy controls. We found evidence for a deviating pattern of long-range functional connectivity in tinnitus that was strongly correlated with individual ratings of the tinnitus percept. Phase couplings between the anterior cingulum and the right frontal lobe and phase couplings between the anterior cingulum and the right parietal lobe showed significant condition x group interactions and were correlated with the individual tinnitus distress ratings only in the tinnitus condition and not in the control conditions.


To the best of our knowledge this is the first study that demonstrates existence of a global tinnitus network of long-range cortical connections outside the central auditory system. This result extends the current knowledge of how tinnitus is generated in the brain. We propose that this global extend of the tinnitus network is crucial for the continuos perception of the tinnitus tone and a therapeutical intervention that is able to change this network should result in relief of tinnitus.  相似文献   

In order to cause endovascular infections and infective endocarditis, bacteria need to be able to adhere to the vessel wall while being exposed to the shear stress of flowing blood.To identify the bacterial and host factors that contribute to vascular adhesion of microorganisms, appropriate models that study these interactions under physiological shear conditions are needed. Here, we describe an in vitro flow chamber model that allows to investigate bacterial adhesion to different components of the extracellular matrix or to endothelial cells, and an intravital microscopy model that was developed to directly visualize the initial adhesion of bacteria to the splanchnic circulation in vivo. These methods can be used to identify the bacterial and host factors required for the adhesion of bacteria under flow. We illustrate the relevance of shear stress and the role of von Willebrand factor for the adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus using both the in vitro and in vivo model.  相似文献   

There have been considerable strides made in the characterization of the dispensability of teichoic acid biosynthesis genes in recent years. A notable omission thus far has been an early gene in teichoic acid synthesis encoding the N-acetylmannosamine transferase (tagA in Bacillus subtilis; tarA in Staphylococcus aureus), which adds N-acetylmannosamine to complete the synthesis of undecaprenol pyrophosphate-linked disaccharide. Here, we show that the N-acetylmannosamine transferases are dispensable for growth in vitro, making this biosynthetic enzyme the last dispensable gene in the pathway, suggesting that tagA (or tarA) encodes the first committed step in wall teichoic acid synthesis.The cell wall of gram-positive bacteria is composed of not only peptidoglycan, but also a significant proportion of the polyol phosphate polymer known as teichoic acid. Wall teichoic acid has long been held as an essential component of the cell wall architecture (2-5, 19). However, recently, our group has demonstrated a complex pattern of dispensability for wall teichoic acid biosynthetic genes of both Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus (9, 10).The synthesis of wall teichoic acid polymers occurs through the sequential action of several enzymes (14, 17). The action of no less than seven enzymes is thought to synthesize the completed polymer on the cytoplasmic face of the cell membrane for export to the outside of the cell. Once outside, the completed polymer is covalently attached to the C-6 of the N-acetylmuramic acid of peptidoglycan through the action of an uncharacterized transferase. The best-characterized wall teichoic acid biosynthetic machinery is that for polymers composed of glycerol phosphate and ribitol phosphate. In the last several years, biochemical experiments have characterized the activities of nearly all of the enzymes responsible for the synthesis of both glycerol phosphate and ribitol phosphate polymers (6, 11, 18).Work on the essential nature of wall teichoic acid dates back many years to the discovery and characterization of temperature-sensitive B. subtilis tag mutants for poly(glycerol phosphate) synthesis by D. Karamata''s lab (4, 5, 19). That work and follow-up studies by our research group (2, 3, 20) showed convincingly that genetic lesions in several wall teichoic acid biosynthetic steps led to cell death in vitro. Recently, however, we uncovered some remarkable complexity in the dispensability pattern of wall teichoic acid synthetic genes. Working with both B. subtilis and S. aureus, we showed that viable deletions could be generated in the first gene of the pathway, encoding the N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase (tagO in B. subtilis; tarO in S. aureus), while deletions could not be made for late-acting genes, including those encoding the glycerol phosphate primase (tagB in B. subtilis; tarB in S. aureus) and downstream enzymes. This apparent paradox was resolved when it was discovered that all of the indispensable genes became dispensable in a tagO (or tarO) deletion background and suggested that lesions in late steps of wall teichoic acid synthesis lead to a premature termination of the pathway, causing a buildup of toxic intermediates or the sequestration of a common and vital precursor molecule (i.e., undecaprenol phosphate).While extensive investigations have charted the complex genetics of wall teichoic acid synthesis in both B. subtilis 168 (2-5, 9, 15, 16, 19, 21) and S. aureus (10, 23), no experiments have so far been reported to characterize the dispensability phenotype of the N-acetylmannosamine transferase encoded by tagA (B. subtilis) and tarA (S. aureus). Indeed, tagA from B. subtilis was recently shown to catalyze the addition of N-acetylmannosamine to complete the synthesis of undecaprenol pyrophosphate-linked disaccharide, a core component of the “linkage unit” of wall teichoic acid (6, 11, 25). This places TagA (TarA) as an enzyme catalyzing the second step in wall teichoic biosynthesis after TagO (TarO), the N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase. Given the dispensable phenotype of tagO (tarO) and the capacity of this deletion for suppression of downstream, essential, late-acting genes, we were motivated to explore the dispensability phenotype of this as-yet-unexplored step of wall teichoic acid synthesis. Here, we analyzed the dispensability of the N-acetylmannosamine transferase genes of both B. subtilis and S. aureus (tagA and tarA, respectively) for growth in vitro.Gene tarA from S. aureus COL was identified as SACOL0693, using BLAST analysis. Dispensability testing of tarA was done in S. aureus strain SA178RI, using an allelic replacement system developed by us (pSAKO) and described previously (10). Using this methodology (see the supplemental material for detailed methods), we demonstrated that in a wild-type background, S. aureus tarA could be readily replaced with an erythromycin resistance cassette, allowing for mutant generation at a high frequency (Table (Table1).1). Thus, our data reveal that this locus is dispensable for growth in vitro. In B. subtilis, we were likewise able to replace the tagA gene with a spectinomycin resistance cassette after the generation and transformation of a PCR product containing the flanking regions of tagA surrounding the resistance cassette. To confirm that the deletion of tagA was not the result of a suppressor mutation elsewhere in the chromosome, we performed an analysis of congression to compare the efficiency of recombination of the Spec resistance determinant (replacing tagA) into wild-type B. subtilis to that of the Erm resistance determinant (replacing tagO). We also compared these with that of a control Chl resistance cassette at the amy locus. The frequencies of recombination for all of these experiments were very similar (data not shown). These findings indicated that the loss of tagA was not the result of a concomitant suppressor mutation. The resulting colonies (ΔtagA) were small, smooth, and very similar in morphology to the tagO mutant that we have described previously (9).


Allelic replacement for testing gene dispensability in S. aureus
StrainNo. of colonies with indicated phenotype
Wild typeNonexcisantMutant
No complementation
    tarA mutant65134
ΔtarA background
    tarB mutant75015
    tarF mutant50248
    tarIJ mutant88012
Open in a separate windowTo confirm that these strains were devoid of teichoic acid polymers, the cell wall phosphate contents for B. subtilis (S. aureus) wild-type, tagO (tarO), and tagA (tarA) null strains were analyzed (Table (Table2).2). These results revealed that the cell wall phosphate content of tagA and tarA null strains were approximately 10% that of the wild type and comparable to those found in the cell walls of the tagO and tarO null strains. The generation of tagA (tarA) mutants in conjunction with a significant loss of cell wall phosphate content was consistent with the conclusion that B. subtilis tagA and S. aureus tarA mutants were devoid of wall teichoic acid. While the presence of residual phosphate in this mutant was noteworthy, it was not surprising. Previous analyses by our group and another group have revealed residual phosphate in a tagO mutant (9, 21). We speculate that this phosphate might originate from minor teichoic acid species or other phosphate-containing cellular components.


Phosphate content of cell wall isolated from B. subtilis and S. aureus
StrainPhosphate content (μmol phosphate/mg cell wall)
Bacillus subtilis
    Wild type1.6 ± 0.4
    ΔtarO mutant0.09 ± 0.02
    ΔtarA mutant0.10 ± 0.03
Staphylococcus aureus
    Wild type1.2 ± 0.1
    ΔtarO mutant0.140 ± 0.003
    ΔtarA mutant0.140 ± 0.005
Open in a separate windowAs stated above, our group has previously been able to demonstrate, using both B. subtilis tagO and S. aureus tarO, that these deletions were able to suppress the lethality associated with deletion of late-acting gene products (9, 10). Having succeeded in making strains of B. subtilis and S. aureus that lacked the N-acetylmannosamine transferase gene and wall teichoic acid, we were interested in testing for genetic interactions with the late-acting genes in the pathway. Previously, we were able to leverage the capacity of allelic replacement with pSAKO to test the dispensability of late-acting teichoic genes in the presence and absence of a tarO deletion (10). We reasoned that the dispensable phenotype of tarA should provide for a dispensable phenotype of the downstream genes tarB, tarF, and tarIJ just as we have seen for tarO. From Table Table1,1, it is clear that in the absence of tarA, the otherwise essential genes tarB, tarF, and tarIJ become dispensable. These data demonstrate that tarA has the same peculiar genetic interactions previously observed with tarO.With this work we have established that tagA and tarA are dispensable for in vitro growth in both B. subtilis and S. aureus strains, respectively. Phenotypic characterization of these mutants indicated that the strains were devoid of wall teichoic acid. Furthermore we have shown that the deletion of tarA in S. aureus is able to suppress the essential phenotypes of several late-acting wall teichoic acid synthesis genes. These findings reveal that tagA and tarA are the last dispensable genes in their respective biosynthetic pathways and suggest that the N-acetylmannosamine transferase commits the cell to synthesizing wall teichoic acid. This would mean that TagO (TarO) catalyzes a reversible biosynthetic step. Indeed, the reversibility of enzymes homologous and analogous to TagO (TarO) has been well established (1, 7, 13, 22). With TagO (TarO) catalyzing a reversible step, the reaction controlled by TagA (TarA) represents the first committed step in wall teichoic acid synthesis. Having committed to teichoic acid biosynthesis, the cell must complete polymer assembly to avoid the lethal consequences of blocks in the later steps of this pathway.To further evaluate the phenotype of the deletion of the N-acetylmannosamine transferase gene in both B. subtilis and S. aureus, growth analysis and transmission electron microscopy were performed. The growth characteristics of the B. subtilis tagA and S. aureus tarA deletion strains with respect to those of the wild-type strains are very different (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Figure Figure1A1A shows the growth kinetics of the B. subtilis tagA null strain (EB1494) compared to those of the wild-type (EB6) and tagO deletion (EB1451) strains. The data reveal that the mutant is significantly impaired for growth compared to the wild-type strain, with a growth rate comparable to that of the tagO mutant previously described (9). For S. aureus, the tarA deletion strain grew similarly to both the wild type and the tarO deletion strain (Fig. (Fig.1B1B).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Growth kinetics of B. subtilis and S. aureus deletion mutants. (A) Growth curves are depicted for the B. subtilis tagA deletion strain (EB1494 [○]). Growth data for the wild-type (EB6 [▪]) and tagO deletion (EB1451 [•]) strains (9) are shown for comparison. (B) Growth curves are shown for the S. aureus wild-type (SA178RI [▪]), tarO null (EBII44 [•]), and tarA null (EBII58 [○]) strains. All cultures were inoculated to a starting optical density value at 600 nm (OD600) of 0.005, and absorbance measurements were taken every 1 to 2 h.The differences shown in the growth curves were paralleled in the transmission electron micrographs shown in Fig. Fig.2.2. While the S. aureus tarA mutant did not have any significant morphological defects, the B. subtilis tagA deletion mutant showed abnormalities that were very similar to those seen previously for the tagO deletion mutant (9). These gross morphological defects included loss of its rod shape, aberrant septation, and asymmetrical peptidoglycan architecture. Thus, the loss of wall teichoic acid had a much more profound effect on B. subtilis than it did on S. aureus. Further characterization of the tagA and tarA mutants revealed that N-acetylmannosamine transferase deficiency had dramatically different impacts on the growth and morphology of B. subtilis and S. aureus. Deletion of tagA in B. subtilis resulted in a remarkable impact on ultrastructure including complete loss of rod shape, abberant septation and cell wall asymmetry. These observations were reminiscent of that seen for the B. subtilis tagO deletion described previously (9). In contrast, the S. aureus tarA deletion mutant had growth and ultrastructural characteristics that were not unlike those of the wild type. The gross morphological and growth defect differences between the two organisms is not understood as of yet. We predict that these differences result from the shape of the organism; in particular, there are significantly more-profound effects on B. subtilis, given its rod structure, while the coccoid shape associated with S. aureus resists such defects. Although not yet demonstrated, an interesting hypothesis may be the alternate manners in which these two organisms grow and build their cell walls (8). S. aureus growth occurs only at the septum, while B. subtilis growth occurs both at the septum and along the cell cylinder. It is interesting to speculate that teichoic acid biogenesis plays a role in only the cylinder growth or bacteria, indicating why defects are seen only with the rod-shaped B. subtilis.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Ultrastructure of B. subtilis tagA and S. aureus tarA null mutants. Bacteria were harvested at late log phase of growth and embedded in thin sections for examination with transmission electron microscopy as described in the supplemental material. Panel A shows micrographs of (i) the B. subtilis wild type (EB6) and (ii) the tagA null strain (EB1494). Panel B depicts micrographs of (i) the S. aureus wild-type (SA178RI) and (ii) the S. aureus tarA null strain (EBII58). The bar represents 500 nm.Given the similar phenotypes of the tagO (tarO) and tagA (tarA) deletion strains, we broadened our search for phenotypes in this work to include antibiotic susceptibility. We restricted our investigations for these studies to S. aureus because of the robust growth of the tarO and tarA deletion strains of this organism. MIC determinations to a variety of antimicrobials are largely unchanged relative to those of the wild type. Among the 20 antibiotics tested of various chemical classes and mechanisms (see the supplemental material), tarO and tarA deletion strains showed increased susceptibility (>2-fold compared to the wild types) only to fusidic acid and phosphomycin, 8- and 16-fold reductions in MIC, respectively (data not shown). Interestingly, these two compounds are negatively charged, as are teichoic acid polymers. We posit that the increased susceptibility was due to improved delivery of these compounds to their intracellular targets. Therefore, with the exception of a potential influence of negatively charged molecules, the loss of teichoic acid polymers in the cell wall does not significantly alter the drug susceptibility of S. aureus.Having shown that B. subtilis tagA and S. aureus tarA deletion mutants were viable and analogous in many respects to the tagO and tarO mutants characterized previously, we were interested in comparing the in vivo phenotypes of the tarO and tarA mutants. Weidenmaier et al. previously showed that the tarO null mutant was compromised for colonization in rat nasopharyngeal and rabbit endocarditis models (23, 24). Here, we tested the hypothesis that the tarA deletion would similarly impair the colonization of S. aureus in a mouse kidney abscess model. Figure Figure33 charts the colony counts recovered from mouse kidneys 5 days after infection with a wild-type S. aureus Newman strain (EBII61) as well as the tarO and tarA null mutants in the Newman background (EBII65 and EBII82, respectively). At the time of sacrifice, mice infected with the wild-type Newman strain (EBII61) had high bacterial cell numbers in their kidneys (average of 106.5 ± 101.3 CFU). In stark contrast, we were unable to recover viable bacteria from most of the mice infected with either the tarO or tarA mutant strains, while some mice had low but detectable bacterial loads. The average cell number recovered from mice infected with the tarO (EBII65) and tarA (EBII82) null strains was 101.7 ± 102.0 and 102.2 ± 102.7 CFU, respectively. Generally, mice infected with the mutant strains were significantly more healthy than those infected with wild-type bacteria. Clinical scoring through examination of the overall fitness of the mice showed that the ΔtarO mutant had an average score of 0.66 ± 1, the ΔtarA mutant had an average score of 0 ± 0, and the wild-type strain had a significantly higher score of 3.1 ± 1.2. As a further measure of health, we observed that mice infected with mutant strains lost, on average, significantly less weight than mice infected with the wild-type Newman strain, as follows: 21 ± 6% (wild-type Newman strain), 0.6 ± 3.4% (tarO null strain), and 1.4 ± 4.3% (tarA null strain).Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.Teichoic acid mutants are impaired for growth in vivo. The graph shows the CFU recovered from the homogenized kidneys of mice infected with the S. aureus wild-type Newman strain (EBII61) and corresponding tarO (EBII65) and tarA (EBII81) deletion mutants. In these experiments, mice were injected in the tail vein with 107 bacteria, and CFU were determined 5 days postinfection.Here, we found that the tarO and tarA mutants were compromised similarly to the wild type in a mouse kidney abscess model of infection. It has been well established that teichoic acid polymers play a significant role in the adherence of bacteria, likely the result of the charge associated with the polymer (12, 24). The failure of the tarA null mutant to colonize and persist in the mouse model here provides additional support for the importance of wall teichoic acid to infection and draws further parallels with the tarO mutant in terms of phenotype.In conclusion, our findings reveal that B. subtilis tagA and S. aureus tarA are dispensable in their respective biosynthetic pathways. Indeed, the encoded N-acetylmannosamine transferases should be considered the first committed step in wall teichoic acid polymer production. In this particular pathway, commitment to wall teichoic acid synthesis marks an obligation to complete polymer assembly and export. The consequence of failing to do so in these organisms is cell death. Thus, despite the dispensability of the polymer for in vitro growth, wall teichoic acid biosynthesis represents an exploitable target for new antibiotic development. Interestingly, results shown here and elsewhere (9, 10) predict that the suppression of lethal phenotypes associated with blocks in late steps of wall teichoic acid synthesis could be accomplished with mutations in the first steps, namely tagO (tarO) and/or tagA (tarA). Nevertheless, the requirement of wall teichoic acid for virulence in various animal models suggests that such suppressor mutations would lead to noninfectious strains. We maintain therefore that wall teichoic acid synthesis may well be an ideal target for new antibacterial drug discovery.  相似文献   

Teichoic acid-associated N-acetylglucosamine and rhamnose have been shown to serve as phage receptors in Listeria monocytogenes serotype 1/2a. We generated and characterized two single-copy Tn916ΔE mutants which were resistant to phage A118 and several other serotype 1/2a-specific phages. In one mutant the insertion was immediately upstream of the recently identified ptsHI locus, which encodes two proteins of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent carbohydrate uptake system, whereas in the other the insertion was immediately upstream of an operon whose most distal gene was clpC, involved in stress responses and virulence. Transduction experiments confirmed the association of the phage-resistant phenotype of these mutants with the transposon insertion. Phage A118 resistance of the mutants could be attributed to inability of the phage to adsorb onto the mutant cells, and biochemical analysis of cell wall composition showed that the teichoic acids of both mutants were deficient in N-acetylglucosamine. Rhamnose and other teichoic acid and cell wall components were not affected.  相似文献   

To date it remains unclear how probiotics affect the immune system. Bacterial envelope components may play an essential role, as these are the first to establish bacterial-host cell interactions. Teichoic acids (TAs), and especially lipoteichoic acids, are the most pro-inflammatory components of the gram-positive bacterial envelope. This effect is dependent on D-alanyl substitution of the TA backbone and interactions with TLR2 on host cells. Although the pro-inflammatory properties of TAs have been established in vitro, it remains unclear how TAs affect immunomodulation in vivo. In this study, we investigated the role of TA D-alanylation on L. plantarum–induced intestinal and systemic immunomodulation in vivo. For this, we compared the effect of L. plantarum WCFS1 and its TA D-Alanylation negative derivative (dltX-D) on the distribution of dendritic cell and T cell populations and responses in healthy mice. We demonstrated that the majority of the L. plantarum-induced in vivo immunomodulatory effects were dependent on D-alanylation (D-Ala), as some L. plantarum WCFS1-induced immune changes were not observed in the dltX-D-treated group and some were only observed after treatment with dltX-D. Strikingly, not only pro-inflammatory immune responses were abolished in the absence of D-Ala substitution, but also anti-inflammatory responses, such as the L. plantarum-induced generation of regulatory T cells in the spleen. With this study we provide insight in host-microbe interactions, by demonstrating the involvement of D-alanylation of TAs on the bacterial membrane in intestinal and systemic immunomodulation in healthy mice.  相似文献   

Abstract: The modulation in acetylcholinesterase (AChE) of rat brain by two pyrethroids—permethrin (PM) and cypermethrin (CPM)—was studied both in vivo and in vitro. PM inhibited AChE activity in all regions of the rat brain (cerebral cortex, cerebellum, corpora striata, brainstem, hippocampus, and hypothalamus) at 4, 8, and 12 h after gastric intubation, whereas CPM elevated the enzyme activity in vivo. Substrate-dependent enzyme kinetic studies have shown that PM and CPM behave as mixed-type inhibitors, as evidenced by alterations in both Michaelis-Menten constant ( K m) and maximal velocity ( V max) values. This indicates that both PM and CPM and substrate acetylcholine interact at hydrophobic subsites and may be able to bind simultaneously to the enzyme.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, polysialic acid (PSA) is typically added to the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) in the Golgi by PST or STX polysialyltransferase. PSA promotes plasticity, and its enhanced expression by viral delivery of the PST or STX gene has been shown to promote cellular processes that are useful for repair of the injured adult nervous system. Here we demonstrate a new strategy for PSA induction on cells involving addition of a purified polysialyltransferase from Neisseria meningitidis (PSTNm) to the extracellular environment. In the presence of its donor substrate (CMP-Neu5Ac), PSTNm synthesized PSA directly on surfaces of various cell types in culture, including Chinese hamster ovary cells, chicken DF1 fibroblasts, primary rat Schwann cells, and mouse embryonic stem cells. Similarly, injection of PSTNm and donor in vivo was able to produce PSA in different adult brain regions, including the cerebral cortex, striatum, and spinal cord. PSA synthesis by PSTNm requires the presence of the donor CMP-Neu5Ac, and the product could be degraded by the PSA-specific endoneuraminidase-N. Although PSTNm was able to add PSA to NCAM, most of its product was attached to other cell surface proteins. Nevertheless, the PSTNm-induced PSA displayed the ability to attenuate cell adhesion, promote neurite outgrowth, and enhance cell migration as has been reported for endogenous PSA-NCAM. Polysialylation by PSTNm occurred in vivo in less than 2.5 h, persisted in tissues, and then decreased within a few weeks. Together these characteristics suggest that a PSTNm-based approach may provide a valuable alternative to PST gene therapy.  相似文献   

利用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)进行的核酸体外扩增是1983年开始发展起来的一项革命性技术,目前已被广泛运用于现代化的农业和医学以及食品工业等领域,特别是在人类认知基因和基因组的过程中,体外核酸扩增技术做出了卓越的贡献。最初,体外核酸扩增技术主要是利用耐高温的DNA聚合酶(Taq酶),这样就使核酸的体外扩增反应可以在热循环中进行。但因需要使用昂贵的设备和消耗大量的电力,其成本和应用范围都受到一定的限制。之后,恒温体外核酸扩增悄然兴起,这改变了传统扩增技术的局限性,使核酸的体外扩增更加简单和方便。重组酶介导扩增(RAA)法是一种最新型的恒温体外核酸扩增技术,该系统的显著优点在于它在常温下就能实现DNA解链并快速扩增(15~30min完成),反应快速、专一性好、灵敏度高,还可用于定时定量的结果分析。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Inhibition, inactivation, pH, and kinetic studies using both homogenates and purified lysosomal fractions of Paramecium caudalum and of P. tetraurelia were carried out to examine the lysosomal acid phosphatase (AcPase) and its relationship to p-nitrophenylphosphatase (pNPPase), glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase), and 5′-nucleotidase (AMPase). The results generally support the idea that Paramecium cells contain a distinct lysosomal AcPase with a broad substrate specificity. The hydrolysis of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and adenosine 5′-monophosphate (AMP) was shown to be due to this enzyme, suggesting that true G6Pase and AMPase may be lacking in these two species; however, some hydrolysis of AMP at pH 7.5 catalyzed by an unknown soluble enzyme distinct from alkaline phosphatase and Na+-K+-ATPase was observed. Since the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylphosphate (pNPP) at acid pH was also shown to be due to AcPase alone, pNPPase could be used as a rapid assay for Paramecium AcPase. At an alkaline pH, however, this activity was catalyzed by an alkaline phosphatase located in the cytosol fraction. P. caudatum AcPase was shown to have kinetic properties similar to those of purified rat liver and human prostatic AcPase and to have relative substrate affinities in the order of G6P < β-glycerophosphate < pNPP < AMP. These different substrate affinities might account for the observed differences in the inhibition of the four lysosomal activities by NaF, L(+)-tartrate, and molybdate, all of which inhibited the hydrolysis of G6P, β-glycerophosphate, and pNPP competitively, but which exhibited a noncompetitive inhibition of a mixed type with the hydrolysis of AMP.  相似文献   

The effect of divalent Mg2+ and Mn2+ cations on the elongation of ApU, UpA and their 3'-O- and 5'-O-phosphonylmethyl analogues by RNA polymerase holoenzyme to the corresponding trinucleo-tides on a poly(dA-dT) template was investigated. In contrast to Mgz+ ions, Mn2+ ions enhance abortive trinucleotide synthesis. This effect is more pronounced with phosphonylmethyl analogues. The core enzyme cannot catalyze the elongation of either (2'-5') UpA or phosphonylmethyl analogues. The localization of the divalent cation activator, as well as the role of the σ subunit at the catalytic centre of the holoenzyme, is discussed.  相似文献   

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