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Disturbance of the tight junction (TJ) complexes between brain endothelial cells leads to increased paracellular permeability, allowing leukocyte entry into inflamed brain tissue and also contributing to edema formation. The current study dissects the mechanisms by which a chemokine, CCL2, induces TJ disassembly. It investigates the potential role of selective internalization of TJ transmembrane proteins (occludin and claudin-5) in increased permeability of the brain endothelial barrier in vitro. To map the internalization and intracellular fate of occludin and claudin-5, green fluorescent protein fusion proteins of these TJ proteins were generated and imaged by fluorescent microscopy with simultaneous measurement of transendothelial electrical resistance. During CCL2-induced reductions in transendothelial electrical resistance, claudin-5 and occludin became internalized via caveolae and further processed to early (EEA1+) and recycling (Rab4+) endosomes but not to late endosomes. Western blot analysis of fractions collected from a sucrose gradient showed the presence of claudin-5 and occludin in the same fractions that contained caveolin-1. For the first time, these results suggest an underlying molecular mechanism by which the pro-inflammatory chemokine CCL2 mediates brain endothelial barrier disruption during CNS inflammation.The blood-brain barrier is situated at the cerebral endothelial cells and their linking tight junctions. Increased brain endothelial barrier permeability is associated with remodeling of inter-endothelial tight junction (TJ)2 complex and gap formation between brain endothelial cells (paracellular pathway) and/or intensive pinocytotic vesicular transport between the apical and basal side of brain endothelial cells (transcellular pathway) (1, 2). The transcellular pathway can be either passive or active and is characterized by low conductance and high selectivity. In contrast, the paracellular pathway is exclusively passive, being driven by electrochemical and osmotic gradients, and has a higher conductance and lower selectivity (3).Brain endothelial barrier paracellular permeability is maintained by an equilibrium between contractile forces generated at the endothelial cytoskeleton and adhesive forces produced at endothelial cell-cell junctions and cell-matrix contacts (13). A dynamic interaction among these structural elements controls opening and closing of the paracellular pathway and serves as a fundamental mechanism regulating blood-brain exchange. How this process occurs is under intense investigation. Two possible mechanisms may potentially increase paracellular permeability: phosphorylation of TJ proteins and/or endocytosis of transmembrane TJ proteins.Changes in TJ protein phosphorylation seem to be required to initiate increased brain endothelial permeability and a redistribution of most TJ proteins away from the cell border (48). Endocytosis may also be involved in remodeling TJ complexes between endothelial cells. Several types of endocytosis may be involved in TJ protein uptake, including clathrin- and caveolae-mediated endocytosis and macropinocytosis (for reviews, see Refs. 8 and 912). After first forming cell membrane-derived endocytotic vesicles, these vesicles fuse with early endosomes whose contents are further sorted for transport to lysosomes for degradation or recycling back to the plasma membrane for reuse (11).Although there is a lack of definitive knowledge regarding endocytotic internalization of brain endothelial cell TJ proteins, several studies on epithelial cells have indicated that occludin may be internalized via caveolae-mediated endocytosis whereas ZO-1, claudin-1, and junctional adhesion molecules-A may undergo macropinocytosis in response to stimuli such as TNF-α and INF-γ (13, 14). In contrast, there is evidence that Ca2+ may induce internalization of claudin-1 and occludin via clathrin-coated vesicles (8, 1416). All of these studies pinpoint endocytosis as an underlying process in TJ complex remodeling and redistribution, and thus regulation of paracellular permeability in epithelial cells.The present study examines whether internalization of transmembrane TJ proteins could be one process by which adhesion between brain endothelial cells is changed during increased paracellular permeability. Our results show that a pro-inflammatory mediator, the chemokine CCL2, induces disassembly of the TJ complex by triggering caveolae-dependent internalization of transmembrane TJ proteins (occludin and claudin-5). Once internalized, occludin and claudin-5 are further processed to recycling endosomes awaiting return to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Vascular permeability is a complex process involving the coordinated regulation of multiple signaling pathways in the endothelial cell. It has long been documented that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) greatly enhances microvascular permeability; however, the molecular mechanisms controlling VEGF-induced permeability remain unknown. Treatment of microvascular endothelial cells with VEGF led to an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. ROS are required for VEGF-induced permeability as treatment with the free radical scavenger, N-acetylcysteine, inhibited this effect. Additionally, treatment with VEGF caused ROS-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of both vascular-endothelial (VE)-cadherin and β-catenin. Rac1 was required for the VEGF-induced increase in permeability and adherens junction protein phosphorylation. Knockdown of Rac1 inhibited VEGF-induced ROS production consistent with Rac lying upstream of ROS in this pathway. Collectively, these data suggest that VEGF leads to a Rac-mediated generation of ROS, which, in turn, elevates the tyrosine phosphorylation of VE-cadherin and β-catenin, ultimately regulating adherens junction integrity.Endothelial cells line the inside of blood vessels and serve as a barrier between circulating blood and the surrounding tissues. Endothelial permeability is mediated by two pathways: the transcellular pathway and the paracellular pathway. In the transcellular pathway material passes through the cells, whereas in the paracellular pathway fluid and macromolecules pass between the cells. The paracellular pathway is regulated by the properties of endothelial cell-cell junctions (13). Changes in the permeability of this barrier are tightly regulated under normal physiological conditions. However, dysregulated vascular permeability is observed in many life-threatening conditions, including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.VEGF2 was first discovered as a potent vascular permeability factor that stimulated a rapid and reversible increase in microvascular permeability without damaging the endothelial cell (4, 5). VEGF was later shown to be a selective growth factor for endothelial cells, capable of promoting migration, growth, and survival (6). Considerable progress has been made toward understanding the signaling events by which VEGF promotes growth and survival (7). However, the mechanism through which VEGF promotes microvascular permeability remains incompletely understood.VE-cadherin is an endothelial cell-specific adhesion molecule that connects adjacent endothelial cells (8, 9). While the barrier function of the endothelium is supported by multiple cell-cell adhesion systems, disruption of VE-cadherin is sufficient to disrupt intercellular junctions (911). Earlier studies have demonstrated increased permeability both in vitro and in vivo after treatment with VE-cadherin-blocking antibodies (9, 12). Additionally, VE-cadherin is required to prevent disassembly of blood vessel walls (11, 13) and to coordinate the passage of macromolecules through the endothelium (14, 15). Tyrosine phosphorylation may provide the regulatory link, as increased phosphorylation of cadherins and potential dissociation of the cadherin/catenin complex results in decreased cell-cell adhesion and increased permeability (16, 17).Recent evidence has demonstrated that Rac1-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) disrupt VE-cadherin based cell-cell adhesion (18). The mechanisms by which ROS affect endothelial permeability have not been fully characterized. VEGF has been reported to induce NADPH oxidase activity and induce the formation of ROS (19, 20). A direct link between Rac and ROS in a non-phagocytic cell was shown in 1996, when it was demonstrated that activated Rac1 resulted in the increased generation of ROS in fibroblasts (21). Several studies have subsequently implicated Rac-mediated production of ROS in a variety of cellular responses, in particular in endothelial cells (22, 23). These data suggest that ROS may play a critical role in integrating signals from VEGF and Rac to regulate the phosphorylation of VE-cadherin and ultimately the integrity of the endothelial barrier.In the present study we sought to determine the mechanism by which VEGF regulates microvascular permeability. Our results show that VEGF treatment of human microvascular endothelial cells results in the Rac-dependent production of ROS and the subsequent tyrosine phosphorylation of VE-cadherin and β-catenin. The phosphorylation of VE-cadherin and β-catenin are dependent on Rac and ROS and result in decreased junctional integrity and enhanced vascular permeability.  相似文献   

A decoding algorithm is tested that mechanistically models the progressive alignments that arise as the mRNA moves past the rRNA tail during translation elongation. Each of these alignments provides an opportunity for hybridization between the single-stranded, -terminal nucleotides of the 16S rRNA and the spatially accessible window of mRNA sequence, from which a free energy value can be calculated. Using this algorithm we show that a periodic, energetic pattern of frequency 1/3 is revealed. This periodic signal exists in the majority of coding regions of eubacterial genes, but not in the non-coding regions encoding the 16S and 23S rRNAs. Signal analysis reveals that the population of coding regions of each bacterial species has a mean phase that is correlated in a statistically significant way with species () content. These results suggest that the periodic signal could function as a synchronization signal for the maintenance of reading frame and that codon usage provides a mechanism for manipulation of signal phase.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32]  相似文献   

A Boolean network is a model used to study the interactions between different genes in genetic regulatory networks. In this paper, we present several algorithms using gene ordering and feedback vertex sets to identify singleton attractors and small attractors in Boolean networks. We analyze the average case time complexities of some of the proposed algorithms. For instance, it is shown that the outdegree-based ordering algorithm for finding singleton attractors works in time for , which is much faster than the naive time algorithm, where is the number of genes and is the maximum indegree. We performed extensive computational experiments on these algorithms, which resulted in good agreement with theoretical results. In contrast, we give a simple and complete proof for showing that finding an attractor with the shortest period is NP-hard.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32]  相似文献   

The cell''s endomembranes comprise an intricate, highly dynamic and well-organized system. In plants, the proteins that regulate function of the various endomembrane compartments and their cargo remain largely unknown. Our aim was to dissect subcellular trafficking routes by enriching for partially overlapping subpopulations of endosomal proteomes associated with endomembrane markers. We selected RABD2a/ARA5, RABF2b/ARA7, RABF1/ARA6, and RABG3f as markers for combinations of the Golgi, trans-Golgi network (TGN), early endosomes (EE), secretory vesicles, late endosomes (LE), multivesicular bodies (MVB), and the tonoplast. As comparisons we used Golgi transport 1 (GOT1), which localizes to the Golgi, clathrin light chain 2 (CLC2) labeling clathrin-coated vesicles and pits and the vesicle-associated membrane protein 711 (VAMP711) present at the tonoplast. We developed an easy-to-use method by refining published protocols based on affinity purification of fluorescent fusion constructs to these seven subcellular marker proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. We present a total of 433 proteins, only five of which were shared among all enrichments, while many proteins were common between endomembrane compartments of the same trafficking route. Approximately half, 251 proteins, were assigned to one enrichment only. Our dataset contains known regulators of endosome functions including small GTPases, SNAREs, and tethering complexes. We identify known cargo proteins such as PIN3, PEN3, CESA, and the recently defined TPLATE complex. The subcellular localization of two GTPase regulators predicted from our enrichments was validated using live-cell imaging. This is the first proteomic dataset to discriminate between such highly overlapping endomembrane compartments in plants and can be used as a general proteomic resource to predict the localization of proteins and identify the components of regulatory complexes and provides a useful tool for the identification of new protein markers of the endomembrane system.Membrane compartmentalization is an essential mechanism for eukaryotic life, by which cells separate and control biological processes. Plant growth, development, and adaptation to biotic and abiotic stress all rely on the highly dynamic endomembrane system, yet we know comparatively little about the proteins regulating these dynamic trafficking events. The plasma membrane (PM) provides the main interface between the cell and its environment, mediating the transfer of material to and from the cell and is a primary site for perception of external signals. Transmembrane proteins are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and trafficked to the PM via the Golgi, although there are other secretory routes for soluble cargo (discussed in (14)). Post-Golgi trafficking is the main route by which newly synthesized transmembrane proteins and cell wall glycans are delivered to the PM. In plants, secretory and endocytic traffic converge at the trans-Golgi network (TGN), which also functions as an early endosome (EE). Multivesicular bodies (MVBs) are the other main endosomal compartment in plants and serve as prevacuolar compartments (PVCs) or late endosomes (LE) destined for vacuolar degradation (reviewed (1, 5, 6)).Recycling and sorting of plasma membrane proteins is essential for generating the polar localization of auxin efflux transporters (discussed in (7)), formation of the cell plate during cell division (811), and in defense such as localized deposition of papilla reviewed in (12, 13). Furthermore, the subcellular localization of transporters and receptors is dynamically regulated. For example, the boron transporter (BOR1) exhibits polar localization and is internalized and degraded under conditions of high boron to reduce toxicity (14, 15). Similarly the receptor-like kinases (RLKs) flagellin-sensing 2 (FLS2) and brassinosteroid insensitive 1 (BRI1), important transmembrane receptors in antibacterial immunity and plant development, respectively, are constitutively endocytosed and recycled to the PM (1618). Both receptors and transporters are also cargoes of the LE/MVB trafficking route (16) and are probably sorted to the vacuole for degradation (19, 20). Importantly, FLS2 trafficking via the recycling endocytic or the late endocytic route depends on its activation status; inactive receptors are recycled while ligand-activated receptors are sorted to the late endosomal pathway (16). Similarly, the polar sorting of auxin efflux transporters depends on their phosphorylation status (21). These observations illustrate that membrane compartmentalization underpins important aspects of plant cell biology and has initiated a quest toward a better understanding of the endomembrane compartments and the routes and mechanisms by which cargo is trafficked and sorted within the cell.Membrane trafficking within the cell requires complex machinery consisting of a plethora of coat and adaptor proteins, small GTPases, targeting, tethering, and scission factors (reviewed in (22, 23)). Homologues of some animal and yeast and endomembrane regulators have been identified in plants, but the localization and function of many of these remain to be characterized. For example, members of the RAB GTPase family have been shown to have markedly different roles and localizations in plants compared with their animal and yeast homologs (24). Therefore, acquiring localization data for tethering complexes and other regulators in plant systems is essential. In Arabidopsis thaliana, some of these proteins have been developed as useful probes to visualize the different endomembrane compartments by fusion with fluorescent reporters (9, 2527). These include regulators of trafficking events such as RAB GTPases that are molecular switches responsible for the assembly of tethering and docking complexes and compartment identity. RAB proteins are widely used markers of endomembrane compartments, for example RABD2a/ARA5 labels the Golgi and TGN/EE as well as post-Golgi vesicles (4, 24, 26, 28), RABF2b/ARA7 localizes to TGN/EE and LE (25), RABF1/ARA6 is a marker of the LE/MVB vesicles (25, 29), and RABG3f localizes to MVBs and the tonoplast (26, 30).Fluorescent-tagged marker lines for the live-cell imaging of plant cells have been invaluable in defining the location of proteins within and between organelles and endomembrane compartments (26). However, microscopic investigation of membrane trafficking is limited by throughput, as only few proteins can be studied simultaneously. A powerful approach to large-scale identification of proteins in endomembrane compartments is through subcellular fractionation based on physical properties to directly isolate or enrich for the subcellular compartment of interest. Subcellular fractionation-based proteomics have been successfully used to decipher the steady state and cargo proteomes of, including but not limited to, the ER, the vacuole, PM, mitochondria and chloroplasts, and smaller vesicle-like compartments such as peroxisomes and Golgi (3141). However, the smaller, transitory vesicles of the secretory and endocytic pathways have proved challenging to purify for reliable proteomic analysis. To overcome this, affinity purification of vesicles was established in animal cells (42, 43) and recently successfully applied in plants in combination with subcellular fractionation. Affinity purification and mass spectrometry (MS) of syntaxin of plants 61 (SYP61)-positive TGN/EE compartments identified 145 proteins specifically enriched in (44), while affinity isolation of VHA-a1-GFP (vacuolar H+ ATPase A1) identified 105 proteins associated with the TGN/EE (45). The VHA-A1 affinity purification data were then further refined using density gradient centrifugation to differentiate cargo and steady-state proteins (45).We have further explored affinity purification of fluorescent-tagged markers localizing to defined compartments to identify proteins associated with trafficking. Our motivation was to dissect the trafficking routes by enriching for partially overlapping subpopulations of endosomal proteomes associated with small GTPases in the RAB family. We selected RABD2a/ARA5, RABF2b/ARA7, RABF1/ARA6, and RABG3f as markers for Golgi/TGN/EE/secretory vesicles, LE/MVB compartments, LE/MVB compartments and LE/MVB/tonoplast, respectively. Additionally, we used Golgi transport 1 (GOT1), which localizes to the Golgi, clathrin light chain 2 (CLC2) labeling clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) and pits and the vesicle-associated membrane protein 711 (VAMP711) present at the tonoplast (26, 27, 29, 46, 47) as comparisons. Our objective was to identify transient cargo proteins, tethers, and docking factors associated with dynamic subdomains of the endomembrane system, to supplement better-characterized “steady-state” components, and to identify components of recycling and vacuolar trafficking pathways.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination is essential for the endocytic sorting of various G protein-coupled receptors to lysosomes. Here we identify a distinct function of this covalent modification in controlling the later proteolytic processing of receptors. Mutation of all cytoplasmic lysine residues in the murine δ-opioid receptor blocked receptor ubiquitination without preventing ligand-induced endocytosis of receptors or their subsequent delivery to lysosomes, as verified by proteolysis of extramembrane epitope tags and down-regulation of radioligand binding to the transmembrane helices. Surprisingly, a functional screen revealed that the E3 ubiquitin ligase AIP4 specifically controls down-regulation of wild type receptors measured by radioligand binding without detectably affecting receptor delivery to lysosomes defined both immunochemically and biochemically. This specific AIP4-dependent regulation required direct ubiquitination of receptors and was also regulated by two deubiquitinating enzymes, AMSH and UBPY, which localized to late endosome/lysosome membranes containing internalized δ-opioid receptor. These results identify a distinct function of AIP4-dependent ubiquitination in controlling the later proteolytic processing of G protein-coupled receptors, without detectably affecting their endocytic sorting to lysosomes. We propose that ubiquitination or ubiquitination/deubiquitination cycling specifically regulates later proteolytic processing events required for destruction of the receptor''s hydrophobic core.A fundamental cellular mechanism contributing to homeostatic regulation of receptor-mediated signal transduction involves ligand-induced endocytosis of receptors followed by proteolysis in lysosomes. The importance of such proteolytic down-regulation has been documented extensively for a number of seven-transmembrane or G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs),3 which comprise the largest known family of signaling receptors expressed in animals, as well as for other important signaling receptors, such as the epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase (15).One GPCR that is well known to undergo endocytic trafficking to lysosomes is the δ-opioid peptide receptor (DOR or DOP-R) (6). Following endocytosis, DOR traffics efficiently to lysosomes in both neural and heterologous cell models (68), whereas many membrane proteins, including various GPCRs, recycle rapidly to the plasma membrane (912). Such molecular sorting of internalized receptors between divergent recycling and degradative pathways is thought to play a fundamental role in determining the functional consequences of regulated endocytosis (2, 3, 13, 14). The sorting process that directs internalized DOR to lysosomes is remarkably efficient and appears to occur rapidly (within several min) after receptor endocytosis (11). Nevertheless, biochemical mechanisms that control lysosomal trafficking and proteolysis of DOR remain poorly understood.A conserved mechanism that promotes lysosomal trafficking of a number of membrane proteins, including various signaling receptors, is mediated by covalent modification of cytoplasmic lysine residues with ubiquitin (4, 1517). Ubiquitination was first identified as an endocytic sorting determinant in studies of vacuolar trafficking of the yeast GPCR Ste2p (18). Subsequent studies have established numerous examples of lysyl-ubiquitination being required for sorting endocytic cargo to lysosomes and have identified conserved machinery responsible for the targeting of ubiquitinated cargo to lysosomes (3, 17, 1922).The CXCR4 chemokine receptor provides a clear example of ubiquitin-dependent lysosomal sorting of a mammalian GPCR. Ubiquitination of the carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the CXCR4 receptor, mediated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase AIP4, is specifically required for the HRS- and VPS4-dependent trafficking of internalized receptors to lysosomes. Blocking this ubiquitination event by Lys → Arg mutation of the receptor specifically inhibits trafficking of internalized receptors to lysosomes, resulting in recycling rather than lysosomal proteolysis of receptors after ligand-induced endocytosis (2325).Lysosomal trafficking of DOR, in contrast, is not prevented by mutation of cytoplasmic lysine residues (26) and can be regulated by ubiquitination-independent protein interaction(s) (27, 28). Nevertheless, both wild type and lysyl-mutant DORs traffic to lysosomes via a similar pathway as ubiquitin-dependent membrane cargo and require both HRS and active VPS4 to do so (29). These observations indicate that DOR engages the same core endocytic mechanism utilized by ubiquitination-directed membrane cargo but leave unresolved whether ubiquitination of DOR plays any role in this important cellular mechanism of receptor down-regulation.There is no doubt that DOR can undergo significant ubiquitination in mammalian cells, including HEK293 cells (3032), where lysosomal trafficking of lysyl-mutant receptors was first observed (26). Ubiquitination was shown previously to promote proteolysis of DOR by proteasomes and to function in degrading misfolded receptors from the biosynthetic pathway (30, 31). A specific role of ubiquitination in promoting proteasome- but not lysosome-mediated proteolysis of DOR has been emphasized (32) and proposed to contribute to proteolytic down-regulation of receptors also from the plasma membrane (33).To our knowledge, no previous studies have determined if DOR ubiquitination plays any role in controlling receptor proteolysis mediated by lysosomes, although this represents a predominant pathway by which receptors undergo rapid down-regulation following ligand-induced endocytosis in a number of cell types, including HEK293 cells (8). In the present study, we have taken two approaches to addressing this fundamental question. First, we have investigated in greater detail the effects of lysyl-mutation on DOR ubiquitination and trafficking. Second, we have independently investigated the role of ubiquitination in controlling lysosomal proteolysis of wild type DOR. Our results clearly establish the ability of DOR to traffic efficiently to lysosomes in the absence of any detectable ubiquitination. Further, they identify a distinct and unanticipated function of AIP4-dependent ubiquitination in regulating the later proteolytic processing of receptors and show that this distinct ubiquitin-dependent regulatory mechanism operates effectively downstream of the sorting decision that commits internalized receptors for delivery to lysosomes.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) contributes to inflammation independent of its angiogenic functions. Targeting some of the components in endothelial Weibel-Palade bodies (WPBs) effectively inhibits VEGF-induced inflammation, but little is known about how VEGF regulates WPB exocytosis. In this study, we showed that VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR2), but not VEGFR1, is responsible for VEGF-induced release of von Willebrand factor (vWF), a major marker of WPBs. This is in good contrast to VEGF-stimulated interleukin-6 release from endothelium, which is selectively mediated through VEGFR1. We further demonstrated that VEGFR2-initiated phospholipase C-γ1 (PLCγ1)/calcium signaling is important but insufficient for full vWF release, suggesting the possible participation of another effector pathway. We found that cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) signaling is required for full vWF release. Importantly, a single mutation of Tyr1175 in the C terminus of VEGFR2, a tyrosine residue crucial for embryonic vasculogenesis, abolished vWF release, concomitant with defective activations of both PLCγ1 and PKA. These data suggest that Tyr1175 mediates both PLCγ1-dependent and PKA-dependent signaling pathways. Taken together, our results not only reveal a novel Tyr1175-mediated signaling pathway but also highlight a potentially new therapeutic target for the management of vascular inflammation.Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)2 is a crucial regulator of vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, and vascular permeability (15). A number of studies have suggested that VEGF promotes proliferation, migration, and survival of endothelial cells (1, 4). VEGF (also termed VEGF-A) is a member of the growth factor subfamily that includes VEGF-B, -C, -D, and -E and placental growth factor (PlGF). VEGF binds to two high affinity tyrosine kinase receptors, VEGFR1 (also known as Flt-1) and VEGFR2 (also known as KDR/Flk-1), whereas VEGF-E binds to VEGFR2 alone, and PlGF binds to VEGFR1 alone. Within the vessel wall, VEGFR2 is selectively expressed in endothelium. In contrast, VEGFR1 is present on both endothelial cells and monocytes (1, 2).In addition to its role in promoting angiogenesis, there is increasing evidence that VEGF contributes to inflammation independent of its angiogenic functions, although the molecular basis for this effect is incompletely understood (68). VEGF is well expressed in the chronic inflammatory skin disease, psoriasis, and in synovial fluid in rheumatoid arthritis (912). In addition, previous studies found an association between human severe sepsis/septic shock with elevated circulating levels of VEGF and PlGF (13, 14). Using an in vitro monocyte migration assay and in vivo mouse models of arthritis, several groups, including ours, have suggested that one mechanism by which VEGF causes inflammation is by modulating the infiltration and secretion of monocytes/macrophages via the activation of VEGFR1 (11, 12, 15). On the other hand, emerging evidence suggests that endothelial activation is also important for VEGF-induced inflammation (6, 8, 9). In a mouse model of sepsis, it was demonstrated that the inhibition of VEGFR2, but not VEGFR1, attenuates sepsis mortality, possibly at least in part by suppressing vascular inflammation associated with endothelial activation (9). Consistent with this, ectopic VEGF-A expression in mice enhances leukocyte rolling and adhesion in venules mediated through the P-selectin on the surface of endothelial cells (6). These studies indicate that endothelial activation is another mechanism for VEGF-induced inflammation.P-selectin and von Willebrand factor (vWF) are the best characterized constituents of Weibel-Palade bodies (WPBs), endothelial storage granules that also contain various inflammatory mediators (1618). As a major component in WPBs, vWF is also involved in their biogenesis and thus is used as a marker of WPBs (18, 19). WPB exocytosis, which gives rise to rapid release of vWF and other mediators such as interleukin-8 (IL-8) (17), and translocation of P-selectin from within granules to the endothelial surfaces triggering leukocyte rolling, are critical early events in endothelial activation and vascular inflammation (16). It has been reported that VEGF regulates vWF/WPB release (20), but the precise roles of VEGF receptors and their downstream effectors in this process have not been defined. In this study, we sought to dissect the signaling pathway by which VEGF induces vWF/WPB release.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo studies implicate occludin in the regulation of paracellular macromolecular flux at steady state and in response to tumor necrosis factor (TNF). To define the roles of occludin in these processes, we established intestinal epithelia with stable occludin knockdown. Knockdown monolayers had markedly enhanced tight junction permeability to large molecules that could be modeled by size-selective channels with radii of ∼62.5 Å. TNF increased paracellular flux of large molecules in occludin-sufficient, but not occludin-deficient, monolayers. Complementation using full-length or C-terminal coiled-coil occludin/ELL domain (OCEL)–deficient enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)–occludin showed that TNF-induced occludin endocytosis and barrier regulation both required the OCEL domain. Either TNF treatment or OCEL deletion accelerated EGFP-occludin fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, but TNF treatment did not affect behavior of EGFP-occludinΔOCEL. Further, the free OCEL domain prevented TNF-induced acceleration of occludin fluorescence recovery, occludin endocytosis, and barrier loss. OCEL mutated within a recently proposed ZO-1–binding domain (K433) could not inhibit TNF effects, but OCEL mutated within the ZO-1 SH3-GuK–binding region (K485/K488) remained functional. We conclude that OCEL-mediated occludin interactions are essential for limiting paracellular macromolecular flux. Moreover, our data implicate interactions mediated by the OCEL K433 region as an effector of TNF-induced barrier regulation.Tight junctions seal the paracellular space in simple epithelia, such as those lining the lungs, intestines, and kidneys (Anderson et al., 2004 ; Fanning and Anderson, 2009 ; Shen et al., 2011 ). In the intestine, reduced paracellular barrier function is associated with disorders in which increased paracellular flux of ions and molecules contributes to symptoms such as diarrhea, malabsorption, and intestinal protein loss. Recombinant tumor necrosis factor (TNF) can be used to model this barrier loss in vitro or in vivo (Taylor et al., 1998 ; Clayburgh et al., 2006 ), and TNF neutralization is associated with restoration of intestinal barrier function in Crohn''s disease (Suenaert et al., 2002 ). Further, in vivo and in vitro studies of intestinal epithelia show that TNF-induced barrier loss requires myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) activation (Zolotarevsky et al., 2002 ; Clayburgh et al., 2005 , 2006 ; Ma et al., 2005 ; Wang et al., 2005 ). The resulting myosin II regulatory light chain (MLC) phosphorylation drives occludin internalization, which is required for cytokine-induced intestinal epithelial barrier loss (Clayburgh et al., 2005 , 2006 ; Schwarz et al., 2007 ; Marchiando et al., 2010 ). In addition, transgenic EGFP-occludin expression in vivo limits TNF-induced depletion of tight junction–associated occludin, barrier loss, and diarrhea (Marchiando et al., 2010 ). Conversely, in vitro studies show that occludin knockdown limits TNF-induced barrier regulation (Van Itallie et al., 2010 ). The basis for this discrepancy is not understood.One challenge is that, despite being identified 20 yr ago (Furuse et al., 1993 ), the contribution of occludin to tight junction regulation remains incompletely defined. The observation that occludin-knockout mice are able to form paracellular barriers and do not have obvious defects in epidermal, respiratory, or bladder tight junction function (Saitou et al., 2000 ; Schulzke et al., 2005 ) led many to conclude that occludin is not essential for tight junction barrier function. It is important to note, however, that barrier regulation in response to stress has not been studied in occludin-deficient animals.We recently showed that dephosphorylation of occludin serine-408 promotes assembly of a complex composed of occludin, ZO-1, and claudin-2 that inhibits flux across size- and charge-selective channels termed the pore pathway (Anderson and Van Itallie, 2009 ; Turner, 2009 ; Raleigh et al., 2011 ; Shen et al., 2011 ). Although this demonstrates that occludin can serve a regulatory role, it does not explain the role of occludin in TNF-induced barrier loss, which increases flux across the size- and charge-nonselective leak pathway (Wang et al., 2005 ; Weber et al., 2010 ). In vitro studies, however, do suggest that occludin contributes to leak pathway regulation, as occludin knockdown in either Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) or human intestinal (Caco-2) epithelial monolayers enhances leak pathway permeability (Yu et al., 2005 ; Al-Sadi et al., 2011 ; Ye et al., 2011 ). Taken as a whole, these data suggest that occludin organizes the tight junction to limit leak pathway flux, whereas occludin removal, either by knockdown or endocytosis, enhances leak pathway flux.To define the mechanisms by which occludin regulates the leak pathway, we analyzed the contributions of occludin, as well as specific occludin domains, to basal and TNF-induced barrier regulation. The data indicate that TNF destabilizes tight junction–associated occludin via interactions mediated by the C-terminal coiled-coil occludin/ELL domain (OCEL). Further, these OCEL-mediated events are required for TNF-induced barrier regulation. Thus these data provide new insight into the structural elements and mechanisms by which occludin regulates leak pathway paracellular flux.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE) binds to the extracellular loop 2 of a subset of claudins, e.g. claudin-3. Here, the molecular mechanism of the CPE-claudin interaction was analyzed. Using peptide arrays, recombinant CPE-(116–319) bound to loop 2 peptides of mouse claudin-3, -6, -7, -9, and -14 but not of 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10–13, 15, 16, 18–20, and 22. Substitution peptide mapping identified the central motif 148NPL150VP, supposed to represent a turn region in the loop 2, as essential for the interaction between CPE and murine claudin-3 peptides. CPE-binding assays with claudin-3 mutant-transfected HEK293 cells or lysates thereof demonstrated the involvement of Asn148 and Leu150 of full-length claudin-3 in the binding. CPE-(116–319) and CPE-(194–319) bound to HEK293 cells expressing claudin-3, whereas CPE-(116–319) bound to claudin-5-expressing HEK293 cells, also. This binding was inhibited by substitutions T151A and Q156E in claudin-5. In contrast, removal of the aromatic side chains in the loop 2 of claudin-3 and -5, involved in trans-interaction between claudins, increased the amount of CPE-(116–319) bound. These findings and molecular modeling indicate different molecular mechanisms of claudin-claudin trans-interaction and claudin-CPE interaction. Confocal microscopy showed that CPE-(116–319) and CPE-(194–319) bind to claudin-3 at the plasma membrane, outside cell-cell contacts. Together, these findings demonstrate that CPE binds to the hydrophobic turn and flanking polar residues in the loop 2 of claudin-3 outside tight junctions. The data can be used for the specific design of CPE-based modulators of tight junctions, to improve drug delivery, and as chemotherapeutics for tumors overexpressing claudins.The clinical use of many promising drug candidates is impeded by unacceptable pharmacokinetics (1). The ability of a drug to pass through tissue barriers is a major determinant for its delivery. In epithelia and endothelia, the paracellular route is blocked by tight junctions (TJ).4 Different approaches have been used to enhance transcellular drug delivery. These include the use of influx transporters, blocking of efflux transporters, or receptor-mediated endocytosis (2). Alternative approaches aim to enhance paracellular permeation of drugs by loosening the TJ (3, 4). This strategy has the advantage that it could improve the delivery of structurally unrelated drugs, and the drug itself does not have to be modified. Although different TJ modulators have been described, most of these are based on surfactants or chelators (3). These often have low tissue specificity and cause severe side effects, e.g. exfoliation of cells, which irreversibly compromise the barrier functions (5, 6). Fewer side effects may be obtained by more specific modulation of a molecular key component of the TJ (7).TJ consist of transmembrane proteins, mainly the tetraspan proteins of the claudin family, as well as occludin and tricellulin (8). Other molecules associated with TJ include membrane-bound scaffolding and signaling proteins (9). However, claudins (Cld) are the major functional constituent of TJ (10). Claudins tighten the paracellular space, selectively for tissue, size, and charge. The tissue-specific combination of the claudin subtypes present in heteropolymers is assumed to determine the permeability properties of TJ (11). It was therefore proposed that tissue-specific drug delivery via the paracellular route would be possible by modulation of the barrier-function of claudins in a subtype-specific manner (7).A subset of claudins, e.g. Cld3 and -4 but not -1 and -2, have been shown to be receptors for Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE) with high association constants of about 108 m−1 (12). CPE causes one of the most common food-borne diseases (13). It consists of two functional domains, an N-terminal region that mediates the cytotoxic effect and the C-terminal region (CPE-(184–319)), which binds to extracellular loop 2 (ECL2) of Cld3 but not of Cld1 nor to the ECL1 of Cld3 (12). Treatment of epithelial monolayers with non-cytotoxic CPE-(184–319) increases paracellular permeability (14). CPE-(184–319) enhanced drug absorption in rat jejunum 400-fold relative to sodium caprate, which is in clinical use (15). Thus, CPE is a promising tool to specifically modulate claudins, the key constituents of TJ, and thereby to enhance paracellular drug delivery. In addition, some studies have suggested the use of CPE for the chemotherapy of tumors overexpressing claudins (1618).Cld1 and -5 are potential targets for transepidermal and brain drug delivery, respectively (19, 20). However, it has been reported that these claudins do not interact with CPE (12). Modification of CPE could enhance and/or shift its claudin-subtype specificity. Therefore, the design of CPE-based TJ modulators could permit efficient claudin subtype-specific modulation, which would also be tissue-specific modulation of TJ. To achieve this, an understanding of the molecular mechanism of the CPE-claudin interaction is a necessary prerequisite. In this study, we identify the residues within the ECL2 of Cld3 that are involved in interaction with CPE.  相似文献   

Decomposing a biological sequence into its functional regions is an important prerequisite to understand the molecule. Using the multiple alignments of the sequences, we evaluate a segmentation based on the type of statistical variation pattern from each of the aligned sites. To describe such a more general pattern, we introduce multipattern consensus regions as segmented regions based on conserved as well as interdependent patterns. Thus the proposed consensus region considers patterns that are statistically significant and extends a local neighborhood. To show its relevance in protein sequence analysis, a cancer suppressor gene called p53 is examined. The results show significant associations between the detected regions and tendency of mutations, location on the 3D structure, and cancer hereditable factors that can be inferred from human twin studies.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27]  相似文献   

Wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) attacks the integrity of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) barrier system. The pathogenic process was hypothesized to be mediated by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and antagonized by pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF). To dissect these functional interactions, monolayer cultures of RPE cells were established, and changes in transepithelial resistance were evaluated after administration of PEDF, placenta growth factor (VEGF-R1 agonist), and VEGF-E (VEGF-R2 agonist). A recently described mechanism of VEGF inhibition in endothelia required the release of VEGF-R1 intracellular domain by γ-secretase. To evaluate this pathway in the RPE, cells were pretreated with inhibitors DAPT or LY411575. Processing of VEGF receptors was assessed by Western blot analysis. Administration of VEGF-E rapidly increased RPE permeability, and PEDF inhibited the VEGF-E response dose-dependently. Both γ-secretase antagonists prevented the inhibitory effects of PEDF. The co-administration of PEDF and VEGF-E depleted the amount of VEGF-R2 in the membrane and increased the amount of VEGF-R2 ectodomain in the media. Therefore, the inhibitory effect of PEDF appears to be mediated via the processing of VEGF-R2 by γ-secretase. γ-Secretase generates the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide of Alzheimer disease from its precursor (amyloid precursor protein). This peptide is also a component of drusen in dry AMD. The results support the hypothesis that misregulation of γ-secretase may not only lead to Aβ deposits in dry AMD but can also be damaging to RPE function by blocking the protective effects of PEDF to prevent VEGF from driving the dry to wet AMD transition.Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)2 is often diagnosed by the appearance of subretinal fluid. This fluid causes a local detachment of the retina in the macular area resulting in decreased visual acuity in the center of the visual field (1). The resulting macular edema can lead to complete vision loss (2). Although the excessive fluid mainly comes from capillaries in the inner retina, the removal of subretinal fluid is dependent on the RPE. The maintenance of RPE barrier function is essential for the efficient removal of the fluid (3), and the disruption of the RPE barrier can eventually lead to choroidal neovascularization.Recent clinical studies have shown that intravitreally administered anti-VEGF compounds are effective therapies for choroidal neovascularization (46). Originally, VEGF was described as an endothelial angiogenic and vasopermeability factor. The leakage through the vessels of the inner retina increases in response to VEGF (7, 8). However, the release of VEGF also affects RPE function (911). We have recently shown that RPE barrier integrity is modulated by VEGF through apically oriented VEGF-R2 receptors (12). Thus, there is a growing body of evidence that intraocular VEGF can increase the permeability of both the inner and outer blood-retina barriers, contributing to the accumulation of subretinal fluid and macular edema.Pigment epithelium-derived factor was initially identified as a neurotrophic agent secreted by fetal human RPE cells (13). Subsequent experiments have recognized that PEDF is an endogenous antagonist of VEGF (14). In the eye, studies have provided evidence that endothelial quiescence and barrier function is achieved through a balance of VEGF and PEDF (15). The PEDF secretion pattern from the RPE cells is predominantly apical, and the interphotoreceptor matrix around the RPE microvilli is a major reservoir of PEDF (16, 17). Therefore, we hypothesize that PEDF can antagonize the breakdown of RPE function induced by the apical actions of VEGF.Several schemes have been proposed for the anti-VEGF activity of PEDF. A PEDF receptor has been identified, which has phospholipase A2 activity (18). PEDF binding proteins without clear receptor activity have also been found (19). In endothelial cells, PEDF has also been shown to compete with VEGF for binding at the VEGF-R2 receptor (20). PEDF was found to regulate VEGF expression (20, 21) and decrease VEGF receptor phosphorylation (14). A recent study in endothelia has elucidated a novel inhibitory mechanism of VEGF signaling via the PEDF-induced intramembrane proteolysis of VEGF-R1 by γ-secretase (22). The goal of our study is to determine if PEDF acts as an anti-permeability agent in the RPE and to begin to understand the cellular mechanism involved in this response.  相似文献   

A variety of high-throughput methods have made it possible to generate detailed temporal expression data for a single gene or large numbers of genes. Common methods for analysis of these large data sets can be problematic. One challenge is the comparison of temporal expression data obtained from different growth conditions where the patterns of expression may be shifted in time. We propose the use of wavelet analysis to transform the data obtained under different growth conditions to permit comparison of expression patterns from experiments that have time shifts or delays. We demonstrate this approach using detailed temporal data for a single bacterial gene obtained under 72 different growth conditions. This general strategy can be applied in the analysis of data sets of thousands of genes under different conditions.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]  相似文献   

Insulin plays a central role in the regulation of vertebrate metabolism. The hormone, the post-translational product of a single-chain precursor, is a globular protein containing two chains, A (21 residues) and B (30 residues). Recent advances in human genetics have identified dominant mutations in the insulin gene causing permanent neonatal-onset DM2 (14). The mutations are predicted to block folding of the precursor in the ER of pancreatic β-cells. Although expression of the wild-type allele would in other circumstances be sufficient to maintain homeostasis, studies of a corresponding mouse model (57) suggest that the misfolded variant perturbs wild-type biosynthesis (8, 9). Impaired β-cell secretion is associated with ER stress, distorted organelle architecture, and cell death (10). These findings have renewed interest in insulin biosynthesis (1113) and the structural basis of disulfide pairing (1419). Protein evolution is constrained not only by structure and function but also by susceptibility to toxic misfolding.Insulin plays a central role in the regulation of vertebrate metabolism. The hormone, the post-translational product of a single-chain precursor, is a globular protein containing two chains, A (21 residues) and B (30 residues). Recent advances in human genetics have identified dominant mutations in the insulin gene causing permanent neonatal-onset DM2 (14). The mutations are predicted to block folding of the precursor in the ER of pancreatic β-cells. Although expression of the wild-type allele would in other circumstances be sufficient to maintain homeostasis, studies of a corresponding mouse model (57) suggest that the misfolded variant perturbs wild-type biosynthesis (8, 9). Impaired β-cell secretion is associated with ER stress, distorted organelle architecture, and cell death (10). These findings have renewed interest in insulin biosynthesis (1113) and the structural basis of disulfide pairing (1419). Protein evolution is constrained not only by structure and function but also by susceptibility to toxic misfolding.  相似文献   

Mathematical tools developed in the context of Shannon information theory were used to analyze the meaning of the BLOSUM score, which was split into three components termed as the BLOSUM spectrum (or BLOSpectrum). These relate respectively to the sequence convergence (the stochastic similarity of the two protein sequences), to the background frequency divergence (typicality of the amino acid probability distribution in each sequence), and to the target frequency divergence (compliance of the amino acid variations between the two sequences to the protein model implicit in the BLOCKS database). This treatment sharpens the protein sequence comparison, providing a rationale for the biological significance of the obtained score, and helps to identify weakly related sequences. Moreover, the BLOSpectrum can guide the choice of the most appropriate scoring matrix, tailoring it to the evolutionary divergence associated with the two sequences, or indicate if a compositionally adjusted matrix could perform better.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]  相似文献   

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