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Synaptonemal complex (SC) proteins Hop1 and Mek1 have been proposed to promote homologous recombination in meiosis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by establishment of a barrier against sister chromatid recombination. Therefore, it is interesting to know whether the homologous proteins play a similar role in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Unequal sister chromatid recombination (USCR) was found to be increased in hop1 and mek1 single and double deletion mutants in assays for intrachromosomal recombination (ICR). Meiotic intergenic (crossover) and intragenic (conversion) recombination between homologous chromosomes was reduced. Double-strand break (DSB) levels were also lowered. Notably, deletion of hop1 restored DSB repair in rad50S meiosis. This may indicate altered DSB repair kinetics in hop1 and mek1 deletion strains. A hypothesis is advanced proposing transient inhibition of DSB processing by Hop1 and Mek1 and thus providing more time for repair by interaction with the homologous chromosome. Loss of Hop1 and Mek1 would then result in faster repair and more interaction with the sister chromatid. Thus, in S. pombe meiosis, where an excess of sister Holliday junction over homologous Holliday junction formation has been demonstrated, Hop1 and Mek1 possibly enhance homolog interactions to ensure wild-type level of crossover formation rather than inhibiting sister chromatid interactions.Sexual reproduction in eukaryotes involves formation of haploid gametes from diploid cells by one round of DNA replication, pairing of the homologous chromosomes, and recombination and then by the two meiotic divisions (53). In fungi the gametes differentiate into haploid spores, which germinate to form vegetative cells. Crossover (CO) formation between homologous chromosomes and DNA repair processes between sister chromatids are required for spore viability (10, 55, 58).In vegetative cells homologous recombination (HR) is important for repair of DNA damage and stalled replication forks, with the sister chromatid as the preferred partner (28). Many of the enzymes involved in mitotic HR also contribute to meiotic recombination. In addition, meiosis-specific cytological structures and enzymes enhance recombination frequency (meiotic induction) and shift partner preference from sister chromatids to homologous chromosomes (3, 47, 64, 74). In detail the steps of HR vary between different types of sequence organization (allelic versus sister versus ectopic), between different types of DNA damage, between meiotic and mitotic cells, and between species (10, 55, 58).Meiotic recombination, including CO formation, is initiated by DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other eukaryotes, DSBs are formed by Spo11. Many cofactors are required (29). The Schizosaccharomyces pombe homolog is Rec12, also requiring auxiliary factors whose elimination leads to loss of meiotic DSB formation (12). The 5′ single-strand ends at DSBs are processed by nucleases. In S. cerevisiae the MRX complex made up by the proteins Rad50, Mre11, and Xrs2 is required for this resection, as well as for DSB formation. The corresponding MRN complex of S. pombe (Rad50, Rad32, and Nbs1) is not required for DSB formation but is essential for DSB repair (43, 72). Deletion of rad50, rad32, or ctp1 (homologous to SAE2/COM1 in S. cerevisiae and CtIP in humans) leads to very low spore viability. These proteins are also essential for DSB processing (23, 24, 32, 43, 60, 62).Free DNA 3′ ends at DSBs are recruited for invasion of a sister or homologous chromatid by the strand transfer proteins Rad51 and Dmc1, again involving many accessory proteins (16). This results in the central intermediates of HR: heteroduplex DNA consisting of single strands originating from different chromatids and Holliday junctions (HJs). In S. cerevisiae HJs form preferably between homologs with a two- to sixfold excess over intersister HJs (64). Surprisingly, meiotic HJs form with about a fourfold excess between sisters in S. pombe (11). Eventually the intermediates are resolved into crossover (CO) and noncrossover (NCO) events. COs show exchange of the flanking sequences of the two chromatids involved and usually carry a patch of conversion (unilateral transfer of DNA sequences from one chromatid to its interacting partner) near the DSB site. NCOs are conversion events without associated COs (22). In S. pombe loss of core HR functions leads to very low spore viability: deletion of rad51 but not of dmc1 (20), double mutation of rad54 and rdh54 (7), inactivation of the endonuclease activity encoded by mus81 and eme1 (5, 52), and combined deletion of rad22 and rti1 (homologs of RAD52 of S. cerevisiae). But, differently from the other core functions, Rad22 and Rti1 are not required for CO and NCO (50).Early in meiotic prophase of many eukaryotes, axial elements (called lateral elements in later stages) form along sister chromatids, and pairing of homologous chromosomes is initiated, leading to juxtaposition of the homologous chromosomes along their whole length in the synaptonemal complex (SC) (54). In S. pombe no SC is formed, but linear elements (LEs), resembling axial elements of other eukaryotes, are formed. LEs do not form continuously along the chromosomes (1) but load the proteins Rec10, Hop1, and Mek1 (36, 44, 57), which are homologs of, or at least related, to the S. cerevisiae proteins Red1, Hop1, and Mek1, respectively, localizing to axial/lateral elements (2, 67). Hop1 carries a HORMA domain, also present in proteins associating with axial elements and regulating the progress of recombination in higher eukaryotes: Arabidopsis thaliana (61), Caenorhabditis elegans (9, 41), and mammals (18).In S. cerevisiae localization of Hop1 and Mek1 (meiosis-specific protein kinase) to axial elements is dependent on Red1 (2, 67). Mutation of the three S. cerevisiae genes results in reduction of DSB formation, CO and conversion frequencies, and spore viability (26, 31, 59). Direct comparison of unequal sister chromatid recombination (USCR) frequencies in an assay excluding the scoring of intrachromatid recombination (ICR) revealed no increase in the hop1 null mutant but about fourfold increases in the red1 and mek1 null mutants (69). The S. cerevisiae Hop1, Red1, and Mek1 proteins are involved in biasing meiotic DSB repair to occur between homologous chromosomes rather than between sister chromatids (47). Activated Mek1 kinase is required for the inhibition of sister chromatid-mediated DSB repair by Rad51, when the DMC1 gene is deleted and the meiotic recombination checkpoint is activated (4, 27, 38, 47). For Mek1 activation, phosphorylation of Hop1 by the Mec1/Tel1 kinases is also required (6).Less is known about the S. pombe proteins. Hop1 of S. pombe was identified as a nonsignificant hit by sequence comparison with full-length S. cerevisiae Hop1 and contains an N-terminal HORMA domain and a central zinc finger motif like Hop1 in S. cerevisiae. In addition they share a short homology block toward the C terminus (36). The Mek1 protein of S. pombe shares 34% identity and 54% similarity with its S. cerevisiae counterpart along the whole sequence. It contains an FHA domain in the N-terminal part like the other members of its family of checkpoint kinases and is involved in regulation of the meiotic cell cycle (57). Hop1 and Mek1 are strongly expressed in meiosis but not expressed or only slightly expressed in vegetative cells (42, 57). In prophase both proteins localize to LEs as defined by colocalization with the LE component Rec10 (36). Deletion of the distant RED1 homolog rec10 abolishes LE formation (36, 44) and strongly reduces meiotic recombination (17, 70). Rec10, but not Hop1 and Mek1, is required for localization of Rec7 (a distant homolog of S. cerevisiae Rec114) to meiotic chromosomes (34). Rec7 and Rec10 are required for Rec12 activity (12, 29).Obtaining information on the functions of Hop1 and Mek1 in S. pombe was the aim of the work presented here, especially on their possible roles in homolog versus sister discrimination for DSB repair. Deletion mutants have been studied with respect to spore viability and the frequencies of CO and conversion. They have also been assessed for genetic recombination events between sister chromatids in the known PS1 assay (63) and the newly developed VL1 assay (for details, see Fig. Fig.3).3). Physical analysis of DSB formation and repair has been performed in meiotic time course experiments. It is proposed that S. pombe Hop1 and Mek1 are promoting interactions between homologous chromosomes rather than inhibiting interactions between sister chromatids.Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.PS1 and VL1 assay systems for intrachromosomal recombination. Strains with constructs carrying repeated DNA sequences have been assayed for prototroph formation either by intrachromatid recombination (ICR, yielding prototrophs only in PS1) or by unequal sister chromatid recombination (USCR, in PS1 and VL1). Crosses of the constructs were performed with strains carrying a deletion of the ade6 gene to exclude other homologous recombination events. (A) The PS1 assay involves copies of the ade6 gene inactivated by either the hot spot mutation M26 or the mutation 469. The repeated sequences are separated by the ura4+ marker (63). ICR (left) or USCR (right) between the repeated sequences can lead to formation of adenine prototrophs that have lost the ura4+ marker by crossover (CO) or single-strand annealing (SSA) events. Adenine prototrophs maintaining the ura4+ marker can derive from noncrossover (NCO) events. Both types of pairing may lead to CO or NCO products. (B) The newly constructed VL1 assay (see the supplemental material) involves different truncations of the ade6 gene separated by the hygR marker (also called hphMX6), conferring hygromycin resistance. The left truncation carries a 3′ portion of ade6; the right truncation carries a 5′ portion of ade6. While the gray parts of the truncations are not overlapping, the white sections of 500-bp length are of almost identical sequence, allowing for homologous pairing. CO and SSA products resulting from ICR retain only the central portion of ade6 and remain auxotrophic. Adenine prototrophic CO and NCO products resulting from USCR both retain hygromycin resistance. Note that NCO events may arise through loop formation of one sister chromatid and pairing with a single block (500 bp) of the repeated ade6 sequence (39).  相似文献   

Three mouse chromosomes (MMU 1, 3, and 4) carry homologs of human chromosome 1 (HSA 1) genes. A similar situation is found in the bovine, where five bovine chromosomes (BTA 2, 3, 5, 16, and unassigued syntenic group U25) contain homologs of HSA 1 loci. To evaluate further the syntenic relationship of HSA 1 homologs in cattle, 10 loci have been physically mapped through segregation analysis in bovine-rodent hybrid somatic cells. These loci, chosen for their location on HSA 1, are antithrombin 3 (AT3), renin (REN), complement component receptor 2 (CR2), phosphofructokinase muscle type (PFKM), Gardner-Rasheed feline sarcoma viral (v-fgr) oncogene homolog (FGR), α fucosidase (FUCA1), G-protein β1 subunit (GNB1), α 1A amylase, (AMY1), the neuroblastoma RAS viral (v-ras) oncogene homolog (NRAS), and α skeletal actin (ACTA1). AT3, REN, CR2, and GNB1 mapped to BTA 16, PFKM to BTA 5, AMY1A and NRAS to BTA 3, FGR and FUCA1 to BTA 2, and ACTA1 to BTA 28.  相似文献   

Malignant gliomas are highly lethal neoplasms with limited treatment options. We previously found that the heparan sulfate proteoglycan glypican 1 (GPC1) is universally and highly expressed in human gliomas. In this study, we investigated the biological activity of GPC1 expression in both human glioma cells and normal astrocytes in vitro. Expression of GPC1 inactivates the G1/S checkpoint and strongly stimulates DNA replication. Constitutive expression of GPC1 causes DNA rereplication and DNA damage, suggesting a mutagenic activity for GPC1. GPC1 expression leads to a significant downregulation of the tumor suppressors pRb, Cip/Kip cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs), and CDH1, and upregulation of the pro-oncogenic proteins cyclin E, cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2), Skp2, and Cdt1. These GPC1-induced changes are accompanied by a significant reduction in all types of D cyclins, which is independent of serum supplementation. It is likely that GPC1 stimulates the so-called Skp2 autoinduction loop, independent of cyclin D-CDK4/6. Knockdown of Skp2, CDK2, or cyclin E, three key elements within the network modulated by GPC1, results in a reduction of the S phase and aneuploid fractions, implying a functional role for these regulators in GPC1-induced S phase entry and DNA rereplication. In addition, a significant activation of both the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signaling pathways by GPC1 is seen in normal human astrocytes even in the presence of growth factor supplement. Both pathways are constitutively activated in human gliomas. The surprising magnitude and the mitogenic and mutagenic nature of the effect exerted by GPC1 on the cell cycle imply that GPC1 may play an important role in both glioma tumorigenesis and growth.  相似文献   

Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) signaling in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) has been highlighted by the efficacy of FTY720 (fingolimod), which upon phosphorylation can modulate S1P receptor activities. FTY720 has become the first oral treatment for relapsing MS that was approved by the FDA in September 2010. Phosphorylated FTY720 modulates four of the five known S1P receptors (S1P(1), S1P(3), S1P(4), and S1P(5)) at high affinity. Studies in human MS and its animal model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), have revealed that FTY720 exposure alters lymphocyte trafficking via sequestration of auto-aggressive lymphocytes within lymphoid organs, representing the current understanding of its mechanism of action. These effects primarily involve S1P(1), which is thought to attenuate inflammatory insults in the central nervous system (CNS). In addition, FTY720's actions may involve direct effects on S1P receptor-mediated signaling in CNS cells, based upon the known expression of S1P receptors in CNS cell types relevant to MS, access to the CNS through the blood-brain barrier (BBB), and in vitro studies. These data implicate lysophospholipid signaling--via S1P(1) and perhaps other lysophospholipid receptors--in therapeutic approaches to MS and potentially other diseases with immunological and/or neurological components.  相似文献   

There is mounting evidence that replication defects are the major source of spontaneous genomic instability in the cell and that S phase checkpoints are the principle defense against such instability. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S phase checkpoints can be provoked by either depletion of dNTPs or DNA damage. In both cases the checkpoint kinases Mec1 and Rad53 act to suppress late origin firing, stabilize slowed or stalled replication forks and prevent S phase progression until conditions are appropriate for the resumption of DNA replication. The present review highlights recent work emphasizing the central importance of replication forks, not just as targets, but also as sensors and primary effectors of checkpoint responses, and identifies the roles played by specific fork-associated factors in these processes.  相似文献   

One of the key differences between mitosis and meiosis is the necessity for exchange between homologous chromosomes. Crossing-over between homologous chromosomes is essential for proper meiotic chromosome segregation in most organisms, serving the purpose of linking chromosomes to their homologous partners until they segregate from one another at anaphase I. In several organisms it has been shown that occasional pairs of chromosomes that have failed to experience exchange segregate with reduced fidelity compared to exchange chromosomes, but do not segregate randomly. Such observations support the notion that there are mechanisms, beyond exchange, that contribute to meiotic segregation fidelity. Recent findings indicate that active centromere pairing is important for proper kinetochore orientation and consequently, segregation of non-exchange chromosomes. Here we discuss the implications of these findings for the behavior of meiotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

ELA1, the pancreatic elastase 1 gene, is conserved in mammalian genomes. ELA1 was previously mapped to chromosome 12 using a panel of mouse–human somatic cell hybrids. We now report the physical and cytogenetic localization of the ELA1 gene. On the physical map, ELA1 is adjacent to the polymorphic marker AFMa283yg1 and between D12S361 and D12S347. Using fluorescencein situhybridization, we determined that ELA1 maps to 12q13.  相似文献   

In proliferating cells, DNA synthesis must be performed with extreme precision. We show that groups of replicons, labeled together as replicon clusters, form stable units of chromosome structure. HeLa cells were labeled with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) at different times of S phase. At the onset of S phase, clusters of replicons were activated in each of ~750 replication sites. The majority of these replication “foci” were shown to be individual replicon clusters that remained together, as stable cohorts, throughout the following 15 cell cycles. In individual cells, the same replication foci were labeled with BrdU and 5-iododeoxyuridine at the beginning of different cell cycles. In DNA fibers, 95% of replicons in replicon clusters that were labeled at the beginning of one S phase were also labeled at the beginning of the next. This shows that a subset of origins are activated both reliably and efficiently in different cycles.

The majority of replication forks activated at the onset of S phase terminated 45–60 min later. During this interval, secondary replicon clusters became active. However, while the activation of early replicons is synchronized at the onset of S phase, different secondary clusters were activated at different times. Nevertheless, replication foci pulse labeled during any short interval of S phase were stable for many cell cycles. We propose that the coordinated replication of related groups of replicons, that form stable replicon clusters, contributes to the efficient activation and propagation of S phase in mammalian cells.


We report the mapping of the human and mouse genes encoding SEK1 (SAPK/ERK kinase-1), a newly identified protein kinase that is a potent physiological activator of the stress-activated protein kinases. The human SERK1 gene was assigned to human chromosome 17 using genomic DNAs from human–rodent somatic cell hybrid lines. A specific human PCR product was observed solely in the somatic cell line containing human chromosome 17. The mouseSerk1gene was mapped to chromosome 11, closely linked toD11Mit4,using genomic DNAs from a (C57BL/6J ×Mus spretus)F1×M. spretusbackcross.  相似文献   

Sister chromatid cohesion, mediated by cohesin complexes, is laid down during DNA replication and is essential for the accurate segregation of chromosomes. Previous studies indicated that, in addition to their cohesion function, cohesins are essential for completion of recombination, pairing, meiotic chromosome axis formation, and assembly of the synaptonemal complex (SC). Using mutants in the cohesin subunit Rec8, in which phosphorylated residues were mutated to alanines, we show that cohesin phosphorylation is not only important for cohesin removal, but that cohesin's meiotic prophase functions are distinct from each other. We find pairing and SC formation to be dependent on Rec8, but independent of the presence of a sister chromatid and hence sister chromatid cohesion. We identified mutations in REC8 that differentially affect Rec8's cohesion, pairing, recombination, chromosome axis and SC assembly function. These findings define Rec8 as a key determinant of meiotic chromosome morphogenesis and a central player in multiple meiotic events.  相似文献   

Sphingosine 1-phosphate (Sph-1-P) is a bioactive lipid mediator released from activated platelets. To date, 5 seven-transmembrane-spanning receptors, Edg-1/S1P1, Edg-3/S1P3, Edg-5/S1P2, Edg-6/S1P4 and Edg-8/S1P5, have been identified as specific Sph-1-P receptors. Our recent novel studies established that Edg-1/S1P1 is glycosylated in its N-terminal extracellular portion and further identified the specific glycosylation site as asparagine 30. We also demonstrated that the structure of the N-terminal ectodomain of Edg-1/S1P1 affects both its transport to the cell surface and the N-glycosylation process. These studies revealed a possible regulatory role for the N-glycan on Edg-1/S1P1 in the dynamics of the receptor, such as its lateral and internal movements within the membrane, in ligand-stimulated mammalian cells. Published in 2004.  相似文献   

Most ofthe human Not I linking clones identified to date areconsidered to be derived from CpG islands because ofthe recognitionsequence of this enzyme, and CpG islands have been reportedto be located around the 5' regions of genes. As a pilot study,we determined the complete nucleotide sequence (41,924 bp) ofa human cosmid clone (LL21NC02Q7A10) containing the marker D21S246originating from a Not I linking clone. As a result of sequenceanalysis, we successfully mapped and revealed the genomic genestructure for KIAA0002 previously reported as a cDNA clone.This gene consists of 15 exons and was shown to exist at theD21S246 locus on human chromosome 21q21.3–q22.1. Theseresults demonstrated that genomic marker-anchored DNA sequencingis a useful approach for the human genome project.  相似文献   

Alu家族是灵长类动物特有的且是最重要的短散在元件(short interspersed elements,SINEs),经过6千5百万年的进化,Alu序列在基因组中约有120万份拷贝,占基因组的10%以上。Alu家族在基因组中有很多功能,如介导重组、基因插入和删除、甲基化和A-to-I的编辑作用、调控转录和翻译、选择性剪接等等。Alu家族的变异与疾病和进化存在密切关系。  相似文献   

Abnormalities involving chromosome 13 have been reported as the only cytogenetic change in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (BCLL). Deletions are the most common cytogenetic abnormality and always involve 13q14, but when translocations are seen, the consistent breakpoint is always in 13q14. It is now established that deletions, distal to the RB1 gene in 13q14, are invariably associated with these translocations. We have recently described the smallest such deletion from a series of rearrangements from these tumors isolated in somatic cell hybrids, which spans approximately 1 Mb. In this report, we present the results of a series of a chromosome walking experiments using YACs and have been able to span this small deletion, which must contain the gene that is frequently deleted in BCLL. Four probes from 13q14 (RBI-mgg15-D13S25-D13S31) were used to isolate corresponding YACs for each of the markers. The chromosomal location of these YACs was verified using FISH, which also demonstrated their nonchimeric nature. Vectorette end rescue was then used to demonstrate the overlap of the YACs and to isolate new clones to complete the contig. The extremes of the contig were shown to cross the chromosome 13 translocation breakpoints isolated in somatic cell hybrids that carry the derivatives of chromosome 13 involved in the smallest BCLL deletion. This YAC contig covers the entire deletion and will prove a valuable resource to begin isolating genes from this region. In addition, we have isolated YACs corresponding to the RB1 locus, which extends the contig over a 3.8-cM distance on the chromosome.  相似文献   

Normal human fibroblasts (NHF1) were released from confluence arrest (G0) and replated in medium containing bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and aphidicolin. Despite severe reduction in the rate of DNA synthesis by aphidicolin, cells reentering the cell cycle incorporated BrdU at regions of the human genome that replicated very early in S phase. After removal of aphidicolin and BrdU from the tissue culture medium, cells were collected in mitosis. Q-banding with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole/actinomycin D was used to identify metaphase chromosomes. A monoclonal anti-BrdU antibody and a fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated goat anti-mouse antibody were used to identify the BrdU-labeled sites. The criterion for scoring DNA replication sites was the detection of FITC fluorescence at homologous regions of both sister chromatids. Early replicating regions mapped within R-bands, but not all R-bands incorporated BrdU. Chromosomal bands 1p36.1, 8q24.1, 12q13, 15q15, 15q22, and 22q13 were labeled in 53% or more of the copies of these chromosomes in the data set, suggesting that these sites replicated very early in S phase. Chromosomal band 15q22 was the most frequently labeled site (64%), which indicates that it contains some of the earliest replicating sequences in normal human fibroblasts.  相似文献   

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