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The predominant mechanism of drug resistance in African trypanosomes is decreased drug uptake due to loss-of-function mutations in the genes for the transporters that mediate drug import. The role of transporters as determinants of drug susceptibility is well documented from laboratory-selected Trypanosoma brucei mutants. But clinical isolates, especially of T. b. gambiense, are less amenable to experimental investigation since they do not readily grow in culture without prior adaptation. Here we analyze a selected panel of 16 T. brucei ssp. field isolates that (i) have been adapted to axenic in vitro cultivation and (ii) mostly stem from treatment-refractory cases. For each isolate, we quantify the sensitivity to melarsoprol, pentamidine, and diminazene, and sequence the genomic loci of the transporter genes TbAT1 and TbAQP2. The former encodes the well-characterized aminopurine permease P2 which transports several trypanocides including melarsoprol, pentamidine, and diminazene. We find that diminazene-resistant field isolates of T. b. brucei and T. b. rhodesiense carry the same set of point mutations in TbAT1 that was previously described from lab mutants. Aquaglyceroporin 2 has only recently been identified as a second transporter involved in melarsoprol/pentamidine cross-resistance. Here we describe two different kinds of TbAQP2 mutations found in T. b. gambiense field isolates: simple loss of TbAQP2, or loss of wild-type TbAQP2 allele combined with the formation of a novel type of TbAQP2/3 chimera. The identified mutant T. b. gambiense are 40- to 50-fold less sensitive to pentamidine and 3- to 5-times less sensitive to melarsoprol than the reference isolates. We thus demonstrate for the first time that rearrangements of the TbAQP2/TbAQP3 locus accompanied by TbAQP2 gene loss also occur in the field, and that the T. b. gambiense carrying such mutations correlate with a significantly reduced susceptibility to pentamidine and melarsoprol.  相似文献   



Sleeping sickness caused by Trypanosoma brucei (T.b.) gambiense constitutes a serious health problem in sub-Sahara Africa. In some foci, alarmingly high relapse rates were observed in patients treated with melarsoprol, which used to be the first line treatment for patients in the neurological disease stage. Particularly problematic was the situation in Mbuji-Mayi, East Kasai Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with a 57% relapse rate compared to a 5% relapse rate in Masi-Manimba, Bandundu Province. The present study aimed at investigating the mechanisms underlying the high relapse rate in Mbuji-Mayi using an extended collection of recently isolated T.b. gambiense strains from Mbuji-Mayi and from Masi-Manimba.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Forty five T.b. gambiense strains were used. Forty one were isolated from patients that were cured or relapsed after melarsoprol treatment in Mbuji-Mayi. In vivo drug sensitivity tests provide evidence of reduced melarsoprol sensitivity in these strains. This reduced melarsoprol sensitivity was not attributable to mutations in TbAT1. However, in all these strains, irrespective of the patient treatment outcome, the two aquaglyceroporin (AQP) 2 and 3 genes are replaced by chimeric AQP2/3 genes that may be associated with resistance to pentamidine and melarsoprol. The 4 T.b. gambiense strains isolated in Masi-Manimba contain both wild-type AQP2 and a different chimeric AQP2/3. These findings suggest that the reduced in vivo melarsoprol sensitivity of the Mbuji-Mayi strains and the high relapse rates in that sleeping sickness focus are caused by mutations in the AQP2/AQP3 locus and not by mutations in TbAT1.


We conclude that mutations in the TbAQP2/3 locus of the local T.b. gambiense strains may explain the high melarsoprol relapse rates in the Mbuji-Mayi focus but other factors must also be involved in the treatment outcome of individual patients.  相似文献   

Using an in vitro model of the human blood-brain barrier consisting of human brain microvascular endothelial cells we recently demonstrated that Trypanosoma brucei gambiense bloodstream-forms efficiently cross these cells via a paracellular route while Trypanosoma brucei brucei crosses these cells poorly. Using a combination of techniques that include fluorescence activated cell sorting, confocal and electron microscopy, we now show that some T.b. gambiense blood stream form parasites have the capacity to enter human brain microvascular endothelial cells. The intracellular location of the trypanosomes was demonstrated in relation to the endothelial cell plasma membrane and to the actin cytoskeleton. These parasites may be a terminal stage within a lysosomal compartment or they may be viable trypanosomes that will be able to exit the brain microvascular endothelial cells. This process may provide an additional transcellular route by which the parasites cross the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial RNA-binding proteins (MRP) 1 and 2 play a regulatory role in RNA editing and putative role(s) in RNA processing in Trypanosoma brucei. Here, we report the purification of a high molecular weight protein complex consisting solely of the MRP1 and MRP2 proteins from the mitochondrion of T. brucei. The MRP1/MRP2 complex natively purified from T. brucei and the one reconstituted in Escherichia coli in vivo bind guide (g) RNAs and pre-mRNAs with dissociation constants in the nanomolar range, and efficiently promote annealing of pre-mRNAs with their cognate gRNAs. In addition, the MRP1/MRP2 complex stimulates annealing between two non-cognate RNA molecules suggesting that along with the cognate duplexes, spuriously mismatched RNA hybrids may be formed at some rate in vivo. A mechanism of catalysed annealing of gRNA/pre-mRNA by the MRP1/MRP2 complex is proposed.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma brucei (T. brucei) is responsible for the fatal human disease called African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness. The causative parasite, Trypanosoma, encodes soluble versions of inorganic pyrophosphatases (PPase), also called vacuolar soluble proteins (VSPs), which are localized to its acidocalcisomes. The latter are acidic membrane-enclosed organelles rich in polyphosphate chains and divalent cations whose significance in these parasites remains unclear. We here report the crystal structure of T. brucei brucei acidocalcisomal PPases in a ternary complex with Mg2+ and imidodiphosphate. The crystal structure reveals a novel structural architecture distinct from known class I PPases in its tetrameric oligomeric state in which a fused EF hand domain arranges around the catalytic PPase domain. This unprecedented assembly evident from TbbVSP1 crystal structure is further confirmed by SAXS and TEM data. SAXS data suggest structural flexibility in EF hand domains indicative of conformational plasticity within TbbVSP1.  相似文献   

The Trypanosoma brucei aminopurine transporter P2/TbAT1 has long been implicated in the transport of, and resistance to, the diamidine and melaminophenyl arsenical classes of drugs that form the backbone of the pharmacopoeia against African trypanosomiasis. Genetic alterations including deletions and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been observed in numerous strains and clinical isolates. Here, we systematically investigate each reported mutation and assess their effects on transporter function after expression in a tbat1?/? T. brucei line. Out of a set of six reported SNPs from a reported ‘resistance allele’, none significantly impaired sensitivity to pentamidine, diminazene or melarsoprol, relative to the TbAT1‐WT allele, although several combinations, and the deletion of the codon for residue F316, resulted in highly significant impairment. These combinations of SNPs, and ΔF316, also strongly impaired the uptake of [3H]‐adenosine and [3H]‐diminazene, identical to the tbat1?/? control. The TbAT1 protein model predicted that residues F19, D140 and F316 interact with the substrate of the transporter. Mutation of D140 to alanine resulted in an inactive transporter, whereas the mutation F19A produced a transporter with a slightly increased affinity for [3H]‐diminazene but reduced the uptake rate. The results presented here validate earlier hypotheses of drug binding motifs for TbAT1.  相似文献   

Nucleoside transporters are likely to play a central role in the biochemistry of the parasite Trypanosoma brucei, since these protozoa are unable to synthesize purines de novo and must salvage them from their hosts. Furthermore, nucleoside transporters have been implicated in the uptake of antiparasitic and experimental drugs in these and other parasites. We have cloned the gene for a T. brucei nucleoside transporter, TbNT2, and shown that this permease is related in sequence to mammalian equilibrative nucleoside transporters. Expression of the TbNT2 gene in Xenopus oocytes reveals that the permease transports adenosine, inosine, and guanosine and hence has the substrate specificity of the P1 type nucleoside transporters that have been previously characterized by uptake assays in intact parasites. TbNT2 mRNA is expressed in bloodstream form (mammalian host stage) parasites but not in procyclic form (insect stage) parasites, indicating that the gene is developmentally regulated during the parasite life cycle. Genomic Southern blots suggest that there are multiple genes related in sequence to TbNT2, implying the existence of a family of nucleoside transporter genes in these parasites.  相似文献   

Procyclic forms of Trypanosoma brucei isolated from the midguts of infected tsetse flies, or freshly transformed from a strain that is close to field isolates, do not use a complete Krebs cycle. Furthermore, short stumpy bloodstream forms produce acetate and are apparently metabolically preadapted to adequate functioning in the tsetse fly.African trypanosomatids comprise various pleomorphic trypanosome species that proliferate in the bloodstream of their mammalian hosts as long slender bloodstream form (BSF) trypanosomes, and at the peak of parasitemia they differentiate into nondividing short stumpy form trypanosomes (1). After being ingested during a bloodmeal by a tsetse fly (Glossina sp.), short stumpy form trypanosomes differentiate into procyclic form (PCF) trypanosomes, which actively multiply and colonize the midgut of the fly. Subsequently, PCF Trypanosoma brucei migrates to the salivary glands while undergoing a complex differentiation (22). Here, attached epimastigote forms start multiplying, after which nondividing metacyclic trypomastigotes develop. The life cycle of T. brucei is completed when these metacyclic trypomastigotes are injected into a mammal through the bite of an infected fly, after which they transform into long slender BSF trypanosomes. During this life cycle, trypanosomes encounter different environments to which they have adapted, resulting in distinct stages, characterized by morphological as well as metabolic changes. Long slender BSF trypanosomes degrade glucose by glycolysis and excrete pyruvate as the sole metabolic end product (12, 13, 23). On the other hand, PCF trypanosomes do not excrete pyruvate but degrade glucose to acetate and succinate as main end products (25). Krebs cycle activity was thought previously to be present in trypanosomatids, at least in insect stages of some African trypanosomatids (3, 9, 10, 12, 21). However, this presumed flux through the Krebs cycle is supported only poorly by direct experimental evidence and was based mainly on the presence of certain enzyme activities. Although genes for all enzymes of this cycle are indeed present in the genome and expressed in the insect stages, recent studies revealed that at least in T. brucei, the cycle is not used for the complete oxidation of acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) to carbon dioxide (2, 26). Instead, parts of the cycle are most likely used in anabolic pathways, such as gluconeogenesis and fatty acid formation, and also for the final steps in the degradation of amino acids (26). It is possible that the reported discrepancies on the presence or absence of full-circle Krebs cycle activity are caused by differences in the number of passages through mice after the isolation of the strain from the field. Such passages may have been ongoing for many years, during which the parasites were continuously propagated as BSF trypanosomes. Furthermore, most insect form trypanosomes that were investigated up to now have been propagated for many years as PCF trypanosomes in rich culture media. Hence, the reported discrepancies could be due to differences between freshly differentiated PCF trypanosomes and those well adapted to in vitro culture, and the absence of an active Krebs cycle in PCF trypanosomes could be the result of an adaptation caused by the prolonged in vitro culturing. To investigate these possibilities, we analyzed the glucose metabolism of PCF T. brucei directly after isolation from the midguts of tsetse flies. We also studied freshly differentiated PCF trypanosomes from the AntAR 1 strain, a T. brucei strain that has had a minor history of animal passaging since its field isolation (15, 17).To investigate the cause of the conflicting reports on Krebs cycle activity in PCF trypanosomes, we first analyzed the effect of environmental factors by comparing the carbohydrate metabolism of PCF trypanosomes well adapted to in vitro culturing and PCF trypanosomes isolated from their natural environment, the midguts of tsetse flies. These experiments were performed with PCF TREU 927 T. brucei, a pleomorphic strain that has been thoroughly characterized and is still able to infect Glossina morsitans, performing a complete physiological life cycle (2). For the infection of tsetse flies, male G. morsitans flies originating from the colony maintained at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium, were infected with procyclic TREU 927 T. brucei by in vitro membrane feeding and subsequently maintained for 10 days by feeding on rabbit blood (15). Then, flies were dissected on a sterile glass slide and the infected midguts were isolated and incubated for at least 30 min at 28°C in SDM-79 medium that was gently rotated. After sedimentation of the midguts by gravity, insect gut debris was removed by centrifugation at 300 × g for 5 min. PCF trypanosomes were then isolated from the collected supernatant by centrifugation at 1,500 × g for 10 min. Since PCF trypanosomes could not be isolated from the midgut without minor amounts of contaminating insect gut material, such as gut cells and debris, we also investigated the glucose metabolism of this fraction. Analysis of metabolic end products produced from [6-14C]glucose in this control incubation of insect gut debris, which also contained minor amounts of trypanosome cells, showed the formation of 14C-labeled pyruvate, CO2, acetate, and lactate (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). Minor amounts of lactate were also produced in the incubations with PCF trypanosomes isolated from the midgut, which also contained minor amounts of insect gut debris. Since lactate is not an excreted end product of T. brucei, this labeled lactate is indicative for the glucose degradation activity of insect gut debris. Therefore, end product formation in the incubations with PCF trypanosomes isolated from the midgut was corrected for end products produced by the contaminating insect gut debris by subtracting all produced lactate and the calculated accompanying amounts of other end products produced in the insect gut debris incubation. The metabolic incubations with PCF trypanosomes directly after isolation from the tsetse midgut showed that these trypanosomes degrade glucose to the same metabolic end products, acetate, succinate, and pyruvate, as the in vitro culture-adapted PCF trypanosomes (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). Furthermore, the ratio of acetate and succinate produced by PCF trypanosomes isolated from the midgut were similar to that of in vitro-cultured PCF trypanosomes (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). On the other hand, a major difference was observed in the amount of glucose consumed since the PCF trypanosomes isolated from the midguts of tsetse flies consumed 16-fold less glucose than PCF trypanosomes that were derived from in vitro cultures. This difference in glucose consumption can probably be explained by our observation that both motility and especially growth of PCF trypanosomes isolated from the midgut were significantly reduced compared to the in vitro culture-derived PCF trypanosomes. Apparently, the environmental conditions in the midgut of the fly did affect the PCF trypanosomes, but they did not significantly alter the metabolic pathways used for energy metabolism. However, PCF trypanosomes isolated from the midgut of the fly excreted more pyruvate (Fig. (Fig.1A),1A), which suggests that pyruvate is a more important metabolic end product for PCF trypanosomes under physiological conditions than acknowledged thus far. Most importantly, however, just like continuously in vitro-cultured ones, PCF trypanosomes isolated from the midgut of the fly did not degrade [6-14C]glucose to labeled CO2 (Fig. (Fig.1A),1A), which demonstrates the absence of a functional Krebs cycle in these tsetse fly-derived PCF trypanosomes.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Radioactive end products of [6-14C]glucose metabolism of procyclic TREU 927 T. brucei cells grown in vitro or isolated from the midguts of tsetse flies (A) and that of AntAR 1 T. brucei during differentiation of BSF to PCF trypanosomes (B). (A) The results of a single experiment for PCF trypanosomes isolated from the midgut and for insect gut debris and the mean + the standard deviation (SD) of three parallel incubations for in vitro-cultured PCF trypanosomes are shown. Total end product formation from [6-14C]glucose was 2.08 ± 0.19 μmol/h per 108 cells and 0.23 μmol/h per 108 cells for in vitro-cultured and midgut-isolated PCF trypanosomes, respectively, and was calculated using the number of trypanosome cells present at the beginning of the incubation. End product formation in the incubation with PCF trypanosomes isolated from the midgut was corrected for end products produced by contaminating insect gut debris (see text for details). (B) Metabolic incubations using 6-14C-labeled glucose were performed during differentiation from short stumpy BSF trypanosomes to insect stage PCF trypanosomes. Incubations with PCF trypanosomes were started at 24, 48, and 96 h after induction of differentiation (PCF trypanosomes on day 1, PCF trypanosomes on day 2, and PCF trypanosomes on day 4, respectively); means + SDs of three parallel incubations are shown (for the short stumpy form, six incubations in two independent experiments). Total glucose consumption in incubations with long slender BSF trypanosomes, short stumpy BSF trypanosomes, PCF trypanosomes on day 1, PCF trypanosomes on day 2, and PCF trypanosomes on day 4 was 4.8, 3.4, 1.5, 1.1, and 0.79 μmol/h per 108 cells, respectively. Excreted labeled end products shown in panels A and B were analyzed as described previously (25) and are expressed as the percentage of the total amount of radioactive end products produced (in the incubation of gut debris, one other unidentified end product was produced, which explains why this total in the figure does not add up to 100%). The decrease in pyruvate production between long slender and short stumpy BSF trypanosomes as well as the increase in acetate production is significant as calculated using an unpaired t test (P < 0.01 for pyruvate and P < 0.001 for acetate).Although TREU 927 T. brucei is a pleomorphic trypanosome strain, it cannot be excluded that these trypanosomes have adapted their energy metabolism during the substantial period that this strain has been cultured in vitro. Therefore, we also studied the carbohydrate metabolism of freshly transformed PCF of the T. brucei AntAR 1 strain, a well-characterized pleomorphic strain that is close to the wild isolate (17). To investigate the energy metabolism of these freshly differentiated PCF trypanosomes, AntAR 1 BSF trypanosomes were harvested from the blood of infected immune-suppressed NMRI mice as described previously (16) and either directly incubated with [6-14C]glucose or differentiated to PCF trypanosomes, by addition of 6 mM cis-aconitate and incubation at 27°C (7). These trypanosomes were then incubated with [6-14C]glucose at different time points after the initiation of differentiation. Our experiments (Fig. (Fig.1B)1B) confirmed that differentiation of trypanosomes from BSF to PCF is accompanied by a metabolic shift in excreted end products from pyruvate to acetate and succinate (3, 14, 25). This metabolic shift during differentiation of BSF to PCF trypanosomes was complete after 1 to 2 days (Fig. (Fig.1B),1B), which is in agreement with previous observations (9). A subsequent switch in medium from HMI-9, a medium used to culture BSF T. brucei, to SDM-79, a medium used for the culture of PCF T. brucei, did not result in further changes in excreted end products (data not shown).Our experiments, however, did not show any significant production of labeled CO2 and certainly not the massive increase in CO2 formation upon differentiation of BSF into PCF trypanosomes that was reported in a comparable study by Durieux et al. (9). We cannot exclude that this difference in Krebs cycle activity between our study and that of Durieux et al. is caused by a strain difference, but since the AntAR 1 strain we used can be considered to be close to the field isolate, the results presented here are indicative of wild-type T. brucei metabolism and strongly suggest that a functional Krebs cycle is absent in PCF T. brucei cells in vivo.Next to the absence of carbon dioxide formation via Krebs cycle activity during differentiation of BSF to PCF trypanosomes, our metabolic experiments also demonstrated that acetate accounted for 30% of the glucose-derived excreted labeled end products in freshly isolated BSF AntAR 1 T. brucei cells (Fig. (Fig.1B).1B). This is a surprising observation since BSF trypanosomes are reported to rely on glycolysis only and to excrete pyruvate and minor amounts of glycerol (12, 13, 23). However, the BSF trypanosomes that we tested in our incubations were predominantly short stumpy BSF cells, whereas nearly all previously performed metabolic studies of BSF trypanosomes were performed with long slender BSF cells. In order to investigate whether differentiation from long slender to short stumpy form trypanosomes indeed shifts the metabolism toward acetate formation, we analyzed the energy metabolism of BSF trypanosomes harvested from mice at two different time points after infection. At day 4 after infection, predominantly long slender BSF trypanosomes were isolated (94% long slender versus 6% short stumpy), whereas at day 7 after infection, predominantly short stumpy BSF trypanosomes were isolated (92% short stumpy versus 8% long slender). Analysis of glucose-derived metabolic end products from incubations with BSF AntAR 1 trypanosomes isolated at day 4 or at day 7 after infection showed that short stumpy BSF trypanosomes indeed produce significant amounts of acetate as an end product of glucose metabolism (Fig. (Fig.1B).1B). In the incubations with predominantly long slender BSF AntAR 1 T. brucei cells, some acetate was also produced, but this relatively small amount of acetate formation can be explained by the presence of a certain amount of short stumpy cells. Although the incubations were started with nearly 95% long slender BSF cells, BSF cells from the AntAR 1 strain are highly pleomorphic and rapidly differentiate to short stumpy forms during in vitro culture conditions. Therefore, increasing amounts of short stumpy form T. brucei were formed during our incubations (up to 40 to 50% at the end of incubation), which accounts for the amount of acetate formed during these incubations.Since acetate production in Trypanosomatidae is catalyzed by the mitochondrial enzyme acetate:succinate CoA transferase (ASCT), which was previously shown not to be expressed in in vitro-cultured BSF T. brucei (20), we examined the ASCT enzyme activity in lysates derived from either over 92% short stumpy cells or 94% long slender cells. These experiments showed that the ASCT enzyme is present in short stumpy BSF trypanosomes in an amount equivalent to around 15% of that of PCF trypanosomes (Fig. (Fig.2).2). This is in agreement with the observation that acetate is a more prominent excreted end product in PCF trypanosomes than in short stumpy BSF cells. On the other hand, ASCT activity was nearly absent in long slender BSF trypanosomes (Fig. (Fig.2),2), which confirms the conclusion that in our incubations acetate is not produced by long slender BSF trypanosomes but by short stumpy BSF trypanosomes.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.ASCT activity in total lysates of T. brucei AntAR 1. Enzymatic activity of ASCT was determined in total lysates derived from cultures containing predominantly long slender BSF trypanosomes (BSF LS; 94%), predominantly short stumpy BSF trypanosomes (BSF SS; 92%), or exclusively PCF trypanosomes (PCF). Shown are the means + standard deviations of three experiments.Hence, our experiments show that short stumpy BSF trypanosomes do not only degrade glucose by glycolysis but additionally produce acetate. Acetate formation in trypanosomes occurs via the mitochondrial enzyme ASCT and involves transfer of a CoA moiety from acetyl-CoA to succinate, yielding succinyl-CoA (24). This succinyl-CoA can then be converted back into succinate by succinyl-CoA synthetase, a reaction concomitantly converting ADP in ATP (6, 24). Therefore, our observations that short stumpy BSF trypanosomes produce acetate and express ASCT demonstrate that these stages in addition to glycolysis also use a mitochondrial pathway for the degradation of glucose and production of ATP.Multiple mitochondrial adaptations have been reported to occur during the transition from long slender BSF to short stumpy BSF T. brucei. Differential gene expression and the formation of cristea in the inner mitochondrial membrane have been shown to occur during this transition (8, 11, 19). Furthermore, the trypanosomal homologue of complex I of the respiratory chain is expressed in short stumpy BSF trypanosomes (4, 5, 18). Our experiments show that this more elaborate composition of the electron transport chain is also used by this stage, as the production of acetate implies that acetyl-CoA is formed, which is catalyzed by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and results in the production of NADH inside the mitochondrion. This means that either complex I or the alternative NADH dehydrogenase is active in this stage (18). Moreover, our experiments show that the previously reported mitochondrial adaptations in short stumpy BSF trypanosomes are not restricted to morphological changes and to changes in the composition of the electron transport chain but also result in a functionally altered energy metabolism.In conclusion, the data described in this paper demonstrate the absence of a functional Krebs cycle in the mitochondria of PCF T. brucei, isolated from the tsetse midgut or freshly differentiated from BSF trypanosomes. Furthermore, we show that short stumpy BSF T. brucei cells produce large amounts of acetate. Therefore, the mitochondria of short stumpy trypanosomes are metabolically divergent from the mitochondria in long slender BSF T. brucei cells. These results are consistent with prior work (4, 5, 8, 11). The functional changes might be a preadaptation that allows short stumpy BSF T. brucei to function in the intestines of infected tsetse flies and enables them to differentiate further into PCF trypanosomes.  相似文献   

The Trypanosoma cruzi ribosomal P0 protein (TcP0) is part of the ribosomal stalk, which is an elongated lateral protuberance of the large ribosomal subunit involved in the translocation step of protein synthesis. The TcP0 C-terminal peptide is highly antigenic and a major target of the antibody response in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and patients suffering chronic heart disease produced by Trypanosoma cruzi infection. The structural properties of TcP0 have been explored by circular dichroism, tryptophan fluorescence and limited proteolysis experiments. These studies were complemented by secondary structure consensus prediction analysis. The results suggest that the tertiary structure of TcP0 could be described as a compact, stable, trypsin-resistant, 200 residues long N-terminal domain belonging to the alpha/beta class and a more flexible, degradable, helical, 123 residues long C-terminal domain which could be involved in the formation of an unusual hydrophobic zipper with the ribosomal P1/P2 proteins to form the P0/P1/P2 complex.  相似文献   

We have previously described a system for characterising the relationships between trypanosome stocks of the T.brucei group based on Southern blotting with repetitive DNA probes followed by cluster analysis of resultant banding patterns (G. Hide et al. Molec. Bioch. Parasitol. 39, 213-226, 1990). In this study, we extend this analysis to examine the relationships between trypanosome stocks isolated from major sleeping sickness foci in Zambia, Kenya, and Uganda. We show that the trypanosome strains responsible for disease in Zambia are quite distinct from those sampled from the Kenya/Uganda foci. Furthermore, the human serum resistant stocks isolated from the Kenya/Uganda foci which were isolated from man (or from animals) were found to form a tight group in the cluster analysis, while stocks isolated from nonhuman sources in the same area or stocks from elsewhere were found in separate groups. Thus, the human infective trypanosome strains found in these foci may have common origins and have, perhaps, arisen by clonal selection from a common source.  相似文献   

The P0 protein is part of the ribosomal eukaryotic stalk, which is an elongated lateral protuberance of the large ribosomal subunit involved in the translocation step of protein synthesis. P0 is the minimal portion of the stalk that is able to support accurate protein synthesis. The P0 C-terminal peptide is highly antigenic and a major target of the antibody response in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and patients suffering chronic heart disease produced by the Trypanosoma cruzi parasite. The T. cruzi P0 (TcP0) protein was cloned into the pRSET A vector and expressed in Escherichia coli fused to a His-tag. The identity of the protein was confirmed by immunoblotting. Due to the formation of inclusion bodies the protein was purified using the following steps: (i) differential centrifugation to separate the inclusion bodies from soluble proteins and (ii) affinity chromatography under denaturing conditions. TcP0 showed high tendency to aggregation during refolding assays. However, TcP0 could be efficiently folded in the presence of a low concentration of SDS. The folding of the protein was confirmed using urea gradient electrophoresis, limited proteolysis, circular dichroism, and tryptophan fluorescence. Native electrophoresis showed that the folded TcP0 (and not a folding intermediate) was the cause of aggregation in the absence of SDS. The protocol described here permitted us to obtain large amounts (up to 30 mg per culture liter) of pure and folded TcP0, a very hydrophobic protein with a high tendency to aggregation.  相似文献   



Sleeping sickness is spread over 36 Sub-Saharan African countries. In West and Central Africa, the disease is caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, which produces a chronic clinical manifestation. The Luba focus (Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea) has not reported autochthonous sleeping sickness cases since 1995, but given the complexity of the epidemiological cycle, the elimination of the parasite in the environment is difficult to categorically ensure.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The aim of this work is to assess, by a molecular approach (Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR), the possible permanence of T. b. gambiense in the vector (Glossina spp.) and domestic fauna in order to improve our understanding of the epidemiological situation of the disease in an isolated focus considered to be under control.The results obtained show the absence of the parasite in peridomestic livestock but its presence, although at very low rate, in the vector. On the other hand, interesting entomological data highlight that an elevated concentration of tsetse flies was observed in two out of the ten villages considered to be in the focus.


These findings demonstrate that even in conditions of apparent control, a complete parasite clearance is difficult to achieve. Further investigations must be focused on animal reservoirs which could allow the parasites to persist without leading to human cases. In Luba, where domestic livestock are scarcer than other foci in mainland Equatorial Guinea, the epidemiological significance of wild fauna should be assessed to establish their role in the maintenance of the infection.  相似文献   

The structure of micronemata arising from the surface of the bloodstream form of Trypanosoma gambiense was studied by electron microscopy. In order to produce micronemata, trypanosomes were incubated in either 1) phosphate buffered saline supplemented with glucose (PBSG), 2) immune mouse serum or 3) PBSG after passage through a DEAE-cellulose column. Electron microscopic examination of the parasite revealed the presence of thread-like micronemata arising from the anterior end and from the flagellar pocket regardless of the incubation conditions. Negative staining revealed a distinct peripheral fringe layer with nodular protrusions covering the entire surface of the micronema. The distribution and number of intramembrane particles (IMP) on the P and E faces of the micronema were similar to those of the flagellum of T. gambiense, indicating a close relationship between the membrane structure of the micronema and the flagellum. Micronemata became fragmented and adhered to each other after incubation of the parasite in the media for 12 h. Since micronemata tend to have the characteristics of adhesiveness and fragmentation, fragments of these structures might adhere to various host organs. Dispersal of potential antigenic material might be responsible, in part, for the induction of the host immune response.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We have measured binding of fluorescein-conjugated succinyl-concanavalin A (Fl-s-Con A) to bloodstream and procyclic forms of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and to bloodstream forms of T. b. rhodesiense by flow cytofluorimetry. Bloodstream forms bound an order of magnitude less lectin than procyclic forms. Trypsin-treating cells enhanced binding of Fl-s-Con A to bloodstream forms 3–16-fold depending on the strain and the length of trypsinization but had little effect on Fl-s-Con A binding by procyclics. The trypsinization protocol used did not remove major common glycoproteins detected on lectin blots of either life cycle form but removed >95% of the variant specific glycoprotein and fragments derived from this protein of bloodstream forms. Microscopically detectable Fl-s-Con A binding to bloodstream forms was confined to the flagellar pocket. Trypsinized bloodstream forms and procyclics bound Fl-s-Con A in the flagellar pocket, on the flagellum, and on the cell surface. Lectin remained cell associated but appeared to redistribute towards the flagellum and pocket when cells that had bound lectin on ice were subsequently incubated at physiological temperatures. The Fl-s-Con A binding had specificity characteristic of the interaction between the lectin and oligosaccharides. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the variant specific surface glycoprotein blocks binding of the lectin to surface glycoproteins of bloodstream forms and suggest that concanavalin A-binding glycoproteins are abundant in the flagellar pocket of both life cycle forms.  相似文献   

Arl6/BBS3 is a small GTPase, mutations in which are implicated in the human ciliopathy Bardet–Biedl Syndrome (BBS). Arl6 is proposed to facilitate the recruitment of a large protein complex known as the BBSome to the base of the primary cilium, mediating specific trafficking of molecules to this important sensory organelle. Orthologues of Arl6 and the BBSome core subunits have been identified in the genomes of trypanosomes. Flagellum function and motility are crucial to the survival of Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of human African sleeping sickness, in the human bloodstream stage of its lifecycle and so the function of the BBSome proteins in trypanosomes warrants further study. RNAi knockdown of T. brucei Arl6 (TbArl6) has recently been shown to result in shortening of the trypanosome flagellum. Here we present the crystal structure of TbArl6 with the bound non‐hydrolysable GTP analog GppNp at 2.0 Å resolution and highlight important differences between the trypanosomal and human proteins. Analysis of the TbArl6 active site confirms that it lacks the key glutamine that activates the nucleophile during GTP hydrolysis in other small GTPases. Furthermore, the trypanosomal proteins are significantly shorter at their N‐termini suggesting a different method of membrane insertion compared to humans. Finally, analysis of sequence conservation suggests two surface patches that may be important for protein–protein interactions. Our structural analysis thus provides the basis for future biochemical characterisation of this important family of small GTPases.  相似文献   

Variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) of Trypanosoma brucei brucei AnTat 1.1 was released by means of the procedure described by Baltz et al. ([1976], Ann. Immunol. [Inst. Pasteur] 127C, 761-774). The concanavalin-A chromatography yielded 3 VSG fractions according to the addition, in the elution buffer, of alpha-methyl-D-mannopyranoside, beta-mercaptoethanol, and sodium dodecyl sulfate. These VSG fractions showed heterogeneous behaviour on reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The 3 VSG fractions as well as the myristylated VSG of AnTat 1.1 essentially consist of dimer VSG forms linked through a disulfide bridge, as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, under reducing and nonreducing conditions.  相似文献   

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