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Functional Consequences of Oxidative Membrane Damage   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The interaction of reactive oxygen species with biological membranes is known to produce a great variety of different functional modifications. Part of these modifications may be classified as direct effects. They are due to direct interaction of the reactive species with the molecular machinery under study with a subsequent chemical and functional modification of these molecules. An important part of the observed functional modifications are, however, indirect effects. They are the consequence of an oxidative modification of the environment of biological macromolecules. Lipid peroxidation—via its generation of chemically reactive products—contributes to the loss of cellular functions through the inactivation of membrane enzymes and even of cytoplasmic (i.e., water soluble) proteins. Oxidation of membrane lipids may, however, also increase the efficiency of membrane functions. This was observed for a series of transport systems. Lipid peroxidation was accompanied by activation of certain types of ion channels and ion carriers. The effect is due to an increase of the polarity of the membrane interior by accumulation of polar oxidation products. The concomitant change of the dielectric constant, which may be detected via the increase of the membrane capacitance, facilitates the opening of membrane channels and lowers the inner membrane barrier for the movement of ions across the membrane. The predominant effect, however, at least at a greater extent of lipid peroxidation, is the inhibition of membrane functions. The strong increase of the leak conductance contributes to the depolarization of the membrane potential, it destroys the barrier properties of the membrane and it may finally lead, via an increase of cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration, to cell death. The conclusions were derived from experiments performed with different systems: model systems in planar lipid membranes, native ion channels either reconstituted in lipid membranes or investigated in their natural environment by the patch-clamp method, and two important ion pumps, the Na/K-ATPase and the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca-ATPase.  相似文献   

The circulation of the gills has been studied in the perch, trout and eel combining the conventional histological methods and casting techniques. The existence of two blood pathways in each gill arch was confirmed. 1 — An arterio-arterial pathway assuming the respiratory function. It includes the afferent branchial artery and in each primary lamella the afferent primary artery, the secondary lamellae capillaries and the primary and branchial efferent arteries. 2 — An arterio-venous pathway arising from both the branchial artery, in the gill arch, and the primary arteries in each primary lamella. This pathway includes the central venous sinus of the primary lamella, several small veins and is finally connected with the branchial veins. 3 — The lack of connections between afferent primary arteries and cvs in the trout and the perch makes impossible a direct blood flow from the afferent to the efferent artery (shunt). In the eel connections between cvs and both afferent and efferent arteries do not mean that a shunt is operating according to the pressure gradient.  相似文献   

While the widespread occurrence of peptidergic neurons has beenamply demonstrated, their physiological significance, particularlywith regard to co-release of peptides and conventional transmitters,remains a topic of considerable interest. The innervation ofarthropod muscle by proctolinergic neurons provides favorableopportunities for analysis of cotransmitter actions and theirphysiological consequences. Three uniquely identified neuronsare described, each of which releases the neuropeptide proctolin(Arg-Tyr- Leu-Pro-Thr) as a cotransmitter at a well-definedmuscle target. Activity in the neurosecretory LW neuron increasesthe force and frequency of insect heartbeat in a manner similarto that obtained by bath application of the peptide. This neuronmay release peptide hormones together with multiple cardioacceleratorypeptides at the heart to achieve, through increased blood flow,rapid changes in hormonal state. Two motoneurons co-releaseproctolin with a conventional neurotransmitter to produce bothdirect and joint actions on muscle targets. The cockroach Dsmotoneuron induces slow, sustained tension in the coxal depressormuscle in the absence of depolarization, and slows the relaxationof fast twitch events caused by L-glutamate. In the crayfishtonic flexor muscle, proctolin release from the f 1 motoneuronamplifies depolarization-dependent tension, but does not affectthe time course of relaxation. Proctolinergic cotransmissionmay be an adaptation for amplification of synaptic input and/ormaintenance of long-term tension, both of which increase theefficiency of muscle activation by motoneurons.  相似文献   

The mobile element IS30 has 26-bp imperfect terminal inverted repeats (IRs) that are indispensable for transposition. We have analyzed the effects of IR mutations on both major transposition steps, the circle formation and integration of the abutted ends, characteristic for IS30. Several mutants show strikingly different phenotypes if the mutations are present at one or both ends and differentially influence the transposition steps. The two IRs are equivalent in the recombination reactions and contain several functional regions. We have determined that positions 20 to 26 are responsible for binding of the N-terminal domain of the transposase and the formation of a correct 2-bp spacer between the abutted ends. However, integration is efficient without this region, suggesting that a second binding site for the transposase may exist, possibly within the region from 4 to 11 bp. Several mutations at this part of the IRs, which are highly conserved in the IS30 family, considerably affected both major transposition steps. In addition, positions 16 and 17 seem to be responsible for distinguishing the IRs of related insertion sequences by providing specificity for the transposase to recognize its cognate ends. Finally, we show both in vivo and in vitro that position 3 has a determining role in the donor function of the ends, especially in DNA cleavage adjacent to the IRs. Taken together, the present work provides evidence for a more complex organization of the IS30 IRs than was previously suggested.Mobile DNA elements have been described in most organisms and represent a considerable proportion of their genetic material. These elements play an important role in the evolution of the host genome due to their capacities to generate DNA rearrangements and influence the expression of neighboring genes. Their ability to form compound transposons contributes to the sequestering and dispersion of accessory genes, such as those specifying resistance to antibiotics, virulence, and various catabolic activities. The simplest mobile elements are the bacterial insertion sequences (ISs), which typically harbor one or two open reading frames (ORF) coding for the transposase (Tpase). More than 2,400 ISs have been described and classified into families (IS Finder, http://www-is.biotoul.fr/) on the basis of similarities in their genetic organization and Tpases (30). The terminal inverted repeats (IRs) are essential for the transposition of most ISs. The IRs, together with the Tpase, form a complex where the cleavage and strand transfer reactions occur. The IRs generally contain two functional modules: the internal region serves as the binding site of Tpase, while the terminal part is required for DNA cleavage and the strand transfer process (2). Besides these principal cis-acting elements, some ISs carry additional regulatory DNA sequences in the IRs or in the subterminal regions (18).The IS30 family currently comprises more than 80 elements distributed throughout the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and the Archaea (IS Finder, http://www-is.biotoul.fr). IS30 (1, 5), the founding element of the family, is 1,221 bp long and has 26-bp imperfect IRs (the left end of the IR [IRL] and the right end of the IR [IRR]; Fig. Fig.1A)1A) and one ORF with a coding capacity for a 44.3-kDa Tpase. The element has a preference for two distinct types of target sequences: the natural hot spots (HSs), characterized by a 24-bp symmetric consensus (23), and the IRs of the element itself (21, 22). Potential helix-turn-helix motifs (HTH) responsible for HS and IR targeting are located in the N-terminal region of the Tpase (19). While the first motif, HTH1, is required only for transposition into the HS sequences, the conserved H-HTH2 motif is essential for both IR and HS targeting (15, 19).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Transposition assays for comparing the IS30-based transposons composed of simple IRs. (A) Comparison of the IS30 IR sequences. Dots indicate matching bases. (B) Schematic representation of the intermolecular transposition pathway. The graph shows the two major steps characteristic for IS30 transposition (steps 1 and 2). The transposon donor plasmid and its derivative, the circular transposon (thin line), carry the 26-bp IRs of IS30 (boxes with open and filled triangles representing IRL and IRR, respectively). The Cmr gene flanking the transposon in the donor plasmid is shown as a gray box. The target plasmid (dotted line) carries the GOHS hot spot sequence (cross-hatched box). (C) Transposition frequencies of IS30-based transposons with different combinations of the IRs. The graph shows the overall frequency of transposition into the hot spot (steps 1 and 2) and the frequency of the major steps assayed separately. Data were obtained from at least three parallel experiments.IS30 transposition occurs through two major steps (14, 24) (Fig. (Fig.1B).1B). The first is the formation of an active intermediate by joining of the IRs. This process involves the Tpase-catalyzed cleavage of one strand at the 3′ IS end, which then attacks the same strand 2 bp outside the other IR. This strand transfer generates a single-strand bridge between the ends and leads to a figure-eight structure (33). This active transposition intermediate carrying the joined IRs probably proceeds via replicative resolution, as described for IS911 (11, 25) and IS2 (16). The resolution can lead to the circularization of a single IS or to the formation of a head-to-tail repeat of two IS30 copies. In the second step of transposition, the active forms interact with the target DNA, resulting in the known transposition products: simple insertion, deletion, inversion, or replicon fusion (14, 24).In this work, we describe the modularity of the IR ends of IS30 by analyzing several mutants. According to our results, the IS30 IRs can be divided into functional regions that are differently involved in the main transposition steps. We show that positions 2 and 3 play a pivotal role in cleavage of the ends and, consequently, in their donor function. While the terminal part (1 to 17 bp) of the IRs is indispensable for both major steps, the internal region, i.e., the binding site for the N-terminal part of Tpase (20 to 26 bp), appears to be required only for the junction formation. Although the exact role of the terminal part of IRs is less clear, several mutations in this region considerably affected both the junction formation and integration. The fact that the internal IR region is not involved in the integration suggests that the Tpase binds to other sequences during this reaction.  相似文献   

Malic enzyme has a dimer of dimers quaternary structure in which the dimer interface associates more tightly than the tetramer interface. In addition, the enzyme has distinct active sites within each subunit. The mitochondrial NAD(P)+-dependent malic enzyme (m-NAD(P)-ME) isoform behaves cooperatively and allosterically and exhibits a quaternary structure in dimer-tetramer equilibrium. The cytosolic NADP+-dependent malic enzyme (c-NADP-ME) isoform is noncooperative and nonallosteric and exists as a stable tetramer. In this study, we analyze the essential factors governing the quaternary structure stability for human c-NADP-ME and m-NAD(P)-ME. Site-directed mutagenesis at the dimer and tetramer interfaces was employed to generate a series of dimers of c-NADP-ME and m-NAD(P)-ME. Size distribution analysis demonstrated that human c-NADP-ME exists mainly as a tetramer, whereas human m-NAD(P)-ME exists as a mixture of dimers and tetramers. Kinetic data indicated that the enzyme activity of c-NADP-ME is not affected by disruption of the interface. There are no significant differences in the kinetic properties between AB and AD dimers, and the dimeric form of c-NADP-ME is as active as tetramers. In contrast, disrupting the interface of m-NAD(P)-ME causes the enzyme to be less active than wild type and to become less cooperative for malate binding; the kcat values of mutants decreased with increasing Kd,24 values, indicating that the dissociation of subunits at the dimer or tetramer interfaces significantly affects the enzyme activity. The above results suggest that the tetramer is required for a fully functional m-NAD(P)-ME. Taken together, the analytical ultracentrifugation data and the kinetic analysis of these interface mutants demonstrate the differential role of tetramer organization for the c-NADP-ME and m-NAD(P)-ME isoforms. The regulatory mechanism of m-NAD(P)-ME is closely related to the tetramer formation of this isoform.Malic enzymes catalyze a reversible oxidative decarboxylation of l-malate to yield pyruvate and CO2 with reduction of NAD(P)+ to NAD(P)H. This reaction requires a divalent metal ion (Mg2+ or Mn2+) for catalysis (13). Malic enzymes are found in a broad spectrum of living organisms that share conserved amino acid sequences and structural topology; such shared characteristics reveal a crucial role for the biological functions of these enzymes (4, 5). In mammals, malic enzymes have been divided into three isoforms according to their cofactor specificity and subcellular localization as follows: cytosolic NADP+-dependent (c-NADP-ME),2 mitochondrial NADP+-dependent (m-NADP-ME), and mitochondrial NAD(P)+-dependent (m-NAD(P)-ME). The m-NAD(P)-ME isoform displays dual cofactor specificity; it can use both NAD+ and NADP+ as the coenzyme, but NAD+ is more favored in a physiological environment (68). Dissimilar to the other two isoforms, m-NAD(P)-ME binds malate cooperatively, and it can be allosterically activated by fumarate; the sigmoidal kinetics observed with cooperativity is abolished by fumarate (912). Mutagenesis and kinetic studies demonstrated that ATP is an active-site inhibitor, although it also binds to the exo sites in the tetramer interface (1315). Structural studies also revealed an allosteric binding site for fumarate residing at the dimer interface. Mutation in the binding site significantly affects the activating effects of fumarate (11, 16, 17).The c-NADP-ME and m-NADP-ME isoforms play an important role in lipogenesis by providing NADPH for the biosynthesis of long-chain fatty acids and steroids. Thus, c-NADP-ME together with acetyl-CoA carboxylase, fatty-acid synthase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase are classified as lipogenic enzymes (2, 1821). The m-NAD(P)-ME isoform has attracted much attention because it is involved in glutaminolysis, which is an energy-producing pathway of tumor cells that utilizes glutamine and glutamate. Thus, m-NAD(P)-ME is considered to be a potential target in cancer therapy (2227).Various crystal structures of malic enzymes in complex with substrate, metal ion, coenzyme, regulator, and inhibitor are available in the Protein Data Bank (4, 11, 2832). The overall tertiary structures of these malic enzymes are similar, but there are still some differences that may be significant for catalysis and regulation of the enzyme. Malic enzyme exists as a dimer of dimers with a stronger association of the dimer interface than that of the tetramer interface (Fig. 1A). The dimer interface is formed by subunits A and B or C and D (Fig. 1B), whereas the tetramer interaction consists of contacts between subunits A and D or B and C (Fig. 1C). A hydrophobic interaction is the major driving force for subunit assembly, but hydrogen bonding and ionic interactions also contribute markedly. The homotetramer of the enzyme is composed of four identical monomers each with its own active site. In the structure of human m-NAD(P)-ME, aside from its well defined active site, there are two regulatory sites on the enzyme (Fig. 1A). One of these sites is located at the dimer interface and is occupied by fumarate (Fig. 1B), whereas the other site, which is referred to as the exo site, is located at the tetramer interface and is occupied by either an NAD or an ATP molecule (Fig. 1A). In the ME family, Ascaris suum and human m-NAD(P)-ME were found to be activated by fumarate (11, 1517, 31). However, the relationship between enzyme regulation and subunit-subunit interaction is still unclear.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Dimer and tetramer interfaces of human m-NAD(P)-ME. A, dimer of dimers quaternary structure of human m-NAD(P)-ME (Protein Data Bank code 1PJ3). The active site, fumarate site, and exo site in each subunit are indicated. B, dimer interface between A and B subunits of m-NAD(P)-ME. C, tetramer interface between A and D subunits of m-NAD(P)-ME. The amino acid residues at the dimer interface, Gln-51, Glu-90, Asp-139, His-142, and Asp-568 and C terminus in the tetramer interface, are represented by ball-and-stick modeling. The amino acid residues 51 and 90 in human c-NADP-ME are His and Asp, respectively. This figure was generated with PyMOL (DeLano Scientific LLC, San Carlos, CA).Previous studies have shown that the quaternary structure stability of malic enzyme isoforms is diverse. At neutral pH, pigeon c-NADP-ME exists as a unique tetramer with a sedimentation coefficient of ∼10 S (3335), whereas human m-NAD(P)-ME exists as a mixture of tetramer and dimer of 9.5 S and 6.5 S, respectively (13, 35). Some mutations at the interface will affect the quaternary structure (3437). Although the crystal structure of human c-NADP-ME has not been resolved, it is believed that it is similar to pigeon c-NADP-ME.Here we analyze the essential factors governing quaternary structure stability for human c-NADP-ME and m-NAD(P)-ME. Site-directed mutagenesis at the dimer and tetramer interfaces was used to disrupt the tetramer organization to create a series of c-NADP-ME and m-NAD(P)-ME dimers. Combined with the analytical ultracentrifugation data and kinetic analysis of these interface mutants, we demonstrate the differential role of tetramer organization for the c-NADP-ME and m-NAD(P)-ME isoforms. The regulatory mechanism of m-NAD(P)-ME is highly associated with the tetramer formation of this isoform.  相似文献   

The influence of postnatal iron overload upon implications of the functional and interactive role of dopaminergic and noradrenergic pathways that contribute to the expressions of movement disorder and psychotic behaviours in mice was studied in a series of experiments. (1) Postnatal iron overload at doses of 7.5 mg/kg (administered on Days 10–12 post partum) and above, invariably induced a behavioural syndrome consisting of an initial (1st 20–40 min of a 60-min test session) hypoactivity followed by a later (final 20 min of a 60-min test session) hyperactivity, when the mice were tested at adult ages (age 60 days or more). (2) Following postnatal iron overload, subchronic treatment with the neuroleptic compounds, clozapine and haloperidol, dose-dependently reversed the initial hypoactivity and later hyperactivity induced by the metal. Furthermore, DA D2 receptor supersensitivity (as assessed using the apomorphine-induced behaviour test) was directly and positively correlated with iron concentrations in the basal ganglia. (3) Brain noradrenaline (NA) denervation, using the selective NA neurotoxin, DSP4, prior to administration of the selective DA neurotoxin, MPTP, exacerbated both the functional (hypokinesia) and neurochemical (DA depletion) effects of the latter neurotoxin. Treatment with L-Dopa restored motor activity only in the animals that had not undergone NA denervation. These findings suggest an essential neonatal iron overload, termed “the Youdim factor”, directing a DA–NA interactive component in co-morbid disorders of nigrostriatal-limbic brain regions. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Moussa Youdim.  相似文献   

The abdominal ganglion of Aplysia provides a useful model forstudying the functional organization of motor systems. Herewe review studies of the neural network controlling circulation,emphasizing the organizational features it may share with othermotor systems controlled by the abdominal ganglion. We identifiedseven motor neurons to the heart and vascular system. Motorneurons having similar motor effects (e.g. the two heart inhibitors,or the three vasoconstrictors), together with cells of unknownmotor function located near them, make up distinct homogeneouscell groups. The members of each group appear to be nearly identicalwith respect to biophysical and neurochemical properties, sizeand effectiveness of synaplie inputs, and firing patterns. Thereare no interconnections between the members of the groups, butfive interneurons innervate the homogeneous groups in variouscombinations, exciting some groups and inhibiting others. Twoof the interneurons, Interneuron I (cell I10) and InterneuronII, are command cells which produce centrally generated motorprograms in the absence of sensory feedback. Eacli command apparentlycodes for a specific homeostatic function, such as increasedcardiac output. Coordination of the two commands is achievedby mutual inhibitory connections between them, ensuring thatthe motor neurons of the system receive only one command ata time. Some synaptic connections made by the command interneuronsappear to be functionally ineffective; the possible significanceof them is discussed. Available evidence suggests that manyfeatures of the network controlling circulation may be characteristicof other visceromotor systems of the abdominal ganglion.  相似文献   

Functional Organization of the Brain during the Operation of Working Memory   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded from various cortical areas during matching of two consecutive pictures were analyzed. Reflecting the process of trace fixation, the ERP to the reference stimulus was characterized by an increase in components P150 and P300 in the occipital and temporo-parieto-occipital areas and components N300 and N400 in the precentral areas as compared with the ERP elicited by the warning stimulus. The ERP to the test stimulus, which reflected trace retrieval and matching with current information, was characterized by a generalized increase in the late positive complex in the interval 300–600 ms. Similarity and/or dissimilarity of the test and reference stimuli was reflected in the parameters of the ERP to the test stimulus. The results testify to the difference in functional and topographic organization of the brain cortex at the initial and late stages of operation of the working memory.  相似文献   

The signaling capacity of seven-transmembrane/G-protein-coupled receptors (7TM/GPCRs) can be regulated through ligand-mediated receptor trafficking. Classically, the recycling of internalized receptors is associated with resensitization, whereas receptor degradation terminates signaling. We have shown previously that the incretin glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) internalizes fast and is primarily resensitized through recycling back to the cell surface. GLP-1R is expressed in pancreatic islets together with the closely related glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIPR) and glucagon (GCGR) receptors. The interaction and cross-talk between coexpressed receptors is a wide phenomenon of the 7TM/GPCR superfamily. Numerous reports show functional consequences for signaling and trafficking of the involved receptors. On the basis of the high structural similarity and tissue coexpression, we here investigated the potential cross-talk between GLP-1R and GIPR or GCGR in both trafficking and signaling pathways. Using a real-time time-resolved FRET-based internalization assay, we show that GLP-1R, GIPR, and GCGR internalize with differential properties. Remarkably, upon coexpression of the internalizing GLP-1R and the non-internalizing GIPR, GLP-1-mediated GLP-1R internalization was impaired in a GIPR concentration-dependent manner. As a functional consequence of such impaired internalization capability, GLP-1-mediated GLP-1R signaling was abrogated. A similar compromised signaling was found when GLP-1R internalization was abrogated by a dominant-negative version of dynamin (dynamin-1 K44E), which provides a mechanistic link between GLP-1R trafficking and signaling. This study highlights the importance of receptor internalization for full functionality of GLP-1R. Moreover, cross-talk between the two incretin receptors GLP-1R and GIPR is shown to alter receptor trafficking with functional consequences for GLP-1R signaling.  相似文献   

The PheP protein is a high-affinity phenylalanine-specific permease of the bacterium Escherichia coli. A topological model based on genetic analysis involving the construction of protein fusions with alkaline phosphatase has previously been proposed in which PheP has 12 transmembrane segments with both N and C termini located in the cytoplasm (J. Pi and A. J. Pittard, J. Bacteriol. 178:2650–2655, 1996). Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to investigate the functional importance of each of the 16 proline residues of the PheP protein. Replacement of alanine at only three positions, P54, P341, and P442, resulted in the loss of 50% or more activity. Substitutions at P341 had the most dramatic effects. None of these changes in transport activity were, however, associated with any defect of the mutant protein in inserting into the membrane, as indicated by [35S]methionine labelling and immunoprecipitation using anti-PheP serum. A possible role for each of these three prolines is discussed. Inserting a single alanine residue at different sites within span IX and the loop immediately preceding it also had major effects on transport activity, suggesting an important role for a highly organized structure in this region of the protein.  相似文献   

The naturally occurring human cytochrome c variant (G41S) is associated with a mild autosomal dominant thrombocytopenia (Thrombocytopenia Cargeeg) caused by dysregulation of platelet production. The molecular basis of the platelet production defect is unknown. Despite high conservation of cytochrome c between human and mouse (91.4% identity), introducing the G41S mutation into mouse cytochrome c in a knockin mouse (Cycs G41S/G41S) did not recapitulate the low platelet phenotype of Thrombocytopenia Cargeeg. While investigating the cause of this disparity we found a lack of conservation of the functional impact of cytochrome c mutations on caspase activation across species. Mutation of cytochrome c at residue 41 has distinct effects on the ability of cytochrome c to activate caspases depending on the species of both the cytochrome c and its binding partner Apaf-1. In contrast to our previous results showing the G41S mutation increases the ability of human cytochrome c to activate caspases, here we find this activity is decreased in mouse G41S cytochrome c. Additionally unlike wildtype human cytochrome c, G41S cytochrome c is unable to activate caspases in Xenopus embryo extracts. Taken together these results demonstrate a previously unreported species-specific component to the interaction of cytochrome c with Apaf-1. This suggests that the electrostatic interaction between cytochrome c and Apaf-1 is not the sole determinant of binding, with additional factors controlling binding specificity and affinity. These results have important implications for studies of the effects of cytochrome c mutations on the intrinsic apoptosis pathway.  相似文献   

Homocystinuria caused by cystathionine-β-synthase deficiency represents a severe form of homocysteinemias, which generally result in various degrees of elevated plasma homocysteine levels. Marfan syndrome is caused by mutations in fibrillin-1, which is one of the major constituents of connective tissue microfibrils. Despite the fundamentally different origins, both diseases share common clinical symptoms in the connective tissue such as long bone overgrowth, scoliosis, and ectopia lentis, whereas they differ in others. Fibrillin-1 contains ∼13% cysteine residues and can be modified by homocysteine. We report here that homocysteinylation affects functional properties of fibrillin-1 and tropoelastin. We used recombinant fragments spanning the entire fibrillin-1 molecule to demonstrate that homocysteinylation, but not cysteinylation leads to abnormal self-interaction, which was attributed to a reduced amount of multimerization of the fibrillin-1 C terminus. The deposition of the fibrillin-1 network by human dermal fibroblasts was greatly reduced by homocysteine, but not by cysteine. Furthermore, homocysteinylation, but not cysteinylation of elastin-like polypeptides resulted in modified coacervation properties. In summary, the results provide new insights into pathogenetic mechanisms potentially involved in cystathionine-β-synthase-deficient homocystinuria.  相似文献   

Chemosensory systems (CSS) are complex regulatory pathways capable of perceiving external signals and translating them into different cellular behaviors such as motility and development. In the δ-proteobacterium Myxococcus xanthus, chemosensing allows groups of cells to orient themselves and aggregate into specialized multicellular biofilms termed fruiting bodies. M. xanthus contains eight predicted CSS and 21 chemoreceptors. In this work, we systematically deleted genes encoding components of each CSS and chemoreceptors and determined their effects on M. xanthus social behaviors. Then, to understand how the 21 chemoreceptors are distributed among the eight CSS, we examined their phylogenetic distribution, genomic organization and subcellular localization. We found that, in vivo, receptors belonging to the same phylogenetic group colocalize and interact with CSS components of the respective phylogenetic group. Finally, we identified a large chemosensory module formed by three interconnected CSS and multiple chemoreceptors and showed that complex behaviors such as cell group motility and biofilm formation require regulatory apparatus composed of multiple interconnected Che-like systems.  相似文献   

Cx43 is widely expressed in many different cell types, and many of these cells also express other connexins. If these connexins are capable of mixing, the functional properties of channels containing heteromeric connexons may substantially influence intercellular communication between such cells. We used biochemical strategies (sedimentation through sucrose gradients, co-immunoprecipitation, or co-purification by Ni-NTA chromatography) to examine heteromeric mixing of Cx43 with other connexins (including Cx26, Cx37, Cx40, Cx45, and Cx56) in transfected cells. These analyses showed that all of the tested connexins except Cx26 formed heteromeric connexons with Cx43. We used the double whole-cell patch-camp technique to analyze the electrophysiological properties of gap junction channels in pairs of co-expressing cells. Cx37 and Cx45 made a large variety of functional heteromeric combinations with Cx43 based on detection of many different single channel conductances. Most of the channel event sizes observed in cells co-expressing Cx40 and Cx43 were similar to those of homomeric Cx43 or Cx40 hemichannels in homo- or hetero-typic configurations. Our data suggest several different possible consequences of connexin co-expression: (1) some combinations of connexins may form heteromeric connexons with novel proeprties; (2) some connexins may form heteromeric channels that do not have unique properties, and (3) some connexins may be incompatible for heteromeric mixing.  相似文献   

Cx43 is widely expressed in many different cell types, and many of these cells also express other connexins. If these connexins are capable of mixing, the functional properties of channels containing heteromeric connexons may substantially influence intercellular communication between such cells. We used biochemical strategies (sedimentation through sucrose gradients, co-immunoprecipitation, or co-purification by Ni-NTA chromatography) to examine heteromeric mixing of Cx43 with other connexins (including Cx26, Cx37, Cx40, Cx45, and Cx56) in transfected cells. These analyses showed that all of the tested connexins except Cx26 formed heteromeric connexons with Cx43. We used the double whole-cell patch-camp technique to analyze the electrophysiological properties of gap junction channels in pairs of co-expressing cells. Cx37 and Cx45 made a large variety of functional heteromeric combinations with Cx43 based on detection of many different single channel conductances. Most of the channel event sizes observed in cells co-expressing Cx40 and Cx43 were similar to those of homomeric Cx43 or Cx40 hemichannels in homo- or hetero-typic configurations. Our data suggest several different possible consequences of connexin co-expression: (1) some combinations of connexins may form heteromeric connexons with novel proeprties; (2) some connexins may form heteromeric channels that do not have unique properties, and (3) some connexins may be incompatible for heteromeric mixing.  相似文献   

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