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Septins are cytoskeletal GTP-binding proteins involved in processes characterized by active membrane movement, such as cytokinesis, vesicle trafficking and exocytosis. Most septins are expressed ubiquitously, however, some septins accumulate in particular tissues. The ubiquitous SEPT11 also shows high expression levels in the central nervous system and in platelets. Here, SEPT11 is involved in vesicle trafficking and may play a role in synaptic connectivity. Interestingly, mice that harbor a homozygous Sept11 null mutation, die in utero. From day 11.5 post coitum onwards, development of homozygous embryos seems to be retarded and the embryos from day 13.5 onwards were dead.  相似文献   

Characterizing the neurocircuits and neurotransmitters that underlie arousal and circadian sleep/wake patterns is an important goal of neuroscience research, with potential implications for understanding human mental illnesses, such as major depression. Recent anatomical and functional studies suggest that relaxin-3 neurons and their ascending projections contribute to these functions via actions on key cortical, limbic and hypothalamic circuits. This study reports the behavioral phenotype of C57BL/6J backcrossed relaxin-3 knockout (KO) mice. Cohorts of adult, male and female relaxin-3 KO and wild-type (WT) littermate mice were subjected to a battery of behavioral tests to assess sensorimotor function and complex behavior. No overt deficits were detected in motor-coordination, spatial memory, sensorimotor gating, anxiety-like behavior or locomotor behavior in novel environments; and no marked genotype differences were observed in response to a chronic stress protocol. Notably however, compared to WT mice, relaxin-3 KO mice displayed robust hypoactivity during the dark/active phase when provided with free home-cage access to voluntary running wheels. This circadian hypoactivity was reflected by reduced time spent and distance traveled on running wheels, coupled with an increase in the time spent immobile, possibly reflecting increased sleeping. Overall, these studies support a role for relaxin-3 signaling in the control of arousal and sleep/wakefulness, and identify the relaxin-3 KO mouse as a useful model to study this role further.  相似文献   

A full-length FoxQ-related gene (AmphiFoxQ2) was isolated from amphioxus. Expression is first detectable in the animal/anterior hemisphere at the mid blastula stage. The midpoint of this expression domain coincides with the anterior pole of the embryo and is offset dorsally by about 20 degrees from the animal pole. During the gastrula stage, expression is limited to the anterior ectoderm. By the early neurula stage, expression remains in the anterior ectoderm and also appears in the adjacent anterior mesendoderm. By the early larval stages, expression is detectable in the anteriormost ectoderm and in the rostral tip of the notochord. AmphiFoxQ2 is never expressed anywhere except at the anterior tip of amphioxus embryos and larvae. This is the first gene known that exclusively marks the anterior pole of chordate embryos. It may, therefore, play an important role in establishing and/or maintaining the anterior/posterior axis.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to accurately identify a case of B para-Bombay and to analyze the genetic mutation. ABO and Lewis blood groups were identified by standard serological methods, and trace antigens on RBCs were detected by adsorption-elution test, while blood group substances in the saliva were detected by agglutination inhibition test. The ABO gene exons 6-7, FUT1 gene exon 4 and FUT2 gene exon 2 were directly sequenced. Serological results showed that there were B antigens on RBCs without H antigens, anti-A and anti-HI antibodies in serum, and B and H blood group substances in the saliva. The Lewis phenotype was Le (a-b+). According to gene sequencing analysis, ABO, FUT1 and FUT2 genotypes were B101/O02, h328G/Ah328G/A and Se357C/TSe357C/T, respectively. This rare phenotype can be mislabeled as "O" if any of the detailed investigations are not performed. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of blood transfusion, genetic and serological tests are necessary for the correct identification of difficult blood groups.  相似文献   

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