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牙鲆微卫星标记的筛选及群体遗传结构分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wang L  Zhang LD  Wan YM  Tan ZJ  Sun XW 《遗传》2010,32(10):1057-1064
采用生物素-磁珠吸附微卫星与质粒二次检测相结合的方法克隆牙鲆微卫星,并利用所得到的引物分析野生群体遗传结构.共获得2805个阳性克隆,测序得到3120个含微卫星的序列.其中完美型、非完美型和混合型分别占57.97%、7.25%和34.78%.用Primer 3.0软件设计牙鲆微卫星引物,从中筛选出具稳定多态性的30对,分析中国黄海、渤海海域4个不同海区牙鲆野生群体(大连、北戴河、丹东、青岛)遗传结构.结果显示:有效等位基因数为3.93~9.94,平均为6.95;观测杂合度为0.532~0.895,平均为0.753;期望杂合度为0.635~0.902,平均为0.820;Hardy-Weinberg平衡指数(d)的变化范围为-0.247~0.512,其中7个位点表现为杂合子过剩(d>0),其余位点表现为杂合子缺失(d>0).聚类分析显示:4个群体聚为两类,大连与丹东聚为一类,北戴河与青岛聚为一类.  相似文献   

关联分析及其在植物遗传学研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物的很多重要经济性状均属于复杂性状。基于连锁分析的QTL作图是研究复杂性状的有效手段, 但其尚存在一定的局限性。随着现代生物学的发展, 一种基于连锁不平衡的新剖分复杂性状方法--关联分析法, 开始应用于植物遗传学研究。与QTL作图法相比, 应用关联分析法具有不需要构建特殊的群体, 可同时对多个等位基因进行分析, 定位QTL精度可达到单基因水平等优势。该文介绍了关联分析方法学的基础和特性, 简述了其在植物遗传学研究中的进展情况, 并对其未来发展和在植物遗传学研究中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

Northwest African populations occupy a strategic geographical area that has always been a zone of influence for diverse human groups from different regions. This article focuses on the analysis of the genetic contribution of sub-Saharan African populations by means of four short tandem repeat (STR) systems (HUMTPOX, HUMVWA31/A, HUMTHO1, and HUMF13B), which have proven informative in establishing genetic relationships between human populations. Genetic trees and multivariate analyses of European and Near Eastern populations show that the Moroccan population shares a common genetic substrate with all of them. However, the latter defines a specific lineage. Evolutionary factors inherent in the population's geographical isolation in early times, together with genetic flow from sub-Saharan populations (mainly as reflected by HUMF13B and HUMTPOX), appear to be particularly relevant in understanding the peculiarities of the genetic character of the present-day population.  相似文献   

贺敏  李巍 《遗传》2007,29(3):381-384
随着互联网的普及, 网络用户已习惯从网上获取相关资讯, 包括求医问药。由于我国的临床遗传学体系尚未完全建立, 许多遗传病患者或遗传咨询者无法得到较为专业的知识和咨询服务。为此, 建立了中国首个提供常见遗传病科普和网上遗传咨询服务的公益性网站—中国遗传咨询网(http://www.gcnet.org.cn)。该网站主要介绍遗传病的基本知识以及常见遗传病的一般情况、临床表现、诊断与防治方法、遗传方式与遗传咨询要点等。通过组织国内外50多名遗传咨询医师或医学遗传学专家, 就咨询者关心的问题, 进行一般性咨询答复, 或指导咨询者就诊。在线遗传咨询是网络时代的一种新型的方式。该网站的运行在一定程度上弥补了我国现有遗传咨询工作的不足, 有助于推动我国临床遗传学、遗传教育和人口与健康事业的发展。  相似文献   

倪丽菊  陶凌云  柏熊  胡建华  高诚  谢建云 《遗传》2011,33(9):989-995
根据生物素与链霉亲和素的亲和原理, 利用磁珠富集法筛选东方田鼠(Microtus fortis)微卫星分子标记。链霉亲和素磁珠捕获生物素标记的微卫星探针, 然后与连有接头的单链限制性酶切片段复性结合, 获得含有微卫星的单链片段, PCR扩增形成双链, 连接T载体并转化感受态细胞, 得到东方田鼠微卫星富集文库。随机挑选70个阳性克隆, 经测序分析, 获得微卫星序列92个。设计合成27对微卫星引物并成功筛选出21对可用引物, 取其中10对引物, 荧光标记后对3个人工驯养及野生东方田鼠种群进行遗传多样性分析。结果显示, 文章所构建的东方田鼠微卫星文库的阳性克隆率较高, 初步筛选的10个微卫星标记均为具有高度多态性的微卫星标记。在3个东方田鼠种群中, 野生湖南种群的观测等位基因数(Na)、有效等位基因数(Ne)、观测杂合度(Ho)、期望杂合度(He)和多态信息含量(PIC)均最高, 人工驯养的湖南种群次之, 人工驯养的宁夏种群最低。  相似文献   

Astrological counseling in contemporary India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Astrological counseling constitutes an important but relatively unexplored sector of India's medical and psychiatric traditions. The present paper provides a critique of studies of divination-as-therapy and presents a symbolic or phenomenological approach to the analysis of astrology as a form of situation-focused counseling. Three arts of medicine--the art of dialogue, the art of prediction, and the art of remedy--organize the therapeutic effectiveness of the counseling session. In analyzing these arts, the discussion extends the idea of performative efficacy by developing the concept of "therapeutic space," defining it as the topographical framework which encompasses both the scene of the advisory session and the scene of the client's everyday life. The experiential continuities which are established in this space are constituted through imaginal activity, which is indigenously understood as "picturing" the client's situation. The discussion focuses on the text of an advisory session between an astrologer and his politician-client in the city of Banaras.  相似文献   



In recent years, clustering algorithms have been effectively applied in molecular biology for gene expression data analysis. With the help of clustering algorithms such as K-means, hierarchical clustering, SOM, etc, genes are partitioned into groups based on the similarity between their expression profiles. In this way, functionally related genes are identified. As the amount of laboratory data in molecular biology grows exponentially each year due to advanced technologies such as Microarray, new efficient and effective methods for clustering must be developed to process this growing amount of biological data.  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2013,37(4):669-677
利用磁珠富集法, 以生物素标记的(CA)15为探针, 构建了蛇鳄龟(Chelydra serpentina L.)微卫星富集文库。通过PCR法从富集文库中共筛选出70条微卫星序列, 一共设计了48对微卫星引物, 采用PCR扩增的方法从中筛选出36对引物, 对一个蛇鳄龟养殖群体进行遗传多样性分析。通过分析, 36个位点获得的等位基因数从29不等, 平均为4.361, 有效等位基因为1.4617.767, 平均为3.498。等位基因片段大小为56342 bp, 观测杂合度为0.0671.000, 平均为0.725; 期望杂合度为0.3160.850, 平均0.600; 多态信息含量为0.26550.8359, 平均为0.5573; 结果表明此蛇鳄龟养殖群体存在较高的遗传多样性水平。群体内固定系数-0.6880.856, 平均为-0.214, 说明蛇鳄龟群体中杂合子过剩。    相似文献   

The use of selectively neutral, multiallelic molecular markers to trace the transmission of tightly linked genes is examined theoretically for all genetic counseling situations in which the diagnosis of deleterious progeny is desired. Formulae are computed in terms of the gametic frequency distribution in the population, for the expected fraction of matings (alpha i) which allow exact diagnosis on the basis of the marker alleles transmitted, assuming an arbitrary number (n) of alleles segregating at the marker locus and possibly nonrandom associations between the loci. In each case, it is shown that the diagnostic value of a multiallelic marker increases as n increases, with approximately 1-1/n matings informative, on average.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the use of dystrophin analysis both in the diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in an aborted fetus and in genetic counseling. Our consultand's initial carrier risk, as based on family history and creatine kinase determinations, was calculated as 0.6%. DNA analysis of her family (and fetus) modified this risk to 8.5%. Skeletal muscle of the 23-wk male abortus was found to be histologically indistinguishable from that of age-matched controls. However, immunoblot testing for dystrophin indicated that the fetus had indeed inherited dystrophin deficiency. The carrier risk of the consultand was thus elevated to 100%. Dystrophin assays should be employed whenever the diagnosis of fetal DMD is equivocal (e.g., cases in which a gene deletion cannot be identified). Assay results are crucial for genetic counseling for subsequent pregnancies and for studies of the early pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Genetic counselling gives the doctor a peculiar responsibility according to medical deontology and professional ethics rules. Originality and specificity of that kind of counselling requires intensive discussion of the geneticist's attitude in front of the diagnosis and specially prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

The designation "polycystic kidneys" is vague and causes considerable confusion. This term comprises a number of affections, characterized by the presence of renal cysts. Cystic kidneys may be hereditary or sporadic. The defect may be isolated or occur as part of a syndrome. The identification of the exact nature of the lesion is therefore of paramount importance, not only for the prognosis of the propositus, but especially for the correct genetic counselling of the family. In this context, the perinatal autopsy represents an irreplaceable method of investigation. Since the pathogenesis of many, if not all, types of polycystic kidneys remains unknown, a practical classification must be based on gross and microscopic pathologic study, clinical features, and family history. Osathanondh and Potter (1964) distinguished four varieties, based on morphological findings, revealed by microdissection. Unfortunately, not all types of cystic kidneys are included in this classification. Moreover, their type III cystic kidney collects a number of clearly different entities. Nevertheless, once one is familiar with its deficiencies, the Osathanondh and Potter classification is still very useful.  相似文献   

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