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An age-structured population dynamics model is presented that incorporates pheromone-trapping and food-trapping as control methods for an insect pest. The model yields the following results. Low rates of pest survivorship allow lower trapping rates for control. Species with long developmental periods are easier to control than those with shorter developmental periods (other factors being equal) due to lower net survival. The rates of pheromone trapping alone for effective control are usually very high. The combination of pheromone and food trapping allows control with much lower trapping rates than either method alone. Even small amounts of immigration of adult pests into the control area renders pheromone control ineffective, whereas food traps suppress both the immigrants and the resident population. Food- (or odor-) baited traps which attract both males and females are only somewhat more efficient than those which attract females alone. The existence of density-dependent population regulation assists the control program substantially, but this assistance declines as food trapping becomes a more important part of the control program. Larval competition strongly affects the required trapping rates for eradication; species in which all larvae exert strong competition are much easier to control than those in whic the younger larvae contribute little to the total competitive depression.  相似文献   

The moth Tecia (Scrobipalpopsis) solanivora Povolny (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is the most important pest of potato, Solanum spp., in Central America and adjacent South American countries. Insecticide treatments are not sufficiently effective; therefore, we investigated the feasibility of pheromone-mediated mating disruption for control of T. solanivora. Pheromone dispensers were formulated with 70 mg of the three sex pheromone compounds (E)-3-dodecenyl acetate, (Z)-3-dodecenyl acetate, and dodecyl acetate, in a ratio of 100:56:100, respectively. Male attraction to these compounds is optimal at a ratio of 100:1:20, thus the mating disruption dispensers contained an off-blend, which attracted only a few males. Nonetheless, one mating disruption dispenser suppressed male attraction to calling females in a flight tunnel and reduced male activation in response to female pheromone. Communication disruption is accordingly due to camouflage of the female signal and possibly due to a reduction of male responsiveness by sensory imbalance. Only a few males were observed in a 3-ha potato field treated with 84 g pheromone/ha, compared with an untreated control field. During 2 mo, male attraction to traps baited with calling females or synthetic pheromone was strongly reduced. This reduction confirms the potential of mating disruption for management of T. solanivora. The efficacy of the pheromone treatment can be further improved by earlier dispenser application, by increased dispenser load, and by treatment of larger fields to reduce immigration of mated females.  相似文献   

Larvae of Prionus californicus Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) feed on the roots of many types of woody perennial crops and are serious pests of hop in the northwestern United States. The adult males are strongly attracted to a volatile sex pheromone, (3R,5S)-3,5-dimethyldodecanoic acid, that is produced by females. Here, we summarize the results of field experiments that evaluated the potential for using the synthetic pheromone (in a blend of all four possible stereoisomers) to manage infestations of P. californicus in commercial hop yards by mass trapping or mating disruption. Our research provides evidence that mass trapping may be effective in reducing mating success of the females: positioning surrogate females (sentinel traps baited with a low dose of pheromone) within a square of eight pheromone-baited traps resulted in an 88% reduction in the number of wild males that reached the sentinel traps compared with sentinel traps that were surrounded by traps baited with blank lures. Similarly, surrogate females that were surrounded by pheromone lures (without traps) were reached by 84% fewer wild males than surrogate females surrounded by blank lures, suggesting that mating disruption also may be effective. A mark-recapture experiment indicated that male P. californicus were attracted to traps baited with 1 mg of pheromone from as far away as 585 m. These studies indicate that 3,5-dimethyldodecanoic acid has very good potential for managing P. californicus in hop yards, and perhaps in other crops where it is a pest.  相似文献   

Several models are presented which examine pest population behaviour with the release of female sex pheromones for the attraction and annihilation of males. These models include male polygamy and female monogamy, various mating frequencies, delayed mating of females, immigration of one or all individual types, and differential survivorship of males and females. In all the models there are two steady states, a stable s.s. at the origin and an unstable s.s. in the positive domain for a given value of pheromone release rate. In all the models, control relies on the reduced ability of males to fertilize virgin females following trapping and male annihilation. As such, control is very sensitive to mating frequency, being very difficult when males mate frequently. Control is also very difficult with the immigration of even a moderate number of fertilized females. Control is much easier when mating is delayed, especially if survivorship is low, or with density dependent population regulation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ability of male spruce budworm moths, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.), to orientate to and locate virgin female moths was investigated in a laboratory wind tunnel. When presented with two caged ‘target female’ moths, more than 99% of the male moths locked on and flew directly to the females. When confined for 3 h before release, downwind of a three-dimensional array of thirty-five evenly distributed female moths (a density of 40/m3), over 90% of the males still successfully oriented to one or another of the females, although not always to the target females. With an array of thirty-five septa containing either E-11-tetradecenyl acetate on E-11-tetradecenol there was no visible change in behaviour; >90% of the males flew directly to the two target females, which indicates that neither the acetate nor the alcohol has potential for mating disruption. An array of thirty-five septa containing a 955 blend of E- and Z-11-tetradecenal, the main components of the spruce budworm sex pheromone, significantly reduced the numbers of male moths able to locate the target females, and effects were concentration-dependent. The highest concentration, which gave a release rate similar to that of a calling female, produced the same level of disruption as the thirty-five females, but sensory fatigue became a factor in addition to ‘false trail following’. Lower concentrations were significantly less effective, with no evidence of sensory fatigue. At all concentrations significant numbers of males flew to the septa (false trail following), but when male moths were left uncaged in the tunnel for a further 3h, most eventually located the females. This suggests that false trail following alone will not prevent mating. The level of disruption was not improved by the addition of 2% tetradecanal to the 955 blend. Similar levels of disruption to the 955 blend were obtained with an 80:20 blend. A 5050 blend still caused a significant amount of false trail following, but less than the other blends. The ability of male spruce budworm to orientate to off-blend trails was enhanced if the males were first exposed to the natural, female-produced pheromone.  相似文献   

Cigarette beetles, Lasioderma serricorne (F.) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae), cause significant damage to the multibillion dollar food and tobacco industries worldwide each year. A non‐insecticidal alternative to manage Lserricorne is the application of mating disruption, in which high levels of synthetic sex pheromone are released to create an atmosphere that results in males failing to mate females, thereby causing population suppression or extinction. The reported work used synthetic serricornin, the predominant sex pheromone of L. serricorne, in mating disruption trials conducted in selected food‐ and feed‐processing facilities in South Carolina during 2010 and 2011. Mills subjected to mating disruption trials were monitored using oviposition cups filled with larval food and pheromone traps for males that contained monitoring lures. Immediately after deployment of mating disruption dispensers, trap captures declined significantly and indicated a reduction in population levels, that is, there was ‘trap shutdown’. A significant reduction was observed in numbers of adult beetles caught in the traps 8 weeks before and 8 weeks after treatment in both years. Beetle numbers from pheromone traps in untreated buildings remained at similar levels or increased after the time of mating disruption deployment in treated buildings. The numbers of adults that emerged from oviposition food cups were generally low and varied irregularly in treated and untreated buildings and were determined to be of little value for assessing treatment effects on reproduction. These initial field studies in the USA suggest that release of the synthetic sex pheromone of L. serricorne for mating disruption can significantly inhibit proper orientation behaviour of male L. serricorne to females and may lead to pest population decline from mating disruption.  相似文献   

Mating disruption is an environmentally safe plant protection strategy that uses a synthetic copy of an insect pheromone to interfere with sexual communication and hence reproduction. To date, a number of pest moths have been controlled with applications of formulated pheromones as mating disruptants. Recently, however, the first example of resistance to mating disruption was documented in one of the major tea pests in Japan, the smaller tea leafroller moth, Adoxophyes honmai Yasuda (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). To avoid other such cases, it is important to elucidate the mechanism(s) by which the disruptant lost its effectiveness. To this end, we imposed further selection by rearing field‐collected resistant insects with a synthetic pheromone in the laboratory. After more than 70 generations of selection, a strain with quite strong resistance was established, males of which could find and copulate with their mates even in the presence of 1 mg l?1 of disruptant. Although the mating ability of this strain was greatly increased, the composition and blend ratio of the sex pheromone produced and emitted by females were not obviously changed in comparison with those of females sensitive to mating disruption. However, male response to the pheromone blend was markedly broadened after selection so that resistant males could locate a synthetic pheromone source even when it lacked a pheromone component that is normally necessary for attraction. Males capable of locking onto off‐ratio pheromone blends may be better able to find calling females in pheromone‐treated environments than narrowly tuned males because of greater capability of overcoming sensory imbalance.  相似文献   

Mating disruption theory predicts that high concentrations of female pheromone, and/or large numbers of release sites, should confuse males orienting to "calling" females, reduce the number of successful matings, and decrease the reproductive potential of the population. In this scenario, females are regarded as stationary point sources of pheromone. Past behavioral observations, however, have shown virgin female grape root borers, Vitacea polistiformis Harris, significantly alter their behavior in mating disruption treatments. Treated females call at different heights, move less before call initiation, and move more after call initiation than control females. Pheromone gland dragging and wing fanning also increase significantly during pheromone treatments. These behavioral differences are significant only if they alter the mating success of females. Because long-term field studies are impractical, we used known behavior of male and female GRB to build a Fortran language time step model, adding the effects of female movement to past models of male pheromone plume following. Females were distributed randomly, and then assigned a conditional movement strategy. If females were within the competitive portion of another female's plume, the downwind female moved. Except in the lowest population density tested, females moving upwind and crosswind when in a competing female's pheromone plume mated significantly more often than females remaining stationary. In all population simulations, mating success was significantly reduced when females moved downwind. These field and simulation studies provide strong evidence for female movement as a previously overlooked potential mechanism for resistance to mating disruption treatments, as well as a shaping behavior in the evolution of pheromone communication systems.  相似文献   

The oriental beetle, Anomala orientalis (Waterhouse) (Col., Scarabaeidae), is the most important root‐feeding pest of blueberries and turfgrass in New Jersey, USA. Previous studies showed that mating disruption is a feasible option for oriental beetle management; however, assessing its efficiency can be challenging, and little is known on its long‐term effects. Accordingly, we conducted studies to investigate low‐dose pheromone lures equivalent to oriental beetle females (i.e. female mimics) as easy‐to‐use indicators of mating disruption success, determine the distance at which oriental beetle males respond to female‐mimic lures and assess the long‐term (3‐year) effects of mating disruption on oriental beetle populations in entire blueberry fields. Our studies showed that rubber septa baited with 0.3 μg of the oriental beetle sex pheromone (Z)‐7‐tetradecen‐2‐one attract similar numbers of males as compared with virgin females and can thus be used as a female mimic. The range of attraction of this lure was found to be also similar to virgin females and <30 m. In blueberries, mating disruption provided 87% inhibition of oriental beetle populations (trap shutdown) over a 3‐year period. Oriental beetle male captures in disrupted fields were threefold higher along the field edges than in the field interiors, indicating movement of males from nearby areas into the pheromone‐treated fields. In addition, mating disruption reduced male attraction to female‐mimic lures by 93% in all 3 years and reduced the number of larvae in sentinel potted plants in 1 of 2 years. These results show for the first time that mating disruption provides consistent long‐term field‐wide control of oriental beetle populations and that female‐mimic pheromone lures can be used as a new tool to assess oriental beetle mating disruption success.  相似文献   

Pheromones have recently been suggested for use in insect pest control. We formulate a discrete version of a model with virgin females (or female equivalent of pheromone) in traps, and explore conditions under which this mechanism can eradicate the pest. Our model is density independent, thus when eradication is not possible, the pest increases without bound, in reality density dependent effects limit population growth. Successive refinements incorporating various features, show that delayed mating together with monogamy has a strong influence on the outcome, whereas other aspects of mating behaviour are relatively unimportant. All our models show that when males are in excess control is impossible but when some virgins are left unmated each day the outcome depends on the parameters. As the birth rate or survivorship increase, control by this method becomes more difficult.  相似文献   

Competition for mates has resulted in sophisticated mechanisms of male control over female reproduction. Antiaphrodisiacs are pheromones transferred from males to females during mating that reduce attractiveness of females to subsequent courting males. Antiaphrodisiacs generally help unreceptive females reduce male harassment. However, lack of control over pheromone release by females and male control over the amount transferred provides males an opportunity to use antiaphrodisiacs to delay remating by females that have returned to a receptive state. We propose a model for the evolution of antiaphrodisiacs under the influence of intrasexual selection, and determine whether changes in this signal in 11 species of Heliconius butterflies are consistent with two predictions of the model. First, we find that as predicted, male-contributed chemical mixtures are complex and highly variable across species, with limited phylogenetic signal. Second, differences in rates of evolution in pheromone composition between two major clades of Heliconius are as expected: the clade with a greater potential for male-male competition (polyandrous) shows a faster rate of divergence than the one with typically monoandrous mating system. Taken together, our results provide evidence that for females, antiaphrodisiacs can be both honest signals of receptivity (helping reduce harassment) and chastity belts (a male-imposed reduction in remating).  相似文献   

Cydia molesta Busck (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), a major pest of stone fruits and an increasingly important late season pest of apple, is predominately monitored by pheromone trapping of male moths. We investigated flight performance in relation to sex, age, and mating status using computer-linked flight mills, and also examined the relationship between female flight and reproduction. The crepuscular flight pattern of the experimental moths in relation to photointensity was very similar to that reported from field studies. Female moths significantly outperformed males in all measured flight parameters including total distance flown, distance of longest single flight, and velocity. The proportion of long-flying females (categorised as those completing an unbroken flight of greater than 1 km) was three to six times greater than that of males. Female flight performance was not related to mating status, but mated males displayed significantly greater flight than unmated males. The maximal flight period of mated females commenced on the third day after eclosion, following 30% egg deposition. Male flight was not significantly related to age. The data suggest that a limited proportion of the population, in particular females, may have the capacity to make inter-orchard flights. The limitations of monitoring C. molesta populations in apple orchards solely by pheromone trapping of males are discussed.  相似文献   

The vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), is a major pest of vineyards. Here, we tested the efficacy of the mating disruption method against the pest when applied during one or two successive years in high and low infestation levels. Following 1 year of treatment, at low initial infestation levels a shutdown of pheromone traps was observed, along with a significant reduction in infested vines. With initially high infestation levels, a gradual reduction in infested vines was observed, with a trap shutdown seen only after the second year of pheromone application. We discuss the implications of the male mating disruption method for this pest in which the wingless females are aggregated with limited movement among vines, offering multiple mating opportunities for the flying male.  相似文献   

I have constructed a simulation model applicable to both mass trapping and mating disruption for lepidopteran insect pests. The basic structure of the model is based on mass trapping model proposed by Knipling and McGuire (Agric Info Bull 308:1–20 1966), but this was modified to include mechanistic competition among females and lures. Several new implications are derived from the model. (1) Long-living pests are hard to control. (2) Protandry does not improve control efficiency for pests with low survival rates. (3) Sexual communication across large distances is more difficult to control than that across a short range. (4) There is an upper limit to improvement which can be achieved by increasing the number of pheromone traps. (5) Improving the catching efficiency of traps does not improve mating suppression although improvement of lure efficiency does substantially. The last implication, in particular, has practical importance. If an efficient lure attracts males or inhibits their ability to locate females and mate, mating disruption works as well as mass trapping with the same number of lures. In such circumstances mating disruption should be preferred to mass trapping because the former does not incur the cost of the trapping devices. Mass trapping should, however, be considered in preference to mating disruption if the lure is not efficient enough and no other methods are available. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which the application of formulated pheromone interferes with mating in the pink bollworm moth (PBW), Pectinophora gossypiella were examined in 0.4 ha cotton fields using high-dose (78 mg A.I.) sealed polyethylene dispensers. Walk-in, field wind tunnels 6.2 m long were placed over two rows of cotton. Treatments consisted of a control, a tunnel in a field free of disruptant formulation; a 3-rope treatment, in which the field was free of pheromone but one of the cotton rows in the wind tunnel was treated with 3 PBW ropes; and a rope-grid treatment, in which the field was treated with PBW ropes at the standard density of 1000 ha–1 and one of the cotton rows inside the wind tunnel was treated with 3 PBW ropes. We released marked males into the tunnels near sunset or held them in field cages for 24 h prior to assay. Two pheromone traps at the tunnel's upwind end monitored the ability of males to locate point sources of pheromone. In the 3-rope tunnel, traps placed upwind of the cotton row treated with disruptant pheromone captured far fewer males than those placed upwind of the untreated cotton row. In the tunnel situated in the centre of the rope-gridded field, very few males were caught in traps in both rows, indicating a camouflage of the pheromone plumes from the traps by the background of airborne disruptant drawn into the tunnel from the field. Activity of moths near the synthetic pheromone sources was video-recorded. Males oriented to, landed on or near, and walked on or near, PBW ropes, indicating competition between pheromone sources as a mechanism of mating disruption. Most males visiting PBW ropes became quiescent or disappeared from the field of view after a few minutes, suggesting a habituation/adaptation of response. The rhythm of attraction of males held in the field for 24 h before release was comprised of a small peak of activity near 2000 h, with the majority of attraction between 2300 and 0300 h. Much of the attraction before 0100 appears to be an advancement of the male's normal diel rhythm, caused by the presence of disruptant. Together these findings indicate that mating disruption of pink bollworm using the PBW ropes is achieved by a combination of mechanisms: a camouflage of natural plumes, competition between pheromone sources, habituation, and some advancement of the male's rhythm of response.  相似文献   

The reluctance of Israeli vine growers to adopt the mating disruption technique to control the moth Lobesia botrana Den. & Schiff. has been attributed to the high cost of this method compared with that of traditional insecticide control. In this study, we tested the possibility of reducing the cost, first by testing different pheromone formulations (and thus open the market for competition) and second by reducing the pheromone concentration used in vineyards. Comparisons were made between two pheromone formulations--Shin-Etsu (Tokyo, Japan) at 165 g/ha and Concep (Sutera, Bend, OR) at 150 g/ha--and between two concentrations of Shin-Etsu, 165 and 110 g/ha. Pheromone dispensers were placed at the onset of the second moth generation. Comparison of the numbers of clusters infested with eggs and larvae of L. botrana showed no significant differences in the performance, either between the two formulations, or between the two tested concentrations. The results suggest that 1) the two formulations are equally effective, and 2) a low pheromone concentration is sufficient to maintain good control of small populations of L. botrana. However, when the population is high, pest control efficacy is not improved by increasing the pheromone concentration. Therefore, in the interest of reducing the relatively high cost of mating disruption, we emphasize that increasing the pheromone concentration does not provide improved control of high populations of L. botrana. The cost of mating disruption can be diminished by reducing the applied pheromone concentration and by using the least expensive pheromone formulations  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) potentially provides a socially acceptable approach for insect eradication of new pest incursions. The light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), was discovered in Berkeley (CA, USA) in 2006, leading to an incursion response that included this technology. In this study, we assessed factors affecting mating success from a bisex release of irradiated moths: effects of radiation dose on male multiple mating, male flight competition, female sex pheromone titre and attractiveness of irradiated females to males, and identification of successful mating in vineyards of either irradiated or wild males (identified by isotope analysis of spermatophores from sentinel females). There was a significant negative relationship between male radiation dose and mating frequency. In head‐to‐head flights of irradiated males against non‐irradiated males to a pheromone lure in a wind tunnel, irradiated males reached the lure first only 31% of the time. With increasing radiation dose, the production of the major sex pheromone component in females, (E)‐11‐tetradecenyl acetate, dropped, from 0.7 ± 0.1 ng per female in non‐irradiated females to 0.2 ± 0.07 ng per female when irradiated at 300 Gy. Male catch was reduced to 11% of control females in traps containing females irradiated at 300 Gy. Isotope analysis of spermatophores found in the bursa copulatrix of females indicated that mating success of irradiated males inside the live (entry‐only) traps containing virgin females was lower (13.1 ± 3.3%) than suggested by male catch (21.2 ± 3.8%) in pheromone traps, the current standard for assessing field competitiveness. Impacts of irradiation on male and female moth fitness should be taken into account to improve estimates of irradiated to wild male E. postvittana overflooding ratios needed for population suppression.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The spruce seed moth, Cydia strobilella (L.), is a serious and widely distributed pest of spruce seed orchards in North America and Europe. Current pest management activities in seed orchards rely mainly on chemical pesticides for insect control. Mating disruption with sex pheromone is a potential alternative pest management tool for C. strobilella . In 2002, field tests confirmed that sticky traps baited with 3  μ g of (E) -8-dodencenyl acetate ( E 8-12:Ac), the sex pheromone of C. strobilella , could capture males in Quebec, a region of Canada not previously monitored for this insect. In the following years (2003–2005), grey rubber septa loaded with 0.75, 1.5, or 2.0 mg of E 8-12:Ac were deployed separately in two white spruce seed orchards at a density of 40 and 60 dispensers/ha to test the potential for mating disruption. The results showed that the captures of male C. strobilella in the pheromone-treated plots were reduced by up to 98%. Furthermore, at the end of the experiment in 2005, 17.3% of cones were damaged by C. strobilella in the treated plot, compared with a significantly (P < 0.0001) higher 56.4% in the control plot. The results suggest that mating disruption has potential for controlling C. strobilella to protect seed cones in white spruce seed orchards.  相似文献   

An attractive four-component pheromone blend containing a major component Z11-tetradecenyl acetate, and three minor components, E11-tetradecenyl acetate, Z11-tetradecenyl alcohol, and Z11-tetradecenyl aldehyde was tested as a mating disruptant against western Canadian populations of the obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in organic apple orchards in British Columbia. Efficacy of this four-component blend was compared to that of partial pheromone blends containing the major component plus one or two minor components. A trapping experiment confirmed that, Conrel® fibre disruption dispensers containing the four-component blend were more attractive than disruption dispensers containing the two- or three-component partial blends. A small-plot protocol was followed to compare atmospheric treatments with these blends as mating disruptants at a release rate of 10 mg ha–1 h–1 and from 1000 dispensers ha–1. Mechanisms of mating disruption, such as false-trail following and camouflage of pheromone plumes, that may be evoked to a greater degree by an attractive blend, did not appear to augment the effectiveness of mechanisms invoked by the less attractive blends, as the proportion of mating among tethered females was equal in plots treated with these blends and was reduced by 85–90% compared to the nontreated control. When the four-component pheromone blend was tested at different release rates, mating disruption in small plots began to break down at a release rate of 1.3 mg ha–1 h–1 using a dispenser density of 1000 ha–1. Above 1.3 mg ha–1 h–1 there was no dose response in release rates tested and at release rates below this dose the proportion of tethered females mating was the same as in the nontreated control. The four-component pheromone blend was tested against, and found to be no more effective than, the two-component partial blend at the threshold release rate of 1.3 mg ha–1 h–1 when it was released from 1000 or 250 disruption dispensers. Our results suggest that disruption mechanisms evoked by the attractive blend did not enhance the mating disruption effect provided by the simple blend, therefore a two-component blend may be useful in an operational mating disruption program for C. rosaceana.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of codling moth,Cydia pomonella (L.) within pheromone-treated and untreated apple and pear orchard canopies was determined using tethered virgin females, unbaited sticky traps, and blacklight observation of released moths. Mating of virgin females tethered at various heights in untreated orchard canopies increased with placement height from 1–4 m. Application of pheromone dispensers for mating disruption at 2 and 4 m above the ground greatly decreased mating. Greatest capture of males and females on unbaited sticky traps occurred at mid- and upper-canopy heights. Total capture of males and females in pheromone-treated plots was not statistically different than in untreated plots. The percentage of mated females captured on sticky traps did not vary with trap height or pheromone treatment. Released moths marked with flourescent powder and observed at dark with a blacklight indicated that moths are primarily distributed high in the canopy. However, males shifted to a position lower in the canopy when pheromone dispensers were placed 2.1 m above the ground. Results suggest that pheromone dispensers be placed in the upper canopy for optimal disruption of codling moth mating.  相似文献   

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