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Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a family of plant steroid hormones that play diverse roles in many aspects of plant growth and development. For example, BRs promote seed germination by counteracting the inhibitory effect of ABA and regulate plant reproductive development, thus affecting seed yield. We have recently reported that MOTHER OF FT AND TFL1 (MFT) regulates seed germination through a negative feedback loop modulating ABA signaling in Arabidopsis. Here, we show that MFT function is also relevant to the BR signaling pathway. In mft loss-of-function mutants, the application of BR could not fully antagonize the inhibitory effect of exogenous ABA on seed germination, suggesting that BR promotes seed germination against ABA partly through MFT. In addition, mft enhances the low-fertility phenotype of det2 in which BR biosynthesis is blocked. This phenotype, together with the observation that MFT is expressed in gametophytes and developing seeds, suggests that MFT and BR play redundant roles in regulating fertility. Therefore, these results suggest that MFT affects seed germination and fertility relevant to the BR signaling pathway.Key words: Arabidopsis, brassinosteroid, abscisic acid, fertility, seed germinationPlant hormones exert profound effects on many fundamental processes during plant growth and development. With respect to seed development and germination, it has long been known that abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellin (GA) are two major types of phytohormones that play antagonistic roles in regulating these events. Not until recently, another group of phytohormones, namely brassinosteroids (BRs), has also been found to counteract the inhibitory effect of ABA on seed germination.1,2 In addition, BR has been suggested to act in parallel with GA to promote cell elongation and germination.1,3,4BRs are a class of polyhydroxysteroids that are found in a wide variety of plant species.5 They can be detected in almost every plant tissue, with the highest abundance in the pollen and seeds.6 The most active component in the family of BRs is 24-epibrassinolide (BL), which is capable of activating BR signaling.6 In Arabidopsis, when the early steps of BR biosynthesis are blocked, the resulting defects include reduced male fertility under normal growth conditions7,8 and decreased germination percentage in the presence of exogenous ABA.1 Thus, BR plays an indispensible role in the control of seed development and also contributes to the regulation of seed germination.We have previously reported that MOTHER OF FT AND TFL1 (MFT) responds to both ABA and GA signals to regulate seed germination.9 Here we show that MFT functions in regulating seed germination and fertility, which is also relevant to the BR signaling pathway. Thus, MFT seems to function specifically in seeds in response to various phytohormones.  相似文献   

Double fertilization, uniquely observed in plants, requires successful sperm cell delivery by the pollen tube to the female gametophyte, followed by migration, recognition and fusion of the two sperm cells with two female gametic cells. The female gametophyte not only regulates these steps but also controls the subsequent initiation of seed development. Previously, we reported that loss of LORELEI, which encodes a putative glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein, in the female reproductive tissues causes a delay in initiation of seed development. From these studies, however, it was unclear if embryos derived from fertilization of lre-5 gametophytes continued to lag behind wild-type during seed development. Additionally, it was not determined if the delay in initiation of seed development had any lingering effects during seed germination. Finally, it was not known if loss of LORELEI function affects seedling development given that LORELEI is expressed in eight-day-old seedlings. Here, we showed that despite a delay in initiation, lre-5/lre-5 embryos recover, becoming equivalent to the developing wild-type embryos beginning at 72 hours after pollination. Additionally, lre-5/lre-5 seed germination, and seedling and root development are indistinguishable from wild-type indicating that loss of LORELEI is tolerated, at least under standard growth conditions, in vegetative tissues.Key words: LORELEI, glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein, embryogenesis, DD45, seed germination, primary and lateral root growth, seedling developmentDouble fertilization is unique to flowering plants. Upon female gametophyte reception of a pollen tube, the egg and central cells of the female gametophyte fuse with the two released sperm cells to form zygote and endosperm, respectively and initiate seed development.1 The female gametophyte controls seed development by (1) repressing premature central cell or egg cell proliferation until double fertilization is completed,13 (2) supplying factors that mediate early stages of embryo and endosperm development1,4,5 and (3) regulating imprinting of genes required for seed development.1,6The molecular mechanisms underlying female gametophyte control of early seed development are poorly understood. Although much progress has been made in identifying genes and mechanisms by which the female gametophyte represses premature central cell or egg cell proliferation until double fertilization is completed and regulates imprinting of genes required for seed development,1,6 only a handful of female gametophyte-expressed genes that affect early embryo7,8 and endosperm9 development after fertilization have been characterized. This is particularly important given that a large number of female gametophyte-expressed genes likely regulate early seed development.5We recently reported on a mutant screen for plants with reduced fertility and identification of a mutant that contained a large number of undeveloped ovules and very few viable seeds.10 TAIL-PCR revealed that this mutant is a new allele of LORELEI(LRE) [At4g26466].10,11 Four lre alleles have been reported;11 so, this mutant was designated lre-5.10 The Arabidopsis LORELEI protein contains 165 amino acids and possesses sequence features indicative of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor containing cell surface protein. GPI-anchors serve as an alternative to transmembrane domains for anchoring proteins in cell membranes and GPI-anchored proteins participate in many functions including cell-cell signaling.12  相似文献   

Shoot elongation is a vital process for plant development and productivity, in both ecological and economic contexts. Auxin and bioactive gibberellins (GAs), such as GA1, play critical roles in the control of elongation,13 along with environmental and endogenous factors, including other hormones such as the brassinosteroids.4,5 The effect of auxins, such as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), is at least in part mediated by its effect on GA metabolism,6 since auxin upregulates biosynthesis genes such as GA 3-oxidase and GA 20-oxidase and downregulates GA catabolism genes such as GA 2-oxidases, leading to elevated levels of bioactive GA1.7 In our recent paper,1 we have provided evidence that this action of IAA is largely independent of DELLA proteins, the negative regulators of GA action,8,9 since the auxin effects are still present in the DELLA-deficient la cry-s genotype of pea. This was a crucial issue to resolve, since like auxin, the DELLAs also promote GA1 synthesis and inhibit its deactivation. DELLAs are deactivated by GA, and thereby mediate a feedback system by which bioactive GA regulates its own level.10 However, our recent results,1 in themselves, do not show the generality of the auxin-GA relationship across species and phylogenetic groups or across different tissue types and responses. Further, they do not touch on the ecological benefits of the auxin-GA interaction. These issues are discussed below as well as the need for the development of suitable experimental systems to allow this process to be examined.Key words: auxin, gibberellins, DELLA proteins, interactions, elongation  相似文献   

In young Arabidopsis seedlings, retrograde signaling from plastids regulates the expression of photosynthesis-associated nuclear genes in response to the developmental and functional state of the chloroplasts. The chloroplast-located PPR protein GUN1 is required for signalling following disruption of plastid protein synthesis early in seedling development before full photosynthetic competence has been achieved. Recently we showed that sucrose repression and the correct temporal expression of LHCB1, encoding a light-harvesting chlorophyll protein associated with photosystem II, are perturbed in gun1 mutant seedlings.1 Additionally, we demonstrated that in gun1 seedlings anthocyanin accumulation and the expression of the “early” anthocyanin-biosynthesis genes is perturbed. Early seedling development, predominantly at the stage of hypocotyl elongation and cotyledon expansion, is also affected in gun1 seedlings in response to sucrose, ABA and disruption of plastid protein synthesis by lincomycin. These findings indicate a central role for GUN1 in plastid, sucrose and ABA signalling in early seedling development.Key words: ABA, ABI4, anthocyanin, chloroplast, GUN1, retrograde signalling, sucroseArabidopsis seedlings develop in response to light and other environmental cues. In young seedlings, development is fuelled by mobilization of lipid reserves until chloroplast biogenesis is complete and the seedlings can make the transition to phototrophic growth. The majority of proteins with functions related to photosynthesis are encoded by the nuclear genome, and their expression is coordinated with the expression of genes in the chloroplast genome. In developing seedlings, retrograde signaling from chloroplasts to the nucleus regulates the expression of these nuclear genes and is dependent on the developmental and functional status of the chloroplast. Two classes of gun (genomes uncoupled) mutants defective in retrograde signalling have been identified in Arabidopsis: the first, which comprises gun2–gun5, involves mutations in genes encoding components of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis.2,3 The other comprises gun1, which has mutations in a nuclear gene encoding a plastid-located pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) protein with an SMR (small MutS-related) domain near the C-terminus.4,5 PPR proteins are known to have roles in RNA processing6 and the SMR domain of GUN1 has been shown to bind DNA,4 but the specific functions of these domains in GUN1 are not yet established. However, GUN1 has been shown to be involved in plastid gene expression-dependent,7 redox,4 ABA1,4 and sucrose signaling,1,4,8 as well as light quality and intensity sensing pathways.911 In addition, GUN1 has been shown to influence anthocyanin biosynthesis, hypocotyl extension and cotyledon expansion.1,11  相似文献   

Plants tightly control stomatal aperture in response to various environmental changes. A drought-inducible phytohormone, abscisic acid (ABA), triggers stomatal closure and ABA signaling pathway in guard cells has been well studied. Similar to ABA, methyl jasmonate (MeJA) induces stomatal closure in various plant species but MeJA signaling pathway is still far from clear. Recently we found that Arabidopsis calcium dependent protein kinase CPK6 functions as a positive regulator in guard cell MeJA signaling and provided new insights into cytosolic Ca2+-dependent MeJA signaling. Here we discuss the MeJA signaling and also signal crosstalk between MeJA and ABA pathways in guard cells.Key words: methyl jasmonate, abscisic acid, guard cell, reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide, calciumStomata, which are formed by pairs of specialized cells called guard cells, control gas exchanges and transpirational water loss. Guard cells can shrink and swell in response to various physiological stimuli, resulting in stomatal closing and opening.1,2 To optimize growth under various environmental conditions, plants have developed fine-tuned signal pathway in guard cells. Abscisic acid (ABA) is synthesized under drought stress and induces stomatal closure to reduce transpirational water loss.2 ABA signal transduction in guard cells has been widely studied. ABA induces increases of various second messengers such as cytosolic Ca2+, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) in guard cells. These early signal components finally evoke ion efflux through plasma membrane ion channels, resulting in reduction of guard cell turgor pressure.Jasmonates are plant hormones synthesized via the octadecanoid pathway and regulate various physiological processes in plants such as pollen maturation, tendril coiling, senescence and responses to wounding and pathogen attacks.3 Similar to ABA, jasmonates also trigger stomatal closure and the response is conserved among various plant species including Arabidopsis thaliana,4 Hordeum vulgare,5 Commelina benghalensis,6 Vicia faba,7 Nicotiana glauca,8 Paphiopedilum Supersuk9 and Paphiopedilum tonsum.9 A volatile methyl ester of jasmonic acid (JA), methy jasmonate (MeJA), has been widely used for studying jasmonate signaling pathway. To date, pharmacological and reverse genetic approaches have revealed many important signal components involved in MeJA-induced stomatal closure and suggest a signal crosstalk between MeJA and ABA in guard cells. In this review, we mainly focus on the three important second messengers, ROS, NO and cytosolic Ca2+ and discuss recent advance about MeJA signaling and signal interaction between MeJA and ABA in guard cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of nitric oxide (NO) in ABA-inhibition of stomatal opening in Vicia faba L. in different size dishes. When a large dish (9 cm diameter) was used, ABA induced NO synthesis and the NO scavenger reduced ABA-inhibition of stomatal opening. When a small dish (6 cm diameter) was used, ABA induced stomatal closure and inhibited stomatal opening. The NO scavenger was able to reduce ABA-induced stomatal closure, but unable to reverse ABA-inhibition of stomatal opening. Furthermore, NO was not synthesized in response to ABA, indicating that NO is not required for ABA-inhibition of stomatal opening in the small dish. These results indicated that an NO-dependent and an NO-independent signaling pathway participate in ABA signaling pathway. An NO-dependent pathway is the major player in ABA-induced stomatal closure. However, in ABA-inhibition of stomatal opening, an NO-dependent and an NO-independent pathway act: different signaling molecules participate in ABA-signaling cascade under different environmental condition.Key words: ABA, environmental condition, nitric oxide, stomata, Vicia faba LNitric oxide (NO) is a key signaling molecule in plants.1,2 It functions in disease resistance and programmed cell death,3,4 root development,5,6 and plant responses to various abiotic stresses.1,2,7,8 In addition, NO is required for stomatal closure in response to ABA in several species including Arabidopsis, Vicia faba, pea, tomato, barley, and wheat.911 ABA-inhibition of stomatal opening is a distinct process from ABA-induced stomatal closure.12,13 In V. faba, these two processes employ a similar signaling pathway; NO is also a second messenger molecule for ABA-inhibition of stomatal opening in a large dish.14 In this study, we examined the role of NO in ABA-inhibition of stomatal opening using different dish sizes. In a small dish, NO is not involved in ABA-inhibition of stomatal opening: the NO-independent signaling pathway is the major player in it.  相似文献   

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