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Cytosine deaminase (CD), produced by prokaryotes but not by higher eukaryotes including plants, deaminates cytosine to uracil. The enzyme likewise converts 5-fluorocytosine (5FC), which by itself is not toxic, to 5-fluorouracil (5FU), which is toxic. The Escherichia coli codA-coding sequence encoding CD, together with appropriate regulatory elements, was introduced into Arabidopsis. Neither untransformed controls, nor transgenic plants expressing no CD mRNA, were sensitive to 5FC. Conversely, for most transgenic plants expressing CD mRNA, in the presence of 5FC calli and seedlings failed to proliferate, and seeds failed to germinate. A few transgenic plants with many codA copies expressed less CD mRNA and remained insensitive to 5FC, which likely reflected epigenetic repeat-induced gene silencing. Thus 5FC, presumably through conversion by the enzyme to 5FU, can be used to select against plants that express CD.  相似文献   

 A SCAR (sequence characterised amplified region) has been developed for optimal tagging of the dwarf Bzh gene in Brassica napus. A RAPD marker named OPMO7-730 was previously found closely linked to the dwarf locus at 0.8±0.7 cM. The DNA band corresponding to this marker was cloned and sequenced, and specific PCR primers were designed. The PCR test allowed us to amplify the locus corresponding to OPM07-730. With a restriction endonuclease digest and optimal electrophoresis conditions, three allelic forms of this marker have been recovered on the 40 B. napus accessions tested. The usefullness of this marker in breeding dwarf rapeseed lines is discussed. Received: 20 April 1998 / Accepted: 29 April 1998  相似文献   

Comparison of the genetic maps of Brassica napus and Brassica oleracea   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
 The genus Brassica consists of several hundreds of diploid and amphidiploid species. Most of the diploid species have eight, nine or ten pairs of chromosomes, known respectively as the B, C, and A genomes. Genetic maps were constructed for both B. napus and B. oleracea using mostly RFLP and RAPD markers. For the B. napus linkage map, 274 RFLPs, 66 RAPDs, and two STS loci were arranged in 19 major linkage groups and ten smaller unassigned segments, covering a genetic distance of 2125 cM. A genetic map of B. oleracea was constructed using the same set of RFLP probes and RAPD primers. The B. oleracea map consisted of 270 RFLPs, 31 RAPDs, one STS, three SCARs, one phenotypic and four isozyme marker loci, arranged into nine major linkage groups and four smaller unassigned segments, covering a genetic distance of 1606 cM. Comparison of the B. napus and B. oleracea linkage maps showed that eight out of nine B. oleracea linkage groups were conserved in the B. napus map. There were also regions in the B. oleracea map showing homoeologies with more than one linkage group in the B. napus map. These results provided molecular evidence for B. oleracea, or a closely related 2n=18 Brassica species, as the C-genome progenitor, and also reflected on the homoeology between the A and C genomes in B. napus. Received: 14 June 1996 / Accepted: 11 October 1996  相似文献   

 Self-incompatibility (SI) in Brassica is a sporophytic system, genetically determined by alleles at the S-locus, which prevents self-fertilization and encourages outbreeding. This system occurs naturally in diploid Brassica species but is introduced into amphidiploid Brassica species by interspecific breeding, so that in both cases there is a potential for yield increase due to heterosis and the combination of desirable characteristics from both parental lines. Using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based analysis specific for the alleles of the SLG (S-locus glycoprotein gene) located on the S-locus, we genetically mapped the S-locus of B. oleracea for SI using a F2 population from a cross between a rapid-cycling B. oleracea line (CrGC-85) and a cabbage line (86-16-5). The linkage map contained both RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) and RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers. Similarly, the S-loci were mapped in B. napus using two different crosses (91-SN-5263×87-DHS-002; 90-DHW-1855-4×87-DHS-002) where the common male parent was self-compatible, while the S-alleles introgressed in the two different SI female parents had not been characterized. The linkage group with the S-locus in B. oleracea showed remarkable homology to the corresponding linkage group in B. napus except that in the latter there was an additional locus present, which might have been introgressed from B. rapa. The S-allele in the rapid-cycling Brassica was identified as the S29 allele, the S-allele of the cabbage was the S 5 allele. These same alleles were present in our two B. napus SI lines, but there was evidence that it might not be the active or major SI allele that caused self-incompatibility in these two B. napus crosses. Received: 7 June 1996/Accepted: 6 September 1996  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty one microsatellites were identified by screening a λ phage library of Brassica napus. The distribution of these microsatellites within Brassicaceae species was estimated using 81 locus-specific primer pairs. Most of them (83%) amplified fragments either from Brassica oleracea or Brassica campestris, or from both species, whereas less than 30% detected loci in Brassica nigra. The same was true (30–35%) for more-distantly related crucifer species such as Diplotaxis ssp., Brassica tournefortii, Sinapis alba, Raphanus sativus and Eruca sativa. Only 16 microsatellite-specific primer pairs (19.8%) amplified fragments from Arabidopsis thaliana. Moreover, 61 of the primer pairs detecting 198 polymorphisms were used to estimate the extent of genetic diversity among 32 Brassica napus varieties and breeding lines. On average, four alleles per locus were observed. The spring and winter types of oilseed rape could be clearly distinguished by using the microsatellite markers in a cluster analysis. The results demonstrated the high efficiency of these markers for monitoring genetic diversity. Received: 14 April 2000 / Accepted: 3 July 2000  相似文献   

 Linolenic acid is a component of canola oil that is readily oxidized, which results in a reduced frying stability and shelf life of the oil. The reduction of linolenic acid in canola seed has therefore been an important breeding objective for many years. The inheritance of linolenic acid concentrations in seed oil is polygenic and is also strongly influenced by the environment. For these reasons, molecular markers are sought to assist in early and reliable selection of desired low linolenic acid genotypes in breeding programmes. Molecular markers associated with low linolenic acid loci were identified in a doubled-haploid population derived from a cross between the Brassica napus lines, ‘Apollo’ (low linolenic)×YN90-1016 (high linolenic) using RAPDs and bulked segregant analysis. A total of 16 markers were distributed over three linkage groups, which individually accounted for 32%, 14% and 5% of the phenotypic variation in linolenic acid content. The rapeseed fad3 gene was mapped near the locus controlling 14% of the variation. The mode of inheritance appeared to be additive, and a QTL analysis showed that collectively the three loci explained 51% of the phenotypic variation within this population. PCR fragments for low linolenic acid ‘Apollo’ alleles (3% linolenic acid) were identified at all three loci. Simultaneous selection for low linolenic acid ‘Apollo’ alleles at each locus resulted in a group of DH lines with 4.0% linolenic acid. The use of these makers in the breeding programme will enhance the breeding of low linolenic acid B. napus cultivars for production in Canada. Received: 23 September 1997 / Accepted: 21 October 1997  相似文献   

An Agrobacterium tumefaciens -mediated transformation system for Brassica napus has been improved. We investigated several marker genes for transformation of Brassica napus , and the aadA gene, which confers resistance to streptomycin and spectinomycin, was found to be the most suitable. Forty-three out of 193 putative transformants in the T1 generation were investigated by Southern blot analysis. Transformants containing a range of 1 to 10 integrated T-DNA copies per genome were found. Total DNA from 35 plants showed hybridisation to both the aadA and the nptll marker gene probes, from 5 plants only to one marker gene probe and from 3 plants DNA did not hybridise to any of the gene probes. Furthermore, more complex integration patterns such as direct repeated copies of the T-DNA, both as tandem and inverted copies, were observed. Inheritance of the marker genes in the T2 generation was studied in 37 of the plants. This revealed that 22% of the plants that contained both marker genes, segregated as one single locus (3:1) for both genes, while 46% of the plants gave a segregation pattern corresponding to one T-DNA locus for at least one of the marker genes. Moreover, these inheritance patterns appeared to be more or less independent of the number of genes seen in the Southern blot analysis of the T, generation. In this study we show that the introduced marker genes are inherited by the T; generation in a less predictable way than was earlier reported for B. napus .  相似文献   

The prodrug activation system formed by the E. coli codA gene encoding cytosine deaminase (CD) and 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) developed for selective cancer chemotherapy suffers from a sensitivity limitation in many tumour cells. In an attempt to improve the CD/5-FC suicide association, we combined the E. coli upp gene encoding uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (UPRT) with codA gene to create the situation prevailing in E. coli, a bacterium very efficient in metabolising 5-FC. The constitutive expression of the two genes cloned on an E. coli-animal cell shuttle plasmid either in a linked or in a fused configuration was evaluated in E. coli strains selected and engineered to mimic the 5-FC metabolism encountered in mammalian cells. The simultaneous expression of codA and upp genes generated a cooperative effect resulting in a dramatic increase in 5-FC sensitivity of cells compared to the expression of codA alone. Furthermore, it was shown that the association of UPRT with CD facilitated the uptake of 5-FC, in the situation where the drug penetrates cells by passive diffusion as in mammalian cells, by directly channeling 5-fluorouracil, the product of CD, to 5-fluoroUMP, the product of UPRT.  相似文献   

Analysis of RFLP mapping inaccuracy in Brassica napus L.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 We identified sources of mapping inaccuracy during the construction of RFLP linkage maps from one F2 population and two F1 microspore-derived populations from the same cross of oilseed Brassica napus. The genetic maps were compared using a total of 145 RFLP marker loci including 82 loci common to all three populations. In the process, we identified a series of mapping events that could lead to ambigous conclusions. Superimposed restriction fragments could be mistaken as a single dominant restriction fragment in a F2 population and, when analyzed as such, would yield inaccurate linkage information. Residual heterozygosity in parental lines resulted in complicated allelic assignment and yielded subsequent difficulties in linkage determination. Loose and spurious linkages occurred during mapping and were identified by comparing maps derived from different populations. LOD scores and χ2 test of independence were compared for their capacity to detect loose linkages or generate spurious ones. Extreme segregation distortions towards the same parental allele also contributed to an additional source of spurious linkage. Small but significant segregation distortions resulted in reduced estimates of the recombination fraction. The use of the same ‘probe× enzyme’ combinations in doubled haploid populations allowed the identification of the correct allele assignment as well as loose and spurious linkages. A translocation between two homoeologous linkage groups was observed. The consequences of such a chromosomal event as a source of error in mapping applications are discussed. Received: 7 September 1996/Accepted: 25 October 1996  相似文献   

The RFLP and AFLP techniques are laborious and expensive and therefore of limited use for marker-assisted selection, demanding a high throughput of samples in a short time. But marker-assisted selection is most useful for traits which are hard to score on single plants and influenced by environmental factors. Four RFLP and three AFLP markers have been found to be linked to genes of the B-genome of Brassica mediating resistance against Phoma lingam in oilseed rape. One RFLP and one AFLP marker were converted into three PCR-based STS markers: one of dominant, as well as one of codominant inheritance separated in a standard agarose gel and a third one of codominant inheritance to be separated in a polyacrylamide gel on an automated sequencer. As expected, the STS markers mapped at the same position as the original RFLP and AFLP markers. The STS markers are efficient in marker-assisted backcross programs of the resistant B-genome/Brassica napus recombinant lines with most of the tested oilseed rape varieties and breeding lines. More than 90% of the tested oilseed rape varieties and breeding lines exhibited no resistance marker alleles. The mapping results obtained with the markers, as well as comparative sequencing of the marker alleles, indicate synteny and homology between the B-genome resistance gene donors and B. napus in the region of the resistance genes. The location of the resistance genes in the B-genome/B. napus recombinant lines is most likely on the A genome. Thus the transfer of the B-genome resistance genes into Brassica campestris is also possible. Received: 9 December 1999 / Accepted: 21 June 2000  相似文献   

 This paper reports the estimated gene copy number and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) map locations of five different desaturase cDNA clones from Brassica napus (oilseed rape). The desaturase enzymes encoded by four of these genes catalyze successive reactions that insert double bonds into lipid-linked fatty acid residues. Delta-12 (e2) and delta-15 (e3) desaturases are active in the endoplasmic reticulum, while omega-6 (p2) and omega-3 (p3) desaturases catalyze analogous desaturation reactions via a parallel pathway located in plastids. The fifth cDNA clone (b5) contains a desaturase-like domain bound to a cytochrome b5 segment. Estimates of gene copy number based on Southern blot analysis of 16 oilseed rape varieties and three different resynthesized Brassica napus lines indicated that e2 had 4–6 gene copies and e3, p2, p3 and b5 each had 6–8 gene copies per haploid genome. Estimates of the gene copy number for the two progenitor species, Brassica oleracea and Brassica rapa, supported the premise that all these genes were at least duplicated or triplicated in the two progenitor species before they combined to form B. napus. RFLP mapping results showed that the e2 probe detected 4 distinct loci, the e3 probe 6 loci and p2, p3 and b5 each detected 8 loci, with pairs of loci often mapping to homoeologous regions on 2 different linkage groups. The 28 mappable loci were distributed across 12 linkage groups of the B. napus map (Parkin et al. 1995) and were usually represented by single RFLP fragments. A collinear segment containing the e2 and p3 loci was positioned on B. napus linkage groups N1, N11, N3, N13, N5 and N15. This segment was collinear with a 30-cM region of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 3 that contains the homologous fad2 (e2) and fad7(p3) genes. This suggests that the desaturase multigene families arose as the result of duplication of large chromosome segments rather than duplication of individual genes. Received: 14 August 1996 / Accepted: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

Thirty resynthesized Brassica napus lines with defined S-allele constitution and the ancestral B. oleracea and B. campestris lines were used for the analysis of S- locus glycoproteins (SLGs). The aim of this study was to investigate (1) whether the S-specific glycoproteins of the diploid ancestor lines were also expressed in the amphidiploid hybrids and (2) whether the occurrence of SLG bands was correlated with the activity of the respective S-alleles, which had been tested by means of diallele pollination tests in a previous study. Stigma proteins were separated by isoelectric focusing (IEF)-gel electrophoresis, and glycoprotein bands were identified by Western blotting and Con-A/peroxidase reaction. The SLG bands of the B. campestris parent could be detected in all 30 resynthesized B. napus lines. In contrast, B. oleracea SLG bands could only be detected in 12 resynthesized B. napus lines. Only B. napus lines which carried the dominant B. oleracea S-alleles S8 and S29 showed respective SLG bands in all cases. Nine B. napus lines showed only glycoprotein bands of the B. campestris parent, although the biological functioning of the B. oleracea S-alleles was demonstrated by test-pollinations. New SLG bands different from those of the B. oleracea and B. campestris parents occurred in 16 B. napus lines. The expression level of the SLGs in B. napus was not correlated with the self-incompatibility phenotype, not only in the case of recessive S-alleles (S2, S15), but also for dominant alleles (e.g. S14, S32, S45). Received: 22 January 1999 / Accepted: 30 January 1999  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of shoot regeneration from cotyledonary explants of Brassica napus was carried out by 7×7 diallel crosses using cultivars showing a different ability for regeneration. Both additive and dominant effects were significant, with the additive effect being more important than the dominant one. Dominant genes had a positive effect on shoot regeneration. Non-allelic interaction and average maternal effects were not detected, while specific the maternal one was significant. In the 5×5 sub-diallel table, the maternal effect became nonsignificant. The mean degree of dominance was 0.759. Broad- and narrow-sense heritabilities were 0.973 and 0.819, respectively, indicating that shoot regenera- tion ability can be easily transferred into economically important cultivars showing a low or an unresponsive ability. Received: 5 July 1999 / Accepted: 14 September 1999  相似文献   

Changes in nuclear pore complex (NPC) densities, NPCs/nucleus and NPCs/μm3, are described using freeze-fractured Brassica napus microspores and pollen in vivo and in vitro. Early stages of microspore- and pollen-derived embryogenic cells were also analysed. The results of in vivo and in vitro pollen development indicate an increase in activity of the vegetative nucleus during maturation of the pollen. At the onset of microspore and pollen culture, NPC density decreased from 15 NPCs/μm2 at the stage of isolation to 9 NPCs/μm2, under both embryogenic and non-embryogenic conditions. This implies that the drop in NPC density might be a result of culturing the microspores and pollen rather than an indication for microspore and pollen embryogenesis in Brassica napus. However, after 1 day in culture under embryogenic conditions, the NPC density increased again and stabilised around 13 NPCs/μm2, whereas under non-embryogenic conditions the NPC density remained about 9 NPCs/μm2. This low density of 9 NPCs/μm2 was also found in the nuclei of sperm cells, in contrast to the 19 NPCs/μm2 found in the vegetative nucleus. It means that, although both the vegetative and sperm nuclei are believed to be metabolically rather inactive in mature pollen, the NPC density of vegetative nucleus is twice as high as the NPC density of the sperm nuclei. In a few cases, embryos formed suspensor-like structures with a NPC density of 9 NPCs/μm2, indicating a lower nucleocytoplasmic exchange of the nuclei of the suspensor cells than with the nuclei in the embryo proper. In addition, observations on NPCs and other organelles, obtained by high resolution cryo-scanning microscopy, are presented. Received: 29 December 1999 / Revision accepted: 3 March 2000  相似文献   

一个与甘蓝型油菜无花瓣性状基因连锁的RAPD标记   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以无花瓣和有花瓣姊妹系油菜为材料,结合近等基因系法和集群分离法这两种分子标记策略.对184个RAPD随机引物进行筛选,得到了与控制花瓣性状基因紧密连锁的分子S352-580,并通过无花瓣品系和有花瓣品种对所得标记进行了验证。  相似文献   

The frequency of hybridisation between Brassica napus L. and Raphanus raphanistrum L. under agronomic conditions was assessed in field experiments, where R. raphanistrum were randomly planted at two different densities into large plots of B. napus. An acetolacate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicide-resistant trait was used to detect potential hybrid individuals. No hybrids were detected amongst 25,000 seedlings grown from seed collected from R. raphanistrum plants. Two hybrids were obtained from more than 52-million B. napus seedlings. Both hybrids were characterised as amphidiploids (AACCRrRr, 2n = 56) and were fertile. The frequency of hybridisation into B. napus in this experiment using male-fertile B. napus was 4 × 10–8. Received: 31 August 2000 / Accepted: 23 January 2001  相似文献   

The method of rapid freeze-fixation and substitution was used with Brassica napus floral bud material in order to improve the preservation of microspore and tapetal organelle structure. When observed using transmission electron microscopy, the appearance of the freeze-substituted material differs in a number of ways from the chemically-fixed material previously studied, in particular for the lipid-rich elaioplasts and tapetosomes in the tapetal cells. The tapetosomes have a very electron-dense, opaque appearance when visualized after rapid fixation. In addition, we were able to observe other cytoplasmic details such as pockets in the endoplasmic reticulum and cytoskeletal structures such as microfilaments. Extracellular material was also well-preserved; for example, the fibrous material in the baculae of the developing microspore exine was also visible. Finally, in the freeze-fixed sections specific structures such as elaioplasts could be labelled by antibodies, which indicates that this method preserved protein epitopes that were destroyed by chemical fixation. Received: 27 October 1999 / Accepted: 2 November 1999  相似文献   

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