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The genus Anisotes Nees is revised. A total of 24 taxa had previously been described. In the present revision 19 species, 3 subspecies and 1 variety are recognized. A new infrageneric classification of Anisotes is proposed.
In the general part the morphology, with special emphasis on pollen morphology, and the diagnostic characters of the genus are outlined. Phytogeographical and ecological aspects are discussed in relation to the phytogeographical division of Africa.  相似文献   

The genus Panisea is revised. A total of 13 taxa have previously been described. In the present revision 7 species are recognized: P. albiflora, P. apiculata, P. demissa, P. distelidia sp. nov., P. tricallosa, P. uniflora and P. yunnanensis. A new variety, P. tricallosa var. garrettii is proposed.  相似文献   

The genus Cremastra is revised. A total of 8 taxa have earlier been proposed, but in the present revision 2 species are recognized: C. appendiculata and C. unguiculata. Hyacinthorchis variabilis is here considered a variety: C. appendiculata var. variabilis comb. et stat. nov.  相似文献   

A taxonomic treatment of the genus Ptyssiglottis including Ancylacanthus, Hallieru-cantha, Oreothyrsus , and Polytrema is given. The phylogeny is briefly dealt with. Leaf morphology, inflorescence morphology and pollen morphology yield important characters. The distribution of selected characters is mapped. The distribution of all species is mapped. Eight new species are published viz. P. campanulata, P. decurrens, P. fusca, P. glandulifera, P. longisepala, P mucronata, P. pubescens , and P. staminodifera . Fifteen new combinations are made viz. P. caudata, P. creaghii, P. cuprea, P. cyrtandroides, P. dulcamarioides, P. fastidiosa, P. glabrisepala, P. granulata, P. nigrescens, P. peranthera, P. psychotriifolia, P. pubisepala, P. salicifolia, P. sanguinolenta , and P. undulata .  相似文献   

A taxonomic treatment of the genus Ptyssiglottis including Ancylacanthus, Hallieracantha, Oreothyrsus , and Polytrema is given. The phylogeny is briefly dealt with. Leaf morphology, inflorescence morphology and pollen morphology yield important characters. The distribution of selected characters is mapped. The distribution of all species is mapped. Eight new species are published viz. P. campanulata, P. decurrens, P. fusca, P. glandulifera, P. longisepala, P. mucronata, P. pubescens , and P. stamino-difera . Fifteen new combinations are made viz. P. caudata, P. creaghii, P. cuprea, P. cyrtandroides, P. dulcamarioides, P. fastidiosa, P. glabrisepala, P. granulata, P. nigrescens, P. peranthera, P. psychotriifolia, P. pubisepala, P. salicifolia, P. sanguinolenta , and P. undulata .  相似文献   

A new genus, Wuacanthus Y.F. Deng, N.H. Xia & H. Peng (Acanthaceae), is described from the Hengduan Mountains, China. Wuacanthus is based on Wuacanthus microdontus (W.W.Sm.) Y.F. Deng, N.H. Xia & H. Peng, originally published in Justicia and then moved to Mananthes. The new genus is characterized by its shrub habit, strongly 2-lipped corolla, the 2-lobed upper lip, 3-lobed lower lip, 2 stamens, bithecous anthers, parallel thecae with two spurs at the base, 2 ovules in each locule, and the 4-seeded capsule. Phylogenetic analyses show that the new genus belongs to the Pseuderanthemum lineage in tribe Justicieae. Wuacanthus is closely related to Pseuderanthemum but differs from the latter by its shorter corolla tube and two minute spurs at the base of each anther-theca. W. microdontus is assessed with the status EN B2ab (iii) based on the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.  相似文献   

Echinococcus remains a significant public health problem worldwide and, in several regions, the aetiological agents of cystic hydatid disease/echinococcosis are extending their range. The taxonomy of Echinococcus has been a controversial issue for decades, but the outcome of recent molecular epidemiological studies has served to reinforce proposals made ten years ago to revise the taxonomy of Echinococcus. A formal nomenclature is essential for effective communication, and provides the stability that underpins epidemiological investigations. It will also serve to recognize the contribution of early taxonomists.  相似文献   

Three morphologically different penile types discovered in branchinellids from Botswana are compared with literature information on congeners. The striking differences among penile structures in Branchinella ondonguae, B. ornata and the halobiontic B. spinosa raise doubts about their congeneric status. Penis morphology in B. ondonguae corresponds with the most common configuration in branchinellids, but it is largely deviant in the other two. Branchinella ornata shares penile structures with Dendrocephalus , while basal parts in B. spinosa reflect affinity with chirocephalids. A considerable general morphological variability in Branchinella , not met in any other anostracan genus, may reflect the antiquity of the group, or else poor taxonomy. Large intra-branchinellid variability and vague generic boundaries, even when considering the usually conservative penile structures, stress the need of a thorough revision of the entire family of the Thamnocephalidae.  相似文献   

Tetsuo Koyama 《Brittonia》1984,36(2):184-205
Heterosmilax, a small southeastern Asiatic genus in the Smilacaceae, comprises 11 species in two sections, includingH. micrandra, which is described as new from Hainan, China. These taxa are taxonomically discussed, described, illustrated, and a key is provided to differentiate them.  相似文献   

The new genusPranceacanthus, apparently most closely related to the bitypic genusJuruasia, is described and illustrated. Its sole species,P. coccineus, has been collected on “terra firma” in lowland Amazonian Brazil in the states of Amazonas and Mato Grosso and in the territory of Rondônia.  相似文献   

In connection with a revision of Gerbera L. nom. cons. in Africa the genus Perdicium L. is revised. The genus includes two species, P. capense L. and P. leiocarpum DC. in the Western Cape Region of South Africa.  相似文献   

The genus Pachyrhizus is revised in order to establish the distribution of the species and their variation. Three species in cultivation ( P. erosus, P. tuberosus and P. ahipa ) and two species only occurring in the wild ( P. ferrugineus and P. panamensis ) are recognized. P. strigosus is considered conspecific with P. erosus . All the infraspecific taxa proposed by Clausen are considered untenable. The new combination P. ferrugineus is made for what was previously know as P. vernalis .  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium is an important cause of enteric disease in humans and other animals. Limitations associated with conventional diagnostic methods for cryptosporidiosis based on morphological features, coupled with the difficulty of characterising parasites isolated in the laboratory, have restricted our ability to clearly identify species. The application of sensitive molecular approaches has obviated the necessity for laboratory amplification. Such studies have found considerable evidence of genetic heterogeneity among isolates of Cryptosporidium from different species of vertebrate, and there is now mounting evidence suggesting that a series of host-adapted genotypes/strains/species of the parasite exist. In this article, studies on the molecular characterisation of Cryptosporidium during the last 5 years are reviewed and put into perspective with the past and present taxonomy of the genus. The predictive value of achieving a sound taxonomy for the genus Cryptosporidium with respect to understanding its epidemiology and transmission and controlling outbreaks of the disease is also discussed.  相似文献   

The four related genera: Ainsworthia Boiss., Tordylium L., Synelcosciadium Boiss. and Mandenovia Alava are revised. Data are presented from detailed gross morphology, mericarp surface features and anatomy, and palynology.
The results show: (1) Ainsmorthia and Synelcosciadium are congeneric with the genus Tordylium, and that Mandenovia is a good monotypic genus; (2) Tordylium persicum is synonymous with 7. cappadocicum and 7. aegaeum with 7. pestalozzae; (3) the genus Tordylium is best divided into subgenus Tordylium (including Synelcosciadium) and subgenus Ainsworthia (Boiss.) Drude. The latter is divided into section Condylocarpus (Hoffm.) DC, section Hasselquistia (L.) Boiss. and section Univittata Drude.
A new species of Tordylium is described, and two new combinations made. A taxonomic treatment of the genus 'Tordylium', together with a key to the species, is given.  相似文献   

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