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Allele frequency data for the STR systems CSFaPO, TPOX, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D5S818, and D7S820 were determined in a population sample of unrelated, healthy Amerindian Kichwa individuals. All loci met Hardy-Weinberg expectations, and there was no evidence for association of alleles among the seven loci. 相似文献
Wang S Ray N Rojas W Parra MV Bedoya G Gallo C Poletti G Mazzotti G Hill K Hurtado AM Camrena B Nicolini H Klitz W Barrantes R Molina JA Freimer NB Bortolini MC Salzano FM Petzl-Erler ML Tsuneto LT Dipierri JE Alfaro EL Bailliet G Bianchi NO Llop E Rothhammer F Excoffier L Ruiz-Linares A 《PLoS genetics》2008,4(3):e1000037
The large and diverse population of Latin America is potentially a powerful resource for elucidating the genetic basis of complex traits through admixture mapping. However, no genome-wide characterization of admixture across Latin America has yet been attempted. Here, we report an analysis of admixture in thirteen Mestizo populations (i.e. in regions of mainly European and Native settlement) from seven countries in Latin America based on data for 678 autosomal and 29 X-chromosome microsatellites. We found extensive variation in Native American and European ancestry (and generally low levels of African ancestry) among populations and individuals, and evidence that admixture across Latin America has often involved predominantly European men and both Native and African women. An admixture analysis allowing for Native American population subdivision revealed a differentiation of the Native American ancestry amongst Mestizos. This observation is consistent with the genetic structure of pre-Columbian populations and with admixture having involved Natives from the area where the Mestizo examined are located. Our findings agree with available information on the demographic history of Latin America and have a number of implications for the design of association studies in population from the region. 相似文献
Wang J 《Genetics》2003,164(2):747-765
For an admixed population, an important question is how much genetic contribution comes from each parental population. Several methods have been developed to estimate such admixture proportions, using data on genetic markers sampled from parental and admixed populations. In this study, I propose a likelihood method to estimate jointly the admixture proportions, the genetic drift that occurred to the admixed population and each parental population during the period between the hybridization and sampling events, and the genetic drift in each ancestral population within the interval between their split and hybridization. The results from extensive simulations using various combinations of relevant parameter values show that in general much more accurate and precise estimates of admixture proportions are obtained from the likelihood method than from previous methods. The likelihood method also yields reasonable estimates of genetic drift that occurred to each population, which translate into relative effective sizes (N(e)) or absolute average N(e)'s if the times when the relevant events (such as population split, admixture, and sampling) occurred are known. The proposed likelihood method also has features such as relatively low computational requirement compared with previous ones, flexibility for admixture models, and marker types. In particular, it allows for missing data from a contributing parental population. The method is applied to a human data set and a wolflike canids data set, and the results obtained are discussed in comparison with those from other estimators and from previous studies. 相似文献
Camorlinga-Ponce M Perez-Perez G Gonzalez-Valencia G Mendoza I Peñaloza-Espinosa R Ramos I Kersulyte D Reyes-Leon A Romo C Granados J Muñoz L Berg DE Torres J 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27212
It is valuable to extend genotyping studies of Helicobacter pylori to strains from indigenous communities across the world to better define adaption, evolution, and associated diseases. We aimed to genetically characterize both human individuals and their infecting H. pylori from indigenous communities of Mexico, and to compare them with those from other human groups. We studied individuals from three indigenous groups, Tarahumaras from the North, Huichols from the West and Nahuas from the center of Mexico. Volunteers were sampled at their community site, DNA was isolated from white blood cells and mtDNA, Y-chromosome, and STR alleles were studied. H. pylori was cultured from gastric juice, and DNA extracted for genotyping of virulence and housekeeping genes. We found Amerindian mtDNA haplogroups (A, B, C, and D), Y-chromosome DYS19T, and Amerindian STRs alleles frequent in the three groups, confirming Amerindian ancestry in these Mexican groups. Concerning H.pylori cagA phylogenetic analyses, although most isolates were of the Western type, a new Amerindian cluster neither Western nor Asian, was formed by some indigenous Mexican, Colombian, Peruvian and Venezuelan isolates. Similarly, vacA phylogenetic analyses showed the existence of a novel Amerindian type in isolates from Alaska, Mexico and Colombia. With hspA strains from Mexico and other American groups clustered within the three major groups, Asian, African or European. Genotyping of housekeeping genes confirmed that Mexican strains formed a novel Asian-related Amerindian group together with strains from remote Amazon Aborigines. This study shows that Mexican indigenous people with Amerindian markers are colonized with H. pylori showing admixture of Asian, European and African strains in genes known to interact with the gastric mucosa. We present evidence of novel Amerindian cagA and vacA alleles in indigenous groups of North and South America. 相似文献
The origin of the African populations that arrived on the Colombian coasts at the time of the Spanish conquest and their subsequent settlement throughout the country and interaction with Amerindian and Spanish populations are features that can be analyzed through the study of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers. For this purpose, the present study investigates the admixture between these populations by analyzing the markers defining the main (A, B, C, D) and minor (X) founder haplogroups in Native Americans, the principal African haplogroup (L), and additional generic markers present in Caucasian (I, J, K, H, T, U, V, W) and minor African lineages (L3). As part of an interdisciplinary research program (the Expedición Humana, furthered by the Universidad Javeriana and directed by J.E. Bernal V.), 159 Afro-Colombians from five populations in which they are the majority and 91 urban Mestizos were studied. No Amerindian haplogroups (A-D, X) were detected in 81% of the Afro-Colombians. In those samples with Amerindian lineages (average 18.8%, with a range from 10% to 43%), haplogroup B predominated. When analyzed for the presence of African haplotypes, Afro-Colombians showed an overall frequency of 35.8% for haplogroup L mtDNAs, although with broad differences between populations. A few Afro-Colombian samples (1.9%) had mutations that have not been described before, and might therefore be considered as previously unsampled African variants or as new mutations arising in the American continent. Conversely, in Mestizos less than 22% of their mtDNAs belonged to non-Amerindian lineages, of which most were likely to be West Eurasian in origin. Haplogroup L mtDNAs were found in only one Mestizo (1.1%), indicating that, if present, admixture with African women would bring in other, rarer African lineages. On the other hand, in an accompanying paper (Keyeux et al. 2002) we have shown that Amerindians from Colombia have experienced little or no matrilineal admixture with Caucasians or Africans. Taken together, these results are evidence of different patterns of past ethnic admixture among Africans, Amerindians, and Spaniards in the geographic region now encompassing Colombia, which is also reflected in much of the region's cultural diversity. 相似文献
Paul Tchen Jeanine Séger Etienne Bois Françoise Grenand André Fribourg-Blanc Nicole Feingold 《Human genetics》1978,45(3):317-326
Two Amerindian populations of French Guiana were investigated for plasma proteins and red-cell enzymes. In the Wayampi tribe, rare variants were identified in 4 systems. The corresponding alleles are designated AK1 3 Wayampi, PGM1 (4/10) Wayampi, PGM2 6 Wayampi, and TfD. In the Emerillon tribe, a variant allele of PGM2, designated PGM2 6 Emerillon, was identified. For three of the systems, PGM1, PGM2, Tf, similar isozymes have been described in other Amerindian populations. These findings suggest that the corresponding alleles may have the same origin. 相似文献
P. Tchen E. Bois Jeanine Séger P. Grenand Nicole Feingold J. Feingold 《Human genetics》1978,45(3):305-315
Summary Phenotypes and gene frequencies are presented for 20 serum and erythrocyte proteins in two Amerindian populations of inner French Guiana. No genetic variability was detected in 12 of these systems. Heterozygosity was calculated for the others and the reasons for its variation are discussed. 相似文献
Recently, a quantitative-trait locus (QTL) for whole blood serotonin level was identified in a genomewide linkage and association study in a founder population. Because serotonin level is a sexually dimorphic trait, in the present study, we evaluated the sex-specific genetic architecture of whole blood serotonin level in the same population. Here, we use an extended homozygosity-by-descent linkage method that is suitable for large complex pedigrees. Although both males and females have high broad heritability (H2=0.99), females have a higher additive component (h2=0.63 in females; h2=0.27 in males). Furthermore, the serotonin QTL on 17q that was identified previously in this population, integrin beta 3 (ITGB3), and a novel locus on 2q influence serotonin levels only in males, whereas linkage to a region on chromosome 6q is specific to females. Both sexes contribute to linkage signals on 12q and 16p. There were, overall, more associations meeting criteria for suggestive significance in males than in females, including those of ITGB3 and the serotonin transporter gene (5HTT). This analysis is consistent with heritable sexual dimorphism in whole blood serotonin levels resulting from the effects of a combination of sex-specific and sex-independent loci. 相似文献
A. Roberto Frisancho Kenneth Guire William Babler Gary Borken Antony Way 《American journal of physical anthropology》1980,52(3):367-375
The growth in height of 1,202 Quechua and Mestizo children aged 6 to 19 years of the province of Lamas in the Peruvian Eastern Lowlands was studied. As shown by evaluations of ABO, Rh systems, and skin reflectance measurements, the Quechuas are genetically different from the Mestizos. The heights of Quechuas and Mestizos were matched for nutritional status based on measurements of subcutaneous fat and body muscle. The study indicates that: (1) during childhood, Quechuas and Mestizos matched for the same nutritional status attain similar heights; (2) during adolescence (or after the age of 11 years), the Mestizos are significantly taller than the Quechuas of the same nutritional status; 3) during childhood, the relative difference in height between Quechuas and Mestizos matched for the same nutritional status is less than the difference between Quechuas (or Mestizos) of the same genetic composition characterized by good and poor nutritional status. These findings suggest that the influence of environmental factors, such as nutrition, have a greater influence in producing differences in body size during childhood than during adolescence. Conversely, the present findings support the hypothesis that the influence of genetic factors on body size are greater during adolescence than during childhood. However, comparison of adolescent samples of similar genetic composition (whether they be Quechuas or Mestizos), characterized by good and poor nutritional status, reveal large differences in height, suggesting that under conditions of malnutrition, the genetic control of growth is diminished. 相似文献
The characterization of livestock genetic diversity can inform breed conservation initiatives. The genetic diversity and genetic structure were assessed in 685 individual genotypes sampled from 24 British chicken breeds. A total of 239 alleles were found across 30 microsatellite loci with a mean number of 7.97 alleles per locus. The breeds were highly differentiated, with an average F(ST) of 0.25, similar to that of European chicken breeds. The genetic diversity in British chicken breeds was comparable to that found in European chicken breeds, with an average number of alleles per locus of 3.59, ranging from 2.00 in Spanish to 4.40 in Maran, and an average expected heterozygosity of 0.49, ranging from 0.20 in Spanish to 0.62 in Araucana. However, the majority of breeds were not in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, as indicated by heterozygote deficiency in the majority of breeds (average F(IS) of 0.20), with an average observed heterozygote frequency of 0.39, ranging from 0.15 in Spanish to 0.49 in Cochin. Individual-based clustering analyses revealed that most individuals clustered to breed origin. However, genetic subdivisions occurred in several breeds, and this was predominantly associated with flock supplier and occasionally by morphological type. The deficit of heterozygotes was likely owing to a Wahlund effect caused by sampling from different flocks, implying structure within breeds. It is proposed that gene flow amongst flocks within breeds should be enhanced to maintain the current levels of genetic diversity. Additionally, certain breeds had low levels of both genetic diversity and uniqueness. Consideration is required for the conservation and preservation of these potentially vulnerable breeds. 相似文献
Ségurel L Martínez-Cruz B Quintana-Murci L Balaresque P Georges M Hegay T Aldashev A Nasyrova F Jobling MA Heyer E Vitalis R 《PLoS genetics》2008,4(9):e1000200
In the last two decades, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the non-recombining portion of the Y chromosome (NRY) have been extensively used in order to measure the maternally and paternally inherited genetic structure of human populations, and to infer sex-specific demography and history. Most studies converge towards the notion that among populations, women are genetically less structured than men. This has been mainly explained by a higher migration rate of women, due to patrilocality, a tendency for men to stay in their birthplace while women move to their husband's house. Yet, since population differentiation depends upon the product of the effective number of individuals within each deme and the migration rate among demes, differences in male and female effective numbers and sex-biased dispersal have confounding effects on the comparison of genetic structure as measured by uniparentally inherited markers. In this study, we develop a new multi-locus approach to analyze jointly autosomal and X-linked markers in order to aid the understanding of sex-specific contributions to population differentiation. We show that in patrilineal herder groups of Central Asia, in contrast to bilineal agriculturalists, the effective number of women is higher than that of men. We interpret this result, which could not be obtained by the analysis of mtDNA and NRY alone, as the consequence of the social organization of patrilineal populations, in which genetically related men (but not women) tend to cluster together. This study suggests that differences in sex-specific migration rates may not be the only cause of contrasting male and female differentiation in humans, and that differences in effective numbers do matter. 相似文献
Martínez Marignac VL Bertoni B Parra EJ Bianchi NO 《Human biology; an international record of research》2004,76(4):543-557
In this study we analyzed a sample of the urban population of La Plata, Argentina, using 17 mtDNA haplogroups, the DYS 199 Y-chromosome polymorphism, and 5 autosomal population-associated alleles (PAAs). The contribution of native American maternal lineages to the population of La Plata was estimated as 45.6%, whereas the paternal contribution was much lower (10.6%), clearly indicating directional mating. Regarding autosomal evidence of admixture, the relative European, native American, and West African genetic contributions to the gene pool of La Plata were estimated to be 67.55% (+/-2.7), 25.9% (+/-4.3), and 6.5% (+/-6.4), respectively. When admixture was calculated at the individual level, we found a low correlation between the ancestral contribution estimated with uniparental lineages and autosomal markers. Most of the individuals from La Plata with a native American mtDNA haplogroup or the DYS199*T native American allele show a genetic contribution at the autosomal level that can be traced primarily to Europe. The results of this study emphasize the need to use both uniparentally and biparentally inherited genetic markers to understand the history of admixed populations. 相似文献
A population genetic study was carried out with the APOE, APOB and ACE loci in 17 Colombian human populations. Ten of them were Amerindian communities coming from the northeastern part of Colombia, Pacific region, Eastern Plains and Amazonia. Six were black populations from Providence Island, Caribbean and Pacific coasts. Finally, the Mestizo population of Bogota was studied as well. The APOE and ACE loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, whereas the APOB locus was not studied in all populations. The genetic heterogeneity was substantially greater among the Amerindian populations (G(ST) = 0.059) than in the Afrocolombian populations (G(ST) = 0.009). Also the gene flow population pair estimates were so much higher among the Afrocolombian populations (Nm = 49.08 +/- 43.07) than among Amerindian populations (Nm = 9.66 +/- 18.04). Different phylogenetic and multivariant analyses showed that the Amerindian populations analyzed were clustered in three different arrays: one constituted by the Colombian northeastern and Pacific populations, the second one by the two Amazon populations (Coreguaje and Nukak) and the last one by the Yuco (the unique Caribbe-speaking population among those studied). The latter population was highly divergent from a genetic point of view from the remainder Amerindian populations studied. By using the Mantel test, the existence of a positive and significant correlation between the genetic and geographical distances found among Amerindian populations was demonstrated. This fact was not observed among the Afrocolombian populations. Nevertheless, an isolation-by-distance Slatkin analysis test did not show a significant clear structure of this special pattern among the Indian tribes studied. 相似文献
AFLP analysis of genetic relationships among papaya and its wild relatives (Caricaceae) from Ecuador 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Van Droogenbroeck B Breyne P Goetghebeur P Romeijn-Peeters E Kyndt T Gheysen G 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》2002,105(2-3):289-297
The AFLP technique was used to assess the genetic relationships among the cultivated papaya ( Carica papaya L.) and related species native to Ecuador. Genetic distances based on AFLP data were estimated for 95 accessions belonging to three genera including C. papaya, at least eight Vasconcella species and two Jacaratia species. Cluster analysis using different methods and principal co-ordinate analysis (PCO), based on the AFLP data from 496 polymorphic bands generated with five primer combinations, was performed. The resulted grouping of accessions of each species corresponds largely with their taxonomic classifications and were found to be consistent with other studies based on RAPD, isozyme and cpDNA data. The AFLP analysis supports the recent rehabilitation of the Vasconcella group as a genus; until recently Vasconcella was considered as a section within the genus Carica. Both cluster and PCO analysis clearly separated the species of the three genera and illustrated the large genetic distance between C. papaya accessions and the Vasconcella group. The specific clustering of the highly diverse group of Vasconcella x heilbornii accessions also suggests that these genotypes may be the result of bi-directional introgression events between Vasconcella stipulata and Vasconcella cundinamarcensis. 相似文献
Avena S Via M Ziv E Pérez-Stable EJ Gignoux CR Dejean C Huntsman S Torres-Mejía G Dutil J Matta JL Beckman K Burchard EG Parolin ML Goicoechea A Acreche N Boquet M Ríos Part Mdel C Fernández V Rey J Stern MC Carnese RF Fejerman L 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34695
The population of Argentina is the result of the intermixing between several groups, including Indigenous American, European and African populations. Despite the commonly held idea that the population of Argentina is of mostly European origin, multiple studies have shown that this process of admixture had an impact in the entire Argentine population. In the present study we characterized the distribution of Indigenous American, European and African ancestry among individuals from different regions of Argentina and evaluated the level of discrepancy between self-reported grandparental origin and genetic ancestry estimates. A set of 99 autosomal ancestry informative markers (AIMs) was genotyped in a sample of 441 Argentine individuals to estimate genetic ancestry. We used non-parametric tests to evaluate statistical significance. The average ancestry for the Argentine sample overall was 65% European (95%CI: 63–68%), 31% Indigenous American (28–33%) and 4% African (3–4%). We observed statistically significant differences in European ancestry across Argentine regions [Buenos Aires province (BA) 76%, 95%CI: 73–79%; Northeast (NEA) 54%, 95%CI: 49–58%; Northwest (NWA) 33%, 95%CI: 21–41%; South 54%, 95%CI: 49–59%; p<0.0001] as well as between the capital and immediate suburbs of Buenos Aires city compared to more distant suburbs [80% (95%CI: 75–86%) versus 68% (95%CI: 58–77%), p = 0.01]. European ancestry among individuals that declared all grandparents born in Europe was 91% (95%CI: 88–94%) compared to 54% (95%CI: 51–57%) among those with no European grandparents (p<0.001). Our results demonstrate the range of variation in genetic ancestry among Argentine individuals from different regions in the country, highlighting the importance of taking this variation into account in genetic association and admixture mapping studies in this population. 相似文献
The process of domestication often brings about profound changes in levels of genetic variation in animals and plants. The honey bee, Apis mellifera, has been managed by humans for centuries for both honey and wax production and crop pollination. Human management and selective breeding are believed to have caused reductions in genetic diversity in honey bee populations, thereby contributing to the global declines threatening this ecologically and economically important insect. However, previous studies supporting this claim mostly relied on population genetic comparisons of European and African (or Africanized) honey bee races; such conclusions require reassessment given recent evidence demonstrating that the honey bee originated in Africa and colonized Europe via two independent expansions. We sampled honey bee workers from two managed populations in North America and Europe as well as several old-world progenitor populations in Africa, East and West Europe. Managed bees had highly introgressed genomes representing admixture between East and West European progenitor populations. We found that managed honey bees actually have higher levels of genetic diversity compared with their progenitors in East and West Europe, providing an unusual example whereby human management increases genetic diversity by promoting admixture. The relationship between genetic diversity and honey bee declines is tenuous given that managed bees have more genetic diversity than their progenitors and many viable domesticated animals. 相似文献