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外来生物入侵是对全球生物多样性最为严重的威胁之一,对经济、生态和社会安全都具有重要影响。原产于美洲热带至亚热带地区的马缨丹是一种强入侵性杂草,已成为一种世界性的恶性杂草。本文总结了天敌昆虫和致病微生物等天敌资源在马缨丹生物防治中的应用现状,分析了天敌资源对马缨丹的控制效能,并对马缨丹的进一步研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

云南菊科入侵植物入侵机制及其利用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
植物入侵已对生物多样性、社会经济和人类健康造成了严重的威胁。云南由于地形复杂、气候和生态系统类型多样而成为植物入侵的重灾区。菊科是入侵植物中最多的一个科;但目前尚缺乏有关云南菊科入侵植物入侵机制和利用的报道。云南菊科入侵植物约有86种,入侵的主要机制:云南地形复杂,气候和生态系统类型多样,为入侵植物的生存提供了适宜的环境;同时,这些菊科入侵植物具有较强的繁殖能力和竞争能力、多样化的生态对策及丰富的化感物质,且其天敌缺乏等。这些因素的综合作用使很多菊科外来植物成功入侵云南。综合利用是治理入侵植物的一种有效措施。云南菊科入侵植物资源丰富,产量高,在医药、饲料、工业原料等方面具有一定的开发利用价值。  相似文献   

植物外来种入侵及其对生态系统的影响   总被引:162,自引:16,他引:162  
彭少麟  向言词 《生态学报》1999,19(4):560-569
对植物外来种的入侵及生态系统的影响进行综述与分析,植物入侵多种因子的影响,可分为外因和内因两类,植物外来种对生态系统的影响主要体现在生产力,土壤营养,水分,干扰体制,群落的结构和动态等方面,在管理外来种时,需对外来种的特性和影响因子进行系统的观察研究,采用机械法,化学方法和生物控制法等综合办法控制植物的入侵,引进植物引来种时,要对引进种的行为特性进行了调查研究,注意其安全性。  相似文献   

生物入侵机制研究进展   总被引:97,自引:4,他引:97  
本文从外来种本身的生物学特性,外来种与新栖息地土著种之间的相互作用,群落生物多样性对入侵种的抵抗能力,新栖息地生态环境变化对入侵种的影响等方面综述了近年来有关生物入侵机制的研究进展,并探讨了研究方法的发展和亟待解决的问题,大量的研究表明生物入侵机制是极为多样的,可能没有一般的,通用的机制,阐明生物入侵的机制,对推动生态学理论的发展和控制有害外来种有重要意义。  相似文献   

植物入侵是最严重的全球问题之一,严重破坏生态系统的结构和功能。随着植物入侵现象日益严峻,要控制和解决外来植物入侵问题,了解和掌握植物入侵机制尤为重要。本文概述了植物入侵的多种机制及不同机制间的协同作用,阐述了植物入侵过程中的化感作用、植物-土壤反馈机制、互惠共生关系,以及植物功能性状和表型可塑性对入侵过程的影响,并对多种机制协同与植物入侵轨迹的关系进行综合分析。根据分析结果将外来植物在侵入地的入侵时间轨迹分为引入、定植、建立和侵入4个阶段,把遇到的各种阻碍和促进因素融入其中,提出外来植物入侵曲线图,有助于未来对入侵植物及其影响的研究和管理。对现有的植物入侵研究方法进行分析,提出现阶段研究的不足以及未来的研究方向和目标。  相似文献   

福建外来入侵植物初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经野外调查和整理分析文献资料,初步认定福建省外来入侵植物并已归化的种类约73种,分属于29科,其中菊科种类最多,有16种。从来源看,来自美洲的有59种,占80.82%。入侵植物中包括6种2003年国家环保总局公布的首批外来入侵物种。文中还对这些外来入侵植物的危害、入侵途径及其防治对策进行讨论。  相似文献   

[目的] 明确世界自然保护联盟公布的“世界100种恶性外来入侵物种”在我国大陆发生分布现状,为我国制定外来入侵物种管控对象和分级管理对策提供依据。[方法] 基于在线数据库系统、文献报道以及外来入侵物种本底调查结果,采用分类统计方法,对物种的分类地位、原产地、在我国的入侵状态及其所在的生态系统进行分析。[结果] 世界100种恶性外来入侵物种已有82种在我国发生分布,包括本地种33种、外来入侵种32种、外来非入侵种16种,以及未明确入侵状态1种。其中,32种外来入侵种包括陆生无脊椎动物8种、哺乳动物2种、鱼类2种、两栖动物1种、爬行动物1种、水生无脊椎动物2种、陆生植物9种、水生植物4种、真菌1种、卵菌1种和病毒1种。以上物种主要分布在东南沿海地区和西南地区,而较少分布在西北地区和东北地区;约75%物种分布在农田、城镇、森林和湿地4类生态系统。[结论] 建议外来入侵物种管理部门重点关注尚未在国内发生分布的18种潜在外来入侵物种,并列入国家外来入侵物种相关管理对象,严防其传入与扩散;严密监控国内已发生且具有潜在危险的外来物种,防止其向可能入侵的生态系统边缘扩散;继续对在国内已发生的外来入侵种实施区域性分级控制管理措施。  相似文献   

食蚊鱼生态入侵的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食蚊鱼原产于中、北美洲,由于被认为可用以控制蚊子,而于20世纪初被世界各地大量引种,现已成为全球性分布的外来入侵种之一。尽管食蚊鱼的控蚊效果尚存争议,但有一点却成不争事实,即该外来入侵种已经对世界各地的土著物种(无脊椎动物、鱼类和两栖类等)、生态系统以及水体环境都构成了巨大的影响。本文从食蚊鱼的生物学特性、入侵机制、控蚊效果和生态效应等4方面对目前有关该外来入侵种的研究结果进行了归纳和总结,并为该物种的管理和控制提出了建议性策略和措施,以期为中国的外来入侵种研究及其管理和控制提供基础资料及参考依据。  相似文献   

加拿大一枝黄花--一种正在迅速扩张的外来入侵植物   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66  
加拿大一枝黄花Solidago canadensis原产于北美,现已入侵到欧洲、亚洲和大洋洲等地,成为一种世界性的入侵性外来杂草,威胁着生态系统的生物多样性和农业生产,并造成显著的环境与经济损失。1935年,该物种作为庭院植物被引入上海,后逸生成为杂草,目前正在我国境内尤其是东部地区迅速扩散。本文较系统地介绍了加拿大一枝黄花在形态学、生物系统学、遗传多样性和生活史等方面的特征,并试图从其入侵力(繁殖力、化感作用、菌根营养)、被入侵生态系统的可入侵性(适宜的气候、生境破坏、天敌释放和土壤氮水平的影响)以及人类活动的直接影响等三方面分析其入侵成功的原因。最后,提出加拿大一枝黄花的防治关键在于控制其有性繁殖,现有的人工铲除和化学防治等措施都应在其有性繁殖之前实施。  相似文献   

【目的】马缨丹是世界10种最有害的入侵杂草之一,预测其潜在适生区变化对入侵植物防控具有重要意义。【方法】以马缨丹为研究对象,采用有效分布点数据1744份和10个气候因子,使用MaxEnt模型和ArcGIS10.4软件,选用当前气候情景以及2050sSSP126、2050sSSP245、2050sRCP5.8、2090sSSP126、2090sSSP245、2090sSSP585 6个不同气候情景,对马缨丹全球潜在分布区进行预测。【结果】温度和降水因子是制约马缨丹入侵的主要因子,其中年降水量(bio12,48.6%)、最干季度的平均温度(bio9,36.4%)、温度季节性(bio4,4.6%)和最热季度的平均温度(bio10,4.2%)是制约马缨丹分布格局的主要环境因子。南美洲、非洲南部、亚洲南部以及澳大利亚北部和东部具有较高的入侵风险。从当前气候情景到2050年气候情景再到2090年气候情景的过渡中,其适生区面积呈增加趋势,其中高适生区面积持续增加。【结论】在水热条件以及生物因素3个层面上严格防控马缨丹入侵,以增加土著生态系统的完整性。  相似文献   

增温对入侵植物马缨丹生物量分配和异速生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张桥英  彭少麟 《生态学报》2018,38(18):6670-6676
气候变暖已是不争的事实。外来入侵植物随着温度升高有可能作出积极的响应,采取有效策略来扩大入侵范围,造成更大的危害。以世界性杂草马缨丹(Lantana camara)为研究对象,对不同温度处理下(22、26℃和30℃)的生长和分配特征及构型效应进行对比研究,并借助异速生长分析方法,对不同温度下马缨丹幼株各构件生长关系进行分析。结果表明:随着温度升高,马缨丹幼株减少了对地下生物量的分配,地上部分生物量投资的增加主要表现在对茎的投资上,并利用有限的叶生物量投资扩大叶面积,即在高度和广度两方面都增加了对光能的获取。这些响应有利于其同化作用的增强从而提高竞争力,表明温度增加会增强马缨丹的入侵力,这也是马缨丹在全球气候变暖背景下扩大其分布范围的有效策略。  相似文献   

Herbivory by insects may change the characteristics of nutrients and secondary plant chemicals of the foliage, thereby altering the acceptability and suitability of the plant for oviposition, feeding and development for subsequent herbivores. In the current study, the effect of herbivory by the sap-sucking lace bug, Teleonemia scrupulosa Stäl (Heteroptera: Tingidae), on the suitability of Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) for the root-feeding flea beetle, Longitarsus bethae Savini & Escalona (Chrysomelidae: Alticinae), was investigated under laboratory conditions. Preference of adult L. bethae was not influenced by the intensity of feeding damage caused by T. scrupulosa adults. However, high densities of T. scrupulosa nymphs and their feeding damage caused L. bethae adults to emigrate and colonize less infested or uninfested plants. Oviposition by L. bethae was significantly reduced at high densities of T. scrupulosa nymphs. While low infestation of T. scrupulosa had no effect the survival of L. bethae, moderate and high infestations caused significant reduction in percentage survival of L. bethae. The number of T. scrupulosa nymphs was negatively correlated with the percentage survival of L. bethae. Neither the duration of development nor the body size of L. bethae was influenced by the intensity of T. scrupulosa infestation. Overall, undamaged or slightly damaged plants that allowed better survival of L. bethae were often chosen as oviposition sites in preference to those that were highly infested, and on which survival was poor. Although the present study indicates the likelihood of inter-specific competition between L. bethae larvae and T. scrupulosa, this is likely to be mitigated by female flea beetles choosing to oviposit on less infested or uninfested plants in the field.  相似文献   

The ornamental hybrid shrub, Lantana camara L. (lantana), is a serious environmental weed and has been targeted for biological control in South Africa since 1961. The established biocontrol agents cause insufficient levels of damage and additional natural enemies are required to reduce the invasiveness of this weed. The lantana mirid, Falconia intermedia (Distant), is a promising new agent that was imported from the Caribbean for life history and host-range studies. The nymphs and adults are leaf-suckers that cause chlorotic speckling, which reduces the photosynthetic capacity of the plant. Biological studies indicate that F. intermedia has considerable biocontrol potential, in that it has a high intrinsic rate of increase, the potential for multiple generations a year, highly mobile adults, and a high level of damage per individual. Host-specificity trials indicated that the lantana mirid has a narrow host range, with L. camara being the most suitable host, but several indigenous African species in the closely related genus Lippia are suitable alternative host plants. Under multiple-choice conditions, adults showed a significant and strong oviposition preference for L. camara over the Lippia species. A risk assessment of potential nontarget effects indicated that three Lippia species could sustain damage levels in the field. The relatively low probability of damage to indigenous species was considered a justified trade-off for the potentially marked impact on L. camara. The regulatory authorities accepted the results of this study and F. intermedia was released against L. camara in South Africa in April 1999.  相似文献   

Six isolates of Trichoderma were screened for antagonism to Armillaria in tea stem sections buried in the soil. The inability of Armillaria to invade Trichoderma-colonized stem sections and the reduction of its viability in the plant materials following invasion of these by Trichoderma were used as indicators of antagonism. Four isolates of the species Trichoderma harzianum significantly (P<0.001) reduced the incidence of the pathogen in the plant materials. Isolate T4 completely eliminated the pathogen from plant materials in sterile soil and also antagonized two different isolates of the pathogen in nonsterile soil. Application of this T. harzianum isolate to the soil as a wheat bran culture significantly (P<0.001) reduced viability of Armillaria in woody blocks of inoculum. Soil amendment with coffee pulp also reduced the inoculum viability but did not affect the incidence of Trichoderma in the blocks of inoculum. We conclude that the direct application of wheat bran-formulated T. harzianum into soil surrounding woody Armillaria inoculum sources can suppress the pathogen. Further, no organic amendment is needed to enhance development of the antagonist in the soil as a pre-requisite to suppressing the pathogen.  相似文献   

A sequel to the work of systematic surveying the mycobiota of Lantana camara aimed at finding potential biocontrol agents, was carried out during 1995–1996 covering part of its centre of origin in Brazil (state of Minas Gerais). Fifty-eight sampling sites, representing the four main climatic types in the state of Minas Gerais, were surveyed. Additional ad hoc collections were made in the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo, Paraná Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Fifteen fungal species were recorded in association with L. camara including the previously undescribed species Phomopsis lantanae-glutinosae sp. nov. Five fungi are also newly recorded on this host in Brazil: Cercospora lantanicola Corynespora cassiicola Meliola ambigua Mycovellosiella lantaniphila and Phomopsis lantanae. The following fungi, previously recorded on L. camara in Brazil, are recorded here for the first time in Minas Gerais: Dendryphielia aspera Micropustulomyces mucilaginosus Mycovellosiella lantanae Pseudocercospora guianensis and Puccinia lantanae.  相似文献   

The biology and host range of the cerambycid beetle Aerenicopsis championi Bates, a potential biological control agent for the weed Lantana camara L., were studied. A. championi is a univoltine species associated with L. camara, L. urticifolia, and L. hirsuta in Mexico and Central America. In Mexico, adult emergence occurred in May and June at the start of the rainy season. Larvae fed within the stems over a 9- to 12-month period and caused damage to the plant. The insect was imported into Australia, where a procedure for rearing it in the laboratory was developed. Host-range tests indicated that adults oviposited and larvae commenced development in L. camara and L. montevidensis but not in any of 57 other species tested. A CLIMEX model indicated that most areas infested with lantana in Australia would have a favorable climate for A. championi. Permission to release this insect in Australia was obtained and three small releases were made in southern Queensland in February 1995.  相似文献   

The essential oil composition of Lantana camara, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eriocephalus africanus was analyzed by means of GC and GC–MS and bioassayed in order to determine their activity against Amaranthus hybridus and Portulaca oleracea. E. camaldulensis essential oil, with spathulenol as the main compound, was the most effective, completely inhibiting germination and seedling growth on both weeds. The essential oil of E. africanus, rich in artemisia ketone, showed activity similar to that of E. camaldulensis on A. hybridus, but it was not so effective against P. oleracea, and L. camara essential oil, with high percentages in sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, also showed higher phytotoxic activity against A. hybridus, inhibiting its germination and seedling length; however, it showed no effect against P. oleracea germination, whereas was effective in significantly reducing its seedling growth at all concentrations assayed. The results suggest the possible use of these essential oils as natural herbicides.  相似文献   

[目的]筛选合适的指标建立一套外来养殖鱼类的生物入侵风险评估体系,并对外来养殖鱼类的生物入侵防控提出对策建议。[方法]通过文献资料的收集和整理,对外来养殖鱼类中典型入侵物种的入侵过程、影响危害和入侵生物学特性进行分析和归纳,从适应能力、繁殖能力、扩散能力3方面指示其入侵性;从对生物的影响和对环境的影响2方面指示其生态影响;从自然因素和人为因素2方面指示环境可入侵性,以上述3方面为框架进行评估体系构建。[结果]筛选20个指标构建了外来养殖鱼类的生物入侵风险评估体系,并举例说明该评估体系的应用。从法规政策、科学研究、治理技术和公众参与等4个方面针对性地提出外来养殖鱼类生物入侵风险防控对策。[结论]防范和治理入侵生物是一个系统工程。对于外来养殖鱼类的管理,既不能只考虑经济效益而置生态风险于不顾,也不能片面放大外来养殖良种的入侵风险。科学管控的关键在于完善制度建设、加强风险评估、发展防治手段、促进公众参与,使外来鱼类养殖业在严格受控的前提下发挥其经济效益,将其潜在的生态危害效应降到最低。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验方法,分别设置0(对照,不添加镉)、30、60、90、120、150、180、210mg·kg-1共8个土壤镉处理水平,研究土壤不同镉水平对马缨丹(Lantana comara L.)生长及其抗氧化酶活性的影响,以探讨马缨丹对镉胁迫的生理响应机制。结果显示:(1)随着土壤镉处理浓度的升高,马缨丹干重呈先升高后降低的趋势,30mg·kg-1镉处理能促进植株的生长,而浓度高于60mg·kg-1时显著抑制马缨丹的生长。(2)马缨丹叶片和根系中O-·2产生速率、H2O2和MDA含量及电解质渗漏率均随土壤镉处理浓度的升高和胁迫时间的延长逐渐升高,胁迫90d时,叶片和根系中O-·2产生速率、H2O2和MDA含量及电解质渗漏率分别在镉浓度高于60和30mg·kg-1时显著低于对照。(3)叶片和根系抗氧化酶SOD、POD、APX和CAT活性随着土壤镉处理浓度的增加大体呈先升高后降低的趋势,并在镉浓度分别高于90和60mg·kg-1时,叶片和根系抗氧化酶活性显著低于对照。研究表明,低浓度镉处理土壤能促进马缨丹植株生长,而高浓度镉处理土壤显著降低了马缨丹体内抗氧化酶活性,导致活性氧大量积累,引起严重的膜脂过氧化伤害,从而显著抑制马缨丹植株的生长。  相似文献   

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