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染色体三维结构重构问题是近年生物领域中基因组学的热点研究问题,是以二维交互频率数据为基础来预测其三维空间结构。最新相关实验表明染色质的三维空间结构对于基因表达、调控等方面都具有重要意义。而Hi-c数据能利用染色质交互信息形成二维接触矩阵重构出染色体三维结构。本综述以染色体三维结构重建方法为研究对象,通过对染色体三维结构重建方法进行比较分析,综述了目前基于Hi-c数据在染色体三维结构重建中的经典方法,系统介绍了染色体三维结构重建技术的发展脉络,以促进染色体三维结构重建的进一步研究。  相似文献   

正染色体三维结构重构Three-dimensional reconstruction of chromosomes染色体三维重构是近年来基因组学研究的重要手段,利用测序技术获得的染色体空间结构信息,本质是根据染色体二维接触频率数据来预测其在细胞核中的三维形态。基于染色体构象捕获(Chromosome conformation capture,3C)技术的高通量Hi-C(High-throughput/resolution chromosome conformation capture)  相似文献   

近年来,随着高通量染色体构象捕获(Hi-C)等技术的发展和高通量测序成本的降低,全基因组交互作用的数据量快速增长,交互作用图谱分辨率不断提高,促使染色体和基因组三维结构建模的研究取得了很大进展,已经提出了几种从染色体构象捕捉数据中构建单个染色体或整个基因组结构的方法。文中通过对在 Hi-C 数据基础上对染色体三维结构重建的相关文献进行分析,总结了重建染色体三维空间结构的经典算法3DMax的原理,并且提出了一种新的随机梯度上升算法:XNadam,是Nadam优化方法的一个变体,将其应用于3DMax算法中,以便提高3DMax算法的性能,从而用于预测染色体三维结构。  相似文献   

真核生物的基因组在细胞核中以染色质的形式存在,染色质的功能与它的三维结构紧密相关,例如,基因组的复制、转录、调控、DNA突变、长链非编码RNA的传播和胚胎发育等生物功能都是在细胞核的三维空间中完成的.随着染色体构象捕获及其衍生技术与高通量测序技术的结合,产生了大量的染色质交互作用数据.根据这些染色质交互作用数据,研究人员已经提出很多种方法来重建染色质的三维结构.这些方法有助于在不同分辨率下系统地研究染色质的三维结构,为更好地了解染色质的调控功能提供了结构依据.本文总结了近期染色质三维结构建模方法的进展,并探讨了其在研究染色质生物学功能方面的应用.  相似文献   

景观生态学三维格局研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非生物与生物的密切交互造就了多种多样的三维景观格局,景观生态学作为研究格局和生态学过程的学科,其在三维空间的探索随着激光雷达等三维数据提取技术的完善取得了快速进步.三维数据的引入使得研究更贴近真实地表景观,研究结果与相关生态学指标具有更明显的同向趋势.这改善了传统研究缺乏生态学意义的问题.但由于研究背景不同,研究方法和研究结论仍缺乏普适性.另一方面,研究结果对尺度变化的敏感度也因三维数据量的扩大而增加,如何选择并处理适宜尺度的数据使结论更加科学,是未来需要注意并探讨的问题.未来,随着数据获取更加便捷,研究将向长时间多尺度多源数据集成化发展,除动态监测及预测外,结合景观规划设计的可持续规划和生态恢复应用也是重要的研究方向之一.  相似文献   

王舜泽  江丰  朱东丽  杨铁林  郭燕 《遗传》2023,(4):279-294
三维基因组学在基因组序列、基因结构及其调控元件的基础上对细胞核内的染色质的三维空间结构进行研究。染色体的空间交互作用是基因表达调控的重要因素,随着高通量染色体构象捕获(high-throughput chromosome conformation capture,Hi-C)技术及其衍生技术的出现和快速发展,借助Hi-C技术获取高通量三维基因组学数据,对基因表达调控等生物过程进行研究,已成为揭示细胞深层机制、阐明疾病致病机理的重要手段。本文在介绍三维基因组的发展历程和研究技术的基础上,重点总结了近年来Hi-C技术在多种疾病研究、特别是致病机理阐释方面的应用和成果,为深入理解三维基因组学在构建全局基因调控图谱、挖掘疾病致病机理方面的应用提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

电子显微三维重构技术发展与前沿   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对电子显微三维重构技术(也称电镜三维重构,electron microscopy 3D reconstruction)进行简要介绍,并在此基础上对该技术当前研究的发展和前沿进行综述,包括高分辨率电镜三维重构、仪器设备性能突破、自动化数据收集和处理、高性能计算技术应用、二/三维图像处理技术的发展和创新、基于三维重构图的模型计算等方面,最后对电子显微三维重构技术的未来进行了展望。  相似文献   

黄酮类醛糖还原酶抑制剂的三维定量构效关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:建立黄酮类化合物抑制剂活性的三维定量构效关系模型,为进一步进行黄酮类醛糖还原酶抑制剂(ARI)的活性与三维结构关系的研究提供重要依据。方法:采用比较分子力场分析法(CoMFA)和比较分子相似性指数分析法(CoMSIA),系统研究了75个新型ARI的三维定量构效关系。结果:CoMFA和CoMSIA模型的交互验证相关系数q^2值分别为0.603和0.706、非交互验证相关系数r2值分别为0.956和0.900。结论:CoMFA和CoMSIA模型均具有较强的预测能力,CoMFA和CoMSIA模型的三维等值线图直观地解释了化合物的构效关系,阐明了化合物结构中各位置取代基对黄酮类醛糖还原酶抑制剂活性的影响,为进一步结构优化提供了重要理论依据。  相似文献   

三维基因组学是近年兴起的研究基因组三维空间和结构的学科,是在基因组序列、基因结构及其调控元件的基础上对基因组序列在细胞核内的三维空间结构,及其对基因复制、转录、修复和调控等生物过程中的功能进行的研究。随着高通量测序技术的出现和改进,三维基因组学相关研究也得到快速发展。重点介绍三维基因组的发展历程、研究技术、结构层次,并总结近年来三维基因组学在动物遗传育种方面的应用。  相似文献   

冷冻电镜单颗粒三维重构技术是用来解析生物大分子三维结构的常用方法.然而目前在单颗粒三维重构过程中,溶剂平滑操作还存在一定缺陷:没有一款主流的单颗粒三维重构程序能够自动寻找掩模(mask)三维密度图,使得三维重构过程难免受到噪音统计学模型计算偏差的干扰.为解决这一问题,本研究借鉴X射线晶体学中解析优化相位所广泛采用的溶剂平滑方法,采用高斯滤波、坎尼边缘检测、最小误差阈值处理等方法处理重构所得三维密度图,优化溶剂平滑操作,发展在单颗粒三维重构过程中自动寻找mask三维密度图的方法.运用三维密度图傅里叶壳层相关系数(fourier shell correlation,FSC)曲线图、模拟颗粒数据重构角度误差散点图等指标评估此方法的效果.结果表明,自动寻找mask密度图的方法能够较好地找到涵盖分子结构信号区域的mask密度图,较为明显提高三维重构所得密度图分辨率.  相似文献   

染色体的空间交互作用被视为影响基因表达调控的重要因素,高通量染色体构象捕获(high-throughput chromosome conformation capture,Hi-C)技术已成为3D基因组学中探索染色体空间交互作用的主要实验手段之一。随着Hi-C样本数据的持续累积以及分析处理流程复杂度的不断提升,基于生物信息学的Hi-C数据分析对探究基因表达的时空调控机制而言,是机遇也是挑战。本文从生物信息学角度,综合阐述了Hi-C的国内外研究现状及发展动态,包括数据标准化、多级结构分析、数据可视化以及三维建模,重点剖析了多级结构中的A/B区室(A/B compartments)、拓扑相关域(topological associated domains,TADs)和染色质环(chromain looping),在此基础上分析了该方向未来可能的研究热点及发展趋势,以期为将基因表达调控的探索从传统线性空间进一步拓展到三维结构空间提供支持。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional light microscopy of diploid Drosophila chromosomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fluorescence microscopy, uniquely, provides the ability to examine specific components within intact, even living, cells. Unfortunately, high-resolution conventional fluorescence microscopy is intrinsically a two-dimensional technique and performs poorly with specimens thicker than about 0.5 micron. Probing the spatial organization of components within cells has required the development of new methods optimized for three-dimensional data collection, processing, display, and interpretation. Our interest in understanding the relationship between chromosome structure and function has led us to develop the necessary methodology for exploring cell structures in three dimensions. It is now possible to determine directly the three-dimensional spatial organization of diploid chromosomes within intact nuclei throughout most of the mitotic the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Interphase chromosome organization in four different Drosophila melanogaster tissues, covering three to four levels of polyteny, has been analyzed. The results are based primarily on three-dimensional reconstructions from unfixed tissues using a computer-based data collection and modeling system. A characteristic organization of chromosomes in each cell type is observed, independent of polyteny, with some packing motifs common to several or all tissues and others tissue-specific. All chromosomes display a right-handed coiling chirality, despite large differences in size and degree of coiling. Conversely, in each cell type, the heterochromatic centromeric regions have a unique structure, tendency to associate, and intranuclear location. The organization of condensed nucleolar chromatin is also tissue-specific. The tightly coiled prothoracic gland chromosomes are arrayed in a similar fashion to the much larger salivary gland chromosomes described previously, having polarized orientations, nonintertwined spatial domains, and close packing of the arms of each autosome, whereas hindgut and especially the unusually straight midgut chromosomes display striking departures from these regularities. Surprisingly, gut chromosomes often appear to be broken in the centric heterochromatin. Severe deformations of midgut nuclei observed during gut contractions in living larvae may account for their unusual properties. Finally, morphometric measurements of chromosome and nuclear dimensions provide insights into chromosome growth and substructure and also suggest an unexpected parallel with diploid chromatin organization.  相似文献   

SMC proteins are essential components of three protein complexes that are important for chromosome structure and function. The cohesin complex holds replicated sister chromatids together, whereas the condensin complex has an essential role in mitotic chromosome architecture. Both are involved in interphase genome organization. SMC-containing complexes are large (more than 650 kDa for condensin) and contain long anti-parallel coiled-coils. They are thus difficult subjects for conventional crystallographic and electron cryomicroscopic studies. Here, we have used amino acid-selective cross-linking and mass spectrometry combined with structure prediction to develop a full-length molecular draft three-dimensional structure of the SMC2/SMC4 dimeric backbone of chicken condensin. We assembled homology-based molecular models of the globular heads and hinges with the lengthy coiled-coils modelled in fragments, using numerous high-confidence cross-links and accounting for potential irregularities. Our experiments reveal that isolated condensin complexes can exist with their coiled-coil segments closely apposed to one another along their lengths and define the relative spatial alignment of the two anti-parallel coils. The centres of the coiled-coils can also approach one another closely in situ in mitotic chromosomes. In addition to revealing structural information, our cross-linking data suggest that both H2A and H4 may have roles in condensin interactions with chromatin.  相似文献   

Gene expression can be silenced by proximity to heterochromatin blocks containing centromeric alpha-satellite DNA. This has been shown experimentally through cis-acting chromosome rearrangements resulting in linear genomic proximity, or through trans-acting changes resulting in intranuclear spatial proximity. Although it has long been been established that centromeres are nonrandomly distributed during interphase, little is known of what determines the three-dimensional organization of these silencing domains in the nucleus. Here, we propose a model that predicts the intranuclear positioning of centromeric heterochromatin for each individual chromosome. With the use of fluorescence in situ hybridization and confocal microscopy, we show that the distribution of centromeric alpha-satellite DNA in human lymphoid cells synchronized at G(0)/G(1) is unique for most individual chromosomes. Regression analysis reveals a tight correlation between nuclear distribution of centromeric alpha-satellite DNA and the presence of G-dark bands in the corresponding chromosome. Centromeres surrounded by G-dark bands are preferentially located at the nuclear periphery, whereas centromeres of chromosomes with a lower content of G-dark bands tend to be localized at the nucleolus. Consistent with the model, a t(11; 14) translocation that removes G-dark bands from chromosome 11 causes a repositioning of the centromere, which becomes less frequently localized at the nuclear periphery and more frequently associated with the nucleolus. The data suggest that "chromosomal environment" plays a key role in the intranuclear organization of centromeric heterochromatin. Our model further predicts that facultative heterochromatinization of distinct genomic regions may contribute to cell-type specific patterns of centromere localization.  相似文献   

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