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Increasing levels of global trade and intercontinental travel have been cited as the major causes of biological invasion. However, indirect factors such as economic development that affect the intensity of invasion have not been quantitatively explored. Herein, using principal factor analysis, we investigated the relationship between biological invasion and economic development together with climatic information for China from the 1970s to present. We demonstrate that the increase in biological invasion is coincident with the rapid economic development that has occurred in China over the past three decades. The results indicate that the geographic prevalence of invasive species varies substantially on the provincial scale, but can be surprisingly well predicted using the combination of economic development (R(2) = 0.378) and climatic factors (R(2) = 0.347). Economic factors are proven to be at least equal to if not more determinant of the occurrence of invasive species than climatic factors. International travel and trade are shown to have played a less significant role in accounting for the intensity of biological invasion in China. Our results demonstrate that more attention should be paid to economic factors to improve the understanding, prediction and management of biological invasions. 相似文献
近十年中国生物入侵研究进展 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
生物入侵已对入侵区的生态环境、社会经济和人类健康造成了严重的威胁,成为了21世纪五大全球性环境问题之一。本文回顾了2000年以来,中国生物入侵研究领域尤其是入侵种的多样性与格局、入侵机制及生态学效应、管理与控制等方面所取得的重要进展,讨论了需进一步加强研究的领域,以期为进一步拓展该领域研究的广度和深度、为我国的生物入侵预警预防和科学治理提供参考。据初步研究,中国的入侵种数量已达529种,其中陆生植物、陆生无脊椎动物和微生物为主要入侵类群;原产地以北美洲和南美洲为主;经济发达和气候温暖湿润的东部和南部省份入侵态势明显较西部和北部省份严重;随着中国经济的进一步发展,生物入侵问题将可能更加严峻。外来种的成功入侵是其内禀优势、资源机遇和人为干扰共同作用的结果;其中,表型可塑性、适应性进化、天敌释放、种间互利或偏利共生和新化感作用等因素对入侵起到了关键作用。生物入侵已对中国土著生态系统的生物多样性和生态系统服务功能造成了严重影响,打破了生态系统的固有平衡,危害或威胁到中国的农林牧渔业生产、交通航运、环境、人类健康和公共设施安全。针对生物入侵的管理与控制,中国加强了包括检测监测、风险分析、生物防治、扩散阻断、根治灭除和生态恢复等技术体系的研究和实施,并初步控制了一些重要入侵种的扩张。中国生物入侵需要在全境性科学考察、生物入侵的遗传学、基因组学、生态系统影响、全球变化和管理与控制技术创新等领域进一步加强跨领域的交叉合作和系统研究。 相似文献
PHILIP E. HULME 《Journal of Applied Ecology》2006,43(5):835-847
随着我国与澳大利亚之间国际贸易关系日趋紧密,生物入侵已成为与两国经济发展、生态安全、国际贸易、政治利益等紧密相关的重大科学问题。本文基于2002-2016年Web of Science的引文数据,以生物入侵、入侵生态学、入侵生物学、入侵物种、外来或者非本地物种等为特定关键词,采用Histcite统计软件对我国与澳大利亚在生物入侵领域的发文量、期刊分布、国际影响力、研究热点以及引文关系进行了文献计量分析、比较。结果表明,我国与澳大利亚在外来生物入侵领域的研究总发文量分别为1673与3427篇,澳大利亚发文量明显较高,且总被引用数、篇均被引次数以及高被引文献数均明显高于我国;对科研机构分析发现我国中国科学院、复旦大学仍然具有很强的国际竞争力。另外,从两国的核心期刊分布、研究热点以及引文关系看出,两国在生物入侵研究方面的相似性以及国情特色。本研究结果较为客观地反映了我国与澳大利亚在生物入侵研究领域的科学能力和影响力,为准确掌握两国该领域研究发展状况和前沿动态、明确科学研究发展方向、制定管理策略等提供了依据。 相似文献
Allee effects in biological invasions 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Understanding the dynamics of small populations is obviously important for declining or rare species but is also particularly important for invading species. The Allee effect, where fitness is reduced when conspecific density is low, can dramatically affect the dynamics of biological invasions. Here, we summarize the literature of Allee effects in biological invasions, revealing an extensive theory of the consequences of the Allee effect in invading species and some empirical support for the theory. Allee effects cause longer lag times, slower spread and decreased establishment likelihood of invasive species. Expected spatial ranges, distributions and patterns of species may be altered when an Allee effect is present. We examine how the theory can and has been used to detect Allee effects in invasive species and we discuss how the presence of an Allee effect and its successful or unsuccessful detection may affect management of invasives. The Allee effect has been shown to change optimal control decisions, costs of control and the estimation of the risk posed by potentially invasive species. Numerous ways in which the Allee effect can influence the efficacy of biological control are discussed. 相似文献
Invasion by exotic species is one of the serious socio-economic, environmental and ecological problems currently faced by mankind. Biological invasions have changed the species composition, structure and function of ecosystems, and are seriously threatening global biodiversity, economy and human health (Iqbal et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2020; Yang et al. 2021; Zhao et al. 2020; Zheng et al. 2015). Biological invasions have resulted in an economic loss of at least US$ 1.288 trillion over the past few decades worldwide (Diagne et al. 2021). As a consequence of these far-reaching impacts, biological invasions have become a hot research topic in modern ecology, and attract major attention from international organizations, governments and scientists all over the world.
There is a complex interaction between biological invasions and global environmental change. Biological invasions are not only passengers of global change, but can also be major drivers of global change (MacDougall and Turkington 2005). Other components of global change, such as atmospheric CO2 enrichment, global warming, nitrogen deposition, changes in precipitation regimes, habitat fragmentation and land-use change, affect species distributions and resource dynamics of ecosystems, and consequently drive invasion success of many exotic species. On the other hand, invasion by exotic species can also alter basic ecosystem properties, which in turn affect many components of global change. Research on the patterns, processes and mechanisms of biological invasion can shed light on the drivers and consequences of biological invasions in the light of global change, and serve as a scientific basis for forward-thinking management plans. The overarching challenge is to understand the basic ecological interactions of, e.g., invasive and native species, plants and soil, and plants and animals. 相似文献
David A. Burney 《Evolutionary anthropology》1995,4(6):216-221
Of all the things we have done to the Earth so far, which one is likely to make the most indelible mark? I have been posing this question to students and colleagues for some time, and usually receive one of three reasonable replies: habitat destruction, human overpopulation, or global climate change. Yet as bad as all these maladies are, they are, to some extent, reversible on time scales to which we can relate. The remedies for these problems, despite mammoth cultural and economic obstacles, can be visualized generally in terms of technology and scientific theory. Only the will is lacking. On longer geological and evolutionary time scales, most such human impacts, if corrected soon, would be mere blips, perturbations of the ecosphere that would leave only a few detectable traces in the fossil record a million years hence. 相似文献
Human management activities have altered the frequency and intensity of ecosystem disturbance often with enormous impacts on landscape structure and composition. One additional and under-appreciated way in which humans have altered disturbance regimes is through the introduction of invasive non-native species, themselves capable of modifying existing disturbance regimes or introducing entirely new disturbances. In many cases, modifications of disturbance regimes results in maintenance of ecosystems in a new or transitional state. There is now evidence that alteration of disturbance regime may be the most profound effect that a species or functional group can have on ecosystem structure and function. 相似文献
The speed at which biological range expansions occur has important consequences for the conservation management of species experiencing climate change and for invasion by exotic organisms. Rates of dispersal and population growth are known to affect the speed of invasion, but little is known about the effect of having a community of dispersal phenotypes on the rate of range expansion. We use reaction-diffusion equations to model the invasion of a species with two dispersal phenotypes into a previously unoccupied landscape. These phenotypes differ in both their dispersal rate and population growth rate. We find that the presence of both phenotypes can result in faster range expansions than if only a single phenotype were present in the landscape. For biologically realistic parameters, the invasion can occur up to twice as fast as a result of this polymorphism. This has implications for predicting the speed of biological invasions, suggesting that speeds cannot just be predicted from looking at a single phenotype and that the full community of phenotypes needs to be taken into consideration. 相似文献
Many mobile organisms exhibit resource-dependent movement in which movement rates adjust to changes in local resource densities through changes in either the probability of moving or the distance moved. Such changes may have important consequences for invasions because reductions in resources behind an invasion front may cause higher dispersal while simultaneously reducing population growth behind the front and thus lowering the number of dispersers. Intuiting how the interplay between population growth and dispersal affects invasions is difficult without mathematical models, yet most models assume dispersal rates are constant. Here we present spatial-spread models that allow for consumer-resource interactions and resource-dependent dispersal. Our results show that when resources affect the probability of dispersal, then the invasion dynamics are no different than if resources did not affect dispersal. When resources instead affect the distance dispersed, however, the invasion dynamics are strongly affected by the strength of the consumer-resource interaction, and population cycles behind the wave front lead to fluctuating rates of spread. Our results suggest that for actively dispersing invaders, invasion dynamics can be determined by species interactions. More practically, our work suggests that reducing invader densities behind the front may be a useful method of slowing an invader's rate of spread. 相似文献
Global hot spots of biological invasions: evaluating options for ballast-water management 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Biological invasions from ballast water are a severe environmental threat and exceedingly costly to society. We identify global hot spots of invasion based on worldwide patterns of ship traffic. We then estimate the rate of port-to-port invasion using gravity models for spatial interactions, and we identify bottlenecks to the regional exchange of species using the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for network flows. Finally, using stochastic simulations of different strategies for controlling ballast-water introductions, we find that reducing the per-ship-visit chance of causing invasion is more effective in reducing the rate of biotic homogenization than eliminating key ports that are the epicentres for global spread. 相似文献
媒介昆虫-病毒-植物互作关系复杂多样。虽然相关的研究较多, 然而有关三者互作对于生物入侵的影响还知之甚少。已有证据表明, 寄主植物对病毒的敏感性和对媒介昆虫的适合性、媒介昆虫对寄主的适应能力等因素影响三者互作关系。当寄主植物易感病并且对媒介昆虫的适合性低, 而媒介昆虫对寄主植物的适应能力强时, 媒介昆虫与植物病毒之间很可能建立间接互惠关系, 这种互惠可促进媒介昆虫入侵和病毒病流行。此外, 媒介昆虫与植物病毒之间中性或偏害的互作关系对于外来生物入侵的促进作用也不容忽视。鉴于三者互作对于生物入侵的重要性, 今后需要对不同物种所组成的多种组合进行比较研究, 并采用多种方法揭示互作的生理和分子机制。 相似文献
生物入侵对鸟类的生态影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
生物入侵是全球生物多样性面临的最主要威胁之一, 入侵种在改变入侵地环境的同时也使当地的生物受到极大影响。鸟类在生态系统中处于较高的营养级, 生态系统中任何一个环节的变化都可能对鸟类造成一定的影响。本文回顾了哺乳动物、鸟类、无脊椎动物和植物等不同生物类群的入侵对本地鸟类生态影响方面的研究进展。外来生物对鸟类的影响主要表现在以下几方面: (1)外来哺乳动物对成鸟、幼鸟或鸟卵的捕食作用; (2)外来鸟类与本地鸟类竞争栖息地和食物资源, 与当地的近缘种杂交而造成基因流失; (3)外来无脊椎动物改变本地鸟类的栖息环境和食物状况, 甚至直接捕食本地鸟类; (4)外来植物入侵改变入侵地的植物群落组成和结构, 造成本地鸟类的栖息地丧失或破碎化, 并通过改变入侵地生态系统的食物链结构而对高营养级的鸟类产生影响。最后, 作者还提出了该领域有待解决的问题和今后可能的研究方向。 相似文献
The fungal dimension of biological invasions 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8
Desprez-Loustau ML Robin C Buée M Courtecuisse R Garbaye J Suffert F Sache I Rizzo DM 《Trends in ecology & evolution》2007,22(9):472-480
Fungi represent an essential component of biodiversity, not only because of the large number of species, but also for their ecological, evolutionary and socio-economic significance. Yet, until recently, fungi received scant consideration in ecology, especially invasion ecology. Their under-representation is largely the result of a lack of scientific knowledge of fungal biodiversity and ecology. With the exception of pathogenic fungi, which cause emergent infectious diseases, the impact of fungal invasions is often difficult to quantify owing to limited baseline data on fungal communities. Here, we aim to raise awareness among mycologists and ecologists of the fungal dimension of invasions and of the need to intensify research in fungal ecology to address issues of future introductions. 相似文献
国家自然科学基金资助的生物入侵基础研究概况 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于1999~2010年国家自然科学基金资助项目,分析了我国生物入侵基础研究概况。在这期间,生物入侵领域得到资助的项目数和经费均呈现快速上升的趋势,资助的项目从1999年的3个增加到2010年的69个,资助的经费从1999年的94万元增加到2010年的1838万元。得到资助的项目数在不同学科的分布不均匀,其中,植物保护学科得到资助的项目数为123个,生态学科得到资助的项目数为82个,这2个学科得到资助的项目数占总项目数的67.9%,得到资助的经费占总经费的66.3%。资助项目的主要研究内容涉及22种入侵植物病原微生物、26种入侵动物和24种入侵植物,从中可以透视本领域的研究重点。资助的项目主要集中在华北、华东和华南地区的国家级科研机构和高等院校,这种区域分布格局与我国入侵生物的地理分布格局相吻合。为了进一步推动国家自然科学基金对生物入侵领域各项工作的资助,本文提出了一些合理化的建议。 相似文献
D. A. PELTZER R. B. ALLEN G. M. LOVETT D. WHITEHEAD D. A. WARDLE 《Global Change Biology》2010,16(2):732-746
There has been a rapidly developing literature on the effects of some of the major drivers of global change on carbon (C) sequestration, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment, land use change, nitrogen (N) deposition and climate change. However, remarkably little attention has been given to one major global change driver, namely biological invasions. This is despite growing evidence that invasive species can dramatically alter a range of aboveground and belowground ecosystem processes, including those that affect C sequestration. In this review, we assess the evidence for the impacts of biological invaders on forest C stocks and C sequestration by biological invaders. We first present case studies that highlight a range of invader impacts on C sequestration in forest ecosystems, and draw on examples that involve invasive primary producers, decomposers, herbivores, plant pathogens, mutualists and predators. We then develop a conceptual framework for assessing the effects of invasive species on C sequestration impacts more generally, by identifying the features of biological invaders and invaded ecosystems that are thought to most strongly regulate C in forests. Finally we assess the implications of managing invasive species on C sequestration. An important principle that emerges from this review is that the direct effects of invaders on forest C are often smaller and shorter‐term than their indirect effects caused by altered nutrient availability, primary productivity or species composition, all of which regulate long‐term C pools and fluxes. This review provides a conceptual basis for improving our general understanding of biological invaders on ecosystem C, but also points to a paucity of primary data that are needed to determine the quantitative effects of invaders on ecosystem processes that drive C sequestration. 相似文献
Lau JA 《Oecologia》2012,170(1):171-181
Just as ecological indirect effects can have a wide range of consequences for community structure and ecosystem function, theory suggests that evolutionary indirect effects can also influence community dynamics and the outcome of species interactions. There is little empirical evidence documenting such effects, however. Here, I use a multi-generation selection experiment in the field to investigate: (1) how the exotic plant Medicago polymorpha and the exotic insect herbivore Hypera brunneipennis affect the evolution of anti-herbivore resistance traits in the native plant Lotus wrangelianus and (2) how observed Lotus evolutionary responses to Hypera alter interactions between Lotus and other members of the herbivore community. In one of two study populations, I document rapid evolutionary changes in Lotus resistance to Hypera in response to insecticide treatments that experimentally reduced Hypera abundance, and in response to Medicago-removal treatments that also reduced Hypera abundance. These evolutionary changes in response to Hypera result in reduced attack by aphids. Thus, an evolutionary change caused by one herbivore species alters interactions with other herbivore taxa, an example of an eco-evolutionary feedback. Given that many traits mediate interactions with multiple species, the effects of evolutionary changes in response to one key biotic selective agent may often cascade through interaction webs to influence additional community members. 相似文献