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吴健生  沈楠 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7483-7492
城市公园绿地是当代城市的重要组成部分,居民能否方便地享用公园绿地所提供的各项服务与功能,是衡量一个城市人地关系和谐状况、现代化发展水平和居民生活质量的重要指标,也是城市公园绿地社会服务功能的体现。选取深圳市福田区为研究对象,计算单点绿地步行指数,衡量均质区域的公园绿地步行可达性;基于土地利用类型法实现人口数据空间化;基于面域绿地步行指数耦合绿地空间分布与人口格局,评估深圳市福田区居民通过步行方式到达城市公园绿地的便利程度,即城市公园绿地的社会服务功能水平。结果表明:深圳市福田区在区域均质假设下,公园绿地步行可达性整体较好,区域差异较大,呈现出东优西劣的趋势,梅林公园周边、莲花山公园南部、荔枝公园周边及皇岗公园周边是四个公园绿地步行可达性最好的区域,福田区西北部和西南部公园绿地步行可达性差;供需平衡视角下,70%街道的居民可以便捷、公平地享用城市公园绿地所提供的服务,华强北街道、莲花街道、园岭街道和华富街道公园绿地设施建设非常完善,且绿地格局与人口格局配置合理,香蜜湖街道与沙头街道开放性公园绿地建设状况有待改进。将步行指数应用于公园绿地建设状况评估,为步行城市建设、公园绿地空间布局优化提供参考依据。  相似文献   

沈阳城市公园游憩压力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在GIS支持下,结合距离衰减模型和Voronoi图估算了沈阳城市公园的游憩压力。结果表明:沈阳城市公园总游憩压力城郊差异不明显,西北区游憩压力大于东南区,以中山公园、新华公园、劳动公园、市府广场和万柳塘公园最高;城市公园单位面积游憩压力城郊差异明显,以新华公园、市府广场、八一公园、沈海园和枫露公园最高。距离衰减模型和Voronoi图相结合能克服单一使用距离衰减模型或Voronoi图的弊端,是城市公园游憩干扰强度鉴别的有效方法;研究获得了沈阳城市公园的相对游憩压力大小资料,为其优化建设和管护决策的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

作为城市绿化系统的不可或缺的组成部分,城市公园将人与自然有机的联系在了一起,是考量一个城市文明与否的重要依据。随着社会经济的发展人们的生活水平不断提高,人们越来越注重精神层面的享受,这就对园林景观的建设提出了新的要求。而林荫空间作为公园建设的重要组成部分,其建设程度的好坏直接影响着城市公园能否真正意义上为提升人们精神生活做出应有贡献。结合陕西西北川山体公园绿化实例,对林荫空间的设计理念和运用加以论述。  相似文献   

研究城市化过程中城市公园鸟类的影响因素与保护对策,对城市鸟类的保护和城市公园的建设具有重要的意义。为了解长沙市区城市公园的面积大小、人为干扰强度、生境类型对繁殖期鸟类物种多样性及群落特征的影响,于2011—2013年的每年5月上旬和6月上旬,采用固定样线法对长沙市区的岳麓山公园、橘子洲公园、烈士公园、南郊公园、湖南省森林植物园共5个城市公园的鸟类种类、数量及生境进行了调查,共记录到6283只鸟类,隶属10目、31科、74种,其中有2种鸟类为国家二级重点保护野生动物。对各城市公园面积与每公顷的鸟类物种数进行回归分析的结果显示:随着城市公园面积的增大,鸟类物种密度减少,这可能是小面积公园的边际效应导致单位面积内鸟类物种数增多。城市公园的人为干扰强度、生境稳定性、食物可获得性对繁殖期城市公园鸟类种类与数量有较大的影响。最后对长沙市区城市公园的建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

北京城市公园湿地的休憩吸引力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以北京地区20个城市公园湿地为研究对象,从公园湿地的景观质量、区位条件、可达性3方面构建了城市公园湿地休憩吸引力评价指标体系,并基于层次分析法赋权的综合指数评价方法,对公园湿地的休憩吸引力进行评价,最后通过实地问卷调查数据对休憩吸引力评价结果进行验证,结果表明:具有高休憩吸引力的公园湿地依次为颐和园、奥林匹克公园、青龙湖公园、北海公园、圆明园、玉渊潭公园、十渡、金海湖风景区、陶然亭公园、野鸭湖湿地,稻香湖湿地和珍珠湖风景区的休憩吸引力最低,其余8个公园湿地休憩吸引力一般.休憩吸引力评价结果与实际调查数据相符,说明所建立的评价指标体系与评价方法是可行的.20个公园湿地按照其休憩吸引力可聚为4类,据此可制定不同的管理对策.通过城市公园湿地休憩吸引力评价,分析城市公园湿地景观在休闲游憩方面所发挥的作用,可以为城市湿地公园的优化与配置、提高人居环境质量、改善城市景观布局提供依据.  相似文献   

城市公园可达性研究——方法与关键问题   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
刘常富  李小马  韩东 《生态学报》2010,30(19):5381-5390
城市公园是城市居民主要的休闲游憩场所,对促进其身心健康,建设和谐可持续社会具有重要意义。伴随快速城市化,城市居民对城市公园的需求与日俱增,不仅仅关注城市公园的数量,更关心能否方便快捷地进入公园进行游憩活动。这对城市公园的评价和合理规划提出了新要求。基于GIS的可达性研究从公园与市民相互关系角度出发,能够较好地评价城市公园的空间分布,是评价城市公园空间分布合理性和服务公平性的主要手段。多种可达性计算方法的出现为城市公园可达性研究中方法的选择提供了充分的余地,但不同的方法基于不同的理论,对数据要求不同,反映可达性的不同方面,对各种可达性计算方法的理解是选择适宜可达性计算方法进行城市公园可达性研究的前提。将城市公园可达性研究中常用的可达性计算方法分为4类6种,分别评述了其原理和优缺点,为城市公园可达性研究中方法的选择提供参考。同时分析了城市公园可达性研究中的关键问题,探讨了未来城市公园可达性研究的重点。  相似文献   

基于遥感的夏季西安城市公园"冷效应"研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冯晓刚  石辉 《生态学报》2012,32(23):7355-7363
城市公园景观作为城市绿洲区对城市生态环境特别是局地热环境的调节和改善起着极其重要的作用.以热红外遥感数据为信息源,以遥感定量反演和地理信息空间分析技术为支撑,对西安市城区7个主要公园对周边区域热环境的降温效应进行了研究.结果表明:降温幅度(△T)与远离公园的距离(L)两者间呈现非线性的关系特征;不同形态参数的公园对其周边区域的热环境影响不同,公园降温范围与公园绿地面积和水体面积呈现较强的正相关关系;公园水体面积比例≥30%时,其平均降温影响范围和降温幅度均高于水体面积比例低于30%的公园.因此,城市公园建设,不仅要考虑公园面积和形状,亦要考虑水体比例,一般说来,水体面积占公园面积30%以上为佳.基于热红外遥感数据对城市公园影响周边区域的范围和强度进行了定量探讨,所得结论对指导城市公园的规划与建设具有实用价值和参考意义.  相似文献   

本文概述了《伟大的城市公园》这本专著,此书对欧洲和北美的30个公园进行了案例分析,包括其历史、原有的立地条件以及规划设计的关键人物。论证了对场地环境的认识以及建成后管理的持续性是公园兴盛的关键。阐明从城市公园始创以来,城市公园已成为城市绿色基础设施的重要要素。  相似文献   

城市公园景观的热环境效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐丽华  岳文泽 《生态学报》2008,28(4):1702-1710
城市热环境受到地表的物理性质和人类社会经济活动的共同影响,是城市生态环境状况的综合体现.而城市公园景观的热环境效应显著区别于其它景观类型.城市公园景观的热环境效应研究对城市规划以及城市生态环境评价都具有重要意义.论文以上海市为例,首先提取了城市公园景观斑块的空间分布数据,再利用Landsat7的ETM 为基本数据源,定量反演了城市热环境温度,然后利用GIS中的空间分析功能,重点探讨了城市公园景观的热环境效应.公园景观斑块的面积、周长与其对应的温度具有负相关关系,而形状复杂性指数则与环境温度具有显著的正相关关系,形状复杂性指数则与环境温度的相关程度远高于面积、周长与热环境温度的相关程度.公园斑块的面积以及周长与公园对周围热环境的影响在统计上相关性较差;而形状复杂性指数则与其影响力则具有显著的正相关关系,形状越复杂,公园对周围热环境影响力越强.因此,在城市公园建设中,除了公园类型、空间选址外,边界形状也应作为考虑因素之一.  相似文献   

基于Landsat-8影像的沿海城市公园冷岛效应——以厦门为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
花利忠  孙凤琴  陈娇娜  唐立娜 《生态学报》2020,40(22):8147-8157
城市公园主要由水体和绿色植被等景观构成,其形成的公园冷岛(Park cool island,PCI)已成为减缓城市热岛效应的重要途径之一。采用景感生态学中的景感营造理念规划设计城市公园或优化公园空间结构有助于增强公园冷岛效应,进一步改善局地城市热环境。选择沿海城市——厦门市为研究对象,基于2013年8月的Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS遥感影像和Google Earth高分影像数据,首先提取了研究区15个公园的土地利用信息,采用改进的地表温度单通道算法,获取了城市公园地表温度数据,并采用缓冲区分析、景观格局指数和多元统计等方法定量分析公园内部平均地表温度、城市公园冷岛强度(即降温幅度)、公园冷岛影响距离(即对周边区域的降温范围)三者的主要影响因子,并利用景感生态学原理初步剖析了城市公园景感营造的原则。结果显示:(1)公园面积和公园建设用地面积是影响公园平均温度的关键因子(R2=0.915),这两个因子与公园平均温度均呈显著非线性相关;公园面积存在阈值55 hm2左右;(2)公园冷岛PCI强度由公园绿地面积、公园建筑面积和面积-周长形状指数(P/A)三个因子决定(R2=0.911);公园冷岛PCI强度与公园绿地面积呈显著非线性正相关,与公园建筑面积呈显著非线性负相关,与面积-周长形状指数(P/A)呈显著线性负相关;在确保公园绿地面积达到一定阈值时,应该尽量降低公园建筑面积,增加公园形状复杂度,有利于其PCI强度的增加,缓解城市热岛效应;(3)公园冷岛影响距离由公园面积和公园水体面积比例决定(R2=0.719),公园冷岛影响距离与两者呈显著正相关;绿地公园中提高公园水体的面积比例,有助于增大公园冷岛的影响距离;(4)城市公园的规划与设计,需要运用景感生态学的原理,从缓解城市热岛效应的角度,充分考虑公园大小、形状、土地利用类型组成比例及空间配置等因素。  相似文献   

In recent years, a growing number of studies have focused on the potential interest of urban green areas for supporting biodiversity. Private gardens, urban parks or green roofs may support relatively high densities of diverse wild bees. Knowledge is lacking regarding bee assemblages in Paris, the French capital, and one of the most densely populated part of France. In this context, we here provide a first assessment of the taxonomic and functional composition of bee assemblages in three urban parks in downtown Paris. Bees were sampled with a set of three coloured pan traps per park. Fifteen 24-hour sessions were performed from April to July 2011. We captured 425 specimens from 44 species representing five families and 11 genera. The assemblage was dominated by Halictidae (15 species representing 70.1% of total abundance), especially the eusocial species Lasioglossum morio that made 25.2% of total abundance. From a functional point of view, there were only two species of parasitic bees that made 1.2% of total abundance. Most non-parasitic species were polylectic and below-ground nesting. This study highlights the importance of preserving and managing urban parks and other green areas to promote the conservation of wild bees and ultimately the functionality of pollination service in urban ecosystems.  相似文献   

面积与植物群落结构对城市公园气温的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市公园对城市热岛的缓解作用广为人知,但是对公园面积和结构如何影响其降温作用却缺乏足够的了解.选择上海市15个公园,研究公园面积和植物群落结构对秋季公园气温和公园冷岛强度的影响,结果表明:秋季城市公园的温度比周边商住区的温度低,公园有明显的冷岛效应,公园的位置影响公园的降温效果,市区公园的气温和冷岛强度与公园面积之间存在显著的定量关系,市区公园的气温随公园面积的增加而增加,冷岛强度则随公园面积增加而降低.公园内不同植物群落类型的降温效果存在差异,其中乔-灌-草类型降温效果最好.  相似文献   

The prevalence and distribution of genetic diseases in the province of Quebec has been influenced by its population history. The current French Canadian population stems from 8,500 pioneers who left France for Nouvelle-France between 1608 and 1759. After the English conquest of Nouvelle-France in 1759, the French Canadian population remained mostly genetically isolated, for linguistic, cultural, and religious reasons. The migration of a small number of French individuals to Nouvelle-France created a founder effect. Subsequent migrations inland have created smaller regional founder effects. The limited size of the population favoured genetic drift, and the social context encouraged endogamy, i.e. unions between French Canadians with little admixture with English and other immigrants. Founder effects, genetic drift, and endogamy have all played a role in the current prevalence and distribution of genetic diseases now found in Quebec. The prevalence and distribution of genetic diseases in Quebec need to be taken into account in clinical practice. When clinicians are knowledgeable about the genetic diseases prevalent in the population they treat, they know to consider these diseases in differential diagnoses when appropriate and prioritize investigations accordingly. When developing a new diagnostic test for a genetic disease, the prevalence of the disease and the nature of the mutations found in the target population need to be taken into account. The performance of the test will depend on how well it accounts for the particularities of the disease in that population. In other words, how well does it detect the mutations found in that population? Interpretation of individual genetic test results will also depend on how well the test is expected to perform in the individual's population.  相似文献   

邓晔也  王春连 《生态学报》2019,39(16):5988-6000
城市湿地公园是城市水环境保护和市民活动的共同载体。如何达到保护城市水环境和满足使用者社会需求的平衡是本研究的关键问题。以景观绩效评价为基础,对宜昌运河公园的社会绩效进行了详细量化,并在调查结果上分析研究了影响城市湿地公园使用者评价的原因,以及在城市湿地公园内使用者的行为偏好和季节变化下使用者满意度和行为模式的变化情况,并提出了设计建议。结果表明,城市湿地公园的水环境治理目标与城市居民的公园服务需求是统一的。但是在公园生态和社会效益之间还是存在着冲突关系,如湿地面积和活动空间面积的权衡,消减河流污染物和维持公园水景质量的权衡以及湿地生境冬季景观效果不佳降低使用者满意度的情况。  相似文献   

This essay explores responses to the Paris cholera epidemic of 1832 to show how medical ideas shaped popular conceptions of the social world, while at the same time this world influenced how scientists posed their basic hypotheses. It demonstrates how responses to the epidemic were shaped by two major realities: the population of Paris was exploding and France had recently experienced a second major revolution.  相似文献   

《Ethnic and racial studies》2012,35(6):1040-1058

Drawing upon translations of the football player Lilian Thuram's critiques of French racism and immigration, as well as other English language sources on the condition of banlieue life in France, this essay explores the relationship between citizenship and representation. Rather than merely reading Thuram as an athlete, I situate him as a political figure. The essay reads Thuram philosophically: as a figure who is familiar with and thinks the French and European political through its philosophical history. It is argued that Thuram's critiques are inexplicable unless they are understood as a redress to the very philosophical core of European modernity. Instead of presuming an inevitable relationship between citizenship and representation, this essay seeks to understand how representation works in relation to questions of citizenship and the limits of citizenship in contemporary Europe for those who are defined as Berber, black or Arab.  相似文献   


Museums around the globe have experienced important changes in recent years in response to decolonisation processes and the demands of indigenous peoples. French museums are no exception, but the transformations have certain French hallmarks. This article explores the way France is dealing with its colonial legacy and, by means of two case studies, unravels the diverse political and historical particularities of the French context. The first looks at the results of a comparative analysis of the French and Québécois public’s response to the travelling exhibition E tū ake: Standing Strong produced by the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. The second focuses on the repatriation ceremony of Māori toi moko (tattooed preserved heads) that took place in Paris in January 2012. These two case studies examine the French uses of concepts such as ‘community’, ‘minority’, and ‘indigeneity’ as well as the complex relations between religion and rationality, ancestral presence and materialism in French public life. The article investigates how these concepts participate in the fabric of French society, and thus in shaping contemporary museum landscapes.  相似文献   

Families of squatters who had settled in a quiet neighborhood of Paris wished to send their children to the local school. Our ethnohistorical inquiry explores how the mobilization in favor of schooling the children was embedded in other controversies and mobilizations that arose from the squatters' presence in the occupied building. Many collective social actors (associations, unions, administrations, and politicians) were involved in conflicting mobilizations in an ongoing struggle of competing arguments. The contemporary crisis of the French model of political representation has enabled the emergence of new forms of collective protest: new ways of defining social problems and a new repertory of civil actions, that is, the "mediatization" of social action and the recourse to litigation. Our study suggests some of the possible extensions and limitations of this movement, especially in the context of action taken by teachers' unions and parents' associations.  相似文献   

Whether urban parks can maintain viable and self-sustaining populations over the long term is questionable. In highly urbanized landscapes, urban parks could play a role in biodiversity conservation by providing habitat and resources to native species. However, populations inhabiting urban parks are usually small and isolated, leading to increased demographic stochasticity and genetic drift, with expected negative consequences on their viability. Here, we investigated a European red squirrel population located in an urban park close to Paris, France (Parc de Sceaux; 184 ha) to assess its viability. Using mitochondrial D-loop sequences and 13 microsatellite loci, we showed that the population presented high levels of genetic variation and no evidence of inbreeding. The size of the population was estimated at 100–120 individuals based on the comparison of two census techniques, Distance Sampling and Capture-Mark-Recapture. The estimated heterozygosity level and population size were integrated in a Population Viability Analysis to project the likelihood of the population''s persistence over time. Results indicate that the red squirrel population of this urban park can be viable on the long term (i.e. 20 years) for a range of realistic demographic parameters (juvenile survival at least >40%) and immigration rates (at least one immigration event every two years). This study highlights that urban parks can be potential suitable refuges for the red squirrel, a locally threatened species across western European countries, provided that ecological corridors are maintained.  相似文献   

卢宁  李俊英  闫红伟  施拓  李英 《生态学杂志》2014,25(10):2951-2958
公园绿地作为城市重要的自然景观元素,其可达性是体现公园绿地所提供的自然服务能否被市民便捷、公平享用的一个重要指标.对可达性理论进行深入研究,从而更加准确、真实地对公园绿地可达性进行评价是目前亟需解决的问题.本文基于QuickBird卫星影像和GIS平台,以沈阳市铁西区为例,选取步行、非机动车、机动车和公共交通4种方式来定量评价公园绿地的可达性,并对4种交通方式下公园绿地可达区的空间分布、可达面积及可达人口的数量差异进行对比分析.结果表明: 沈阳市铁西区公园绿地数量较少且分布不均衡,表现为西南部及中心区域公园绿地的可达性较好,边缘区域可达性较差,东部和北部边缘可达性最差;各交通方式下公园绿地的可达性存在较大差异,机动车可达性最好,其次为非机动车和公共交通,步行可达性最差:近九成的居民可以采用步行30 min、非机动车和公共交通15 min、机动车10 min的方式到达最近的公园绿地.该研究对城市公园绿地可达性理论的深入、系统研究提供了一种新思路,对基于可达性的绿地空间布局优化具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

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