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The above article, published online as accepted article, prior to the version of record, on 18 May 2017 in Wiley Online Library ( https://doi.org/10.1002/jcb.25960 ) has been withdrawn by agreement between the journal's Editor in Chief, Prof. Dr. Christian Behl, and Wiley Periodicals LLC.  相似文献   

J. Duty 《Plant Ecology》1985,59(1-3):177-184
Studies of the beeches and beech woods of eastern central Europe revealed, that in the postglacial period not only Fagus sylvatica (L.) emend. reimmigrated from the refugial territories in the SE-as has generally been accepted, but also the transitional taxa, which originated from hybrids with F. orientalis Lipsky. The NW area limit of these intermediate taxa must be revised. The presence in central Europe of these taxa-which form own Fagion alliances and associations in the SE (Fagus intermedia ssp. moesiaca and ssp. taurica) as well as the presence of other southeastern species in central European beach woods shows, that their postglacial development is parallel to, but different from other areas. The taxon Fagus intermedia (ssp. neglecta and ssp. transitus) became differential taxa of a central European region of the Fagion medioeuropaeum. Plant sociologists are therefore requested to make new and critical analyses of the beech woods in Europe, with special attention to the Fagus taxa, in order to establish in detail the geographical distribution and phytosociological significance of Fagus intermedia.The author offers to determine or revise Fagus material (herbarium collections).
Danksagung. Ich möchte meinen tiefsten und allzeitigen Dank besonders den Herren Prof. Dr. A. O. Horvat (Pécs), Prof. Dr. Ch. Moulopoulos, Prof. Dr. B. Jovanovié, Prof. Dr. I. Dumitriu-Tataranu, Prof. Dr. R. Bornkamm, Prof. Dr. M. A. Kotschkin, Prof. Dr. P. Fukarek, Prof. Dr. K. Browicz für gewährte Unterstützung aussprechen und ganz besonders unserem unvergeßlichen verstorbenen Prof. Dr. Drs. h.c. R. Tüxen, der mir zur Fortführung dieser Studien Mut machte.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of secondary sensory cells in the Octopus gravity receptor system has been demonstrated. In serial thin sections of the receptor cells (hair cells) no axons were found leaving the cells. Instead, synapses were observed with synaptic vesicles lying inside the receptor cells. Both data clearly indicate that the receptor hair cells represent secondary sensory cells. In addition, efferent contacts to the receptor cells could be confirmed.This work was supported in part by grant Wo 160/5 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to Prof. Dr. H.G. WolffThe experimental work was done in part at the Zoological Station in Naples and at the Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Laboratory of Prof. Dr. Ya.A. Vinnikov), Leningrad, USSR. The authors thank Prof. Vinnikov and Dr. Tsirulis for stimulating discussions  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies in two homozygous siblings with ataxia-telangiectasia show a high degree of endogenous chromosomal breakage in lymphocyte cultures. The responsiveness of the lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin is impaired.Direktor: Prof. Dr. H. Hamperl Direktor: Prof. Dr. H. Hungerland  相似文献   


Prof. Dr. J. B. S. Braverman: Introduction to the Biochemistry of Foods (Einführung in die Biochemie der Nahrungsstoffe). — Erschienen bei Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam/London/New York, 1963, 336 Seiten mit 55 Abbildungen und 12 Tabellen, Ganzleinen, Preis: Dfl. 35,—, DM 39,—, sh. 70. Reviewed by H. Bergner.

F. F. Nord: Advances in Enzymology and related Subjects of Biochemistry (Fortschritte in der Enzymologie und den verwandten Gebieten der Biochemie), Band 26. — Erschienen bei Interscience Publishers, John Wiley & Sons, New York/London/Sydney, 1964, 453 Seiten, Preis: 94 s. Reviewed by H. Bergner.

Prof. Dr. W. Becker und Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. K. Nehring: Handbuch der Futtermittel (in drei Bänden), Band 2. — Erschienen beim Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg, 1965, XX und 475 Seiten mit 907 Tabellen, Ganzleinen, Subskriptionspreis: DM 144.—. Reviewed by H. Bergner.

Prof. Dr. W. Schuphan: Zur Qualität der Nahrungspflanzen. Erzeugerinteressen — Verbraucherwünsche. — Erschienen bei BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München/Bonn/Wien, 1961, 170 Seiten mit 59 Abbildungen und 25 Tabellen, Format 15,8 × 23,5 cm, Leinen, Preis: DM 19,80. Reviewed by A. Püschner.

Das Kalium und die Qualität landwirtschaftlicher Produkte (Grünfutter, Steinund Kernobst, Kartoffeln). — Bericht über das 2. Regional-Kolloquium des Internationalen Kali-Institutes, Murten (Schweiz), erschienen beim Verlag Internationales Kali-Institut, Bern 14 (Schweiz), 1964, 208 Seiten, Preis: Sfr. 10,—; US $ 2,40. Reviewed by A. Püschner.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Victor Goerttler: Vom literarischen Handwerk der Wissenschaft. Eine Plauderei mit Zitaten und Aphorismen. — Erschienen beim Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin und Hamburg, 1965, 284 Seiten, Ganzleinen, Preis: DM 26,—. Reviewed by H. Bergner.  相似文献   

Multiple discriminant analysis is a useful multivariate technique in vegetation studies that can be employed for several purposes, even if the underlying statistical assumptions are not satisfied. An example of application of this method is discussed: multiple discriminant analysis was successfully used for evaluating the predictivity of forest types defined by numerical classification of vegetation data with respect to soil variables.Species nomenclature follows Pignatti (1982) for vascular plants and Augier (1966) for mosses.The research has been supported by the IDROSER (Bologna, Italy) and by the Italian C. N. R. (Grant no. 83.02548.04, resp. Prof. A. Pirola). We wish to thank Prof. E. Feoli, Prof. E. van der Maarel, Prof. L. Orlóci and Prof. A. Pirola for suggestions. We are also indebted to Dr N. Filippi who analyzed the soil samples.  相似文献   

Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. Begründet von P aul S orauer . Heraus-gegeben von Geh. Reg.-Rat Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. O. APPEL, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. H. B lunck , Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Dr. h. c. B. R ademacher und Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R ichter . Sechs einzelne käufliche Bände. I. Band: Die nichtparasitären Krankheiten. 7., vollständig neugestaltete Auflage in 5 Lieferungen herausgegeben von Prof.Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. B. R ademacher .
Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt fiir Land- und Forstwirt schaft Berlin-Dahlem, Heft 116(1965):
Hassebrauk, K., Nomenklatur, geographische Verbreitung und Wirtsbereidi des Gelbrostes, Puccinia striiformis West.
Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt flir Land- und Forstwirt-schaft Berlin-Dahlem, Heft 117 (1966):
Schuhmann, G., Untersuchungen liber die physiologische Spezialisierung von Tilletia caries (DC.) Tul. und Tilletia controversa Klihn in Deutschland und das Resistenzverhalten von Weizensorten.
Vorschriften zur Ausfiihrung der Verordnung iiber dieSdiadiingsbekampfung mit hodigiftigen Stoffen. Zusammengestellt und bearbeitet in der biolo-gisdien Bundesanstalt fiir Land- und Forstwirtsdiaft Berlin-Dahlem.  相似文献   

Book review in this article
Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. Begründet von Paul Sorauer. III. Band: Pilzliche Krankheiten und Unkräuter. 6., vollständig neugestaltete Auflage in 6 Lieferungen. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. H. Richter. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin und Hamburg. 4. Lieferung: Basidiomycetes. Bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. K. Hassebrauk, Dr. E. Niemann, Dr. G. Schuhmann, Prof. Dr. H. Zycha.
Dünnschicht-Chromatographie. Ein Laboratoriumshandbuch. Bearbeitet von verschiedenen Fachgelehrten. Herausgegeben von E. STAHL.
Siegel, S. M., The Plant Cell Wall. (Int. Series of Monographs on Pure and Applied Biology, Division: Plant Physiology, Bd. 2).  相似文献   

Summary Frequencies of the dibucaine resistant variant of pseudocholinesterase and of the electrophoretic C5 + component have been investigated in a sample of 992 Finnish Lapps and 317 Finns. Skolt Lapps show distinctly higher values than the other Lapps and Finns of this area. The lowest frequency of the C5 + component has been found in Finns. The frequencies found in the various population groups of this study fit well into the range reported for the human populations studied so far.Direktor: Prof. Dr. W. LehmannDirektor: Prof. Dr. H. W. GoeddeSupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.A part of this paper was read at the International Biological Programme Seminar Man in the Arctic, 21–24 May 1970 at Christian Albrecht-University at Kiel, West-Germany.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic polymorphism of mitochondrial NAD-malate dehydrogenase has been investigated in Primates. 3 enzyme variants could be demonstrated.
Zusammenfassung Die mitochondriale NAD-Malatdehydrogenase der Primaten zeigt eine genetisch determinierte Variabilität. Es konnten 3 Enzymvarianten nachgewiesen werden.

Direktor: Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Ritter

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Mit 2 Abbildungen Aus dem Hauptlaboratorium des Stadtkrankenhauses, 7033 Leipzig, Friesenstr. 8 (Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. habil.D. Lohmann) Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c.E. Strack zum 70. Geburtstag in Dankbarkeit.  相似文献   

The tubular spermatophore of Gomphocerus rufus L. is formed 3 to 4 minutes after the begin of copulation; it consists of various proteins which are secreted by the 16 tubules of the paired accessory glands. Selective surgical ablation of the tubules indicate, that the secretion of the accessory glands serve the following functions: determination of the shape of the spermatophore, transmission of the pressure necessary for spermatophore transfer and formation of the lumen of the spermatophore. The course of production of the spermatophore has been studied.

Herrn Prof. Dr. W. Loher, University of California, Berkeley, danke ich herzlich fur die Stellung des Themas, für wertvolle Ratschläge bei der Durchführung der Arbeit and für seine Hilfe bei ihrer Abfassung. Herrn Prof. Dr. F. P. Möhres bin ich für die Überlassung eines Arbeitsplatzes zu großem Dank verpflichtet. Die Üntersuchungen wurden aus Mitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft unterstützt, die Prof. Loher zur Verfügung standen.  相似文献   

Retraction: “MiR-137 functions as a tumor suppressor in pancreatic cancer by targeting MRGBP” by Feng Ding, Shuang Zhang, Shaoyang Gao, Jian Shang, Yanxia Li, Ning Cui, and Qiu Zhao, J Cell Biochem. 2018; 4799-4807: The above article, published online on 13 January 2018 in Wiley Online Library ( https://doi.org/10.1002/jcb.26676 ) has been retracted by agreement between the journal's Editor in Chief, Prof. Dr. Christian Behl, and Wiley Periodicals LLC. The retraction has been agreed after the authors stated that errors occurred during figure compilation, and that the experimental data in the article could not be verified. The investigation additionally revealed inconsistencies in several image elements. Thus, the editors consider the conclusions of this article to be invalid.  相似文献   


Sporadic triploid cells have been found in two patients with otherwise normal karyotypes and in one normal placenta. Sporadic triploid cells are probably not very rare. Further data should be collected in order to elucidate the interesting problem of the origin of triploid cells.Direktor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. W. Lenz  相似文献   

Summary The genetic polymorphism of soluble and mitochondrial glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase has been investigated in Primates. 3 variants of the soluble enzyme and 2 variants of the mitochondrial enzyme could be demonstrated. The distribution of the various phenotypes has been estimated.
Zusammenfassung Die Glutamat-Oxalacetat-Transaminasen der Primaten, zeigen eine genetisch determinierte Variabilität. Es konnten 3 cytoplasmatische und 2 mitochondriale Enzymvarianten nachgewiesen werden. Die Verteilung der Phänotypen wurde ermittelt.

Direktor: Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Ritter

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

《Journal of cellular physiology》2019,234(8):12821-12827
Retraction: ‘Cav1.3 is upregulated in osteoporosis rat model and promotes osteoclast differentiation from preosteoclast cell line RAW264.7' , by Ping Fan, Nan Hu, Xiuyuan Feng, Yining Sun, Dan Pu, Xiaohong Lv, Zhiming Hao, Yang Li, Wujun Xue, Lan He, J Cell Physiol. 2019; 12821–12827: The above article, published online on 11 February 2019 in Wiley Online Library ( https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jcp.27937 ), has been retracted by agreement between the authors, the journal's Editor in Chief, Prof. Dr. Gregg Fields, and Wiley Periodicals LLC. The retraction has been agreed after the authors asked to replace all the figures. The authors confirmed that the original figures are flawed but did not provide original raw files. An investigation revealed several duplications in figures 2, 3, and 4. Accordingly, the conclusions of this article are considered invalid.  相似文献   

Retraction: ‘ Ailanthone exerts an antitumor function on the development of human lung cancer by upregulating microRNA-195 ’, by Shizhen Hou, Ziming Cheng, Wenling Wang, Xiangdong Wang, Yubing Wu, J Cell Biochem. 2019; 10444-10451: The above article, published online on 19 December 2018 in Wiley Online Library ( https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jcb.28329 ), has been retracted by agreement between the journal's Editor in Chief, Prof. Dr. Christian Behl, and Wiley Periodicals LLC. The retraction has been agreed following an investigation based on allegations raised by a third party. Several flaws and inconsistencies between results presented and experimental methods described were found, the editors consider the conclusions of this article to be invalid. The authors collaborated in the investigation initially, but were not available for a final confirmation of the retraction.  相似文献   

Summary The chromosomes in lymphocytes of 6 children with ataxia-telangiectasia have been studied. In 2 patients cell populations marked by abnormal chromosomes were found. Cytogenetic findings and IgA seem not to be strongly related.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.(Direktor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. W. Lenz)  相似文献   

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