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PHR [PAM (protein associated with Myc)-HIW (Highwire)-RPM-1 (regulator of presynaptic morphology 1)] proteins are conserved, large multi-domain E3 ubiquitin ligases with modular architecture. PHR proteins presynaptically control synaptic growth and axon guidance and postsynaptically regulate endocytosis of glutamate receptors. Dysfunction of neuronal ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation is implicated in various neurodegenerative diseases. PHR proteins are characterized by the presence of two PHR domains near the N-terminus, which are essential for proper localization and function. Structures of both the first and second PHR domains of Mus musculus (mouse) Phr1 (MYC binding protein 2, Mycbp2) have been determined, revealing a novel β sandwich fold composed of 11 antiparallel β-strands. Conserved loops decorate the apical side of the first PHR domain (MmPHR1), yielding a distinct conserved surface feature. The surface of the second PHR domain (MmPHR2), in contrast, lacks significant conservation. Importantly, the structure of MmPHR1 provides insights into a loss-of-function mutation, Gly1092 → Glu, observed in the Caenorhabditis elegans ortholog RPM-1.  相似文献   



Epidemiological studies have evaluated the association between Secretoglobin 1A member 1 (SCGB1A1) + 38A/G polymorphism and asthma, but the results remain inconclusive. The aim of this study was to perform a meta-analysis to investigate a more authentic association between SCGB1A1 + 38A/G polymorphism and asthma.


Published literature from PubMed, Web of Science, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), and Embase databases were searched for eligible publications. Pooled odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using random or fixed-effect model according the between-study heterogeneity.


A total of 19 case-control studies in 18 articles were included in the meta-analysis, including 3191 cases and 5182 controls. We found that SCGB1A1 + 38A/G polymorphism was associated with a significantly increased risk of asthma risk when all studies were pooled in a dominant model (OR = 1.29; 95% CI 1.08–1.54; P = 0.005). The cumulative meta-analysis and sensitivity analysis further strengthened the stability of the result. Furthermore, publication bias was not detected.


This study suggested that SCGB1A1 + 38A/G polymorphism was a risk factor for asthma. Further large and well-designed studies are needed to confirm this association.  相似文献   

Two complexes of composition trans-Pt(1-MeC-N3)(1-MeC-N4)I2 · 2H2O (4) and trans-Pt(1-MeC-N3)(1-MeC-N4)Cl2 (5) are described and characterized by X-ray analysis, which simultaneously contain the preferred aminooxo tautomer I and the rare iminooxo tautomer II of 1-methylcytosine (1-MeC) bonded to the heavy metal, via N3 and N4, respectively. Formation of 4 originates from [Pt(1-MeC-N3)3I]I (2), which likewise has been characterized by X-ray crystal structure analysis. A feasible way of formation of 4, which involves a metal migration process from N3 to N4 occurring at moderately acidic pH, is proposed. It appears to be yet another mechanism of metal migration, different from previously established cases which are redox-assisted and hydroxide-promoted, respectively.  相似文献   

The interactions were studied of DNA with the nonhistone chromatin protein HMGB1 and histone H1 in the presence of manganese(II) ions at different protein to DNA and manganese to DNA phosphate ratios by using absorption and optical activity spectroscopy in the electronic [ultraviolet (UV) and electronic circular dichroism ECD)] and vibrational [infrared (IR) and vibrational circular dichroism (VCD)] regions. In the presence of Mn2+, the protein-DNA interactions differ from those without the ions and cause prominent DNA compaction and formation of large intermolecular complexes. At the same time, the presence of HMGB1 and H1 also changed the mode of interaction of Mn2+ with DNA, which now takes place mostly in the major groove of DNA involving N7(G), whereas interactions between Mn2+ and DNA phosphate groups are weakened by histone molecules. Considerable interactions were also detected of Mn2+ ions with aspartic and glutamic amino acid residues of the proteins.  相似文献   

Unstable, gene-rich pericentric regions have been associated with various structural aberrations including small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMCs). We hereby report on a new sSMC derived from chromosome 14, generating trisomy 14pter → q12 in a child with severe neurodevelopmental delay. The patient featured facial dysmorphism, generalized hypotonia, transverse palmar creases, structural brain abnormality, and severe cognitive and motor impairment. Literature review indicated this to be a unique case of sSMC 14 which was only composed of pter → q12, and the phenotype secondary to duplications of the similar region partially overlaps with the phenotype reported in this study. The genetic analysis on our case helps to better delineate karyotype–phenotype correlations between proximal trisomy 14 and associated clinical phenomena, and we also propose that the involved chromosomal regions may contain dosage-sensitive genes which are important for the development.  相似文献   

The G0/G1 switch gene 2 (G0S2) was originally identified in blood mononuclear cells following induced cell cycle progression. Translation of G0S2 results in a small basic protein of 103 amino acids in size. It was initially believed that G0S2 mediates re-entry of cells from the G0 to G1 phase of the cell cycle. Recent studies have begun to reveal the functional aspects of G0S2 and its protein product in various cellular settings. To date the best-known function of G0S2 is its direct inhibitory capacity on the rate-limiting lipolytic enzyme adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL). Other studies have illustrated key features of G0S2 including sub-cellular localization, expression profiles and regulation, and possible functions in cellular proliferation and differentiation. In this review we present the current knowledge base regarding all facets of G0S2, and pose a variety of questions and hypotheses pertaining to future research directions.  相似文献   

The B-box type 2 domain is a prominent feature of a large and growing family of RING, B-box, coiled-coil (RBCC) domain-containing proteins and is also present in more than 1500 additional proteins. Most proteins usually contain a single B-box2 domain, although some proteins contain tandem domains consisting of both type 1 and type 2 B-boxes, which actually share little sequence similarity. Recently, we determined the solution structure of B-box1 from MID1, a putative E3 ubiquitin ligase that is mutated in X-linked Opitz G/BBB syndrome, and showed that it adopted a betabetaalpha RING-like fold. Here, we report the tertiary structure of the B-box2 (CHC(D/C)C(2)H(2)) domain from MID1 using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. This MID1 B-box2 domain consists of a short alpha-helix and a structured loop with two short anti-parallel beta-strands and adopts a tertiary structure similar to the B-box1 and RING structures, even though there is minimal primary sequence similarity between these domains. By mutagenesis, ESI-FTICR and ICP mass spectrometry, we show that the B-box2 domain coordinates two zinc atoms with a 'cross-brace' pattern: one by Cys175, His178, Cys195 and Cys198 and the other by Cys187, Asp190, His204, and His207. Interestingly, this is the first case that an aspartic acid is involved in zinc atom coordination in a zinc-finger domain, although aspartic acid has been shown to coordinate non-catalytic zinc in matrix metalloproteinases. In addition, the finding of a Cys195Phe substitution identified in a patient with X-linked Opitz GBBB syndrome supports the importance of proper zinc coordination for the function of the MID1 B-box2 domain. Notably, however, our structure differs from the only other published B-box2 structure, that from XNF7, which was shown to coordinate one zinc atom. Finally, the similarity in tertiary structures of the B-box2, B-box1 and RING domains suggests these domains have evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Endothelial dysfunction plays an essential role in the development and progression of atherosclerotic lesions. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) are considered important molecules in the endothelial dysfunction process. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of eNOS and ET-1 (EDN1) gene polymorphisms as susceptibility markers for acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Six polymorphisms (rs1799983, rs2070744, rs1800783, rs3087459, rs1800541, and rs5369) of eNOS and EDN1 genes were analyzed by 5′ exonuclease TaqMan genotyping assays in a group of 452 patients with ACS and 283 healthy controls. The results showed increased frequencies of the A allele of the END1-914 C>A (rs3087459) polymorphism in ACS patients when compared to controls (OR = 1.56, Pc = 0.01). Under an additive model, the “AA” genotype was associated with an increased risk of developing ACS, adjusted for gender, hypertension, dyslipidemia, alcohol consumption, smoking, and diabetes (OR = 1.56, p = 0.045). Linkage disequilibrium analysis showed one EDN1 haplotype (AT) with increased frequency in ACS patients when compared to healthy controls (OR = 1.65, Pc = 0.0015). The “AT” haplotype was associated with the risk of developing ACS after adjusting for cardiovascular risk factors using multiple logistic analysis. In this case, the adjusted OR was 1.73 for the AT haplotype (Pc = 0.0018). In summary, resulting data suggest that the END1-914 C>A gene polymorphism could be involved in the risk of developing ACS in Mexican individuals.  相似文献   

The reaction between 1,3,5-tris(imidazol-1-ylmethyl)-2,4,6-trimethylbenzene (titmb) and [Ag(NH3)2][Hsal] (H2sal=salicylic acid) produces novel complex [Ag2(titmb)2][Hsal]2 · 3H2O (1). There are two unique silver centers in complex 1 with one serving as a trigonal node and the other one as a linear node. Interestingly, there are two sorts of titmb ligands in complex 1, one acting as a three-connecting ligand and the other one as a two-connecting (bridging) ligand. The silver centers are linked by titmb ligand to form 2D puckered layers containing M5(titmb)5 macrocyclic motifs, which is large enough to allow the bridging titmb ligands from the neighboring layers to be completely enclosed in. Namely, two neighboring independent layers interpenetrated each other in a parallel fashion without the occurrence of catenation to give a 3D structure.  相似文献   

Very recently, the mouse 17alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (m17alpha-HSD), a member of the aldo-keto reductase (AKR) superfamily, has been characterized and identified as the unique enzyme able to catalyze efficiently and in a stereospecific manner the conversion of androstenedione (Delta4) into epitestosterone (epi-T), the 17alpha-epimer of testosterone. Indeed, the other AKR enzymes that significantly reduce keto groups situated at position C17 of the steroid nucleus, the human type 3 3alpha-HSD (h3alpha-HSD3), the human and mouse type 5 17beta-HSD, and the rabbit 20alpha-HSD, produce only 17beta-hydroxy derivatives, although they possess more than 70% amino acid identity with m17alpha-HSD. Structural comparisons of these highly homologous enzymes thus offer an excellent opportunity of identifying the molecular determinants responsible for their 17alpha/17beta-stereospecificity. Here, we report the crystal structure of the m17alpha-HSD enzyme in its apo-form (1.9 A resolution) as well as those of two different forms of this enzyme in binary complex with NADP(H) (2.9 A and 1.35 A resolution). Interestingly, one of these binary complex structures could represent a conformational intermediate between the apoenzyme and the active binary complex. These structures provide a complete picture of the NADP(H)-enzyme interactions involving the flexible loop B, which can adopt two different conformations upon cofactor binding. Structural comparison with binary complexes of other AKR1C enzymes has also revealed particularities of the interaction between m17alpha-HSD and NADP(H), which explain why it has been possible to crystallize this enzyme in its apo form. Close inspection of the m17alpha-HSD steroid-binding cavity formed upon cofactor binding leads us to hypothesize that the residue at position 24 is of paramount importance for the stereospecificity of the reduction reaction. Mutagenic studies have showed that the m17alpha-HSD(A24Y) mutant exhibited a completely reversed stereospecificity, producing testosterone only from Delta4, whereas the h3alpha-HSD3(Y24A) mutant acquires the capacity to metabolize Delta4 into epi-T.  相似文献   

Although singly ablating Fabp1 or Scp2/Scpx genes may exacerbate the impact of high fat diet (HFD) on whole body phenotype and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), concomitant upregulation of the non-ablated gene, preference for ad libitum fed HFD, and sex differences complicate interpretation. Therefore, these issues were addressed in male and female mice ablated in both genes (Fabp1/Scp2/Scpx null or TKO) and pair-fed HFD. Wild-type (WT) males gained more body weight as fat tissue mass (FTM) and exhibited higher hepatic lipid accumulation than WT females. The greater hepatic lipid accumulation in WT males was associated with higher hepatic expression of enzymes in glyceride synthesis, higher hepatic bile acids, and upregulation of transporters involved in hepatic reuptake of serum bile acids. While TKO had little effect on whole body phenotype and hepatic bile acid accumulation in either sex, TKO increased hepatic accumulation of lipids in both, specifically phospholipid and cholesteryl esters in males and females and free cholesterol in females. TKO-induced increases in glycerides were attributed not only to complete loss of FABP1, SCP2 and SCPx, but also in part to sex-dependent upregulation of hepatic lipogenic enzymes. These data with WT and TKO mice pair-fed HFD indicate that: i) Sex significantly impacted the ability of HFD to increase body weight, induce hepatic lipid accumulation and increase hepatic bile acids; and ii) TKO exacerbated the HFD ability to induce hepatic lipid accumulation, regardless of sex, but did not significantly alter whole body phenotype in either sex.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that the incidence of chromosomal aberration is 10–15.2% in the azoospermic male; however, the exact genetic damages are currently unknown for more than 40% of azoospermia. To elucidate the causative gene defects, we used the next generation sequencing (NGS) to map the breakpoints of a chromosome insertion from an azoospermic male who carries a balanced, maternally inherited karyotype 46, XY, inv ins (18,7) (q22.1; q36.2q21.11). The analysis revealed that the breakage in chromosome 7 disrupts two genes, dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 (DPP6) and contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CACNA2D1), the former participates in regulation of voltage-gated potassium channels, and the latter is one of the components in voltage-gated calcium channels. The deletion and duplication were not identified equal or beyond 100 kb, but 4 homologous DNA elements were verified proximal to the breakpoints. One of the proband's sisters inherited the same aberrant karyotype and experienced recurrent miscarriages and consecutive fetus death, while in contrast, another sister with a normal karyotype experienced normal labor and gave birth to healthy babies. The insertional translocation is confirmed with FISH and the Y-chromosome microdeletions were excluded by genetic testing. This is the first report describing chromosome insertion inv ins (18,7) and attributes DPP6 and CACNA2D1 to azoospermia.  相似文献   

The taxonomic genus Rickettsiella (Gammaproteobacteria; Legionellales) comprises intracellular bacteria associated with a wide range of arthropods including insects, arachnids and crustaceans. The present study provides ultrastructural together with genetic evidence for a Rickettsiella bacterium in the common rough woodlouse, Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Porcellionidae), occurring in Germany, and shows that this bacterium is very closely related to one of the same genus occurring in California that infects the pill bug, Armadillidium vulgare (Isopoda, Armadillidiidae). Both bacterial isolates displayed the ultrastructural features described previously for crustacean-associated bacteria of the genus Rickettsiella, including the absence of well-defined associated protein crystals; occurrence of the latter is a typical characteristic of infection by this type of bacteria in insects, but has not been reported in crustaceans. A molecular systematic approach combining multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) with likelihood-based significance testing demonstrated that despite their distant geographic origins, both bacteria form a tight sub-clade within the genus Rickettsiella. In the 16S rRNA gene trees, this sub-clade includes other bacterial sequences from woodlice. Moreover, the bacterial specimens from P. scaber and A. vulgare are found genetically or morphologically different from each of the four currently recognized Rickettsiella species. Therefore, the designation ‘Candidatus Rickettsiella isopodorum’ is introduced for this new lineage of isopod-associated Rickettsiella bacteria.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msr) reduce methionine sulfoxide (MetSO)-containing proteins, back to methionine (Met). MsrAs are stereospecific for the S epimer whereas MsrBs reduce the R epimer of MetSO. Although structurally unrelated, the Msrs characterized so far display a similar catalytic mechanism with formation of a sulfenic intermediate on the catalytic cysteine and a concomitant release of Met, followed by formation of at least one intramolecular disulfide bond (between the catalytic and a recycling cysteine), which is then reduced by thioredoxin. In the case of the MsrA from Escherichia coli, two disulfide bonds are formed, i.e. first between the catalytic Cys51 and the recycling Cys198 and then between Cys198 and the second recycling Cys206. Three crystal structures including E. coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis MsrAs, which, for the latter, possesses only the unique recycling Cys198, have been solved so far. In these structures, the distances between the cysteine residues involved in the catalytic mechanism are too large to allow formation of the intramolecular disulfide bonds. Here structural and dynamical NMR studies of the reduced wild-type and the oxidized (Cys51-Cys198) forms of C86S/C206S MsrA from E. coli have been carried out. The mapping of MetSO substrate-bound C51A MsrA has also been performed. The data support (1) a conformational switch occurring subsequently to sulfenic acid formation and/or Met release that would be a prerequisite to form the Cys51-Cys198 bond and, (2) a high mobility of the C-terminal part of the Cys51-Cys198 oxidized form that would favor formation of the second Cys198-Cys206 disulfide bond.  相似文献   

The particular compositions of the intracellular membrane organelles rely on the proteins and lipids received frequently through membrane trafficking. The delivery of these molecules is driven by the membrane-bound organelles known as transport carriers (TCs). Advanced microscopy approaches have revealed that TC morphology ranges from small vesicles to complex tubular membrane structures. These tubular TCs (TTCs) support effectively both sorting and transport events within the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways, while a coherent picture of the processes that define the formation and further fate of TTCs is still missing. Here, we present an overview of the mechanisms operating during the TTC life cycle, as well as of the emerging role of tubular carriers in different intracellular transport routes.  相似文献   

Positions 163, 166, and 173, within the putative external loop joining transmembrane segments IV and V of rabbit Na(+)/glucose cotransporter, form part of its Na(+) interaction and voltage-sensing domain. Since a Q170C mutation within this region exhibits anomalous behavior, its function was further investigated. We used Xenopus oocytes coinjected with mouse T-antigen to enhance Q170C expression, and the two-microelectrode voltage-clamp technique. For Q170C, alpha-methyl D-glucopyranoside, phloridzin, and Na(+) affinity values are equivalent to those of wild-type; but turnover is reduced approximately 50%. Decreased [Na(+)] reduces Q170C, but not wild-type, charge transfer. Q170C presteady-state currents exhibit three time constants, tau, identical to wild-type. MTSES decreases maximal alpha-methyl D-glucopyranoside-induced currents by approximately 64% and Na(+) leak by approximately 55%; phloridzin and Na(+) affinity are unchanged. MTSES also reduces charge transfer (dithiothreitol-reversible) and Q170C turnover by approximately 60-70%. MTSEA and MTSET protect against MTSES, but neither affect Q170C function. MTSES has no obvious effect on the tau-values. Q170A behaves the same as Q170C. The mutation Q170E affects voltage sensitivity and reduces turnover, but also appears to influence Na(+) interaction. We conclude that 1), glutamine 170 lies in the Na(+) pathway in rabbit Na(+)/glucose cotransporter and 2), altered polarity and charge at position 170 affect a cotransporter conformational state and transition, which is rate-limiting, but probably not associated with empty carrier reorientation.  相似文献   

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