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Tripartite motif-containing protein (TRIM) family proteins are involved in a broad range of biological processes and, consistently, their alterations result in diverse pathological conditions such as genetic diseases, viral infection and cancer development. In this study, we found that one of the TRIM family proteins, TRIM31, is highly expressed in the gastrointestinal tract and interacts with p52Shc, one of the signal transducers. We also found by a binding assay that almost the whole region other than the RING domain is required for the binding to p52Shc but found by pulse-chase analysis that overexpression of TRIM31 does not affect the stability of p52Shc. Moreover, we found that overexpression of TRIM31 suppresses anchorage-independent cell growth induced by the active form of c-Src. These results suggest that TRIM31 attenuates c-Src signaling via p52Shc under anchorage-independent growth conditions and is potentially associated with growth activity of cells in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Tripartite motif (TRIM)-containing proteins, which are defined by the presence of a common domain structure composed of a RING finger, one or two B-box motifs and a coiled-coil motif, are involved in many biological processes including innate immunity, viral infection, carcinogenesis, and development. Here we show that TRIM67, which has a TRIM motif, an FN3 domain and a SPRY domain, is highly expressed in the cerebellum and that TRIM67 interacts with PRG-1 and 80K-H, which is involved in the Ras-mediated signaling pathway. Ectopic expression of TRIM67 results in degradation of endogenous 80K-H and attenuation of cell proliferation and enhances neuritogenesis in the neuroblastoma cell line N1E-115. Furthermore, morphological and biological changes caused by knockdown of 80K-H are similar to those observed by overexpression of TRIM67. These findings suggest that TRIM67 regulates Ras signaling via degradation of 80K-H, leading to neural differentiation including neuritogenesis.  相似文献   

Terf/TRIM17 is a member of the TRIM family of proteins, which is characterized by the RING finger, B-box, and coiled-coil domains. In the present study, we found that terf interacts with TRIM44. Terf underwent ubiquitination in vitro in the presence of the E2 enzyme UbcH6; this suggests that terf exhibits E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. It was also found that terf was conjugated with polyubiquitin chains and stabilized by the proteasome inhibitor in mammalian cells; this suggested that terf rendered itself susceptible to proteasomal degradation through polyubiquitination. We also found that TRIM44 inhibited ubiquitination of terf, and thus stabilized the protein. The N-terminal region of TRIM44 contains a zinc-finger domain found in ubiquitin hydrolases (ZF UBP) and ubiquitin specific proteases (USPs). Thus, we proposed that TRIM44 may function as a new class of the “USP-like-TRIM” which regulates the activity of associated TRIM proteins.  相似文献   

Ribosomal biogenesis is correlated with cell cycle, cell proliferation, cell growth and tumorigenesis. Some oncogenes and tumor suppressors are involved in regulating the formation of mature ribosome and affecting the ribosomal biogenesis. In previous studies, the mitochondrial ribosomal protein L41 was reported to be involved in cell proliferation regulating through p21(WAF1/CIP1) and p53 pathway. In this report, we have identified a mitochondrial ribosomal protein S36 (mMRPS36), which is localized in the mitochondria, and demonstrated that overexpression of mMRPS36 in cells retards the cell proliferation and delays cell cycle progression. In addition, the mMRPS36 overexpression induces p21(WAF1/CIP1) expression, and regulates the expression and phosphorylation of p53. Our result also indicate that overexpression of mMRPS36 affects the mitochondrial function. These results suggest that mMRPS36 plays an important role in mitochondrial ribosomal biogenesis, which may cause nucleolar stress, thereby leading to cell cycle delay.  相似文献   

Chromosome segregation is an essential process for nuclear and cell division. The microtubule cytoskeleton, molecular motors and protein complexes at the microtubule plus ends and at kinetochores play crucial roles in the segregation process. Here we identified KatA (KipAtarget protein, homologue of CENP-H) as a kinesin-7 (KipA, homologue of human CENP-E) interacting protein in Aspergillus nidulans. KatA located at the kinetochore during the whole cell cycle and colocalized with KipA and partially with the putative microtubule polymerase AlpA (XMAP215) during mitosis. Deletion of katA was lethal at 37°C and caused severe growth and morphology defects at room temperature. KipA was shown before to play an important role in growth directionality determination and our new results suggest a second function of KipA in the interaction between the microtubule plus ends and the kinetochores during mitosis.  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosome segregation is orchestrated by the dynamic interaction of spindle microtubules with the kinetochore. Although previous studies show that the mitotic kinesin CENP-E forms a link between attachment of the spindle microtubule to the kinetochore and the mitotic checkpoint signaling cascade, the molecular mechanism underlying dynamic kinetochore-microtubule interactions in mammalian cells remains elusive. Here, we identify a novel interaction between CENP-E and SKAP that functions synergistically in governing dynamic kinetochore-microtubule interactions. SKAP binds to the C-terminal tail of CENP-E in vitro and is essential for an accurate kinetochore-microtubule attachment in vivo. Immunoelectron microscopic analysis indicates that SKAP is a constituent of the kinetochore corona fibers of mammalian centromeres. Depletion of SKAP or CENP-E by RNA interference results in a dramatic reduction of inter-kinetochore tension, which causes chromosome mis-segregation with a prolonged delay in achieving metaphase alignment. Importantly, SKAP binds to microtubules in vitro, and this interaction is synergized by CENP-E. Based on these findings, we propose that SKAP cooperates with CENP-E to orchestrate dynamic kinetochore-microtubule interaction for faithful chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

TRIM22 (Staf50), a member of the TRIM protein family, is an interferon (IFN)-inducible protein as well as a p53 target gene. The function of TRIM22 is largely unknown, but TRIM22 is suggested to play a role in viral defense by restriction of viral replication. In addition, TRIM22 may function as a ubiquitin E3 ligase. In contrast to previous reports showing solely cytoplasmic localization of exogenous TRIM22, we report here that endogenous TRIM22 is localized to both nucleus and cytosol in primary human mononuclear cells, as well as in the human osteosarcoma cell line U2OS. Moreover, we demonstrate a colocalization of TRIM22 with the centrosomes in primary cells as well as in U2OS cells, and show that this colocalization is independent of cell cycle phase. Additionally, our data suggest the colocalization with centrosomes to be independent on the microtubule network. Given that some viral protein assembly takes place in the close vicinity of the centrosome, our data suggest that important functions of TRIM22 such as regulation of viral replication and protein degradation may take place in the centrosome. However, further studies are warranted to certify this notion.  相似文献   

Neuroblastoma is the most common solid tumor in childhood and represents 15% of all children’s cancer deaths. We have previously demonstrated that tripartite motif 16 (TRIM16), a member of the RING B-box coiled-coil (RBCC)/tripartite totif (TRIM) protein family, has significant effects on neuroblastoma proliferation and migration in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo. However, the mechanism by which this putative tumor suppressor influences cell proliferation and tumorigenicity was undetermined. Here we show, for the first time, TRIM16’s striking pattern of expression and dynamic localization during cell cycle progression and neuroblastoma tumor development. In a tyrosine hydroxylase MYCN (TH-MYCN) neuroblastoma mouse model, immunohistochemical staining revealed strong nuclear TRIM16 expression in differentiating ganglia cells but not in the tumor-initiating cells. Furthermore in vitro studies clearly demonstrated that during G1 cell cycle phase, TRIM16 protein expression is upregulated and shifts to the nucleus of cells. TRIM16 also plays a role in cell cycle progression through changes in Cyclin D1 and p27 expression. Importantly, using TRIM16 deletion mutants, an uncharacterized protein domain of TRIM16 was found to be required for both TRIM16’s growth inhibitory effects and its nuclear localization. Taken together, our data suggest that TRIM16 acts as a novel regulator of both neuroblastoma G1/S progression and cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is essential for ensuring the proper attachment of kinetochores to the spindle and, thus, the precise separation of paired sister chromatids during mitosis. The SAC proteins are recruited to the unattached kinetochores for activation of the SAC in prometaphase. However, it has been less studied whether activation of the SAC also requires the proteins that do not localize to the kinetochores. Here, we show that the nuclear protein RED, also called IK, a down-regulator of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) II, interacts with the human SAC protein MAD1. Two RED-interacting regions identified in MAD1 are from amino acid residues 301-340 and 439-480, designated as MAD1(301-340) and MAD1(439-480), respectively. Our observations reveal that RED is a spindle pole-associated protein that colocalizes with MAD1 at the spindle poles in metaphase and anaphase. Depletion of RED can cause a shorter mitotic timing, a failure in the kinetochore localization of MAD1 in prometaphase, and a defect in the SAC. Furthermore, the RED-interacting peptides MAD1(301-340) and MAD1(439-480), fused to enhanced green fluorescence protein, can colocalize with RED at the spindle poles in prometaphase, and their expression can abrogate the SAC. Taken together, we conclude that RED is required for kinetochore localization of MAD1, mitotic progression, and activation of the SAC.  相似文献   

While the essential role of episomal par loci in plasmid DNA partitioning has long been appreciated, the function of chromosomally encoded par loci is less clear. The chromosomal parA-parB genes are conserved throughout the bacterial kingdom and encode proteins homologous to those of the plasmidic Type I active partitioning systems. The third conserved element, the centromere-like sequence called parS, occurs in several copies in the chromosome. Recent studies show that the ParA-ParB-parS system is a key player of a mitosis-like process ensuring proper intracellular localization of certain chromosomal regions such as oriC domain and their active and directed segregation. Moreover, the chromosomal par systems link chromosome segregation with initiation of DNA replication and the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies raised against the 34-kD nucleolar protein, B-36, from the slime mold Physarum polycephalum have been used to examine the electron microscopic localization of B-36 during the cell cycle in Physarum. During interphase, B-36 is found primarily in regions corresponding to the dense fibrillar component. This is similar to what has been observed for the putative mammalian homologue of B-36, fibrillarin. During mitosis, B-36 remains associated with perichromosomal nucleolar remnants. With the Gautier DNA-specific staining procedure, the same nucleolar remnants are shown to contain short DNA segments, presumably rDNA molecules. These findings suggest that in Physarum, where the nucleolus is composed of several hundred extrachromosomal rDNA molecules, the dense fibrillar component and the "NOR" equivalents do not separate during mitosis as in mammalian cells. In addition, the B-36-enriched nucleolar remnants appear to be recycled from one cell cycle to the next.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-proteasome system has been implicated in neuronal degeneration and regeneration. We demonstrated that overexpression of ZNRF1, which has been identified as a crucial molecule in nerve regeneration, causes morphological changes such as neurite-like elongation. Molecular dissections showed that both the RING finger domain and zinc finger domain are required for morphological changes. Furthermore, we identified β-tubulin type 2 (Tubb2) as a ZNRF1-binding protein by yeast two-hybrid screening. In vivo binding assay showed that ZNRF1 interacts with Tubb2 and immunofluorescent staining suggests that ZNRF1 is colocalized with Tubb2. These results suggest that ZNRF1 mediates regulation of neuritogenesis via interaction with tubulin.  相似文献   

TONSOKU(TSK)/MGOUN3/BRUSHY1 of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a nuclear leucine-glycine-aspargine (LGN) domain protein implicated to be involved in genome maintenance, and mutants with defects in TSK show a fasciated stem with disorganized meristem structures. We identified a homolog of TSK from tobacco BY-2 cells (NtTSK), which showed high sequence conservation both in the LGN domain and in leucine-rich repeats with AtTSK. The NtTSK gene was expressed during S phase of the cell cycle in tobacco BY-2 cells highly synchronized for cell division. The tsk mutants of Arabidopsis contained an increased proportion of cells with 4C nuclei and cells expressing cyclin B1 compared with the wild type. These results suggest that TSK is required during the cell cycle and defects of TSK cause the arrest of cell cycle progression at G2/M phase.  相似文献   

Formation of the mature 3' ends of the vast majority of cellular mRNAs occurs through cleavage and polyadenylation and requires a cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF) containing, among other proteins, CPSF-73 and CPSF-100. These two proteins belong to a superfamily of zinc-dependent beta-lactamase fold proteins with catalytic specificity for a wide range of substrates including nucleic acids. CPSF-73 contains a zinc-binding histidine motif involved in catalysis in other members of the beta-lactamase superfamily, whereas CPSF-100 has substitutions within the histidine motif and thus is unlikely to be catalytically active. Here we describe two previously unknown human proteins, designated RC-68 and RC-74, which are related to CPSF-73 and CPSF-100 and which form a complex in HeLa and mouse cells. RC-68 contains the intact histidine motif, and hence it might be a functional counterpart of CPSF-73, whereas RC-74 lacks this motif, thus resembling CPSF-100. In HeLa cells RC-68 is present in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus whereas RC-74 is exclusively nuclear. RC-74 does not interact with CPSF-73, and neither RC-68 nor RC-74 is found in a complex with CPSF-160, indicating that these two proteins form a separate entity independent of the CPSF complex and are likely involved in a pre-mRNA processing event other than cleavage and polyadenylation of the vast majority of cellular pre-mRNAs. RNA interference-mediated depletion of RC-68 arrests HeLa cells early in G(1) phase, but surprisingly the arrested cells continue growing and reach the size typical of G(2) cells. RC-68 is highly conserved from plants to humans and may function in conjunction with RC-74 in the 3' end processing of a distinct subset of cellular pre-mRNAs encoding proteins required for G(1) progression and entry into S phase.  相似文献   

The oocytes of B6.Y(TIR) sex-reversed female mice can be fertilized but the resultant embryos die at early cleavage stages. In the present study, we examined chromosome segregation at meiotic divisions in the oocytes of XY female mice, compared to those of XX littermates. The timing and frequency of oocyte maturation in culture were comparable between the oocytes from both types of females. At the first meiotic division, the X- and Y-chromosomes segregated independently and were retained in oocytes at equal frequencies. However, more oocytes retained the correct number of chromosomes than anticipated from random segregation. The oocytes that had reached MII-stage were activated by fertilization or incubation with SrCl(2). As expected, the majority of oocytes from XX females completed the second meiotic division and reached the 2-cell stage in 24 h. By contrast, more than half of oocytes from XY females initially remained at the MII-stage while the rest precociously entered interphase after SrCl(2) activation; very few oocytes were seen at the second anaphase or telophase and they often showed impairment of sister-chromatid separation. Eventually the majority of oocytes entered interphase and formed pronuclei, but very few reached the 2-cell stage. Similar results were obtained after fertilization. We conclude that the XY chromosomal composition in oocyte leads to impairment in the progression of the second meiotic division.  相似文献   

RILP is emerging as a key regulator of late endocytic pathway by functioning as a downstream effector of activated Rab7 and Rab34, while ESCRT-I-->ESCRT-II-->ESCRT-III machinery acts in sorting proteins to the multivesicular body (MVB) initiated at the early/sorting endosome. We show here that the early machinery is integrated with the late machinery through a novel regulatory loop in which RILP interacts with VPS22 and VPS36 of ESCRT-II to mediate their membrane recruitment. The N-terminal and C-terminal half of RILP mediate interaction with VPS22 and VPS36, respectively. Overexpression of RILP leads to enlarged and clustered MVBs marked by lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA). In addition, RILP or its C-terminal fragment causes a retardation of sorting internalized EGF to the degradation route at the level of sorting endosomes marked by EEA1. We propose that RILP-->ESCRT-II serves as a regulatory/feedback loop to govern the coordination of early and late parts of the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

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