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The metabolism of 2.5 mM-[15N]aspartate in cultured astrocytes was studied with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Three primary metabolic pathways of aspartate nitrogen disposition were identified: transamination with 2-oxoglutarate to form [15N]glutamate, the nitrogen of which subsequently was transferred to glutamine, alanine, serine and ornithine; condensation with IMP in the first step of the purine nucleotide cycle, the aspartate nitrogen appearing as [6-amino-15N]adenine nucleotides; condensation with citrulline to form argininosuccinate, which is cleaved to yield [15N]arginine. Of these three pathways, the formation of arginine was quantitatively the most important, and net nitrogen flux to arginine was greater than flux to other amino acids, including glutamine. Notwithstanding the large amount of [15N]arginine produced, essentially no [15N]urea was measured. Addition of NaH13CO3 to the astrocyte culture medium was associated with the formation of [13C]citrulline, thus confirming that these cells are capable of citrulline synthesis de novo. When astrocytes were incubated with a lower (0.05 mM) concentration of [15N]aspartate, most 15N was recovered in alanine, glutamine and arginine. Formation of [6-amino-15N]adenine nucleotides was diminished markedly compared with results obtained in the presence of 2.5 mM-[15N]aspartate.  相似文献   

L-[15N]Glutamic acid was prepared in high yields via a fermentative process. Brevibacterium lactofermentum, growing on a medium containing 97% enriched 15NH4Cl as a sole isotopic precursor, excreted mostly L-[15N]glutamic acid. The L-[15N]glutamic acid was purified and identified. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis was performed to demonstrate its usefulness in clinical studies.  相似文献   

The determination of placental fatty acid metabolism using stable isotope-labeled tracers was investigated in the human placental choriocarcinoma (JAR) cell line. Stable isotope incorporation was measured by MDGC-MS. The cultured trophoblast cells incorporated and metabolized the essential fatty acids to long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. The described method enables the detection of a low Delta(6)-desaturase activity in this human placental cell line. The developed MDGC-MS method allows the assessment of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in cultured cells with high sensitivity and selectivity. In this respect, tracer studies with MDGC-MS will be a powerful tool to clarify the significance of placental fatty acid metabolism.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was utilized to study the metabolism of [15N]glutamate, [2-15N]glutamine, and [5-15N]glutamine in isolated renal tubules prepared from control and chronically acidotic rats. The main purpose was to determine the nitrogen sources utilized by the kidney in various acid-base states for ammoniagenesis. Incubations were performed in the presence of 2.5 mM 15N-labeled glutamine or glutamate. Experiments with [5-15N]glutamine showed that in control animals approximately 90% of ammonia nitrogen was derived from 5-N of glutamine versus 60% in renal tubules from acidotic rats. Experiments with [2-15N]glutamine or [15N]glutamate indicated that in chronic acidosis approximately 30% of ammonia nitrogen was derived either from 2-N of glutamine or glutamate-N by the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase. Flux through glutamate dehydrogenase was 6-fold higher in chronic acidosis versus control. No 15NH3 could be detected in renal tubules from control rats when [2-15N]glutamine was the substrate. The rates of 15N transfer to other amino acids and to the 6-amino groups of the adenine nucleotides were significantly higher in normal renal tubules versus those from chronically acidotic rats. In tubules from chronically acidotic rats, 15N abundance in 15NH3 and the rate of 15NH3 appearance were significantly higher than that of either the 6-amino group of adenine nucleotides or the 15N-amino acids studied. The data indicate that glutamate dehydrogenase activity rather than glutamate transamination is primarily responsible for augmented ammoniagenesis in chronic acidosis. The contribution of the purine nucleotide cycle to ammonia formation appears to be unimportant in renal tubules from chronically acidotic rats.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography--mass spectrometry analysis of plasma amino acid derivatives has been used to determine the 15N enrichment time decay curves of plasma glycine following a single dose administration of [15N]glycine in untreated and insulins-, glucagon-, and cycloheximide-treated rabbits. The present study indicated the following: (a) Increases of 80 and 50% in plasma glycine disappearance rate constants occurred in insulin- and glucagon-treated rabbits as compared with control postabsorptive rabbits; (b) The hormones in the intact rabbits caused a significant depletion in glycine pool size, which led to a moderate reduction in the fluxes of glycine. (c) A significant reduction in glycine turnover rate constants and pool size was noted at 3 and 24 hr following the administration of a sublethal dose of cycloheximide and a restoration towards control postabsorptive values was observed 48 hr after cycloheximide administration. (d) Sublethal doses of cycloheximide inhibited by 60 and 90% the stimulatory action of insulin and glucagon on plasma glycine disappearance, respectively. The present data suggest that both insulin and glucagon may act directly on plasma glycine disappearance rates. The stimulatory action of insulin differs from the action of glucagon in that it is not completely blocked by cycloheximide. Presumably glucagon and insulin modify the glycine transport system at different sites or by a different mechanism.  相似文献   

Glutamic acid producer Brevibacterium lactofermentum intact cells were used to demonstrate the feasibility of in vivo 15N NMR to follow nitrogen assimilation and amino acid production throughout the growth cycle. The induction of glutamic acid production by different growth conditions was studied. Intracellular and extracellular levels of free metabolites were estimated as function of oxygen supply and biotin concentration. 15N NMR enabled us to distinguish two phases during the fermentation. At the early stage of fermentation, glutamic acid was accumulated intracellularly independent of oxygen supply and no product was excreted. In the late growth phase, the permeability of the cells developed and L-glutamic acid was excreted. The effect of aeration and biotin concentration on cellular contents and excretion was also studied by 15N NMR. Glutamate, N-acetylglutamine, and glutamine were the main nitrogenous pools independent of cell culture conditions. Free ammonia was not accumulated intracellularly although glutamic acid fermentation can be characterized as the process of nitrogen assimilation and the uptake of ammonia is the key step. In conclusion, the application of in vivo 15N NMR spectroscopy unraveled various problems of nitrogen metabolism, in a rapid and nondestructive manner.  相似文献   

Studies are described on the metabolism and the toxicological analysis of the new designer drug rac-p-methoxymethamphetamine (PMMA) in rat urine using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The identified metabolites indicated that PMMA was extensively metabolized mainly by O-demethylation to pholedrine and to a minor extent to p-methoxyamphetamine (PMA), 1-hydroxypholedrine diastereomers (one being oxilofrine), 4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxymethamphetamine and 4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyamphetamine. The authors' systematic toxicological analysis (STA) procedure using full-scan GC-MS after acid hydrolysis, liquid-liquid extraction and microwave-assisted acetylation allowed the detection of the main metabolites of PMMA in rat urine after a dose corresponding to that of drug users. Therefore, this procedure should be suitable for detection of PMMA intake in human urine via its metabolites. However, it must be considered that pholedrine and oxilofrine are also in therapeutic use. Differentiation of PMMA, PMA and/or pholedrine intake is discussed.  相似文献   

R,S-4'-Methyl-alpha-pyrrolidinohexanophenone (MPHP) is a new designer drug which has appeared on the illicit drug market. The aim of this study was to identify the MPHP metabolites using solid-phase extraction, ethylation or acetylation, as well as to develop a toxicological detection procedure in urine using solid-phase extraction, trimethylsilylation and GC-MS. Analysis of urine samples of rats treated with MPHP revealed that MPHP was completely metabolized by hydroxylation of the tolyl methyl group followed by dehydrogenation to the corresponding carboxylic acid, hydroxylation of the side chain, hydroxylation of the pyrrolidine ring with subsequent dehydrogenation to the corresponding lactam and/or reduction of the keto group. The carboxy and/or hydroxy groups were found to be only partly conjugated. Based on these data, MPHP could be detected in urine via its metabolites by GC-MS using mass chromatography for screening and library search for identification.  相似文献   

To allow in vivo determination of synthetic rates for individual proteins, physiological incorporation of infused [15N]glycine into urinary hippuric acid has been used as an indicator of intrahepatic tracer dilution. Although the kidneys might contribute to hippurate production, the relationship between hepatic, plasma, and urinary hippurate has not yet been established in humans. To further investigate these issues we developed a fast, sensitive, and reliable method for measuring simultaneously hippurate concentrations and in vivo tracer incorporation into hippurate in plasma and urine using stable isotopes and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We then tested this assay under several experimental conditions. Reference compounds [( 15N]- and [ring-2H5]hippurate) were synthesized and gave linear standard curves. Postabsorptive hippurate plasma levels in healthy subjects ranged from 1.2 to 10.5 microM and protein binding was 79 +/- 6% (mean +/- SD). Following a bolus dose of [15N]glycine tracer appeared in plasma hippurate; enrichment in hippurate was indistinguishable from that in glycine after an equilibration period of 20 min, indicating a close relationship between intracellular glycine and plasma hippurate. A 16-h infusion of [15N]glycine resulted in identical enrichment levels in urinary and plasma hippurate; glycine enrichment in a hepatic export protein (VLDL-ApoB) was approaching plasma hippurate but not plasma free glycine enrichment. The ability to monitor plasma hippurate is of practical advantage compared to the sampling of urine. Furthermore it allows the monitoring of rapid events in the intrahepatic dilution of an infused glycine tracer. This assay may, therefore, become an important tool in the study of hepatic protein metabolism.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method for analysis of L-[2-15N]- and L-[5-15N]glutamine is described. The method is based on direct acylation of glutamine with trifluoroacetic anhydride and the formation of the N,N-bis-trifluoroacetyl-L-glutamine derivative. This simple and sensitive method is capable of detecting approximately 0.5 atom% excess 15N in as little as 10 microliter of plasma with a mean coefficient of variance of 11.6%. The method was applied to determine the appearance of 15N enrichment in plasma amino-N and amide-N of glutamine in a healthy adult volunteer during a constant infusion of 15NH4Cl. A plateau level of 3.7 and 2.6 atom% excess was observed in amide-N and amino-N, respectively, at 1 and 2 h after 15NH4Cl infusion was started.  相似文献   

A method is described for the quantitation of muramic acid, a marker of bacterial peptidoglycan, in organic dust. House dust samples were hydrolysed in hydrochloric acid and then extracted with hexane to remove hydrophobic compounds. The aqueous phase was evaporated, heated in a silylation reagent to form trimethylsilyl derivatives, and analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The muramic acid derivative gave two peaks upon injection into the gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Injection of 10 pg of the derivative gave a signal-to-noise ratio of 17 for the dominating peak when using selected ion monitoring in the electron impact mode, and a linear calibration curve was achieved upon analysis of samples containing 5–1500 ng of muramic acid. In a house dust sample, 40 ng of muramic acid was found per mg of dust; the coefficient of variation was 8.2% (n = 6, 1.2 mg of dust analysed). The described method is rapid and simple to apply, and should therefore become widely used for measuring peptidoglycan in many types of environmental samples, including organic dust.  相似文献   

We describe a GC-MS and GC-c-IRMS method for the determination of labeled urea tracer enrichments in plasma as a result of combined 13C- and 15N(2)-urea infusion experiments in piglets. Urea was converted into 2-methoxypyrimidine, a stable derivative, suited for analyses by both GC-MS and GC-c-IRMS. Using calibration curves for the respective working ranges (13C-urea: 0-1% APE; 15N(2)-urea: 0-7% MPE) enrichments were established in single point measurements; for 15N(2)-urea as values+/-0.15% MPE (95% confidence interval); for 13C-urea as values+/-0.02% APE (95% confidence interval). 15N(1)-urea enrichments were determined by measurement of the same sample with GC-c-IRMS and GC-MS. Subtraction of the 13C specific GC-c-IRMS data from the nondiscriminating GC-MS data for the sum of 13C- and 15N(1)-urea resulted in 15N(1)-urea enrichments+/-0.15% MPE (95% confidence interval). Application of the method in a combined 13C-urea bolus and 15N(2)-urea primed constant infusion experiment in piglet was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas species MA was grown with methylamine as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen enabling the total flow of carbon and nitrogen into this organism to be simultaneously monitored in vivo using 13C and 15N NMR. [13C]Methylamine was rapidly and extensively incorporated into the methyl group of N-methylglutamate during high oxygenation of the cell suspension, but when the oxygenation rate was lower, a significant portion was also found in the methyl group of gamma-glutamylmethylamide. At later times the carbon label was found in intermediates of the serine assimilation pathway, with glutamate derived from the tricarboxylic acid cycle being the most abundant product. Incorporation of [15N]methylamine was only detected as N-methyl[15N]glutamate, but when protein synthesis was inhibited, the label was also detected in the amino nitrogen of glutamate. When oxygenation rates were lower, the 15N-labeled methylamine was found in the methylamide group of gamma-glutamylmethylamide in addition to being incorporated into N-methylglutamate. gamma-Glutamylmethylamide formation was linked to the overall energy state of the cell and was not affected by inhibition of the carbon assimilation pathway. Neither 5-hydroxy-N-methylpyroglutamate nor N-methyl-alpha-ketoglutaramate were detected to any significant extent. A mechanism was proposed for the role of gamma-glutamylmethylamide in the regulation of endogenous nitrogen supplies in this organism.  相似文献   

A rapid gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method for the determination of 15N in the guanidino nitrogens of arginine is described. The method is based on formation of the N-tetratrifluoroacetyl-arginine derivative. Approximately 0.15 mol% excess 15N can be detected in as little as 50 microliters of plasma with an average coefficient of variation of 8.8%. The possible fragmentation pattern of the N-tetra-trifluoroacetyl-arginine derivative is described. The method was applied to determine the appearance of 15N enrichment in plasma arginine in a healthy adult volunteer during a constant infusion of 15NH4Cl. A plateau level of 0.7 atom% excess was observed 2 h after the 15NH4Cl infusion was started.  相似文献   

A rapid gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for [15N]ammonia analysis is deseribed which is based on the formation of [15N]glutamic acid from ammonia and analysis of isotopic abundance in the N-trifluoroacetyl-n-butylester glutamate derivative. Mean recovery of [15N]ammonia added to either plasma or urine was greater than 99% with a relative standard deviation of less than 10%. The method can be applied to the determination of extremely low levels of ammonia through an isotope dilution technique. The [15N]ammonia abundance of blood and urine was determined in an adult following on oral dose (500 mg) of 15NH4Cl. A peak isotopic abundance of 13 atoms% excess was reached by 30 min. Urinary excretion of [15N]ammonia during the first 4 h after administration of the isotope amounted to 4.1% of the isotope administered.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. In spite of an eventual catabolic phase during the last third of pregnancy, nitrogen retention seems to increase in pregnant rats. Furthermore, the high uterine blood flow and the high placental transfer of amino acids maintains an adequate nutrient supply to the fetuses.
  • 2.2. The terminal rat fetus has a high circulating plasma amino acid level, as well as an increased free amino acid tissue pool when compared to its mother's.
  • 3.3. In the rat fetus the development of enzymatic capabilities shows a sudden emergence (also denomined clustering) in late fetal life. In a general trend, the activities of enzymes related with amino acid metabolism are not well developed during rat fetal life.
  • 4.4. The rate of amino nitrogen excertion in rat fetus is low, mainly due to the low development of urea cycle enzyme activities.
  • 5.5. The rates of protein synthesis in many tissues are high in the rat fetus and they show a progressive decrease until delivery. On the other hand, the rates of protein breakdown are also higher during fetal life than in the adult.

In order to develop an approach to the study of cell metabolism in vitro, we undertook the determination of metabolites excreted by human skin diploid fibroblasts into culture medium using high-resolution gas chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry. Chromatographic and mass spectrometric characteristics of 29 metabolites have been obtained, and 11 of the metabolites have been identified. The excreted metabolites reflect the activity of certain metabolic processes in fibroblasts in vitro. A comparison of chromatographic and mass spectrometric characteristics of the cell metabolites and of those excreted from the body in urine showed most of the metabolites excreted by fibroblasts to be different from the urine metabolites. The possibility of secondary conversion of cell metabolites in the organism and the specificity of metabolism in cells of different tissues are discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed a liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric method for the simultaneous determination of nitroglycerin (NTG) and its active metabolites, glyceryl 1,2-dinitrate (1,2-GDN) and glyceryl 1,3-dinitrate (1,3-GDN), for metabolism studies in cell cultures. 1,2,4-Butanetriol-1,4-dinitrate was chosen as an internal standard. Using a linear gradient of water/methanol containing 0.025 mM NH(4)Cl, the compounds were eluted within 12.5 min on an Allure Aqueous C(18) column (100 mm x 2.1 mm). Detection and quantification was achieved with multiple reaction monitoring in the negative ion mode. Intra- and inter-day variabilities for simultaneous determination of the three nitrates were below 10 and 18%, respectively, over a range of NTG and GDN concentrations of 0.5-15 ng/ml. The lower limit of quantification was found to be about 0.01 ng on column. Application of this method was illustrated through in vitro metabolism studies of NTG in culture media bathing LLC-PK1 cells and human vascular smooth muscle cells (HA-VSMC) at 37 degrees C. The degradation half-life of NTG was found to be 4.5 +/- 0.4 h and 39.2 +/- 0.02 h, respectively, for LLC-PK1 cells versus HA-VSMC. At 5 h, the 1,2-GDN versus 1,3-GDN metabolite distribution ratio in the bathing medium was found to be 1.5 +/- 0.1 and 0.2 +/- 0.02 for LLC-PK1 and HA-VSMC cells, respectively. With this method, the degradation half-life of NTG in rat plasma at 37 degrees C was shown to be 26.8 +/- 1.8 min, consistent with previous values obtained using gas chromatography.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) fixation and assimilation in pea (Pisum sativum) root nodules were studied by in vivo (15)N nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) by exposing detached nodules to (15)N(2) via a perfusion medium, while recording a time course of spectra. In vivo (31)P NMR spectroscopy was used to monitor the physiological state of the metabolically active nodules. The nodules were extracted after the NMR studies and analyzed for total soluble amino acid pools and (15)N labeling of individual amino acids by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. A substantial pool of free ammonium was observed by (15)N NMR to be present in metabolically active, intact nodules. The ammonium ions were located in an intracellular environment that caused a remarkable change in the in vivo (15)N chemical shift. Alkalinity of the ammonium-containing compartment may explain the unusual chemical shift; thus, the observations could indicate that ammonium is located in the bacteroids. The observed (15)N-labeled amino acids, glutamine/glutamate and asparagine (Asn), apparently reside in a different compartment, presumably the plant cytoplasm, because no changes in the expected in vivo (15)N chemical shifts were observed. Extensive (15)N labeling of Asn was observed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, which is consistent with the generally accepted role of Asn as the end product of primary N assimilation in pea nodules. However, the Asn (15)N amino signal was absent in in vivo (15)N NMR spectra, which could be because of an unfavorable nuclear Overhauser effect. gamma-Aminobutyric acid accumulated in the nodules during incubation, but newly synthesized (15)N gamma-aminobutyric acid seemed to be immobilized in metabolically active pea nodules, which made it NMR invisible.  相似文献   

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