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The tyrosine kinase activity of a chimeric insulin receptor composed of the extracellular domain of the human insulin receptor (IR) and the intracellular domain of the chicken IR was compared with wild-type human IR. The degrees of autophosphorylation, phosphorylation of IRS-1, and in vitro phosphorylation of an exogenous substrate after stimulation by human insulin were similar to that seen with the human IR. We conclude that the insulin resistance of chickens is not attributable to a lower level of intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of IR.  相似文献   

Tyrosyl phosphorylation is implicated in the mechanism of insulin action. Mutation of the beta-subunit of the insulin receptor by substitution of tyrosyl residue 960 with phenylalanine had no effect on insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation or phosphotransferase activity of the purified receptor. However, unlike the normal receptor, this mutant was not biologically active in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Furthermore, insulin-stimulated tyrosyl phosphorylation of at least one endogenous substrate (pp185) was increased significantly in cells expressing the normal receptor but was barely detected in cells expressing the mutant. Therefore, beta-subunit autophosphorylation was not sufficient for the insulin response, and a region of the insulin receptor around Tyr-960 may facilitate phosphorylation of cellular substrates required for transmission of the insulin signal.  相似文献   

Transfected Chinese hamster ovary cell lines were developed that expressed equivalent numbers of either normal human receptor or receptor that had alanine substituted for Lys-1018 in the ATP-binding domain of the beta subunit. The mutated receptor was processed into subunits and bound insulin but lacked protein tyrosine kinase activity. Five effects of insulin were assayed: deoxyglucose uptake, S6 kinase activity, endogenous protein-tyrosine phosphorylation, glycogen synthesis, and thymidine uptake. In each case, cells bearing normal human receptors were 10-100-fold more sensitive to insulin than the parental cells. Cells with the mutant receptor behaved like the parental cells with respect to S6 kinase activation, endogenous substrate phosphorylation, glycogen synthesis, and thymidine uptake, but their deoxyglucose uptake was significantly depressed and relatively insensitive to insulin. The analyses led to the following conclusions: substitution of alanine for lysine at amino acid 1018 inactivates the kinase activity of the receptor; a kinase-negative receptor can be properly processed and bind insulin; insulin-dependent deoxyglucose uptake, S6 kinase activation, endogenous substrate phosphorylation, glycogen synthesis, and thymidine incorporation into DNA are mediated by the normal but not by the kinase-deficient human receptor.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor of rat brain is coupled to tyrosine kinase activity   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Insulin receptors from rat brain were studied for receptor-associated tyrosine kinase activity. In solubilized, lectin-purified receptor preparations, insulin stimulated the phosphorylation of the beta subunit of its receptor as well as of exogenous substrates. Phosphoamino acid analysis of casein phosphorylated by these preparations revealed that 32P incorporation occurred predominantly on tyrosine residues. Receptor and casein phosphorylations were specific for insulin and analogues that also bind to the insulin receptor. The insulin dose response for phosphorylation of brain receptor resembled that reported for the purified insulin receptor from human placenta (Kasuga, M., Fujita-Yamaguchi, Y., Blithe, D.L., and Kahn, C.R. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80, 2137-2141), suggesting similar insulin sensitivity and coupling of the brain receptor kinase. Four polyclonal antisera to the insulin receptor were able to bind and immunoprecipitate the brain receptor; however, only two antisera activated the receptor-associated kinase. Thus, the brain insulin receptor, like the well studied non-neural receptor, is coupled to tyrosine kinase activity, making regulation of cellular events by insulin in neural tissue possible.  相似文献   

Insulin receptor activities, i.e., insulin binding and tyrosine kinase activation depend on the lipid environment of the receptor. As detergent may disrupt or interfere with this environment, we investigated the effect of various common detergents on insulin receptor properties. Experiments were carried out (i) on solubilized and partially purified insulin receptor and (ii) on the receptor reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine vesicles. The detergents tested, Triton X-100, octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside, octyl-beta-D-thioglucopyranoside, 3[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]propanesulfonic acid (Chaps), and Na deoxycholate affected the insulin receptor properties differently when compared with the control receptor in the absence of detergent. On the partially purified insulin receptor, Na deoxycholate inhibited both insulin receptor activities; octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside and octyl-beta-D-thioglucopyranoside decreased insulin binding and kinase activation as their concentration increased, particularly above their respective critical micellar concentration (CMC). Triton X-100 was the only detergent which allowed an increase of insulin binding and kinase activation throughout the whole range of concentrations assayed. Reconstitution of the receptor into phosphatidylcholine vesicles protected the receptor from the direct effects of the detergents, for both the stimulation observed with Triton X-100 and the inhibition produced by the other detergents. In order to determine the effect of detergents on the oligomeric forms of the soluble insulin receptor, we investigated a new rapid sucrose gradient centrifugation technique. Insulin receptors were detected on the gradient by 125I insulin binding. For low concentrations of detergent, i.e., near the CMC, octylglucoside, Chaps, and Triton X-100 favored the (alpha 2 beta 2)2 oligomeric form of the receptor. Higher concentrations of Triton X-100 did not modify the polymeric state of the receptor. In contrast, octylglucoside and Chaps induced an increase in the sedimentation coefficient of the receptor which appeared as (alpha 2 beta 2)3 and (alpha 2 beta 2)4 forms. These alterations in the oligomerization status of the insulin receptor may explain the deleterious effects observed with both Chaps and octylglucoside at higher concentrations.  相似文献   

Utilizing histone phosphorylation as the basis for a quantitative assay, the insulin-stimulated protein kinase in human placenta has been characterized. The kinase copurifies through wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose and DEAE-cellulose in constant ratio to the insulin binding function. Both activities are bound to the same extent on insulin-Sepharose, and the immobilized kinase, after extensive washing, exhibits activity versus histone, which closely approaches that of the insulin-stimulated, solubilized kinase. In addition, the bound kinase retains the ability to phosphorylate the Mr = 95,000 subunit of the bead-bound receptor. Elution of the beads with sodium dodecyl sulfate yields on electrophoresis two major peptides of Mr = 130,000 and 95,000. Thus, insulin binding and insulin-stimulated histone kinase copurify in a constant stoichiometric ratio in close physical relation and are likely functional expressions of the same molecule. After the DEAE step, the insulin-stimulated kinase phosphorylates histone subfraction 2b exclusively on tyrosine residues. Insulin increases the Vmax for H2b by 3-5-fold and increases the rate of the histone phosphorylation in direct correspondence to the steady state level of specifically bound insulin. ATP is the preferred phosphate donor. The reaction is supported by either Mn2+ or Mg2+. At [ATP] less than 0.5 mM, insulin-stimulated kinase is substantially higher with Mn2+ as the sole divalent cation, as compared to Mg2+. At [ATP] greater than or equal to 0.5 mM, the rates observed with Mn2+ have plateaued, whereas the rates in the presence of Mg2+ show a continued increase such that maximal activity is seen with Mg2+ and 2-3 mM ATP. Under these conditions, the estimated turnover number of the kinase ranges between 30 and 100 pmol of 32P transferred per min/pmol of insulin bound. Thus, the tyrosine kinase activity of the insulin receptor is quantitatively comparable to that estimated for several serine protein kinases and is unlikely to reflect the side reaction of another enzymatic function.  相似文献   

The first step in insulin action consists in binding of the hormone to specific cell surface receptors. This receptor displays two functional domains: an extracellular alpha-subunit containing the majority or the totality of the hormone binding site and an intracellular beta-subunit possessing insulin-stimulated tyrosine kinase activity. A general consensus has been reached in favour of the idea that this receptor enzymic function is essential for generation of the metabolic and growth-promoting effects of insulin. Concerning the mechanism of transmembrane signalling, we like to think that interaction of insulin with the receptor alpha-subunit triggers a conformational change, which is propagated to the beta-subunit and activates it. The active receptor kinase leads then to the phosphorylation of cellular protein substrates, which are likely to belong to two broad categories, those generating metabolic effects of insulin and those resulting in growth-promoting effects. The phosphorylated and active substrates then generate the final effects of insulin.  相似文献   

Following insulin administration to intact rats, the insulin receptor kinase activity of subsequently isolated cell fractions was significantly augmented. Of interest was the observation that the endosomal insulin receptor tyrosine kinase displayed four- to six-fold greater autophosphorylation activity than that of plasma membrane. Surprisingly, the endosomal insulin receptor tyrosine kinase displayed a decrease in beta-subunit phosphotyrosine content compared with that seen in the plasma membrane. These observations prompted the suggestion that insulin receptor tyrosine kinase phosphotyrosine dephosphorylation mediated by an endosome-specific phosphotyrosine phosphatase(s) yields activation of the endosomal insulin receptor tyrosine kinase. In a previous study we examined the effect of subsaturating doses of injected insulin. In this work we evaluated insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity and phosphotyrosine content in plasma membrane and endosomes after a receptor-saturating pharmacological dose of insulin (150 micrograms/100 g body weight). At this dose the phosphotyrosine content per receptor was reduced compared with that seen earlier at insulin doses of 1.5 and 15 micrograms/100 g body weight. Endosomal insulin receptor tyrosine kinase was greater than that seen at the lower nonsaturating insulin doses. Furthermore, endosomal insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity exceeded that of the plasma membrane, despite retaining about the same phosphotyrosine content per receptor. These data are consistent with the view that insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity may be regulated by a particular pattern of phosphotyrosine content on the beta-subunit wherein both activating and inhibitory phosphotyrosine residues play a role.  相似文献   

We have tested the hypothesis that activation of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase is due to autophosphorylation of tyrosines 1146, 1150 and 1151 within a putative autoinhibitory domain. A synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 1134–1162, with tyrosines substituted by alanine or phenylalanine, of the insulin receptor subunit was tested for its inhibitory potency and specificity towards the tyrosine kinase activity. This synthetic peptide gave inhibition of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of the exogenous substrate poly(Glu, Tyr) with an approximate IC50 of 100 M. Inhibition appeared to be independent of the concentrations of insulin or the substrate poly(Glu, Tyr) but was decreased by increasing concentrations of ATP. This same peptide also inhibited the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase but not a serine/threonine protein kinase. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that this autophosphorylation domain contains an autoinhibitory sequence. (Mol Cell Biochem120: 103–110, 1993)Abbreviations IR Insulin Receptor - SDS/PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis - CaM Calmodulin - HEPES 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-Piperazineethane-Sulfonic Acid - DMEM Dulbecco's Modified Eagle' Medium - PMSF Phenylmethyl-Sulfonyl Fluoride - HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography - PKC Protein Kinase C - PKI Inhibitory Peptide for cAMP-Kinase - CaMK II Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II - CaN A A Subunit of Calcineurin  相似文献   

The lipid second messenger, phosphatidic acid, inhibits the intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of the insulin receptor in detergent-lipid mixed micelles or in reconstituted membranes. Enzymatic studies revealed that this lipid second messenger inhibits the catalytic activity of partially purified insulin receptor without affecting the affinity of the receptor for insulin. Selectivity in the protein-lipid interaction is suggested by the inability of several other acidic lipids to affect the kinase activity of the receptor and by the relative insensitivity of the inhibition to increasing ionic strength and, in some cases, micelle surface charge. Lysophosphatidic acid and phosphatidic acids with short acyl chains do not affect significantly the receptor's kinase activity, suggesting that hydrophobic interactions are involved in the inhibition. Thus, both a high affinity interaction of the insulin receptor with the phosphate headgroup and a stabilizing hydrophobic interaction with the acyl chains contribute to the inhibitory protein-lipid interaction. The selective sensitivity of the insulin receptor to phosphatidic acid suggests that the receptor-mediated generation of this lipid in the plasma membrane could negatively modulate insulin receptor function. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase by sphingosine.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R S Arnold  A C Newton 《Biochemistry》1991,30(31):7747-7754
Sphingosine inhibits autophosphorylation of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase in vitro and in situ. This lysosphingolipid has been shown previously to inhibit the Ca2+/lipid-dependent protein kinase C. Here we show that insulin-dependent autophosphorylation of partially purified insulin receptor is half-maximally inhibited by 145 microM sphingosine (9 mol %) in Triton X-100 micelles. Half-maximal inhibition of protein kinase C autophosphorylation occurs with 60 microM sphingosine (3.4 mol %) in Triton X-100 mixed micelles containing phosphatidylserine and diacylglycerol. Sphingomyelin does not inhibit significantly the insulin receptor, suggesting that, as with protein kinase C, the free amino group may be essential for inhibition. Similar to the effects observed for protein kinase C, inhibition of the insulin receptor kinase by sphingosine is reduced in the presence of other lipids. However, the reduction displays a marked dependence on the lipid species: phosphatidylserine, but not a mixture of lipids compositionally similar to the cell membrane, markedly reduces the potency of sphingosine inhibition. The inhibition occurs at the level of the protein/membrane interaction: a soluble form of the insulin receptor comprising the cytoplasmic kinase domain is resistant to sphingosine inhibition. Lastly, sphingosine inhibits the insulin-stimulated rate of tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor in NIH 3T3 cells expressing the human insulin receptor. These results suggest that sphingosine alters membrane function independently of protein kinase C.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of incubation of intact cells with insulin on insulin receptor kinase activity. Following exposure of rat adipocytes to insulin, cells were solubilized and insulin receptors purified by specific immunoprecipitation or by insulin affinity chromatography. Kinase activity of the receptors, as measured by phosphorylation of histone 2B, was then determined. Insulin treatment of the cells resulted in a 10-20-fold increase in histone kinase activity of the subsequently isolated insulin receptors. The insulin effect was half-maximal at 3 s and maximal within 15 s of exposure, was dose-dependent (EC50 = 21 ng/ml), and was rapidly reversible following dissociation of insulin from the cells. The insulin effect in intact cells on insulin receptor kinase activity could be partially reversed in vitro by dephosphorylation of the isolated receptors by alkaline phosphatase. It is proposed that: in intact cells, insulin causes alterations in insulin receptors, such that their kinase activity toward non-receptor substrates increases; increased insulin receptor kinase activity following insulin stimulation in intact cells is, at least in part, the result of an increased phosphate content of the receptors; and effects of insulin on insulin receptors in intact cells can be preserved during receptor isolation and thus can be measured in a cell-free system.  相似文献   

The ability of insulin to activate the insulin receptor protein kinase is shown to be completely dependent on prior beta subunit tyrosine autophosphorylation. Autophosphorylation in the presence of insulin is a highly concerted reaction; tryptic digestion of insulin receptor beta subunits derived from preparations whose kinase activation ranges from under 5% to 100% of maximal yields the same array of [32P]Tyr(P)-containing peptides over the entire range. Of special note is the significant contribution of multiply phosphorylated forms of tryptic peptides corresponding to proreceptor residues 1144-1152 (from the "tyrosine kinase" domain) and 1314-1329 (near the carboxyl terminus) to overall beta subunit phosphorylation at kinase activations of 5% and under. Thus, partially activated/autophosphorylated receptor preparations consist of mixtures of unactivated unphosphorylated receptors and activated fully (or nearly fully) phosphorylated receptors. The latter can be selectively removed by adsorption to antiphosphotyrosine antibodies. This abrupt multiple phosphorylation of individual receptor molecules explains why, in the presence of insulin, overall beta subunit tyrosine phosphorylation tracks closely with kinase, up to approximately 90% activation. Insulin stimulates phosphorylation into all domains (involving at least 6 of the 13 tyrosines on the intracellular portion of the beta subunit) but does not cause the appearance of "new" 32P-labeled species. Rather, insulin directs 32P incorporation preferentially into those domains most productive of kinase activation. Phosphorylation of the tyrosine residues at 1146, 1150, and 1151 correlates most closely with kinase activation. These residues show the largest 32P incorporation during rapid kinase activation; moreover, in comparisons of receptors with similar overall autophosphorylation but very different activations (or similar activations but different extents of autophosphorylation), achieved by omitting insulin or varying [ATP], the phosphorylation of peptide 1144-1152 tracks closely with kinase activation, and phosphorylation of sites and Mr 4000-5000 tryptic peptide (presumably Tyr 953 and/or 960) tract nearly as well. By contrast the extent of phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal peptide is frequently dissociated from the extent of kinase activation. Phosphorylation of this latter domain probably underlies a beta subunit function other than tyrosine kinase activity.  相似文献   

RON is a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase that mediates biological activities of Macrophage Stimulating Protein (MSP). MSP is a multifunctional factor regulating cell adhesion, motility, growth and survival. MSP binding to RON causes receptor tyrosine phosphorylation leading to up-regulation of RON catalytic activity and subsequent activation of downstream signaling molecules. Recent studies show that RON is spatially and functionally associated with other transmembrane molecules including adhesion receptors integrins and cadherins, and cytokine and growth factor receptors IL-3 betac, EPOR and MET. For example, MSP-induced cell shape change is mediated via RON-activated IL-3 betac receptor. Activation of integrins causes MSP-independent RON phosphorylation, and the integrin/RON collaboration regulates cell survival. Thus, RON can be activated without MSP by ligand stimulation of RON-associated receptors, and MSP-activated RON can cause ligand-independent activation of RON-associated receptors. As a result of the receptor cross-activation RON-specific pathways become a part of a signal transduction network of other receptors, and conversely signaling pathways activated by other receptors can be used by RON. This receptor collaboration extends the spectrum of cellular responses generated by MSP and by putative ligands of RON-associated receptors. However signaling pathways involved in the receptor cross-talk and underlying activation mechanisms remain to be investigated. The purpose of this review is to summarize data and to discuss a role of cross-talk between RON and other transmembrane receptors.  相似文献   

Calmodulin, a ubiquitous Ca2+-binding regulatory protein, is phosphorylated exclusively on tyrosine-99 in an insulin-dependent manner by wheat germ lectin-purified preparations of insulin receptors from rat adipocyte plasma membranes. Calmodulin is phosphorylated in the presence of polylysine, histone Hf2b, and protamine sulfate, but not in the absence of these cofactors or in the presence of other basic compounds known to interact with calmodulin, such as mellitin, myelin basic protein, chlorpromazine, trifluoperazine, substance P, glucagon, polyarginine, mastoparin, beta-endorphin, spermine, spermidine, and putrescine. The incorporation of 32P into calmodulin, expressed in terms of moles of phosphate per moles of calmodulin and assayed at calmodulin concentrations of 1.2 and 0.06 microM, is 0.023 + 0.002 and 0.046 + 0.006, respectively. This low stoichiometry is likely due to the relative impurity of the receptor preparation, as similar studies not shown here, using highly purified human insulin receptors, yield a stoichiometry of 1 mol phosphate/mol calmodulin. The time course of phosphorylation is characterized by a short initial lag phase of approximately 5 min, a rapid linear rate from approximately 5 to 40 min, with a steady state of 32P incorporation being approached at approximately 60 min. The K0.5 for ATP is 104 + 18 microM. Phosphorylated calmodulin is partially purified by HPLC on a C4 column using a trifluoroacetic acid/acetonitrile gradient solvent system. Phosphoamino acid analysis and limited thrombin digestion were used to determine that the site of insulin-induced phosphorylation of calmodulin is exclusively on tyrosine-99 regardless of the basic protein cofactor used. Phosphorylated calmodulin does not exhibit the characteristic Ca2+ shift normally observed with calmodulin in electrophoretic gels, an observation that is consistent with this modification affecting the biological activity of the molecule. Thus, the tyrosine phosphorylation of calmodulin represents a potentially important post-translational modification altering calmodulin's ability to regulate a variety of enzymes involved in growth, differentiation, and metabolic regulation.  相似文献   

R M O''''Brien  M A Soos    K Siddle 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(13):4003-4010
The effect of monoclonal anti-insulin receptor antibodies on the intrinsic kinase activity of solubilized receptor was investigated. Antibodies for six distinct epitopes stimulated receptor autophosphorylation and kinase activity towards exogenous substrates. This effect of antibodies was seen only within a narrow concentration range and monovalent antibody fragments were ineffective. Evidence was obtained by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation for the formation of antibody-receptor complexes which involved both inter- and intra-molecular cross-linking, although stimulation of autophosphorylation appeared to be preferentially associated with the latter. There was partial additivity between the effects of insulin and antibodies in stimulating autophosphorylation, although the sites of phosphorylation appeared identical on two-dimensional peptide maps. Antibodies for two further epitopes failed to activate receptor kinase, but inhibited its stimulation by insulin. The effects of antibodies on kinase activity paralleled their metabolic effects on adipocytes, except for one antibody which was potently insulin-like in its metabolic effects, but which antagonized insulin stimulation of kinase activity. It is concluded that antibodies activate the receptor by cross-linking subunits rather than by reacting at specific epitopes. The ability of some antibodies to activate receptor may depend on receptor environment as well as the disposition of epitopes.  相似文献   

Using the insulin-glucose clamp technique, we have previously shown that an increased sensitivity to insulin in vivo is a characteristic of the liver in rats with non-insulin-dependent diabetes induced by neonatal streptozotocin administration. We have thus studied the properties of liver insulin receptor in that model. 125I-porcine insulin binding was found normal both in isolated plasma membranes and in solubilized, wheat germ agglutinin purified receptors prepared from livers of rats with non-insulin-dependent diabetes, when compared to controls. Basal and insulin-stimulated insulin receptor kinase activities were also found normal for both the autophosphorylation of the beta subunit of the insulin receptor and the phosphorylation of the artificial substrate poly (Glu-Tyr) 4:1. Thus, in that model of chronic insulin deficiency and mild hyperglycemia: 1) liver insulin receptors are not up-regulated; 2) tyrosine kinase activity remains unaffected. This last observation supports the hypothesis that the increased insulin effect in the liver of rats with non-insulin-dependent diabetes is probably distal to the insulin receptor kinase.  相似文献   

Protein kinases play a pivotal role in the propagation and modulation of transmembrane signaling pathways. Two major classes of receptors, G-protein-linked and tyrosine kinase receptors not only propagate signals but also are substrates for phosphorylation in response to stimulation by agonist ligands. Insulin (operating via tyrosine kinase receptors) and catecholamines (operating by G-protein-linked receptors) are counterregulatory with respect to lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. How, on a cellular level, these two distinct classes of receptors may cross-regulate each other remains controversial. In the present work we identify a novel cross-talk between members of two distinct classes of receptors, tyrosine kinase (insulin) and G-protein-linked (beta-adrenergic) receptors. Treatment of DDT1 MF-2 hamster vas deferens smooth muscle cells with insulin promoted a marked attenuation (desensitization) of beta-adrenergic receptor-mediated activation of adenylylcyclase. Measured by immune precipitation of beta 2-adrenergic receptors from cells metabolically labeled with [32P]orthophosphate, the basal state of receptor phosphorylation was increased 2-fold by insulin. Phosphoamino acid analysis revealed that for insulin-stimulated cells, the beta 2-adrenergic receptors showed increased phosphorylation on tyrosyl and decreased phosphorylation on threonyl residues. Phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor was rapid and peaked at 30 min following stimulation of cells by insulin. beta-Adrenergic receptor phosphorylation and attenuation of catecholamine-sensitive adenylylcyclase provide a biochemical basis for the counterregulatory effects of insulin upon catecholamine action.  相似文献   

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