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MTH1880 is a hypothetical protein from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, a target organism of structural genomics. The solution structure determined by NMR spectroscopy demonstrates a typical alpha + beta-fold found in many proteins with different functions. The molecular surface of the protein reveals a small, highly acidic pocket comprising loop B (Asp36, Asp37, Asp38), the end of beta2 (Glu39), and loop D (Ser57, Ser58, Ser61), indicating that the protein would have a possible cation binding site. The NMR resonances of several amino acids within the acidic binding pocket in MTH1880, shifted upon addition of calcium ion. This calcium binding motif and overall topology of MTH1880 differ from those of other calcium binding proteins. MTH1880 did not show a calcium-induced conformational change typical of calcium sensor proteins. Therefore, we propose that the MTH1880 protein contains a novel motif for calcium-specific binding, and may function as a calcium buffering protein.  相似文献   

The ribosomal protein S28E from the archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum is a component of the 30S ribosomal subunit. Sequence homologs of S28E are found only in archaea and eukaryotes. Here we report the three-dimensional solution structure of S28E by NMR spectroscopy. S28E contains a globular region and a long C-terminal tail protruding from the core. The globular region consists of four antiparallel beta-strands that are arranged in a Greek-key topology. Unique features of S28E include an extended loop L2-3 that folds back onto the protein and a 12-residue charged C-terminal tail with no regular secondary structure and greater flexibility relative to the rest of the protein. The structural and surface resemblance to OB-fold family of proteins and the presence of highly conserved basic residues suggest that S28E may bind to RNA. A broad positively charged surface extending over one side of the beta-barrel and into the flexible C terminus may present a putative binding site for RNA.  相似文献   

The ribosomal protein S17E from the archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum is a component of the 30S ribosomal subunit. S17E is a 62-residue protein conserved in archaea and eukaryotes and has no counterparts in bacteria. Mammalian S17E is a phosphoprotein component of eukaryotic ribosomes. Archaeal S17E proteins range from 59 to 79 amino acids, and are about half the length of the eukaryotic homologs which have an additional C-terminal region. Here we report the three-dimensional solution structure of S17E. S17E folds into a small three-helix bundle strikingly similar to the FF domain of human HYPA/FBP11, a novel phosphopeptide-binding fold. S17E bears a conserved positively charged surface acting as a robust scaffold for molecular recognition. The structure of M. thermoautotrophicum S17E provides a template for homology modeling of eukaryotic S17E proteins in the family.  相似文献   

Atu4866 is a 79-residue conserved hypothetical protein of unknown function from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Protein sequence alignments show that it shares > or =60% sequence identity with 20 other hypothetical proteins of bacterial origin. However, the structures and functions of these proteins remain unknown so far. To gain insight into the function of this family of proteins, we have determined the structure of Atu4866 as a target of a structural genomics project using solution NMR spectroscopy. Our results reveal that Atu4866 adopts a streptavidin-like fold featuring a beta-barrel/sandwich formed by eight antiparallel beta-strands. Further structural analysis identified a continuous patch of conserved residues on the surface of Atu4866 that may constitute a potential ligand-binding site.  相似文献   

As part of the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium pilot project focused on small eukaryotic proteins and protein domains, we have determined the NMR structure of the protein encoded by ORF YML108W from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. YML108W belongs to one of the numerous structural proteomics targets whose biological function is unknown. Moreover, this protein does not have sequence similarity to any other protein. The NMR structure of YML108W consists of a four-stranded beta-sheet with strand order 2143 and two alpha-helices, with an overall topology of betabetaalphabetabetaalpha. Strand beta1 runs parallel to beta4, and beta2:beta1 and beta4:beta3 pairs are arranged in an antiparallel fashion. Although this fold belongs to the split betaalphabeta family, it appears to be unique among this family; it is a novel arrangement of secondary structure, thereby expanding the universe of protein folds.  相似文献   

HI1506 is a 128-residue hypothetical protein of unknown function from Haemophilus influenzae. It was originally annotated as a shorter 85-residue protein, but a more detailed sequence analysis conducted in our laboratory revealed that the full-length protein has an additional 43 residues on the C terminus, corresponding with a region initially ascribed to HI1507. As part of a larger effort to understand the functions of hypothetical proteins from Gram-negative bacteria, and H. influenzae in particular, we report here the three-dimensional solution NMR structure for the corrected full-length HI1506 protein. The structure consists of two well-defined domains, an alpha/beta 50-residue N-domain and a 3-alpha 32-residue C-domain, separated by an unstructured 30-residue linker. Both domains have positively charged surface patches and weak structural homology with folds that are associated with RNA binding, suggesting a possible functional role in binding distal nucleic acid sites.  相似文献   

TA0095 is a 96-residue hypothetical protein from Thermoplasma acidophilum that exhibits no sequence similarity to any protein of known structure. Also, TA0095 is a member of the COG4004 orthologous group of unknown function found in Archaea bacteria. We determined its three-dimensional structure by NMR methods. The structure displays an alpha/beta two-layer sandwich architecture formed by three alpha-helices and five beta-strands following the order beta1-alpha1-beta2-beta3-beta4-beta5-alpha2-alpha3. Searches for structural homologs indicate that the TA0095 structure belongs to the TBP-like fold, constituting a novel superfamily characterized by an additional C-terminal helix. The TA0095 structure provides a fold common to the COG4004 proteins that will obviously belong to this new superfamily. Most hydrophobic residues conserved in the COG4004 proteins are buried in the structure determined herein, thus underlying their importance for structure stability. Considering that the TA0095 surface shows a large positively charged patch with a high degree of residue conservation within the COG4004 domain, the biological function of TA0095 and the rest of COG4004 proteins might occur through binding a negatively charged molecule. Like other TBP-like fold proteins, the COG4004 proteins might be DNA-binding proteins. The fact that TA0095 is shown to interact with large DNA fragments is in favor of this hypothesis, although nonspecific DNA binding cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

aIF2 beta is the archaeal homolog of eIF2 beta, a member of the eIF2 heterotrimeric complex, implicated in the delivery of Met-tRNA(i)(Met) to the 40S ribosomal subunit. We have determined the solution structure of the intact beta-subunit of aIF2 from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. aIF2 beta is composed of an unfolded N terminus, a mixed alpha/beta core domain and a C-terminal zinc finger. NMR data shows the two folded domains display restricted mobility with respect to each other. Analysis of the aIF2 gamma structure docked to tRNA allowed the identification of a putative binding site for the beta-subunit in the ternary translation complex. Based on structural similarity and biochemical data, a role for the different secondary structure elements is suggested.  相似文献   

We report herein the NMR structure of Tm0979, a structural proteomics target from Thermotoga maritima. The Tm0979 fold consists of four beta/alpha units, which form a central parallel beta-sheet with strand order 1234. The first three helices pack toward one face of the sheet and the fourth helix packs against the other face. The protein forms a dimer by adjacent parallel packing of the fourth helices sandwiched between the two beta-sheets. This fold is very interesting from several points of view. First, it represents the first structure determination for the DsrH family of conserved hypothetical proteins, which are involved in oxidation of intracellular sulfur but have no defined molecular function. Based on structure and sequence analysis, possible functions are discussed. Second, the fold of Tm0979 most closely resembles YchN-like folds; however the proteins that adopt these folds differ in secondary structural elements and quaternary structure. Comparison of these proteins provides insight into possible mechanisms of evolution of quaternary structure through a simple mechanism of hydrophobicity-changing mutations of one or two residues. Third, the Tm0979 fold is found to be similar to flavodoxin-like folds and beta/alpha barrel proteins, and may provide a link between these very abundant folds and putative ancestral half-barrel proteins.  相似文献   

The protein Bc059385, whose solution structure is reported here, is the human representative of a recently identified family of membrane-anchored ubiquitin-fold (MUB) proteins. Analysis of their similarity to ubiquitin indicates that homologous amino acid residues in MUBs form a hydrophobic surface very similar to the recognition patch surrounding Ile-44 in ubiquitin. This suggests that MUBs may interact with proteins containing an alpha-helical motif similar to those of some ubiquitin binding domains. A disordered loop common to MUBs may also provide a second protein interaction site. From the available data, it is probable that this protein is prenylated and associated with the membrane. With <20% identity to ubiquitin, the MUB family further expands the sequence space that maps to the beta-grasp fold, and adds membrane localization to its list of functional roles.  相似文献   

The structure of Vibrio cholerae protein VC0424 was determined by NMR spectroscopy. VC0424 belongs to a conserved family of bacterial proteins of unknown function (COG 3076). The structure has an alpha-beta sandwich architecture consisting of two layers: a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and three side-by-side alpha-helices. The secondary structure elements have the order alphabetaalphabetabetaalphabeta along the sequence. This fold is the same as the ferredoxin-like fold, except with an additional long N-terminal helix, making it a variation on this common motif. A cluster of conserved surface residues on the beta-sheet side of the protein forms a pocket that may be important for the biological function of this conserved family of proteins.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a conserved hypothetical protein from Escherichia coli has been determined using X-ray crystallography. The protein belongs to the Cluster of Orthologous Group COG1553 (National Center for Biotechnology Information database, NLM, NIH), for which there was no structural information available until now. Structural homology search with DALI algorism indicated that this protein has a new fold with no obvious similarity to those of other proteins with known three-dimensional structures. The protein quaternary structure consists of a dimer of trimers, which makes a characteristic cylinder shape. There is a large closed cavity with approximate dimensions of 16 Å × 16 Å × 20 Å in the center of the hexameric structure. Six putative active sites are positioned along the equatorial surface of the hexamer. There are several highly conserved residues including two possible functional cysteines in the putative active site. The possible molecular function of the protein is discussed.  相似文献   

Esterases form a diverse class of enzymes of largely unknown physiological role. Because many drugs and pesticides carry ester functions, the hydrolysis of such compounds forms at least one potential biological function. Carboxylesterases catalyze the hydrolysis of short chain aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic ester compounds. Esterases, D-alanyl-D-alanine-peptidases (DD-peptidases) and beta-lactamases can be grouped into two distinct classes of hydrolases with different folds and topologically unrelated catalytic residues, the one class comprising of esterases, the other one of beta-lactamases and DD-peptidases. The chemical reactivities of esters and beta-lactams towards hydrolysis are quite similar, which raises the question of which factors prevent esterases from displaying beta-lactamase activity and vice versa. Here we describe the crystal structure of EstB, an esterase isolated from Burkholderia gladioli. It shows the protein to belong to a novel class of esterases with homology to Penicillin binding proteins, notably DD-peptidase and class C beta-lactamases. Site-directed mutagenesis and the crystal structure of the complex with diisopropyl-fluorophosphate suggest Ser75 within the "beta-lactamase" Ser-x-x-Lys motif to act as catalytic nucleophile. Despite its structural homology to beta-lactamases, EstB shows no beta-lactamase activity. Although the nature and arrangement of active-site residues is very similar between EstB and homologous beta-lactamases, there are considerable differences in the shape of the active site tunnel. Modeling studies suggest steric factors to account for the enzyme's selectivity for ester hydrolysis versus beta-lactam cleavage.  相似文献   

The Archaeoglobus fulgidis gene RS27_ARCFU encodes the 30S ribosomal protein S27e. Here, we present the high-quality NMR solution structure of this archaeal protein, which comprises a C4 zinc finger motif of the CX(2)CX(14-16)CX(2)C class. S27e was selected as a target of the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (target ID: GR2), and its three-dimensional structure is the first representative of a family of more than 116 homologous proteins occurring in eukaryotic and archaeal cells. As a salient feature of its molecular architecture, S27e exhibits a beta-sandwich consisting of two three-stranded sheets with topology B(decreasing), A(increasing), F(decreasing), and C(increasing), D(decreasing), E(increasing). Due to the uniqueness of the arrangement of the strands, the resulting fold was found to be novel. Residues that are highly conserved among the S27 proteins allowed identification of a structural motif of putative functional importance; a conserved hydrophobic patch may well play a pivotal role for functioning of S27 proteins, be it in archaeal or eukaryotic cells. The structure of human S27, which possesses a 26-residue amino-terminal extension when compared with the archaeal S27e, was modeled on the basis of two structural templates, S27e for the carboxy-terminal core and the amino-terminal segment of the archaeal ribosomal protein L37Ae for the extension. Remarkably, the electrostatic surface properties of archaeal and human proteins are predicted to be entirely different, pointing at either functional variations among archaeal and eukaryotic S27 proteins, or, assuming that the function remained invariant, to a concerted evolutionary change of the surface potential of proteins interacting with S27.  相似文献   

The isoprenoid quinones exist widely among prokaryotes and eukaryotes. They play essential roles in respiratory electron transport and in controlling oxidative stress and gene regulation. In the isoprenoid quinone biosynthetic pathway, polyprenyl pyrophosphates are used as isoprenoid side-chain precursors. Here we report the crystal structure of a novel polyprenyl pyrophosphate binding protein, TT1927b, from Thermus thermophilus HB8, complexed with its ligand. This protein belongs to the YceI-like family in the Pfam database, and its sequence homologs are present in a broad range of bacteria and archaea. The structure consists of an extended, eight-stranded, antiparallel beta-barrel. In the hydrophobic pore of the barrel, the protein binds the polyisoprenoid chain by hydrophobic interactions. Its overall structure resembles the lipocalin fold, but there is no sequence homology between TT1927b and the lipocalin family of proteins.  相似文献   

Solution structure of a BolA-like protein from Mus musculus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The BolA-like proteins are widely conserved from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. The BolA-like proteins seem to be involved in cell proliferation or cell-cycle regulation, but the molecular function is still unknown. Here we determined the structure of a mouse BolA-like protein. The overall topology is alphabetabetaalphaalphabetaalpha, in which beta(1) and beta(2) are antiparallel, and beta(3) is parallel to beta(2). This fold is similar to the class II KH fold, except for the absence of the GXXG loop, which is well conserved in the KH fold. The conserved residues in the BolA-like proteins are assembled on the one side of the protein.  相似文献   

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