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The physical and chemical properties of biofilms, incombination with metabolic and degradation products ofbiological origin, influence the nature and localchemistry of the aqueous phase at the copper/biofilmphase boundary. The pitting susceptibility of copperis determined by this change of water composition atthe copper/biofilm phase boundary and is supported bythe mixture of solid corrosion products and thebiofilm at the copper surface. Several factors influence the susceptibility of copperto MIC: commissioning, design and operatingconditions; the chemical composition of the water andthe relevant biological activity. Field experience andtheory showed that a combination of methods should beused to protect existing copper installations. Insummary, water chemistry seems to be a majorinfluencing parameter for the described corrosionproblems. Raising the alkalinity of the potable waterwhilst optimising the chloride/sulphate ratio isconsidered as the most promising preventative measureto overcome the described problems.  相似文献   

Pit corrosion of mild steel in seawater increased with Cr3+ concentration. SEM observations showed that increasing Cr3+ concentration caused microbes in biofilm on the steel surface to aggregate forming clusters. AFM images suggested that pit corrosion occurred largely on the mild steel surface between clusters, and only little corrosion on the surface covered by microbes.  相似文献   

Coupons of stainless steel type AISI-304 were exposed to the industrial cooling system of a petrochemical plant fed by seawater from the Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in order to study thein situ formation of biofilms. Bacteria, microalgae and fungi were detected on the coupons as soon as 48 h after exposure. Their respective numbers were determined at times 48, 96 and 192 h and over the following 8 weeks. Aerobic, anaerobic and sulfate-reducing bacteria were quantified according to the technique of the most probable number, and fungi by the pour plate technique. The number of microorganisms present in the forming biofilm varied over the experimental period, reaching maximal levels of 14×1011 cells cm–2, 30×1013 cells cm–2, 38×1011 cells cm–2 and 63×105 cells cm–2, respectively, for aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria and fungi, and the dynamics of this variation depended on the group of microorganisms.Bacillus sp,Escherichia coli, Serratia sp andPseudomonas putrefaciens were identified among the aerobic bacteria isolated. Additionally, microalgae and bacteria of the genusGallionella were also detected. Nonetheless, no evidence of corrosion was found on the stainless steel type AISI-304 coupons over the experimental period.  相似文献   

The early stages of bacterial settlement on 70:30 copper nickel alloy was followed by scanning electron microsocopy. Two strains of marine bacteria (Pseudomonas sp and Vibrio alginolyticus) isolated from polluted harbour sea water were used. The corrosion behaviour of the alloy was studied through corrosion potential measurements made in sterile and contaminated sea water. According to our results microbial colonisation of the metal surface occurs within the first 24 h for the two bacteria used. Well defined microbial colonies with localised corrosion underneath were seen by SEM after short periods of exposure. Corrosion attack seems to be closely related to passive film modification by the bacterial settlement.  相似文献   

1. To assess the influence of nutrient limitation on copper toxicity, periphitic communities from an oligotrophic stream were exposed to copper for six to 12 days with and without the supply of nutrients (mainly P). 2. In contrast to the hypothesis that nutrient cycling in mature biofilms would protect them from Cu toxicity, low and high biomass biofilms did not differ in their physiological response to copper after 6 days of exposure. 3. A clear influence of P‐limitation on copper toxicity was observed. Periphytic communities that were previously fertilised for 18 days were three times more tolerant than control communities indicating that P‐limitation enhanced Cu toxicity and tolerance induction were probably related to the higher P‐availability. In addition, a compensation of Cu toxicity after P‐addition was observed in the long‐term (after 12 days). 4. We conclude that periphyton from oligotrophic streams is more sensitive to copper than periphyton from fertilised streams, and that therefore a higher effect of chronic copper exposure is expected to occur in oligotrophic P‐limited fluvial systems. 5. Extrapolation of our results to the area of study (Catalonia, north‐east of Spain) indicates that while the levels of Cu commonly found in the zone may negatively affect the periphyton from oligotrophic streams, because of the interaction between Cu and P, they are not able to control the growth of nuisance algae which is common under high nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

Current models to study Legionella pathogenesis include the use of primary macrophages and monocyte cell lines, various free-living protozoan species and murine models of pneumonia. However, there are very few studies of Legionella spp. pathogenesis aimed at associating the role of biofilm colonization and parasitization of biofilm microbiota and release of virulent bacterial cell/vacuoles in drinking water distribution systems. Moreover, the implications of these environmental niches for drinking water exposure to pathogenic legionellae are poorly understood. This review summarizes the known mechanisms of Legionella spp. proliferation within Acanthamoeba and mammalian cells and advocates the use of the amoeba model to study Legionella pathogenicity because of their close association with Legionella spp. in the aquatic environment. The putative role of biofilms and amoebae in the proliferation, development and dissemination of potentially pathogenic Legionella spp. is also discussed. Elucidating the mechanisms of Legionella pathogenicity development in our drinking water systems will aid in elimination strategies and procedural designs for drinking water systems and in controlling exposure to Legionella spp. and similar pathogens.  相似文献   

Aim:  Identification of the predominating cultivable bacteria in granular activated carbon (GAC) filters used in a variety of water treatment plants for selecting representative strains to study the role of bacteria in the removal of dissolved organic matter.
Methods and Results:  Bacterial isolates were collected from 21 GAC filters in nine water treatment plants treating either ground water or surface water with or without oxidative pretreatment. Enrichment of samples in dilute liquid medium improved culturability of the bacteria by approximately log unit, to 9% up to 70% of the total cell counts. Genomic fingerprinting and 16S rDNA sequence analysis revealed that most (68%) of the isolates belonged to the Betaproteobacteria and 25% were identified as Alphaproteobacteria . The number of different genera within the Betaproteobacteria was higher in the GAC filters treating ozonated water than in the filters treating nonozonated water. Polaromonas was observed in nearly all of the GAC filters (86%), and the genera Hydrogenophaga , Sphingomonas and Afipia were observed in 43%, 33% and 29% of the filter beds, respectively. AFLP analysis revealed that the predominating genus Polaromonas included a total of 23 different genotypes.
Conclusions:  This study is the first to demonstrate that Polaromonas , which has mainly been observed in ultraoligotrophic freshwater environments, is a common component of the microbial community in GAC filters used in water treatment.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The predominance of ultraoligotrophic bacteria in the GAC filters indicates that very low concentrations of substrates are available for microbial growth. Polaromonas species are suited for further studies on the nutritional versatility and growth kinetics enabling the modelling of biodegradation processes in GAC filters.  相似文献   

【目的】研究海洋铁细菌(Iron-oxidizing bacteria,IOB)对铜的腐蚀影响。【方法】采用电化学极化曲线、电化学阻抗谱(EIS)研究紫铜在海洋环境铁细菌影响下的腐蚀行为。【结果】扫描电子显微镜SEM形貌分析结果表明,在紫铜上附着的铁细菌呈杆状。电化学测试结果表明紫铜在含IOB海水中的腐蚀过程主要受活化极化控制,有菌海水的活化电阻比无菌海水的小6 000.cm2,表明在含IOB的海水中铜发生溶解反应受到的阻滞较小。【结论】IOB的存在导致紫铜的自腐蚀电位变小,使得紫铜发生腐蚀的倾向变大;IOB也使紫铜的阳极极化曲线塔菲尔斜率和变小,从而加速了紫铜的腐蚀进程。  相似文献   

Drinking water distribution networks are known to harbor microbial biofilms. The aim of the present work is to (i) identify the culturable bacteria presented in the drinking-water distribution network, (ii) investigate the ability of isolated bacteria to form biofilm under some environmental stress conditions and some eliminating or removing treatments. To achieve it, 57 strains were isolated from biofilm (43 isolates) and water samples (14 isolates) collected from five stations in drinking-water distribution network in Taif city, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Partial sequences of 16S rRNA gene in the 57 isolates ensured the presence of only 22 different strains in biofilm samples. Among these strains, only 14 strains were also detected in water samples. Gram-negative Aeromonas hydrophila was the most occurred bacterium in the microbial biofilm obtained from the purified-water storage tanks followed by Gram-negative Pseudomonas sp. Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis was the most occurred bacterium in the microbial biofilm collected from the ends of the distribution pipes. Among the 22 isolated strains, 13 strains were strong biofilm producers at 30 and 37°C. The effects of environmental stresses including nutrient starvation (diluted TSB, 20:1), heating (100°C for 10 min), UV-treatment (240 nm for 10 min) and dynamic incubation (150 rpm min?1) on the formation of biofilm were also investigated. These conditions affected the biofilm formation ability of the isolated strains at different levels. Nutrient starvation enhanced biofilm formation by most of the isolates. Among some biofilm deforming treatments, SDS and trypsin had considerable effects on preventing biofilm formation by most of the isolated strains. In conclusion, the results of the present work indicated that not all biofilm strains released from biofilm to the drinking water. Also, not all biofilm strains were able to form biofilm. Most of isolated bacteria had ability to form biofilm at suboptimum temperature of growth. These results may provide basic information on formation of microbial biofilms and overcome the problem of deteriorating of water quality in the drinking-water distribution networks.  相似文献   

1. The impact of immigration on the recovery of diatom assemblages after chronic exposure to copper was investigated in laboratory microcosms. 2. We examined the recovery trajectories of copper‐contaminated biofilms after reducing copper stress and with or without the possibility of immigration from unimpaired communities. 3. The biofilms mixed with unimpaired communities returned to a ‘control’ assemblage structure within 6 weeks, with recovery patterns depending on the endpoint considered (i.e. 2 weeks for relative abundances of diatom species but 6 weeks for total diatom biomass). In contrast, no recovery was observed in assemblages placed under control conditions without external immigrants. 4. Immigration has important effects on the recovery of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of biofilms.  相似文献   

Automated ribotyping as a tool for identifying of nontuberculous mycobacteria was evaluated. We created a database comprising of riboprints of 60 strains, representing 32 species of nontuberculous mycobacteria. It was shown that combined ribopatterns generated after digestion with EcoRI and PvuII were distinguishable between species of both slow-growing and rapid-growing mycobacteria. The findings were in good agreement with the 16S rRNA gene sequencing results, allowing correct identification of Mycobacterium lentiflavum isolated from clinical specimens and from biofilms growing in public water distribution system. The automated ribotyping was powerful in discriminating between M. lentiflavum and closely related species M. simiae and M. palustre. Mycobacterium lentiflavum strains from drinking water biofilms were resistant to two to four antimycobacterial drugs. The drinking water distribution system may, thus, be a source of nontuberculous mycobacteria resistant to multiple drugs.  相似文献   


Used in combination, surface analytical techniques can resolve spatial relationships between bacteria and localized corrosion, determine specific corrosion mechanisms and differentiate between abiotic and biotic processes. Confocal laser scanning microscopy and scanning vibrating electrode microscopy were used to demonstrate that marine bacteria and anodic sites are co‐located. Environmental scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X‐ray spectros‐copy was used to demonstrate dealloying of nickel from copper: nickel alloys. X‐ray absorption spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy equipped with electron energy loss spectrometry were used to determine the speciation of copper associated with corrosion products.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic studies have used DNA as the target molecule for the development of environmental 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. As DNA may persist in the environment, DNA-based libraries cannot be used to identify metabolically active bacteria in water systems. In this study, an annular reactor was used to generate model drinking water biofilms grown on polycarbonate slides. High-quality RNA was extracted from 2-month-old biofilms and used to generate 16S rRNA-based clones. Sequencing analyses of 16S rRNA-based clones suggested that the active bacterial fraction consisted of a few dominant bacterial groups related to Nevskia ramosa and to uncultured bacteria. Several of these bacterial groups were closely related to clones characterized in a DNA-based clone library also generated in this study. Altogether, these results suggest that some of the predominant drinking water bacteria identified using DNA-based techniques are indeed active.  相似文献   

Aims:  This study investigated the effects of phosphorus on biofilm formation via annular reactor systems in terms of biofilm cell growth, exopolysaccharide (EPS) production, biofilm structure and cell metabolic potential.
Methods and Results:  Drinking water biofilms were developed in annular reactors with supplement of carbon and different levels of phosphorus. The biofilm formation was monitored over a period of 30 days. Biofilm related parameters were examined by various methods, which included heterotrophic plate count, total carbohydrate content, confocal laser scanning microscopy and GN2 microplate assay. Our results showed that phosphorus addition can promote the biofilm cell growth (cell count increased about 1 log with addition of 30 and 300 μg l−1 of phosphorus). However, the addition of 30 and 300 μg l−1 of phosphorus caused 81% and 77% decrease in EPS production, respectively. The results of biofilm structure analysis showed that the addition of 30 and 300 μg l−1 of phosphorus can induce thicker and less homogeneous biofilms with more biomass. Furthermore, the addition of 30 and 300 μg l−1 of phosphorus dramatically increased the biofilm cell metabolic potential. The addition of 3 μg l−1 of phosphorus was found to have minor effects on the parameters examined.
Conclusions:  The results indicate phosphorus addition to drinking water distribution system (DWDS) has a complicated effect on the biofilm formation.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  As the addition of phosphorus at certain levels can affect the biofilm growth in DWDS, care should be taken when phosphate-based corrosion inhibitors are used in the DWDS.  相似文献   

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