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Since 1988, there has been, on average, a 91% increase in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations of UK lakes and streams in the Acid Waters Monitoring Network (AWMN). Similar DOC increases have been observed in surface waters across much of Europe and North America. Much of the debate about the causes of rising DOC has, as in other studies relating to the carbon cycle, focused on factors related to climate change. Data from our peat‐core experiments support an influence of climate on DOC, notably an increase in production with temperature under aerobic, and to a lesser extent anaerobic, conditions. However, we argue that climatic factors may not be the dominant drivers of DOC change. DOC solubility is suppressed by high soil water acidity and ionic strength, both of which have decreased as a result of declining sulphur deposition since the 1980s, augmented during the 1990s in the United Kingdom by a cyclical decline in sea‐salt deposition. Our observational and experimental data demonstrate a clear, inverse and quantitatively important link between DOC and sulphate concentrations in soil solution. Statistical analysis of 11 AWMN lakes suggests that rising temperature, declining sulphur deposition and changing sea‐salt loading can account for the majority of the observed DOC trend. This combination of evidence points to the changing chemical composition of atmospheric deposition, particularly the substantial reduction in anthropogenic sulphur emissions during the last 20 years, as a key cause of rising DOC. The implications of rising DOC export for the carbon cycle will be very different if linked primarily to decreasing acid deposition, rather than to changes in climate, suggesting that these systems may be recovering rather than destabilising.  相似文献   

Acidity controls on dissolved organic carbon mobility in organic soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in surface waters have increased across much of Europe and North America, with implications for the terrestrial carbon balance, aquatic ecosystem functioning, water treatment costs and human health. Over the past decade, many hypotheses have been put forward to explain this phenomenon, from changing climate and land management to eutrophication and acid deposition. Resolution of this debate has been hindered by a reliance on correlative analyses of time series data, and a lack of robust experimental testing of proposed mechanisms. In a 4 year, four‐site replicated field experiment involving both acidifying and deacidifying treatments, we tested the hypothesis that DOC leaching was previously suppressed by high levels of soil acidity in peat and organo‐mineral soils, and therefore that observed DOC increases a consequence of decreasing soil acidity. We observed a consistent, positive relationship between DOC and acidity change at all sites. Responses were described by similar hyperbolic relationships between standardized changes in DOC and hydrogen ion concentrations at all sites, suggesting potentially general applicability. These relationships explained a substantial proportion of observed changes in peak DOC concentrations in nearby monitoring streams, and application to a UK‐wide upland soil pH dataset suggests that recovery from acidification alone could have led to soil solution DOC increases in the range 46–126% by habitat type since 1978. Our findings raise the possibility that changing soil acidity may have wider impacts on ecosystem carbon balances. Decreasing sulphur deposition may be accelerating terrestrial carbon loss, and returning surface waters to a natural, high‐DOC condition.  相似文献   

During 20 years of climatic warming, drought and increased forest firesbetween 1970 and 1990, DOC concentrations declined by 15--25%in lakesof the Experimental Lakes Area, northwestern Ontario, allowing increasedpenetration of both UV and photosynthetically-active radiation (PAR), andcausing deeper euphotic zones and thermoclines. Decreased input to thelakes of DOC from terrestrial catchments and upstream lakes was theprimary reason for the decline, although in-lake removal also increasedslightly. Decreased streamflow caused by drought was more important thanforest fires in affecting DOC exports from catchments. Experimentalacidification of lakes caused even greater losses in DOC, by enhancing ratesof in-lake removal. DOC in Lake 302S, acidified to pH 4.5 during the1980s, declined to less than 10% of preacidificationvalues.  相似文献   

The production and release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from peat soils is thought to be sensitive to changes in climate, specifically changes in temperature and rainfall. However, little is known about the actual rates of net DOC production in response to temperature and water table draw‐down, particularly in comparison to carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes. To explore these relationships, we carried out a laboratory experiment on intact peat soil cores under controlled temperature and water table conditions to determine the impact and interaction of each of these climatic factors on net DOC production. We found a significant interaction (P < 0.001) between temperature, water table draw‐down and net DOC production across the whole soil core (0 to −55 cm depth). This corresponded to an increase in the Q10 (i.e. rise in the rate of net DOC production over a 10 °C range) from 1.84 under high water tables and anaerobic conditions to 3.53 under water table draw‐down and aerobic conditions between −10 and − 40 cm depth. However, increases in net DOC production were only seen after water tables recovered to the surface as secondary changes in soil water chemistry driven by sulphur redox reactions decreased DOC solubility, and therefore DOC concentrations, during periods of water table draw‐down. Furthermore, net microbial consumption of DOC was also apparent at − 1 cm depth and was an additional cause of declining DOC concentrations during dry periods. Therefore, although increased temperature and decreased rainfall could have a significant effect on net DOC release from peatlands, these climatic effects could be masked by other factors controlling the biological consumption of DOC in addition to soil water chemistry and DOC solubility. These findings highlight both the sensitivity of DOC release from ombrotrophic peat to episodic changes in water table draw‐down, and the need to disentangle complex and interacting controls on DOC dynamics to fully understand the impact of environmental change on this system.  相似文献   

Rising dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations observed at a number of sites in the northern hemisphere over recent decades are the subject of much debate, and recent reports suggest a link between DOC patterns in surface waters and changes in sulphate (SO4) related to droughts or deposition. In order to investigate the potential influence of changes in SO4 concentration on DOC patterns in south‐central Ontario, we used long‐term (1980–2001) stream monitoring data from a wetland‐dominated catchment (Plastic Lake‐1 subcatchment, PC1) that has been the focus of intensive investigations of both SO4 and DOC dynamics. Annual average volume‐weighted DOC concentration increased significantly between 1980 and 2001, whereas SO4 concentration declined, but the decrease was not significant due to large increases in SO4 that occurred during drought years. There was no relationship between SO4 and DOC in annual data series; however, seasonal analyses indicated significant negative correlations between SO4 and DOC concentrations in spring (March–April–May), summer (June–July–August) and fall (September–October–November). In spring, DOC concentration was negatively correlated with flow whereas SO4 concentrations increased with flow, and their opposing relationships with discharge explain the negative correlation between SO4 and DOC in this season. In summer and fall, low SO4 concentrations occur during periods of low flow as a result of microbial SO4 reduction, whereas correspondingly high DOC concentrations in the summer and fall can be attributed to optimal conditions (i.e. stagnant flow, warm temperatures) for DOC production in the wetland. Increases in SO4 (and acidity) following droughts were not associated with declines in DOC; instead the primary impact of droughts on DOC was to limit DOC export due to diminished stream flow. Rather than an acidification effect, we suggest that negative relationships between SO4 and DOC were either directly (spring) or indirectly (summer/fall) caused by underlying relationships with hydrology.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and DOC export arestudied during storms to examine the relationship between DOCconcentration and stream discharge and to assess the importance of stormson DOC export. Storms were monitored in seven subcatchments within twosmall watersheds (Harp 4--21 and Harp 3A) on the Precambrian Shield inCentral Ontario, Canada. Stream DOC concentrations increase during stormsby as much as 100% and 410% in Harp3A and Harp 4--21 respectively. The seasonal regression between DOC andstream discharge is significant in subcatchments without wetlands(r2 > 0.7) but is not significant in thetwo subcatchments with small wetland areas (r2 <0.06). On average, regressions based on weekly data yield accurate estimatesof DOC export but the variation in regressions among individual storms andthe small number of high DOC samples result in uncertainties of more than30% in DOC export. The period-weighted calculation ofDOC export from weekly data underestimates export by 14%and 22% in Harp 3A and Harp 4--21 respectively. Stormswere responsible for 57% to 68% of theDOC export in the autumn and 29% to 40%of the DOC export in the spring. A single large storm accounted for31% of the autumn DOC export in Harp 3A. The importanceof individual storms for DOC export and the variation in the relationshipbetween DOC and stream discharge among storms make it difficult to predictthe effects of climate change on DOC export and DOC concentrations.  相似文献   

River transport of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to the ocean is a crucial but poorly quantified regional carbon cycle component. Large uncertainties remaining on the riverine DOC export from China, as well as its trend and drivers of change, have challenged the reconciliation between atmosphere-based and land-based estimates of China's land carbon sink. Here, we harmonized a large database of riverine in-situ measurements and applied a random forest model, to quantify riverine DOC fluxes (FDOC) and DOC concentrations (CDOC) in rivers across China. This study proposes the first DOC modeling effort capable of reproducing well the magnitude of riverine CDOC and FDOC, as well as its trends, on a monthly scale and with a much wider spatial distribution over China compared to previous studies that mainly focused on annual-scale estimates and large rivers. Results show that over the period 2001–2015, the average CDOC was 2.25 ± 0.45 mg/L and average FDOC was 4.04 ± 1.02 Tg/year. Simultaneously, we found a significant increase in FDOC (+0.044 Tg/year2, p = .01), but little change in CDOC (−0.001 mg/L/year, p > .10). Although the trend in CDOC is not significant at the country scale, it is significantly increasing in the Yangtze River Basin and Huaihe River Basin (0.005 and 0.013 mg/L/year, p < .05) while significantly decreasing in the Yellow River Basin and Southwest Rivers Basin (−0.043 and −0.014 mg/L/year, p = .01). Changes in hydrology, play a stronger role than direct impacts of anthropogenic activities in determining the spatio-temporal variability of FDOC and CDOC across China. However, and in contrast with other basins, the significant increase in CDOC in the Yangtze River Basin and Huaihe River Basin is attributable to direct anthropogenic activities. Given the dominance of hydrology in driving FDOC, the increase in FDOC is likely to continue under the projected increase in river discharge over China resulting from a future wetter climate.  相似文献   

Enhanced photochemical loss of organic carbon in acidic waters   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Previous studies have shown that (a) a large portion of theannual total organic carbon (TOC) inputs to central Ontario lakes iseither lost to sediments or degraded and lost via evasion to theatmosphere, (b) the partitioning of organic carbon between sediments andthe atmosphere appears to be a function of acidity and (c) UVirradiation can account for observed long-term loss of TOC from thewater column. These findings were extended by examining whether acidityenhances photo-oxidative losses of TOC. Stream waters (initialalkalinities between –97 and 233 µeq l–1)were incubated in UV-transparent containers under incident solarradiation for periods ranging from 14 to 23 days. The highestphoto-oxidation rates occurred when alkalinity was negative. Additionsof acid and base to stream waters increased and decreasedphoto-oxidation rates, respectively. The exceptional clarity ofatmospherically acidified lakes is usually attributed to increasedprecipitation of Al-organic carbon complexes but may instead be due tohigher photo-oxidation rates of allocthonous organic carbon leading tohigher evasion rates of CO2.  相似文献   

Seasonal variability of dissolved organic carbon ina Mediterranean stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The seasonal variability of dissolved organic carbon(DOC) flux in a Mediterranean stream subjected todischarges of wide range of intensities and variabledry period was studied as a function of the hydrologicconditions, and the relationship between surface andsubsurface (hyporheic and groundwater) DOCconcentration. DOC concentration in stream water(2.6 mg l–1 ±1.5 SD) was higher thangroundwater (1.3 mg l–1 ± 1.2 SD) and lower thanhyporheic water (3.8 mg l–1 ±1.7 SD),suggesting that, at baseflow, stream DOC concentrationincreases when groundwater discharges through thehyporheic zone. Storms contributed to 39% of annualwater export and to 52% of the total annual DOCexport (220 kg km–2). A positive relationship wasobserved between Discharge (Q) and stream DOCconcentration. Discharge explained only 40% of theannual variance in stream DOC, but explained up to93% of the variance within floods. The rate of streamDOC changes with discharge change during storms (dDOC/dQ), ranged between 0 and 0.0045 C mgl–1 s l–1, with minimum values during Springand Summer, and maxima values in Fall and Winter.These dynamics suggest that storm inputs ofterrigenous DOC vary between seasons. During floods inthe dormant season, DOC recession curves were alwayssteeper than discharge decline, suggesting shortflushing of DOC from the leaching of fresh detritusstored in the riparian zone.  相似文献   

Rapid, ongoing permafrost thaw of peatlands in the discontinuous permafrost zone is exposing a globally significant store of soil carbon (C) to microbial processes. Mineralization and release of this peat C to the atmosphere as greenhouse gases is a potentially important feedback to climate change. Here we investigated the effects of permafrost thaw on peat C at a peatland complex in western Canada. We collected 15 complete peat cores (between 2.7 and 4.5 m deep) along four chronosequences, from elevated permafrost peat plateaus to saturated thermokarst bogs that thawed up to 600 years ago. The peat cores were analysed for peat C storage and peat quality, as indicated by decomposition proxies (FTIR and C/N ratios) and potential decomposability using a 200-day aerobic laboratory incubation. Our results suggest net C loss following thaw, with average total peat C stocks decreasing by ~19.3 ± 7.2 kg C m−2 over <600 years (~13% loss). Average post-thaw accumulation of new peat at the surface over the same period was ~13.1 ± 2.5 kg C m−2. We estimate ~19% (±5.8%) of deep peat (>40 cm below surface) C is lost following thaw (average 26 ± 7.9 kg C m−2 over <600 years). Our FTIR analysis shows peat below the thaw transition in thermokarst bogs is slightly more decomposed than peat of a similar type and age in permafrost plateaus, but we found no significant changes to the quality or lability of deeper peat across the chronosequences. Our incubation results also showed no increase in C mineralization of deep peat across the chronosequences. While these limited changes in peat quality in deeper peat following permafrost thaw highlight uncertainty in the exact mechanisms and processes for C loss, our analysis of peat C stocks shows large C losses following permafrost thaw in peatlands in western Canada.  相似文献   

溶解性有机碳在红壤水稻土中的吸附及其影响因素   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
吸附作用是影响土壤中溶解性有机碳(DOC)迁移转化及生物有效性的重要反应过程,研究DOC在土壤中的吸附行为,对正确阐明土壤有机碳的循环和转化特征以及进行污染风险评估有重要意义.采用平衡法研究了红壤水稻土对DOC的吸附特征,并分析土壤有机质、粘粒含量及pH值与DOC吸附量之间的关系.结果表明,供试土壤对DOC的吸附等温线符合Freundlich和Linear方程.不同土壤对DOC的吸附能力有明显差异.在相同浓度下,DOC吸附量以第四纪红色粘土发育的低肥力水稻土最大,第三纪红砂岩风化物发育的低肥力水稻土次之,两种高肥力水稻土最小.土壤对DOC的吸附过程分为快、慢两个阶段,0-0.25 h内DOC的吸附速率最大,随着时间的推移,吸附速率渐小,2-4 h后基本达到吸附平衡.描述供试土壤对DOC吸附动力学过程的最优模型为一级扩散方程,其次为Elovich方程和抛物扩散方程.粘粒含量和有机质是影响土壤DOC吸附量的重要因素,随着粘粒含量的增加,有机质含量的降低,DOC的吸附量增大.  相似文献   

Current predictions of climate change include altered rainfall patterns throughout Europe, continental USA and areas such as the Amazon. The effect of this on soil carbon efflux remains unclear although several modelling studies have highlighted the potential importance of drought for carbon storage. To test the importance of drought, and more importantly repeated drought year-on-year, we used automated retractable curtains to exclude rain and produce repeated summer drought in three heathlands at varying moisture conditions. This included a hydric system limited by water-excess (in the UK) and two mesic systems with seasonal water limitation in Denmark (DK) and the Netherlands (NL). The experimental rainfall reductions were set to reflect single year droughts observed in the last decade with exclusion of rain for 2–3 months of the year resulting in a 20–26% reduction in annual rainfall and 23–38% reduction in mean soil moisture during the drought period. Unexpectedly, sustained reduction in soil moisture over winter (between drought periods) was also observed at all three sites, along with a reduction in the maximum water-holding capacity attained. Three hypotheses are discussed which may have contributed to this lack of recovery in soil moisture: hydrophobicity of soil organic matter, increased water use by plants and increased cracking of the soil. The responses of soil respiration to this change in soil moisture varied among the sites: decreased rates were observed at the water-limited NL and DK sites whilst they increased at the UK site. Reduced sensitivity of soil respiration to soil temperature was observed at soil moisture contents above 55% at the UK site and below 20% and 13% at the NL and DK sites, respectively. Soil respiration rates recovered to predrought levels in the NL and DK sites during the winter re-wetting period that indicates any change in soil C storage due to changes in soil C efflux may be short lived in these mesic systems. In contrast, in the hydric UK site after 2 years of drought treatment, the persistent reduction in soil moisture throughout the year resulted in a year-round increase in soil respiration flux, a response that accelerated over time to 40% above control levels. These findings suggest that carbon-rich soils with high organic matter content may act as a significant source of CO2 to the atmosphere following repeated summer drought. Nonrecovery of soil moisture and a persistent increase in soil respiration may be the primary mechanism underlying the reported substantial losses of soil carbon from UK organic soils over the last 20 years. These findings indicate that the water status of an ecosystem will be a critical factor to consider in determining the impact of drought on the soil carbon fluxes and storage.  相似文献   

Spatial uptake of dissolved organic carbon in river beds   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
The uptake of dissolved organic carbon by three stream bed components; surface stones, underlying gravel and organic floc was measured in three rivers in North Wales, U.K. Overall, surface stones and underlying gravel appeared to be the major sites of uptake but the relative importance of these two components varied both temporally and spatially. Organic floc was found to be relatively unimportant as a site of dissolved organic carbon uptake.  相似文献   

DyDOC describes soil carbon dynamics, with a focus on dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The model treats the soil as a three-horizon profile, and simulates metabolic carbon transformations, sorption reactions and water transport. Humic substances are partitioned into three fractions, one of which is immobile, while the other two (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) can pass into solution as DOC. DyDOC requires site-specific soil characteristics, and is driven by inputs of litter and water, and air and soil temperatures. The model operates on hourly and daily time steps, and can simulate carbon cycling over both long (hundreds-to-thousands of years) and short (daily) time scales. An important feature of DyDOC is the tracking of 14C, from its entry in litter to its loss as DO14C in drainage water, enabling information about C dynamics to be obtained from both long-term radioactive decay, and the characteristic 14C pulse caused by thermonuclear weapon testing during the 1960s ("bomb carbon"). Parameterisation is performed by assuming a current steady state. Values of a range of variables, including C pools, annual DOC fluxes, and 14C signals, are combined into objective functions for least-squares minimisation. DyDOC has been applied successfully to spruce forest sites at Birkenes (Norway) and Waldstein (Germany), and most of the parameters have similar values at the two sites. The results indicate that the supply of DOC from the surface soil horizon to percolating water depends upon the continual metabolic production of easily leached humic material. In contrast, concentrations and fluxes of DOC in the deeper soil horizons are controlled by sorption processes, involving comparatively large pools of leachable organic matter. Times to reach steady state are calculated to be several hundred years in the organic layer, and hundreds-to-thousands of years in the deeper mineral layers. It is estimated that DOC supplies 89% of the mineral soil carbon at Birkenes, and 73% at Waldstein. The model, parameterised with "steady state" data, simulates short-term variations in DOC concentrations and fluxes, and in DO14C, which are in approximate agreement with observations.  相似文献   

陈袁波  邓思宇  余珂  周旭东  于志国 《生态学报》2020,40(24):8948-8957
泥炭沼泽湿地土壤(泥炭土)分解过程是控制泥炭土碳排放的关键过程,其中可溶性有机质(DOM)是泥炭分解过程的主要输出物。DOM富含具有氧化还原活性的官能团,其中酚基具有抗氧化性质,是DOM氧化还原活性的重要组成部分,对驱动有氧和缺氧条件下的氧化还原过程意义重大。同时,酚基也可抑制泥炭的氧化降解,在泥炭土分解过程中起着重要作用。目前,关于泥炭分解过程中DOM氧化还原能力影响机制的相关研究较少。利用创新介导电化学方法、激发—发射荧光矩阵光谱法(EEM),直接定量、定性评估DOM氧化还原变化程度,进而探讨(1)取自两个泥炭样地(OS/LB)的地表水、地下水、孔隙水样品中DOM的氧化还原性能;(2)来自泥炭样地OS的泥炭孔隙水剖面中DOM的氧化还原能力变化规律以及与泥炭分解的重要指标间的关系(如C/N和δ13CDOC)。结果表明:选取电子转移能力(ETC)作为表征DOM氧化还原能力的指标,不同来源DOM的ETC值主要在2—4 mmole-/gC之间;在泥炭土中DOM的ETC值与醌基和酚基的光谱性质参数存在强相关,这些基团对DOM氧...  相似文献   

可溶性有机碳在米槠天然林不同土层中的迁移特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取我国中亚热带典型的常绿阔叶林米槠天然林(Castanopsis carlesii)为研究对象,采集林内米槠凋落物并通过挖剖面法分6个土层采集土样至1m。通过浸提米槠凋落物得到可溶性有机碳(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)溶液并在室内模拟其在不同土层的淋溶过程,不仅分析了土壤性质对DOC淋溶的影响,还研究了淋溶前后DOC化学结构的变化,以阐明DOC在不同土层中的迁移特征及影响因素,探寻米槠天然林土壤的固碳潜力和DOC在土壤有机碳循环中的作用。结果表明:(1)下层土壤比上层土壤吸附DOC的能力更强,亲水性DOC与疏水性DOC间会争夺土壤颗粒表面的吸附位点,而且芳香化合物和大分子物质等疏水性DOC组分会被优先吸附;(2)红外光谱表明,芳香类和醚类等疏水性物质会优先被吸附,烷烃类物质却不易被吸附,土壤中原有的酚、醇类亲水性物质会被初始DOC中的疏水性物质置换出来;(3)土壤DOC的截留能力与粘粒、游离氧化铁含量呈极显著正相关,而与土壤有机碳和砂粒含量呈极显著负相关,其中土壤有机碳的含量是影响米槠天然林不同土层DOC截留量的关键因素。  相似文献   

泥炭沼泽湿地仅占地球陆地面积的3%,而碳储量却占全球的30%,是陆地生态系统重要的碳库.溶解性有机质(DOM)是泥炭地碳循环重要组成部分,也是泥炭地生物地球化学过程的重要参与者.本研究利用新型电化学方法、稳定同位素技术对2个泥炭样地(矿养型泥炭沼泽,LB;雨养型泥炭沼泽,OS)地表水、地下水、土壤孔隙水中DOM及无机离...  相似文献   

王雯倩  蔡玉山  肖湘  段亮亮 《生态学报》2023,43(16):6716-6727
溶解性有机碳(DOC)的输移过程是流域碳循环中重要的组成部分,对全球碳循环产生重要影响。以大兴安岭多年冻土区的典型森林小流域-老爷岭流域为研究对象,获得2021年4月9日到6月30日冻融期降雨量、气温、土温等气象数据及逐日径流量、径流DOC浓度,计算了冻融循环期(4月9日-28日)和融化期(4月29日-6月30日)流域径流DOC的输出通量,揭示了径流DOC浓度及输出通量的影响因素。结果表明:(1)研究时段内,老爷岭流域径流DOC浓度变化范围为3.88-33.75 mg/L,流域上游的径流DOC浓度变化趋势与下游基本一致,DOC浓度随着温度的升高呈现下降趋势,4月份平均径流DOC浓度明显高于5、6月份。(2)研究时段内流域径流DOC总输出通量为3215.48 kg/km2,其中5月径流DOC输出通量高于4、6月份。径流量与径流DOC输出通量存在显著正相关关系(P<0.05),是流域DOC输出通量的主导因素。(3)研究时段内流域DOC浓度与平均气温呈极显著负相关(R2=0.5048,P<0.001);降水样品中的DOC浓度变化范围为1.06-9.42 mg/L,显著低于径流DOC浓度;土壤中DOC含量变化趋势与径流DOC变化趋势一致,0-10 cm、10-20 cm土壤平均DOC浓度范围为77.57-133.99 mg/L。(4)冻融循环期平均日径流DOC浓度(24.02 mg/L)显著(P<0.05)高于融化期(14.64 mg/L),而融化期平均日DOC输出通量(48.02 kg/km2)是冻融循环期(9.52 kg/km2)的5倍。研究结果揭示了大兴安岭多年冻土小流域春季冻融期径流DOC的输移特征及其影响因素,对理解多年冻土区碳循环有重要意义。  相似文献   

Water flow pathways and water balance are fundamental components for understanding the dynamics of C in the soil/water interface of small basins. The objective of this study was to describe the seasonal variations and estimate the annual balance of dissolved organic carbon (DOC ) by comparing two tropical microbasins (preserved forest—PF and cacao plantation—CP ). Twenty‐one weekly collections were conducted from September to December 2012 and from April to June 2013. The calculation of the partial balance considered precipitation (P) as inflow and the stream as outflow. The samples were filtered and analyzed using a TOC analyzer. Overall, the DOC was higher CP compared with FP . The behavior of both venues showed that rainy season caused an increase in concentrations in the overland flow (OF ) and in the stream, and a decrease in the precipitation (P) and in the throughfall (T). In the CP , the outflow and the soil were chiefly responsible for the high DOC concentrations in the stream, when compared to the PF , which is the result of constant OM decomposition. Soil composition contributes to the control of DOC consumption in each type of soil. The balances were negative in both microbasins, although losses were higher in the AFS (agroforestry systems) when compared to the PF , especially during rainy seasons (?8.98 and ?3.05 kg ha?1 year?1, CP and FP , respectively). Thus, the high annual loss of DOC in the CP of the microbasins during the rainy season indicates changes in ecosystem metabolism due to the vegetation cover and to the interactions with the soil.  相似文献   

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