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Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties differed in their raponseto [K+]0, in terms of their utilization efficiencies (UE = freshweight. concentration of [K+]1–1). At low [K+]0, Compana,an efficient-non-responder demonstrated superior utilizationof absorbed K+. On the other hand, at high [K+]0, Fergus (anefficient responder) and BT 334 (an inefficient responder) hadhigher UE values for K+ than Compana which performed poorlyat this [K+]0. Kinetic parameters for K+ activation of the enzyme pyruvatekinase from 12 barley varieties, representing a range of UEvalues, were determined. Varieties showed substantial differencesin their Vmax values (P<0·01). Compana, an efficientvariety, had the highest Vmax (31 µmol g–1 freshwt. h–1) which was about 50% higher than that of Mingo,an inefficient variety. By contrast, Km values for the enzymeswere not significantly different among varieties The mean valuesfor all varieties (3·9±0·15 mol m–3K+) is far below the estimated cytoplasmic [K+] (100-200 molm–3). It is, therefore, unlikely that differences in theutilization of K+ by these varieties can be explained on thebasis of differential requirements for (K+) activation of theseenzymes. Alternative possibilities for differences in the utilizationof K+ are discussed. Key words: K+ utilization efficiency, Pyruvate kinase, Barley varieties  相似文献   

Abstract: A subclone of NG108–15 neuroblastoma-glioma hybrid cells was used to study the intracellular distribution of opioid receptors. Subcellular organelles were separated on self-generating Percoll-sucrose gradients and the enzymes β-glucuronidase, galactosyltransferase, 5′-nucleotidase, and glucose-6-phosphatase were used as markers to localize the various structures. Analysis of the receptor distribution from untreated cells shows that the plasma membranes contained the highest receptor density, but a significant portion of the opioid binding sites was unevenly distributed between the lysosomes, microsomes, and Golgi elements. The enzyme markers indicated that appearance of opioid receptors in these intracellular structures does not result merely from contamination with plasma membranes. About 11% of the receptors appeared in a fraction lighter than plasma membranes. The antilysosomal agent chloroquine altered the intracellular compartmentation of the receptors, possibly by blocking their translocation in the cells. Leu-enkephalin induced time-dependent loss of receptors from all four intracellular compartments examined, but a kinetic analysis showed that the rate of receptor loss in these fractions was not identical. Thus, the percent of receptors appearing in the lysosomal fraction that could still bind [3H]-D-Ala2D-Leu5-enkephalin in vitro was increased on treatment with Leu-enkephalin. As an additional approach to follow the intracellular fate of the receptors, cells were labeled with [3H]diprenorphine, chased with various unlabeled opiates, and the distribution of 3H-ligand-receptors in the cells was monitored. Leu-enkephalin and etorphine altered the distribution of receptor-bound [3H]diprenorphine between the plasma membranes, lysosomes, and Golgi elements, whereas morphine had no such effect. The study sheds light on the role of intracellular structures in the metabolism of opioid receptors in untreated and opioid-treated cells.  相似文献   

X-ray microanalysis was used to determine the distributionsof several nutrient elements between vacuoles of epidermal andmesophyll cells in barley leaves and these distributions wererelated to shoot nutrient concentrations. Under the growth conditionsused, P was found only in mesophyll vacuoles, never in the epidermis.In contrast, Cl and Ca were located almost exclusively in theepidermis while K and Na were more evenly distributed betweenthe two cell types. The compartmentation of Ca and Cl in theepidermis was maintained over a wide range of tissue concentrationsof these ions. In particular, Cl was excluded from the mesophyllof salt-grown barley until the tissue concentration reachedabout 170 mol m–3 and then it appeared in the vacuolesof these cells, but only at low concentrations. In contrast,Na was not excluded from the mesophyll of salt-grown or K-deficientbarley and there was evidence that this ion was preferentiallyaccumulated in the mesophyll. Nutrients were evenly distributedbetween the adaxial and abaxial epidermal layers, except K.which was at slightly higher concentrations in the adaxial epidermis.There was considerable variation in the concentrations of ionsin adjacent epidermal cells. The results indicate that intercellularcompartmentation of nutrients occurs in barley leaves and therole of this phenomenon in responses to nutrient deficienciesand salinity is discussed Key words: Compartmentation, barley, salinity, ions, potassium nutrition  相似文献   

The presence of previously absorbed K in plants caused a marked reduction in the short term influx of 86Rb-labeled K into roots of barley seedlings. The influx values agreed with net K absorption rates into intact plants, thus suggesting that K efflux was negligible in comparison with influx.  相似文献   

Nitrate Utilization by Nitrate Reductase-deficient Barley Mutants   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Warner RL 《Plant physiology》1981,67(4):740-743
Two nitrate reductase-deficient barley mutants were studied for growth on nitrate and ammonium sources of nitrogen and for resistance to chlorate. Although nitrate reductase-deficient mutants in some species are chlorate-resistant (unable to reduce chlorate to chlorite), the barley mutants used in these studies when grown on nitrate and treated with chlorate were only slightly more resistant to chlorate than the control. When grown to maturity on vermiculite supplemented with either nitrate or ammonium nutrient solutions, the mutants produced as much dry weight and reduced nitrogen per plant as the control. The in vivo and in vitro nitrate reductase activities in the roots and shoots of the mutants grown on nitrate were consistently less than 10% of the control. To avoid the possibility that the mutants received reduced nitrogen from microbial sources, excised embryos were cultured under sterile conditions. Again the mutants were capable of growth and reduced nitrogen accumulation with nitrate as the sole source of nitrogen. In spite of the low apparent nitrate reductase activity, the nitrate reductase-deficient mutants are capable of substantial nitrate reduction.  相似文献   

Cholesterol catabolism by actinobacteria has been extensively studied. In contrast, the uptake and catabolism of cholesterol by Gram-negative species are poorly understood. Here, we investigated microbial cholesterol catabolism at the subcellular level. 13C metabolomic analysis revealed that anaerobically grown Sterolibacterium denitrificans, a β-proteobacterium, adopts an oxygenase-independent pathway to degrade cholesterol. S. denitrificans cells did not produce biosurfactants upon growth on cholesterol and exhibited high cell surface hydrophobicity. Moreover, S. denitrificans did not produce extracellular catabolic enzymes to transform cholesterol. Accordingly, S. denitrificans accessed cholesterol by direction adhesion. Cholesterol is imported through the outer membrane via a putative FadL-like transport system, which is induced by neutral sterols. The outer membrane steroid transporter is able to selectively import various C27 sterols into the periplasm. S. denitrificans spheroplasts exhibited a significantly higher efficiency in cholest-4-en-3-one-26-oic acid uptake than in cholesterol uptake. We separated S. denitrificans proteins into four fractions, namely the outer membrane, periplasm, inner membrane, and cytoplasm, and we observed the individual catabolic reactions within them. Our data indicated that, in the periplasm, various periplasmic and peripheral membrane enzymes transform cholesterol into cholest-4-en-3-one-26-oic acid. The C27 acidic steroid is then transported into the cytoplasm, in which side-chain degradation and the subsequent sterane cleavage occur. This study sheds light into microbial cholesterol metabolism under anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

The study of sterol overproduction in tissues of LAB 1-4 mutant tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Xanthi) (P. Maillot-Vernier, H. Schaller, P. Benveniste, G. Belliard [1989] Biochem Biophys Res Commun 165: 125-130) over several generations showed that the overproduction phenotype is stable in calli, with a 10-fold stimulation of sterol content when compared with wild-type calli. However, leaves of LAB 1-4 plants obtained after two steps of self-fertilization were characterized by a mere 3-fold stimulation, whereas calli obtained from these plants retained a typical sterol-overproducing mutant phenotype (i.e. a 10-fold increase of sterol content). These results suggest that the expression of the LAB 1-4 phenotype is dependent on the differentiation state of cells. Most of the sterols accumulating in the mutant tissues were present as steryl-esters, which were minor species in wild-type tissues. Subcellular fractionation showed that in both mutant and wild-type tissues, free sterols were associated mainly with microsomal membranes. In contrast, the bulk of steryl-esters present in mutant tissues was found in the soluble fraction of cells. Numerous lipid droplets were detected in the hyaloplasm of LAB 1-4 cells by cytochemical and cytological techniques. After isolation, these lipid granules were shown to contain steryl-esters. These results show that the overproduced sterols of mutant tissues accumulate as steryl-esters in hyaloplasmic bodies. The esterification process thus allows regulation of the amount of free sterols in membranes by subcellular compartmentation.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of enzymes involved in the 4-ami-nobutyrate shunt was investigated in protoplasts prepared from developing soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv Maple Arrow] cotyledons. Protoplast lysate was fractionated by differential and continuous Percoll-gradient centrifugation to separate organelle fractions. Glutamate decarboxylase (EC was found exclusively in the cytosol, whereas 4-aminobutyrate:pyruvate transami-nase (EC and succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (EC were associated exclusively with the mitochondrial fractions. Mitochondrial fractions also catabolized [U-14C]4-aminobu-tyrate to labeled succinate.  相似文献   

Subcellular compartmentation of the ubiquitous second messenger cAMP has been widely proposed as a mechanism to explain unique receptor-dependent functional responses. How exactly compartmentation is achieved, however, has remained a mystery for more than 40 years. In this study, we developed computational and mathematical models to represent a subcellular sarcomeric space in a cardiac myocyte with varying detail. We then used these models to predict the contributions of various mechanisms that establish subcellular cAMP microdomains. We used the models to test the hypothesis that phosphodiesterases act as functional barriers to diffusion, creating discrete cAMP signaling domains. We also used the models to predict the effect of a range of experimentally measured diffusion rates on cAMP compartmentation. Finally, we modeled the anatomical structures in a cardiac myocyte diad, to predict the effects of anatomical diffusion barriers on cAMP compartmentation. When we incorporated experimentally informed model parameters to reconstruct an in silico subcellular sarcomeric space with spatially distinct cAMP production sites linked to caveloar domains, the models predict that under realistic conditions phosphodiesterases alone were insufficient to generate significant cAMP gradients. This prediction persisted even when combined with slow cAMP diffusion. When we additionally considered the effects of anatomic barriers to diffusion that are expected in the cardiac myocyte dyadic space, cAMP compartmentation did occur, but only when diffusion was slow. Our model simulations suggest that additional mechanisms likely contribute to cAMP gradients occurring in submicroscopic domains. The difference between the physiological and pathological effects resulting from the production of cAMP may be a function of appropriate compartmentation of cAMP signaling. Therefore, understanding the contribution of factors that are responsible for coordinating the spatial and temporal distribution of cAMP at the subcellular level could be important for developing new strategies for the prevention or treatment of unfavorable responses associated with different disease states.  相似文献   

Steady-state rates of potassium ion and sodium ion absorption by excised barley roots accompanied by various anions were compared with the rates of anion absorption and the concomitant H+ and base release by the roots. The cation absorption rates were found to be independent of the identities, concentrations, and rates of absorption of the anions of the external solution, including bicarbonate. Absorption of the anion of the salt plus bicarbonate could not account for the cation absorption. H+ is released during cation absorption and base during anion absorption. The magnitude by which one or the other predominates depends on the relative rates of anion and cation absorption under various conditions of pH, cation and anion concentration, and inhibitor concentrations. The conclusion is that potassium and sodium ions are absorbed independently of the anions of the absorption solution in exchange for H+, while anions are exchanged for a base. The H+ release reflects a specificity between K+ and Na+ absorption such that it appears to be H+ exchanged in the specific rate-limiting reactions of the cation absorption.  相似文献   

Spatially restricting cAMP production to discrete subcellular locations permits selective regulation of specific functional responses. But exactly where and how cAMP signaling is confined is not fully understood. Different receptors and adenylyl cyclase isoforms responsible for cAMP production are not uniformly distributed between lipid raft and non-lipid raft domains of the plasma membrane. We sought to determine the role that these membrane domains play in organizing cAMP responses in HEK293 cells. The freely diffusible FRET-based biosensor Epac2-camps was used to measure global cAMP responses, while versions of the probe targeted to lipid raft (Epac2-MyrPalm) and non-raft (Epac2-CAAX) domains were used to monitor local cAMP production near the plasma membrane. Disruption of lipid rafts by cholesterol depletion selectively altered cAMP responses produced by raft-associated receptors. The results indicate that receptors associated with lipid raft as well as non-lipid raft domains can contribute to global cAMP responses. In addition, basal cAMP activity was found to be significantly higher in non-raft domains. This was supported by the fact that pharmacologic inhibition of adenylyl cyclase activity reduced basal cAMP activity detected by Epac2-CAAX but not Epac2-MyrPalm or Epac2-camps. Responses detected by Epac2-CAAX were also more sensitive to direct stimulation of adenylyl cyclase activity, but less sensitive to inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity. Quantitative modeling was used to demonstrate that differences in adenylyl cyclase and phosphodiesterase activities are necessary but not sufficient to explain compartmentation of cAMP associated with different microdomains of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Four aminopeptidases (APs) were separated using native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of cell-free extracts and the stromal fractions of isolated chloroplasts prepared from primary barley (Hordeum vulgare L., var Numar) leaves. Activities were identified using a series of aminoacyl-β-naphthylamide derivatives as substrates. AP1, 2, and 3 were found in the stromal fraction of isolated chloroplasts with respective molecular masses of 66.7, 56.5, and 54.6 kilodaltons. AP4 was found only in the cytoplasmic fraction. No AP activity was found in vacuoles of these leaves. It was found that 50% of the l-Leu-β-naphthylamide and 25% of the l-Arg-β-naphthylamide activities were localized in the chloroplasts. Several AP activities were associated with the membranes of the thylakoid fraction of isolated chloroplasts. AP1, 2, and 4 reacted against a broad range of substrates, whereas AP3 hydrolyzed only l-Arg-β-naphthylamide. Only AP2 hydrolyzed l-Val-β-naphthylamide. Since AP2 and AP3 were the only ones reacting against Val-β-naphthylamide and Arg-β-naphthylamide, respectively, several protease inhibitors were tested against these substrates using a stromal fraction from isolated chloroplasts as the source of the two APs. Both APs were sensitive to both metallo and sulfhydryl type inhibitors. Although AP activity decreased as leaves senesced, no new APs appeared on gels during senescence and none disappeared.  相似文献   

Rates of hydrogen ion secretion and potassium (86Rb) absorption by intact roots of twenty-four barley varieties were measured in solutions containing K2SO4 (1 × 10−4 to 1 × 10−3 molar) plus 5 × 10−4 molar CaSO4, at initial pH values in the range 5.3 to 5.5. Fluxes of H+ and K+ were strongly correlated in short-term experiments (up to 15 minutes) as well as in long-term experiments (lasting 24 hours). The observed correlations provide the basis for a preliminary screening method, designed to segregate varieties with high rates of potassium uptake by the use of an acid-base indicator (methyl red).  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the quantitationof Rubisco was developed. The amount of Rubisco in the primaryleaves often different barley varieties was determined. It variedfrom 15 to 50 per cent of the total soluble protein and from2·5 to 10 mg g–1 fresh weight. The carboxylaseand oxygenase activities of the extracts were consistent withthe results of the immunoenzymatic assay. The variability ofthe Rubisco content among varieties suggests genetic determination. Key words: Rubisco, ELISA, Hordeum vulgare  相似文献   

The Na+ and K+ transport characteristics of Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb. were considered in order to compare the systems by which these two physiologically different cations are managed during initial acquisition and subsequent partitioning in midvegetative plants. Uptake of 22Na+ and 42K+ and redistribution of labels in pulse-chase studies were compared under steady state growth conditions or with the concentration of one of the ions elevated. At high external concentrations, the initial 42K+ accumulation and transport to the shoot was associated with a small, rapidly exchanging, cellular compartment similar to that previously indicated for Na+ (D Lazof, JM Cheeseman 1986 Plant Physiol 81: 742-747). At 1 mol m−3, K+ was conducted to the shoot through a root compartment, the specific activity of which rose much more slowly than the rapidly exchanging compartment. After a lag of approximately 5 minutes, 42K+ translocation approached a constant rate with a half-time of 14 minutes compared to 5 minutes for 22Na+ or for 42K+ at higher external levels. At all external levels, prolonged translocation of 42K+ was measured when a 10 minute pulse was followed by an unlabeled chase, again suggesting a conducting compartment distinct from that for Na+. It is suggested that the K+ conducting compartment, possibly the `bulk cytoplasm,' is associated with the active K+ transport system generally found in higher plants.  相似文献   

Two successive hydroponic experiments were carried out to identify barley varieties tolerant to Cd toxicity via examining Soil–Plant Analyses Development (SPAD) value, plant height, leaves and tillers per plant, root number and volume, and biomass accumulation. The results showed that SPAD values (chlorophyll meter readings), plant height, leaf number, root number and volume, and biomass accumulation of shoot/root were significantly reduced in the plants grown in 20 μM Cd nutrient solution compared with control, and the uptake and translocation of Zn, Mn, and Cu was also strictly hindered. Furthermore, there was a highly significant difference in the reduction in these growth parameters among varieties, and varieties “Weisuobuzhi” and “Jipi 1” showed the least reduction both in the two experiments, suggesting their high tolerance to Cd toxicity, while “Dong 17” and “Suyinmai 2” with the greatest reduction and the toxicity symptoms appeared rapidly and severely, denoting as Cd-sensitive varieties. Significant variety difference in Cd concentration was also found, with Weisuobuzhi containing the highest and Jipi 1 the lowest Cd concentration in shoots.  相似文献   

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