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Gaitanaki C. and Beis I. 1985. Enzymes of adenosine metabolism in Hymenolepis diminuta (Cestoda). International Journal for Parasitology15: 651–654. The activities of 5-nucleotidase (E.C., adenosine deaminase (E.C., adenosine kinase (E.C., AMP deaminase (E.C. and adenylate kinase (E.C. were demonstrated in homogenates of Hymenolepis diminuta. The Km values for adenosine and AMP of the above enzymes were determined. The importance of these enzymes in the maintenance of adenosine concentration on a steady state in H. diminuta is discussed  相似文献   

Ferretti G., Gabriele F. and Palmas C. 1981. Development of human and mouse strain of Hymenolepis nana in mice. International Journal for Parasitology11: 425–430. An Hymenolepis nana strain isolated from human faeces was transferred in the mouse. At first, the q ratio (the number of parasites to the number of eggs used) was very low. After 10 passages adaptation was complete: when mice of different age and strain (CD1 and BDF1) were infected with eggs of the above strain and eggs of 2 different murine strains, no differences emerged in the q ratio or in the parasite mean dry weight. Survival also appeared the same in the 3 parasite strains, however, human and murine strains live for a shorter time in BDF1 than in CD1 mice. Discussion bears on the hypothesis that the difficulties that emerge during the first passages may be connected to the adult and not to the larval phase.  相似文献   

The coordinated orientation of ciliary beat in the larval epidermis of amphibians, evident in an organized streamline pattern, suggests a planar polarity of the epithelium, i.e., a polarity within the plane of the cell sheet. It has been proposed that the direction of ciliary beat is determined at mid gastrula by a gradient of a diffusible factor produced by the mesoderm. To analyze whether ectoderm in isolation can establish a uniform direction of ciliary beat, and at what stage its polarity is specified in the embryo, ectoderm of Xenopus laevis embryos of different stages was cultured in vitro on substrates. On concanavalin A, ectoderm isolated at early gastrula stages, i.e., prior to any contact with mesoderm, can autonomously coordinate the direction of ciliary beat, at least in small regions. A uniform planar polarity is expressed by ectoderm explanted from the early mid gastrula onward. On fibronectin, which promotes migration, the direction of movement correlates well with the direction of ciliary beat, and directional migration can even override the inherent polarity specified prior to explantation. Embryos which lack dorsal mesoderm nevertheless develop a highly organized streamline pattern, excluding a strict requirement for dorsal mesoderm for the determination of planar polarity. However, in spite of the early specification of planar polarity found for isolated tissue, rotated ectodermal transplants in situ can readjust their polarity in accordance with that of the host.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the sensory receptors located on the labium of the cassava mealybugPhenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) was studied with scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Trichoid hairs of probable mechanoreceptive function are distributed over the labium. Uniporous chemosensilla which possess a mechanoreceptive dendrite, multiporous chemosensilla and mechanoreceptive pegs are present on the tip of the labium. The presence of contact and olfactory chemoreceptors on the labial tip ofP. manihoti suggests that tapping it on the cassava leaf provides the pest with information about the chemical nature of the leaf surface. ORSTOM  相似文献   

The tegument of plerocercoid and adult P. ambloplitis was examined. Differences in tegument structure existed between these two stages. Plerocercoids of P. ambloplitis lacked extensive vacuolization and unicellular gland cells characteristic of adult tegument. Plerocercoid microtriches were short and conoid; adult microtriches were lenticular with an extended, whip-like shaft. An inclusion, not previously reported from proteocephalid cestodes, is described. Adult tegument had ducts, originating from underlying unicellular glands, extending through the distal cytoplasm and opening to the exterior between microtriches.

The apical end organ cavity of P. ambloplitis contained numerous labyrinth-like spherical bodies. These structures appeared to be synthesized and secreted into the end organ by a thin cellular lining of the end organ. This lining was composed of discrete, filamentous cells believed to be modified subtegumental cell bodies. Spherical structures identical to those observed within the end organ cavity occurred within this cellular lining. The spherical bodies may be associated with enzymes necessary for tissue migration by the metacestode.  相似文献   

The loading of poly (D,L-lactide) nanoparticles with ABZ has led us to evaluate the potential of this new colloidal drug delivery system against E. multilocularis, using a murine model of hepatic alveolar echinococcosis. ABZ-loaded nanoparticles had a monodisperse size distribution between 100 and 150 nm. The efficiency of drug loading to nanoparticles was over 97%. In vitro, at an ABZ concentration of 1.0 μg ml−1, the formulation had no toxicity for peritoneal macrophages harvested from uninfected mice, In vivo, the ABZ-loaded nanoparticles exhibited no signs of toxicity at any of the doses tested. Intravenous injections of 6 mg kg−1 of bound ABZ to infected mice had an equivalent antiparasitic effect on the metacestode growth to that of a treatment with 1500 mg kg−1 of orally administered free ABZ. The parasite hepatic superficial size as well as the peritoneal metastatic burden was significantly reduced by these 2 courses of treatment, as compared to those of untreated mice. Our results should encourage further study in order to explain the absence of dose-dependent efficacy of ABZ-loaded nanoparticles demonstrated in the present study.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the effect of Hymenolepis diminuta on ion transport in the ileum and on tight junctions in the ileum and colon of rats. We also evaluate the effect of H. diminuta on C-fiber endings in the ileum, the direct habitat of H. diminuta, before and after mechanical stimulation and pharmacological modification by capsaicin (C-fiber irritant).Wistar rats were orally infected with five cysticercoids of H. diminuta. Using a modified Ussing chamber, electrophysiological parameters of the ileum were measured (transepithelial electrical potential difference and transepithelial electrical resistance) as well as the deposition of occludin (a tight junction protein) in the ileum and colon of the rats 8, 16, 25, 35, 40 and 60 days post infection.We observed a significant reduction in transepithelial electrical potential difference in the ileum of rats infected with H. diminuta. In both the ileum and colon of rats infected with H. diminuta we also observed a decrease in occludin deposition, which indicates leakage of tight junctions, correlating with the decrease in transepithelial electrical resistance of these tissues. The application of capsaicin confirmed the hypothesis that H. diminuta in rats affects the C-fiber sensory receptors, causing changes in ion transport in the ileum.The results of the performed electrophysiological and immunohistochemical examinations indicate hymenolepidosis-related changes in the active transport of ions and the passive movement of ions.  相似文献   

R A Webb  K G Davey 《Tissue & cell》1975,7(3):519-524
The fine structure of an unciliated sensory receptor of the metacestode of Hymenolepis microstoma is described. Each receptor contains a basal body inserted into an electron dense matrix; a terminal cilium is lacking. At this stage of development neurotubules were lacking, but rapidly appeared following excystation. It is suggested that neurotubules play a role in the functioning of the putative proprioceptor.  相似文献   

Jon M. Holy  John A. Oaks   《Tissue & cell》1987,19(6):881-891
Electron microscopic examination of the epidermal basement membrane region of the rat tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, has revealed specialized connective tissue structures that appear to anchor the epidermis, or tegument, to the parenchymal tissues of the helminth, as well as interconnect subtegumental muscle fibers, tegument, and parenchyma. Anchoring fibrils-cross-banded bundles of ca. 3 nm diameter filaments--were observed to directly interlink tegument and muscle, muscle and muscle, and tegument, muscle, and parenchymal connective tissue. Anchoring fibrils therefore appear to mechanically integrate epidermal tissue movements in response to subtegumental muscle contraction. A well-developed stratum of microfibrils, forming the lamina reticularis of the tegumental basement membrane, may also help anchor the tegument as well as to serve as a flexible, reinforcing sheath that protects parenchymal tissues from excessive radial displacement due to muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal concentrations of free choline in the lumen of the small intestine of the uninfected and Hymenolepis diminuta-infected rat were investigated. In the unfed infected or uninfected rat, the choline concentrations ranged from 500 μM in the duodenum to 20 μM in the posterior ileum, with some segments in infected rats containing significantly higher choline levels than in uninfected rats. Following feeding, choline levels were significantly elevated to approximately 3 mM by 6 h, although these concentrations fell rapidly in transit down the intestine. By 12 h the choline levels were similar to those in the unfed rat. An initial small shift in the worm biomass toward the duodenum after feeding was followed by a redistribution of biomass along the length of the small intestine. The worm biomass, however, had little or no effect on the choline levels. The high concentrations of free choline observed in the anterior regions of the intestine are postulated to be predominantly determined by nutritional intake while the concentrations in the posterior region may in part be determined by blood choline levels. The high levels of choline indicate that choline is not limiting to support growth of the worms.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal concentrations of free choline in the lumen of the small intestine of the uninfected and Hymenolepis diminuta-infected rat were investigated. In the unfed infected or uninfected rat, the choline concentrations ranged from approximately 500 microM in the duodenum to approximately 20 microM in the posterior ileum, with some segments in infected rats containing significantly higher choline levels than in uninfected rats. Following feeding, choline levels were significantly elevated to approximately 3 mM by 6 h, although these concentrations fell rapidly in transit down the intestine. By 12 h the choline levels were similar to those in the unfed rat. An initial small shift in the worm biomass toward the duodenum after feeding was followed by a redistribution of biomass along the length of the small intestine. The worm biomass, however, had little or no effect on the choline levels. The high concentrations of free choline observed in the anterior regions of the intestine are postulated to be predominantly determined by nutritional intake while the concentrations in the posterior region may in part be determined by blood choline levels. The high levels of choline indicate that choline is not limiting to support the growth of the worms.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins, neurotrophin receptors and sensory neurons are required for the development of lingual sense organs. For example, neurotrophin 3 sustains lingual somatosensory neurons. In the traditional view, sensory axons will terminate where neurotrophin expression is most pronounced. Yet, lingual somatosensory axons characteristically terminate in each filiform papilla and in each somatosensory prominence within a cluster of cells expressing the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), rather than terminating among the adjacent cells that secrete neurotrophin 3. The p75NTR on special specialized clusters of epithelial cells may promote axonal arborization in vivo since its over-expression by fibroblasts enhances neurite outgrowth from overlying somatosensory neurons in vitro. Two classical observations have implicated gustatory neurons in the development and maintenance of mammalian taste buds—the early arrival times of embryonic innervation and the loss of taste buds after their denervation in adults. In the modern era more than a dozen experimental studies have used early denervation or neurotrophin gene mutations to evaluate mammalian gustatory organ development. Necessary for taste organ development, brain-derived neurotrophic factor sustains developing gustatory neurons. The cardinal conclusion is readily summarized: taste buds in the palate and tongue are induced by innervation. Taste buds are unstable: the death and birth of taste receptor cells relentlessly remodels synaptic connections. As receptor cells turn over, the sensory code for taste quality is probably stabilized by selective synapse formation between each type of gustatory axon and its matching taste receptor cell. We anticipate important new discoveries of molecular interactions among the epithelium, the underlying mesenchyme and gustatory innervation that build the gustatory papillae, their specialized epithelial cells, and the resulting taste buds.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that a sensory neuron, a neuron issuing from a sensory receptor, encodes the rate at which entropy or uncertainty is removed at the receptor level. This hypothesis is tested for the case of the entropy associated with the magnitude of a signal (stimulus) applied at the sensory receptor. A simple mathematical model of the process is presented and a number of well-known stimulus-response relationships are seen to emerge. For example, the adaptation of a receptor may be seen to occur as a consequence of reduced uncertainty regarding stimulus intensity. A general equation relating stimulus and response is developed, and this equation will simplify, depending upon the ratio of signal power to noise power, to either a logarithmic or a power law.  相似文献   

The fine structure of three sensory receptors of the rosette organ of Gyrocotyle rugosa, is described. The Type I sensory receptors, localised towards the edge of both upper and lower surfaces, are characterized by a long cilium embedded in a bulb containing two electron-dense collars and several mitochondria. The Type II sensory receptors, larger than Type I, are located on the upper surface of the rosette and have a long cilium and a ciliary rootlet. They also have two electron-dense collars and one or two mitochondria. The sensory cilia of both types are characterized by 9 + 2 axonemes. The Type III sensory receptors, localised on the under surface, lack a sensory cilium but have a ciliary rootlet and are enclosed in the tegument and musculature; there is a complicated three-dimensional spherical lattice of microfibrils associated with the rootlet. The sensory bulbs contain large numbers of membrane bound vesicles and neurotubules. A function is postulated for each of the three types of sensory receptors.  相似文献   

Taste receptorshave recently been reported in Drosophila [1] and [2], but little is known of the relation between receptor and response. Morphological studies of the distribution of chemosensory sensilla indicate that the fruit fly has two major sites of gustation: the proboscis and the legs [3]. The taste sensilla on both these sites are similar in structure and each sensillum generally houses four gustatory neurons [4]. Early anatomical observations have demonstrated a sexual dimorphism in the number of tarsal sensilla [5] and in their central projections [6]. We measured the electrophysiological responses of the prothoracic taste sensilla to non-pheromonal substances—salts, sugars and water—and found a clear sexual dimorphism. From the response profile of individual sensilla, we were able to distinguish three types of tarsal sensilla in females as against only two types in males. The female-specific type, which responded specifically to sugar, was absent in males except when male gustatory neurons were genetically feminised. The fact that tarsal gustatory hairs exhibit a sexual dimorphism that affects the perception of non-pheromonal compounds suggests that sexual identity is more complex than has previously been thought [7] and [8].  相似文献   

The relationship between concanavalin A (ConA) receptors and the chemosensory behaviour of the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila was studied using the peptide chemoattractants proteose peptone and fibroblast growth factor. Studies on the chemosensory behaviour in semisolid methylcellulose showed that 50 μg/ml ConA selectively inhibited the persistent element of swimming behaviour by reducing time runs of cells responding to proteose peptone from 12.2±4.5 min to 0.8±0.3 min. Methyl-alpha-D-mannoside, but not methyl-alpha-D-galactoside, abolished the inhibitory effect of ConA, suggesting that mannoside-containing ConA receptors are involved in maintaining a persistent swimming behaviour. Control experiments, carried out in liquids where persistent swimming is less important for cellular behaviour, showed that ConA did not affect proteose-peptone-induced chemoattraction under these conditions as measured by a two-phase assay for chemoattraction. Also, no inhibitory effect of ConA could be found on swimming rates when individual velocities of ConA-treated cells were determined. When tested in liquid chemoattraction assays, ConA was found to be a weak but significant chemoattractant. Studies of the cellular location of ConA receptors on the plasma membrane of starved cells showed an unequal distribution. A preferential clustering of receptors at the anterior end of the cell was observed when determined at high concentrations (100 μg/ml) of fluorescent ConA. Methyl-alpha-D-mannoside but not methyl-alpha-D-galactoside abolished the fluorescent ConA labelling, indicating a preferential clustering of these mannoside-containing receptors at the anterior part of the plasma membrane and cilia. At lower concentrations (25 μg/ml), FITC-ConA produced more general labelling of the entire cell membrane. The results suggest that ConA receptors are necessary for the persistent element of swimming and that binding of ConA to its receptors interferes with processes related to signal transduction rather than by limiting the free movement of cilia required for locomotion. The gradient of receptors seen at high FITC-ConA concentrations may be important for a putative spatial chemosensory mechanism, i.e. chemotaxis.Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

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