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Growth dynamics of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., from two sections of the Narcea River and one of the Esva River (Northern Spain) were examined in relation to the development of bimodality in their size–frequency distributions. Size–bimodality was clearer under intermediate growth (section A) than under relatively fast or slow growth. The proportion of fish entering the upper modal group increase with growth intensity. Composition of upper and lower modal groups became fixed prior to December, and at this time both groups separated on the 90–95 mm interval. Fish exhibiting smolt appearance in late March (larger than 130 mm) had already been upper group fish in December, while parr-like fish and those that remained in the river by May (potential 2-year-old smolts) had formed the lower modal group. Anadromous salmon catch in the Narcea River was mostly of previously 1-year-old smolts (97.6%), of which 94% were larger than 100 mm by their first winter. In the Esva River, slow growth of juveniles is consistent with a large proportion of 2-year-old smolts (47.9%) among anadromous salmon. Both juvenile samples and scale analysis of anadromous salmon indicate that 2-year-old smolts were larger than 1-year-olds. Early disappearance of the former (before March) is, at least, partially related to earlier migration of large fish, since sexual maturity of parr does not provide a complete explanation. The Narcea stock have a minimum length at smolting of about 130 mm and an optimum smolt size in the 155–175 mm interval. Mean smolt length did not vary although the winter length changed between years.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of variation in body size and growth rate on age of smolting in Atlantic salmon and brown trout in four different Norwegian rivers. In Atlantic salmon smolt ages varied between 2 and 6 years, and in brown trout between 2 and 7 years. Smolt age was negatively correlated with parr growth, and positively correlated with smolt size. Age at smolting was more variable in the two northern than the two southern rivers. Smolt sizes and ages were also more variable in brown trout than in Atlantic salmon. Based on the observed variation in smolt size and age, we reject the hypothesis that a threshold size alone regulates age at smolting. Within populations smolt age depends on growth rate so that fast-growing parr smolted younger and smaller than slow-growing parr. We hypothesize that smolt size and age is a trade-off between expected benefits and costs imposed by differences in individual growth rate.  相似文献   

Pepper  V. A.  Nicholls  T.  Oliver  N. P. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,243(1):249-259
Results of experiments on controlled releases of fall-fingerling Atlantic salmon to lacustrine habitats in Newfoundland are reviewed in terms of survival during freshwater residence and smolt yield per unit of standing water habitat. Average survival from parr to smolt in three consecutive annual releases was 12.9% and we conclude that the quality of fall-fingerling salmon, produced from our semi-natural rearing techniques, was satisfactory. Year-class survival decreased progressively with consecutive releases. Rate of increase in juvenile salmon biomass remained stable over the duration of the study, suggesting that the average annual biomass of 1.6 kg ha–1 of juvenile salmon released did not exceed habitat carrying capacity. Precocity did not appear to represent a significant deterrent to fall-fingerling survival. Annual smolt yield (by year-class) from stocking ranged from 53 to 130 ha–1 (mean = 77 smolts ha–1).  相似文献   

Despite a reduction in exploitation of salmon stocks throughout the NE Atlantic, there continues to be a decline in many populations. The factors regulating these populations remain poorly understood, although there is evidence that environmental conditions experienced in freshwater can effect survival in the marine environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of a brominated flame retardant (hexabromocyclododecane, HBCD) on the parr-smolt transformation in juvenile salmon. It is during this pre-adaptive period to marine life that olfactory imprinting to the natal river is considered to occur. Fish were exposed to low levels of HBCD for 30 days over the peak smoltification period in freshwater, and then transferred to clean seawater for 20 days. Fish were sampled weekly to assess changes in some of the physiological parameters associated with smoltification, and olfactory response to conspecific smolt urine was measured using an electro-olfactogram (EOG). Exposure to HBCD did not affect seawater adaptability, although there was some disruption of plasma thyroid hormone levels, as well as a reduction in olfactory function to conspecific smolt urine. The results are discussed in relation to the marine survival and successful homing of adult salmon.  相似文献   

Despite a reduction in exploitation of salmon stocks throughout the NE Atlantic, there continues to be a decline in many populations. The factors regulating these populations remain poorly understood, although there is evidence that environmental conditions experienced in freshwater can effect survival in the marine environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of a brominated flame retardant (hexabromocyclododecane, HBCD) on the parr-smolt transformation in juvenile salmon. It is during this pre-adaptive period to marine life that olfactory imprinting to the natal river is considered to occur. Fish were exposed to low levels of HBCD for 30 days over the peak smoltification period in freshwater, and then transferred to clean seawater for 20 days. Fish were sampled weekly to assess changes in some of the physiological parameters associated with smoltification, and olfactory response to conspecific smolt urine was measured using an electro-olfactogram (EOG). Exposure to HBCD did not affect seawater adaptability, although there was some disruption of plasma thyroid hormone levels, as well as a reduction in olfactory function to conspecific smolt urine. The results are discussed in relation to the marine survival and successful homing of adult salmon.  相似文献   

Development of bimodality in the length frequency distributions of sibling juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was observed in three experiments, using eight families in 25 tank populations. Divergence between the groups became evident in late summer or early autumn. The time of divergence, and the size offish at which this change took place differed between families.  相似文献   

A synthesis of results from two projects was assessed to analyse possible influence of sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis on marine Atlantic salmon Salmo salar survival. During the years 1992–2004, trawling for wild migrating post-smolts was performed in Trondheimsfjord, a fjord in which no Atlantic salmon aquaculture activity is permitted. Prevalence and intensity of sea lice infections on migrating wild post-smolts differed between years. A correlation analysis between 1 sea-winter (SW) Atlantic salmon catch statistics from the River Orkla (a Trondheimsfjord river) and sea lice infections on the migrating smolts in the Trondheimsfjord was not significant. Up to 2% reduction in adult returns due to sea-lice infection was expected. In addition, experimental releases from 1996 to 1998 with individually tagged groups of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon smolts given protection against sea-lice infection was performed. Higher recaptures of adult Atlantic salmon from 1998 treated smolts compared to the control group may correspond to high abundance of sea lice found on the wild smolt, and may indicate influence on post-smolt mortality. These studies indicate that post-smolt mortality in Trondheimsfjord is marginally influenced by sea lice infection; however, the methods for assessing wild smolt mortality might be insufficient. Higher infections of sea lice farther out in the fjord may indicate more loss in Atlantic salmon returns in some years.  相似文献   

Estuaries are among the most productive ecosystems in the world and provide important rearing environments for a variety of fish species. Though generally considered important transitional habitats for smolting salmon, little is known about the role that estuaries serve for rearing and the environmental conditions important for salmon. We illustrate how juvenile coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch use a glacial river-fed estuary based on examination of spatial and seasonal variability in patterns of abundance, fish size, age structure, condition, and local habitat use. Fish abundance was greater in deeper channels with cooler and less variable temperatures, and these habitats were consistently occupied throughout the season. Variability in channel depth and water temperature was negatively associated with fish abundance. Fish size was negatively related to site distance from the upper extent of the tidal influence, while fish condition did not relate to channel location within the estuary ecotone. Our work demonstrates the potential this glacially-fed estuary serves as both transitional and rearing habitat for juvenile coho salmon during smolt emigration to the ocean, and patterns of fish distribution within the estuary correspond to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The River Alta, northern Norway (70°N), was regulated for hydropower in 1987. Densities of juveniles and catches of adult Atlantic salmon have been studied since 1980–1981 to examine the effects of regulation. The need to control environmental variables during electrofishing was emphasized, as flow variables explained up to 42% of the variation in estimated juvenile densities. The number of spawning redds was counted along the river from 1996 to 2005. The annual number of spawning redds was correlated with the catch of multi-sea-winter salmon (predominantly females). In the upper 7 km section, just downstream of the power station outlet, juvenile densities were reduced by 80% from pre-regulation levels to minimum levels in 1992–1996. This was followed by partial recovery during 1997–2005, although not entirely back to pre-regulation levels. In contrast, the general trend in the middle part of the river was a linear increase in juvenile densities during 1981–2005. Decreased juvenile densities in the upper section was subsequently followed by reduced catches of adult salmon in this part of the river. The relative catches of smolt year classes migrating to sea in the upper section was reduced by up to 75% from 1991 onwards. Spawning and recruitment in the upper section have increased in recent years, probably back to the introduction of catch-and-release angling and an increase in salmon runs. However, present day smolt production in the upper section is still reduced compared to the middle part of the river, 18 years after regulation. The decreased densities of juvenile salmon in the upper section were probably caused by several factors, of which stranding mortality due to sudden drops in the water level and increased winter mortality due to changed environmental conditions, especially reduced ice-cover, may be the most important. In conclusion, the regulation caused a considerable reduction of the salmon production in the upper 16% of salmon reaches, but did not affect the salmon population negatively further downstream. This study illustrates that apparently small environmental disturbances can cause large changes in Atlantic salmon abundance in high latitude populations. Guest editors: R. L. Welcomme & G. Marmulla Hydropower, Flood Control and Water Abstraction: Implications for Fish and Fisheries  相似文献   

Jaime Otero  Jan Henning L'Abée‐Lund  Ted Castro‐Santos  Kjell Leonardsson  Geir O. Storvik  Bror Jonsson  Brian Dempson  Ian C. Russell  Arne J. Jensen  Jean‐Luc Baglinière  Mélanie Dionne  John D. Armstrong  Atso Romakkaniemi  Benjamin H. Letcher  John F. Kocik  Jaakko Erkinaro  Russell Poole  Ger Rogan  Hans Lundqvist  Julian C. MacLean  Erkki Jokikokko  Jo Vegar Arnekleiv  Richard J. Kennedy  Eero Niemelä  Pablo Caballero  Paul A. Music  Thorolfur Antonsson  Sigurdur Gudjonsson  Alexey E. Veselov  Anders Lamberg  Steve Groom  Benjamin H. Taylor  Malcolm Taberner  Mary Dillane  Fridthjofur Arnason  Gregg Horton  Nils A. Hvidsten  Ingi R. Jonsson  Nina Jonsson  Simon McKelvey  Tor F. Næsje  Øystein Skaala  Gordon W. Smith  Harald Sægrov  Nils C. Stenseth  Leif Asbjørn Vøllestad 《Global Change Biology》2014,20(1):61-75
Migrations between different habitats are key events in the lives of many organisms. Such movements involve annually recurring travel over long distances usually triggered by seasonal changes in the environment. Often, the migration is associated with travel to or from reproduction areas to regions of growth. Young anadromous Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) emigrate from freshwater nursery areas during spring and early summer to feed and grow in the North Atlantic Ocean. The transition from the freshwater (‘parr’) stage to the migratory stage where they descend streams and enter salt water (‘smolt’) is characterized by morphological, physiological and behavioural changes where the timing of this parr‐smolt transition is cued by photoperiod and water temperature. Environmental conditions in the freshwater habitat control the downstream migration and contribute to within‐ and among‐river variation in migratory timing. Moreover, the timing of the freshwater emigration has likely evolved to meet environmental conditions in the ocean as these affect growth and survival of the post‐smolts. Using generalized additive mixed‐effects modelling, we analysed spatio‐temporal variations in the dates of downstream smolt migration in 67 rivers throughout the North Atlantic during the last five decades and found that migrations were earlier in populations in the east than the west. After accounting for this spatial effect, the initiation of the downstream migration among rivers was positively associated with freshwater temperatures, up to about 10 °C and levelling off at higher values, and with sea‐surface temperatures. Earlier migration occurred when river discharge levels were low but increasing. On average, the initiation of the smolt seaward migration has occurred 2.5 days earlier per decade throughout the basin of the North Atlantic. This shift in phenology matches changes in air, river, and ocean temperatures, suggesting that Atlantic salmon emigration is responding to the current global climate changes.  相似文献   

An abundance index for 0+ Atlantic salmon was based on semi-quantitative electrofishing estimates at 137 sites in typical juvenile habitat throughout the River Bush (N. Ireland). 0 + abundance was linearly related to total smolt numbers migrating through a downstream trap in subsequent years ( r 2= 0.716, P <0.001), suggesting a high degree of predictive ability. This predictive ability decreased as smolt age increased, suggesting influence of density-independent mortality. Potential application of the technique to estimate smolt production from rivers having no trapping facilities is discussed, together with sources of variability potentially affecting estimates.  相似文献   

1. The ontogenetic development of anadromous salmonids includes downstream emigration of immature individuals from freshwater towards the marine environment. Although this migration of juvenile salmonids (smolts) may be associated with severe mortalities, only limited attention has been paid to the spatial positioning of smolts in small streams. 2. Using a novel approach, this study examined the vertical and horizontal positioning of brown trout and Atlantic salmon smolts while performing downstream migration in a small lowland stream. 3. Pre‐smolts of indigenous and hatchery‐reared (F1) brown trout (Salmo trutta), and two different populations of Atlantic salmon (S. salar), were tagged with passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags and subsequently released upstream of an antenna array consisting of five circular swim‐through PIT antennas. Antennas were positioned in order to determine whether the migrating smolts were bottom or surface oriented, and if they were oriented towards the mid‐channel or the stream bank. 4. During the smolt emigration period, data describing both the detection of the migrating fish and the amount of water passing through the antennas were collected. This was accomplished in order to determine if the fish were performing active positioning behaviour independently of the vertical and horizontal discharge distributions in the stream. 5. The results showed that the smolts migrated in a non‐random spatial pattern independently of the stream discharge distributions. Vertically, the indigenous brown trout and the Atlantic salmon demonstrated a preference for the bottom orientated positions. In contrast, the distribution of the F1 brown trout was not different from the discharge distribution. The latter observation suggests random vertical positioning, which may be indicative of inferior migratory performance. Horizontally, all tested smolt populations strongly preferred the mid‐channel positions. 6. The discharge‐corrected preferences for certain spatial positions suggest that smolt emigration is not entirely a matter of passive displacement in lowland streams. 7. Anthropogenically altered channels may inhibit or delay downstream emigration of smolts resulting in increased mortalities. Given that the smolts in this study actively selected spatial positions in the mid‐channel and near the bottom, it is suggested that deep, mid‐channel furrows may be used to help guide migrating smolts past adverse habitats in lowland streams.  相似文献   

Three tagged Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were recaptured as subadults or adults (1·4–3 kg) between 70·5 and 78° N in the western Barents Sea, two of which originated from the Alta Fjord region in northern Norway and one from the Drammen River, south-eastern Norway. An additional tag was recovered from the stomach of a Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides captured south-west of Bear Island at >600 m depth; this tag was from a smolt released in the River Alta 1 month earlier. These are the northernmost tag recoveries reported for Atlantic salmon, and indicate that Norwegian Atlantic salmon, especially the fish from northern populations, may use the northern Barents Sea as a feeding area during part of their life cycle.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - We studied downstream migration behaviour of Atlantic salmon smolt at a hydropower station that offers four safe (weir, new incision gate on weir, downstream bypass and Archimedes...  相似文献   

A bimodal length distribution developed in an Atlantic salmon population planted as start-fed fry in a Norwegian stream. The earliest fish to smolt were from the upper modal group.  相似文献   

Population-specific assessment and management of anadromous fish at sea requires detailed information about the distribution at sea over ontogeny for each population. However, despite a long history of mixed-stock sea fisheries on Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, migration studies showing that some salmon populations feed in different regions of the Baltic Sea and variation in dynamics occurs among populations feeding in the Baltic Sea, such information is often lacking. Also, current assessment of Baltic salmon assumes equal distribution at sea and therefore equal responses to changes in off-shore sea fisheries. Here, we test for differences in distribution at sea among and within ten Atlantic salmon Salmo salar populations originating from ten river-specific hatcheries along the Swedish Baltic Sea coast, using individual data from >125,000 tagged salmon, recaptured over five decades. We show strong population and size-specific differences in distribution at sea, varying between year classes and between individuals within year classes. This suggests that Atlantic salmon in the Baltic Sea experience great variation in environmental conditions and exploitation rates over ontogeny depending on origin and that current assessment assumptions about equal exploitation rates in the offshore fisheries and a shared environment at sea are not valid. Thus, our results provide additional arguments and necessary information for implementing population-specific management of salmon, also when targeting life stages at sea.  相似文献   

Extensive mortality in Atlantic salmon fry was reported in the River Aelva from 2002 to 2004. Dead fish were collected in late summer 2006, and live fish were sampled by electrofishing in September the same year. At autopsy and in histological sections, the fish kidneys were found to be pale and considerably enlarged. Proliferative lesions with characteristic PKX cells were seen in a majority of the fish. DNA from kidney samples of diseased fish was subjected to PCR and sequencing, and the amplified sequences matched those of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae. We concluded that this myxozoan transmitted from bryozoans was the main cause of the observed mortality in salmon fry in 2006. Results from quantitative electrofishing in 2005 and 2006, combined with the observed fry mortality from 2002 to 2004, show that the smolt production in the river is severely reduced and that T. bryosalmonae is the most likely explanation for this decline. The present study is the first to report a considerable negative population effect in wild Atlantic salmon due to proliferative kidney disease (PKD). It also represents the northernmost PKD outbreak in wild fish. The river is regulated for hydroelectric power purposes, causing reduced water flow and elevated summer temperatures, and the present PKD outbreak may serve as an example of increased disease vulnerability of northern fish populations in a warmer climate.  相似文献   

All anadromous fishes, including juvenile salmon, encounter estuarine habitats as they transition from riverine to marine environments. We compare the estuarine use between juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Penobscot River estuary and Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the Columbia River estuary. Both estuaries have been degraded by anthropogenic activities. Atlantic and Pacific salmon populations in both basins rely heavily on hatchery inputs for persistence. Pacific salmon, as a group, represent a continuum of estuarine use, from species that move through rapidly to those that make extensive use of estuarine habitats. While Atlantic salmon estuarine use is predominantly similar to rapidly moving Pacific salmon, they can exhibit nearly the entire range of Pacific salmon estuarine use. Both slow and rapidly migrating Atlantic and Pacific salmon actively feed in estuarine environments, consuming insect and invertebrate prey. Interactions between juvenile salmon and estuarine fish communities are poorly understood in both estuaries, although they experience similar avian and marine mammal predators. Estuaries are clearly important for Atlantic and Pacific salmon, yet our understanding of this use is currently insufficient to make informed judgments about habitat quality or overall estuary health. This review of salmonid migration through and residency within estuaries identifies actions that could hasten restoration of both Atlantic and Pacific salmon populations.  相似文献   

The annual variation in sea-age of maturation for a hatchery dependent stock of Atlantic salmon was compared to variation in post-smolt growth as evidenced by circuli spacing patterns. The proportion of returns of 1-seawinter (1 SW) and 2 SW salmon and the fraction of the smolt year class or cohort that maturated as 1 SW fish, were compared to seasonal growth indices determined from circuli spacing on the scales of smolt class survivors returning as 1 SW and 2 SW spawners. Using image processing techniques, we extracted inter-circuli distances from scales from 2244 recaptured fish. Spacing data for the first year at sea were collected and then expressed as seasonal growth indices for the spring period, when post-smolts first enter the ocean; the summer, when growth appears maximal; and winter, when growth appears to be at a minimum. In general, circuli spacings were wider for 1 SW than for the 2 SW returns of the same smolt cohort. The 1 SW fraction was significantly and positively correlated with late summer growth, suggesting that growth during this season is pivotal in determining the proportion of a smolt class that matures early.  相似文献   

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