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Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), the cause of a fatal fungal skin disease of amphibians that has led to massive die-offs, global declines and extinctions, has spread internationally as a pandemic clone with low genetic diversity. A need exists to develop highly polymorphic markers to determine centers of origin and patterns of spread to assist in the development of management strategies. Comparison of paralogous sequences, obtained from the 2 sequenced Bd genomes, indicates useful levels of inter-strain polymorphism in repetitive fragments. We assessed 6 repetitive loci for variation within and among Australian isolates using standard fragment analysis and capillary electrophoresis-single strand conformation polymorphism (CE-SSCP) analysis. Confirmation of inter-isolate polymorphism was achieved for 2 marker systems, highlighting the potential of repetitive loci for the development of polymorphic markers in Bd. In addition, we found that repetitive loci in Bd include possible orthologs of virulence-related genes from pathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

Pathogens do not normally drive their hosts to extinction; however, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, which causes amphibian chytridiomycosis, has been able to do so. Theory predicts that extinction can be caused by long-lived or saprobic free-living stages. The hypothesis that such a stage occurs in B. dendrobatidis is supported by the recent discovery of an apparently encysted form of the pathogen. To investigate the effect of a free-living stage of B. dendrobatidis on host population dynamics, a mathematical model was developed to describe the introduction of chytridiomycosis into a breeding population of Bufo bufo, parametrized from laboratory infection and transmission experiments. The model predicted that the longer that B. dendrobatidis was able to persist in water, either due to an increased zoospore lifespan or saprobic reproduction, the more likely it was that it could cause local B. bufo extinction (defined as decrease below a threshold level). Establishment of endemic B. dendrobatidis infection in B. bufo, with severe host population depression, was also possible, in agreement with field observations. Although this model is able to predict clear trends, more precise predictions will only be possible when the life history of B. dendrobatidis, including free-living stages of the life cycle, is better understood.  相似文献   

Ten years after the first discovery of the chytrid pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), the catastrophic effect of Bd on wild amphibian populations is indisputable. However, a number of persistent questions remain about Bd's origin and mechanisms of pathogenicity. Here we discuss the promise of genetic and genomic tools for answering these previously intractable questions about the biology and evolutionary history of Bd. Full genomes of 2 Bd strains have recently been sequenced, and Bd research on this species using population genetics, phylogenetics, proteomics, comparative genomics and functional genomics is already underway. We review some of the insights gleaned from the first studies using these genome-scale approaches focusing particularly on Bd's genomic architecture, patterns of global genetic variation, virulence factors and genetic interactions with hosts. Avenues of future research promise to be particularly fruitful and highlight the need for integrative studies that unite genetic, ecological and spatial data in both Bd and its amphibian hosts.  相似文献   

Fatal amphibian chytridiomycosis has typically been associated with the direct costs of infection. However the relationship between exposure to the pathogen, infection and mortality may not be so straightforward. Using results from both field work and experiments we report how exposure of common toads to Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis influences development and survival and how developmental stage influences host responses. Our results show that costs are accrued in a dose dependent manner during the larval stage and are expressed at or soon after metamorphosis. Exposure to B. dendrobatidis always incurs a growth cost for tadpoles and can lead to larval mortality before or soon after metamorphosis even when individuals do not exhibit infection at time of death. In contrast, exposure after metamorphosis almost always results in infection, but body size dictates survival to a greater extent than does dose. These data show that amphibian survival in the face of challenge by an infectious agent is dependent on host condition as well as life history stage. Under current models of climate change, many species of amphibia are predicted to increasingly occur outside their environmental optima. In this case, condition-dependent traits such as we have demonstrated may weigh heavily on species survival.  相似文献   

Chytridiomycosis is an emerging infectious disease of amphibians caused by the chytrid Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. The disease has been associated with global amphibian declines and species extinctions, however the principle drivers that underly the emergence of chytridiomycosis remain unclear. Current evidence suggests that the world trade in amphibians is implicated in the emergence of chytridiomycosis. Here, we review the evidence that the amphibian trade is driving the emergence of chytridiomycosis by (1) spreading infected animals worldwide, (2) introducing non-native infected animals into naïve populations and (3) amplifying infection of amphibians by co-housing, followed by untreated discharge of infectious zoospores into water supplies. We conclude that the evidence that the amphibian trade is contributing to the spread of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is strong, and that specific actions are necessary to prevent the introduction of the pathogen into thus-far uninfected areas. Specifically, we recommend the development of national risk-abatement plans, focused on firstly preventing introduction of Bd into disease free areas, and secondly, decreasing the impact of the disease on populations that are currently infected.  相似文献   

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a fungus that causes chytridiomycosis, a disease that has been implicated as a cause of amphibian population declines worldwide. Infected animals experience hyperkeratosis and sloughing of the epidermis due to penetration of the keratinized tissues by the fungus. These symptoms have led us to postulate that Bd produces proteases that play a role in the infection process. Here, we show that Bd is capable of degrading elastin in vitro, a protein found in the extracellular matrix of the host animal. Elastolytic enzyme activity was partially purified using ion exchange chromatography and size-exclusion filtration from cultures grown in inducing media. The elastolytic activity of the purified fraction had a pH optimum of 8, was strongly inhibited by EDTA and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), and was partially inhibited by an elastase-specific inhibitor. This activity was also enhanced by the presence of Mg2+ and Ca2+ but not Zn2+. An antiserum directed against Aspergillus fumigatus serine protease (Alp) was found to react with a polypeptide of approximately 110 kDa from the purified material. Using immunofluorescence, this antiserum was also observed to react with zoospores and sporangia grown on toad skin. These observations suggest that Bd may produce proteases similar to those produced by other pathogenic fungi that are capable of degrading proteins found in the extracellular matrix. The proteolytic activity exhibited in vitro might aid the organism in its ability to colonize and destroy the epidermis of its amphibian host.  相似文献   

Chytridiomycosis, the disease caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, is considered to be a disease exclusively of amphibians. However, B. dendrobatidis may also be capable of persisting in the environment, and non-amphibian vectors or hosts may contribute to disease transmission. Reptiles living in close proximity to amphibians and sharing similar ecological traits could serve as vectors or reservoir hosts for B. dendrobatidis, harbouring the organism on their skin without succumbing to disease. We surveyed for the presence of B. dendrobatidis DNA among 211 lizards and 8 snakes at 8 sites at varying elevations in Panama where the syntopic amphibians were at pre-epizootic, epizootic or post-epizootic stages of chytridiomycosis. Detection of B. dendrobatidis DNA was done using qPCR analysis. Evidence of the amphibian pathogen was present at varying intensities in 29 of 79 examined Anolis humilis lizards (32%) and 9 of 101 A. lionotus lizards (9%), and in one individual each of the snakes Pliocercus euryzonus, Imantodes cenchoa, and Nothopsis rugosus. In general, B. dendrobatidis DNA prevalence among reptiles was positively correlated with the infection prevalence among co-occurring anuran amphibians at any particular site (r = 0.88, p = 0.004). These reptiles, therefore, may likely be vectors or reservoir hosts for B. dendrobatidis and could serve as disease transmission agents. Although there is no evidence of B. dendrobatidis disease-induced declines in reptiles, cases of coincidence of reptile and amphibian declines suggest this potentiality. Our study is the first to provide evidence of non-amphibian carriers for B. dendrobatidis in a natural Neotropical environment.  相似文献   

Water samples from two of 17 field sites in Arizona (USA) inhibited growth of the amphibian pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Chemical analyses of samples revealed statistically significant facilitating or inhibitory activity of certain elements. Although low levels of copper were found in environmental samples demonstrating facilitated growth, growth was inhibited at concentrations of copper sulfate (CuSO(4)) at or greater than 100 ppm.  相似文献   

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is a fungal pathogen of amphibians that is increasingly implicated as a major cause of large-scale mortalities of amphibian species worldwide. Previous studies indicate that motile zoospores of B. dendrobatidis colonize the keratinized tissues of susceptible amphibians. Infections spread to adults and cause destruction of epidermal tissue. In an effort to understand how the chytrid cues into its host we developed an assay to study chemotaxis in the fungus. Here we show that zoospores exhibit positive movement toward a variety of attractants including sugars, proteins and amino acids. These observations suggest that the chytrid can respond to nutritional cues, including those of host origin. Implications of these observations to amphibian susceptibility to infection and chytrid virulence are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In the bullfrog, the meninges surrounding the central nervous system include an arachnoid mater that contains layers of cells with abundant intermediate filaments (IFs) having unique organizational characteristics. This membrane contains an inner lamina of cells that resemble fibroblasts and an outer lamina of flattened cells that are almost filled with IFs. The IFs of the outer arachnoid are arranged in compact, arching bundles that lie parallel to the outer surface of the central nervous system. Thus, sections cut tangentially to the membrane reveal bending of filament bundles, whereas transverse sections do not. In some cells bordering the subdural space, bundles of filaments are organized into highly-ordered spiral arrays. Attachments to the numerous desmosomes and, apparently, to the nuclear envelope suggest anchoring of cytoplasmic structures by the IF system. Microtubules occur primarily near the plasma membrane and the nucleus. Numerous caveolae also are associated with the plasma membrane.The unusual abundance, organization, and cytoplasmic relations of IFs in the bullfrog arachnoid suggest that this membrane may serve as an important model for study of fundamental cytoskeletal relations and function.  相似文献   

1. The course and outcome of many wildlife diseases are context-dependent, and therefore change depending on the behaviour of hosts and environmental response of the pathogen.2. Contemporary declines in amphibian populations are widely attributed to chytridiomycosis, caused by the pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Despite the thermal sensitivity of the pathogen and its amphibian hosts, we do not understand how host thermal regimes experienced by frogs in the wild directly influence pathogen growth.3. We tested how thermal regimes experienced by the rainforest frog Litoria rheocola in the wild influence pathogen growth in the laboratory, and whether these responses differ from pathogen growth under available environmental thermal regimes.4. Frog thermal regimes mimicked in the laboratory accelerated pathogen growth during conditions representative of winter at high elevations more so than if temperatures matched air or stream water temperatures. By contrast, winter frog thermal regimes at low elevations slowed pathogen growth relative to air temperatures, but not water temperatures.5. The growth pattern of the fungus under frog thermal regimes matches field prevalence and intensity of infections for this species (high elevation winter > high elevation summer > low elevation winter > low elevation summer), whereas pathogen growth trajectories under environmental temperatures did not match these patterns.6. If these laboratory results translate into field responses, tropical frogs may be able to reduce disease impacts by regulating their body temperatures to limit pathogen growth (e.g., by using microhabitats that facilitate basking to reach high temperatures); in other cases, the environment may limit the ability of frogs to thermoregulate such that individuals are more vulnerable to this pathogen (e.g., in dense forests at high elevations).7. Species-specific thermoregulatory behaviour, and interactions with and constraints imposed by the environment, are therefore essential to understanding and predicting the spatial and temporal impacts of this global disease.  相似文献   

An overview of the morphology and life cycle of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, the cause of chytridiomycosis of amphibians, is presented. We used a range of methods to examine stages of the life cycle in culture and in frog skin, and to assess ultrastructural pathology in the skin of 2 frogs. Methods included light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy with conventional methods as well as high pressure freezing and freeze substitution, and scanning electron microscopy with critical point drying as well as examination of bulk-frozen and freeze-fractured material. Although chytridiomycosis is an emerging disease, B. dendrobatidis has adaptations that suggest it has long been evolved to live within cells in the dynamic tissue of the stratified epidermis. Sporangia developed at a rate that coincided with the maturation of the cell, and fungal discharge tubes usually opened onto the distal surface of epidermal cells of the stratum corneum. A zone of condensed, fibrillar, host cytoplasm surrounded some sporangia. Hyperkeratosis may be due to (1) a hyperplastic response that leads to an increased turnover of epidermal cells, and (2) premature keratinization and death of infected cells.  相似文献   

1. Kanamycin disposition was studied in bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) following single doses IP. Both plasma t1/2 and Vd of the drug increased with increasing time after drug indicating redistribution and tight binding of kanamycin to deep tissue compartments. 2. Kanamycin was eliminated unchanged with a t1/2 plasma = 27 hr; perilymph = 89 hr; endolymph = 183 hr; aqueous humor = 54 hr; and CSF = 58 hr. 3. Kanamycin was absorbed by frogs from environmental water. 4. Environmental conditions must be carefully specified and monitored, as well as the physiological state of the animals when studying the effects of drugs on Amphibia.  相似文献   

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is a pathogen of amphibians that has been implicated in severe population declines on several continents. We investigated the zoospore activity, physiology and protease production of B. dendrobatidis to help understand the epidemiology of this pathogen. More than 95% of zoospores stopped moving within 24 h and swam less than 2 cm before encysting. Isolates of B. dendrobatidis grew and reproduced at temperatures of 4-25 C and at pH 4-8. Growth was maximal at 17-25 C and at pH 6-7. Exposure of cultures to 30 C for 8 d killed 50% of the replicates. B. dendrobatidis cultures grew on autoclaved snakeskin and 1% keratin agar, but they grew best in tryptone or peptonized milk and did not require additional sugars when grown in tryptone. B. dendrobatidis produced extracellular proteases that degraded casein and gelatin but had no measurable activity against keratin azure. The proteases were active against azocasein at temperatures of 6-37 C and in a pH range of 6-8, with the highest activity at temperatures of 23-30 C and at pH 8. The implications of these observations on disease transmission and development are discussed.  相似文献   

Chytridiomycosis is an emerging infectious disease of amphibians caused by the waterborne pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) and is responsible for the recent decline of species worldwide. Elucidating patterns in disease prevalence has proved challenging, as small‐scale studies to date have provided conflicting results. We present data on the prevalence of Bd (the proportion of individuals with Bd) collected from amphibians sampled throughout British Columbia. We had two different datasets: our original dataset includes 1129 individuals sampled in 103 sites representing 14 species. A second dataset has 839 individuals sampled in 19 sites representing 10 species. We use a Bayesian state‐space occupancy modelling approach to estimate the probability that an individual is Bd+ as a function of individual and site characteristics. Cross‐validation techniques and the original dataset were used to find the best model: this model includes species, life stage, and geographic location. Our results suggest that Bd prevalence is not strongly related to seasonality, latitude or site type. Within a species, Bd prevalence depended on life stage; the watershed in which a site occurs may also usefully predict prevalence. Overall observed infection prevalence was ~16%. Our best model accurately assigns Bd status to an individual ~ 42% of the time. Taking advantage of the Bayesian framework, we ran an analysis with the second dataset using estimates from the original model as prior values. We present posterior density distributions for those sites and species with narrow credible intervals, and show that sites tend to be either highly likely or highly unlikely to have individuals with Bd, while individuals of some stages of some species have an intermediate likelihood of being Bd‐positive. The Bayesian model using informed priors had increased accuracy rates in assigning Bd status to both individuals and groups of individuals.  相似文献   

Population genetics of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis ( Bd ) show that isolates are highly related and globally homogenous, data that are consistent with the recent epidemic spread of a previously endemic organism. Highly related isolates are predicted to be functionally similar due to low levels of heritable genetic diversity. To test this hypothesis, we took a global panel of Bd isolates and measured (i) the genetic relatedness among isolates, (ii) proteomic profiles of isolates, (iii) the susceptibility of isolates to the antifungal drug caspofungin, (iv) the variation among isolates in growth and phenotypic characteristics, and (v) the virulence of isolates against the European common toad Bufo bufo . Our results show (i) genotypic differentiation among isolates, (ii) proteomic differentiation among isolates, (iii) no significant differences in susceptibility to caspofungin, (iv) differentiation in growth and phenotypic/morphological characters, and (v) differential virulence in B. bufo . Specifically, our data show that Bd isolates can be profiled by their genotypic and proteomic characteristics, as well as by the size of their sporangia. Bd genotypic and phenotypic distance matrices are significantly correlated, showing that less-related isolates are more biologically unique. Mass spectrometry has identified a set of candidate genes associated with inter-isolate variation. Our data show that, despite its rapid global emergence, Bd isolates are not identical and differ in several important characters that are linked to virulence. We argue that future studies need to clarify the mechanism(s) and rate at which Bd is evolving, and the impact that such variation has on the host–pathogen dynamic.  相似文献   

The pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) was recently detected in Missouri hellbender Cryptobranchus alleganiensis populations that have declined precipitously for unclear reasons. The objective of this study was to determine whether Bd occurred historically in Missouri hellbender populations or is a relatively novel occurrence. Epidermal tissue was removed from 216 archived hellbenders collected from 7 Missouri streams between 1896 and 1994. Histological techniques and an immunoperoxidase stain were used to confirm historic occurrence of Bd infection in hellbenders from the North Fork of the White (1969, 1973, 1975), Meramec (1975, 1986), Big Piney (1986), and Current rivers (1988). Bd was not detected in hellbenders from the Niangua, Gasconade or Eleven Point rivers. The study detected no evidence for endemism of Bd in Missouri hellbender populations prior to 1969, despite the fact that nearly one third of the hellbenders sampled were collected earlier. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that Bd is a non-endemic pathogen in North America that was introduced in the second half of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

The opercularis system (OPS) of amphibians consists of an opercularis muscle that connects the shoulder girdle skeleton to the operculum, a movable element in the oval window of the otic capsule. The role of the OPS in reception of vibrations was examined in bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) tested in various postures that manipulated differential motion between the shoulder girdle (the origin of the opercularis muscle) and skull (including the inner ear). Amplitude and phase relationship of motions of the suprascapular cartilage of the shoulder girdle and the posterior skull were also measured during these tests. 1. Microphonic responses to vertical vibrations from 25-200 Hz were typically highest when frogs were in a normal, sitting posture with the head held off the vibrating platform. Responses from animals in which the head directly contacted the platform were often less (by up to 10 dB at certain frequencies). Responses from all test positions were highest at lower frequencies, especially between 50-100 Hz. 2. Suprascapular accelerations were typically highest in the normal, sitting posture, and at lower frequencies (50-75 Hz) were often greater than that of the vibrating platform by up to 8 dB. The shoulder girdle skeleton of the bullfrog is therefore readily affected by vertical substrate motion. 3. The amplitude of microphonic responses in the different test postures did not correspond well with head acceleration. Rather, response amplitude corresponded best with the absolute difference between shoulder and head motion. For example, in the normal posture, suprascapular motion was much greater than head motion, and responses were relatively high. If only the head was vibrated, head motion was high and shoulder motion low, and responses also were relatively high. If the head and body were vibrated together, their motions were similar, and responses to the same platform accelerations were often reduced. Phase differences between shoulder and head motions were small at the frequencies examined and may be of little functional significance. The importance of differences in shoulder and head motion suggests that the resulting differential motion of the operculum and inner ear fluids can produce waves that stimulate appropriate end organs (such as the saccule). 4. Removal of the opercularis muscle reduced responses up to 18 dB at certain frequencies in some of the test postures. The most significant reductions were observed in those postures with a significant difference between shoulder and head motion (such as the normal posture).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

本研究对雌雄牛蛙(Rana catesbeiana)外周血细胞的组成、形态、大小和数量进行了观察和统计。牛蛙外周血细胞由红细胞、白细胞以及血栓细胞组成,其中红细胞体积最大,平均大小(长径×短径)为(25.68±1.88)μm×(16.49±1.53)μm,扫描电镜下发现红细胞表面光滑;血栓细胞呈卵圆形或纺锤形,其体积最小,平均大小为(8.62±1.04)μm×(7.47±1.11)μm;白细胞由淋巴细胞、单核细胞、浆细胞、嗜中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞组成,扫描电镜下白细胞表面粗糙不平,有许多不规则的凸起。白细胞中淋巴细胞最多,其中小淋巴细胞约占白细胞的32.66%±4.29%,大淋巴细胞约占6.03%±1.54%;嗜碱性粒细胞最少,只占4.78%±0.83%;浆细胞胞体大小不一,常呈椭圆形,平均大小为(23.51±0.59)μm×(22.86±0.67)μm;此外,牛蛙外周血细胞中单核细胞、淋巴细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞的数量比例以及淋巴细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞的大小均有性别的差异(P0.05)。  相似文献   

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