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Factors affecting splicing of plant U12-dependent introns have been examined by extensive mutational analyses in an in vivo tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) protoplast system using introns from three different Arabidopsis thaliana genes: CBP20, GSH2, and LD. The results provide evidence that splicing efficiency of plant U12 introns depends on a combination of factors, including UA content, exon bridging interactions between the U12 intron and flanking U2-dependent introns, and exon splicing enhancer sequences (ESEs). Unexpectedly, all three plant U12 introns required an adenosine at the upstream purine position in the branchpoint consensus UCCUURAUY. The exon upstream of the LD U12 intron is a major determinant of its higher level of splicing efficiency and potentially contains two ESE regions. These results suggest that in plants, U12 introns represent a level at which expression of their host genes can be regulated.  相似文献   

A mutational analysis of U12-dependent splice site dinucleotides   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Introns spliced by the U12-dependent minor spliceosome are divided into two classes based on their splice site dinucleotides. The /AU-AC/ class accounts for about one-third of U12-dependent introns in humans, while the /GU-AG/ class accounts for the other two-thirds. We have investigated the in vivo and in vitro splicing phenotypes of mutations in these dinucleotide sequences. A 5' A residue can splice to any 3' residue, although C is preferred. A 5' G residue can splice to 3' G or U residues with a preference for G. Little or no splicing was observed to 3' A or C residues. A 5' U or C residue is highly deleterious for U12-dependent splicing, although some combinations, notably 5' U to 3' U produced detectable spliced products. The dependence of 3' splice site activity on the identity of the 5' residue provides evidence for communication between the first and last nucleotides of the intron. Most mutants in the second position of the 5' splice site and the next to last position of the 3' splice site were defective for splicing. Double mutants of these residues showed no evidence of communication between these nucleotides. Varying the distance between the branch site and the 3' splice site dinucleotide in the /GU-AG/ class showed that a somewhat larger range of distances was functional than for the /AU-AC/ class. The optimum branch site to 3' splice site distance of 11-12 nucleotides appears to be the same for both classes.  相似文献   

A notable feature of the newly described U12 snRNA-dependent class of eukaryotic nuclear pre-mRNA introns is the highly conserved 8-nt 5'' splice site sequence. This sequence is virtually invariant in all known members of this class from plants to mammals. Based on sequence complementarity between this sequence and the 5'' end of the U11 snRNA, we proposed that U11 snRNP may play a role in identifying and/or activating the 5'' splice site for splicing. Here we show that mutations of the conserved 5'' splice site sequence of a U12-dependent intron severely reduce correct splicing in vivo and that compensatory mutations in U11 snRNA can suppress the effects of the 5'' splice site mutations to varying extents. This provides evidence for a required interaction between U11 snRNA and the 5'' splice site sequence involving Watson-Crick base pairing. This data, in addition to a report that U11 snRNP is bound transiently to the U12-dependent spliceosome, suggests that U11 snRNP is the analogue of U1 snRNP in splicing this rare class of introns.  相似文献   



Despite some degeneracy of sequence signals that govern splicing of eukaryotic pre-mRNAs, it is an accepted rule that U2-dependent introns exhibit the 3' terminal dinucleotide AG. Intrigued by anecdotal evidence for functional non-AG 3' splice sites, we carried out a human genome-wide screen.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing of exon 7B in the hnRNP A1 pre-mRNA produces mRNAs encoding two proteins: hnRNP A1 and the less abundant A1B. We have reported the identification of several intron elements that contribute to exon 7B skipping. In this study, we report the activity of a novel element, conserved element 9 (CE9), located in the intron downstream of exon 7B. We show that multiple copies of CE9 inhibit exon 7B-exon 8 splicing in vitro. When CE9 is inserted between two competing 3' splice sites, a single copy of CE9 decreases splicing to the distal 3' splice site. Our in vivo results also support the conclusion that CE9 is a splicing modulator. First, inserting multiple copies of CE9 into an A1 minigene compromises the production of fully spliced products. Second, one copy of CE9 stimulates the inclusion of a short internal exon in a derivative of the human beta-globin gene. In this case, in vitro splicing assays suggest that CE9 decreases splicing of intron 1, an event that improves splicing of intron 2 and decreases skipping of the short internal exon. The ability of CE9 to act on heterologous substrates, combined with the results of a competition assay, suggest that the activity of CE9 is mediated by a trans-acting factor. Our results indicate that CE9 represses the use of the common 3' splice site in the hnRNP A1 alternative splicing unit.  相似文献   

We investigated the self-splicing properties of two introns from the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. One intron (B.a.I1) splices poorly in vitro despite having typical structural motifs, while the second (B.a.I2) splices well while having apparently degenerated features. The spliced exons of B.a.I2 were sequenced, and splicing was found to occur at a 3' site shifted one nucleotide from the expected position, thus restoring missing gamma-gamma' and IBS3-EBS3 pairings, but leaving the two conserved exonic ORFs out of frame. Because of the unexpected splice site, the principles for 3' intron definition were examined, which showed that the 3' splice site is flexible but contingent on gamma-gamma' and IBS3-EBS3 pairings, and can be as far away as four nucleotides from the wild-type site. Surprisingly, alternative splicing occurs at position +4 for wild-type B.a.I2 intron, both in vitro and in vivo, and the alternative event fuses the two conserved exon ORFs, presumably leading to translation of the downstream ORF. The finding suggests that the structural irregularities of B.a.I2 may be an adaptation to facilitate gene expression in vivo.  相似文献   

The minor U12-dependent class of eukaryotic nuclear pre-mRNA introns is spliced by a distinct spliceosomal mechanism that requires the function of U11, U12, U5, U4atac, and U6atac snRNAs. Previous work has shown that U11 snRNA plays a role similar to U1 snRNA in the major class spliceosome by base pairing to the conserved 5'' splice site sequence. Here we show that U6atac snRNA also base pairs to the 5'' splice site in a manner analogous to that of U6 snRNA in the major class spliceosome. We show that splicing defective mutants of the 5'' splice site can be activated for splicing in vivo by the coexpression of compensatory U6atac snRNA mutants. In some cases, maximal restoration of splicing required the coexpression of compensatory U11 snRNA mutants. The allelic specificity of mutant phenotype suppression is consistent with Watson-Crick base pairing between the pre-mRNA and the snRNAs. These results provide support for a model of the RNA-RNA interactions at the core of the U12-dependent spliceosome that is strikingly similar to that of the major class U2-dependent spliceosome.  相似文献   

Recognition of the 3' splice site in mammalian introns is accomplished by association of the splicing factor U2AF with the precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA) in a multiprotein splicing commitment complex. It is well established that this interaction involves binding of the large U2AF65 subunit to sequences upstream of the 3' splice site, but the orientation of the four domains of this protein with respect to the RNA and hence their role in structuring the commitment complex remain unclear and the basis of contradictory models. We have examined the interaction of U2AF65 with an RNA representing the 3' splice site using a series of U2AF deletion mutants modified at the N terminus with the directed hydroxyl radical probe iron-EDTA. These studies, combined with an analysis of extant high resolution x-ray structures of protein.RNA complexes, suggest a model whereby U2AF65 bends the pre-mRNA to juxtapose reactive functionalities of the pre-mRNA substrate and organize these structures for subsequent spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

We have devised an in vitro splicing assay in which the mutually exclusive exons 2 and 3 of alpha-tropomyosin act as competing 3' splice sites for joining to exon 1. Splicing in normal HeLa cell nuclear extracts results in almost exclusive joining of exons 1 and 3. Splicing in decreased nuclear extract concentrations and decreased ionic strength results in increased 1-2 splicing. We have used this assay to determine the role of three constitutive pre-mRNA splicing factors on alternative 3' splice site selection. Polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) was found to inhibit the splicing of introns containing a strong binding site for this factor. However, the inhibitory effect of PTB could be partially reversed if pre-mRNAs were preincubated with U2 auxiliary factor (U2AF) prior to splicing in PTB-supplemented extracts. For alpha-tropomyosin, regulation of splicing by PTB and U2AF primarily affected the joining of exons 1-3 with no dramatic increases in 1-2 splicing being detected. Preincubation of pre-mRNAs with SR proteins led to small increases in 1-2 splicing. However, if pre-mRNAs were preincubated with SR proteins followed by splicing in PTB-supplemented extracts, there was a nearly complete reversal of the normal 1-2 to 1-3 splicing ratios. Thus, multiple pairwise, and sometimes antagonizing, interactions between constitutive pre-mRNA splicing factors and the pre-mRNA can regulate 3' splice site selection.  相似文献   

We have identified a class of pre-mRNAs that are spliced in HeLa extracts depleted for U1 snRNP (delta U1 extracts). Previously, we described pre-mRNAs that can be spliced in delta U1 extracts only when high concentrations of SR splicing factors are added. In contrast, the substrates characterized here are efficiently processed in delta U1 extracts without the addition of excess SR proteins. The members of this class comprise both a naturally occurring pre-mRNA, from the Drosophila fushi tarazu gene, and a chimera containing sequences from two different pre-mRNAs that individually are dependent upon U1 snRNP or excess SR proteins. Several sequence elements account for the variations in dependence on U1 snRNP and SR proteins for splicing. In one pre-mRNA, a single element was identified adjacent to the branch site. In the other, two elements flanking the 5'' splice site were found to be critical. This U1-independent splicing reaction may provide a mechanism for cells to control the extent of processing of different classes of pre-mRNAs in response to altered activities of SR proteins, and furthermore suggests that U1 snRNP-independent splicing may not be uncommon.  相似文献   

We previously reported that exon skipping in vivo due to point mutations in the 5' splice site (5'ss) signal of an internal mammalian exon can be prevented by coexpression of U1 small nuclear RNAs, termed shift-U1s, with complementarity to sequence upstream or downstream of the mutated site. We now show by S1 nuclease protection experiments that a typical shift-U1 restores splicing of the upstream intron, but not necessarily of the down stream intron. This indicates that the normal 5'ss sequence acts as an enhancer for splicing of the upstream intron, that it owes this activity to base pairing with U1, and that the enhancer activity is reproduced by base pairing of U1 with other sequences in the area. Shift-U1s are dispensable when the 3'ss sequence of the upstream intron is improved, which suggests that base pairing of U1 with sequences at or near the downstream end of the exon normally functions by compensating for a weakness in the upstream 3'ss. Accordingly, U1 appears to be involved in communication across the exon, but our data indicate at the same time that extensive base pairing between U1 and the 5'ss sequence is not necessary for accurate splicing of the downstream intron. These findings are discussed in relation to the coordinate selection exon termini proposed by the exon definition model.  相似文献   

Base substitutions in U2/U6 helix I, a conserved base-pairing interaction between the U6 and U2 snRNAs, have previously been found to specifically block the second catalytic step of nuclear pre-mRNA splicing. To further assess the role of U2/U6 helix I in the second catalytic step, we have screened mutations in U2/U6 helix I to identify those that influence 3' splice site selection using a derivative of the yeast actin pre-mRNA. In these derivatives, the spacing between the branch site adenosine and 3' splice site has been reduced from 43 to 12 nt and this results in enhanced splicing of mutants in the conserved 3' terminal intron residue. In this context, mutation of the conserved 3' intron terminal G to a C also results in the partial activation of a nearby cryptic 3' splice site with U as the 3' terminal intron nucleotide. Using this highly sensitive mutant substrate, we have identified a mutation in the U6 snRNA (U57A) that significantly increases the selection of the cryptic 3' splice site over the normal 3' splice site and augments its utilization relative to that observed with the wild-type U2 or U6 snRNAs. In a previous study, we found that the same U6 mutation suppressed the effects of an A-to-G branch site mutation in an allele-specific fashion. The ability of U6-U57 mutants to influence the fidelity of both branch site and 3' splice site recognition suggests that this nucleotide may participate in the formation of the active site(s) of the spliceosome.  相似文献   

Splicing of Rous sarcoma virus RNA is regulated in part by a cis-acting intronic RNA element called the negative regulator of splicing (NRS). An NRS mutant affecting nt 916-923 disrupts U11 snRNP binding and reduces NRS activity (Gontarek et al., 1993, Genes & Dev 7:1926-1936). However, we observed that a U15' splice site-like sequence, which overlapped the U11 site, was also disrupted by this mutation. To determine whether the U1 or the U11 site was essential for NRS activity, we analyzed twelve additional mutants involving nt 915-926. All mutations that disrupted the potential base pairing between U1 snRNA and the NRS reduced NRS activity, including single point mutations at nt 915, 916, and 919. The point mutation at nt 919 was partially suppressed by a compensatory base change mutation in U1 snRNA. In contrast, a mutation which strengthened the potential base pairing between the U1 site and the NRS increased NRS activity. Surprisingly, mutations that specifically targeted the U115' splice site consensus sequence increased the levels of unspliced RNA, suggesting U11 binding plays an antagonistic role to NRS activity. We propose that U1 snRNP binding to the NRS inhibits splicing and is regulated by U11 snRNP binding to the overlapping sequence. Competition between U1 and U11 snRNPs would result in the appropriate balance of spliced to unspliced RNAs for optimal viral replication. Further, a virus mutated in the U1/U11 region of the NRS was found to have delayed replication.  相似文献   

Distal intraexon (iE) regulatory elements in 4.1R pre-mRNA govern 3' splice site choice at exon 2 (E2) via nested splicing events, ultimately modulating expression of N-terminal isoforms of cytoskeletal 4.1R protein. Here we explored intrasplicing in other normal and disease gene contexts and found conservation of intrasplicing through vertebrate evolution. In the paralogous 4.1B gene, we identified ~120 kb upstream of E2 an ultradistal intraexon, iE(B), that mediates intrasplicing by promoting two intricately coupled splicing events that ensure selection of a weak distal acceptor at E2 (E2dis) by prior excision of the competing proximal acceptor (E2prox). Mutating iE(B) in minigene splicing reporters abrogated intrasplicing, as did blocking endogenous iE(B) function with antisense morpholinos in live mouse and zebrafish animal models. In a human elliptocytosis patient with a mutant 4.1R gene lacking E2 through E4, we showed that aberrant splicing is consistent with iE(R)-mediated intrasplicing at the first available exons downstream of iE(R), namely, alternative E5 and constitutive E6. Finally, analysis of heterologous acceptor contexts revealed a strong preference for nested 3' splice events at consecutive pairs of AG dinucleotides. Distal regulatory elements may control intrasplicing at a subset of alternative 3' splice sites in vertebrate pre-mRNAs to generate proteins with functional diversity.  相似文献   

Spliceosome formation is initiated by the recognition of the 5′ splice site through formation of an RNA duplex between the 5′ splice site and U1 snRNA. We have previously shown that RNA duplex formation between U1 snRNA and the 5′ splice site can protect pre-mRNAs from degradation prior to splicing. This initial RNA duplex must be disrupted to expose the 5′ splice site sequence for base pairing with U6 snRNA and to form the active spliceosome. Here, we investigated whether hyperstabilization of the U1 snRNA/5′ splice site duplex interferes with splicing efficiency in human cell lines or nuclear extracts. Unlike observations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we demonstrate that an extended U1 snRNA/5′ splice site interaction does not decrease splicing efficiency, but rather increases 5′ splice site recognition and exon inclusion. However, low complementarity of the 5′ splice site to U1 snRNA significantly increases exon skipping and RNA degradation. Although the splicing mechanisms are conserved between human and S.cerevisiae, these results demonstrate that distinct differences exist in the activation of the spliceosome.  相似文献   

Effect of 5'' splice site mutations on splicing of the preceding intron.   总被引:27,自引:21,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
Three exon constructs containing identical intron and exon sequences were mutated at the 5' splice site beginning intron 2 and assayed for the effect of the mutation on splicing of the upstream intron in vitro. Alteration of two or six bases within the 5' splice site reduced removal of intron 1 at least 20-fold, as determined by quantitation of either spliced product or released lariat RNA. The prominent product was skip splicing of exon 1 to exon 3. Examination of complex formation indicated that mutation of the 5' splice site terminating exon 2 depressed the ability of precursor RNAs containing just the affected exon to direct assembly in vitro. These results suggest that mutation at the end of an internal exon inhibits the ability of the exon to be recognized by splicing factors. A comparison of the known vertebrate 5' splice site mutations in which the mutation resides at the end of an internal exon indicated that exon skipping is the preferred phenotype for this type of mutation, in agreement with the in vitro observation reported here. Inhibition of splicing by mutation at the distal and of the exon supports the suggestion that exons, rather than splice sites, are the recognition units for assembly of the spliceosome.  相似文献   

Despite the important role of alternative splicing in various aspects of biological processes, our ability to regulate this process at will remains a challenge. In this report, we asked whether a theophylline-responsive riboswitch could be adapted to manipulate alternative splicing. We constructed a pre-mRNA containing a single upstream 5' splice site and two 3' splice sites, of which the proximal 3' splice site is embedded in theophylline-responsive riboswitch. We show that this pre-mRNA spliced with preferential utilization of proximal 3' splice site in vitro. However, addition of theophylline to the splicing reaction promoted splicing at distal 3' splice site thereby changing the ratio of distal-to-proximal 3' splice site usage by more than twofold. Our data suggest that theophylline influenced 3' splice site choice without affecting the kinetics of the splicing reaction. We conclude that an in vitro selected riboswitch can be adapted to control alternative splicing, which may find many applications in basic, biotechnological, and biomedical research.  相似文献   

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