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Opsins are the universal photoreceptor molecules of all visual systems in the animal kingdom. They can change their conformation from a resting state to a signalling state upon light absorption, which activates the G protein, thereby resulting in a signalling cascade that produces physiological responses. This process of capturing a photon and transforming it into a physiological response is known as phototransduction. Recent cloning techniques have revealed the rich and diverse nature of these molecules, found in organisms ranging from jellyfish to humans, functioning in visual and non-visual phototransduction systems and photoisomerases. Here we describe the diversity of these proteins and their role in phototransduction. Then we explore the molecular properties of opsins, by analysing site-directed mutants, strategically designed by phylogenetic comparison. This site-directed mutant approach led us to identify many key features in the evolution of the photoreceptor molecules. In particular, we will discuss the evolution of the counterion, the reduction of agonist binding to the receptor, and the molecular properties that characterize rod opsins apart from cone opsins. We will show how the advances in molecular biology and biophysics have given us insights into how evolution works at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Low rates of sequence evolution associated with purifying selection can be interrupted by episodic changes in selective regimes. Visual pigments are a unique system in which we can investigate the functional consequences of genetic changes, therefore connecting genotype to phenotype in the context of natural and sexual selection pressures. We study the RH2 and RH1 visual pigments (opsins) across 22 bird species belonging to two ecologically convergent clades, the New World warblers (Parulidae) and Old World warblers (Phylloscopidae) and evaluate rates of evolution in these clades along with data from 21 additional species. We demonstrate generally slow evolution of these opsins: both Rh1 and Rh2 are highly conserved across Old World and New World warblers. However, Rh2 underwent a burst of evolution within the New World genus Setophaga, where it accumulated substitutions at 6 amino acid sites across the species we studied. Evolutionary analyses revealed a significant increase in dN/dS in Setophaga, implying relatively strong selective pressures to overcome long‐standing purifying selection. We studied the effects of each substitution on spectral tuning and found they do not cause large spectral shifts. Thus, substitutions may reflect other aspects of opsin function, such as those affecting photosensitivity and/or dark–light adaptation. Although it is unclear what these alterations mean for colour perception, we suggest that rapid evolution is linked to sexual selection, given the exceptional plumage colour diversification in Setophaga.  相似文献   

Investigations of opsin evolution outside of vertebrate systems have long been focused on insect visual pigments, whereas other groups have received little attention. Furthermore, few studies have explicitly investigated the selective influences across all the currently characterized arthropod opsins. In this study, we contribute to the knowledge of crustacean opsins by sequencing 1 opsin gene each from 6 previously uncharacterized crustacean species (Euphausia superba, Homarus gammarus, Archaeomysis grebnitzkii, Holmesimysis costata, Mysis diluviana, and Neomysis americana). Visual pigment spectral absorbances were measured using microspectrophotometry for species not previously characterized (A. grebnitzkii=496 nm, H. costata=512 nm, M. diluviana=501 nm, and N. americana=520 nm). These novel crustacean opsin sequences were included in a phylogenetic analysis with previously characterized arthropod opsin sequences to determine the evolutionary placement relative to the well-established insect spectral clades (long-/middle-/short-wavelength sensitive). Phylogenetic analyses indicate these novel crustacean opsins form a monophyletic clade with previously characterized crayfish opsin sequences and form a sister group to insect middle-/long-wavelength-sensitive opsins. The reconstructed opsin phylogeny and the corresponding spectral data for each sequence were used to investigate selective influences within arthropod, and mainly "pancrustacean," opsin evolution using standard dN/dS ratio methods and more sensitive techniques investigating the amino acid property changes resulting from nonsynonymous replacements in a historical (i.e., phylogenetic) context. Although the conservative dN/dS methods did not detect any selection, 4 amino acid properties (coil tendencies, compressibility, power to be at the middle of an alpha-helix, and refractive index) were found to be influenced by destabilizing positive selection. Ten amino acid sites relating to these properties were found to face the binding pocket, within 4 A of the chromophore and thus have the potential to affect spectral tuning.  相似文献   

Arthurdendyus triangulatus is an invasive terrestrial flatworm that preys on earthworms. To assess A. triangulatus egg capsule production, flatworms were maintained in ventilated polypropylene tubs (7.5 L) kept in controlled environment (CE) chambers or outdoors in the ground. Controlled environment chambers were maintained at 8°C or 14°C, flatworms kept singly or paired within tubs and offered Eisenia fetida according to a weight equalling one‐eighth or one‐half of the mean flatworm weight, or left unfed. The tubs were a successful method for keeping flatworms, with some surviving for over one year. The greatest number of egg capsules produced by an individual A. triangulatus was nine over a 16 week period for a flatworm kept at 14°C and fed at the one‐half regime (0.56 egg capsules flatworm‐1 week‐1). Although the effects of treatments varied with CE chambers, there was some evidence from flatworms kept outdoors, that feeding affected egg capsule output, with those flatworms fed at the one‐half regime tending to produce more egg capsules (P= 0.057). Flatworms at the one‐eighth regime or that were unfed produced progressively lighter egg capsules and substantially declined in weight themselves. Nevertheless, even unfed flatworms continued to produce egg capsules for 18 weeks. The lightest egg capsule weighed 8 mg, whilst the heaviest was 180 mg. In the CE chambers at 14°C, there was evidence for two different reproductive/survival strategies. Some flatworms produced cumulatively more egg capsules the longer they survived, whereas others lived longer but produced fewer egg capsules. Flatworms kept without a partner still produced egg capsules up to 35 weeks later. Egg capsules contained a mean of 4.14 (CE chambers) or 4.62 (outdoors) juveniles, with a maximum of 11. Overall, juveniles were 45% of the weight of egg capsules, although larger egg capsules had more juveniles, which comprised a greater proportion of the egg capsule. The conversion of earthworm prey to egg capsule production was estimated at 13%.  相似文献   

Retinal opsin photopigments initiate mammalian vision when stimulated by light. Most mammals possess a short wavelength-sensitive opsin 1 (SWS1) pigment that is primarily sensitive to either ultraviolet or violet light, leading to variation in colour perception across species. Despite knowledge of both ultraviolet- and violet-sensitive SWS1 classes in mammals for 25 years, the adaptive significance of this variation has not been subjected to hypothesis testing, resulting in minimal understanding of the basis for mammalian SWS1 spectral tuning evolution. Here, we gathered data on SWS1 for 403 mammal species, including novel SWS1 sequences for 97 species. Ancestral sequence reconstructions suggest that the most recent common ancestor of Theria possessed an ultraviolet SWS1 pigment, and that violet-sensitive pigments evolved at least 12 times in mammalian history. We also observed that ultraviolet pigments, previously considered to be a rarity, are common in mammals. We then used phylogenetic comparative methods to test the hypotheses that the evolution of violet-sensitive SWS1 is associated with increased light exposure, extended longevity and longer eye length. We discovered that diurnal mammals and species with longer eyes are more likely to have violet-sensitive pigments and less likely to possess UV-sensitive pigments. We hypothesize that (i) as mammals evolved larger body sizes, they evolved longer eyes, which limited transmittance of ultraviolet light to the retina due to an increase in Rayleigh scattering, and (ii) as mammals began to invade diurnal temporal niches, they evolved lenses with low UV transmittance to reduce chromatic aberration and/or photo-oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Among terrestrial animals, only vertebrates and arthropods possess wavelength-discrimination ability, so-called “color vision”. For color vision to exist, multiple opsins which encode visual pigments sensitive to different wavelengths of light are required. While the molecular evolution of opsins in vertebrates has been well investigated, that in arthropods remains to be elucidated. This is mainly due to poor information about the opsin genes of non-insect arthropods. To obtain an overview of the evolution of color vision in Arthropoda, we isolated three kinds of opsins, Rh1, Rh2, and Rh3, from two jumping spider species, Hasarius adansoni and Plexippus paykulli. These spiders belong to Chelicerata, one of the most distant groups from Hexapoda (insects), and have color vision as do insects. Phylogenetic analyses of jumping spider opsins revealed a birth and death process of color vision evolution in the arthropod lineage. Phylogenetic positions of jumping spider opsins revealed that at least three opsins had already existed before the Chelicerata-Pancrustacea split. In addition, sequence comparison between jumping spider Rh3 and the shorter wavelength-sensitive opsins of insects predicted that an opsin of the ancestral arthropod had the lysine residue responsible for UV sensitivity. These results strongly suggest that the ancestral arthropod had at least trichromatic vision with a UV pigment and two visible pigments. Thereafter, in each pancrustacean and chelicerate lineage, the opsin repertoire was reconstructed by gene losses, gene duplications, and function-altering amino acid substitutions, leading to evolution of color vision. Mitsumasa Koyanagi and Takashi Nagata contributed equally to this work. Sequence data from this article have been deposited with the DDBJ under accession nos. AB251846–AB251851.  相似文献   

Theories of sexual and natural selection predict coevolution of visual perception with conspecific colour and/or the light environment animals occupy. One way to test these theories is to focus on the visual system, which can be achieved by studying the opsin-based visual pigments that mediate vision. Birds vary greatly in colour, but opsin gene coding sequences and associated visual pigment spectral sensitivities are known to be rather invariant across birds. Here, I studied expression of the four cone opsin genes (Lws, Rh2, Sws2 and Sws1) in 16 species of New World warblers (Parulidae). I found levels of opsin expression vary both across species and between the sexes. Across species, female, but not male Sws2 expression is associated with an index of sexual selection, plumage dichromatism. This fits predictions of classic sexual selection models, in which the sensory system changes in females, presumably impacting female preference, and co-evolves with male plumage. Expression of the opsins at the extremes of the light spectrum, Lws and Uvs, correlates with the inferred light environment occupied by the different species. Unlike opsin spectral tuning, regulation of opsin gene expression allows for fast adaptive evolution of the visual system in response to natural and sexual selection, and in particular, sex-specific selection pressures.  相似文献   

Light environments critically impact species that rely on vision to survive and reproduce. Animal visual systems must accommodate changes in light that occur from minutes to years, yet the mechanistic basis of their response to spectral (color) changes is largely unknown. Here, we used a laboratory experiment where replicate guppy populations were kept under three different light environments for up to 8–12 generations to explore possible differences in the expression levels of nine guppy opsin genes. Previous evidence for opsin expression‐light environment “tuning” has been either correlative or focused exclusively on the relationship between the light environment and opsin expression over one or two generations. In our multigeneration experiment, the relative expression levels of nine different guppy opsin genes responded differently to light environment changes: some did not respond, while others differed due to phenotypic plasticity. Moreover, for the LWS‐1 opsin we found that, while we observed a wide range of plastic responses under different light conditions, common plastic responses (where the population replicates all followed the same trajectory) occurred only after multigenerational exposure to different light environments. Taken together this suggests that opsin expression plasticity plays an important role in light environment “tuning” in different light environments on different time scales, and, in turn, has important implications for both visual system function and evolution.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of bat color vision genes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The two suborders of bats, Megachiroptera (megabats) and Microchiroptera(microbats), use different sensory modalities for perceivingtheir environment. Megabats are crepuscular and rely on a well-developedeyes and visual pathway, whereas microbats occupy a nocturnalniche and use acoustic orientation or echolocation more thanvision as the major means of perceiving their environment. Inview of the differences associated with their sensory systems,we decided to investigate the function and evolution of colorvision (opsin genes) in these two suborders of bats. The middle/longwavelength (M/L) and short wavelength (S) opsin genes were sequencedfrom two frugivorous species of megabats, Haplonycteris fischeriand Pteropus dasymallus formosus, and one insectivorous speciesof microbat, Myotis velifer. Contrary to the situation in primates,where many nocturnal species have lost the functional S opsingene, both crepuscular and strictly nocturnal species of batsthat we examined have functional M/L and S opsin genes. Surprisingly,the S opsin in these bats may be sensitive to UV light, whichis relatively more abundant at dawn and at dusk. The M/L opsinin these bats appears to be the L type, which is sensitive tored and may be helpful for identifying fruits among leaves orfor other purposes. Most interestingly, H. fischeri has a recentduplication of the M/L opsin gene, representing to date theonly known case of opsin gene duplication in non-primate mammals.Some of these observations are unexpected and may provide insightsinto the effect of nocturnal life on the evolution of opsingenes in mammals and the evolution of the life history traitsof bats in general.  相似文献   

Vision represents an excellent model for studying adaptation, given the genotype‐to‐phenotype map that has been characterized in a number of taxa. Fish possess a diverse range of visual sensitivities and adaptations to underwater light, making them an excellent group to study visual system evolution. In particular, some speciose but understudied lineages can provide a unique opportunity to better understand aspects of visual system evolution such as opsin gene duplication and neofunctionalization. In this study, we showcase the visual system evolution of neotropical Characiformes and the spectral tuning mechanisms they exhibit to modulate their visual sensitivities. Such mechanisms include gene duplications and losses, gene conversion, opsin amino acid sequence and expression variation, and A1/A2‐chromophore shifts. The Characiforms we studied utilize three cone opsin classes (SWS2, RH2, LWS) and a rod opsin (RH1). However, the characiform's entire opsin gene repertoire is a product of dynamic evolution by opsin gene loss (SWS1, RH2) and duplication (LWS, RH1). The LWS‐ and RH1‐duplicates originated from a teleost specific whole‐genome duplication as well as characiform‐specific duplication events. Both LWS‐opsins exhibit gene conversion and, through substitutions in key tuning sites, one of the LWS‐paralogues has acquired spectral sensitivity to green light. These sequence changes suggest reversion and parallel evolution of key tuning sites. Furthermore, characiforms' colour vision is based on the expression of both LWS‐paralogues and SWS2. Finally, we found interspecific and intraspecific variation in A1/A2‐chromophores proportions, correlating with the light environment. These multiple mechanisms may be a result of the diverse visual environments where Characiformes have evolved.  相似文献   

Animals vary in their sensitivities to different wavelengths of light. Sensitivity differences can have fitness implications in terms of animals' ability to forage, find mates, and avoid predators. As a result, visual systems are likely selected to operate in particular lighting environments and for specific visual tasks. This review focuses on cichlid vision, as cichlids have diverse visual sensitivities, and considerable progress has been made in determining the genetic basis for this variation. We describe both the proximate and ultimate mechanisms shaping cichlid visual diversity using the structure of Tinbergen's four questions. We describe (1) the molecular mechanisms that tune visual sensitivities including changes in opsin sequence and expression; (2) the evolutionary history of visual sensitivity across the African cichlid flocks; (3) the ontological changes in visual sensitivity and how modifying this developmental program alters sensitivities among species; and (4) the fitness benefits of spectral tuning mechanisms with respect to survival and mating success. We further discuss progress to unravel the gene regulatory networks controlling opsin expression and suggest that a simple genetic architecture contributes to the lability of opsin gene expression. Finally, we identify unanswered questions including whether visual sensitivities are experiencing selection, and whether similar spectral tuning mechanisms shape visual sensitivities of other fishes. genesis 54:299–325, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Most New World monkey species have both dichromatic and trichromatic individuals present in the same population. The selective forces acting to maintain the variation are hotly debated and are relevant to the evolution of the ‘routine’ trichromatic colour vision found in catarrhine primates. While trichromats have a foraging advantage for red food compared with dichromats, visual tasks which dichromats perform better have received less attention. Here we examine the effects of light intensity on foraging success among marmosets. We find that dichromats outperform trichomats when foraging in shade, but not in sun. The simplest explanation is that dichromats pay more attention to achromatic cues than trichromats. However, dichromats did not show a preference for foraging in shade compared with trichromats. Our results reveal several interesting parallels with a recent study in capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus), and suggest that dichromat advantage for certain tasks contributes to maintenance of the colour vision polymorphism.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity allows organisms to adapt quickly to local environmental conditions and could facilitate adaptive radiations. Cichlids have recently undergone an adaptive radiation in Lake Malawi where they inhabit diverse light environments and tune their visual sensitivity through differences in cone opsin expression. While cichlid opsin expression is known to be plastic over development, whether adults remain plastic is unknown. Adult plasticity in visual tuning could play a role in cichlid radiations by enabling survival in changing environments and facilitating invasion into novel environments. Here we examine the existence of and temporal changes in adult visual plasticity of two closely related species. In complementary experiments, wild adult Metriaclima mbenji from Lake Malawi were moved to the lab under UV‐deficient fluorescent lighting; while lab raised M. benetos were placed under UV‐rich lighting designed to mimic light conditions in the wild. Surprisingly, adult cichlids in both experiments showed significant changes in the expression of the UV‐sensitive single cone opsin, SWS1, in only 3 days. Modeling quantum catches in the light environments revealed a possible link between the light available to the SWS1 visual pigment and SWS1 expression. We conclude that adult cichlids can undergo rapid and significant changes in opsin expression in response to environmental light shifts that are relevant to their habitat and evolutionary history in Lake Malawi. This could have contributed to the rapid divergence characteristic of these fantastic fishes.  相似文献   

Sensory systems play crucial roles in survival and reproduction. Therefore, sensory plasticity has important evolutionary implications. In this study, we examined retinal plasticity in five species of cichlid fish from Lake Malawi. We compared the cone opsin expression profiles of wild‐caught fish to lab‐reared F1 that had been raised in a UV minus, reduced intensity light environment. All of the opsin genes that were expressed in wild‐caught fish were also expressed in lab‐reared individuals. However, we found statistically significant differences in relative opsin expression among all five species. The most consistent difference was in the SWS2B (violet) opsin, which was always expressed at higher levels in lab‐reared individuals. Estimates of visual pigment quantum catch suggest that this change in expression would increase retinal sensitivity in the light environment of the lab. We also found that the magnitude of plasticity varied across species. These findings have important implications for understanding the genetic regulation of opsin expression and raise many interesting questions about how the cichlid visual system develops. They also suggest that sensory plasticity may have facilitated the ecological diversification of cichlids in Lake Malawi.  相似文献   

An advantage for trichromatic color vision in primates is shown by its presence in many lineages, but little attention has been paid to the potential disadvantages of trichromacy. Most New World monkey species are polymorphic for color vision, with both dichromats and trichromats present within a single population. We tested the foraging ability of trichromatic and dichromatic Geoffroy's marmosets (Callithrix geoffroyi) for colored cereal balls (Kix®) under conditions of red-green color camouflage (orange/green Kix® against an orange/green background) or lack of camouflage (Kix® same color as background) in a naturalized captive setting. In separate experiments designed to test foraging ability at long distances (<6 m) and short distances (<0.5 m), trichromats found significantly fewer Kix® under the camouflage condition than in the non-camouflage condition. In contrast, there is no difference in the ability of dichromats to detect color-camouflaged versus non-camouflaged Kix®. There is no significant difference between dichromats and trichromats for either camouflaged or non-camouflaged Kix®, though the power in the tests is low because of high individual variation. The results have clear implications for the foraging strategies of trichromatic marmosets. Differences in intensity of competition between trichromats and dichromats for items of food of different colors in relation to background may also have consequences for the foraging behavior of dichromats.  相似文献   

The light-sensitive capacity of fish larvae is determined by the structure of the retina and the opsins expressed in the retinal and nonretinal photoreceptors. In this study, the retinal structure and expression of opsin genes during the early developmental stage of Takifugu rubripes larvae were investigated. Histological examination showed that at 1 days after hatching (dah), seven layers were observed in the retina of T. rubripes larva, including the pigment epithelial layer [retinal pigment epithelium layer (RPE)], photoreceptor layer (PRos/is), outer nuclear layer (ONL), outer plexiform layer (OPL), inner nuclear layer (INL), inner plexiform layer (IPL) and ganglion cell layer (GCL). At 2 dah, optic fibre layer (OFL) can be observed, and all eight layers were visible in the retina. By measuring the thickness of each layer, opposing developmental trends were found in the thickness of ONL, OPL, INL, IPL, GCL and OFL. The nuclear density of ONL, INL and GCL and the ratios of ONL/INL, ONL/GCL and INL/GCL were also measured and the ratio of ONL/GCL ranged from 1.9 at 2 dah to 3.4 at 8 dah and no significant difference was observed between the different developmental stages (P > 0.05). No significant difference was observed for the INL/GCL ratio between the different developmental stages, which ranged from 1.2 at 2 dah to 2.0 at 18 dah (P > 0.05). The results of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) showed that the expression of RH1, LWS, RH2-1, RH2-2, SWS2, rod opsin, opsin3 and opsin5 could be detected from 1 dah. These results suggest that the well-developed retina and early expression of the opsins of T. rubripes during the period of transition from endogenous to mixed feeding might be critical for vision-based survival skills during the early life stages after hatching.  相似文献   

作为昆虫种群的重要组成部分,夜行性昆虫成功进化出了与其生存环境相适应的感觉机制,普遍认为夜行性昆虫主要依靠嗅觉和机械性感受等来探索环境,其视觉器官发生了退化或功能丧失.近年来,随着红外夜视、视网膜电位(electroretinogram,ERG)和视觉神经等生物新技术的应用,昆虫视觉生态学研究出现了突破性进展,自200...  相似文献   

Colour vision allows animals to reliably distinguish differences in the distributions of spectral energies reaching the eye. Although not universal, a capacity for colour vision is sufficiently widespread across the animal kingdom to provide prima facie evidence of its importance as a tool for analysing and interpreting the visual environment. The basic biological mechanisms on which vertebrate colour vision ultimately rests, the cone opsin genes and the photopigments they specify, are highly conserved. Within that constraint, however, the utilization of these basic elements varies in striking ways in that they appear, disappear and emerge in altered form during the course of evolution. These changes, along with other alterations in the visual system, have led to profound variations in the nature and salience of colour vision among the vertebrates. This article concerns the evolution of colour vision among the mammals, viewing that process in the context of relevant biological mechanisms, of variations in mammalian colour vision, and of the utility of colour vision.  相似文献   

Mecoptera and Siphonaptera represent two insect orders that have largely been overlooked in the study of insect vision. Recent phylogenetic evidence demonstrates that Mecoptera (scorpionflies) is paraphyletic, with the order Siphonaptera (fleas) nesting as sister to the family Boreidae (snow fleas), showing an evolutionary trend towards reduction in gross eye morphology within fleas. We provide the first molecular characterization of long-wavelength opsins from these three lineages (opsin gene from fleas [FL-Opsin], the Boreidae [B-Opsin], and a mecopteran family [M-Opsin]) and assess the effects of loss of visual acuity on the structure and function of the opsin gene. Phylogenetic analysis implies a physiological sensitivity in the red-green spectrum for these opsins. Analysis of intron splice sites reveals a high degree of similarity between FL-Opsin and B-Opsin as well as conserved splice sites across insect blue-green and long-wavelength opsins. Calculated rates of evolution and tests for destabilizing selection indicate that FL-Opsin, B-Opsin, and M-Opsin are evolving at similar rates with no radical selective pressures, implying conservative evolution and functional constraint across all three lineages.  相似文献   

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