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Mass changes in female southern elephant seals, sampled sequentially at different points through their annual cycle, were measured at King George Island, South Shetland Islands, during the 1995/1996 and 1996/1997 field seasons. Females weighed after they had given birth showed an increase of 37 ± 36 kg (mean ± SD), which represented 6.2 ± 6.4% in relation to their mass in the first breeding season. During the first aquatic phase, between the end of lactation and the beginning of moult, females gained a mean of 128 ± 35 kg, (n = 18) (2.19 ± 0.65 kg day−1), which represented between 27 and 83% of the mass they had lost during lactation. Nine females followed during moulting showed a mass loss rate of 5.0 ± 0.4 kg day−1, which was half the rate during lactation. Total mass loss during moulting (129 ± 22 kg) was not significantly different from mass gain for the same females between lactation and moult (135 ± 37 kg). Furthermore, at the end of moulting, female mass was not significantly different from the mass at the end of lactation. These masses represented 65 ± 5% and 64 ± 5%, respectively, of their initial mass after parturition. During the second period at sea, from the end of the moult until females hauled out to give birth in the following breeding season, the estimated mass gain was 1.45 ± 0.24 kg day−1 (n = 5), which was not significantly different to the rate of mass gain shown by the same females during the first period at sea (2.26 ± 0.70 kg day−1). Total mass gain during the second aquatic phase (364 ± 63 kg) was not correlated with the mass at the end of moulting, but it was positively related to the mass loss experienced by females from parturition until the end of the moulting period in the first breeding season. Accepted: 5 September 1998  相似文献   

Summary The species composition of the ichthyofauna of Admiralty Bay, King George Island was determined from results of sampling using bottom trawls, gill-nets and long-lines. Thirty-five species from 24 genera and 10 families (Table 1) were found. The number of species increased with depth (e.g. 7 species at 100 m, 14 species at 255 m and 21 species at 540 m), a tendency characteristic of Antarctic waters. In the bay, the catch rate obtained with a bottom trawl (greater than 30 kg/h) was roughly ten times lower than the catch rate using the same gear on the shelf around the Island. Notothenia gibberifrons was the dominant species in all trawls. The majority of these fish (about 95%) were immature juveniles (Table 4). Younger fish were found to inhabit shallower waters (Fig. 1). The majority of the fish of species Notothenia coriiceps neglecta, Notothenia rossii marmorata, Notothenia nudifrons, Trematomus newnesi and Trematomus bernacchii preferred waters about 255 m deep. Fourteen specimens of a previously undescribed species of the genus Psilodraco (currently being described by H. DeWitt) were caught in the bay within the 146 to 540 m depth range. The rare zoarcid, Lycenchelys aratrirostris, was also caught in Admirality Bay; previously this species had only been reported from the Elephant Island region. In the case of Trematomus newnesi, the occurrence of scales in the interorbital space was noted (Fig. 2), an observation which verifies this feature as a distinct taxonomical criterion for this species.  相似文献   

Breeding chronology, harem structure and changes in male harem dominance were studied at Stranger Point, Isla 25 de Mayo/King George Island, principally by extensive field census work during the 2003 breeding season. Males were individually identified and their size estimated by using a photogrammetric method. Peak female haul out for the population occurred on 31 October, when a total of 276 females were observed along 7 km of coastline, distributed in ten harems with a median size of 16 females. Overall sex ratio and harem sex ratio for the breeding population were 1:6.7 and 1:10.6, respectively. A total of 33 males were identified associated with harems. Male size conferred an advantage in terms of dominance hierarchy, since dominant males (4.91±0.15 m) were significantly longer than subordinate males (4.63±0.19 m). Harems were dominated by an average of 4.5 (range 2–7) different males during the breeding season. Elephant seals at Stranger Point breed in very low density aggregations. The main breeding events in this population occurred later than at other breeding sites, which agrees with previous observations in the area. Male movement among harems suggests that differences in mating success among males could be achieved through their different behaviours.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative benthic samples were collected along three transects in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetlands. At each of a total of 18 stations, between 15 and 250 m depth, we took 3 replicate samples with a van Veen grab. Animals collected were classed into major groups. Abundance and biomass per m2 was calculated for each sampling site. Considerable population densities and high biomass values were found. Most abundant groups were Bivalvia, Polychaeta and Amphipoda, whereas the largest part of the biomass was due to Ascidiacea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea, Polychaeta and Bivalvia. The maximum abundance recorded was 36,000 ind m-2 while the average was approximately 6500 ind m-2. Maximum biomass was over 2400 g m-2 with an average of ca. 700 g m-2. The contribution to the total biomass by groups such as the Oligochaeta, Cumacea and Tanaidacea was higher in the inner shallow part of Admiralty Bay (Ezcurra Inlet) than in the deeper areas of the bay. Our results confirm the reports on an unusually high density and biomass of the Antarctic sublittoral benthic fauna. Sessile suspension feeders belonging to the Bivalvia, Ascidiacea, sedentary Polychaeta, and vagile scavengers of the Ophiuroidea, Amphipoda and errant Polychaeta are the most significant groups in the Antarctic Ecosystem. The total benthic biomass in Admiralty Bay, based on the present preliminary quantitative data, was estimated to be over 600,000 t. This value is probably still an underestimate.  相似文献   

Pre- and early post-weaning pup mortality of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) at Marion Island from 1990 through 1999 ranged from 1.6% to 7.3% and averaged 3.8%. Mortality of pups after weaning before their first trip to sea accounted for only 12% of the total mortality. We found no relationship between population size and percentage pup mortality, indicating that pup survival is independent of seal density, at least at the densities of breeding seals that prevailed. Indeed, pup mortality was greatest in the smallest harems, apparently owing to a greater number of younger, less experienced mothers. Small harems were generally also found on less suitable beaches than larger harems and this could have contributed to pup injury as a cause of pup mortality on these beaches. Mother-pup separation and injury caused by beachmasters is likely to be responsible for pup mortality in the larger harems. The low rates of pup mortality observed in this study obviate it being a major population regulating agent at Marion Island.  相似文献   

Elephant seals are known from long-term behavioral studies tobe highly polygynous and to show high variance in reproductivesuccess among males. However, genetic studies have determinedthat the level of polygyny varies between the closely relatednorthern and southern elephant seals. In the present study,we investigate paternal success at the Sea Lion Island southernelephant seal colony in the Falkland Islands by using both behavioralmeasures and genetic markers. We find that the average successof harem holding males at Sea Lion Island is significantly higherthan both the northern species and the nearby southern elephantseal population at Punta Delgada. We compare genetic paternitywith various behavioral indices of male mating success, andwe find that the behavioral measures provide a good estimateof the variance in male reproductive success. Only 28.2% ofmales achieved paternities, and among these, harem holders accountedfor 89.6%. We discuss the implications of our results in thecontext of the demographic and physical environment. Specifically,a comparatively high variance in resource holding potentialamong males, differences in male social behavior, and a smalltidal cycle limiting peripheral male access during female departurefrom the harem at this colony may be important factors leadingto the comparatively high variance in male reproductive successat Sea Lion Island.  相似文献   

G. A. Daneri 《Polar Biology》1996,16(5):353-355
 In February 1992, 34 faecal samples from non-breeding male Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazella, were collected at Stranger Point, King George Island, South Shetlands. Fish constituted an important part of the diet, occurring in 90% of those scats containing prey remains. From 1162 otoliths found in the faeces, 1086 were identified to at least family level. Myctophids and nototheniids represented together almost 90% of the fish eaten. The dominant species were Gymnoscopelus nicholsi, Pleuragramma antarcticum and Electrona antarctica, contributing 33.3%, 30.8% and 12.0% of the otoliths respectively. The standard length of these three species was estimated from otoliths with little or no signs of erosion. This study showed that fur seals fed mainly on pelagic fish species that are often associated with krill. These findings are corroborated by fur seal diving patterns. Received: 7 October 1994/Accepted: 5 October 1995  相似文献   

The intertidal benthic fauna of the Antarctic coastal areas is largely unknown and has long been thought to be absent or, at most, to be scarce. Since climate changes cause a progressive expansion of ice-free intertidal soft-bottom areas, the fauna of these areas could serve as essential criterion to evaluate the kind and dimension of such changes. We therefore investigated the faunal composition of the intertidal soft-bottom area of Maxwell Bay (King George Island, South Shetlands) in December 2006. Samples for quantitative analyses were taken from the soft-bottom during low tide using a plastic corer. We performed detailed analyses of the soft-bottom beneath a cobble layer, while hard-bottom and macrophytes were only sporadically investigated. Approximately 5,000 specimens were collected of which polychaetes (37.3 ± 7.6 (max. 44.7) ind. × 100 cm?³) and harpacticoids (28.9 ± 28.5 (max. 104.0) ind. × 10 cm?³) were the most abundant macro- and meiofauna taxa of the soft-bottom, followed by oligochaetes, nematodes, mollusks, and amphipods. A total of 58 macrofauna species were registered, of which 27 were identified only to a supraspecific level. The most species-rich macrofauna taxon was polychaetes with at least 24 species, followed by amphipods, gastropods, and oligochaetes with 6 species each. The harpacticoid copepods were represented by 15 families with more than 30 species. In summary, we show that the Antarctic intertidal soft-bottom is densely populated by macro- and meiofauna and that it deserves closer attention in the future to determine whether it can indeed serve as an indicator of the effect of climate changes on the Antarctic coastal areas.  相似文献   

We present data on chick growth and chick feeding in Wilson's storm-petrel (Oceanites oceanicus) in a colony on King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Chicks were repeatedly weighed and the weight differences over 24 h were corrected for metabolic loss in order to obtain an estimation of meal sizes. Chicks were fed on 93% of the nights (n=688 nights). The average meal size for a single feeding was 8.5 g. Chicks received on average 1.2 feedings per night. These results are compared with data for this species from other locations. There was a trend for increased meal sizes from northern to southern populations, parallel to an increase in the adult mass, indicating that Wilson's storm-petrels carry optimal meal sizes according to their body size and may take advantage of increased food abundance by increasing feeding frequencies. We describe chick growth and discuss the influence of egg size, hatching date and feeding frequency on chick growth. The egg size had a positive influence on tarsus growth and body mass of chicks. Later-hatched chicks started wing growth and finished mass growth at a younger age and reached lower peak masses, indicating that late chicks may adapt to the restricted breeding season in their Antarctic breeding grounds by a more rapid development, but will fledge with a lower degree of development and less resources. Accepted: 22 May 2000  相似文献   

An investigation of ponds, puddles and slow-flowing waters situated in the area of the Polish Antarctic Station distinguished two groups of diatom communities. The first group characterized waters poor in nutrients and brackish. The number of taxa, abundance of species and diatom biomass index were all low. Nitzschia homburgiensis, Achnanthes laevis var. quadratarea and A. delicatula prevailed. The second group characterized water richer in nutrients and brackish. The number of species was also low, but the diatom biomass index was higher. Nitzschia gracilis, Navicula gregaria and Navicula wiesneri formed large populations. Received: 17 May 1996 / Accepted: 20 September 1997  相似文献   

Southern elephant seals were counted and classified into subjective sex-age classes on a weekly basis during expeditions to Bouvet Island in the austral summers of 1996/1997 and 1998/1999. The expeditions coincided with the moulting period of elephant seals aged one?year and older. The presence of weaned pups at the principal haulout site, Nyrøysa/Westwindstranda, during the latter expedition, indicates that breeding took place here during 1998. Elephant seal counts from previous expeditions are summarised.  相似文献   

The diet of breeding and non-breeding Wilson's storm-petrels (Oceanites oceanicus) was analysed over four breeding seasons on King George Island, South Shetland Islands, in order to test if there are changes in diet composition within and between seasons. Krill was the most important food item, followed by myctophid fish and amphipods. Breeding birds showed a clear seasonal pattern of diet, with krill decreasing and alternative prey increasing from the incubation to the chick-rearing period. Non-breeders were not found to change their diet composition. The data suggest that Wilson's storm-petrels selectively choose alternative prey to krill in order to meet the nutrient demands of their chicks. In years of low food availability, Wilson's storm-petrels may have a limited option of prey choice.  相似文献   

We quantified immunoglobulins (Ig) in mammary secretions of 12 female southern elephant seals ( Mirounga leonina) at King George Island, Antarctica, using single radial immunodiffusion on agarose plates. Seals were chemically immobilized for milk sample collection at four time points during the 3- to 4-week suckling period. All three major mammalian immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA) were detected in southern-elephant seal milk. Total immunoglobulin levels and the ratio of Ig subclasses varied throughout the suckling period. Total immunoglobulin levels were highest on the 1st day of lactation, when they represented over 57% of the mean total protein concentration of the milk, and declined steadily throughout lactation, representing approximately 40% of the mean total protein concentration at the end of the suckling period. IgG was the most abundant immunoglobulin class (85.93-93.78% of total milk immunoglobulins), followed by IgM (6.06-13.93%), and IgA (0.14-0.23%). There was no significant difference in IgA levels throughout the suckling period. IgG levels were significantly lower during the second stage (3-6 days post-parturition) than during the first, third or fourth stages (1, 13-15, and 19-25 days post-parturition, respectively). IgM levels were highest during the first stage of lactation; these values were significantly higher than levels measured during the second, third and fourth stages of lactation. Transfer of passive immunity from female to offspring in other mammalian species is correlated with the subclass of immunoglobulin secreted in the milk; species acquiring passive immunity in utero, via the placenta, secrete a preponderance of IgA, whereas species acquiring immunity post-partum, via lacteal secretions and gut resorption, secrete a preponderance of IgG. The Ig patterns and concentrations observed in our study of southern elephant seals are consistent with an important role of post-partum transmission of passive immunity during the pinniped lactation period.  相似文献   

Between November and February in the years 1993/1994 to 1999/2000, 153 southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, were stomach lavaged at King George Island. Fish occurred in 16 of 108 stomachs containing food items. Myctophids were the dominant fish prey, contributing 76.6% of the 145 sagittal otoliths found. The most important prey species was Gymnoscopelus nicholsi, which constituted 69% of the otoliths and occurred in 75% of stomach samples. Next in importance was the nototheniid Pleuragramma antarcticum, which occurred in 31.3% of samples and represented 11.7% in numbers. We suggest that while myctophids may be the dominant fish prey of elephant seals in areas close to King George Island, they are probably replaced by P. antarcticum as seals migrate towards higher latitudes where this fish is extremely abundant.  相似文献   

The vegetation in Southern Peninsula (including Ardley Island) was classified according to the composition of species (especially dominant species), physiognomy and structure, and ecology factor, into tundra, meadow, marsh and aquatic vegetation; among which the formation and association were described. The formation and distribution of these communities were dependent on the water supply and the stability of the substrata. The paper discusses also the distributional pattern of vegetation from coast to hill top, characteristics of communities, comparative study on the species number, evenness and diversity among each formation and among different habitat, and some suggestions on vegetation conservation was also attempted.  相似文献   

The diet of the kelp gull (Larus dominicanus), its foraging behaviour and the consumption rates on the Antarctic limpet (Nacella concinna) were studied during austral spring and summer 1992/1993 and 1993/1994 at Potter Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Prey information was obtained by collecting 237 pellets, foraging behaviour was observed by focal and instantaneous scan samplings, and consumption rate was estimated by means of weekly sampling of limpets found in 5 nests and their respective middens. Limpets were the most important prey followed by scavenged prey (penguin and seal carcasses), amphipods, snails, fish and euphausiids. Foraging gulls spent 51% of the time searching for limpets, 10% moving between foraging areas, 9% in catching effort and 15% handling prey. The number of gulls observed searching for limpets was inversely correlated with the tidal height. In the diet limpets provide 102.3, 159.4 and 188.1 kJ gull−1 day−1 during incubation, hatching and brooding respectively; these values range between 15 and 27%, with a maximum of 40%, of the basic daily energy requirements of kelp gulls. Total consumption rate estimations for the whole population of gulls at Potter Peninsula reached between 3400 and 4800 limpets day−1, which represents approximately 10–14% of the total annual limpet mortality. Received: 25 March 1996 / Accepted: 26 August 1996  相似文献   

Changes in mass and body composition, measured with labelled water, were used to quantify the energy expenditure during lactation and energy replenishment during the post-breeding aquatic phase in Southern elephant seal females at Stranger Point, King George Island. During lactation females spent a mean of 6,021±1,365 MJ, which resulted in a loss of 35% of the initial mass, comprising 63% of initial body fat and 20% of initial body protein. During the 58±5.4 day post-breeding foraging period, females gained 135±39 Kg, which allowed them to recover an average of 55% of the mass, including 46% of the fat, 71% of the protein and 47% of the energy lost during lactation. Neither the mass nor the energy lost during lactation were related to those replenished while at sea. However, protein loss expressed in absolute terms or as a proportion of that present at the beginning of lactation explained about 50% of the variation in the protein gained during the post-breeding phase. This might indicate the presence of a mechanism favouring an increase in lean tissue during post-breeding. Daily energy requirements for an average sized female, during the post-breeding aquatic phase were estimated at 96 MJ. Estimation of prey consumption varies according to assumptions about diet composition. On a basis of 450 females, the total biomass of fish and squid consumed by the breeding group, assuming a diet composed of 75% cephalopods and 25% fish, was estimated to be 521 and 174 metric tonnes, respectively, for the period examined.  相似文献   

Sures  Bernd  Reimann  Nils 《Polar Biology》2003,26(10):680-686
Concentrations of the elements Al, Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Sr were analysed by high-performance quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (Q-ICP-MS) in the acanthocephalan Aspersentis megarhynchus and in different tissues of its final host, Notothenia coriiceps. Infected fish were sampled at King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Most of the elements were found at significantly higher concentrations in the acanthocephalan than in muscle, liver and intestine of its host. Only Fe was concentrated in fish liver to a significantly higher level than in the parasite. Compared with the host tissues, the highest accumulation rates in A. megarhynchus were found for Pb, Cd, Ag, Ni and Cu. The acanthocephalans showed very high Ag and Pb levels, whereas the concentrations in the fish tissues were close to the detection limit. This study is the first proof that the enormous heavy-metal accumulation capacity reported for acanthocephalans from freshwater fish also occurs in acanthocephalans parasitizing marine fish. Consequently, acanthocephalans can be used to assess the occurrence and availability of even the lowest metal concentrations in all kinds of aquatic habitats, including remote areas such as the Antarctic.  相似文献   

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