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Recently, many studies have focused on the possibility of restoring mangrove ecosystems by introducing fast‐growing mangroves. However, methods for managing an exotic fast‐growing species to restore mangrove ecosystems and at the same time preventing invasion by introduced species remains unclear. Sonneratia apetala Buch‐Ham is one example of an exotic mangrove with both high ecological value and potential risk for invasion after introduction. To investigate the possibility of reducing the potential for invasion by altering light availability, we simulated different irradiances of S. apetala understory in the greenhouse. For each irradiance treatment, three levels of competition between S. apetala and native mangroves Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) were used: no competition, intraspecific competition and interspecific competition. Compared with A. corniculatum, S. apetala showed a significantly higher growth rate for both height and biomass accumulation under full irradiation. Compared to the full irradiation treatment, the shading treatment significantly reduced the height, total biomass and biomass allocation to leaves of S. apetala by 61.31, 71.0, and 76.2%, respectively, whereas the growth of A. corniculatum was not affected. The results suggested that lowering light availability could inhibit the growth of S. apetala and increase the competitiveness of A. corniculatum. Planting introduced fast‐growing mangroves at a density of approximately 2,000 plants/hm2 is an effective strategy for preventing potential invasion and restoring wetland habitats. By taking advantage of the differences in shade tolerance between fast‐growing exotic mangroves and native mangroves, introduction of fast‐growing mangroves in coastal areas could have huge potential for reforesting mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

To resist establishment by an invasive plant, a community may require one or more species functionally similar to the invader in their resource acquisition pattern. In this study, communities consisting of native winter annual forbs, non‐native annual grasses, native perennials, or a combination of the two native communities were established with and without Centaurea solstitialis to determine the effect of soil moisture and light availability on plant community invasion resistance. The annual plant communities were unable to resist invasion by C. solstitialis. In the native winter annual forb community, senescence in late spring increased light penetration (>75%) to the soil surface, allowing seeded C. solstitialis to quickly establish and dominate the plots. In addition, native annual forbs utilized only shallow soil moisture, whereas C. solstitialis used shallow and deep soil moisture. In communities containing native perennials, only Elymus glaucus established well and eventually dominated the plots. During the first 2 years of establishment, water use pattern of perennial communities was similar to native annual forbs and resistance to invasion was associated with reduced light availability during the critical stages of C. solstitialis establishment. In later years, however, water use pattern of perennial grass communities was similar or greater than C. solstitialis‐dominated plots. These results show that Central Valley grasslands that include E. glaucus resist C. solstitialis invasion by a combination of light suppression and soil water competition. Spatiotemporal resource utilization patterns, and not just functional similarity, should be considered when developing restoration strategies to resist invasion by many non‐native species.  相似文献   

This review concerns ear photosynthesis and its contribution to grain filling in C3 cereals. Ear photosynthesis is quantitatively important to grain filling, particularly in dry areas where source (i.e., assimilate) limitations can occur. Compared to the flag leaf, ear photosynthesis exhibits higher water stress tolerance. Several factors could be involved in the ear's “drought tolerance.” First, although degree of C4 metabolism in ear parts has been reported, current evidence supports only typical C3 metabolism. Second, recycling of respired CO2 (i.e., refixation) could have considerable impact on final crop yield by preventing loss of CO2. Because refixation of CO2 is independent of atmospheric conditions, water use efficiency (measured as total ear photosynthesis divided by transpiration) could be higher in the ear than in the flag leaf. Moreover, ear parts (in particular awns) show higher relative water content and better osmotic adjustment under water stress compared to the flag leaf. This capacity, in addition to persistence of photosynthetic components under drought (delayed senescence), might help the ear to continue to fix CO2 late in the grain filling period.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic responses to light (A/light response) at different CO2 concentration levels were studied in five coastal desert plant species (two C4 species and three C3 species) and five tropical rain forest plant species (all C3' s) using LI-6400 Portable Photosynthesis System. The measurements were carried out in the Coastal Desert and Tropical Rain Forest mesocosms of Biosphere 2 located in Oracle, Arizona, USA. All the species measured had been growing in Biosphere 2 under very high CO2 concentrations (1500~4000 μmol · mol-1) for about four and half years. The authors measured A/light response curves in intact leaves of different species under a series of CO2 concentrations, 350 to 1500 μmol ~ mol-1. Except for the C4 grass, Panicurn maximum, the initial slopes and convexity (0) of A/light curves of all the species increased with the elevation of CO2 concentration. For most C3 species the light compensation points (LCP) and light saturation points (LSP) had increased when CO2 concentrations were elevated, especialy the LSPs. But for the C4 species, changes in LCPs and LSPs were small. In all the C3 species and the C4 shrub, Atriplesc canescens, the apparent maximum quantum yield of CO2 fixation (Φm, app) and maximum assimilation rate (Amax) increased under elevated CO2. But both Φmapp and Amax in Panicum maximum (C4) decreased. The Amax in Biosphere 2 increased by 127 % when CO2 concentration was doubled (from 375 to 750 μmol · mol-1), and C4 species by 39%. Such great enhancement could possibly be due to the fact that the plants had developed under very high CO2 concentration and large growth rooms in Biosphere 2.  相似文献   

Soil cadmium (Cd) contamination is becoming a matter of great global concern. The identification of plants differentially sensitive to Cd excess is of interest for the selection of genotype adaptive to grow and develop in polluted areas and capable of ameliorating or reducing the negative environmental effects of this toxic metal. The two poplar clones I-214 (Populus × canadensis) and Eridano (Populus deltoides × maximowiczii) are, respectively, tolerant and sensitive to ozone (O3) exposure. Because stress tolerance is mediated by an array of overlapping defence mechanisms, we tested the hypothesis that these two clones differently sensitive to O3 stress factor also exhibit different tolerance to Cd. With this purpose, an outdoor pot experiment was designed to study the responses of I-214 and Eridano to the distribution of different Cd solutions enriched with CdCl2 (0, 50 and 150 μM) for 35 days. Changes in leaf area, biomass allocation and Cd uptake, photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf concentration of nutrients and pigments, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO) production and thiol compounds were investigated. The two poplar clones showed similar sensitivity to excess Cd in terms of biomass production, photosynthesis activity and Cd accumulation, though physiological and biochemical traits revealed different defence strategies. In particular, Eridano maintained in any Cd treatment the number of its constitutively wider blade leaves, while the number of I-214 leaves (with lower size) was reduced. H2O2 increased 4.5- and 13-fold in I-214 leaves after the lowest (L) and highest (H) Cd treatments, respectively, revealing the induction of oxidative burst. NO, constitutively higher in I-214 than Eridano, progressively increased in both clones with the enhancement of Cd concentration in the substrate. I-214 showed a more elevated antioxidative capacity (GSH/GSSG) and higher photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) and de-epoxidation degree of xantophylls-cycle (DEPS). The glutathione pool was not affected by Cd treatment in both clones, while non-protein thiols and phytochelatins were reduced at L Cd treatment in I-214. Overall, these two clones presented high adaptability to Cd stress and are both suitable to develop and growth in environments contaminated with this metal, thus being promising for their potential use in phytoremediation programmes.  相似文献   

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