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Aim We investigate the long‐standing question of whether the small size of microbes allows most microbial species to colonize all suitable sites around the globe or whether their ranges are limited by opportunities for dispersal. In this study we use a modelling approach to investigate the effect of size on the probability of between‐continent dispersal using virtual microorganisms in a global model of the Earth’s atmosphere. Location Global. Methods We use a computer model of global atmospheric circulation to investigate the effect of microbe size (effective diameters of 9, 20, 40 and 60 μm) on the probability of aerial dispersal. Results We found that for smaller microbes, once airborne, dispersal is remarkably successful over a 1‐year period. The most striking results are the extensive within‐hemisphere distribution of virtual microbes of 9 and 20 μm diameter and the lack of dispersal between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres during the year‐long time‐scale of our simulations. Main conclusions Above a diameter of 20 μm wind dispersal of virtual microbes between continents becomes increasingly unlikely, and it does not occur at all (within our simulated 1‐year period) for those of 60 μm diameter. Within our simulation, the success of small microbes in long‐distance dispersal is due both to their greater abundance and to their longer time in the atmosphere – once airborne – compared with larger microbes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present results on germination patterns of the seed dispersal system of an endemic Macaronesian plant (Rubia fruticosa). Seeds from this plant are mainly dispersed by endemic lizards and native warblers; therefore, we included three different treatments: control seeds, seeds extracted from lizards and seeds found in warbler droppings. Seeds from the same pool of every treatment were germinated in two different seasons, one in autumn, coinciding with the arrival of the first rains, and another in spring, coinciding with the arrival of the dry season. A clear differential pattern of germination success was observed between the two seasons. Seeds planted in autumn achieved a higher percentage of germination than those sown in spring in all treatments. The great robustness of these results seems to indicate that germination timing is strongly selected in R. fruticosa and this evolutionary trend probably extends to other vascular plants growing in xeric coastal environments of the Macaronesian islands.  相似文献   

The horse‐chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella is an invasive lepidoptera (Gracillariidae) which has spread throughout Europe over the last two decades. The species can be detected easily because of its noticeable damage to horse‐chestnut trees leaves, which allows the easy collection of large‐scale monitoring data. It is therefore an interesting model species to study invasion processes, and this review summarizes recent progresses in that regard. The date reported here result from monitoring of C. ohridella population based on pheromone traps and visual observation of damage carried out in Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland and the UK. The patterns of spread measured using these different monitoring method, and the key factors associated with short‐distance dispersal (within cities), and large‐scale dispersal (across landscapes) are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Anisotropy, a structural property of dispersal, is observed in dispersal patterns occurring for a wide range of biological systems. While dispersal models more and more often incorporate anisotropy, the sampling schemes required to collect data for validation usually do not account for the anisotropy of dispersal data. Using a parametric model already published to describe the spatial spread of a plant disease, the wheat yellow rust, we carry out a study aimed at recommending an appropriate sampling scheme for anisotropic data. In a first step, we show with a simulation study that prior knowledge of dispersal anisotropy can be used to improve the sampling scheme. One of the main guidelines to be proposed is the orientation of the sampling grid around the main dispersal directions. In a second step, we propose a sequential sampling procedure (SSP) used to automatically build anisotropic sampling schemes adapted to the actual anisotropy of dispersal. The SSP is applied to simulated and real data. The proposed methodology is expected to be adapted easily to any kind of organisms with wind-borne propagule dispersal because it does not require the inclusion of biological features specific of the considered organism.  相似文献   

1. The application of population genetic analysis and molecular ecological approaches allows us to examine the invasion of species in the wild. In particular, we can gain an insight into the role of dispersal, a key determinant of the invasion and population dynamics of important pest species. Since the 1980s, severe outbreaks of the winter moth, Operophtera brumata (Linnaeus), have caused extensive damage to heather moorlands in the Orkney Isles. The population genetic structure of O. brumata in Orkney was examined in order to establish whether the widely dispersed outbreaking populations are connected. 2. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis showed a high level of genetic diversity within subpopulations. This is consistent with an initial mass colonisation event and/or continuing dispersal between populations of O. brumata in Orkney. 3. Genetic differentiation among populations is low, and although some weak isolation by distance is detectable, no effect of isolation as a result of a sea barrier was found. High gene flow between populations is consistent with the low genetic differentiation observed, although there is evidence to suggest that the populations are not panmictic. 4. Given the limited dispersal of adults, the present results suggest that larvae may disperse over considerable distances by ballooning on strong winds across the Orkney Isles.  相似文献   

Dispersal and survival of Lobesia botrana Den. & Schiff. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) larvae in a simulated first generation and the relationship with their density on vine inflorescences were studied under field conditions. Artificial infestations with neonate larvae were conducted at densities of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 individuals per vine inflorescence. Larvae had a considerable dispersal capacity on the vine espalier and were able to reach several inflorescences around those artificially infested. Dispersal downwards (63.1%) was significantly more frequent than upwards (36.9%), probably because larvae move down the vine plant using silk threads. However, the fact that there was upwards dispersal provides evidence that larvae are capable of active locomotion upwards on the vine plant structure. Mean distances covered by larvae ranged between 10 and 30 cm, with a maximum as far as 45 cm. The longest displacements were not associated with the downward dispersal. The maximum distance covered by larvae was positively correlated with larval density. Mean distance and larval density were not correlated, but mean distances covered at high larval densities were significantly higher than at low densities. At higher larval densities, the proportion of larvae which established in the artificially infested inflorescences decreased whereas the proportion of dispersing individuals increased. However, as a result of the balance between establishment and dispersal, larval survival did not differ significantly among larval densities (26–44%). The results obtained suggest that larval dispersal must be taken into account when preimaginal stages are sampled to determine whether damage thresholds are reached in an integrated pest management program.  相似文献   

Biological control is widespread in management of greenhouse sweet pepper crops. Several species of predatory mites, bugs, and parasitoids are used against a wide range of pest species. However, biological control of particular pests like aphids, caterpillars, and the tobacco whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, remains problematic. Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a generalist predatory bug which is used on a large scale in Western European tomato greenhouses. It has already been demonstrated that M. pygmaeus is a valuable biocontrol option in sweet pepper crops, but it has yet to find its way into common practice. Macrolophus pygmaeus should be introduced at the start of the growing season and determining an optimal release strategy is a key step in this process. In tomato crops, M. pygmaeus requires supplemental food releases to reach sufficient population numbers and dispersal levels. In this study, the need for food supplementation in sweet pepper is investigated. Three strategies were tested: (1) no food supplementation, (2) local food supplementation, and (3) full field food supplementation. Both population numbers and dispersal rates of the second generation were higher under the third strategy. Macrolophus pygmaeus oviposits near food sources, therefore dispersal rates are higher when food is more spread out. Pest control was achieved in all treatments, but faster and at lower pest levels under the full field strategy.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal is a key demographic process for evaluating the population rate of change, especially for long‐lived, highly mobile species. This process is largely unknown for reintroduced populations of endangered avian species. We evaluated natal dispersal distances (NDD) for male and female Whooping Cranes (Grus americana) introduced into two locations in central Wisconsin (Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, or NNWR, and the Eastern Rectangle, or ER) using a series of demographic, spatial, and life history‐related covariates. Data were analyzed using gamma regression models with a log‐link function and compared using Akaike information criterion corrected for small sample sizes (AICc). Whooping Cranes released in the ER dispersed 261% further than those released into NNWR, dispersal distance increased 4% for each additional nesting pair, decreased about 24% for males as compared to females, increased by 21% for inexperienced pairs, and decreased by 3% for each additional year of age. Natal philopatry, habitat availability or suitability, and competition for breeding territories may be influencing observed patterns of NDD. Whooping Cranes released in the ER may exhibit longer NDD due to fragmented habitat or conspecific attraction to established breeding pairs at NNWR. Additionally, sex‐biased dispersal may be increasing in this population as there are more individuals from different natal sites forming breeding pairs. As the population grows and continues to disperse, the drivers of NDD patterns may change based on individual or population behavior.  相似文献   

Larval dispersal can connect distant subpopulations, with important implications for marine population dynamics and persistence, biodiversity conservation and fisheries management. However, different dispersal pathways may affect the final phenotypes, and thus the performance and fitness of individuals that settle into subpopulations. Using otolith microchemical signatures that are indicative of ‘dispersive’ larvae (oceanic signatures) and ‘non-dispersive’ larvae (coastal signatures), we explore the population-level consequences of dispersal-induced variability in phenotypic mixtures for the common triplefin (a small reef fish). We evaluate lipid concentration and otolith microstructure and find that ‘non-dispersive’ larvae (i) have greater and less variable lipid reserves at settlement (and this variability attenuates at a slower rate), (ii) grow faster after settlement, and (iii) experience similar carry-over benefits of lipid reserves on post-settlement growth relative to ‘dispersive’ larvae. We then explore the consequences of phenotypic mixtures in a metapopulation model with two identical subpopulations replenished by variable contributions of ‘dispersive’ and ‘non-dispersive’ larvae and find that the resulting phenotypic mixtures can have profound effects on the size of the metapopulation. We show that, depending upon the patterns of connectivity, phenotypic mixtures can lead to larger metapopulations, suggesting dispersal-induced demographic heterogeneity may facilitate metapopulation persistence.  相似文献   

Mechanisms and consequences of biological invasions are a global issue. Yet, one of the key aspects, the initial phase of invasion, is rarely observed in detail. Data from aerial photographs covering the spread of Heracleum mantegazzianum (Apiaceae, native to Caucasus) on a local scale of hectares in the Czech Republic from the beginning of invasion were used as an input for an individual-based model (IBM), based on small-scale and short-time data. To capture the population development inferred from the photographs, long-distance seed dispersal, changes in landscape structures and suitability of landscape elements to invasion by H. mantegazzianum were implemented in the model. The model was used to address (1) the role of long-distance dispersal in regional invasion dynamics, and (2) the effect of land-use changes on the progress of the invasion. Simulations showed that already small fractions of seed subjected to long-distance dispersal, as determined by systematic comparison of field data and modelling results, had an over-proportional effect on the spread of this species. The effect of land-use changes on the simulated course of invasion depends on the actual level of habitat saturation; it is larger for populations covering a high proportion of available habitat area than for those in the initial phase of invasion. Our results indicate how empirical field data and model outputs can be linked more closely with each other to improve the understanding of invasion dynamics. The multi-level, but nevertheless simple structure of our model suggests that it can be used for studying the spread of similar species invading in comparable landscapes.  相似文献   

Europe is attempting to contain or, in some regions, to eradicate the invading and maize destroying western corn rootworm (WCR). Eradication and containment measures include crop rotation and insecticide treatments within different types of buffer zones surrounding new introduction points. However, quantitative estimates of the relationship between the probability of adult dispersal and distance from an introduction point have not been used to determine the width of buffer zones. We address this by fitting dispersal models of the negative exponential and negative power law families in logarithmic and non-logarithmic form to recapture data from nine mark-release-recapture experiments of marked WCR adults from habitats as typically found in the vicinity of airports in southern Hungary in 2003 and 2004. After each release of 4000–6300 marked WCR, recaptures were recorded three times using non-baited yellow sticky traps at 30–305 m from the release point and sex pheromone-baited transparent sticky traps placed at 500–3500 m. Both the negative exponential and negative power law models in non-log form presented the best overall fit to the numbers of recaptured adults (1% recapture rate). The negative exponential model in log form presented the best fit to the data in the tail. The models suggested that half of the dispersing WCR adults travelling along a given bearing will have travelled between 117 and 425 m and 1% of the adults between 775 and 8250 m after 1 day. An individual-based model of dispersal and mortality over a generation of WCR adults indicated that 9.7–45.3% of the adults would escape a focus zone (where maize is only grown once in 3 consecutive years) of 1 km radius and 0.6–21% a safety zone (where maize is only grown once in 2 consecutive years) of 5 km radius and consequently current European Commission (EC) measures are inadequate for the eradication of WCR in Europe. Although buffer zones large enough to allow eradication would be economically unpalatable, an increase of the minimum width of the focus zone from 1 to 5 km and the safety zone from 5 to 50 km would improve the management of local dispersal.  相似文献   

So little is known about the early life history of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) from hatchling to adulthood that this period has been termed the 'lost years'. For critically endangered eastern Pacific leatherback populations, continued and rapid declines underscore the urgent need to develop conservation strategies across all life stages. We investigate leatherback hatchling dispersal from four Mesoamerican nesting beaches using passive tracer experiments within a regional ocean modelling system. The evolution of tracer distribution from each of the nesting beaches showed the strong influence of eddy transport and coastal currents. Modelled hatchlings from Playa Grande, Costa Rica, were most likely to be entrained and transported offshore by large-scale eddies coincident with the peak leatherback nesting and hatchling emergence period. These eddies potentially serve as 'hatchling highways', providing a means of rapid offshore transport away from predation and a productive refuge within which newly hatched turtles can develop. We hypothesize that the most important leatherback nesting beach remaining in the eastern Pacific (Playa Grande) has been evolutionarily selected as an optimal nesting site owing to favourable ocean currents that enhance hatchling survival.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a key process in biological studies of spatial dynamics, but the initiation of dispersal has often been neglected, despite strong indications that differential timing of dispersal can significantly affect dispersal distances. To investigate which plant and environmental factors determine the release of plumed seeds by the invasive thistles Carduus acanthoides and Carduus nutans, we exposed 192 flower heads of each species to increasing wind speeds in a full-factorial wind tunnel experiment with four air flow turbulence, three flower head wetness and two flower head temperature levels. The number of seed releases was highest under dry and turbulent conditions and from heads that had already lost a considerable number of seeds, but was not affected by flower head size, head angle or temperature. Inspection of the trials on video showed that higher wind speeds were needed to meet the seed release threshold in laminar flows and for C. acanthoides heads that had been wet for a longer time. Species differences were minimal, although seed release was more sensitive to lower levels of turbulence in the larger-headed and more open C. nutans heads. Knowledge of seed release biases towards weather conditions favourable for long-distance dispersal improves our understanding of the spread of invaders and allows managers to increase the efficiency of their containment strategies by applying them at crucial times.  相似文献   

 In part 1 an experiment was described for determining the extent of pollen dispersal from a Lolium source. The results were used to test Bateman’s pollen dispersal equations, which were found to be not particularly useful for describing variation in pollen deposition with distance. An improvement is suggested here which takes the influence of wind direction into account. For 11 of the 12 datasets the new equations fit significantly better than the original ones. Mean wind directions were used to produce 15 data subsets for testing Bateman’s equations for dispersal downwind of a pollen source. These equations fitted only 4 of the data subsets, all of which were collected from traps facing towards the pollen source. The usefulness of the model equations in estimating the importance of turbulence is brought into question. It is shown that models incorporating only distance and wind direction do not accurately describe pollen deposition. The amount of pollen deposited does not always decrease smoothly with increasing distance from the source. The variation in the amount of pollen deposited is probably influenced by several factors, including wind speed and turbulence. Received: 5 June 1996 / Accepted: 11 October 1996  相似文献   

Introduced species often benefit from escaping their enemies when they are transported to a new range, an idea commonly expressed as the enemy release hypothesis. However, species might shed mutualists as well as enemies when they colonize a new range. Loss of mutualists might reduce the success of introduced populations, or even cause failure to establish. We provide the first quantitative synthesis testing this natural but often overlooked parallel of the enemy release hypothesis, which is known as the missed mutualist hypothesis. Meta-analysis showed that plants interact with 1.9 times more mutualist species, and have 2.3 times more interactions with mutualists per unit time in their native range than in their introduced range. Species may mitigate the negative effects of missed mutualists. For instance, selection arising from missed mutualists could cause introduced species to evolve either to facilitate interactions with a new suite of species or to exist without mutualisms. Just as enemy release can allow introduced populations to redirect energy from defence to growth, potentially evolving increased competitive ability, species that shift to strategies without mutualists may be able to reallocate energy from mutualism toward increased competitive ability or seed production. The missed mutualist hypothesis advances understanding of the selective forces and filters that act on plant species in the early stages of introduction and establishment and thus could inform the management of introduced species.  相似文献   

Cryptotermes brevis is a common pest of structural lumber and sheltered wood in much of the non-Asian tropics. Until now, no endemic locality, as confirmed by regenerating outdoor populations, was known. A termite survey of the northern coastal desert of Chile and the vicinity of Lima, Peru, yielded 61 outdoor populations of C. brevis taken from 23 different native and exotic species of host woods at 19 localities. We review the taxonomic and biogeographic history of C. brevis and suggest climatic and biological factors that favor or limit C. brevis distribution. We also propose a scenario implicating a post-Colombian release of C. brevis by shipboard infestations and the movement of infested wood during the early Spanish Empire to the present time.  相似文献   

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