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The Na+/H+ exchanger isoform-1 (NHE-1) is the key member of a family of exchangers that regulates intracellular pH and cell volume. Activation of NHE-1 by growth factors is rapid, correlates with increased NHE-1 phosphorylation and cell alkalinization, and plays a role in cell cycle progression. By two-dimensional tryptic peptide mapping of immunoprecipitated NHE-1, we identify serine 703 as the major serum-stimulated amino acid. Mutation of serine 703 to alanine had no effect on acid-stimulated Na+/H+ exchange but completely prevented the growth factor-mediated increase in NHE-1 affinity for H+. In addition, we show that p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (p90(RSK)) is a key NHE-1 kinase since p90(RSK) phosphorylates NHE-1 serine 703 stoichiometrically in vitro, and transfection with kinase-inactive p90(RSK) inhibits serum-induced phosphorylation of NHE-1 serine 703 in transfected 293 cells. These findings establish p90(RSK) as a serum-stimulated NHE-1 kinase and a mediator of increased Na+/H+ exchange in vivo.  相似文献   

The function and regulation of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) following cerebral ischemia are not well understood. In this study, we demonstrate that extracellular signal-related kinases (ERK1/2) play a role in stimulation of neuronal NHE1 following in vitro ischemia. NHE1 activity was significantly increased during 10-60 min reoxygenation (REOX) after 2-h oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD). OGD/REOX not only increased the V(max) for NHE1 but also shifted the K(m) toward decreased [H(+)](i). These changes in NHE1 kinetics were absent when MAPK/ERK kinase (MEK) was inhibited by the MEK inhibitor U0126. There were no changes in the levels of phosphorylated ERK1/2 (p-ERK1/2) after 2 h OGD. The p-ERK1/2 level was significantly increased during 10-60 min REOX, which was accompanied by nuclear translocation. U0126 abolished REOX-induced elevation and translocation of p-ERK1/2. We further examined the ERK/90-kDa ribosomal S6 kinase (p90(RSK)) signaling pathways. At 10 min REOX, phosphorylated NHE1 was increased with a concurrent elevation of phosphorylation of p90(RSK), a known NHE1 kinase. Inhibition of MEK activity with U0126 abolished phosphorylation of both NHE1 and p90(RSK). Moreover, neuroprotection was observed with U0126 or genetic ablation or pharmacological inhibition of NHE1 following OGD/REOX. Taken together, these results suggest that activation of ERK1/2-p90(RSK) pathways following in vitro ischemia phosphorylates NHE1 and increases its activity, which subsequently contributes to neuronal damage.  相似文献   

The effect of hypoxia on the differentiation of chronic myeloid leukaemic K562 cells were studied, as was the role of the NHE1 (Na+/H+ exchanger 1). Hypoxia induced differentiation of K562 cells as seen by modifications in their morphological features, up-regulation of C/EBPα (CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein α), and marked IL-8 (interleukin-8) release. Inhibition of NHE1 under hypoxia additionally enhanced the level of C/EBPα and further promoted leukaemic cells differentiation. Pharmacological inhibition of p38 MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) also significantly suppressed C/EBPα expression under hypoxia conditions after NHE1 inhibition. These results indicate the enhancement of hypoxia-induced K562 differentiation by NHE1 inhibition, which may be due to up-regulation of C/EBPα via p38 MAPK signalling pathway, which suggests a possible therapeutic target of NHE1 under hypoxia microenvironment in the treatment of leukaemic diseases.  相似文献   

Blocking either the Na+ channel or the Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) has been shown to reduce Na+ and Ca2+ overload during myocardial ischemia and reperfusion, respectively, and to improve post-ischemic contractile recovery. The effect of combined blockade of both Na+ influx routes on ionic homeostasis is unknown and was tested in this study. [Na+]i, pHi and energy-related phosphates were measured using simultaneous 23Na- and 31P-NMR spectroscopy in isolated rat hearts. Eniporide (3 μM) and/or lidocaine (200 μM) were administered during 5 min prior to 40 min of global ischemia and 40 min of drug free reperfusion to block the NHE and the Na+ channel, respectively. Lidocaine reduced the rise in [Na+]i during the first 10 min of ischemia, followed by a rise with a rate similar to the one found in untreated hearts. Eniporide reduced the ischemic Na+ influx during the entire ischemic period. Administration of both drugs resulted in a summation of the effects found in the lidocaine and eniporide groups. Contractile recovery and infarct size were significantly improved in hearts treated with both drugs, although not significantly different from hearts treated with either one of them.  相似文献   

Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform-1 (NHE1), the ubiquitous form of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger, has increased activity in hypertensive patients and in animal models of hypertension. Furthermore, NHE1 is activated in cells stimulated with growth factors. We showed previously that activation of the exchanger is dependent on phosphorylation of serine 703 (Ser(P)(703)) by p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK). Because the NHE1 sequence at Ser(P)(703) (RIGSDP) is similar to a consensus sequence (RSXSXP) specific for 14-3-3 ligands, we evaluated whether serum stimulated 14-3-3 binding to NHE1. Five different GST-NHE1 fusion proteins spanning amino acids 515-815 were phosphorylated by RSK and used as ligands in a far Western analysis; only those containing Ser(P)(703) exhibited high affinity 14-3-3 binding. In PS127A cells (NHE1-overexpressing Chinese hamster fibroblasts) stimulated with 20% serum, NHE1 co-precipitation with GST-14-3-3 fusion protein increased at 5 min (5.2 +/- 0.4-fold versus control; p < 0.01) and persisted at 40 min (3.9 +/- 0.3-fold; p < 0.01). We confirmed that binding occurs at the RIGSDP motif using PS120 (NHE1 null) cells transfected with S703A-NHE1 or P705A-NHE1 (based on data indicating that 14-3-3 binding requires phosphoserine and +2 proline). Serum failed to stimulate association of 14-3-3 with these mutants. A GST-NHE1 fusion protein was phosphorylated by RSK and used as a ligand to assess the effect of 14-3-3 on protein phosphatase 1-mediated dephosphorylation of Ser(P)(703). GST-14-3-3 limited dephosphorylation (66% of initial state at 60 min) compared with GST alone (27% of initial state; p < 0.01). The protective effect of GST-14-3-3 was lost in the GST-NHE1 P705A mutant. Finally, the base-line rate of pH recovery in acid-loaded cells was equal in unstimulated cells expressing wild-type or P705A-NHE1. However, activation of NHE1 by serum was dramatically inhibited in cells expressing P705A-NHE1 compared with wild-type (0.13 +/- 0.02 versus 0.48 +/- 0.06 mmol of H(+)/min/liter, p < 0.01). These data suggest that 14-3-3 binding to NHE1 participates in serum-stimulated exchanger activation, a new function for 14-3-3.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine kinase B-Raf is the second most frequently occurring human oncogene after Ras. Mutations of B-Raf occur with the highest incidences in melanoma, and the most common mutant, V600E, renders B-Raf constitutively active. The sodium proton exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) is a ubiquitously expressed plasma membrane protein responsible for regulating intracellular pH, cell volume, cell migration, and proliferation. A screen of protein kinases that bind to NHE1 revealed that B-Raf bound to the cytosolic regulatory tail of NHE1. Immunoprecipitation of NHE1 from HeLa and HEK cells confirmed the association of B-Raf with NHE1 in vivo. The expressed and purified C-terminal 182 amino acids of the NHE1 protein were also shown to associate with B-Raf protein in vitro. Because treatment with the kinase inhibitor sorafenib decreased NHE1 activity in HeLa and HEK cells, we examined the role of B-Raf in regulating NHE1 in malignant melanoma cells. Melanoma cells with the B-Raf(V600E) mutation demonstrated increased resting intracellular pH that was dependent on elevated NHE1 activity. NHE1 activity after an acute acid load was also elevated in these cell lines. Moreover, inhibition of B-Raf activity by either sorafenib, PLX4720, or siRNA reduction of B-Raf levels abolished ERK phosphorylation and decreased NHE1 activity. These results demonstrate that B-Raf associates with and stimulates NHE1 activity and that B-Raf(V600E) also increases NHE1 activity that raises intracellular pH.  相似文献   

Aquaporin-2 (AQP2) promotes renal cell migration by the modulation of integrin β1 trafficking and the turnover of focal adhesions. The aim of this study was to investigate whether AQP2 also works in cooperation with Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1), another well-known protein involved in the regulation of cell migration. Our results showed that the lamellipodia of AQP2-expressing cells exhibit significantly smaller volumes and areas of focal adhesions and more alkaline intracellular pH due to increased NHE1 activity than AQP2-null cells. The blockage of AQP2, or its physically-associated calcium channel TRPV4, significantly reduced lamellipodia NHE1 activity. NHE1 blockage significantly reduced the rate of cell migration, the number of lamellipodia, and the assembly of F-actin only in AQP2-expressing cells. Our data suggest that AQP2 modulates the activity of NHE1 through its calcium channel partner TRPV4, thereby determining pH-dependent actin polymerization, providing mechanical stability to delineate lamellipodia structure and defining the efficiency of cell migration.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is a complex process essential for normal tissue development and cellular homeostasis. While biochemical events that occur late in the apoptotic process are better characterized, early physiological changes that initiate the progression of cell death remain poorly understood. Previously, we observed that lymphocytes, undergoing apoptosis in response to growth factor withdrawal, experienced a rapid and transient rise in cytosolic pH. We found that the protein responsible was the pH-regulating, plasma membrane protein Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1), and that its activity was impeded by inhibition of the stress-activated kinase, p38 MAP kinase. In the current study, we examined how NHE1 is activated during apoptosis. We identified the phosphorylation sites on NHE1 that regulate its alkalinizing activity in response to a cell death stimulus. Performing targeted mutagenesis, we observed that substitution of Ser726 and Ser729 for alanines produced a mutant form of NHE1 that did not alkalinize in response to an apoptotic stimulus, and expression of which protected cells from serum withdrawal- induced death. In contrast, substitution of Ser726 and Ser729 for glutamic acids raised the basal pH and induced susceptibility to death. Analysis of serine phosphorylation showed that phosphorylation of NHE1 during apoptosis decreased upon mutation of Ser726 and Ser729. Our findings thus confirm a necessary function for NHE1 during apoptosis and reveal the critical regulatory sites that when phosphorylated mediate the alkalinizing activity of NHE1 in the early stages of a cell death response. pH; sodium hydrogen exchanger; mitogen-activated protein kinase  相似文献   

We previously presented evidence that transmembrane domain (TM) IV and TM X-XI are important for inhibitor binding and ion transport by the human Na(+)/H(+) exchanger, hNHE1 (Pedersen, S. F., King, S. A., Nygaard, E. B., Rigor, R. R., and Cala, P. M. (2007) J. Biol. Chem. 282, 19716-19727). Here, we present a structural model of the transmembrane part of hNHE1 that further supports this conclusion. The hNHE1 model was based on the crystal structure of the Escherichia coli Na(+)/H(+) antiporter, NhaA, and previous cysteine scanning accessibility studies of hNHE1 and was validated by EPR spectroscopy of spin labels in TM IV and TM XI, as well as by functional analysis of hNHE1 mutants. Removal of all endogenous cysteines in hNHE1, introduction of the mutations A173C (TM IV) and/or I461C (TM XI), and expression of the constructs in mammalian cells resulted in functional hNHE1 proteins. The distance between these spin labels was ~15 A, confirming that TM IV and TM XI are in close proximity. This distance was decreased both at pH 5.1 and in the presence of the NHE1 inhibitor cariporide. A similar TM IV·TM XI distance and a similar change upon a pH shift were found for the cariporide-insensitive Pleuronectes americanus (pa) NHE1; however, in paNHE1, cariporide had no effect on TM IV·TM XI distance. The central role of the TM IV·TM XI arrangement was confirmed by the partial loss of function upon mutation of Arg(425), which the model predicts stabilizes this arrangement. The data are consistent with a role for TM IV and TM XI rearrangements coincident with ion translocation and inhibitor binding by hNHE1.  相似文献   

Low density lipoproteins (LDL) inhibit the Na+/H+ antiport and thereby sensitize platelet towards agonist. However, mechanisms underlying the suppressing effect of LDL on Na+/H+ exchange are unclear. We here show that the lowering of intracellular pH and the suppression of the sodium propionate-induced Na+/H+ exchange in the presence of LDL are abolished by SKF86002, a selective inhibitor of p38MAP kinase (p38MAPK). The inhibitory effect of LDL on Na+/H+ exchange was mimicked by H2O2, which directly activates p38MAPK. Exposure of platelets to LDL or H2O2 led to phosphorylation of p38MAPK, its upstream regulator MAP kinase kinase 3/6 (MKK 3/6), and its downstream target heat shock protein 27 (HSP27), and this effect was abrogated in SKF86002-pretreated platelets. In addition, both LDL and H2O2 produced the SKF86002-sensitive phosphorylation of an oligopeptide encompassing p38MAPK phosphorylation sequence derived from NHE-1, a major Na+/H+ exchanger in platelets. We further show that the sensitizing effects of LDL on the thrombin-induced platelet activation, as reflected by aggregation and granule secretion, are abolished in cells pretreated with SKF86002. We conclude that activation of p38MAPK is required for the inhibitory effect of LDL on Na+/H+ antiport and thereby for LDL-dependent sensitization in human platelets.  相似文献   

Internalization of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE5 into recycling endosomes is enhanced by the endocytic adaptor proteins β-arrestin1 and -2, best known for their preferential recognition of ligand-activated G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). However, the mechanism underlying their atypical association with non-GPCRs, such as NHE5, is unknown. In this study, we identified a highly acidic, serine/threonine-rich, di-isoleucine motif (amino acids 697-723) in the cytoplasmic C terminus of NHE5 that is recognized by β-arrestin2. Gross deletions of this site decreased the state of phosphorylation of NHE5 as well as its binding and responsiveness to β-arrestin2 in intact cells. More refined in vitro analyses showed that this site was robustly phosphorylated by the acidotropic protein kinase CK2, whereas other kinases, such as CK1 or the GPCR kinase GRK2, were considerably less potent. Simultaneous mutation of five Ser/Thr residues within 702-714 to Ala ((702)ST/AA(714)) abolished phosphorylation and binding of β-arrestin2. In transfected cells, the CK2 catalytic α subunit formed a complex with NHE5 and decreased wild-type but not (702)ST/AA(714) NHE5 activity, further supporting a regulatory role for this kinase. The rate of internalization of (702)ST/AA(714) was also diminished and relatively insensitive to overexpression of β-arrestin2. However, unlike in vitro, this mutant retained its ability to form a complex with β-arrestin2 despite its lack of responsiveness. Additional mutations of two di-isoleucine-based motifs (I697A/L698A and I722A/I723A) that immediately flank the acidic cluster, either separately or together, were required to disrupt their association. These data demonstrate that discrete elements of an elaborate sorting signal in NHE5 contribute to β-arrestin2 binding and trafficking along the recycling endosomal pathway.  相似文献   

The Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) becomes activated by hyperosmolar stress, thereby contributing to cell volume regulation. The signaling pathway(s) responsible for the shrinkage-induced activation of NHE, however, remain unknown. A family of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), encompassing p42/p44 Erk, p38 MAPK and SAPK, has been implicated in a variety of cellular responses to changes in osmolarity. We therefore investigated whether these kinases similarly signal the hyperosmotic activation of NHE. The time course and osmolyte concentration dependence of hypertonic activation of NHE and of the three sub-families of MAPK were compared in U937 cells. The temporal course and dependence on osmolarity of Erk and p38 MAPK activation were found to be similar to that of NHE stimulation. However, while pretreatment of U937 cells with the kinase inhibitors PD98059 and SB203580 abrogated the osmotic activation of Erk and p38 MAPK, respectively, it did not prevent the associated stimulation of NHE. Thus, Erk1/2 and/or p38 MAPK are unlikely to mediate the osmotic regulation of NHE. The kinetics of NHE activation by hyperosmolarity appeared to precede SAPK activation. In addition, hyperosmotic activation of NHE persisted in mouse embryonic fibroblasts lacking SEK1/MKK4, an upstream activator of SAPK. Moreover, shrinkage-induced activation of NHE still occurred in COS-7 cells that were transiently transfected with a dominant-negative form of SEK1/MKK4 (SEK1/MKK4-A/L) that is expected to inhibit other isoforms of SEK as well. Together, these results demonstrate that the stimulation of NHE and the activation of Erk, p38 MAPK and SAPK are parallel but independent events. Received: 27 November 2000/Revised: 20 March 2001  相似文献   

Hypoxic-ischemic brain damage (HIBD) is a leading cause of neonatal acute mortality and chronic nervous system injury. Recently, it has been found that long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) play a significant role in the neurodevelopment and etiopathogenesis of HIBD. Here, the researchers aimed to determine the role of lncRNA maternally expressed gene (MEG3) in the therapeutic effect of dexmedetomidine (DEX) in neonatal mice with HIBD through the regulation of microRNA-129-5p (miR-129-5p). HIBD models were established in C57/BL6 neonatal mice. Subsequently, the target relationship between MEG3 and miR-129-5p was predicted and verified. The neonatal mice were injected with DEX, ad-shMEG3, and mimics and inhibitors of miR-129-5p to identify roles of MEG3 and miR-129-5p in therapeutic effects of DEX on neuronal apoptosis and injury, cerebral atrophy, and learning and memory ability of neonatal mice with HIBD. MEG3 directly targeted and inhibited the expression of miR-129-5p. Silencing of MEG3 or upregulation of miR-129-5p effectively promoted the therapeutic effect of DEX on neonatal mice with HIBD. Silencing of MEG3 or upregulation of miR-129-5p reduced the neuronal apoptosis rate and degree of cerebral atrophy, and also enhanced the learning and memory ability of HIBD neonatal mice. Collectively, the key findings obtained from the present study support the notion that MEG3 silencing enhances the therapeutic effect of DEX on neonatal mice with HIBD by binding to miR-129-5p.  相似文献   

Wang RM  Yang F  Zhang YX 《Life sciences》2006,79(19):1839-1846
Accumulating evidence implicates activation (phosphorylation) of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) during nonlethal ischemic preconditioning in the protection of hippocampal CA1 neuron against subsequent ischemic events. In this paper, we undertook to identify the role of extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) 5 in cerebral ischemic preconditioning (CIP). Three minutes of ischemia was induced as preconditioning stimulus. Three days later, 6 min of ischemia was induced. The levels of ERK5 protein expression and its activation were detected with or without the CIP in hippocampal CA1 and the dentate gyrus (DG) regions. Our results showed that ERK5 was activated selectively in hippocampal CA1 region with, but not without, the ischemic preconditioning. Notably, during the later phase of reperfusion, the rise in ERK5 activation was strong and persistent with a peak occurring at the third day. The activation peak was effectively prevented and ERK5 protein expression was significantly decreased by intracerebroventricular infusion of ERK5 antisense oligonucleotide (every 24 h for 3 days before the preconditioning), but not by sense oligonucleotide or vehicle. Subsequently, the CA1 neuronal loss was largely elevated. Moreover, both MK801 (10 microM), an antagonist of NMDA receptor, and EGTA (100 mM, but neither 50 nor 150 mM), an extracellular Ca2+ chelator, not only effectively inhibited the ERK5 activation but also markedly abolished CIP-induced survival of the CA1 neurons. These results suggested that activation of the ERK5 pathway by CIP was at least partly dependent on moderate Ca2+ influx via NMDA receptor, which might contribute to ischemic tolerance in hippocampal CA1 region of rats.  相似文献   

Hypoxia–ischaemia (HI) remains a major cause of foetal brain damage presented a scarcity of effective therapeutic approaches. Dexmedetomidine (DEX) and microRNA‐140‐5p (miR‐140‐5p) have been highlighted due to its potentially significant role in the treatment of cerebral ischaemia. This study was to investigate the role by which miR‐140‐5p provides cerebral protection using DEX to treat hypoxic–ischaemic brain damage (HIBD) in neonatal rats via the Wnt/β‐catenin signalling pathway. The HIBD rat models were established and allocated into various groups with different treatment plans, and eight SD rats into sham group. The learning and memory ability of the rats was assessed. Apoptosis and pathological changes in the hippocampus CA1 region and expressions of the related genes of the Wnt/β‐catenin signalling pathway as well as the genes responsible of apoptosis were detected. Compared with the sham group, the parameters of weight, length growth, weight ratio between hemispheres, the rate of reaching standard, as well as Bcl‐2 expressions, were all increased. Furthermore, observations of increased levels of cerebral infarction volume, total mortality rate, response times, total response duration, expressions of Wnt1, β‐catenin, TCF‐4, E‐cadherin, apoptosis rate of neurons, and Bax expression were elevated. Following DEX treatment, the symptoms exhibited by HIBD rats were ameliorated. miR‐140‐5p and si‐Wnt1 were noted to attenuate the progression of HIBD. Our study demonstrates that miR‐140‐5p promotes the cerebral protective effects of DEX against HIBD in neonatal rats by targeting the Wnt1 gene through via the negative regulation of the Wnt/β‐catenin signalling pathway.  相似文献   

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