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The present study demonstrates that rhodamine 123 penetrates the callose walls surrounding plant microspores before they are released from tetrads. The stain accumulates in active mitochondria due to the electrical potential across the mitochondria1 membrane. Accumulation of dye does not occur in mitochondria of fixed cells and fades quickly when mitochondrial activity is inhibited by exposure to carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone. Rhodamine can be used as a viability test for microspores still within tetrads, thus making it possible to determine when during development genes leading to pollen sterility are expressed. Rhodamine 123 is excited by blue (550 nm) light and can thus be used with confocal laser scanning microscopy. Anthers of Nicotiana tabacum, Oenothera villari-cae, Silene dioica and Lycopersicum esculentum were studied here.  相似文献   

Exotic plants have been found to use allelochemicals, positive plant–soil feedbacks, and high concentrations of soil nutrients to exercise a competitive advantage over native plants. Under laboratory conditions, activated carbon (AC) has shown the potential to reduce these advantages by sequestering organic compounds. It is not known, however, if AC can effectively sequester organics or reduce exotic plant growth under field conditions. On soils dominated by exotic plants, we found that AC additions (1% AC by mass in the top 10 cm of soil) reduced concentrations of extractable organic C and N and induced consistent changes in plant community composition. The cover of two dominant exotics, Bromus tectorum and Centaurea diffusa, decreased on AC plots compared to that on control plots (14–8% and 4–0.1%, respectively), and the cover of native perennial grasses increased on AC plots compared to that on control plots (1.4–3% cover). Despite promising responses to AC by these species, some exotic species responded positively to AC and some native species responded negatively to AC. Consequently, AC addition did not result in native plant communities similar to uninvaded sites, but AC did demonstrate potential as a soil‐based exotic plant control tool, especially for B. tectorum and C. diffusa.  相似文献   

Bowman et al. (Journal of Biogeography, 2011, 38 , 2223–2236) attempt a synthesis of the current status of study into human use of fire as an ecosystem management tool and provide a framework for guiding research on the human dimensions of global fire. While we applaud this ambitious effort, we believe the proposed ‘pyric phase and transition’ model to be too deterministic and simplistic to account for the complexity and diversity in human–fire relationships. After reviewing theoretical problems with the proposed framework, we question policy implications of their conclusions concerning tropical forest systems. We suggest that a theoretically informed perspective should build on an historical fire ecology framework for investigating social and ecological aspects of human–environment interactions.  相似文献   

Woody plant encroachment has degraded grassland and savanna ecosystems worldwide by decreasing herbaceous production and diversity, and altering these physiognomies toward woodlands. This study evaluated the long-term efficacy of fire and herbicide restoration strategies used in the southern Great Plains to reduce Honey mesquite ( Prosopis glandulosa ) dominance, restore a grassland/savanna physiognomy, and increase herbaceous production and diversity. Three treatments were evaluated: high-intensity winter fire, aerial spray of clopyralid + triclopyr (C + T), and aerial spray of clopyralid and were compared to untreated mesquite woodland (control). Post-treatment mesquite stand physiognomy was different between fire (low mortality, high basal sprouting), C + T (high mortality, high basal sprouting of surviving plants), and clopyralid (moderate mortality, low basal sprouting of surviving plants) treatments. From 6 to 8 years post-treatment, herbaceous production was increased in C + T and clopyralid treatments but not in the fire treatment. Mesquite regrowth in the fire treatment exerted a competitive influence that limited herbaceous production. Herbaceous functional group diversity was increased in fire and C + T treatments due to a decrease in C3 perennial grass dominance and an increase in C4 perennial grasses and/or C3 forbs. Treatments that maintained mesquite overstory (control and clopyralid) had lower herbaceous diversity due to C3 perennial grass dominance and lower C4 perennial grass cover. The clopyralid treatment demonstrated greatest potential for long-term restoration of southern Great Plains savanna by reducing mesquite canopy cover to historic levels, limiting mesquite basal regrowth and increasing grass production.  相似文献   

After decades of suppression, fire is returning to forests of the western United States through wildfires and prescribed burns. These fires may aid restoration of vegetation structure and processes, which could improve conditions for wildlife species and reduce severe wildfire risk. Understanding response of wildlife species to fires is essential to forest restoration because contemporary fires may not have the same effects as historical fires. Recent fires in the Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona provided opportunity to investigate long‐term effects of burn severity on habitat selection of a native wildlife species. We surveyed burned forest for squirrel feeding sign and related vegetation characteristics to frequency of feeding sign occurrence. We used radio‐telemetry within fire‐influenced forest to determine home ranges of Mexican fox squirrels, Sciurus nayaritensis chiricahuae, and compared vegetation characteristics within home ranges to random areas available to squirrels throughout burned conifer forest. Squirrels fed in forest with open understory and closed canopy cover. Vegetation within home ranges was characterized by lower understory density, consistent with the effects of low‐severity fire, and larger trees than random locations. Our results suggest that return of low‐severity fire can help restore habitat for Mexican fox squirrels and other native wildlife species with similar habitat affiliations in forests with a historical regime of frequent, low‐severity fire. Our study contributes to an understanding of the role and impact of fire in forest ecosystems and the implications for forest restoration as fire returns to the region.  相似文献   

Survival and life expectancy are key demographic determinants of population dynamics. Using data collected in a field experiment monitored over 14 years in montane grassland of the Ukhahlamba‐Drakensberg Park, South Africa, we determined the effects of components of fire regime and plant structure on the survival and life expectancy of the tree Protea roupelliae subsp. roupelliae (Proteaceae). The field experiment comprised six plots (0.2–0.5 ha in area) from which the survival and life expectancies of 1567 juveniles (non‐reproductives) and 329 adults (reproductives) were estimated in response to differences in fire frequency, biennial seasonal fire, flame height, juvenile height, adult height, basal area and canopy vigour. Juvenile survival and life expectancies were highest when fires were excluded for 8 years. However, a fire after 12 years of fire exclusion and another fire 2 years later eliminated all juveniles. Over the same 14‐year period of biennial fires, juvenile survival was 5%. Juvenile survival and life expectancy were higher after biennial, winter fires than after annual, winter fires. Flame height had no effect on juvenile survival and life expectancy. Both survival and life expectancy of juveniles increased as plants got older and grew taller. Adult survival was unaffected by fire frequency, flame height or tree size, but the survival of adults in response to fire seasonality was inconclusive. Adults with low canopy vigour (<25%) were negatively affected by fire. Juvenile survival and life expectancy are critical bottlenecks in the demography of P. roupelliae. This species is neither a reseeder nor a resprouter. It avoids lethal fire damage by being restricted to rocky habitats with low fire intensities. Biennial winter fires least threaten the survival and life expectancy of P. roupelliae and impact least on its role in the summer feeding and breeding of Gurney's sugarbird.  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the gastropod grazer Trochus niloticus in controlling epilithic algae and enhancing coral recruitment on artificial substrata on coral reefs where the biomass of herbivorous fishes was low due to heavy fishing pressure. Hatchery‐reared, subadult trochus were stocked onto pallet balls (small artificial reefs composed of concrete and limestone aggregate) at a density of approximately four individuals per square meter (external surface area). This density was re‐established with releases of new trochus each month for 6 months. At the end of the experiment, there were no significant differences in algal biomass, cover and community composition, or the density of coral recruits on substrata with and without trochus. High monthly attrition of stocked trochus on the pallet balls, apparently due mainly to predation by octopus, did not allow the evaluation of the efficiency of the trochus enhancement, at the desired density, as a restoration tool. However, at the lower trochus densities (circa 1 m?2), which occurred as a result of predation in this study, no apparent enhancement of algal grazing or coral recruitment were observed. The surprisingly high predation of stocked trochus in a heavily fished and gleaned reef site stresses the importance of understanding all the factors affecting the survival of stocked animals. To help mitigate predation of trochus, artificial habitat with refuge spaces that allow the grazers to escape predation could be provided and individuals of a larger size could be released.  相似文献   

Multi‐species mixed plantations can be designed to meet social, economic, and environmental objectives during forest restoration. This paper reports results from an experiment in southern Sweden concerning the influence of three different fast growing nurse tree species on the cover of herbaceous vegetation and on the performance of several target tree species. After 10 years, the nurse trees had reduced the competing herbaceous vegetation but the effect was weak and it may take more than a decade to achieve effective vegetation control. The nurse tree species Betula pendula and Larix x eurolepis did improve stem form in some target tree species, but had a minor effect on survival and growth. The open conditions before crown closure of nurse trees strongly influence seedling performance and so delayed planting of target tree species may provide a means to avoid those conditions. Survival and growth differed greatly among the tree species. Besides the two nurse tree species mentioned above, high survival was found in Picea abies and Quercus robur and intermediate survival in Fagus sylvatica, Tilia cordata, and in the N‐fixing nurse tree Alnus glutinosa. Survival was low in the target tree species Fraxinus excelsior L. and Prunus avium. For restoration practitioners, our results illustrate the potential of using nurse trees for rapidly building a new forest structure and simultaneously increase productivity, which might be a cost‐effective strategy for forest restoration.  相似文献   

Soil seed bank is an important source of resilience of plant communities who suffered disturbances. We analysed the effect of an intense fire in the soil seed bank of a semi‐arid shrubland of Córdoba Argentina. We asked if the fire affected seed abundance, floristic and functional composition of the soil seed bank at two different layers (0–5 cm and 5–10 cm), and if fire could compromise the role of the soil seed bank as a source of resilience for the vegetation. We collected soil samples from a burned site and from a control site that had not burned. Samples were installed in a greenhouse under controlled conditions. During 12 months, we recorded all germinated seedlings. We compare soil seed bank with pre‐fire vegetation in terms of floristic and functional composition. The high‐intensity fire deeply affected the abundance of seeds in the soil, but it did not affect its floristic or functional composition. Floristic and functional composition of soil seed banks – at burned and unburned sites‐ differed markedly from that of the pre‐fire vegetation, although a previous study at the same site indicated high resilience after fire of this plant community. Our results indicate that resilience of this system is not strongly dependent on direct germination from seeds buried in the soil. Other sources of resilience, like colonization from neighbouring vegetation patches and resprouting from underground organs appear to gain relevance after an intense fire.  相似文献   

Expansion of woody species into herbaceous wetlands is a serious concern in wetland management. Prescribed fire is often used as a tool to manage woody species, although many species resprout after fire making control problematic. In this study, we assessed the usefulness of repeated dormant season fires for controlling Salix caroliniana (Michx.) in a floodplain marsh in Florida. Salix is a common shrub in southeastern marshes that resprouts prolifically after fire. We compared stem basal area, stem density, and cover of Salix in three adjacent sites in a floodplain marsh in east central Florida. One site was burned once in February 1997, another site was burned in February 1997 and then again in March 1999 and one site was left unburned. At the unburned site, Salix stem basal area, stem density, and cover increased over the course of the study. In the two burned sites, the first fire destroyed large diameter stems and stimulated production of sprouts. As a result, stem basal area and cover decreased but stem density remained unchanged. The second fire caused a decline in stem density and a further decline in cover. Changes in understory species composition and cover could not be attributed to the fires. Our results suggest that dormant season fires are effective in reducing Salix cover and basal area, and that repeated fires have greater effects than a single fire.  相似文献   

Understanding species’ responses to fire regimes, particularly rare or threatened species, is important for land managers tasked with managing for biodiversity. Hickman's Allanaspides (Allanaspides hickmani, Anaspidesidae) is a rare, primitive, shrimp‐like crustacean, with high conservation value. It is restricted to a single catchment in the island state of Tasmania, Australia, where it occurs within moorland pools typically containing crayfish (Ombrastacoides spp.) burrows. Although its moorland habitat has a long history of firing, adverse fire regimes are a potential threat to the species. A large part of its range is subject to planned burning to help manage the detrimental effects of high‐intensity wildfires. The resilience of A. hickmani to low–moderate‐intensity fires was investigated over 13 years using a replicated before‐after‐control‐impact design. The fires resulted in an initial reduction in vegetation cover and surface water and an increase in water temperature. There was no effect of fire on A. hickmani captures 4 months after small‐scale, low‐intensity autumn burns. However, 5 months later, following an unintended larger‐scale, medium‐intensity spring burn, there was an 80–90% reduction in A. hickmani captures and their numbers did not recover until 6–9 years post‐fire. It is not known whether the reduced catch was due to a reduction in the number of A. hickmani or their movement from pools into crayfish burrows. These findings together with evidence of a varied fire history, including high‐intensity wildfires, within their range suggests that A. hickmani and its habitat are resilient to a range of fire frequencies and intensities provided that the fire regime does not degrade or lead to a complete loss of peat. Climate change predictions for warmer and drier summers in western Tasmania will increase the risk of peat loss. Planned burning is likely to be important for the protection of A. hickmani habitat from predicted adverse fire regimes.  相似文献   

Wang  R.Z. 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(1):21-26
Floristic composition, life forms for C4 species, and the pattern of altitude distribution were studied on Tibetan Plateau. 79 species, in 7 families and 46 genera, were identified with C4 photosynthesis. 95 % of these C4 species belong to Gramineae (51 species), Cyperaceae (14 species), and Chenopodiaceae (10 species), indicating that C4 plants mainly occur in very few families (7 of 204) on the Tibetan Plateau. High altitude distribution for all the Chenopodiaceae C4 species (> 3 000 m above sea level) suggests that plants of this kind have large tolerance to cold, dryness, and strong ultraviolet radiation. Most Gramineae and Cyperaceae C4 species occurrences are consistent with extensive distribution of steppes and meadows in the vast flat of the central Plateau (1 000–3 000 m a.s.l.). Relatively high amount of hemicryptophyte form plants (44 %) in the region indicates that the vegetation, especially grassland, meadows, and steppe, are in good condition. There is a strong relationship between numbers of C4 species and altitude in the Tibetan Plateau. Occurrence of C4 species is significantly less in both high and low altitude plateaux in Tibet. Altitude distribution pattern for C4 species in the region is not only consistent with the altitude and climate, but also with the vegetation types in altitude gradient.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to determine 1) the life history characteristics of a captive colony of the arboreal folivore Pseudocheirus peregrinus maintained on a browse free diet under enhanced laboratory conditions, 2) the direction and magnitude of life history differences from wild population values, and 3) the feasibility of developing captive colonies of this and related species for conservation and research programs. Rates of reproduction, growth, and development; demographic trends; behavioral patterns pertinent to exhibition; and management and medical techniques are reported. Fecundity was 67% greater than that of wild populations and there was an approximate four-fold increase in the rate of offspring survival to sexual maturity. These trends were due largely to reduced post-pouch emergence mortality and the decay of reproductive seasonality. The results indicate that a properly designed “artificial” diet can support significantly enhanced reproduction in a trophic specialist. Other demographic, developmental, and behavioral measures found to be consistent with those reported from wild populations indicate that there was no significant life history distortion caused by the management regime. Empirical data are presented showing that the common ringtail is nocturnal, has low rates of activity, and has specific space and substrate preferences. These results suggest ways in which the animals' physical environment can be manipulated to improve exhibition. We conclude that the reproductive rates of other ringtail possum species might also be enhanced under comparable management conditions.  相似文献   

Common techniques currently used for afforestation in the Mediterranean basin consider the pre‐existing vegetation (mainly shrubs) as a source of competition for trees, and consequently it is generally eliminated before planting. Nevertheless, it has been demonstrated that woody plants can facilitate the establishment of understory seedlings in environments that, like the Mediterranean area, are characterized by a pronounced dry season. In this study, we experimentally analyze the usefulness of shrubs as nurse plants for afforestation of two native conifers, Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine) and Pinus nigra Arnold (black pine). Two‐year‐old seedlings were planted in four microhabitats: (1) open interspaces without vegetation (which is the usual method used in afforestation programs), (2) under individuals of Salvia lavandulifolia, (3) under the north side of spiny shrubs, and (4) under the south side of spiny shrubs. Pine survival was remarkably higher when planted under individuals of the shrub S. lavandulifolia (54.8% for Scots pine, 81.9% for black pine) compared with open areas (21.5% for Scots pine, 56.8% for black pine; chi square, p < 0.05). The survival of both pines was also higher when planted on the north side of spiny shrubs, although the survival on the south side was similar to that found in open areas. In addition, pine growth was not inhibited when planted in association with shrubs. This pattern appears to result from the combination of abiotic conditions imposed by the presence of a nurse shrub, which leads to improvement in seedling water status and therefore reduced summer mortality by drought. The results show that the use of shrubs as nurse plants is a technique that offers both economic and ecological advantages, in terms of savings in labor and plant material and reduced and even negligible impact on the pre‐existing vegetation.  相似文献   

Animal polyembryony appears to be paradoxical because it clones an unproven genotype at the expense of genetic diversity in a clutch. However, it is employed by at least 18 taxa in six phyla (excluding instances of occasional twinning). Most polyembryony occurs in parasitic stages or in other environments whose quality is not predictable by the mother; in some instances, it compensates for a constraint on zygote number. We predict that polyembryony is likely to evolve when the offspring has more information regarding optimal clutch size than the parents.  相似文献   

Microorganisms are enormous but largely untapped natural resources for biological control of pests and diseases. There are two primary reasons for their underployment for pest or disease control: (1) the technical difficulties of using microorganisms for biological control, owing to a lack of fundamental information on them and their ecology, and (2) the costs of product development and regulatory approvals required for each strain, formulation, and use. Agriculture and forestry benefit greatly from the resident communities of microorganisms responsible for naturally occurring biological control of pest species, but additional benefits are achieved by introducing/applying them when or where needed. This can be done as (1) an inoculative release, (2) an augmentative application, or (3) an inundative application. Because of their specificity, different microbial biocontrol agents typically are needed to control different pests or the same pest in different environments. Four potential adverse effects are identified as safety issues (hazards) associated with the use of microorganisms for the biological control of plant pests and diseases. These are: (1) displacement of nontarget microorganisms, (2) allergenicity to humans and other animals, (3) toxigenicity to nontarget organisms, and (4) pathogenicity to nontarget organisms. Except for allergenicity, these are the same attributes that contribute to the efficacy of microbial biocontrol agents toward the target pest species. The probability of occurrence of a particular adverse nontarget effect of a microbial biocontrol agent may be a function of geographic origin or a specific trait genetically added or modified, but the safety issues are the still the same, including whether the microorganism intended for pest or disease control is indigenous, nonindigenous (imported and released), or genetically modified by traditional or recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology. Likewise, the probability of occurrence of a particular adverse nontarget effect may vary with method of application, e.g., whether as an aerosol, soil treatment, baits, or seed treatment, and may increase with increased scale of use, but the safety issues are still the same, including whether the microorganism is used for an inoculative release or augmentative or inundative application. Existing practices for managing microorganisms in the environment (e.g., plant pathogens,Rhizobium,plant inoculants) provide experience and options for managing the risks of microorganisms applied for pest and disease control. Moreover, experience to date indicates that any adverse nontarget effects, should they occur, are likely to be short-term or transitory effects that can, if significant, be eliminated by terminating use of the microbial biocontrol agent. In contrast, production agriculture as currently practiced, such as the use of tillage and crop rotations, has significant and long-term effects on nontarget organisms, including the intentional and unintentional displacement of microorganisms. Even the decision to leave plant pests and diseases unmanaged could have significant long-term environmental effects on nontarget organisms. Potential safety issues associated with the use of microbial biocontrol must therefore be properly identified and compared with the impact of other options for managing the pest or leaving the pest unmanaged. This paper provides a scientific framework for this process.  相似文献   

The relative importance of facilitation and competition between pairwise plants across abiotic stress gradients as predicted by the stress‐gradient hypothesis has been confirmed in arid and temperate ecosystems, but the hypothesis has rarely been tested in tropical systems, particularly across nutrient gradients. The current research examines the interactions between a pioneer shrub Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (the nurse plant) and seedlings of a transplanted native woody Schima superba (the target species) in a tropical system in which position on a slope corresponds with a nutrient gradient; high soil nutrients at the slope bottom and relatively low soil nutrients at the slope top. In contrast, soil physical traits were more favorable for seedling growth under the shrub than in open spaces. The effect of R. tomentosa on S. superba survival was positive (facilitation) at the top of the slope, as indicated by the relative interaction index (RII), but negative in the bottom (competition). RII indicated a positive effect on seedling height at the top of the slope but was not at the bottom. Seedling survival was positively related to soil nutrient level and negatively related to soil acidity, but seedling growth of S. superba seemed to be enhanced by the shrub canopy. Thus, the results seem to support stress‐gradient hypothesis in terms of target species survival but not growth. We suggest using the shrub as a nurse plant in forest restoration in tropical degraded land with caution because not all of its effects on target species are positive .  相似文献   

Industrial ecosystems are fruitful sites for examining ecosystem management. Sewage treatment plants, breweries, biotechnology reactors, and ethanol production plants are all ecosystems—complex biophysical systems in which communities of bacteria, yeast, fungi, and other organisms are maintained to extract services or resources. The industrial analog to ecosystem management is “process control”, where the industrial operator is the ecosystem manager. Process control is the management of a production process through the careful measurement and adjustment of its physical and chemical conditions. By analyzing the history of process control in activated sludge sewage treatment plants, I show the importance of craft knowledge in ecosystem management. Sewage treatment plant workers, through their experience in operating the plants, developed means of evaluating process conditions based on sight and smell rather than laboratory analysis. These craft techniques developed and persisted in spite of concerted efforts on the part of sanitary scientists to institute “scientific” control of the process based on laboratory analysis and models of microbial kinetics, suggesting that craft knowledge of ecosystem function can contribute to successful management. The craft knowledge of sewage plant workers is a kind of adaptive management, in which workers constantly adjust ecosystem parameters and observe the results. This approach is contrasted to “command and control” approaches to treatment plant automation, which have met with uneven success.  相似文献   

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