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Wolbachia are Gram-negative bacteria that cause intracellular inherited infections in many invertebrates. They are extremely common, with 20–75 % of all insects being infected. Wolbachia belong to taxa of the Anaplasmataceae family, alpha proteobacteria. Because previous studies have shown that Wolbachia generally disappear from the host insect’s body under high-temperature conditions in laboratories, we investigated seasonal changes in infection of the pale grass blue butterfly, Zizeeria maha (Kollar, 1848) by Wolbachia, for 7 months of the year. Total annual infection was 86.7 % (n = 15) of females and 96.3 % (n = 81) of males. Statistical analysis showed that monthly infection was not significantly different among months. In addition, no significant difference was found between Wolbachia densities in cells of summer and winter butterfly samples by use of real-time PCR during the months examined. The results suggest that Wolbachia infection is not affected by seasonal factors, at least for Z. maha.  相似文献   

The pale grass blue butterfly Zizeeria maha has been used as an environmental indicator to evaluate the biological impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident. A high morphological abnormality rate (AR) of this butterfly was detected in 2011 from radioactively contaminated areas at 37–38°N. However, the geographical AR distribution has not been documented for the entirety of northeastern Japan. Additionally, the geographical distribution of the wing color pattern modification rate (MR) of temperature‐shock type remains undocumented. Here, we collected adult butterflies from many localities in northeastern Japan in 2014 and examined the local AR and MR. Both AR and MR were generally low throughout the 44 local populations surveyed. Latitudinal AR and MR distributions indicated a gap zone at approximately 39°N. The mean AR and the mean MR of the populations south of the gap zone were low (AR = 3.0%, MR = 1.1%), whereas those of the northern populations were relatively high (AR = 10.6%, MR =10.3%). Logistic regression analyses revealed that abnormalities and modifications were associated with temperature‐related variables. We conclude that abnormalities and modifications are generally rare, but that their rates are higher in the northern populations than in the southern ones. These results, along with evidence from other studies, strongly suggest that the high AR detected in 2011 from contaminated areas was induced by anthropogenic radioactive mutagens. This study presents a basic dataset of the current wildlife state of Z. maha in northeastern Japan, which facilitates a future use of this butterfly species as an environmental indicator.  相似文献   

Flavonoids in the eggs, larvae, pupae and adult butterflies of Pseudozizeeria maha were identified and quantified. Isovitexin (apigenin 6- C -glucoside) was the dominant flavonoid detected in pupae and imagines, whereas saponarin (isovitexin 7- O -glucoside) was the dominant flavonoid in larvae. Saponarin, biotransformed from isovitexin by the larvae, was found to be reconverted into isovitexin at the pupal stages. The total amounts of accumulated flavonoids differed between sexes, particularly in adults where the bodies of females had a much higher flavonoid concentration than that of the males. These flavonoids were also detected in the eggs. These results indicate the possibility that flavonoids are utilized in not only wing coloration but also as a chemical defense compound against natural threats.  相似文献   

The pale grass blue butterfly, Zizeeria maha (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae), has successfully been employed as an indicator species to evaluate acute biological changes in polluted human-living environments after the Fukushima nuclear accident. Here, we quantitatively examined the field sampling efficiency of the butterfly and its associated sexual sampling bias under different conditions, which may provide important information for environmental risk assessment. Sampling data were obtained in 2014 and 2015 from 87 localities across Japan. Across the localities, the mean capture rate was 17 individuals per hour per person, and males represented approximately 80% of the collected butterflies. No significant difference was detected in the capture rate under different weather conditions. Among the four habitats, the riverside showed a significantly higher capture rate than the city park. A shorter sampling time tended to yield a higher capture rate. Comparisons among prefectures and districts of collection localities revealed that the Kanto district had significantly higher percentages of collected males than 4 other districts. Fukushima prefecture also had high percentage, although not significant. A generalized linear mixed model indicated that the capture rate was significantly negatively affected by the agricultural village, the city park, the rainy weather, and latitude and positively by longitude. Together, the present study showed high sampling efficiency and versatility of this butterfly as an indicator for environmental risk assessment but simultaneously suggested preferable conditions for a field sampling design. This study also suggested a possibility that the Fukushima nuclear accident or other factors might have affected behavioral or population dynamics of the butterfly.  相似文献   

The structure of the food web including the endangered lycaenid butterfly Shijimiaeoides divinus asonis (Matsumura) was analyzed to identify species contributing most to maintaining the equilibrium of the food web. Twenty‐seven species belonging to 17 families fed on Sophora flavescens Aiton, the host‐plant of S. divinus asonis: 15 species were leaf and stem feeders, seven (including S. divinus asonis) fed on flower buds, four were flower feeders and one fed on the seeds of So. flavescens. Of these 27 species, four were omnivores. The natural enemies of S. divinus asonis comprised six insect species, 11 spider species and one entomopathogenic fungus species, including six new predator records. The linkage density, total number of trophic links, connectance, average chain length and predator–prey ratio were 1.617, 97, 0.0548, 2.267 and 0.694, respectively. Exclusion of any of the 15 species with four or more trophic links reduced the connectance of the food web. These 15 species included facultative mutualistic attendant ants and predators of S. divinus asonis, herbivores to So. flavescens, an omnivore feeding on S. divinus asonis and So. flavescens, and prey insects. Therefore, future studies should monitor these 15 species.  相似文献   

二化螟Chilo suppressalis(Walker)是我国水稻上的重要害虫,为促进其防控技术研究,迫切需要建立二化螟标准化饲养技术。根据二化螟对关键营养成分的需求,研制了一种适合其生长发育、存活和繁殖的人工饲料配方,并发展了其长期、继代、规模化饲养的标准饲养技术。已用该饲料配方和饲养技术连续饲养二化螟69代,其适合度指标仍保持较高水平。该饲料配方和饲养技术适合二化螟的周年继代和规模化饲养,同时也为其它寡食性昆虫人工饲料的研制与开发提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(4):101975
The lycaenid butterfly Zizina emelina emelina (de l’Orza) (previously Zizina otis emelina; Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) has populations distributed across Japan and Korea. Zizina emelina is listed on Japan’s Red List as an endangered species, owing to the loss of its principal plant food and habitat. Researchers previously investigated the genetic diversity and structure in Japanese populations by using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA analyses alongside their Wolbachia infection status to consider the conservation strategy. In this study, we investigated the genetic variation and Wolbachia infection status of Korean populations and compared our findings with these traits in the Japanese populations. Four novel mitochondrial haplotypes were found in the Korean populations, whereas nuclear DNA analysis revealed one new haplotype and another that matched the one reported previously in Japan. The two known strains of Wolbachia in the Japanese populations were also found in the Korean ones. Mitochondrial DNA analysis demonstrated that no gene flow had occurred between the Japanese and Korean populations. The fact that they share the same nuclear haplotype and Wolbachia strains, however, indicates a low level of population differentiation between the two.  相似文献   

The endemic Sardinian chalk hill blue butterfly, Polyommatus coridon gennargenti, is considered vulnerable to extinction because of its low genetic variation and restricted distribution. The species also has a fragmented distribution, which follows the patchy distribution pattern of its larval host-plant. A preliminary investigation of the population structure of P. coridon gennargenti was carried out on a small network of four local populations by means of capture–recapture methods. Estimated population sizes and movement rates among the four adjacent local populations suggest that this taxon has a metapopulation structure composed of loosely connected small local populations. Natural fragmentation, isolation, and traditional land use contribute to the vulnerability of P. coridon gennargenti to extinction. Low effective population sizes and restricted movement between habitat patches lead to inbreeding and an increased vulnerability to extinction of this island population.  相似文献   

Effects of the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), on a myrmecophilous butterfly, Narathura bazalus (Hewiston), were investigated in the field in western Japan. Larvae of N. bazalus were attended by workers of Argentine ants in invaded parks and of ten native and one cosmopolitan ant species in uninvaded parks. The abundance of eggs and larvae were not significantly different between invaded and uninvaded parks. Pupal weight and parasitized ratio by tachinid flies were also not different between the two types of parks. These results indicate that the role of Argentine ants for the butterfly might be almost equivalent to the native ants.  相似文献   

We developed microsatellite markers for Maculinea nausithous and Maculinea alcon, two of five species of endangered large blue butterflies found in Europe. Two separate microsatellite libraries were constructed. Eleven markers were developed for M. nausithous and one for M. alcon. The primers were tested on both species as well as on the three other European Maculinea species. The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 14. These markers will be useful tools for population genetic studies of Maculinea species.  相似文献   

Populations of the myrmecophilous lycaenid Jalmenus evagoras Donovan were assessed for genetic structure at three hierarchical spatial scales: sites, geographically-defined subpopulations, and subpopulations defined by species of mutualistic ant-associate. Estimates of Wright's FST generated from multilocus electrophoretic data revealed low, though significant, amounts of genetic structure. Most structure was observed at the level of geographic subpopulations, suggesting that adult butterflies do not exhibit preferential mating and oviposition along the lines of ant associate. The genetic structure data, together with estimates of Nei's genetic distance (D) for pairwise site and subpopulation comparisons, suggest that J. evagoras populations are spatially and temporally dynamic. These patterns are considered in the context of extinction and recolonization models. The extreme patchiness of J. evagoras populations stems from the stringent requirements of both host plant and host ant, contributing to an extinction/ recolonization process. We discuss the key parameters influencing genetic cohesion versus differentiation under an extinction/recolonization regime, including mode of butterfly dispersal, site turnover rate, and the effects of host dispersal and phenology. This system provides a model of population-level consequences of certain mutualistic interactions as well as of a class of patterns arising from an extinction/recolonization process.  相似文献   

An integumental anatomy for the lycaenid butterfly Glaucopsyche lygdamus is presented. Comparisons with other lepidopteran taxa are made to rectify the homology of parts and contrast anatomical divergences within the Lycaenidae. A general terminology based on Snodgrass is given, to replace many of the specialized and often synonymous terms restricted to the Lepidoptera. Many common anatomical svnonyms are also given. Several reinterpretations of the anatomy and homology of various integumental regions are discussed. A previously unreported cuticular anomaly on abdominal tergum 2 of male Polyommatinae (Downey's area) is described. The following new or newly combined terms are used:postgenal-occipital area, postgenal-occipital protuberance, dorsal temporal sulci, postantennal projections, pronotal projection, infraepisternal-basisternal plate, paracoxal-marginopleural sulci, dorsal epimeral sulci, ventral epimeral sulci, secondary coxal sulci, ventral subcostal-radial process, lateral secondary sclerite and Downey's area.  相似文献   

We describe population structure, mobility and habitat preferences of the butterfly Lycaena helle using a survey of the populations in the Westerwald area (Western Germany) and mark-recapture techniques. Three out of 83 recorded populations were intensively studied in 1995. In all, 1596 individuals (537 females) were uniquely marked. The average adult residence time was 8 days, the maximum 34 days. L. helle is extremely sedentary. Average distances between first and subsequent captures were 37 and 61 meters for males and females respectively. Population-specific differences are interpreted as being caused by the influence of barriers and corridors. The potential for colonization is regarded as poor, and isolated populations seem to be under a higher risk of extinction than other ones. Preferred habitats were abandoned moist meadows with rich aspects of Polygonum bistorta on sheltered, warm, and humid stands. Owing to the destruction of natural habitats (moorland) L. helle now colonizes almost exclusively anthropogenic ephemeral habitats (abandoned moist meadows) in Central Europe. This results in serious conservation problems, as the biology of the species does not seem to be adapted to a high turn-over rate of habitats.  相似文献   

To clarify differences in pupal cold hardiness and larval food consumption between overwintering and non‐overwintering generations of the common yellow swallowtail, Papilio machaon, we reared larvae from the Osaka population under photoperiods of 16 h light : 8 h dark (LD 16:8) (long day) or LD 12:12 (short day) at 20°C. We examined the relationship between food consumption and weight during the final larval stadium and pupae, and measured the pupal supercooling point (SCP). Although the ratio of assimilation to consumption did not differ significantly between photoperiods, the ratio of assimilation to pupal weight differed significantly between individuals reared under long and short days. All diapausing pupae were brown, whereas 56% of non‐diapausing pupae were green with the remainder brown. The mean pupal body length (L), dorsal width (W1) and lateral width (W2) were larger in non‐diapausing than in diapausing pupae, and the W1/L and W1/W2 ratios differed significantly between non‐diapausing and diapausing pupae. SCP was approximately –20°C and did not differ among pupae 5, 15 and 30 days after pupation under long‐day conditions. However, under short‐day conditions, mean SCP gradually decreased, stabilizing at approximately –24 to –25°C by 30 days after pupation. After freezing, some diapausing pupae emerged as adults, whereas all non‐diapausing pupae died. Both egestion and assimilation were greater under long‐day conditions. The results revealed that pupae of this papilionid exhibit seasonal polyphenism in physiological and morphological traits. Energy from food appears to be expended on increasing cold hardiness in the overwintering generation and on reproduction in the non‐overwintering generation.  相似文献   

Lifetime mating success of males in a natural population of the papilionid butterfly, Atrophaneura alcinous, was investigated and causes of the variation were examined. The most successful males mated with 5 females, whereas about 73% of the males failed to mate. Body size of males was not correlated with their eclosion date, longevity and lifetime mating success. There was no trade-off between mating success and longevity, and long-lived males had a disproportionately high mating success. Although number of available females per male per day was not variable among males with different longevities, long-lived males had higher mating efficiency. Time interval between matings by non-virgin males was shorter than that from eclosion to the first mating. High lifetime mating success of long-lived males was strongly related to their mating experience, not to their age per se.  相似文献   

This paper proposes to split the Australian Polyommatini genus Erysichton Fruhstorfer, 1916 into two genera on the basis of molecular, morphological and early stage behavioral attributes. The utility of reflective eye pattern as a taxonomic character is discussed and a neotype of Lycaena lineata Murray, 1874 is designated.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the development and survival of Shijimiaeoides divinus barine were examined in the laboratory in 2008. The eggs and larvae were reared at temperatures of 15, 17.5, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C with a long-day photoperiod of 16 h light : 8 h dark (16L : 8D). The highest hatchability of eggs was 88.0% at 20°C, but hatchability at high temperatures of 30 and 35°C was 30 and 0%, respectively. The lowest and highest survival rates from the first to third instar were 18.8% at 15°C and 76.9% at 20°C. Few deaths were observed after the fourth instar. The shortest developmental periods of the eggs and larvae were 4.0 and 15.8 days at 30°C, and the durations of the egg and larval stages increased significantly as the temperature decreased. The developmental zero and thermal constants were 9.6°C and 82.6 degree–days for the egg stage, and 10.7°C and 306.8 degree–days for the larval stage. The developmental period of the natural population of S. divinus barine in Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture was calculated using the developmental zero, thermal constants and Azumino City temperature data.  相似文献   

【目的】针对现有大帛斑蝶Idea leuconoe(Eriehson)饲养方法中无法有效回避高温造成的成虫大量死亡,卵空壳或干瘪失水的问题,本研究发明了一种新的繁殖网纹室来规模化人工饲养大帛斑蝶的方法。【方法】本研究测定了在新发明和普通繁殖网纹室的饲养下,大帛斑蝶的存活、交配成功率、产卵量和卵孵化率,并对新发明和普通繁殖网纹室之间的参数进行了对比。【结果】采用新发明繁殖网纹室饲养的大帛斑蝶幼虫化蛹率为90.75%±1.12%,蛹羽化率为91.36%±2.43%,均维持在90%以上,均极显著高于普通繁殖网纹室;从幼虫发育到成虫的存活率为82.93%±2.55%,也极显著高于普通繁殖网纹室;在15日龄内,相对于普通繁殖网纹室,新发明繁殖网纹室饲养的存活的成虫,取食频率较高,活跃性较高,虫体比较健壮,且此时成虫存活率显著较高,为81.22%±2.07%;利用新发明繁殖网纹室饲养的成虫,其雌蝶交配成功率为81.67%±4.77%,每雌产卵量为(269.32±9.85)粒,卵孵化率为85.88%±1.93%,均极显著高于普通繁殖网纹室;本研究新发明的繁殖网纹室,可以有效的营造一个温度显著低于空气温度的小环境,供大帛斑蝶躲避高温灼伤。【结论】通过在本研究新发明繁殖网纹室的饲养,大帛斑蝶存活率、交配成功率和繁殖力均维持在较高的水平上,显著高于普通繁殖网纹室,能够保证为市场提供充足的大帛斑蝶虫源,避免农民养殖户的损失。  相似文献   

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