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Cyclostomes are the only order of stenolaemate bryozoans living today. The non-feeding larvae of modern cyclostomes metamorphose on settlement to produce a calcified dome-shaped protoecium. Protoecial diameter provides a proxy for larval size. The sparse data available on living cyclostomes suggests that protoecial diameter is about one-and-a-half times greater than larval width. Here we use protoecial diameter to estimate larval sizes in fossil and Recent cyclostome species. A total of 233 protoecia were measured, 143 from Recent cyclostomes and 90 from fossil cyclostomes, of which 84 came from the Jurassic. Protoecial diameter ranged from 82.5 to 690 μm, with 89% of protoecia having diameters between 100 and 300 μm. A comparison of 30 Jurassic with 51 Recent taxa of tubuliporine cyclostomes showed a significant difference in size frequency. Although the Recent taxa have a larger size range (83–465 μm) than the Jurassic taxa (125–249 μm), Recent species have a lower mode (125–150 μm) than the Jurassic species (175–200 μm). Most Jurassic cyclostomes may therefore have had larger larvae than their extant relatives. Reduction in larval size may be a component of the previously hypothesized reduction in overall body size resulting from competitive displacement by cheilostome bryozoans.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ciliary filter-feeding structures of gymnolaemate bryozoans—adults of Flustrellidra hispida and Alcyonidium gelatinosum , larvae of Membranipora sp.—were studied with SEM. In F. hispida and A. gelatinosum , the distal part of each tentacle has a straight row of stiff laterofrontal cilia which carry out "ciliary sieving" to capture suspended food particles that are subsequently transported downward towards the mouth by tentacle flicking; both structure and function resemble those of stenolaemate tentacles. The proximal part of the tentacle and of the ciliary ridge of a cyphonautes larva have strikingly similar structures, except that the laterofrontal cells are monociliate in the adults and biciliate in the larvae. The laterofrontal cells of the tentacles are arranged in a zigzag row and their cilia form two parallel rows, a frontal and a lateral row. The latter probably forms the sieve of stiff filter cilia in front of the water-pumping lateral cilia, whereas the frontal row appears to be held close to the frontal ciliary band of the tentacle. The biciliate laterofrontal cells of the cyphonautes larva have the cilia arranged in similar rows. The detailed morphological similarities between the ciliary bands of adult and larval filtering structures suggest that the feeding mechanisms are similar, contrary to what has been previously thought.  相似文献   

Most cheilostome bryozoans brood their larvae in skeletal structures called ovicells which, in evolutionary terms, were derived from spines. Ovicells in the great majority of fossil and Recent cheilostomes, however, have lost all or most traces of their spinose origin. Here we review the occurrence of spinose (including costate) brood chambers in cheilostomes, investigating in detail 32 species belonging to ten genera among five families (Calloporidae, Monoporellidae, Macroporidae, Cribrilinidae and Tendridae). Spinose ovicells are moderately common in the Upper Cretaceous, where they are recorded in 28 species, and also occur in one Palaeocene, seven Eocene‐Miocene and 11 Recent species. The most primitive cheilostome ovicells occur in mid‐Cretaceous calloporids in which a group of mural spines belonging to the distal zooid were apparently bent towards the maternal zooid to form a cage‐like structure for reception of the embryo. The bases of these spines were initially aligned in a distally concave row that later became straight, distally convex and finally horseshoe‐shaped, affording progressively better protection for the developing embryo. We suggest that primitive monoporellids inherited from calloporid ancestors a distally concave arrangement of ovicell spine bases, while cribrilinids inherited a horseshoe‐shaped arrangement. Important trends that can be recognized in early ovicell evolution include: (1) loss of basal spine articulation; (2) spine flattening; (3) closure of the gaps between spines; (4) reduction in spine number (through loss or fusion), and (5) development of a concave ovicell floor. The conventional ‘unipartite’ ovicells found in the majority of cheilostomes may have originated either by spine fusion, as seems likely in some cribrilinids, or through a progressive loss of spines via an intermediate stage, seen in some calloporids and in two monoporellids, where the ovicell comprises a large pair of flattened spines. The spinose ovicells of some monoporellids and macroporids subsequently evolved investments of hypostegal coelom that allowed secretion of a surface layer of cryptocystal calcification. Acanthostegous brood chambers characteristic of Tendridae apparently provide an example of independent evolution of spinose brooding structures. © 2005 The Natural History Museum, London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 144 , 317?361.  相似文献   

The occurrence of outcrossing in benthic hermaphroditic colonial invertebrates has received much historical debate and little demonstration. Direct genetic study of this question using routine techniques has been limited by both the amount of material required and the detection of adequate DNA polymorphisms. However, the recent development of molecular techniques that require no a-priori sequence data provides new approaches to the characterization of both tiny and genetically similar individuals. Random amplification of polymorphic DNA (the RAPD assay) was used to amplify fragments of DNA (via the polymerase chain reaction) to obtain fingerprints of parental colonies and larval offspring of the hermaphroditic freshwater bryozoan Cristatella mucedo. Here we report the first positive and direct genetic evidence for outcrossing in bryozoans. However, we find that outcrossing generates only low levels of genetic variation in populations that are highly clonal.  相似文献   

Genetic structuring was examined in two marine bryozoans with different modes of reproduction and dispersal of sexually derived larvae: Alcyonidium gelatinosum=A. polyoum, which produces brooded, short-lived lecithotrophic larvae, and A. mytili, an egg broadcaster with pelagic larvae. Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data from these species were further compared with a population of the freshwater bryozoan, Cristatella mucedo, which reproduces mainly by colony fission and production of asexual statoblasts. Microgeographic comparisons of colonies from single sites revealed higher levels of genetic divergence between A. mytili colonies (similarity coefficient, 1−S=0.60) than between those of A. gelatinosum (1−S=0.33). A macrogeographic survey of population structure was undertaken in A. gelatinosum and A. mytili populations from several geographically separated areas. Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) results showed that for A. gelatinosum, 8% of the variance was found between populations and 92% within populations, and for A. mytili, 10% of the variance was found between populations and 90% within. These values were similar between the two species, despite the differences in larval strategy, and indicate that there are high levels of population genetic subdivision in both species. Results show a general correspondence between patterns of microgeographic genetic structuring and predictions based on reproductive mode and dispersal capacity, although the species with a pelagic larva showed less genetic variation between populations than would have been predicted. Analysis of the C. mucedo population showed a highly clonal structure, as predicted and in agreement with previous studies. Such data represent the first case of a DNA-based population survey of bryozoans with differing reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is commonly used as evidence of the behavior of extinct species. Even so, few analyses scrutinize whether extant comparative data support inferences of mating systems or behavior in extinct species. This analysis evaluates the relations between measures of dimorphism and several estimates of mating system and intrasexual competition. Dimorphism alone provides poor resolution for reconstructing behavior. Many behavioral inferences based on perceived dimorphism are not supported by extant comparative data. This reflects the large standard errors of relations between dimorphism estimates and behavioral classifications. Used with caution, dimorphism can provide a hint of the behavior of extinct species in some cases. However, in many cases inferred dimorphism allows little more than an inference of polygyny, without any indication of specific types of mating systems.  相似文献   

Regardless of the morphological divergence among larval forms of marine bryozoans, the larval nervous system and its major effector organs (musculature and ciliary fields) are largely molded on the basis of functional demands of feeding, ciliary propulsion, phototactic behaviors, and substrate exploration. Previously published ultrastructural information and immunohistochemical reconstructions presented here indicate that neuronal pathways are largely ipsilateral, with more complex synaptic connections localized within the nerve nodule. Multiciliated sensory-motor neurons diversify structurally and functionally on the basis of their position along the axis of swimming largely due to the functional demands of photoklinotaxis and substrate exploration. Vesiculariform, buguliform, and ascophoran coronate larvae all have patches of sensory neurons bordering the pyriform organ's ciliated groove (juxtapapillary cells and border cells) that are active during substrate selection. Despite their simplified form, cyclostome larvae maintain swimming and probing behaviors with sensory-motor systems functionally similar to those of some parenchymella and planula larval types. Considering the evolutionary relationships among the morphological grades of marine bryozoans, particular lineages within the gymnolaemates have independently evolved larval traits that convey a greater range of sensory abilities and increased propulsive capacity. The larval nervous system of bryozoans may be evolutionarily derived from the pretrochal region of a trochophore-like larval form.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries of new fossil hominid species have been accompanied by several phylogenetic hypotheses. All of these hypotheses are based on a consideration of hominid craniodental morphology. However, Collard and Wood (2000) suggested that cladograms derived from craniodental data are inconsistent with the prevailing hypothesis of ape phylogeny based on molecular data. The implication of their study is that craniodental characters are unreliable indicators of phylogeny in hominoids and fossil hominids but, notably, their analysis did not include extinct species. We report here on a cladistic analysis designed to test whether the inclusion of fossil taxa affects the ability of morphological characters to recover the molecular ape phylogeny. In the process of doing so, the study tests both Collard and Wood's (2000) hypothesis of character reliability, and the several recently proposed hypotheses of early hominid phylogeny. One hundred and ninety-eight craniodental characters were examined, including 109 traits that traditionally have been of interest in prior studies of hominoid and early hominid phylogeny, and 89 craniometric traits that represent size-corrected linear dimensions measured between standard cranial landmarks. The characters were partitioned into two data sets. One set contained all of the characters, and the other omitted the craniometric characters. Six parsimony analyses were performed; each data set was analyzed three times, once using an ingroup that consisted only of extant hominoids, a second time using an ingroup of extant hominoids and extinct early hominids, and a third time excluding Kenyanthropus platyops. Results suggest that the inclusion of fossil taxa can play a significant role in phylogenetic analysis. Analyses that examined only extant taxa produced most parsimonious cladograms that were inconsistent with the ape molecular tree. In contrast, analyses that included fossil hominids were consistent with that tree. This consistency refutes the basis for the hypothesis that craniodental characters are unreliable for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships. Regarding early hominids, the relationships of Sahelanthropus tchadensis and Ardipithecus ramidus were relatively unstable. However, there is tentative support for the hypotheses that S. tchadensis is the sister taxon of all other hominids. There is support for the hypothesis that A. anamensis is the sister taxon of all hominids except S. tchadensis and Ar. ramidus. There is no compelling support for the hypothesis that Kenyanthropus platyops shares especially close affinities with Homo rudolfensis. Rather, K. platyops is nested within the Homo + Paranthropus + Australopithecus africanus clade. If K. platyops is a valid species, these relationships suggest that Homo and Paranthropus are likely to have diverged from other hominids much earlier than previously supposed. There is no support for the hypothesis that A. garhi is either the sister taxon or direct ancestor of the genus Homo. Phylogenetic relationships indicate that Australopithecus is paraphyletic. Thus, A. anamensis and A. garhi should be allocated to new genera.  相似文献   

The presence of c. 1450 individuals of the balanid barnacle Balanus crenatus Bruguière encrusting the test of a clypeasteroid sea urchin from the Late Miocene of the Guadalquivir Basin (southwestern Spain) allows proposing a settlement pattern linked to the growth of the encrusting organism. The possible influence of dip angle was controlled by dividing the test into four concentric zones ranging from lowest margin to apex (0–15°, 15–30°, 30–50° and 0°). Contour diagrams were prepared to identify areas of highest barnacle density as well as size categories distribution in relationship to the pitch of the sea urchin test. The orientation of balanid tests was recorded and plotted on rose diagrams from 0° to 180°. Four size categories of barnacles were distinguished: (1) < 1 mm, (2) 1–2 mm, (3) 2–3 mm and (4) 3–4 mm; these correspond to a growth sequence ranging from post‐larval forms to juveniles. Two areas of maximum settlement density are situated on the posterior margin of the test, on aboral as well as oral surfaces. The aboral surface shows the maximum number of barnacles. Two groups of individuals are defined on the basis of their location, that is, those encrusting the posterior medium part of the urchin, and those located on the anterior half. The results suggest that larval settlement was initially controlled by the availability of free space and afterwards by an intensification effect. Orientation and dip of the test may have played a secondary role in the settlement of the larvae. Substrate colonization seems to have been closely related to the biostratinomic history of the sea urchin test and although several scenarios are possible, our data are congruent with a synchronous settlement of both surfaces (aboral and oral) by one spat or several.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(5):718-733
Tentacles are the main food‐gathering organs of bryozoans. The most common design is a hollow tube of extracellular matrix (ECM), covered with ten columns of epithelial cells on the outside, and a coelothelium on the inside. Nerves follow the ECM, going between the bases of some epidermal cells. The tentacle musculature includes two bundles formed by myoepithelial cells of the coelothelium. The tentacles of freshwater (phylactolaemate) bryozoans, however, differ somewhat in structure from those of marine bryozoans. Here, we describe the tentacles of three species of phylactolaemates, comparing them to gymnolaemates and stenolaemates. Phylactolaemate tentacles tend to be longer, and with more voluminous coeloms. The composition of the frontal cell row and the number of frontal nerves is variable in freshwater bryozoans, but constant in marine groups. Abfrontal cells form a continuous row in Phylactolaemata, but occur intermittently in other two classes. Phylactolaemata lack the microvillar cuticle reported in Gymnolaemata. Abfrontal sensory tufts are always composed of pairs of mono‐ and/or biciliated cells. This arrangement differs from individual abfrontal ciliary cells of other bryozoans: monociliated in Stenolaemata and monociliated and multiciliated ones in Gymnolaemata. In all three groups, however, ciliated abfrontal cells probably serve as mechanoreceptors. We confirm previously described phylactolemate traits: an unusual arrangement of two‐layered coelothelium lining the lateral sides of the tentacle and oral slits in the intertentacular membrane. As previously reported, tentacle movements involved in feeding differ between bryozoan groups, with phylactolaemates tending to have slower movements than both gymnolaemates and stenolaemates, and a narrower behavioral repertoire than gymnolaemates. The morphological and ultrastructural differences between the freshwater species we studied and marine bryozoans may be related to these functional differences. Muscle organization, tentacle and coelom size, and degree of confluence between tentacle and lophophore coeloms probably account for much of the observed behavioral variability.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic assemblages characteristic for the Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian are presented based on the analysis of newly refined and supplemented data on the composition and distribution of Paleozoic bryozoans in Mongolia. Thirty-four auxiliary biostratigraphic units ranked as beds with bryozoans are established in order to subdivide the Paleozoic strata of Mongolia.  相似文献   

Abstract. SEM studies of 21 species of marine bryozoans demonstrated that the abfrontal side of the tentacles bears a row of mono- or multiciliated cells, which are presumably sensory. In stenolaemates, the abfrontal cells, as well as the cells at the tentacle tips and the laterofrontal cells, are monociliated. In the 17 gymnolaemate species studied, each tentacle tip bears at least 3 multiciliated cells, each with a tuft of 5–7 stiff cilia of various lengths. On the abfrontal tentacle surface, mono- and multiciliated cells alternate, but all species studied have multiciliated cells at the base and the tip of each tentacle. In live animals, single cilia perform occasional flicks, whereas the tufts of 7–15 cilia on the multiciliated cells are immotile. Length and number of abfrontal cilia vary between species. Two types of multiciliated, putative sensory organs were found on the introvert of some gymnolaemates. One has an apical knob surrounded by a ring of cilia; the other has an apical tuft of cilia. The ultrastructure of the sensory cells of tentacles and introvert was studied in Rhamphostomella ovata . Our observations on both fixed and living material all suggest that these cells are primitive mechanoreceptors. The few species lacking ciliary structures on the introvert have long proximal ciliary tufts on the abfrontal tentacle surface.  相似文献   


Bryozoans are common encrusting organisms in many shallow-water marine environments. Although reproducing sexually, their success as space occupiers resides largely in their capacity for colonial growth by zooidal budding (regarded by some as a form of asexual reproduction). This paper examines the reproductive strategies of several bryozoan species commonly associated with the fronds of coastal macroalgae. These range from ephemeral species that grow rapidly, reproduce and die (Electra pilosa, Celleporella hyalina, Membranipora membranacea) to more or less annual species with well-developed reproductive and growth cycles (Flustrellidra hispida, Alcyonidium spp.). Whilst many of these bryozoans brood relatively few short-lived lecithotrophic larvae, others produce large numbers of longer-lived planktotrophic larvae. The seasonal and daily patterns of larval release are described for selected species. Resource allocation to sexual and colonial functions is considered in the context of environment-genotype interactions. Reproductive strategy is especially important in determining dispersal and colonising ability, and these in turn are major determinants of ecological pattern in epialgal bryozoan communities.  相似文献   

An analysis of the final stratigraphic appearances of byrozoan species and genera, compiled in a world-wide bryozoan data base, revealed three discrete Late Ordovician extinctions. A Late Carddoc (Onnian) extinction was most pronounced on the plates of Baltica and Siberia. Endemic species and genera, confined to one plate and one lithotope were most affected and the extinction was coincident with increased migrations of bryozoan genera to Baltica and Siberia. The Late Caradoc extinction may be related to decreasing provinciality and competition between migrant and stenotopic taxa. Two major extinctions occurred in the Late Ashgill. The greatest of the two is recognized at the end of the Rawtheyan. and affected primarily taxa on the North American plate. The extinction at the end of the Hirnantian affected primarily Baltic taxa. The exact timing of the end-Rawtheyan extinction in North America cannot be established owing to incompleteness of the stratigraphic record. The Rawtheyan extinction occurred during a major glaciation centered in North Africa and a regression of epeiric seas. The large majority of North American survivors of the extinction are represented by Faunas preserved on Anticosti Island. which remained submerged during the regression. This evidence supports regression as a cause of the Rawtheyan extinctions in North America. The end-Hirnantian extinctions may be related to the ensuing transgression or to a wave of faunal migrations associated with the transgression. * Bryozoa, extinctions, Ordovician, Rawtheyan, Hirnantian, North America, Baltica .  相似文献   

We present the most comprehensive molecular phylogeny of bryozoans to date. Our concatenated alignment of two nuclear ribosomal and five mitochondrial genes includes 95 taxa and 13,292 nucleotide sites, of which 8297 were included. The number of new sequences generated during this project are for each gene:ssrDNA (32), lsrDNA (22), rrnL (38), rrnS (35), cox1 (37), cox3 (34), and cytb (44). Our multi-gene analysis provides a largely stable topology across the phylum. The major groups were unambiguously resolved as (Phylactolaemata (Cyclostomata (Ctenostomata, Cheilostomata))), with Ctenostomata paraphyletic. Within Phylactolaemata, (Stephanellidae, Lophopodidae) form the earliest divergent clade. Fredericellidae is not resolved as a monophyletic family and forms a clade together with Plumatellidae, Cristatellidae and Pectinatellidae, with the latter two as sister taxa. Hyalinella and Gelatinella nest within the genus Plumatella. Cyclostome taxa fall into three major clades: i. (Favosipora (Plagioecia, Rectangulata)); ii. (Entalophoroecia ((Diplosolen, Cardioecia) (Frondipora, Cancellata))); and iii. (Articulata ((Annectocyma, Heteroporidae) (Tubulipora (Tennysonia, Idmidronea)))), with suborders Tubuliporina and Cerioporina, and family Plagioeciidae each being polyphyletic. Ctenostomata is composed of three paraphyletic clades to the inclusion of Cheilostomata: ((Alcyonidium, Flustrellidra) (Paludicella (Anguinella, Triticella)) (Hislopia (Bowerbankia, Amathia)) Cheilostomata); Flustrellidra nests within the genus Alcyonidium, and Amathia nests within the genus Bowerbankia. Suborders Carnosa and Stolonifera are not monophyletic. Within the cheilostomes, Malacostega is paraphyletic to the inclusion of all other cheilostomes. Conopeum is the most early divergent cheilostome, forming the sister group to ((Malacostega, Scrupariina, Inovicellina) ((Hippothoomorpha, Flustrina) (Lepraliomorpha, Umbonulomorpha))); Flustrina is paraphyletic to the inclusion of the hippothoomorphs; neither Lepraliomorpha nor Umbonulomorpha is monophyletic. Ascophorans are polyphyletic, with hippothoomorphs grouping separately from lepraliomorphs and umbonulomorphs; no cribrimorphs were included in the analysis. Results are discussed in the light of molecular and morphological evidence. Ancestral state reconstruction of larval strategy in Gymnolaemata revealed planktotrophy and lecithotrophy as equally parsimonious solutions for the ancestral condition. More comprehensive taxon sampling is expected to clarify this result. We discuss the extent of non-bryozoan contaminant sequences deposited in GenBank and their impact on the reconstruction of metazoan phylogenies and those of bryozoan interrelationships.  相似文献   

Most macroevolutionary events are correlated with changes in the environment, but more rigorous evidence of cause and effect has been elusive. We compiled a 10 Myr record of origination and extinction, changes in mode of reproduction, morphologies and abundances of cupuladriid bryozoan species, spanning the time when primary productivity collapsed in the southwestern Caribbean as the Isthmus of Panama closed. The dominant mode of reproduction shifted dramatically from clonal to aclonal, due in part to a pulse of origination followed by extinction that was strongly selective in favour of aclonal species. Modern-day studies predict reduced clonality in increasingly oligotrophic conditions, thereby providing a mechanistic explanation supporting the hypothesis that the collapse in primary productivity was the cause of turnover. However, whereas originations were synchronous with changing environments, extinctions lagged 1–2 Myr. Extinct species failed to become more robust and reduce their rate of cloning when the new environmental conditions arose, and subsequently saw progressive reductions in abundance towards their delayed demise. Environmental change is therefore established as the root cause of macroevolutionary turnover despite the lag between origination and extinction.  相似文献   

Dr. Andrej Ernst 《Facies》2000,43(1):79-102
Summary Permian bryozoan faunas from the Lower Permian sequences of the Carnic Alps (UpperPseudoschwagerina Formation and Trogkofel Formation) and from some other Permian units of the NW-Tethys (Sicily, Tunisia) include cystoporid, trepostomid, fenestellid, rhabdomesid, and timanodictyid taxa. Fenestellids and cystoporids species dominate. The Lower Permian bryozoan fauna of the Carnic Alps displays close relations to faunas of Sakmarian-Artinskian age of the Russian Platform and Pamir as well as of the Lower Permian of Australia. Bryozoans from Permian sequences of Sicily and Tunisia display relations to the Permian faunas of Indonesia and Australia.  相似文献   

Dendroid stenolaemate bryozoan colonies with paraboloid bases developed initially in the same manner as stenolaemate colonies with broadly encrusting bases. Their unique shape is related to the narrowly cylindrical shape of the encrusted surface (algal stipe?) and to radially differentiated rates of growth from the point of colony origin. The colony shape is interpreted as an adaptation to unconsolidated substrates in relatively quiet though not necessarily deep water.  相似文献   

Borings are described in zooids of Cenomanian to Campanian melicerititids, an aberrant group of cyclostome bryozoans with calcified opercula. The borings are circular or elliptical, straight-sided and have a diameter of 40–90 μn. Autozooids were drilled in preference to heterozooids and most borings penetrate the operculum. The shape and distribution of boreholes suggests that they were made by a predator attacking one zooid at a time. The predator responsible may have been a gastropod, most probably a nudibranch or a micromorphic muricid. Bryozoa, Gastropoda, predation, borings, Upper Cretaceous.  相似文献   

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