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Objective: The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) showed that intensive lifestyle intervention reduced the risk of diabetes by 58%. This paper examines demographic, psychosocial, and behavioral factors related to achieving weight loss and physical activity goals in the DPP lifestyle participants. Research Methods and Procedures: Lifestyle participants (n = 1079; mean age = 50.6, BMI = 33.9, 68% female, and 46% from minority groups) had goals of 7% weight loss and 150 min/wk of physical activity. Goal achievement was assessed at the end of the 16‐session core curriculum (approximately week 24) and the final intervention visit (mean = 3.2 years) as a function of demographic, psychosocial, and behavioral variables. Results: Forty‐nine percent met the weight loss goal and 74% met the activity goal initially, while 37% and 67%, respectively, met these goals long‐term. Men and those with lower initial BMI were more likely to meet activity but not weight loss goals. Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans were more likely to meet the long‐term activity goals, and whites were more likely to meet the initial weight loss goal. In multivariate analyses, meeting the long‐term weight loss goal and both activity goals increased with age, while psychosocial and depression measures were unrelated to goal achievement. Dietary self‐monitoring was positively related to meeting both weight loss and activity goals, and meeting the activity goal was positively related to meeting the weight loss goal. Participants who met initial goals were 1.5 to 3.0 times more likely to meet these goals long‐term. Discussion: Success at meeting the weight loss and activity goals increased with age. Initial success predicted long‐term success. Self‐monitoring and meeting activity goals were related to achieving and sustaining weight loss.  相似文献   

Management of imported fire ant species has evolved since their accidental introduction into the United States and currently uses integrated pest management concepts to design, implement, and evaluate suppression programs. Although eradication is the management goal in certain isolated infestation sites, localized goals vary dramatically in larger infestations where reinvasion of treated areas is likely. These goals are influenced by regulatory policies, medical liabilities, ecological impact, and/or economic considerations. Tactics employed in fire ant management programs presented here include cultural and biological control options along with judicious use of site‐specific insecticide products. In addition, program design considerations that include management goal(s), action level(s), ant form (monogyne or polygyne), presence of nontarget ant species, size of treatment area, seasonality, implementation cost, and environmental impact are also presented. Optimally, elegant IPM programs are target specific, threshold driven, environmentally friendly and cost‐effective.  相似文献   

We evaluated landscape‐scale forest restoration treatment implementation and effectiveness in meeting objectives in a ponderosa pine forest at Mt. Trumbull, Arizona, U.S.A. The goal of the project was to alter forest structure by thinning and burning to more closely resemble forest conditions prior to Euro‐American settlement in 1870. We measured 117 permanent plots before (1996/1997) and after (2003) treatments. The plots were evenly distributed across the landscape (approximately 1,200 ha), about half of which was an untreated control. We evaluated treatment implementation and effectiveness based on 1870 structure and/or goals outlined by managers. The success of treatment implementation varied: about 94% of the area originally planned for restoration was treated in some manner by 2003, but only 70% received the full planned treatment (thin and burn). Although density of ponderosa pines >2.5 cm was reduced significantly by 66% from approximately 429 pines/ha to approximately 146 pines/ha in the treated area, the targeted residual density was exceeded by 111–256% (all plots) or 10–85% (thinned and burned plots). Thirteen percent of the pre‐settlement pines died in the treated area by 2003, but 9% percent also died in the control, indicating that pre‐settlement pines in untreated areas were nearly as vulnerable as those exposed to restoration treatments. Large snags increased 45%, and 65% of logs >50 cm were retained, achieving implementation goals. Although restoration treatments were not implemented totally to specifications, they were effective in attaining the overall project goal of restoring more open forest structure while preserving more than 75% of the pre‐settlement pines. Canopy fuel loads were substantially reduced, allowing for the reintroduction of surface fires.  相似文献   

Large-scale infrastructure development projects are discussed transdisciplinarily in several domains of society. Critics often claim that environmental impact assessments lack real influence on planning, management, and monitoring. We report herein the evaluation of ecological compensation via biodiversity offsets and technical constructions with a secondary compensation function for a new railway in Austria. We asked: (1) where can ecological restoration success be detected, and (2) is our new method of a composite biotope value calculation representative for all criteria we used? We conducted a vegetation inventory on reference areas and all types of measures that created new habitats. Together with a comprehensive, spatially dense habitat mapping, evaluation of six attributes of restoration success and testing of our new method were carried out. Current threats typical for intensive agriculture have been generally reduced. Ecological compensation measures had the highest connectivity but the lowest plant community diversity. Surprisingly, technical constructions provided significantly more plant communities and hosted most Red List species. The species assemblage characteristics of compensation measures, their biotope type diversity, and their mean biotope values were, although lower, comparable to the reference. Despite the poor performance of technical areas in the final biotope values, our results call for their reconsideration as potential tools for ecological compensation by greening grey infrastructure in the near future. The tested new method provided an overall statement for the ecological restoration evaluation and could also be used for nature evidence inventories and as a valuable decision support tool in landscape planning.  相似文献   

李璐  夏秋月  董捷  张斌 《生态学报》2023,43(7):2627-2639
认识和探讨区域土地利用碳收支并构建碳生态补偿模式,对于引导区域低碳协调发展、促进实现碳中和目标具有重要理论和现实意义。探究基于土地利用碳收支的碳生态补偿原理,并以武汉城市圈县域为实证研究对象,依据区域土地利用碳收支差异,在碳中和目标下估算城市圈各县(市、区)的碳生态补偿标准,明确碳生态补偿支付或受偿次序。结果表明:(1)研究期内城市圈各县(市、区)土地利用净碳排放空间差异显著。土地利用净碳排放呈现“西高东低,南北低中心高”的空间分布特点,且该空间分布特征逐渐强化;(2)武汉城市圈有14个碳生态补偿支付区,大多位于城市圈中部和西部地区,其中包括5个优先支付区、6个次级支付区、3个潜在支付区;(3)武汉城市圈有25个碳生态补偿受偿区,大多位于城市圈东部及外围地区,其中包括5个优先受偿区、9个次级受偿区、11个潜在受偿区,并针对不同类型支付和受偿区提出差别化的低碳发展对策建议。  相似文献   

Productivity of temperate streams and lakes is often limited by availability of key nutrients, and nutrient‐poor habitats are termed oligotrophic. Oligotrophic streams and lakes occur naturally, but often are a product of human activities (cultural oligotrophication), such as the creation of dams. Cultural oligotrophication has resulted in declining productivity in streams and lakes, a condition that can manifest itself in collapsing salmonid fish stocks. To counteract lost productivity as part of restoration or compensation measures, managers often add nutrient via fertilizers to enhance fisheries production. However, these programs are not always successful, and this article reviews available literature to identify patterns that may influence success of nutrient enhancement programs. Overall fertilization of lakes and streams will almost certainly increase primary producer and invertebrate populations. While it is likely that fertilization will also increase fishery production, it is far from certain. The magnitude of this change is unpredictable, and the success of a fertilization program will vary greatly between years, habitat, and microhabitats. Regardless, if fertilization is coupled with holistic monitoring of the food web and ecosystem, then it is likely to be an effective technique to enhance fishery productivity in active restoration of compensation programs. However, the benefits of fertilization will not outlast the fertilization project, and care must be exercised when ceasing active fertilization. When compared to other restoration/compensation strategies such as fish ladders or trap and transport, fertilization may be a cost‐effective method to enhance fishery production. Finally, recommendations are discussed to increase the probability of fertilization success.  相似文献   

  • 1 Successful wildlife management needs to be underpinned by frequent evaluation of the problems arising and the management techniques used to resolve them. The aims of this review were: (i) to investigate spatial and temporal patterns in the occurrence and characteristics of badger–human conflict in England; and (ii) to determine which factors influence the success of management actions. Licences are required before interfering with badgers or setts, so we carried out analyses of records of applications received by Defra and data from follow‐up monitoring of management actions.
  • 2 The number of licence applications rose significantly during the recording period (1994–2004), with an increasing proportion coming from the east of England and from urban, as opposed to rural, areas. Damage problems caused by setts were the most frequent sources of conflict in both urban and rural areas. However, the majority of rural problems related to agricultural land, whereas buildings and gardens were most affected in urban areas. A higher proportion of problems involved outlier setts in urban areas compared with rural areas.
  • 3 The use of one‐way gates to exclude badgers from part or all of a problem sett was the commonest management action proposed by Defra Wildlife Advisers, with total sett closure more common in urban, compared with rural, areas. Follow‐up monitoring revealed that the success of action varied in relation to the type of sett causing a problem, the type of management action undertaken and the land use (urban or rural) at the problem location, with total closure of an urban main sett being the least successful strategy. This review provides an assessment of current trends in conflict occurrence and will help in the development of management techniques.

Evaluation of achievement of set targets is a necessary step in landscape planning in order to learn from the past, reassess implemented measures and enhance trust in public managers and institutions. Though it is commonly accepted that indicators play a major role in such evaluations, so far no accepted framework for evaluating planning outcomes exists. Furthermore, the selection of appropriate indicators and reference values to effectively assess conditions of landscapes and determine whether observed developments can be considered positive or negative remains challenging. Our study contributes to much-needed research on this topic with a proposed evaluation framework built on goals, indicators and reference values. We analyzed the landscape section of eight Swiss cantonal comprehensive plans to specifically address (1) whether currently tracked indicators suffice to evaluate landscape-planning goals; (2) what a minimal set of landscape indicators for regional planning might look like; and (3) how the ratified value approach could be operationalized to develop reference values for landscape indicators. All eight plans have a similar hierarchical goal system with six major landscape goals, up to 18 themes and 21–33 subordinate goals. The studied cantons track from 29 to 84 indicators. We found a considerable imbalance in the ratio between subordinate goals and indicators, with comparatively few indicators being tracked to assess visual and recreational landscape quality. Our proposed minimal indicator set is well balanced since it lists 5–7 indicators for each theme. The general procedure for modeling reference values is based on the assumption that the protection status of a landscape is a proxy for high societal appreciation of a place. Consequently, indicator values for these areas would reflect reference values (ratified values). We illustrate the procedure with the exemplary indicator impervious surface. The proposed indicators and maps are powerful tools for outcome evaluation and also facilitate benchmarking, i.e. interregional comparisons of landscape qualities, which could be very useful for landscape planning in Europe.  相似文献   

In this paper the success rate of implant therapy in various bone regions is discussed. The objective is to determine whether differences existed in success rates of cylinder implants placed in different areas in the both maxilla and mandible. Forty four patients have been treated and reviewed five years after the placement of the fixed prosthetic restoration. The patients were provided with a total of 92 implants. Results from this study show very low survival rate for implants placed in anterior region of maxilla (55.6%) after five years. It is concluded that simple cumulative follow up studies do not entirely correspond to actual situations, positioning the implants has an important role in the planning of the implant therapy and that important factor for force compensation is not only the surrounding bone density, but also the region of the jaw where the implants are placed.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, the condition of many riparian ecosystems has declined due to numerous factors, including encroachment of non‐native species. In the western United States, millions of dollars are spent annually to control invasions of Tamarix spp., introduced small trees or shrubs from Eurasia that have colonized bottomland ecosystems along many rivers. Resource managers seek to control Tamarix in attempts to meet various objectives, such as increasing water yield and improving wildlife habitat. Often, riparian restoration is an implicit goal, but there has been little emphasis on a process or principles to effectively plan restoration activities, and many Tamarix removal projects are unsuccessful at restoring native vegetation. We propose and summarize the key steps in a planning process aimed at developing effective restoration projects in Tamarix‐dominated areas. We discuss in greater detail the biotic and abiotic factors central to the evaluation of potential restoration sites and summarize information about plant communities likely to replace Tamarix under various conditions. Although many projects begin with implementation, which includes the actual removal of Tamarix, we stress the importance of pre‐project planning that includes: (1) clearly identifying project goals; (2) developing realistic project objectives based on a detailed evaluation of site conditions; (3) prioritizing and selecting Tamarix control sites with the best chance of ecological recovery; and (4) developing a detailed tactical plan before Tamarix is removed. After removal, monitoring and maintenance as part of an adaptive management approach are crucial for evaluating project success and determining the most effective methods for restoring these challenging sites.  相似文献   

Achievement of environmental management goals and objectives in coastal areas, including how to measure success, remains a significant subject for discussion among scholars and practitioners, meanwhile four distinct management efforts potentially converge within the coastal zone: land-use planning (LUP), river basin management (RBM), marine spatial planning (MSP) and integrated coastal management (ICM). This paper examines the general lack of attention being paid to overlapping spatial boundaries within the landward and marine areas and proposes an indicator-based framework to measure the effectiveness of the individual planning instruments, as opposed to specific initiatives, in achieving management goals. The six indicators used in the framework (planning; participation; communication; integration; responsibility and balance) are based on a modified version of the Coastal Sustainability Standard methodology described by Gallagher (2010). The framework provides for four scenarios of progress in three geographical dimensions (river, municipality and marine area) to be assessed. For this study, the Caribbean coast of Colombia and Cuba were identified as the areas to test the feasibility and relevance of the indicator framework to monitor progress in the different management approaches established to achieve coastal sustainability. Several key observations and lessons from the indicator-based framework are discussed in order to analyze the overlapping of the four space-based instruments, identify areas for targeted intervention and improve their integration.  相似文献   

随着《建立国家公园体制总体方案》的正式出台,中国国家公园体制建设方向愈发明晰,部分体制试点区已对外公布了园区总体规划方案并有序开展实施。作为指导园区建设和资源保护的纲领性文件,国家公园总体规划的空间管控规则和实施保障机制尚不完善,需要在试点过程进一步探索、提升和固化。从规划编制研究的角度出发,对国家公园总体规划在空间资源调控和用途引导方面的具体作用进行分析梳理,提出空间管控策略的实施路径和目标传导机制,并将方案实施的可操作性作为规划研究要点。  相似文献   

For maintaining social and financial support for eradication programs of invasive species, quantitative assessment of recovery of native species or ecosystems is important because it provides a measurable parameter of success. However, setting a concrete goal for recovery is often difficult owing to lack of information prior to the introduction of invaders. Here, we present a novel approach to evaluate the achievement level of invasive predator management based on the carrying capacity of endangered species estimated using long‐term monitoring data. In Amami‐Oshima Island, Japan, where the eradication project of introduced small Indian mongoose is ongoing since 2000, we surveyed the population densities of four endangered species threatened by the mongoose (Amami rabbit, the Otton frog, Amami tip‐nosed frog, and Amami Ishikawa's frog) at four time points ranging from 2003 to 2011. We estimated the carrying capacities of these species using the logistic growth model combined with the effects of mongoose predation and environmental heterogeneity. All species showed clear tendencies toward increasing their density in line with decreased mongoose density, and they exhibited density‐dependent population growth. The estimated carrying capacities of three endangered species had small confidence intervals enough to measure recovery levels by the mongoose management. The population density of each endangered species has recovered to the level of the carrying capacity at about 20–40% of all sites, whereas no individuals were observed at more than 25% of all sites. We propose that the present approach involving appropriate monitoring data of native organism populations will be widely applicable to various eradication projects and provide unambiguous goals for management of invasive species.  相似文献   




During the past three decades, the achievement goal approach to achievement motivation has emerged as an influential area of research, and is dedicated to understanding the reasons behind the individual’s drive to achieve competence and performance. However, the current literature on achievement goals is segmented rather than integrated. That is, citations across the three major and distinct achievement domains (work, education, and sports) are more the exception than the rule and similarities and differences between findings for the different achievement domains have yet to be tested. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationships between self-reported achievement goals and nonself-report performance through meta-analysis, and the moderating potential of achievement domain. Identifying achievement domain as moderator improves our understanding to which contexts we can (not) generalize conclusions to, it helps to understand seemingly inconsistent findings, and opens avenues for future research on the underlying processes. Because the achievement goal (AG) measure used in a study is partially confounded with achievement domain, we examined the moderating role of this variable as well. Our findings suggest that – overall – approach goals (either mastery or performance) were associated positively with performance attainment, whereas avoidance goals (either mastery or performance) were associated negatively with performance attainment. These relationships were moderated by achievement domain. For example, relative to the education or work domain, in the sports domain, we did not observe negative correlations between avoidance goals and performance. The absence of statistical moderation due to AG measure suggests that the observed moderation of achievement domain cannot be explained by the AG measure utilized. We suggest further steps to integrate the achievement goal literature, and accordingly, to broaden and deepen understanding of performance attainment in competence-relevant settings, including the workplace, the sports field, and the classroom.  相似文献   

For the last 30 years, cooperative management of irreplaceable animal populations in zoos and aquariums has focused primarily on the goal of minimizing genetic decay within defined time frames, and large advances have been made in technologies to optimize genetic management of closed populations. However, recent analyses have shown that most zoo programs are not projected to meet their stated goals. This has been described as a lack of achieving “sustainability” of the populations, yet by definition a goal of managed decay is not a plan for sustainability. True sustainability requires management of the resource in manner that does not deplete its value for the future. Achieving such sustainability for many managed populations may require changing from managing isolated populations to managing populations that are part of a broader metapopulation, with carefully considered exchange between populations across a spectrum of ex situ to in situ. Managing zoo populations as components of comprehensive conservation strategies for the species will require research on determinants of various kinds of genetic, physiological, behavioral, and morphological variation and their roles in population viability, development of an array of management techniques and tools, training of population managers in metapopulation management and integrated conservation planning, and projections of impacts of management strategies on the viability of the captive populations and all populations that are interactively managed or affected. Such a shift in goals and methods would result in zoo population management being an ongoing part of species conservation rather than short‐term or isolated from species conservation. Zoo Biol. 32:19‐26, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine cross‐sectional correlates of current, goal, and dream weight and their prospective associations with weight loss in treatment. Research Methods and Procedures: Goal and dream weights, demographic characteristics, and psychosocial factors were assessed by self‐report questionnaire in 302 adult women enrolled in a weight loss trial. Height and weight were assessed at baseline, after 8 weeks of active treatment, and at 6‐ and 18‐month follow‐up. Regression techniques examined associations among baseline, goal, and dream weights, psychosocial factors, and treatment outcomes. Results: On average, goal and dream weight losses were unrealistically high (?24% and ?30%, respectively). High goals were associated with greater expected effort and greater expected reward but were not associated with psychological distress. Goal and dream weight losses were only weakly associated with behavioral or weight outcomes. An association between higher dream weight losses and greater weight loss at 18 months was the only outcome result to reach statistical significance. Discussion: Results suggest that lack of realism in weight loss goals is not important enough to justify counseling people to accept lower weight loss goals when trying to lose weight.  相似文献   

何思源  苏杨  闵庆文 《生态学报》2019,39(4):1318-1329
作为生态文明制度改革的具体实现方式和前沿阵地,国家公园体制建设旨在对我国多样化的保护地体系进行重组管理,实现高效合理的国土空间规划、自然资本的保护和全民公益。研究对我国自然保护区和风景名胜区这两类法定保护地的边界和区划的理论基础和实践的技术手段的发展进行梳理,并对我国国家公园体制试点进展进行总结。在此基础上提出,中国国家公园在保护地个体的边界和内部分区上应以实现保护目标为原则,借鉴自然保护区功能分区的基本原则,根据管理目标细化功能分区,借鉴风景名胜区规划实践,注重景观价值,考虑社会经济条件特别是土地权属及土地开发利用可能和方式,进而考虑气候变化和区域长期发展目标等自然和社会经济动态,形成完整的边界和分区理论体系,从而满足全民公益,实现社区经济发展。在区划理论上,一个可行的切入点是考虑空间上生态系统服务功能的差异,根据实现保护目标的管理需求和满足社区生计发展的利用需求,在土地权属和其他限制条件上实现不同组合的生态系统服务功能的空间规划,利用保护地役权来分离土地所有权、使用权和收益权,限制特定土地利用方式,进行利益相关方资源利用管理。  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are communities of soil organisms often targeted to assist in the achievement of multiple ecological restoration goals. In drylands, benefits conferred from biocrust and AM fungal inoculation, such as improved native plant establishment and soil stabilization, have primarily been studied separately. However, comparisons between these two types of soil inoculants and investigations into potential synergies between them, particularly at the plant community scale, are needed to inform on‐the‐ground management practices in drylands. We conducted two full‐factorial experiments—one in greenhouse mesocosms and one in field plots—to test the effects of AM fungal inoculation, biocrust inoculation, and their interaction on multiple measures of dryland restoration success. Biocrust inoculation promoted soil stabilization and plant drought tolerance, but had mixed effects on native plant diversity (positive in greenhouse, neutral in field) and productivity (negative in greenhouse, neutral in field). In greenhouse mesocosms, biocrust inoculation reduced plant biomass, which was antagonistic to % root length colonized by AM fungi. Inoculation with native or commercial AM fungi did not influence plant establishment, drought tolerance, or soil stabilization in either study, and few synergistic effects of simultaneous inoculation of AM fungi and biocrusts were observed. These results suggest that, depending on the condition of existing soil communities, inoculation with AM fungi may not be necessary to promote dryland restoration goals, while inoculation with salvaged biocrust inoculation may be beneficial in some contexts.  相似文献   

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