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  • 1 There are significant differences in the effects of larval photo-period on diapause and pupal colour among the species Papilio polyxenes Fabr., P.troilus L., Battus philenor (L.) and Eurytides marcellus (Cramer).
  • 2 Diapause and pupal colour in P.polyxenes and P.troilus are strongly influenced by larval photoperiod, short photophase eliciting brown diapausing pupae. Photoperiods of 15L:9D permit the expression of the green and brown pupal colour alternatives.
  • 3 Pupal colour in B.philenor and E.marcellus is not affected by larval photoperiod, but short photophase induces diapause in these species.
  • 4 All species except B.philenor show an association between brown pupal colour and diapause: Emarcellus when reared on long (midsummer) photophase, P.polyxenes and P.troilus when reared on short (autumnal) photophase.
  • 5 In P.polyxenes, short photophase can affect pupal colour responses directly, whether the individual enters diapause or not.
  • 6 Differences among the species are related to differences in the ecology of their natural pupation sites.

Abstract Partial mitochondrial gene sequences of 16 Culicoides species were determined to elucidate phylogenetic relations among species and to develop a molecular identification method for important virus vector species. In addition, the analysis found mitochondrial gene rearrangement in several species. Sequences of the mitochondrial genome region, cox1trnL2cox2 (1940–3785 bp) of 16 Culicoides and additional sequences were determined in some species, including whole mitochondrial genome sequences of Culicoides arakawae. Nine species showed common organization in this region, with three genes cox1trnL2cox2 and a small or no intergenic region (0–30 bp) between them. The other seven species showed translocation of tRNA and protein‐coding genes and/or insertion of AT‐rich non‐coding sequences (65–1846 bp) between the genes. The varied gene rearrangements among species within a genus is very rare for mitochondrial genome organization. Phylogenetic analyses based on the sequences of cox1+cox2 suggest a few clades among Japanese Culicoides species. No relationships between phylogenetic closeness and mitochondrial gene rearrangements were observed. Sequence data were used to establish a polymerase chain reaction tool to distinguish three important vector species from other Culicoides species, for which classification during larval stages is not advanced and identification is difficult.  相似文献   

Induced changes in root carbohydrate pools are commonly assumed to determine plant defoliation tolerance to herbivores. However, the regulation and species specificity of these two traits are not well understood. We determined herbivory‐induced changes in root carbohydrates and defoliation tolerance in seven different solanaceous plant species and correlated the induced changes in root carbohydrates and defoliation tolerance with jasmonate inducibility. Across species, we observed strong species‐specific variation for all measured traits. Closer inspection revealed that the different species fell into two distinct groups: Species with a strong induced jasmonic acid (JA) burst suffered from a reduction in root carbohydrate pools and reduced defoliation tolerance, while species with a weak induced JA burst maintained root carbohydrate pools and tolerated defoliation. Induced JA levels predicted carbohydrate and regrowth responses better than jasmonoyl‐L‐isoleucine (JA‐Ile) levels. Our study shows that induced JA signaling, root carbohydrate responses, and defoliation tolerance are closely linked, but highly species specific, even among closely related species. We propose that defoliation tolerance may evolve rapidly via changes in the plant's defense signaling network.  相似文献   

Phytochromes are red‐ and far red light photoreceptors in higher plants. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) has three phytochromes (phyA, phyB and phyC), which play distinct as well as cooperative roles in light perception. To gain a better understanding of individual phytochrome functions in rice, expression patterns of three phytochrome genes were characterized using promoter‐GUS fusion constructs. The phytochrome genes PHYA and PHYB showed distinct patterns of tissue‐ and developmental stage‐specific expression in rice. The PHYA promoter‐GUS was expressed in all leaf tissues in etiolated seedlings, while its expression was restricted to vascular bundles in expanded leaves of light‐grown seedlings. These observations suggest that light represses the expression of the PHYA gene in all cells except vascular bundle cells in rice seedlings. Red light was effective, but far red light was ineffective in gene repression, and red light‐induced repression was not observed in phyB mutants. These results indicate that phyB is involved in light‐dependent and tissue‐specific repression of the PHYA gene in rice.  相似文献   

The environmentally cued production of cryptic green/yellow or brown/melanized pupae is widespread in butterflies, occurring in the Nymphalidae, Pieridae, and the Papilionidae subfamily Papilioninae. The dimorphism is controlled by the hormone pupal melanization reducing factor (PMRF). In the nymphalid Inachis io dibutryl cAMP mimics PMRF, and inhibits pupal melanization. However, in the papilionid Papilio polyxenes PMRF stimulates browning, suggesting that the control of pupal color by PMRF has evolved independently in the swallowtail and nymphalid-pierid lineages. We examined this hypothesis by using ligatures to prevent hormone release in five species representing three Papilioninae tribes. One species, Papilio glaucus, produces only brown pupae. Ligatures resulted in green cuticle posterior to the ligature in all five swallowtail species, including P. glaucus, suggesting that the mode of action of PMRF is the same in the three tribes. We also found that in P. polyxenes injections of dibutryl cAMP into prepupal larvae mimic the effect of PMRF, by causing dose-dependent pupal browning. Our results support the hypothesis that the control of pupal color by PMRF has evolved independently in the two lineages. The observation that green pupal color can be induced in P. glaucus by ligature indicates that environmentally cued pupal color could evolve by facultative inhibition of PMRF release.  相似文献   

Plant facilitation studies commonly test the nurse‐plant hypothesis wherein an adult shrub species enhances the establishment of associated herbaceous species under its canopy. Using field and glasshouse experiments, this hypothesis is extended by testing the following four predictions: (1) nurse‐plant effects can occur between species with similar life‐forms and phenologies (2) positive effects are species specific, (3) the outcome of interactions is life‐stage dependent, and (4) facilitative interactions among annuals are primarily commensal. In the Negev Desert in Israel, the response of an annual plant community to removal of relatively larger annuals, Erodium laciniatum, Erucaria pinnata and Trifolium tomentosum, was tested in the field and in the glasshouse. Removal of these dominants was applied early in the growing season, immediately after germination but before establishment of seedlings, and again mid‐season following establishment and growth to adults. In both the field and glasshouse, the presence of E. laciniatum increased establishment and survival to reproduction of neighbouring plants. These positive effects were life‐stage dependent with more positive effects occurring early in the season, and there was no cost of facilitation to E. laciniatum. This positive effect was species specific in that neither E. pinnata nor T. tomentosum had an effect on the plant community. There was also a cost of association with the nurse E. laciniatum in that biomass of neighbours was reduced. These experiments demonstrate that the positive effects typically detected at larger scales between species of different life‐forms are also occurring at finer spatial scales amongst annuals. This study clearly supports the predictions made in the facilitation literature that effects are species‐specific and highly life‐stage dependent.  相似文献   

Global climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of weather extremes, including severe droughts in many regions. Drought can impact organisms by inhibiting reproduction, reducing survival and abundance, and forcing range shifts. For birds, considering temporal scale by averaging drought‐related variables over different time lengths (i.e., temporal grains) captures different hydrologic attributes which may uniquely influence food supplies, vegetation greenness/structure, and other factors affecting populations. However, studies examining drought impacts on birds often assess a single temporal grain without considering that different species have different life histories that likely determine the temporal grain of their drought response. Furthermore, while drought is known to influence bird abundance and drive between‐year range shifts, less understood is whether it causes within‐range changes in species distributions. Our objectives were to (a) determine which temporal grain of drought (if any) is most related to bird presence/absence and whether this response is species specific; and (b) assess whether drought alters bird distributions by quantifying probability of local colonization and extinction as a function of drought intensity. We used North American Breeding Bird Survey data collected over 16 years, generalized linear mixed models, and dynamic occupancy models to meet these objectives. Different bird species responded to drought at different temporal grains, with most showing the strongest signal at annual or near‐annual grains. For all drought‐responsive species, increased drought intensity at any temporal grain always correlated with decreased occupancy. Additionally, colonization/extinction analyses indicated that one species, the dickcissel (Spiza americana), is more likely to colonize novel areas within the southern/core portion of its range during drought. Considering drought at different temporal grains, along with hydrologic attributes captured by each grain, may better reveal mechanisms behind drought impacts on birds and other organisms, and therefore improve understanding of how global climate change impacts species and the landscapes they inhabit.  相似文献   

Ornithoptera birdwing butterflies have blue, green, or orange iridescent scales in different species or subspecies. To understand the species‐ or subspecies‐dependent scale color differences, we performed comparative morphometric analyses of iridescent scales from three closely related taxa: O. priamus priamus (green), O. priamus urvillianus (blue), and O. croesus (orange). The three types of Ornithoptera wings exhibited reversible color changes to longer wavelengths with different kinetics upon immersion in methanol, suggesting that their color differences are at least partly based on differences in the size of air cavities made by nanostructures. Cover scales of all three color types were visually semi‐transparent glass scales that exhibited color when placed on a dark background. The dorsoventral differences in coloration were observed in single scales, suggesting the optical importance of scale surfaces. Scanning electron microscopy of cover scales in cross section revealed that all color types exhibited finely sculpted tapered ridges and thick, irregular basal multilayers containing tandemly clustered granular objects and air cavities. Scale thickness, ridge height, and multilayer thickness were significantly different among the three color types, and granular object size was significantly different between orange scales and blue and green scales. We conclude that each of the three taxa of Ornithoptera butterflies possesses unique quantitative size values on tapered ridges and irregular multilayers with granular objects and air cavities to express unique structural color. These species‐ or subspecies‐dependent structural colors might have evolved via quantitative shifts in these microarchitectural traits rather than via changes in the basic developmental or architectural plan for color expression.  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII) activation after hydration with water or humid air was measured in four hydrophilic and a generalist lichen to test the hypothesis that slow activation might explain habitat restriction in the former group. For the hydrophilic species, activation was after 4 h nearly completed in Lobaria amplissima and Platismatia norvegica, while only c. 50% for Bryoria bicolor and Usnea longissima. The generalist Platismatia glauca was activated instantaneously. The effect of this on lichen field performance was investigated using a dynamic model separating the two water sources rain and humid air. Model simulations were made using the species‐specific characteristics and climate data from 12 stream microhabitats. For U. longissima, slow PSII activation could reduce realized photosynthesis by a factor of five. Bryoria bicolor was almost as severely affected, while P. norvegica displayed moderate reductions. Lobaria amplissima displayed longer realized activity periods even in unfavourable microclimates, possibly because of a higher water loss resistance. Both close proximity to streams and presence of turbulent water had a positive impact on realized activity among the slowly activated species, coinciding with observed distribution patterns of hydrophilic species. The results presented here may thus partly explain observed habitat restrictions of rare hydrophilic lichens.  相似文献   

Foundation species can provide habitat that modify abiotic and biotic processes that contribute to ecosystem function. While many studies have focused on the processes and consequences of a focal foundation species, understanding the ecological equivalence of co‐occurring foundation species is important to identify key species responsible for ecosystem function. Here, we investigated the relative contributions of co‐occurring foundation species on abiotic (temperature) and biotic responses of invertebrate species (recruitment, persistence, growth and survival). In a series of experimental field studies, we manipulated foundation species to measure invertebrate recruitment, persistence, and predation. A laboratory experiment measured foundation species effects on herbivore growth. Results demonstrated that macroalgal (Fucus vesiculosus ecad and Ascophyllum nodosum ecad scorpioides) intermediate foundation species provide habitat, food, and alleviate abiotic stress for dominant littorinid herbivores that surpass that provided by the primary species (Spartina alterniflora). These foundation effects were species‐specific with F. vesiculosus ecad important for early life‐history stages (enhanced recruitment and early growth of littorinid snails) and A. nodosum ecad important later on as a refuge from predators (Carcinus meanas) and stressful temperature. Understanding of the different effects of co‐occurring foundation species on population and community processes is necessary for predicting community response to natural disturbance, species invasion, and ecosystem‐based management actions.  相似文献   

Extensive research on antiviral small molecules starting in the early 1970s has led to the identification of 10‐carboxymethyl‐9‐acridanone (CMA) as a potent type I interferon (IFN) inducer. Up to date, the mode of action of this antiviral molecule has remained elusive. Here we demonstrate that CMA mediates a cell‐intrinsic type I IFN response, depending on the ER‐resident protein STING. CMA directly binds to STING and triggers a strong antiviral response through the TBK1/IRF3 route. Interestingly, while CMA displays extraordinary activity in phosphorylating IRF3 in the murine system, CMA fails to activate human cells that are otherwise responsive to STING ligands. This failure to activate human STING can be ascribed to its inability to bind to the C‐terminal ligand‐binding domain of human STING. Crystallographic studies show that two CMA molecules bind to the central Cyclic diguanylate ( c‐diGMP)‐binding pocket of the STING dimer and fold the lid region in a fashion similar, but partially distinct, to c‐diGMP. Altogether, these results provide novel insight into ligand‐sensing properties of STING and, furthermore, unravel unexpected species‐specific differences of this innate sensor.  相似文献   

Andrea Gehrold 《Ibis》2014,156(4):850-863
The choice of the moulting habitat is of paramount importance for wing‐moulting waterbirds that have to cope with a flightless period of several weeks. However, some species might have more restricted habitat requirements during moult than others, for example due to a highly specialized feeding ecology. The moult‐related habitat use of five species (Gadwall Anas strepera, Red‐crested Pochard Netta rufina, Common Pochard Aythya ferina, Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula, Coot Fulica atra) was compared at a European inland moulting site that offered a variety of water bodies characterized by different levels of nutrient concentration, water depth, shoreline vegetation density and disturbance. To determine location‐ and species‐specific densities, birds were regularly counted throughout the moulting seasons of 2010 and 2011. In 2011, additional data on Gadwalls were used to assess differences in requirements between the flightless phase of moult and the periods before and after. Furthermore, habitat choice of 38 tagged Gadwalls was compared among two to four successive years. During the moulting season, all species showed clear preferences for specific levels of nutrient content, suggesting an active choice of suitable food sources in both food specialists and generalists. Species showing the strongest attachment to shallow water (Gadwall and Coot) were most sensitive to human disturbance and increasing water depths, and species averse to diving (Gadwall) used ponds with dense shore vegetation while flightless. For Gadwalls, habitat conditions rather than nutrient supply became increasingly important during the flightless phase. Average return rates of 59 and 54% were recorded for male and female Gadwalls, respectively, and the repeated use of familiar locations could be demonstrated in the majority of returning birds (65%). Familiarity with the habitat apparently plays an important role and may enable individuals to compensate for suboptimal conditions at the moulting site.  相似文献   

Turbulence has been shown to alter different aspects of the physiology of some dinoflagellates. The response appears to be species‐specific and dependent on the experimental design and setup used to generate small‐scale turbulence. We examined the variability of the response of three dinoflagellate species to the turbulence, following the same experimental design used by Berdalet (1992) on Akashiwo sanguinea (Hirasaka) Ge. Hansen et Moestrup (=Gymnodinium nelsonii G. W. Martin). In all experiments, turbulence was generated by an orbital shaker at 100 rpm, which corresponded on bulk average, to dissipation rates (ε, quantified using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter) of ≈2 cm2 · s?3. Turbulence did not appreciably affect Gymnodinium sp., a small dinoflagellate. However, Alexandrium minutum Halim and Prorocentrum triestinum J. Schiller exhibited a reduced net growth rate (33% and 28%, respectively) when shaken during the exponential growth phase. Compared to the still cultures, the shaken treatments of A. minutum and P. triestinum increased the mean cell volume (up to 1.4‐ and 2.5‐fold, respectively) and the mean DNA content (up to 1.8‐ and 5.3‐fold, respectively). Cultures affected by turbulence recovered their normal cell properties when returned to still conditions. The swimming speed of the cells exposed to agitation was half that of the unshaken ones. Overall, the response of A. minutum and P. triestinum was similar, but with lower intensity, to that observed previously on A. sanguinea. We found no clear trends related to taxonomy or morphology.  相似文献   

Invasive herbivores are often managed to limit their negative impact on plant populations, but herbivore density – plant damage relationships are notoriously spatially and temporally variable. Site and species characteristics (both plant and herbivore) must be considered when assessing the potential for herbivore damage, making it difficult to set thresholds for efficient management. Using the invasive brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula in New Zealand as a case study, we parameterized a generic model to predict annual probability of browse‐induced mortality of five tree species at 12 sites. We compared predicted and observed tree mortality for each species + site combination to establish herbivore abundance – tree mortality thresholds for each site on a single and combined tree species basis. Model results indicated it is likely that possum browse was the primary cause of all tree mortality at nine of the 12 species‐site combinations, allowing us to estimate site‐specific thresholds below which possum population numbers should be reduced and maintained to keep tree mortality under a predetermined level, for example 0.5% per year. The browse model can be used to set site‐ and species‐specific management action thresholds, and can be adapted easily for other plant or herbivore species. Results for multiple plant or herbivore species at a single site can be combined to create conservative, site‐wide management strategies, and used to: determine which sites will be affected most by changes in herbivore abundance; quantify thresholds for herbivore management; and justify expenditure on herbivore control.  相似文献   

Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a recently re‐emerged arbovirus that triggers autophagy. Here, we show that CHIKV interacts with components of the autophagy machinery during its replication cycle, inducing a cytoprotective effect. The autophagy receptor p62 protects cells from death by binding ubiquitinated capsid and targeting it to autophagolysosomes. By contrast, the human autophagy receptor NDP52—but not its mouse orthologue—interacts with the non‐structural protein nsP2, thereby promoting viral replication. These results highlight the distinct roles of p62 and NDP52 in viral infection, and identify NDP52 as a cellular factor that accounts for CHIKV species specificity.  相似文献   

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