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Increasing evidence supports a connection between cancer and metabolism and emphasizes the need to understand how tumors respond to the metabolic microenvironment and how tumor cell metabolism is regulated. The insulin receptor (IR) and its close family member the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) mediate the cellular response to insulin in normal cells and their function is tightly regulated to maintain metabolic homeostasis. These receptors are also expressed on tumor cells and their expression correlates with tumor progression and poor prognosis. Understanding how the IR/IGF-1R pathway functions in tumors is increasing in importance as the efficacy of drugs that target metabolic pathways, such as metformin, are investigated in prospective clinical trials. This review will focus on key signaling intermediates of the IR and IGF-1R, the Insulin Receptor Substrate (IRS) proteins, with an emphasis on IRS-2, and discuss how these adaptor proteins play a pivotal role at the intersection of metabolism and cancer.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence supports a connection between cancer and metabolism and emphasizes the need to understand how tumors respond to the metabolic microenvironment and how tumor cell metabolism is regulated. The insulin receptor (IR) and its close family member the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) mediate the cellular response to insulin in normal cells and their function is tightly regulated to maintain metabolic homeostasis. These receptors are also expressed on tumor cells and their expression correlates with tumor progression and poor prognosis. Understanding how the IR/IGF-1R pathway functions in tumors is increasing in importance as the efficacy of drugs that target metabolic pathways, such as metformin, are investigated in prospective clinical trials. This review will focus on key signaling intermediates of the IR and IGF-1R, the Insulin Receptor Substrate (IRS) proteins, with an emphasis on IRS-2, and discuss how these adaptor proteins play a pivotal role at the intersection of metabolism and cancer.Key words: IRS proteins, insulin receptor, IGF-1 receptor, metabolism, cancer, metformin  相似文献   

Insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins are docking proteins that couple growth factor receptors to various effector molecules, including phosphoinositide-3 kinase, Grb-2, Syp, and Nck. Here we show that IRS-1 associates with the loop domain of Bcl-2 and synergistically up-regulates antiapoptotic function of Bcl-2. IRS-2 but not IRS-3 binds to Bcl-2, and IRS-1 associates with Bcl-XL but not with Bax or Bik. Overexpression of IRS-1 suppresses phosphorylation of Bcl-2 induced by stimulation with insulin, and the hypophosphorylation may lead to its enhanced antiapoptotic activity. The binding site for Bcl-2 is located on the carboxyl half-domain of IRS-1. IRS-3, which lacks the corresponding region, dominant-negatively abrogates the survival effects of IRS-1 and Bcl-2. For the antiapoptotic activity of IRS-1, binding to Bcl-2 is more critical than activating phosphoinositide-3 kinase. Our results indicate that IRS proteins transmit signals from the insulin receptor to Bcl-2, thus regulating cell survival probably through regulating phosphorylation of Bcl-2.  相似文献   

Insulin receptor substrates (IRS) mediate biological actions of insulin, growth factors, and cytokines. All four mammalian IRS proteins contain pleckstrin homology (PH) and phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domains at their N termini. However, the molecules diverge in their C-terminal sequences. IRS3 is considerably shorter than IRS1, IRS2, and IRS4, and is predicted to interact with a distinct group of downstream signaling molecules. In the present study, we investigated interactions of IRS3 with various signaling molecules. The PTB domain of mIRS3 is necessary and sufficient for binding to the juxtamembrane NPXpY motif of the insulin receptor in the yeast two-hybrid system. This interaction is stronger if the PH domain or the C-terminal phosphorylation domain is retained in the construct. As determined in a modified yeast two-hybrid system, mIRS3 bound strongly to the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Although high affinity interaction required the presence of at least two of the four YXXM motifs in mIRS3, there was not a requirement for specific YXXM motifs. mIRS3 also bound to SHP2, Grb2, Nck, and Shc, but less strongly than to p85. Studies in COS-7 cells demonstrated that deletion of either the PH or the PTB domain abolished insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of mIRS3. Insulin stimulation promoted the association of mIRS3 with p85, SHP2, Nck, and Shc. Despite weak association between mIRS3 and Grb2, this interaction was not increased by insulin, and may not be mediated by the SH2 domain of Grb2. Thus, in contrast to other IRS proteins, mIRS3 appears to have greater specificity for activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway rather than the Grb2/Ras pathway.  相似文献   

Insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins are major substrates of the insulin receptor (IR). IRS-1 associates with an insoluble multiprotein complex, possibly the cytoskeleton, in adipocytes. This localization may facilitate interaction with the IR at the cell surface. In the present study, we examined the hypothesis that the release of IRS proteins from this location may be a mechanism for insulin desensitization. We show that a second IRS protein, IRS-2, is associated with a multiprotein complex in adipocytes with similar characteristics to the IRS-1 complex. Insulin treatment (15-60 min) caused the release of IRS-1 and IRS-2 from this complex (high speed pellet; HSP) into the cytosol, whereas the level of tyrosyl-phosphorylated IRS proteins remained constant. Chronic insulin treatment resulted in a dramatic reduction in IRS-1 and IRS-2 in the HSP, eventually (>2 h) leading to IRS protein degradation and decreased levels of tyrosyl-phosphorylated IRS proteins. Okadaic acid, which rapidly induces insulin resistance in adipocytes independently of IR function, caused an almost quantitative release of IRS-1 into the cytosol commensurate with a significant reduction in tyrosyl-phosphorylated IRS proteins. Platelet-derived growth factor, a factor known to compromise insulin signaling, caused a more moderate release of IRS proteins from the HSP. Collectively, these results suggest that the assembly of IRS-1/IRS-2 into a multiprotein complex facilitates coupling to the IR and that the regulated release from this location may represent a novel mechanism of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

The Drosophila insulin receptor (DIR) contains a 368-amino-acid COOH-terminal extension that contains several tyrosine phosphorylation sites in YXXM motifs. This extension is absent from the human insulin receptor but resembles a region in insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins which binds to the phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase and mediates mitogenesis. The function of a chimeric DIR containing the human insulin receptor binding domain (hDIR) was investigated in 32D cells, which contain few insulin receptors and no IRS proteins. Insulin stimulated tyrosine autophosphorylation of the human insulin receptor and hDIR, and both receptors mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc and activated mitogen-activated protein kinase. IRS-1 was required by the human insulin receptor to activate PI 3-kinase and p70s6k, whereas hDIR associated with PI 3-kinase and activated p70s6k without IRS-1. However, both receptors required IRS-1 to mediate insulin-stimulated mitogenesis. These data demonstrate that the DIR possesses additional signaling capabilities compared with its mammalian counterpart but still requires IRS-1 for the complete insulin response in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The literature data on the role of IRS1/IRS2 proteins, endogenous substrates for insulin receptor tyrosine kinase, in transduction of signals generated by insulin superfamily peptides (insulin, insulin-like growth factor) were analyzed. The molecular mechanisms of the functional coupling of IRS proteins with peptide receptors possessing a tyrosine kinase activity and SH2 domain-containing proteins (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, Grb2 adaptor protein, protein phosphotyrosine phosphatase) were discussed. The structural and functional properties of IRS proteins (distribution of functional domains and sites for tyrosine phosphorylation; conservatism of amino acid sequences) were characterized. The data on the alternative pathways of transduction of signals which are generated by insulin and related peptides and do not involve IRS proteins were analyzed. These pathways are realized through Shc proteins or via direct interaction between receptors and SH2 proteins. Amino acid sequences of IRS proteins and insulin superfamily tyrosine kinase receptors were compared. The homologous regions in IRS proteins and receptors, which can be responsible for their coupling with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and protein phosphotyrosine phosphatases, were identified.  相似文献   

Insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins are phosphorylated by multiple tyrosine kinases, including the insulin receptor. Phosphorylated IRS proteins bind to SH2 domain-containing proteins, thereby triggering downstream signaling pathways. The Drosophila insulin receptor (dIR) C-terminal extension contains potential binding sites for signaling molecules, suggesting that dIR might not require an IRS protein to accomplish its signaling functions. However, we obtained a cDNA encoding Drosophila IRS (dIRS), and we demonstrated expression of dIRS in a Drosophila cell line. Like mammalian IRS proteins, the N-terminal portion of dIRS contains a pleckstrin homology domain and a phosphotyrosine binding domain that binds to phosphotyrosine residues in both human and Drosophila insulin receptors. When coexpressed with dIRS in COS-7 cells, a chimeric receptor (the extracellular domain of human IR fused to the cytoplasmic domain of dIR) mediated insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of dIRS. Mutating the juxtamembrane NPXY motif markedly reduced the ability of the receptor to phosphorylate dIRS. In contrast, the NPXY motifs in the C-terminal extension of dIR were required for stable association with dIRS. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated insulin-dependent binding of dIRS to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and SHP2. However, we did not detect interactions with Grb2, SHC, or phospholipase C-gamma. Taken together with published genetic studies, these biochemical data support the hypothesis that dIRS functions directly downstream from the insulin receptor in Drosophila.  相似文献   



ErbB2 Receptor Tyrosine Kinase 2 (ErbB2, HER2/Neu) is amplified in breast cancer and associated with poor prognosis. Growing evidence suggests interplay between ErbB2 and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling. For example, ErbB2 inhibitors can block IGF-induced signaling while, conversely, IGF1R inhibitors can inhibit ErbB2 action. ErbB receptors can bind and phosphorylate insulin receptor substrates (IRS) and this may be critical for ErbB-mediated anti-estrogen resistance in breast cancer. Herein, we examined crosstalk between ErbB2 and IRSs using cancer cell lines and transgenic mouse models.


MMTV-ErbB2 and MMTV-IRS2 transgenic mice were crossed to create hemizygous MMTV-ErbB2/MMTV-IRS2 bigenic mice. Signaling crosstalk between ErbB2 and IRSs was examined in vitro by knockdown or overexpression followed by western blot analysis for downstream signaling intermediates and growth assays.


A cross between MMTV-ErbB2 and MMTV-IRS2 mice demonstrated no enhancement of ErbB2 mediated mammary tumorigenesis or metastasis by elevated IRS2. Substantiating this, overexpression or knockdown of IRS1 or IRS2 in MMTV-ErbB2 mammary cancer cell lines had little effect upon ErbB2 signaling. Similar results were obtained in human mammary epithelial cells (MCF10A) and breast cancer cell lines.


Despite previous evidence suggesting that ErbB receptors can bind and activate IRSs, our findings indicate that ErbB2 does not cooperate with the IRS pathway in these models to promote mammary tumorigenesis.

Ser/Thr phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins negatively modulates insulin signaling. Therefore, the identification of serine sites whose phosphorylation inhibit IRS protein functions is of physiological importance. Here we mutated seven Ser sites located proximal to the phosphotyrosine binding domain of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) (S265, S302, S325, S336, S358, S407, and S408) into Ala. When overexpressed in rat hepatoma Fao or CHO cells, the mutated IRS-1 protein in which the seven Ser sites were mutated to Ala (IRS-1(7A)), unlike wild-type IRS-1 (IRS-1(WT)), maintained its Tyr-phosphorylated active conformation after prolonged insulin treatment or when the cells were challenged with inducers of insulin resistance prior to acute insulin treatment. This was due to the ability of IRS-1(7A) to remain complexed with the insulin receptor (IR), unlike IRS-1(WT), which underwent Ser phosphorylation, resulting in its dissociation from IR. Studies of truncated forms of IRS-1 revealed that the region between amino acids 365 to 430 is a main insulin-stimulated Ser phosphorylation domain. Indeed, IRS-1 mutated only at S408, which undergoes phosphorylation in vivo, partially maintained the properties of IRS-1(7A) and conferred protection against selected inducers of insulin resistance. These findings suggest that S408 and additional Ser sites among the seven mutated Ser sites are targets for IRS-1 kinases that play a key negative regulatory role in IRS-1 function and insulin action. These sites presumably serve as points of convergence, where physiological feedback control mechanisms, which are triggered by insulin-stimulated IRS kinases, overlap with IRS kinases triggered by inducers of insulin resistance to terminate insulin signaling.  相似文献   

Insulin receptor signaling regulates female reproductive function acting in the central nervous system and ovary. Female mice that globally lack insulin receptor substrate (IRS) 2, which is a key mediator of insulin receptor action, are infertile with defects in hypothalamic and ovarian functions. To unravel the tissue-specific roles of IRS2, we examined reproductive function in female mice that lack Irs2 only in the neurons. Surprisingly, these animals had minimal defects in pituitary and ovarian hormone levels, ovarian anatomy and function, and breeding performance, which indicates that the central nervous system IRS2 is not an obligatory signaling component for the regulation of reproductive function. Therefore, we undertook a detailed analysis of ovarian function in a novel Irs2 global null mouse line. Comparative morphometric analysis showed reduced follicle size, increased numbers of atretic follicles, as well as impaired oocyte growth and antral cavity development in Irs2 null ovaries. Granulosa cell proliferation was also defective in the Irs2 null ovaries. Furthermore, the insulin- and eCG-stimulated phosphoinositide-3-OH kinase signaling events, which included phosphorylation of Akt/protein kinase B and glycogen synthase kinase 3-beta, were impaired, whereas mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling was preserved in Irs2 null ovaries. These abnormalities were associated with reduced expression of cyclin D2 and increased CDKN1B levels, which indicates dysregulation of key components of the cell cycle apparatus implicated in ovarian function. Our data suggest that ovarian rather than central nervous system IRS2 signaling is important in the regulation of female reproductive function.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor phosphorylates insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins on multiple tyrosine residues that act as docking sites to recruit a number of downstream signaling molecules. Here we show that IRS3 is localized both at the plasma membrane and in the nucleus. Interestingly, the nuclear localization of the protein is restricted to specific regions involved in mRNA processing and known as speckles. By using different truncated versions of the protein, we demonstrate that the pleckstrin homology (PH) domain is involved in IRS3 localization at the level of both plasma membrane and nucleus. To our knowledge this is the first report of a PH domain responsible for a nuclear targeting of the host protein. By site-directed mutagenesis, we identify residues within the PH domain critical for proper localization of IRS3. Mutations within the PH domain preventing IRS3 intracellular localization result in an inhibition of IRS3-induced glucose uptake. We conclude that the PH domain is required for IRS3 intracellular localization and, furthermore, that it has a key role in metabolic functions of IRS3. In particular, our data suggest that IRS3 intracellular localization at the plasma membrane and in the nucleus is the result of two different cooperative mechanisms both involving the PH domain.  相似文献   

The insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptors are tyrosine kinases. Consequently, an approach to investigating signaling pathways from these receptors is to characterize proteins rapidly phosphorylated on tyrosine in response to insulin and IGF-I. In many cell types the most prominent phosphotyrosine (Ptyr) protein, in addition to the receptors themselves, is a protein of ?160 kD, now known as the insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1). We have purified IRS-1 from mouse 3T3-L1 adipocytes, obtained the sequences of tryptic peptides, and cloned its cDNA based on this information. Mouse IRS-1 is a protein of 1,231 amino acids. It contains 12 tyrosine residues in sequence contexts typical for tyrosine phosphorylation sites. Six of these begin the sequence motif YMXM and two begin the motif YXXM. Recent studies have shown that the enzyme phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) binds tightly to the activated platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) receptors, through interaction of the src homology 2 (SH2) domains on the 85 kD subunit of PI 3-kinase with Ptyr in one of these motifs on the receptors. We have found that, upon insulin treatment of 3T3-L1 adipocytes, a portion of the Ptyr form of IRS-1 becomes tightly complexed with PI 3-kinase. Since IRS-1 binds to fusion proteins containing the SH2 domains of PI 3-kinase, association most likely occurs through this domain. The association of IRS-1 with PI 3-kinase activates the enzyme about fivefold. Thus, one signaling pathway from the insulin and IGF-I receptors probably proceeds as follows: tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1, tight association of IRS-1 with PI 3-kinase with accompanying activation of the kinase, elevation of the PI 3-phosphates. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins act as important mediators of insulin action. Their regulation serves to augment the specificity of the insulin signalling cascade. They can be regulated--both positively and negatively--at the level of phosphorylation, and signalling through these proteins can be further modulated through the actions of SOCS (suppressor of cytokine signalling) proteins. Understanding the mechanisms of IRS regulation will provide further insight into the pathophysiology of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

The ProSAP/Shank family of multidomain proteins of the postsynaptic density (PSD) can either directly or indirectly interact with NMDA-type and metabotropic glutamate receptors and the actin-based cytoskeleton. In a yeast two hybrid screen utilizing a proline-rich domain that is highly conserved among the ProSAP/Shank family members, we isolated several cDNA clones coding for the insulin receptor substrate IRSp53. The specificity of this interaction was confirmed in transfected COS cells. Co-immunoprecipitation of IRSp53 and ProSAP2 solubilized from rat brain membranes indicates that the interaction occurs in vivo. The C-terminal SH3 domain of IRSp53 is responsible for the interaction with a novel proline-rich consensus sequence of ProSAP/Shank that was characterized by mutational analysis. IRSp53 is a substrate for the insulin receptor in the brain and acts downstream of small GTPases of the Rho family. Binding of Cdc42Hs to IRSp53 induces actin filament assembly, reorganization and filopodia outgrowth in neuronal cell lines. Our data suggest that IRSp53 can be recruited to the PSD via its ProSAP/Shank interaction and may contribute to the morphological reorganization of spines and synapses after insulin receptor and/or Cdc42Hs activation.  相似文献   

Insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) is a major substrate of the insulin receptor and has been implicated in insulin signaling. Although IRS-1 is thought to interact with the insulin receptor, the nature of the interaction has not been defined. In this study, we used the two-hybrid assay of protein-protein interaction in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to study the interaction between human IRS-1 and the insulin receptor. We demonstrate that IRS-1 forms a specific complex with the cytoplasmic domain of the insulin receptor when both are expressed as hybrid proteins in yeast cells. We show that the interaction is strictly dependent upon receptor tyrosine kinase activity, since IRS-1 shows no interaction with a kinase-inactive receptor hybrid containing a mutated ATP-binding site. Furthermore, mutation of receptor tyrosine 960 to phenylalanine eliminates IRS-1 interaction in the two-hybrid assay. These data suggest that the interaction between IRS-1 and the receptor is direct and provide evidence that the juxtamembrane domain of the receptor is involved. Furthermore, we show that a 356-amino-acid region encompassed by amino acids 160 through 516 of IRS-1 is sufficient for interaction with the receptor in the two-hybrid assay. Lastly, in agreement with our findings for yeast cells, we show that the insulin receptor is unable to phosphorylate an IRS-1 protein containing a deletion of amino acids 45 to 516 when expressed in COS cells. The two-hybrid assay should provide a facile means by which to pursue a detailed understanding of this interaction.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor is a ligand-activated tyrosine kinase that phosphorylates its major substrate protein, insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1), at multiple sites. Tyrosine-phosphorylated IRS1 then serves as a docking/effector protein for at least four Src homology 2 (SH2)-domain proteins involved in signal transduction. This initial step in signalling distinguishes the insulin receptor from other receptor tyrosine kinases, which directly bind several SH2-domain proteins, and establishes IRS1 as a founding member of a group of proteins whose function is to link activated tyrosine kinases to SH2-domain proteins.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is associated with lifestyle factors that affect insulin/IGF signaling, of which the insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) is a key transducer. We investigated expression, localization and pathologic correlations of IRS1 in cancer-uninvolved colonic epithelium, primary CRCs with paired liver metastases and in vitro polarizing Caco2 and HT29 cells. IRS1 mRNA and protein resulted higher, relative to paired mucosa, in adenomas of familial adenomatous polyposis patients and in CRCs that overexpressed c-MYC, ß-catenin, InsRß, and IGF1R. Analysis of IRS1 immunostaining in 24 cases of primary CRC with paired colonic epithelium and hepatic metastasis showed that staining intensity was significantly higher in metastases relative to both primary CRC (P<0.01) and colonic epithelium (P<0.01). Primary and metastatic CRCs, compared to colonic epithelium, contained significantly higher numbers of IRS1-positive cells (P = 0.013 and P = 0.014, respectively). Pathologic correlations in 163 primary CRCs revealed that diffuse IRS1 staining was associated with tumors combining differentiated phenotype and aggressive markers (high Ki67, p53, and ß-catenin). In Caco 2 IRS1 and InsR were maximally expressed after polarization, while IGF1R was highest in pre-polarized cells. No nuclear IRS1 was detected, while, with polarization, phosphorylated IRS1 (pIRS1) shifted from the lateral to the apical plasma membrane and was expressed in surface cells only. In HT29, that carry mutations constitutively activating survival signaling, IRS1 and IGF1R decreased with polarization, while pIRS1 localized in nuclear spots throughout the course. Overall, these data provide evidence that IRS1 is modulated according to CRC differentiation, and support a role of IRS1 in CRC progression and liver metastatization.  相似文献   

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