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Lovering RP 《Bioethics》2005,19(2):131-145
The traditional approach to the abortion debate revolves around numerous issues, such as whether the foetus is a person, whether the foetus has rights, and more. Don Marquis suggests that this traditional approach leads to a standoff and that the abortion debate 'requires a different strategy.' Hence his 'future of value' strategy, which is summarized as follows: (1) A normal foetus has a future of value. (2) Depriving a normal foetus of a future of value imposes a misfortune on it. (3) Imposing a misfortune on a normal foetus is prima facie wrong. (4) Therefore, depriving a normal foetus of a future of value is prima facie wrong. (5) Killing a normal foetus deprives it of a future value. (6) Therefore, killing a normal foetus is prima facie wrong. In this paper, I argue that Marquis's strategy is not different since it involves the concept of person--a concept deeply rooted in the traditional approach. Specifically, I argue that futures are valuable insofar as they are not only dominated by goods of consciousness, but are experienced by psychologically continuous persons. Moreover, I argue that his strategy is not sound since premise (1) is false. Specifically, I argue that a normal foetus, at least during the first trimester, is not a person. Thus, during that stage of development it is not capable of experiencing its future as a psychologically continuous person and, hence, it does not have a future of value.  相似文献   

Too often cases of industrial injuries are submitted for permanent disability rating before maximum recovery is attained and the condition is permanent and stationary.This is frequently a situation that is detrimental to the injured working man, since his physical disability might be further reduced by additional treatment, and his future earning power and economic status thus be improved. Also it may be detrimental to the insurance carrier and/or employer, since in some instances it results in increased permanent disability award payments for portions of the condition which are not truly permanent.Inadequate medical reports also are a frequent cause of unfair awards. The necessary factors used to arrive at proper conclusions, the errors that have been observed and the importance of this problem are discussed.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates have substantially lower growth rates than other taxa of similar size. These low growth rates have been suggested to reflect the lower chlorophyll a to carbon ratio (Chl a:C) in dinoflagellates, but that speculation has never been widely tested. This study tests if the variations in growth rates among taxa are related to differences in Chl a:C using published data. I collected 92 data entries from the literature representing 31 species, mostly from two divisions (Chrysophyta and Pyrrophyta), and found a significant relation (r2= 0.39) between growth and Chl a:C. Since Chl a:C is almost independent of C content, I also developed a growth model using both C and Chl a:C. Together, the two variables explain 68% of variation in algal growth. However, a further 6.4% of the variance in growth can still be attributed to phyletic differences. Low Chl a:C is only a partial explanation for the low growth rates of the dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

Color patterns commonly vary geographically within species, but it is rare that such variation corresponds with divergent antipredator strategies. The polymorphic salamander Ensatina eschscholtzii, however, may represent such a case. In this species, most subspecies are cryptically colored, whereas E. e. xanthoptica, the Yellow eyed ensatina, is hypothesized to be an aposematic mimic of highly toxic Pacific newts (genus Taricha). To test the mimicry hypothesis, we conducted feeding trials using Western Scrub-Jays, Aphelocoma californica. In every feeding trial, we found that jays, following presentation with the presumed model (T. torosa), were more hesitant to contact the presumed mimic (E. e. xanthoptica) than a control subspecies lacking the postulated aposematic colors (E. e. oregonensis). The median time to contact was 315 sec for the mimic and 52 sec for the control. These results support the mimicry hypothesis, and we suggest that E. e. xanthoptica is likely a Batesian mimic, rather a Müllerian or quasi-Batesian mimic, of Pacific newts.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1997,61(26):PL427-PL433
Intermittent morphine pretreatment (10 mg/kg/day for 14 days) induced long-lasting (one month post-treatment) sensitization to the locomotor effects of morphine and amphetamine in rats. Co-administration of the non-competitive NMDA-receptor antagonist dizocilpine (MK-801) (0.1 mg/kg) with morphine did not prevent the development of long-term behavioural sensitization. However, this dose of MK-801 did cause long-term sensitization to its own locomotor effects. Co-administration of 0.25 mg/kg MK-801 with morphine caused death in 60% of the animals. In the animals that survived MK-801 plus morphine pretreatment, neither short-term (3 days) nor long-term morphine-induced sensitization was observed. MK-801 alone (0.25 mg/kg/day for 14 days) induced short-term cross-sensitization to morphine. Thus, the development of long-term morphine-induced locomotor sensitization could only be prevented by a dose of MK-801 that yields a lethal combination with morphine. In addition, MK-801 induced sensitization to its own locomotor effects and cross-sensitization to morphine. These findings seriously question whether MK-801 can be used to study the development of morphine-induced behavioural sensitization. © 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that positive relationships between sinking rate and irradiance were due to increases in cell density caused by accumulations of carbohydrate. In semicontinuous batch cultures of Thalassiosira weissflogii (Gru.) Fryxell el Hasle and Ditylum brightwellii (t. West) Grunow in Van Huerk, carbohydrate content was varied by growing cells under diel cycles of high or low light. Sinking rate was measured at the end of the light period and the end of the dark period, on live and heat-killed cells. No positive correlations were found between sinking rate (which varied from – 0.060 to 0.13 m·d?1) and carbohydrate content (which varied from 10 to 950 pg · cell?1), indicating that accumulations of carbohydrate did not significantly affect sinking rate. There were no large diel variations in the sinking rate of T. weissflogii, but sinking rates of D. brightwellii grown under high light ranged from being negative (i.e. cells were floating) at the end of the light period to positive at the end of the dark period. This is the first report of positive buoyancy in vegetative D. brightwellii, a phenomenon that may only occur in D. brightwellii grown under diel cycles.  相似文献   

Although the spectral quality of light in the ocean varies considerably with depth, the effect of light quality on different physiological processes in marine phytoplankton remains largely unknown. In cases where experiments are performed under full spectral irradiance, the meaning of these experiments in situ is thus unclear. In this study, we determined whether variations in spectral quality affected the sinking rates of marine diatoms. Semicontinuous batch cultures of Thalassiosira weissflogii (Gru.) Fryxell et Hasle and Ditylum brightwellii (t. West) Grunow in Van Huerk were grown under continuous red, white, or blue light. For T. weissflogii, sinking rates (SETCOL method) were twice as high (~0.2 m·d?1)for cells grown under red light as for cells grown under white or blue light (~0.08 m·d?1), but there were no significant differences in carbohydrate content (~105 fg·μm?3) or silica content (~ 17 fg·μ?3) to account for the difference in sinking rates. Thalassiosira weissflogii grown under blue light was significantly smaller (495 μm3) than cells grown under red light (661 μm3), which could contribute to its reduced sinking rate. However, cells grown under white light were similar in size to those grown under red light but had sinking rates not different from those of cells grown under blue light, indicating the involvement of factors other than size. There were no significant differences in sinking rate (~0.054 m·d?1) or silica content (~20 fg·μm?3) in D. brightwellii grown under red, white, or blue light, but cells grown under red light were significantly (20%) larger and contained significantly (20%) more carbohydrate per μm3 than cells grown under white or blue light. Spectral quality had no consistent effect on sinking rate, biochemical composition (carbohydrate or silica content), or cell volume in the two diatoms studied. The similarity in sinking rate of cells grown under white light compared to those grown under blue light supports the ecological validity of sinking rate studies done under white light.  相似文献   

An enduring hypothesis for the proximal benefits of sex is that recombination increases the genetic variation among offspring and that this genetic variation increases offspring performance. A corollary of this hypothesis is that mothers that mate multiply increase genetic variation within a clutch and gain benefits due to genetic diversity alone. Many studies have demonstrated that multiple mating can increase offspring performance, but most attribute this increase to sexual selection and the role of genetic diversity has received less attention. Here, we used a breeding design to generate populations of full-siblings, half-siblings, and unrelated individuals of the solitary ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Importantly, we preclude the potentially confounding influences of maternal effects and sexual selection. We found that individuals in populations with greater genetic diversity had greater performance (metamorphic success, postmetamorphic survival, and postmetamorphic size) than individuals in populations with lower genetic diversity. Furthermore, we show that by mating with multiple males and thereby increasing genetic variation within a single clutch of offspring, females gain indirect fitness benefits in the absence of mate-choice. Our results show that when siblings are likely to interact, genetic variation among individuals can decrease competition for resources and generate substantial fitness benefits within a single generation.  相似文献   

The intracellular levels of hot water extractable and total phosphorus were determined in the dinoflagellate Peridinium cinctum. f. westii (Lemm.) Lef. for natural samples from the bloom in Lake Kinneret and from laboratory cultures. Amounts of phosphorus (P) in the hot water fraction, relative to total cellular phosphorus, were similar in lake Peridinium and in cells grown in high ambient orthophosphate (Pi) media (3–6 mg P · l?1). The absolute amounts of hot water extractable P in natural cell and those cultured at lower Pi concentrations (0.02–0.05 mg P · 1?1) were similar, although average Pi in lake water were 4 μg · l?1. Under most growth conditions the hot water extract contained approximately equal amounts of molybdate reactive phosphorus (MRP) and non-MRP. Short chain (6–9 units) polyphosphates (mol wt 630–950) probably constituted the bulk of the non-MRP pool, which was hydrolysable by alkaline phosphatase and may serve as a precursor for a more permanent P store. Intracellular P levels and distribution were not directly dependent on external Pi concentrations but may be determined by the N:P atomic ratio or overall external ionic milieu. Peridinium grown in low ambient Pi released significant amounts of non-MRP compounds. In Lake Kinneret, for at least most of the bloom period, Peridinium does not appear to be limited by P supply.  相似文献   

In a survey made to estimate the need for a special room in which patients could recover from anesthesia after operation, it was found that of 475 cases in which this service might have been used, it would have been desirable in 296; that recovery room care would probably have relieved ward nurses of the duty of special care during their busiest hours; that recovery room care was indicated in a high percentage of cases in which certain anesthetics were employed, and that the need for recovery room care appeared to increase in proportion to the amount of pre-sedation given.  相似文献   

In a freshwater mesocosm experiment, we explored the potential for direct and indirect effects of roach (Rutilus rutilus) and Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis), two planktivorous fishes with different feeding behaviors, on the morphology of Ceratium hirundinella (O. F. Müll.) Dujard., a large dinoflagellate. Three morphs were detected: one with two hypothecal horns, one with a third rudimentary horn, and one with three well‐developed horns. We observed a strong negative relationship between the presence of fish and the proportion of three‐horned cells. The two fishes had strikingly similar effects on Chirundinella morphology, despite their different capabilities to retain particles of the size of Chirundinella. This finding suggests that the morphological variation in Chirundinella was not related to selection by fish. Morphological variations in Chirundinella could not be explained by fish‐mediated variations in turbidity (i.e., light climate) or by predation pressure by the fish. In contrast, the proportion of three‐horned cells was directly related to the biomass of filter‐feeding cladocerans. This result was unexpected since cladocerans are not considered to consume C. hirundinella and they did not depress C. hirundinella numbers in our experiment. Without excluding other possible mechanisms, we suggest that the third horn might help these dinoflagellates avoid physical contact with the filtering apparatus of the cladocerans and the consequent potential damage caused by these herbivores, which were more abundant in the absence of planktivorous fish.  相似文献   

We tested the prediction that, if hoverflies are Batesian mimics, this may extend to behavioral mimicry such that their numerical abundance at each hour of the day (the daily activity pattern) is related to the numbers of their hymenopteran models. After accounting for site, season, microclimatic responses, and general hoverfly abundance at three sites in northwestern England, the residual numbers of mimics were significantly correlated positively with their models nine times of 17. Sixteen of 17 relationships were positive, itself a highly significant nonrandom pattern. Several eristaline flies showed significant relationships with honeybees even though some of them mimic wasps or bumblebees, perhaps reflecting an ancestral resemblance to honeybees. There was no evidence that good and poor mimics differed in their daily activity pattern relationships with models. However, the common mimics showed significant activity pattern relationships with their models, whereas the rarer mimics did not. We conclude that many hoverflies show behavioral mimicry of their hymenopteran models.  相似文献   

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