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Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium [STM]) is a leading cause of nontyphoidal salmonellosis (NTS) worldwide. The pathogenesis of NTS has been studied extensively using a streptomycin-pretreated mouse colitis model with the limited numbers of laboratory STM strains. However, the pathogenicity of the clinically isolated STM (STMC) strains endemic in Thailand in mice has not been explored. The aim of this study was to compare the pathogenicity of STMC strains collected from Northern Thailand with the laboratory STM (IR715) in mice. Five STMC isolates were obtained from the stool cultures of patients with acute NTS admitted to Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital in 2016 and 2017. Detection of virulence genes and sequence type (ST) of the strains was performed. Female C57BL/6 mice were pretreated with streptomycin sulfate 1 day prior to oral infection with STM. On Day 4 postinfection, mice were euthanized, and tissues were collected to analyze the bacterial numbers, tissue inflammation, and cecal histopathological score. We found that all five STMC strains are ST34 and conferred the same or reduced pathogenicity compared with that of IR715 in mice. A strain-specific effect of ST34 on mouse gut colonization was also observed. Thailand STM ST34 exhibited a significant attenuated systemic infection in mice possibly due to the lack of spvABC-containing virulence plasmid.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported extensive diversity among survivors of Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica serovar Typhimurium that were stored for four decades in sealed agar stabs. Thus raising the question: was there selection for greater fitness among eventual survivors? To address this, we cocultured archived LT2 survivors with nonarchived (parental) LT2 strains in competition experiments. Selected archived strains outgrew a nonarchived LT2 sequenced strain. Although we initially assumed this was the result of mutations empowering greater nutritional utilization, we found phage selection was also involved. Phage fels- 1 and fels- 2 in supernatants were identified by primer/PCR as a putative selective force following single plaque isolations on a prophage-free strain and testing on appropriate hosts. In confirmatory experiments, instead of coculture in Luria–Bertani requiring antibiotic marker insertions, competing strains without markers were inoculated at opposite edges of motility plates. Not only did the archived LT2 population overgrow the nonarchived LT2 population, but also clear zones appeared at edges of encounters from which phage fels- 1 and fels- 2 (but not gifsy- 1 nor gifsy- 2) were recovered. However, in competitions of an archived strain with S . Typhimurium ATCC 14028, phage emerged that had a DNA base sequence segment of prophage ST64B but the sequence differed from the reported homologous segment in ST64B.  相似文献   

The ability to survive desiccation between hosts is often essential to the success of pathogenic bacteria. The bacterial outer membrane is both the cellular interface with hostile environments and the focus of much of the drying-induced damage. This study examined the contribution of outer membrane-associated polysaccharides to the survival of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in air-dried blood droplets following growth in high and low osmolarity medium and under conditions known to induce expression of these polysaccharides. Strains lacking the O polysaccharide (OPS) element of the outer membrane lipopolysaccharide were more sensitive to desiccation. Lipopolysaccharide core mutation further to OPS loss did not result in increased susceptibility to drying. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed lipopolysaccharide profiles that supported the hypothesis that OPS expression is required for optimal drying resistance in S. Typhimurium. The role of O antigen in Salmonella spp. in maintaining a hydrated layer around the dried cell or in slowing the rate of dehydration and rehydration is discussed.  相似文献   

Aims: In this study, we used two molecular fingerprinting methods to investigate the genetic and clonal relationship shared by Australian Salmonella Sofia isolates. Methods and Results: A total of 84 Australian Salm. Sofia isolates from various states in Australia were typed using pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) (XbaI and SpeI) and repetitive element PCR (REP1R‐I primer). The previous problem of DNA degradation of Salm. Sofia strains was solved by modifying the lysis solution used to treat the bacterial plugs, allowing Salm. Sofia to be subtyped using PFGE. Molecular typing of isolates resulted in the generation of eight XbaI, six SpeI and five REP1 pattern profiles. Individual typing methods showed low discrimination index values (<0·5), indicating the poor discriminatory ability of the methods. However, the combination of the typing methods was able to improve the discrimination of isolates, further dividing them into 16 subtypes and raising the index value to 0·721. Conclusions: The combination of typing methods was shown to be the best approach to fingerprint Salm. Sofia. The Australian Salm. Sofia isolates only showed limited genetic diversity and probably share a clonal relationship. A majority of the Salm. Sofia isolates were not geographically restricted with the predominant pattern subtype observed amongst the isolates from various states. Significance and Impact of the Study: We have successfully devised a PFGE protocol that counteracts DNase activity of Salm. Sofia, enabling typing of this serovar.  相似文献   

AIMS: Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) profiles of 195 epidemiologically unrelated Salmonella Typhimurium strains isolated in 1997-2004 from pigs were analysed and the results compared to establish the discriminatory ability of each method. In order to investigate the epidemiology of S. Typhimurium from different populations, the VNTR profiles from pigs were compared with those obtained from 190 S. Typhimurium strains isolated from poultry and 186 strains isolated from human cases of gastroenteritis. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 195 strains of S. Typhimurium were tested by PFGE and VNTR. For PFGE, the restriction enzyme XbaI was used, and for VNTR, the number of repeats at five loci (STTR 9, 5, 6, 10pl and 3) were counted and assigned an allele number based on an established VNTR scheme. The results obtained showed improved discrimination of VNTR when compared with PFGE with 34 PFGE profiles identified compared with 96 different VNTR profiles for the pig isolates and 56 different VNTR types within the most common PFGE type. Within the three different populations, VNTR showed distinct subpopulations of VNTR type related not only to source, but also demonstrated common VNTR types within samples obtained from humans, poultry and pigs, especially in strains of phage type DT104. CONCLUSIONS: VNTR has taken the discrimination to a further level than that obtained through PFGE, and demonstrated an overlap in the genetic diversity of isolates tested across the three different populations, confirming previous suggestions that animals have an involvement in the dissemination of S. Typhimurium through the food chain. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Salmonella Typhimurium remains an important concern as a food-borne zoonotic agent. The VNTR strategy described provides an accurate method of tracing strain dissemination, and adds a further level of discrimination to the PFGE type, providing potential benefits to epidemiological studies and the possibility of deciphering source attribution of cases.  相似文献   

AIMS: The purpose of this study was to investigate the antibacterial activity of the Xynotyri cheese isolate Lactobacillus plantarum ACA-DC287 using a set of in vitro and in vivo assays. METHODS AND RESULTS: The co-culture of L. plantarum strain ACA-DC287 and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain SL1344 results in the killing of the pathogen. The killing activity was produced mainly by non-lactic acid molecule(s) that were present in the cell-free culture supernatant of the L. plantarum strain ACA-DC287. The culture of the L. plantarum strain ACA-DC287 inhibited the penetration of S. typhimurium SL1344 into cultured human enterocyte-like Caco-2/TC7 cells. In conventional mice infected with S. typhimurium SL1344, the intake of L. plantarum strain ACA-DC287 results in a decrease in the levels of Salmonella associated with intestinal tissues or those present in the intestinal contents. In germ-free mice, the L. plantarum strain ACA-DC287 colonized the gastrointestinal tract. CONCLUSIONS: The L. plantarum strain ACA-DC287 strain exerts anti-Salmonella activity similar that of the established probiotic strains Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus casei Shirota YIT9029 and Lactobacillus johnsonii La1. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The observation that a selected cheese Lactobacillus strain exerted antibacterial activity that was similar to those of probiotic Lactobacillus strains, is of interest for the use of this strain as an adjunct strain for the production of health-giving cheeses.  相似文献   

Aims: To characterize freshwater Bdellovibrio‐and‐like organisms (BALO) isolated in China and examine their potential in controlling growth of Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica serovar Typhimurium on tilapia fillets. Methods and Results: Four BALO isolates were recovered from a pond in Yanzhou of Shandong province, China, with Salm. Typhimurium as prey using double‐layer agar method. Partial 16S rDNA sequencing analysis identified BD2GL, BD5GL and BDXGL as Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus and BD2GS as a Peredibacter sp. Lysis experiments on 32 potentially pathogenic strains revealed that BALO lysis rates are in the range of 56·3–65·6%. On the five Salmonella strains tested, only BD2GS achieved 100% lysis rate. When applied on tilapia fillets against Salm. Typhimurium, BD2GS showed its growth control potential. Cell increments of Salm. Typhimurium were significantly lower (P < 0·05) in two BD2GS‐treated groups compared to control and low‐dose group (BD2GS to prey ratio, 1 : 1) was more effective than high‐dose group (BD2GS to prey ratio, 10 : 1) in controlling Salm. Typhimurium growth. Conclusions: Results of this study indicated that BD2GS could control Salm. Typhimurium growth on tilapia fillets. Significance and Impact of the Study: BALO could be used as a live protective culture in controlling bacterial growth and ensure food safety.  相似文献   

Aims: The anti‐infectious activity of lactobacilli against multi‐drug resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 (DT104) was examined in a murine model of an opportunistic antibiotic‐induced infection. Methods and Results: Explosive intestinal growth and subsequent lethal extra‐intestinal translocation after oral infection with DT104 during fosfomycin (FOM) administration was significantly inhibited by continuous oral administration of Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota (LcS), which is naturally resistant to FOM, at a dose of 108 colony‐forming units per mouse daily to mice. Comparison of the anti‐Salmonella activity of several Lactobacillus type strains with natural resistance to FOM revealed that Lactobacillus brevis ATCC 14869T, Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 14917T, Lactobacillus reuteri JCM 1112T, Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 7469T and Lactobacillus salivarius ATCC 11741T conferred no activity even when they obtained the high population levels almost similar to those of the effective strains such as LcS, Lact. casei ATCC 334T and Lactobacillus zeae ATCC 15820T. The increase in concentration of organic acids and maintenance of the lower pH in the intestine because of Lactobacillus colonization were correlated with the anti‐infectious activity. Moreover, heat‐killed LcS was not protective against the infection, suggesting that the metabolic activity of lactobacilli is important for the anti‐infectious activity. Conclusion: These results suggest that certain lactobacilli in combination with antibiotics may be useful for prophylaxis against opportunistic intestinal infections by multi‐drug resistant pathogens, such as DT104. Significance and Impact of the Study: Antibiotics such as FOM disrupt the metabolic activity of the intestinal microbiota that produce organic acids, and that only probiotic strains that are metabolically active in vivo should be selected to prevent intestinal infection when used clinically in combination with certain antibiotics.  相似文献   

Aims: To characterize isolates of Salmonella Typhimurium DT41 obtained from infected flocks of broiler breeders by multiple‐locus variable‐number tandem‐repeats analysis (MLVA) and compare results with a diverse strain collection from Germany and United Kingdom and isolates from Danish patients. Methods and Results: A total of 102 isolates of Salm. Typhimurium phage type DT41 were MLVA typed. MLVA typing showed 4, 12, 25, 9 and 8 different alleles at the five MLVA loci 9, 5, 6, 10 and 3, respectively. A dendrogram based on MLVA types was constructed, and one large group, nine minor groups and 29 more unrelated MLVA types were obtained. The major group included 20 of the 30 human isolates. Isolates obtained from broiler breeders demonstrated major diversity, indicating the existence of several independent introductions of DT41 at farm level. When comparison was made to isolates included from Germany and England, DT41 seems to be ubiquitous in the wild fauna which might represent a risk factor for poultry. Conclusions: Transmission from Danish broilers to humans was not demonstrated, neither was the transmission from rearing farms to broiler breeder farms. Sources of infection at broiler breeder farm level remained unidentified. Significance and Impact of the Study: Major diversity was demonstrated for DT41 MLVA types. A persisting problem with infection of broiler breeder flocks with DT41 was not reflected in broiler flocks originating from these flocks.  相似文献   

Toll‐like receptor 5 is a pattern‐recognition receptor for bacterial flagellin. We previously reported that a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of swine TLR5, C1205T, impairs recognition of Salmonella typhimurium (ST) flagellin and ethanol‐killed Salmonella Choleraesuis (SC). In the present study, weaned, specific pathogen‐free (SPF) Landrace piglets with CC, CT or TT genotypes were orally infected with ST (L‐3569 strain) to determine the effect of this specific SNP on ST infection in vivo. Eighteen ST‐infected piglets (six each with CC, CT, or TT) exhibited fever and diarrhea for 1 week after infection. TT piglets had the longest duration of fever. TT piglets had the greatest mean diarrhea score during the experimental period, followed by CT and CC piglets. Fecal ST shedding was greater in CT and TT pigs than CC pigs from 2 days after infection. Serum haptoglobin concentration increased in ST‐infected piglets and to greater extents in CT and TT pigs than CC pigs. Daily weight gain was lower in infected pigs, particularly TT piglets, than control pigs. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate that impairment of TLR recognition affects pig susceptibility to disease in vivo. Thus, piglets with the T allele of swine TLR5 (C1205T) exhibit impaired resistance to ST infection. Furthermore, elimination of the T allele of this SNP from Landrace pigs would lead to enhancement of their resistance to ST infection.

Aims: To establish the fate of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium in manure and manure‐amended agricultural soils under tropical conditions in Sub‐Saharan Africa. Methods and Results: Survival of nonvirulent Ecoli O157:H7 and Salm. Typhimurium at 4 and 7 log CFU g?1 in manure and manure‐amended soil maintained at ≥80% r.h. or exposed to exclusive field or screen house conditions was determined in the Central Agro‐Ecological Zone of Uganda. Maintaining the matrices at high moisture level promoted the persistence of high‐density inocula and enhanced the decline of low‐density inocula in the screen house, but moisture condition did not affect survival in the field. The large majority of the survival kinetics displayed complex patterns corresponding to the Double Weibull model. The two enteric bacteria survived longer in manure‐amended soil than in manure. The 7 log CFU g?1Ecoli O157:H7 and Salm. Typhimurium survived for 49–84 and 63–98 days, while at 4 log CFU g?1, persistence was 21–28 and 35–42 days, respectively. Conclusions: Under tropical conditions, Ecoli O157:H7 and Salm. Typhimurium persisted for 4 and 6 weeks at low inoculum density and for 12 and 14 weeks at high inoculum density, respectively. Significance and Impact of the Study: Persistence in the tropics was (i) mostly shorter than previously observed in temperate regions thus suggesting that biophysical conditions in the tropics might be more detrimental to enteric bacteria than in temperate environments; (ii) inconsistent with published data isothermally determined previously hence indicating the irrelevance of single point isothermal data to estimate survival under dynamic temperature conditions.  相似文献   



The objective of this study was to obtain a phenotypic and genotypic profile of Salmonella enterica including multidrug‐resistant (MDR) isolates from food‐producing animals and clinical isolates, as well as their genetic relatedness in two different States of Mexico (Jalisco and State of Mexico).

Methods and Results

A total of 243 isolates were evaluated in terms of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and related genes through a disk diffusion method and PCR respectively; we found 16 MDR isolates, all of them harbouring the blaCMY gene but not qnr genes, these isolates represent less than 10% of the collection. The pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis revealed a higher genotypic similitude within isolates of State of Mexico than Jalisco.


A low percentage of Salmonella isolates were resistant to relevant antibiotics in human health, nevertheless, the AMR and involved genes were similar despite the different serovars and origin of the isolates.

Significance and Impact of the Study

This investigation provided an insight of the current status of AMR of Salmonella isolates in two States of Mexico and pinpoint the genes involved in AMR and their epidemiological relationship, the information could help to determine an adequate therapy in human and veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium can induce both humoral and cell‐mediated responses when establishing itself in the host. These responses are primarily stimulated against the lipopolysaccharide and major outer membrane (OM) proteins. OmpA is one of these major OM proteins. It comprises a N‐terminal eight‐stranded β‐barrel transmembrane domain and a C‐terminal domain (OmpACTD). The OmpACTD and its homologs are believed to bind to peptidoglycan (PG) within the periplasm, maintaining bacterial osmotic homeostasis and modulating the permeability and integrity of the OM. Here we present the first crystal structures of the OmpACTD from two pathogens: S. typhimurium (STOmpACTD) in open and closed forms and causative agent of Lyme Disease Borrelia burgdorferi (BbOmpACTD), in closed form. In the open form of STOmpACTD, an aspartate residue from a long β2‐α3 loop points into the binding pocket, suggesting that an anion group such as a carboxylate group from PG is favored at the binding site. In the closed form of STOmpACTD and in the structure of BbOmpACTD, a sulfate group from the crystallization buffer is tightly bound at the binding site. The differences between the closed and open forms of STOmpACTD, suggest a large conformational change that includes an extension of α3 helix by ordering a part of β2‐α3 loop. We propose that the sulfate anion observed in these structures mimics the carboxylate group of PG when bound to STOmpACTD suggesting PG‐anchoring mechanism. In addition, the binding of PG or a ligand mimic may enhance dimerization of STOmpACTD, or possibly that of full length STOmpA.  相似文献   

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