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Restoration of the longleaf pine ecosystems of the southeastern United States has focused interest on the regeneration and establishment of Aristida sp. (wiregrass) as a means to reestablish ecological function and structure of the ecosystem. This study examined dispersal distance from planted adults and canopy cover and density effects on establishment and reproduction. In 1994 wiregrass plugs were planted in two densities (500 seedlings/100 m2 and 49 seedlings/100 m2) and three canopy‐thinning treatments (25 m2 basal area/ha, 16 m2 basal area/ha, and 8 m2 basal area/ha) were implemented in a 20‐year‐old longleaf plantation in southwestern Georgia. Due to the intense site preparation and the density of pines planted, virtually no understory vegetation was present. The site was burned in June 1995, which promoted seed production of the planted wiregrass. Results indicate that the 8 m2 basal area/ha treatment results in larger plants that in turn produce a greater number of seedling recruits. No seedling recruitment occurred in control plots. Dispersal distances of up to 594 cm were recorded. Natural seedling recruitment occurred at low‐density transplanting (5 plants/10 m2), denoting that high‐density planting similar to natural density (5 plants/m2) is not required for successful establishment or reproduction. However, overstory thinning in dense pine plantations is required for reproduction and increases the survival of individual plants due to changes in the environmental conditions at the forest floor.  相似文献   

The once widespread Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris)–dominated ecosystems of the southeastern coastal plain of the United States have been greatly reduced in extent, and many of the remaining stands are being degraded by hardwood invasion due to fire suppression. The first step toward pine savanna restoration is often hardwood removal, a costly process due to their large volumes and low market values. Despite these problems, by marketing a wide range of hard‐ and softwood products, the costs of 13 restoration projects in northern Florida were substantially reduced. Ten different products were sold to 19 different buyers. Fuel chips represented 71–100% of all biomass removed (8.2–81.1 Mg/ha). Although landowners were charged modest amounts for removing biomass harvested as fuel chips, other marketed products yielded revenues. Overall, four projects earned net profits of $29–$383/ha, and four projects generated sufficient revenue to pay 17–99% of the cost of hardwood removal as fuel chips. A carbon accounting of a second set of projects demonstrated that carbon harvested as fuel chips far exceeded that consumed in harvest and transport, yielding net carbon offsets of 451–1,320 Mg C/project (3.3–13.9 Mg C/ha). Using fuel consumption results of this second set of projects, carbon offsets for the 13 restoration projects were estimated as 89–1,524 Mg (3.8–37.9 Mg C/ha). Restorationists should monitor traditional forest product markets as well as developing carbon markets for price fluctuations that could provide significant revenues to restoration projects.  相似文献   

Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) savannas depend on contiguous grass cover to facilitate frequent surface fires. Enhanced flowering, seed production, and germination may be linked to season of fires. We assessed the effect of month of prescribed fire (February, April, May, and July) on percentage of plants with flowering culms (FCs%), FC/area, FC/plant, seed production, and germination for five warm seasons, fall‐flowering grasses. Multivariate analysis indicated the response of flowering and fruiting to burn month varied among the grass species. The dominant species, Sporobolus junceus and Schizachyrium scoparium var. stoloniferum, had greater numbers of most flowering characteristics when burnt during April, May, and July. Aristida purpurascens had increased FC/plant after May and July burns. In contrast, Ar. mohrii had the fewest FC/plant and seeds/FC when burnt in July. Germination was greatest (26–60%) for Ar. purpurascens. Seeds collected following July burns for Ar. purpurascens and Ar. ternarius and after May burns for S. junceus were within the highest germination values recorded. Germination of Sc. scoparium var. stoloniferum was very low after February and July burns (≤5%). With Ar. mohrii, only seed collected following February (2%) and April burns (3%) germinated. April, May, and July fires increased seed production of dominant matrix grasses, thus facilitating the potential for recruitment of these species and facilitating seed collection from potential donor sites for ground‐layer restoration projects. Varying prescribed fire burn month captured variation in flowering characteristics among these grasses.  相似文献   

The movement ability of species in fragmented landscapes must be considered if habitat restoration strategies are to allow maximum benefit in terms of increased or healthier wildlife populations. We studied movements of a range of bird species between woodland patches within a high‐altitude Polylepis/matrix landscape in the Cordillera Vilcanota, Peru. Movement rates between Polylepis patches differed across guilds, with arboreal omnivores, arboreal sally‐strikers and nectarivores displaying the highest movement rates, and understorey guilds and arboreal sally‐gleaners the lowest movement rates. Birds tend to avoid flights to more distant neighboring patches, especially when moving from patches which were themselves isolated. The decline in bird flight frequencies with increasing patch isolation followed broken‐stick models most closely, and while we suggest that there is evidence for a decline in between‐patch movements over distances of 30–210 m, there was great variability in movement rates across individual patches. This variability is presumably a result of complex interactions between patch size, quality and configuration, and flight movement patterns of individual bird species. Our study does, however, highlight the contribution small woodland patches make toward fragmented Polylepis ecosystem functioning, and we suggest that, where financial resources permit, small patch restoration would be an important compliment to the restoration of larger woodland patches. Most important is that replanting takes place within 200 m or so of existing larger patches. This will be especially beneficial in allowing more frequent use of woodland elements within the landscape and in improving the total area of woodland patches that are functionally connected.  相似文献   

Restoration of submerged aquatic vegetation from seed has been hampered by a lack of information on the appropriate conditions for collecting, processing, and storing seeds prior to dispersal. Seeds must be processed and stored under conditions that maintain seed viability, meet dormancy requirements, and prevent premature germination. This study examined the effects of collection date, processing technique, aeration, storage and induction temperature and salinity, and storage period on seed germination of two mesohaline aquatic species, Potamogeton perfoliatus and Ruppia maritima. Collection date and processing technique were significant factors affecting seed yield from donor populations. Seeds of both species remained viable and germinated best when stored at 4°C, and then exposed to freshwater induction conditions. However, their responses to other factors differed. Aeration during storage was necessary in order to maintain viability of P. perfoliatus seeds, whereas it was unnecessary for R. maritima seeds. Storage in freshwater at 4°C prevented germination of P. perfoliatus seeds, while high salinity during cold storage was necessary to minimize premature germination of R. maritima. Mean germination time of P. perfoliatus was dependent on storage salinity; in contrast, mean germination time of R. maritima seeds was dependent on induction salinity. These differences indicate that the methods required to produce large quantities of underwater plant seed amenable to large‐scale restoration efforts must be tailored to the specific requirements of individual species and must consider the range of processes from initial harvest through seed testing prior to field establishment.  相似文献   

Mutualisms between invasive ants and honeydew‐producing insects can have widespread negative effects on natural ecosystems. This is becoming an increasingly serious problem worldwide, causing certain ecosystems to change radically. Management of these abundant and influential mutualistic species is essential if the host ecosystem is to recover to its former non‐invaded status. This negative effect is particularly prevalent on some tropical islands, including Cousine Island, Seychelles. On this island, the invasive ant Pheidole megacephala has caused serious indirect damage to the threatened native Pisonia grandis trees via a mutualism with an invasive scale insect, Pulvinaria urbicola. We aimed to suppress the ant, thereby decoupling the mutualism and enabling recovery of the Pisonia trees. We treated all areas where ant pressure was high with a selective formicidal bait, which was deployed in custom‐made bait stations designed to avoid risk of treatment to endemic fauna. In the treated area, ant foraging activity was reduced by 93 percent and was followed by a 100 percent reduction in scale insect density. Abundance of endemic herbivorous insects and herbivorous activity increased significantly, however, after the decline in mutualistic species densities. Despite the native herbivore increase, there was considerable overall improvement in Pisonia shoot condition and an observed increase in foliage density. Our results demonstrate the benefit of strategic management of highly mutualistic alien species to the native Pisonia trees. It also supports the idea that area‐wide suppression is a feasible alternative to eradication for achieving positive conservation management at the level of the forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

Pastures dominated by tall fescue (Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.) Holub) cover much of the eastern United States, and there are increasing efforts to restore native grassland plant species to some of these areas. Prescribed fire and herbicide are frequently used to limit the growth of tall fescue and other non‐natives, while encouraging native grasses and forbs. A fungal endophyte, commonly present in tall fescue, can confer competitive advantages to the host plant, and may play a role in determining the ability of tall fescue plants to persist in pastures following restoration practices. We compared vegetation composition among four actively restored subunits of a tall fescue pasture (each receiving different combinations of prescribed fire and/or herbicide) and a control. We also measured the rate of endophyte infection in tall fescue present within each restoration treatment and control to determine if restoration resulted in lower tall fescue cover but higher endophyte infection rates (i.e. selected for endophyte‐infected individuals). Tall fescue cover was low in all restoration treatments and the control (1.1–17.9%). The control (unmanaged) had higher species richness than restoration treatments and plant community composition was indicative of succession to forest. Restoration practices resulted in higher cover of native warm season grasses, but in some cases also promoted a different undesirable species. We found no evidence of higher fungal endophyte presence in tall fescue following restoration, as all subunits had low endophyte infection rates (2.2–9.3%). Restoration of tall fescue systems using prescribed fire and herbicide may be used to promote native grassland species.  相似文献   

Impacts of mining activity can be particularly difficult to remediate in wetland ecosystems subject to inundation pulses due to the reduced length of the plant growing season. We used a factorial experiment to test whether litter and seed addition could be used to increase the efficiency of ecological restoration on a flood‐prone forest (known as igapó) impacted by deposition of bauxite tailings. Our results clearly showed that the addition of litter collected from pristine igapó areas increased plant growth, seedling density, and seedling species richness. The increase in individual plant growth was echoed at the community level with higher leaf area index values on litter addition plots compared to controls. Litter addition can enhance reaccumulation of nutrient pools during successional development, which has been proposed as an important feature to ensure self‐sustainability of areas under restoration. The success of the seed addition treatment depended on the species used. Of the seven sown species, only Acosmium nitens (a leguminous nitrogen‐fixing species) showed high establishment. The introduction of nitrogen‐fixing species is also expected to build up the nitrogen pool in the system as has been reported for restoration programs in non‐inundated forests. These practices have the advantage, compared to direct fertilizing, of not causing eutrophication of water bodies when applied to flood‐prone vegetation.  相似文献   

Population genetic diversity is widely accepted as important to the conservation and management of wildlife. However, habitat features may differentially affect evolutionary processes that facilitate population genetic diversity among sympatric species. We measured genetic diversity for two pond‐breeding amphibian species (Dwarf salamanders, Eurycea quadridigitata; and Southern Leopard frogs, Lithobates sphenocephalus) to understand how habitat characteristics and spatial scale affect genetic diversity across a landscape. Samples were collected from wetlands on a longleaf pine reserve in Georgia. We genotyped microsatellite loci for both species to assess population structures and determine which habitat features were most closely associated with observed heterozygosity and rarefied allelic richness. Both species exhibited significant population genetic structure; however, structure in Southern Leopard frogs was driven primarily by one outlier site. Dwarf salamander allelic richness was greater at sites with less surrounding road area within 0.5 km and more wetland area within 1.0 and 2.5 km, and heterozygosity was greater at sites with more wetland area within 0.5 km. In contrast, neither measure of Southern Leopard frog genetic diversity was associated with any habitat features at any scale we evaluated. Genetic diversity in the Dwarf salamander was strongly associated with land cover variables up to 2.5 km away from breeding wetlands, and/or results suggest that minimizing roads in wetland buffers may be beneficial to the maintenance of population genetic diversity. This study suggests that patterns of genetic differentiation and genetic diversity have associations with different habitat features across different spatial scales for two syntopic pond‐breeding amphibian species.  相似文献   

Due to frequent fire, low nutrient availability, and prolonged drought, tropical savanna is a stressful environment for the survival and growth of woody plant seedlings. To understand why forest species do not succeed in this environment while savanna species are able to persist, the effects of fire and woody cover on seedlings of these two functional groups were investigated in the Brazilian Cerrado. Seedlings were established in experimental plots under three densities of woody cover, in sites protected from fire and sites to be subjected to fire. There was a clear difference in the ability of savanna and forest species to survive fire. None of the three forest species were able to survive fire during the first two years of life, whereas eight of the nine savanna species were able to resprout following fire. The small seed size of the ninth savanna species, Miconia albicans, predisposed its seedlings to be sensitive to fire, because there was a strong positive correlation between seed size and survivorship. Savanna species were less dependent on woody cover than were forest species, which exhibited higher growth and survival under tree canopies than in open grassland. The low rates of establishment and survival of forest trees in savanna, combined with high sensitivity to fire, appear sufficient to prevent the expansion of forest into savanna under current fire regimes in the Cerrado.  相似文献   

Expansion of the monospecific mangrove, Kandelia obovata, has converted intertidal mudflats and other habitats into mangrove forests, thus reducing estuarine biodiversity in the Danshuei River estuary, northern Taiwan. Dense mangrove vegetation was removed to create a small patchwork of mudflats and a tidal creek in February 2007. Subsequent changes in sediment properties and biodiversity of the macrobenthos and avian communities were examined. The results showed that the creation of different habitats led to changes in sediment properties and biodiversity. The water content and sorting degree of the sediments differed significantly among the restored mudflat, the tidal creek, and the mangrove control site. Silt/clay, organic carbon content, and chlorophyll a concentrations varied seasonally, but not among sites. The abundance of polychaetes in the creek was greater than that in the mudflat or the mangrove (12.5 vs. 5.3 and 2.2 individuals/m2, respectively), suggesting preferential colonization of infaunal polychaetes in habitats with prolonged submersion. Crabs showed seasonal changes in density, with higher densities in summer than in autumn and winter. The species richness of wintering shorebirds on the created mudflat increased dramatically from 2002 to 2007. The transformation of a vegetated area into an open mudflat appeared to benefit shorebirds by providing roosting habitat. Our study demonstrated that controlling the spread of estuarine mangrove forests could increase biodiversity, and could particularly benefit the migratory shorebird community.  相似文献   

Fire‐maintained woodlands and savannas are important ecosystems for vertebrates in many regions of the world. These ecosystems are being restored by forest managers, but little information exists on herpetofaunal responses to this restoration in areas dominated by shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata). We compared habitat characteristics and herpetofaunal communities in restored pine woodlands to relatively unmanaged, second‐growth forests in the Ouachita Mountains of western Arkansas, USA. We found woodland restoration with periodic burning affected species differently; some species benefited, some species appeared negatively affected, but most species did not respond clearly either way. Overall reptile captures were significantly (p = 0.041) greater in pine‐woodlands than in unrestored forest; one species of snake and three species of lizards were captured more often in woodlands than unrestored forests. Among anurans, we found no significant difference in captures between woodlands and unrestored forests for any species. Among salamanders, we captured western slimy salamanders (Plethodon albagula) almost exclusively in unrestored forest, but captures of other species did not differ between the two treatments. Historically, the Ouachita region likely consisted of a mosaic that included both fire‐maintained habitats (woodlands, savannas, and prairies) and areas of denser forest on mesic sites that were less likely to burn. Consequently, landscapes that retain both open woodlands and denser, less‐intensely burned forest (in the form of unharvested greenbelts or separate stands) would likely promote and maintain a greater diversity of herpetofauna.  相似文献   

The clinical activity of decitabine (5‐aza‐2‐deoxycytidine, DAC), a hypomethylating agent, has been demonstrated in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients. However, secondary resistance to this agent often occurs during treatment and leads to treatment failure. It is important to clarify the mechanisms underlying the resistance for improving the efficacy. In this study, by gradually increasing concentration after a continuous induction of DAC, we established the DAC‐resistant K562 cell line (K562/DAC) from its parental cell line K562. The proliferation and survival rate of K562/DAC was significantly increased, whereas the apoptosis rate was remarkably decreased than that of K562 after DAC treatment. In K562/DAC, a total of 108 genes were upregulated and 118 genes were downregulated by RNA‐Seq. In addition, we also observed aberrant expression of DDX43/H19/miR‐186 axis (increased DDX43/H19 and decreased miR‐186) in K562/DAC cells. Ectopic expression of DDX43 in parental K562 cells rendered cells resistant to the DAC. Taken together, we successfully established DAC‐resistant K562 cell line which can serve as a good model for investigating DAC resistance mechanisms, and DDX43/H19/miR‐186 may be involved in DAC resistance in K562.  相似文献   

Although tropical forests have been rapidly converted into human‐modified landscapes, tree species response to forest edges remains poorly examined. In this study, we addressed four pioneer tree species to document demographic shifts experienced by this key ecological group and make inferences about pioneer response to forest edges. All individuals with dbh ≥ 1 cm of two short‐lived (Bellucia grossularioides and Cecropia sciadophylla) and two long‐lived species (Goupia glabra and Laetia procera) were sampled in 20 1‐ha forest edge plots and 20 1‐ha forest interior plots in Oiapoque and Manaus, Northeast and Central Amazon, respectively. As expected, pioneer stem density with dbh ≥ 1 cm increased by around 10–17‐fold along forest edges regardless of species, lifespan, and study site. Edge populations of long‐lived pioneers presented 84–94 percent of their individuals in sapling/subadult size classes, whereas edge populations of short‐lived pioneers showed 56–97 percent of their individuals in adult size classes. These demographic biases were associated with negative and positive net adult recruitment of long‐ and short‐lived pioneers, respectively. Our population‐level analyses support three general statements: (1) native pioneer tree species proliferate along forest edges (i.e., increased density), at least in terms of non‐reproductive individuals; (2) pioneer response to edge establishment is not homogeneous as species differ in terms of demographic structure and net adult recruitment; and (3) some pioneer species, particularly long‐lived ones, may experience population decline due to adult sensitivity to edge‐affected habitats.  相似文献   

We evaluated growth responses to gap formation for juvenile individuals of three canopy rain forest species: Peltogyne cf. heterophylla, Clarisia racemosa and Cedrelinga catenaeformis. Gaps were formed during selective logging operations 7 yr before sampling in a Bolivian rain forest. We collected wood samples for tree‐ring analyses at different distances to the stump (<10, 10–40 and >40 m) and from trees with different diameters (5–30 cm diameter at breast height [dbh]). Tree‐rings width was measured in at least two radii and converted to average diameter growth. Changes in 7‐yr median diameter growth before and after selective logging were analyzed. Diameter growth rates significantly increased by 0.7–0.8 mm/yr after gap formation for P. heterophylla and C. catenaeformis, but not for C. racemosa. We applied a multiple regression analysis to explain variation in growth responses of P. heterophylla and C. catenaeformis by distance to logging gap and tree size. For P. heterophylla we found that growth increase occurring close to logging gaps was strongest for large juvenile trees (20–25 cm dbh) and almost absent in small juveniles. For C. catenaeformis, variation in growth responses was not related to tree size or distance to gaps. Our results show that growth responses to gap formation strongly differ across species and tree sizes. This finding calls for caution in the interpretation of growth releases in tree‐ring series, as gap formation does not necessarily invoke growth responses and if such growth responses occur, their strength is species‐ and size specific.  相似文献   

Chemical and physical (abiotic) conditions can be determining factors of community assembly and invasibility, but can this observation be used as a practical tool for habitat creation? Serpentine soils, in particular, have three abiotic components thought to confer invasion resistance: a low Ca:Mg ratio, low water‐retention capacity, and high concentrations of heavy metals. Consequently, not only do some serpentine‐adapted native plants persist only on serpentine soils, but also the community members that depend upon those plants become dependent upon serpentine as well. In an effort to provide additional habitat for the threatened and serpentine‐restricted Bay checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha bayensis), we experimentally altered a non‐serpentine site to mimic the abiotic conditions of serpentine. Attempts to lower the Ca:Mg ratio of soils through the addition of MgSO4 were unsuccessful. We then altered soil depth through the addition of gravel beds to determine the effects of water stress on native and non‐native community composition. We found that shallow soils had lower water content and correspondingly had significantly lower non‐native species richness and cover. The results present promising means, but also cautionary information, for habitat creation efforts and demonstrate the possible utility of edaphic manipulation in abating non‐native plant invasions. None of the experimental plots supported communities capable of sustaining E. editha populations, emphasizing that the manipulation of physical conditions is only likely to be successful in coordination with other restoration techniques.  相似文献   

Controlling pests in pre‐ and postharvest crops using natural and low‐impact products is a major challenge. The lactoperoxidase system is an enzymatic system that exists in all external secretions in mammals and is part of the non‐immune system. We tested its efficacy in in vitro microplates on Phytophthora infestans, Penicillium digitatum, Penicillium italicum, Penicillium expansum and Botrytis cinerea to determine the most suitable concentrations for use. Then, we verified its efficacy in planta under controlled conditions. Solutions prepared with 5.4 mm iodide and 1.2 mm thiocyanate and diluted threefold inhibited pathogen growth in vitro by 63–100%. Twofold‐diluted solutions protected potato plants against P. infestans by 60–74% under controlled conditions. Undiluted solution inhibited orange's and apple's postharvest pathogens in curative application with efficacy levels ranging between 84 and 95% in orange and between 63 and 74% in apple. 1.5‐fold concentrated solutions inhibited postharvest pathogens of apple in curative application with efficacy levels ranging between 84 and 92%. Our results also show that the oxidative stress response of fruit following wounding could interfere with ion efficiency. Our tests demonstrate for the first time that this biochemical method is as efficient as a conventional synthetic chemical method under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

Habitat restoration is an integral feature of wildlife conservation. However, funding and opportunities for habitat restoration are limited, and therefore, it is useful for targeted restoration to provide positive outcomes for non‐target species. Here, we investigate the possibility of habitat creation and management benefitting two threatened wetland specialists: the Green and Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea) and the Large‐footed Myotis (Myotis macropus). This study involved two components: (i) assessing co‐occurrence patterns of these species in a wetland complex created for the Green and Golden Bell Frog (n = 9) using counts, and (ii) comparing foraging activity of Large‐footed Myotis in wetlands with low and high aquatic vegetation (n = 6 and 7, respectively) using echolocation metres. Since Large‐footed Myotis possesses a unique foraging behaviour of trawling for aquatic prey, we hypothesised that foraging activity of this species would be higher in wetlands with low aquatic vegetation coverage. Additionally, we provide observations of its potential prey items. We identified one created wetland where both species were found in relatively high numbers, and this wetland had a permanent hydrology, was free of the introduced fish Gambusia (Gambusia holbrooki) and had low aquatic vegetation coverage. We also found that Myotis feeding activity was significantly higher in low aquatic vegetation coverage wetlands (x? = 65.72 ± 27.56 SE) compared to high (x? = 0.33 ± 0.33 SE, P = 0.0000). Although this is a preliminary study, it seems likely that Green and Golden Bell Frog and Large‐footed Myotis would gain mutual benefit from wetlands that are constructed to be permanent, that are Gambusia free, low in aquatic vegetation coverage, and are located in close to suitable roosting habitat for Large‐footed Myotis. We encourage adaptive aquatic vegetation removal for Green and Golden Bell frog as this may have benefits for Large‐footed Myotis. The evidence suggests that the former may be a suitable umbrella species for the latter.  相似文献   

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