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Cytochrome c oxidase (EC is one of the components of the electron transport chain by which Nitrobacter, a facultative lithoautotrophic bacterium, recovers energy from nitrite oxidation. The genes encoding the two catalytic core subunits of the enzyme were isolated from a Nitrobacter winogradskyi gene library. Sequencing of one of the 14 cloned DNA segments revealed that the subunit genes are side by side in an operon-like cluster. Remarkably the cluster appears to be present in at least two copies per genome. It extends over a 5–6 kb length including, besides the catalytic core subunit genes, other cytochrome oxidase related genes, especially a heme O synthase gene. Noteworthy is the new kind of gene order identified within the cluster. Deduced sequences for the cytochrome oxidase subunits and for the heme O synthase look closest to their counterparts in other α-subdivision Proteobacteria, particularly the Rhizobiaceae. This confirms the phylogenetic relationships established only upon 16S rRNA data. Furthermore, interesting similarities exist between N. winogradskyi and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunits while the heme O synthase sequence gives some new insights about the other similar published α-subdivision proteobacterial sequences.  相似文献   

In this work low temperature molecular dynamics simulations of cytochrome c oxidase are used to predict an experimentally observable, namely Mössbauer spectra width. Predicted lineshapes are used to model Lorentzian doublets, with which published cytochrome c oxidase Mössbauer spectra were simulated. Molecular dynamics imposed constraints to spectral lineshapes permit to obtain useful information, like the presence of multiple chemical species in the binuclear center of cytochrome c oxidase. Moreover, a benchmark of quality for molecular dynamic simulations can be obtained. Despite the overwhelming importance of dynamics in electron–proton transfer systems, limited work has been devoted to unravel how much realistic are molecular dynamics simulations results. In this work, molecular dynamics based predictions are found to be in good agreement with published experimental spectra, showing that we can confidently rely on actual simulations. Molecular dynamics based deconvolution of Mössbauer spectra will lead to a renewed interest for application of this approach in bioenergetics.  相似文献   

We present an extended genetic analysis of the previously identified cycH locus in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Three new open reading frames found in an operon-like structure immediately adjacent to the 3 end of cycH were termed cycJ, cycK and cycL. A deletion mutant (cycHJKL) and biochemical analysis of its phenotype showed that the genes of the cluster are essential for the biogenesis of cellular c-type cytochromes. Mutations in discrete regions of each of the genes were also constructed and shown to affect anaerobic respiration with nitrate and the ability to elicit an effective symbiosis with soybean, both phenotypes being a consequence of defects in cytochrome c formation. The CycK and CycL proteins share up to 53% identity in amino acid sequence with the Rhodobacter capsulatus Ccll and Cc12 proteins, respectively, which have been shown previously to be essential for cytochrome c biogenesis, where-as cycJ codes for a novel protein of 169 amino acids with an Mr of 17857. Localisation studies revealed that CycJ is located in the periplasmic space; it is probably anchored to the cytoplasmic membrane via an N-terminal hydrophobic domain. Based on several considerations discussed here, we suggest that the proteins encoded by the cycHJKL-cluster may be part of a cytochrome c-haem lyase complex whose active site faces the periplasm.  相似文献   

The cytochrome c gene (cycA) of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans has been isolated and sequenced. The gene is present in a single copy per haploid genome and encodes a polypeptide of 112 amino acid residues. The nucleotide sequence of the A. nidulans cycA gene shows 87% identity to the DNA sequence of the Neurospora crassa cytochrome c gene, and approximately 72% identity to the sequence of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-1-cytochrome c gene (CYC1). The S. cerevisiae CYC1 gene was used as a heterologous probe to isolate the homologous gene in A. nidulans. The A. nidulans cytochrome c sequence contains two small introns. One of these is highly conserved in terms of position, but the other has not been reported in any of the cytochrome c genes so far sequenced. Expression of the cycA gene is not affected by glucose repression, but has been shown to be induced approximatly tenfold in the presence of oxygen and three- to fourfold under heatshock conditions.  相似文献   

We report a protein conformational change following carbon monoxide photodetachment from fully reduced bovine cytochrome c oxidase that is hypothesized to be associated with changes in ligand mobility through a dioxygen access channel in the protein. Although not resolved by earlier photoacoustic or optical studies on this adduct, utilization of slightly lower temperatures revealed a process with a kinetic lifetime of about 70 ns at 10 degrees C. We measure an enthalpy change of about 8 kcal/mol in 0.050 M HEPES buffer that becomes less endothermic (DeltaH approximately 2 kcal/mol) at higher ionic strength. The volume contraction of about -0.7 mL/mol associated with the process almost doubles in higher ionic strength buffer systems. Measurements of samples in phosphate buffer systems are similar and appear to display the same subtle ionic strength dependence. Both the isolation of this photoacoustic signal component and the possible dependence on ionic strength of the thermodynamic parameters derived from its analysis appear analogous to and consistent with prior photoacoustic results monitoring CO photodetachment from the camphor complex of cytochrome P-450. Accordingly, we consider a similar model in which a conformational change results in movement of an exposed charged group or groups towards the interior of the protein, out of contact with solvent, as in the closing of a salt bridge.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (mt COI) from Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) was cloned and sequenced. AT (adenine-thymine) content is high and codon usage is biased and likely reflects the role of mt COI in electron transport. The encoded protein is 514 amino acids long, contains seven invariant His residues observed in COIs in all organisms and would be predicted to be composed of 12 transmembrane regions.  相似文献   

It is a pleasure to contribute to the special issue published in honor of Vladimir Skulachev, a distinguished scientist who greatly contributes to maintain a high standard of biochemical research in Russia. A more particular reason can be found in his work (Artzabanov, V. Y., Konstantinov, A. A., and Skulachev, V. P. (1978) FEBS Lett., 87, 180–185), where observations anticipating some ideas presented in my article were reported. Cytochrome c oxidase exhibits protonmotive, redox linked allosteric cooperativity. Experimental observations on soluble bovine cytochrome c oxidase are presented showing that oxido-reduction of heme a/CuA and heme a 3/CuB is linked to deprotonation/protonation of two clusters of protolytic groups, A1 and A2, respectively. This cooperative linkage (redox Bohr effect) results in the translocation of 1 H+/oxidase molecule upon oxido-reduction of heme a/CuA and heme a 3/CuB, respectively. Results on liposome-reconstituted oxidase show that upon oxidation of heme a/CuA and heme a 3/CuB protons from A1 and A2 are released in the outer aqueous phase. A1 but not A2 appears to take up protons from the inner aqueous space upon reduction of the respective redox center. A cooperative model is presented in which the A1 and A2 clusters, operating in close sequence, constitute together the gate of the proton pump in cytochrome c oxidase.Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 70, No. 2, 2005, pp. 220–230.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Papa.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the post codes.  相似文献   

Elisa Fadda 《BBA》2008,1777(3):277-284
As part of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, cytochrome c oxidase utilizes the energy produced by the reduction of O2 to water to fuel vectorial proton transport. The mechanism coupling proton pumping to redox chemistry is unknown. Recent advances have provided evidence that each of the four observable transitions in the complex catalytic cycle consists of a similar sequence of events. However, the physico-chemical basis underlying this recurring sequence has not been identified. We identify this recurring pattern based on a comprehensive model of the catalytic cycle derived from the analysis of oxygen chemistry and available experimental evidence. The catalytic cycle involves the periodic repetition of a sequence of three states differing in the spatial distribution of charge in the active site: [0|1], [1|0], and [1|1], where the total charge of heme a and the binuclear center appears on the left and on the right, respectively. This sequence recurs four times per turnover despite differences in the redox chemistry. This model leads to a simple, robust, and reproducible sequence of electron and proton transfer steps and rationalizes the pumping mechanism in terms of electrostatic coupling of proton translocation to redox chemistry. Continuum electrostatic calculations support the proposed mechanism and suggest an electrostatic origin for the decoupled and inactive phenotypes of ionic mutants in the principal proton-uptake pathway.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial mutants of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that are inactivated in the cytochrome pathway of respiration have previously been isolated. Despite the fact that the alternative oxidase pathway is still active the mutants have lost the capacity to grow heterotrophically (dark + acetate) and display reduced growth under mixotrophic conditions (light + acetate). In crosses between wild-type and mutant cells, the meiotic progeny only inherit the character transmitted by the mt parent, which indicates that the mutations are located in the 15.8 kb linear mitochondrial genome. Two new mutants (dum-18 and dum-19) have now been isolated and characterized genetically, biochemically and at the molecular level. In addition, two previously isolated mutants (dum-11 and dum-15) were characterized in more detail. dum-11 contains two types of deleted mitochondrial DNA molecules: 15.1 kb monomers lacking the subterminal part of the genome, downstream of codon 147 of the apocytochrome b (COB) gene, and dimers resulting from head-to-head fusion of asymmetrically deleted monomers (15.1 and 9.5 kb DNA molecules, respectively). As in the wild type, the three other mutants contain only 15.8 kb mitochondrial DNA molecules. dum-15 is mutated at codon 140 of the COB gene, a serine (TCT) being changed into a tyrosine (TAC). dum-18 and dum-19 both inactivate cytochrome c oxidase, as a result of frameshift mutations (addition or deletion of 1 bp) at codons 145 and 152, respectively, of the COX1 gene encoding subunit I of cytochrome c oxidase. In a total of ten respiratory deficient mitochondrial mutants characterized thus far, only mutations located in COB or COXI have been isolated. The possibility that the inactivation of the other mitochondrial genes is lethal for the cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The triphasic course previously reported for the reduction of cytochrome b in the succinate-cytochrome c reductase by either succinate or duroquinol has been shown to be dependent on the redox state of the enzyme preparation. Prior reduction with increasing concentrations of ascorbate leads to partial reduction of cytochrome c1, and a gradual decrease in the magnitude of the oxidation phase of cytochrome b. At an ascorbate concentration sufficient to reduce cytochrome c1 almost completely, the reduction of cytochrome b by either succinate or duroquinol becomes monophasic. Owing to the presence of a trace amount of cytochrome oxidase in the reductase preparation employed, the addition of cytochrome c makes electron flow from substrate to oxygen possible. Under such circumstances, the addition of a limited amount of either succinate or duroquinol leads to a multiphasic reduction and oxidation of cytochrome b. After the initial three phases as described previously, cytochrome b becomes oxidized before cytochrome c1 when the limited amount of added substrate is being used up. However, at the end of the reaction when cytochrome ca is being rapidly oxidized, cytochrome b becomes again reduced. The above observations support a cyclic scheme of electron flow in which the reduction of cytochrome b proceeds by two different routes and its oxidation controlled by the redox state of a component of the respiratory chain.  相似文献   

Nine members of the genus Taenia (Taenia taeniaeformis, Taenia hydatigena, Taenia pisiformis, Taenia ovis, Taenia multiceps, Taenia serialis, Taenia saginata, Taenia solium and the Asian Taenia) were characterised by their mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene sequences and their genetic relationships were compared with those derived from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data. The extent of inter-taxon sequence difference in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (5.9–30.8%) was usually greater than in cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (2.5–18%). Although topology of the phenograms derived from NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data differed, there was concordance in that T. multiceps, T. serialis (of canids), T. saginata and the Asian Taenia (of humans) were genetically most similar, and those four members were genetically more similar to T. ovis and T. solium than they were to T. hydatigena and T. pisiformis (of canids) or T. taeniaeformis (of cats). The NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 sequence data may prove useful in studies of the systematics and population genetic structure of the Taeniidae.  相似文献   

陶宇  叶婷  费晴如  付晓杰  周育 《微生物学报》2023,63(8):3096-3109
【目的】研究微嗜酸寡养单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas acidaminiphila)CW117中磷酸吡哆胺氧化酶基因pnpox(phosphopyridoxamine oxidase,pnpox)在维生素B6(VB6)合成中的贡献及对黄曲霉毒素B1(aflatoxin B1,AFB1)的降解活性。【方法】采用基因插入突变方式,对菌株CW117中磷酸吡哆胺氧化酶基因pnpox进行突变,得到突变菌株。通过高效液相色谱法(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)检测突变株对AFB1的降解活性,以及突变株中吡哆醇和吡哆醛的合成情况,确定基因pnpox在寡养单胞菌体内VB6合成中的贡献和黄曲霉毒素降解代谢作用。【结果】成功构建了磷酸吡哆胺氧化酶基因突变子pnpox::pK19mobΩ2HMB,突变子吡哆醛的合成量较野生型菌株显著减少,吡哆醇合成量与野生型菌株无显著性差异;同时,突变子与野生型株CW117对AFB1的降解活性未发现显著性差异。【结论】菌株CW117中磷酸吡哆胺氧化酶在吡哆醛合成的过程中起着重要作用,该基因突变会导致VB6的严重缺乏,影响寡养单胞菌正常生长,但该基因对CW117降解黄曲霉毒素无显著性贡献。  相似文献   

Cytochrome oxidase has been resolved in acetic acid and high salt/detergent media. In 0.5% acetic acid, the smaller subunits of the enzyme are selectively extracted with retention of an insoluble protein fraction containing subunits I–IV, VII. This fraction retains all the heme and copper of the original enzyme in a spectrally unaltered state, and possesses enzymic activity comparable to the unresolved enzyme. The further removal of subunit IV from this fraction results in migration of heme and copper and modification of their spectral characteristics. Resolution of the enzyme in a high salt/detergent medium extracts smaller subunits (V–VII) together with subunit IV and some heme and copper. The heme associated with this enzymically active extract has spectral characteristics that are partially suggestive of hemea 3. It is suggested that the fraction of subunits I–IV, VII, resolved in dilute acetic acid, may represent the limit of resolution of the cytochrome oxidase complex that remains actively and spectrally indistinguishable from the original enzyme.  相似文献   

The bacterial aerobic respiratory chain has a terminal oxidase of the heme-copper oxidase superfamily, comprised of cytochrome c oxidase (COX) and ubiquinol oxidase (UOX); UOX evolved from COX. Acetobacter pasteurianus, an α-Proteobacterial acetic acid bacterium (AAB), produces UOX but not COX, although it has a partial COX gene cluster, ctaBD and ctaA, in addition to the UOX operon cyaBACD. We expressed ctaB and ctaA genes of A. pasteurianus in Escherichia coli and demonstrated their function as heme O and heme A synthases. We also found that the absence of ctaD function is likely due to accumulated mutations. These COX genes are closely related to other α-Proteobacterial COX proteins. However, the UOX operons of AAB are closely related to those of the β/γ-Proteobacteria (γ-type UOX), distinct from the α/β-Proteobacterial proteins (α-type UOX), but different from the other γ-type UOX proteins by the absence of the cyoE heme O synthase. Thus, we suggest that A. pasteurianus has a functional γ-type UOX but has lost the COX genes, with the exception of ctaB and ctaA, which supply the heme O and A moieties for UOX. Our results suggest that, in AAB, COX was replaced by β/γ-Proteobacterial UOX via horizontal gene transfer, while the COX genes, except for the heme O/A synthase genes, were lost.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c3 of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strain G20 is an electron carrier for uranium (VI) reduction. When D. desulfuricans G20 was grown in medium containing a non-lethal concentration of uranyl acetate (1 mM), the rate at which the cells reduced U(VI) was decreased compared to cells grown in the absence of uranium. Western analysis did not detect cytochrome c3 in periplasmic extracts from cells grown in the presence of uranium. The expression of this predominant tetraheme cytochrome was not detectably altered by uranium during growth of the cells as monitored through a translational fusion of the gene encoding cytochrome c3 (cycA) to lacZ. Instead, cytochrome c3 protein was found tightly associated with insoluble U(IV), uraninite, after the periplasmic contents of cells were harvested by a pH shift. The association of cytochrome c3 with U(IV) was interpreted to be non-specific, since pure cytochrome c3 adsorbed to other insoluble metal oxides, including cupric oxide (CuO), ferric oxide (Fe2O3), and commercially available U(IV) oxide.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

By using the gene encoding the C-terminal part of thecd 1-type nitrite reductase ofPseudomonas stutzeri JM300 as a heterologous probe, the corresponding gene fromParacoccus denitrificans was isolated. This gene,nirS, codes for a mature protein of 63144 Da having high homology withcd 1-type nitrite reductases from other bacteria. Directly downstream fromnirS, three othernir genes were found in the ordernirECF. The organization of thenir gene cluster inPa. denitrificans is different from the organization ofnir clusters in some Pseudomonads.nirE has high homology with a S-adenosyl-L-methionine:uroporphyrinogen III methyltransferase (uro'gen III methylase). This methylase is most likely involved in the hemed 1 biosynthesis inPa. denitrificans. The third gene,nirC, codes for a small cytochromec of 9.3 kDa having high homology with cytochromec 55X ofPs. stutzeri ZoBell. The 4th gene,nirF, has no homology with other genes in the sequence databases and has no relevant motifs. Inactivation of either of these 4 genes resulted in the loss of nitrite and nitric oxide reductase activities but not of nitrous oxide reductase activity.nirS mutants lack thecd 1-type nitrite reductase whilenirE, nirC andnirF mutants produce a small amount ofcd 1-type nitrite reductase, inactive due to the absence of hemed 1. Upstream from thenirS gene the start of a gene was identified which has limited homology withnosR, a putative regulatory gene involved in nitrous oxide reduction. A potential FNR box was identified between this gene andnirS.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - NBT nitroblue tetrazolium - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidases were isolated from heart tissue of beef (Bos tauros), sheep (Ovis aries), horse (Equus caballus), pig (Sus scrofa) (native dimers) and hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewinii) (native monomer). Limited proteolysis of dimeric enzymes selectively depleted subunit III, resulting in monomerisation and a blue shift (2nm) of the reduced α band to the same wavelength maximum (603nm) as that of the hammerhead shark enzyme. Monomeric enzymes retain the ability to accept electrons rapidly from cytochrome c, and the second-order rate constants for electron transfer between cytochromes c and a are reported. The steady-state kinetics of both native and subunit III-depleted cytochrome c oxidases were biphasic, thus ruling out any explanation for this behaviour that depends on cooperation between functional units (monomers) within a dimer. Functional integrity of the subunit III-depleted enzyme prepared by proteolysis was maintained during multiple turnover, in contrast to reports elsewhere of loss of activity caused by subunit III removal by other means. A model is proposed to explain this difference, in which removal of a hydrophobic membrane-spanning segment of subunit III leads to monomerisation but a residual extra-membrane segment is retained, preserving the functional integrity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

We have characterized a mitochondrial gene in Oenothera, designated orf454, capable of encoding a component of the cytochrome c biogenesis system. This open reading frame is interrupted by an intron of 941 nucleotides showing high similarity to a group II intron residing in the rpl2 gene. RNA editing, which is observed at 18 cytidine positions within the orf454 reading frame, improves the similarity to protein-coding sequences in bacteria and higher plants and removes the last 16 amino acids. orf454 also shows high sequence similarity to two overlapping reading frames (orf169 and orf322) of Marchantia mitochondria. These ORFs belong to an operon-like cluster of genes in the liverwort that is not conserved in Oenothera mitochondria. However, in bacteria these reading frames are organized like the Marchantia gene cluster. It has been shown by genetical analysis in Rhodobacter capsulatus that these genes are essential for cytochrome c biogenesis. Genes of bacterial operons — ccl1 in Rhodobacter and yejR and nrfE in Escherichia coli — show high sequence similarity to the mitochondrial reading frames orf577 and orf454 of Oenothera. orf454, which we describe here, is homologous to the C-terminal region of these bacterial genes, while the previously described orf577 is homologous to the N-terminal region.  相似文献   

A part of the gene encoding cbb 3-type cytochrome oxidase CcoN subunit was cloned from Azotobacter vinelandii and a mutant strain of this bacterium with disrupted ccoN gene was constructed. In contrast to the wild type strain, this one is unable to oxidize cytochromes c 4 and c 5. Thus, the A. vinelandii respiratory chain is shown to contain cbb 3-type cytochrome c oxidase. It is also shown that the activity of this enzyme is not necessary for diazotrophic growth of A. vinelandii at high oxygen concentrations.  相似文献   

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