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A preliminary list is given of the species of the Muscidae (Diptera) of the Magadan region, including 93 species in 23 genera. Eighty-one species are newly recorded from this territory. Six species [Spilogona aenea Huckett, 1965, S. bifimbriata Huckett, 1965, S. fulvibasis Huckett, 1965, S. incerta Huckett, 1965, S. separata Huckett, 1965, S. trigonifera (Zetterstedt, 1838)] are newly recorded for Russia. All these species, except Spilogona trigonifera, are newly recorded for the Palaearctic region. The species list includes the material examined, ecological data of some species, the distribution and all known references to each species. According to preliminary estimates, this list reflects 60% of expected species in the Magadan region. Two new synonyms are proposed: Coenosia shumshuensis Shinonaga & Zhang, 2000, n. syn. for C. alaskensis Huckett, 1965, and Coenosia remissa Huckett, 1965, n. syn. for C. ciliata Hennig 1961.  相似文献   

Faunistic records of 29 flesh fly species are presented, and the following new country-level records are provided: 12 species (Senotainia albifrons, Eremasiomyia macularis, Asceloctella calicifera, Pseudothyrsocnema caudagalli, Liosarcophaga dux, L. kohla, L. scopariiformis, L. tuberosa, Parasarcophaga misera, Sarcosolomonia harinasutai, S. shinonagai, Seniorwhitea princeps) new to Cambodia, one species (S. shinonagai) new to India, one species (Brachicoma devia) new to Taiwan, two species (Myorhina thinhi, L. tuberosa) new to Thailand, and two species (E. macularis, P. caudagalli) new to Vietnam. Based on critical revision of all published records and on new data presented herein, 215 species of Sarcophagidae are listed from Cambodia (16 species), India (138), Taiwan (63), Thailand (98) and Vietnam (49). One new subjective generic synonym is proposed: Shinonagaella Verves, 1997 = Lehisca Kurahashi and Tan, 2012, syn. nov. Altogether, total of 21 new subjective synonyms and 16 new combinations are proposed.  相似文献   

记述采自中国四川的右野蝇属Dexagria Rohdendorf(双翅目,麻蝇科,野蝇亚科,野蝇族,右野蝇亚族)1新种,即康定右野蝇Dexagria kangdingica Feng et Deng,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

报道采自中国四川西部和北部麻蝇科 Sarcophagidae 2 新种:阿坝亚麻蝇Parasarcophaga abaensis,sp.nov.;蜀西细麻蝇Pierretia shuxia,sp.nov.。模式标本存中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所。  相似文献   

沼野蝇属Goniophyto Townsend, 1927已记载有6种,其中2种分布于中国。本文描述了在上海蝇类调查中发现的该属1新种G. shanghaiensis的两性特征,并附该属的种检索表及属征的修订。模式标本存于上海出入境检验检疫局媒介生物实验室。上海沼野蝇 Goniophyto shanghaiensis,新种(图 1~6) 本种♂额角几为直角与九州沼野蝇G. horri Kurahashi et Suenaga, 1994近缘;但胫节棕色而非黑色,侧尾叶后缘端半呈直角形明显内凹而非稍微内凹,阳茎腹方有一对宽的近端侧突而非仅呈细长管状。正模:♂,上海南汇区,2005-Ⅺ-25,邓耀华、陈之梓采;副模:5♂♂10♀♀,上海崇明岛,2005-Ⅵ-26,邓耀华、陈之梓采。  相似文献   

The first instar larva is described for two species of Miltogramminae flesh flies representing the genera Miltogramma Meigen and Phrosinella Robineau‐Desvoidy. Using a combination of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, the habitus is documented along with all important exoskeletal and cephaloskeletal structures. The described first instar larvae show substantial modifications of their morphology in comparison with the saprophagous ground plan defined for calyptrate flies. Miltogramma (Miltogrammidium) efflatouni Rohdendorf possesses the general set of derived character states shared with other species of Miltogramma and shares larval synapomorphies with species representing the subgenera Anacanthothecum Rohdendorf, Cylindrothecum Rohdendorf and Miltogrammidium Rohdendorf. Unique character states of the first instar larva of this species are the spine‐like shape of antennal complex, laterally compressed apical part of mouthhooks and an extreme elongation of the sensilla of the maxillary palpus. Phrosinella (Asiometopa) ujgura (Rohdendorf) possesses a pair of retractable, robust processes on the ventral margin of the first thoracic segment and a very strong, elongated labrum. Both character states are present in other known first instar larvae of genus Phrosinella. A reduction of cuticular ridges on dorsal and lateral surfaces of abdominal segments supports a monophylum consisting of the subgenera Asiometopa Rohdendorf and Caspiomyia Rohdendorf within genus Phrosinella.  相似文献   


Based on a revision of large recent collections housed at the Natural History Museum (London), Tel Aviv University and in the private collection of Yu. Verves and L. Khrokalo (Kyiv, Ukraine), new distributional data and an updated list with comments of 28 species of Middle Eastern Sarcophagidae of the subtribe Pterellina are presented. Seventeen of them are recorded for Israel, 11 for Egypt, four for Iran, two each for the Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, and one each for Jordan and the UAE. No data are known for the territories of Bahrain, Cyprus, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Syria and Yemen. Twelve species new to science are described, including nine from Israel (Chaetapodacra montana n. sp., Eremasiomyia bicolor n. sp., E. deserta n. sp., E. fuscata n. sp., Protomiltogramma bidentata n. sp., P. serrata n. sp., Pterella hermonica n. sp., P. indigens n. sp., P. zefatica n. sp.), two from Egypt (Chaetapodacra griseola n. sp., Eremasiomyia alba n. sp.) and one from Saudi Arabia (Protomiltogramma arabica n. sp.). The male of Eremasiomyia nigra Rohdendorf, 1935 is described for the first time. One new combination of specific name is proposed ? Protomiltogramma immunita (Villeneuve, 1923), n. comb. Original keys for the identification of genera and species are proposed. An annotated list of all world genera and species and compiled data on larval habits of Pterellina are included.  相似文献   

Summary Two flesh fly species from the tropical lowlands (Peckia abnormis and Sarcodexia sternodontis) were more susceptible to both cold-shock and heatshock injury than temperate flies (Sarcophaga crassipalpis and S. bullata) and a fly from a tropical high altitude (Blaesoxipha plinthopyga). A brief (2-h) exposure to 0°C elicits a protective response against subsequent cold injury at–10°C in the temperate flies and in B. plinthopyga but no such response was found in the flies from the tropical lowlands. However, both tropical and temperate flies could be protected against heat injury (45°C) by first exposing them to a mild heat shock (2 h at 40°C). The supercooling point is not a good indicator of cold tolerance: supercooling points of pupae were similar in all species, ranging from–18.9 to–23.0°C, and no differences were found between the tropical and temperate species. Among the temperate species, glycerol, the major cryoprotectant, can be elevated by short-term exposure to 0°C, but glycerol could not be detected in the tropical flies. Low-temperature (0°C) exposure also increased hemolymph osmolality of the temperate species, but no such increase was observed in the tropical lowland species. Adaptations to temperature stress thus differ in tropical and temperate flesh flies: while flies from both geographic areas share a mechanism for rapidly increasing heat tolerance, only the temperate flies appear capable of responding rapidly to cold stress. The presence of a heat shock response in species that lack the ability to rapidly respond to cold stress indicates that the biochemical and physiological bases for these two responses are likely to differ.  相似文献   

Sarcophaga (Sarcorohdendorfia) gracilior (Chen, 1975) is documented from specimens collected in Hubei Province, China, using morphological characters and wing interference patterns (WIPs). The female of S. (S.) gracilior is described for the first time, the male is redescribed, and both sexes are photographed. The distribution of the species is updated.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1 The effect of larval rearing density on life-history parameters of Boettcherisca formosensis Kirner & Lopes (Sarcophagidae) was investigated. Increases in rearing density resulted in lowered larval survivorship, shortened larval development time and production of smaller, shorter-lived adults with reduced fecundity.
2. B. formosensis is larviparous. Average brood size was 17.5±1.0 (mean±M) larvae, which was much less than the average number of mature larvae inside gravid females. Females apparently produced a series of small broods, distributing their offspring over a number of carcasses.
3. Compared with the oviparous species Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Wiedemann) (Calliphoridae), B. formosensis adults were larger and longer-lived, with a longer larval development time but shorter larval feeding period. However, females had a shorter pre-reproductive period, were less fecund, and had a lower life time reproductive investment.
4. B. formosensis had lower relative performance (measured by the composite index of performance, r') than H. ligurriens over the larval rearing density range, and was more sensitive to increases in density. Although the r' values suggest that the sarcophagid may be a competitively inferior species, other features which are not included in the index (such as larvipary, short larval feeding period and spreading of offspring from a single brood among carcasses) may be of significant adaptive value to B. formosensis.  相似文献   

A new species of the dipteran family Sciomyzidae is described from Iran: Limnia kassebeeri sp. n., which is similar to L. unguicornis (Scopoli, 1763) and L. paludicola Elberg, 1965, but differs from them by the reticulate pattern on the anal cell, the presence of one small seta on the anepisternum, in addition to fine hairs and the features of the genitalia.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FCD0AD91-E21D-44CA-9D11-90DE5A92F52D  相似文献   

To date, only two species of the genus Sharasargus are known. These Upper Jurassic species were found in Mongolia and Kazakhstan, respectively. We herein describe two new species from the Middle Jurassic, which were found in Inner Mongolia, China. They are the oldest known fossils of this genus. A key to Sharasargus species is given.  相似文献   

Serour  G.I. 《ESHRE Monographs》2008,2008(1):34-41
3 Correspondence address: E-mail: giserour{at}thewayout.net The Middle East (ME), an area rich in history and traditionwith >300 million population, includes 18 heterogeneous countriesconcerning resources, income per capita, available healthcareservices, population density, growth rate, birth rate, totalfertility rate and life expectancy. There is a high prevalenceof infertility in the ME because of post-partum infection, unsafeabortion, iatrogenic tubal and pelvic infertility, tuberculosis,schistosomiasis and high incidence of male factor infertility.It is argued that in the ME, the solution to the problem ofinfertility is its prevention, and population control shouldtake precedence over infertility treatment. However, for a successfulfamily planning program and adoption of small family norms,couples should be reassured that they will be helped to achievepregnancy should they decide so. Prevention and treatment ofinfertility are of particular significance in ME because a womansocial status, her dignity and self-esteem are closely relatedto her ability to have children. Also there is gender sufferingof infertility in the ME. One of the stumbling blocks to acceptanceof assisted reproductive technology (ART) as a line of treatmentof infertility was the unacceptability to the main religiousgroups of the involvement of a third party in the act of procreation.Practices of ART in the ME have many common features and littledifferences. A mechanism had to be found to provide low-costART to the needy.  相似文献   

Windborne moth migration over the Middle East   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 From 10 years' records of moths caught in a light trap at Eilat, Israel, eleven selected occasions with sudden increases in catch involving seventeen species were related to accompanying changes in wind.
  • 2 At all times of the year examined, sudden increases in catch of all species were associated with winds changing direction to blow from the Nile Delta or from the Levant.
  • 3 All seventeen species are inferred to be windborne over at least several hundred kilometres.
  • 4 The results are consistent with huge plumes of moths streaming downwind each night from the Delta and the Levant, sometimes crossing Eilat, sometimes crossing the Mediterranean, but more often passing into the deserts.
  • 5 Plumes are produced throughout the breeding season of each species.
  • 6 The results are probably representative of migration elsewhere from the southern limits of breeding on rain-fed vegetation, with inferred widespread adult mortality and renewed breeding most likely after migration on brief spells of southerly winds.

香港潜蝇科(双翅目)的分类研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道了香港22种潜蝇科昆虫,其中包括5新种、6个中国大陆新记录种。新种模式标本分藏于下列两处: Melanagromyza squamifera sp. nov., Ophiomyia imparispina sp. nov., Phytomyza redunca sp. nov.的模式标本保存于日本东京自然博物馆; Melanagromyza dipetala sp. nov., Ophiomyia vasta sp. nov.的模式标本保存于美国夏威夷比肖普博物馆。  相似文献   

The extinct family Archisargidae, which was rich in the Mesozoic, has been found in China, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. By now, six genera and 14 species have been found in Inner Mongolia and Liaoning Province of China. In this paper, two new species of the genus Mesosolva Hong, 1983 and a new genus Brevisolva gen. nov., represented by a new species belonging to the Archisargidae, are described from the Middle Jurassic deposits of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia. A key to the species of Mesosolva is given.  相似文献   

Agria mihalyii (Rohdendorf and Verves, 1978) is recorded from China for the first time, and both sexes are thoroughly documented using a combination of illustrations, photographs and scanning electron microscopy images. The generic affiliation is corroborated from an expanded definition of genus Agria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830, and a key to males of the two known species from China is provided. The distribution of coeloconic sensilla on the male pre- and postgonite are shown to possess significant diagnostic and phylogenetic information in this genus.  相似文献   

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