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The sugars in fleshy fruits provide a rich source of energy to frugivorous animals. However, these carbohydrates also serve as a substrate for alcoholic fermentation by yeasts, ethanol being the main by-product of this process. Ethanol ingestion via frugivory thus occurs in a diverse assemblage of invertebrate and vertebrate taxa, including numerous species of birds. We tested the roles of ethanol as an odor cue for resource location by adult yellow-vented bulbuls (Pycnonotus xanthopygos) and as a possible appetite stimulant in feeding trials with artificial food. We hypothesized (1) that the odor of ethanol does not serve as a food-locating cue in diurnal frugivorous passerine birds, and predicted that the choice of food source and the mass of food eaten by such birds will not be influenced by the odor of ethanol. We further hypothesized (2) that food intake in passerine birds is affected by ingestion of ethanol according to its concentration [EtOH], and predicted that food intake will follow a bell-shaped curve in relation to [EtOH]. In accord with hypothesis (1) and its prediction, we found that the odor of ethanol did not affect food preferences, in either ethanol-naïve or ethanol-experienced yellow-vented bulbuls, when presented at concentrations found in naturally ripe fruit (0.0–1.0%); this suggests that the odor of ethanol is not a food-locating cue for the bulbuls. Hypothesis (2) was partially supported, namely at low [EtOH] (0–3%), food intake was constant and at high [EtOH] (3%) food intake decreased, following only the right half of the predicted bell-shaped response. Ethanol-naïve birds showed no preference towards any [EtOH] presented in two-way choice trials. However, daily food intake in ethanol-experienced bulbuls in single option trials decreased by an average of 36% when the artificial food contained the highest tested concentration of ethanol (3.0%). We suggest that decreasing food intake when food ethanol concentration is relatively high may be a means of avoiding intoxication and is related to the ethanol-metabolizing ability of the bird.  相似文献   

This study describes some biological traits (allometric relationship, reproductive biology and condition factor) of pikeperch Sander lucioperca at the southern edge of its range. Data were compiled from field studies between January 1997 and January 2009 in three Tunisian reservoirs. Overall, 1497 fish were caught, from which 1308 specimens were sampled and dissected. Sexually undetermined, male and female fish from the different sites exhibited similar allometric growth, expressed through the equation M(T) = 5 × 10(-6) L(T) (3·06) , where M(T) is the total mass and L(T) is the total length. The exponent value is slightly but significantly greater than 3, indicating positive allometric growth. Sex ratio (males:females) was 47:53 but remained balanced only up to 55 cm L(T) and changed with increasing size towards female dominance. Spawning occurred in March and early April according to the changes in female size-adjusted gonad mass or corresponding gonado-somatic index (I(G) ) values. Thermal conditions seemed favourable in February, but March corresponded to the period of equal day and night lengths and the switch towards longer days in terms of photoperiod. Changes in both size-adjusted M(T) or Fulton's condition factor and size-adjusted liver mass or hepato-somatic index (I(H) ) were clearly associated with reproduction. Reserves were consumed during spring in association with spawning efforts. Nevertheless, the delay before the reconstitution of reserves seemed relatively long (from early spring to late summer) although both thermal and trophic conditions could be considered favourable for active feeding of the fish.  相似文献   

C. A. BOST  P. JOUVENTIN 《Ibis》1991,133(1):14-25
Gentoo Penguins Pygoscelis papua on the Crozet Islands have a unique timing of breeding, which occurs in winter and is considerably protracted, differing greatly from that of other populations breeding south of the antarctic convergence. Their breeding biology was intensively studied in 1983–1989, involving daily observations in 1983–1985. Winter breeding is associated with an extension of laying, chick rearing, foraging trips and premoult periods, a lower breeding success and a high weight loss. Annual variations in breeding performances were less pronounced than for southern populations. Variations in breeding success were closely associated with variations in feeding frequencies, fledging and breeding weight, and timing of laying. Early breeders were at an advantage over late breeders in terms of breeding success, growth patterns, fledging weight, duration of foraging trips and premoult period. The unusual winter breeding coincides with a time when food is most readily available for chick rearing in restricted foraging conditions at the edge of the species' breeding range.  相似文献   


Breeding of the Desert Wheatear (Oenanthe deserti) was confirmed in south-east Turkey in 1985.  相似文献   

A full analysis of the reproductive biology of the isopod Excirolana braziliensis Richardson 1912 was conducted in a sandy beach of Uruguay, located at the southernmost edge of its distributional range in the Atlantic Ocean. Reproductive and recruitment periods of E. braziliensis were concentrated in austral summer. Females with oostegites appeared in November, whereas total biomass, individual sizes and fecundity of ovigerous females peaked between December and January. These concurrent traits were responsible for the significant peak of juveniles in January. The size at maturity was 9.88 mm. Four embryonic developmental stages were described and identified: mean length linearly increased from stages I to III, whereas dry weight exponentially decreased from stages I to IV. The high reproductive output (0.41–0.58), reported for the first time in this isopod, exceeds the rates documented for other isopods. Reproduction of E. braziliensis at the southern edge of its range is semelparous: females produce one brood during the reproductive season, exhaust their energy reserves during incubation, and probably die at the end of the reproductive season. A macroscale comparison suggests that E. braziliensis at the southern edge of its range counteracts its narrow reproductive period by a short incubation period with larger individual mature female and embryo sizes, higher fecundity and a higher percentage of ovigerous females than in subtropical and tropical populations. These extreme reproductive indicators could be attributed to the internal retention of embryos that assures offspring survival, coupled with a high adaptation capability to environmental variations across its range.  相似文献   

Plant distribution borders are key features to characterise the ecological niche of a species and to monitor effects of climate change. Here we focus on an evergreen small tree, Ilex aquifolium, which reaches its north-eastern range edge in Denmark. Our main objectives are to describe and to model the current distribution of the species, to identify the most important climatic and land use factors which shape this distribution pattern, and to analyse the species' habitat requirements. For this purpose we used data from a national mapping project, complemented by information from forest owners. The distribution and abundance of I. aquifolium in Denmark have markedly changed during the past 40 years. It is now found in almost all districts, although the centres of abundance still coincide with the historical records. Our model shows lower habitat suitability for the species in northern and eastern districts, where winters are more severe and spring precipitation is lower. To a lesser extent, land use influences I. aquifolium occurrence, but it is more common in areas with a high proportion of forests and/or urban sites. The analysis of habitat requirements supports these results, since I. aquifolium occurs mainly as a forest species in deciduous stands, on relatively nutrient-rich moist soils, and under moderately high light conditions. However, some records may be the product of seed dispersal from planted individuals nearby. The results suggest that the range edge of the species has moved at least 100 km east within half a century. Since I.aquifolium is sensitive to winter frost, this change in distribution may be due to increasingly mild winter temperatures.  相似文献   

环境噪声对临安和阜阳两地白头鹎鸣声频率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了解环境噪声对白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensi)鸣声频率的影响,在浙江临安和安徽阜阳两地分别对白头鹎在高低噪声水平环境中的鸣声做了研究。把用数码录音机记录到的鸣声输入计算机,利用计算机声谱分析系统进行分析,再对每一鸣声的每个音节的主频进行Mann—Whitney U检验。结果显示:高噪声水平区和低噪声水平区相比,在两地白头鹎每一鸣声的各音节主频中,最低和最高主频以及第I、Ⅱ音节的主频都有显著提高;在阜阳第Ⅲ音节的主频也有显著提高。这表明白头鹎可以通过提高声音频率来避免环境噪声对鸣声的影响,从而保证噪声环境中声信息的有效传递;而噪声对各音节的不同影响也表明,同一鸣句的各音节,对于噪声通讯中的信息识别,具有不同的地位。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the degree and distribution of genetic diversity within Central-European populations of Thesium ebracteatum—one of the most endangered plant species in Europe. By analyzing allozymes from 17 populations, we estimated the distribution of genetic diversity and suggest the most valuable populations for conservation. Analysis of molecular variance results showed the highest variance existed between populations (54 %), whereas the mean variance within populations was 46 %. A surprisingly low degree of variance (less than 1 %) was found between the six studied regions. We also observed no correlation between geographical and genetic distance, which supports the idea that individual populations are strongly isolated. T. ebracteatum undergoes extensive clonal growth and may survive for very long periods of time without generative reproduction. Consistent with this, we found a strong and significant relationship between genetic diversity and population size. All populations occupying an area greater than 300 m2 showed high genetic diversity, whereas small populations contained less genetic diversity. Therefore, conservation priorities could generally be decided based on population size. Because this species is a weak competitor, existing localities should also be managed to prevent species loss from habitat degradation, by mowing or from time to time otherwise disturbing population areas to create open areas for growth.  相似文献   

We determined the limiting climatic factors, as well as the preferred habitats, of Erica tetralix L. at the eastern limit of its distribution range in the eastern Baltic region. It was found that E. tetralix in this region is a typical bog woodland plant preferring the wettest Sphagnum‐rich sites. Northern Atlantic wet heath fragments, base‐rich fens and species‐rich Nardus grasslands were other habitats for the species. The species composition in E. tetralix habitats resembled that found in appropriate habitats within its main distribution range, although the habitats in the eastern Baltic region lack many Atlantic floristic elements characteristic of wet heath. A generalised linear model describing the climatic niche of E. tetralix in Latvia suggests that mild winters, which exhibit a combination of a shallow maximum depth of soil freezing and a large number of days when the air temperature exceeds 0°C, as well as abundant annual and winter precipitation, are the main factors allowing the presence of E. tetralix in Latvia. The climate parameters at the eastern limit of the species’ distribution range are consistent with those recorded as being suitable for E. tetralix elsewhere. Our results reveal a strong relationship between oceanity and the distribution of E. tetralix. The climatic niche model suggests more climatically suitable areas in the Coastal Lowland geobotanical region where the species could potentially be found, most likely in bog woodlands. The future prospects to restore open areas of northern Atlantic wet heath with E. tetralix in Latvia are poor due to the decline in traditional land‐use; these areas have turned into bog woodlands or been converted into agricultural land.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of plants is constrained by demographic and ecogeographic factors that determine the range and abundance of the species. Wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris) is distributed from Switzerland in the north to Israel in the south. However, little is known about the ecogeographic constraints of this species and its genetic and phenotypic characteristics, especially at the southern edge of its distribution range in the Levant region. In this study, we explore the population structure of southern Levantine wild grapevines and the correlation between demographic and ecogeographic characteristics. Based on our genetic analysis, the wild grapevine populations in this region can be divided into two major subgroups in accordance with a multivariate spatial and ecogeographical clustering model. The identified subpopulations also differ in morphological traits, mainly leaf hairiness which may imply adaptation to environmental stress. The findings suggest that the Upper Jordan River population was spread to the Sea of Galilee area and that a third smaller subpopulation at the south of the Golan Heights may represent a distinguished gene pool or a recent establishment of a new population. A spatial distribution model indicated that distance to water sources, Normalized difference vegetation index, and precipitation are the main environmental factors constraining V. vsylvestris distribution at its southern distribution range. These factors in addition to limited gene flow between populations prevent further spread of wild grapevines southwards to semi‐arid regions.  相似文献   

Species are often observed to occur in restricted patches of particularly warm microclimate at their high latitude/altitude geographic range margin. In these areas, global warming is expected to cause small‐scale expansion of the occupied area, but most previous studies of range expansion have used very coarse scale data. Using high resolution microclimate models together with detailed field surveys, we tested whether the butterfly Plebejus argus, occurring on limestone grassland in north Wales, was responding as might be expected due to climate change in the last 30–40 yr. The abundance of adult Plebejus argus at 100 m resolution in 2011 was strongly affected by elevation and near‐ground temperatures in May. A statistical model including microclimate, fitted to 2011 data, was successful (67% correct) at hindcasting the occurrence of Plebejus argus in 1983 when the average May air temperature was 1.4°C cooler. However, the model was less accurate at hindcasting occurrences in 1972 (50% correct). Given the distribution of micro‐sites in this landscape, we predict that further warming of approximately 1°C would make the majority of sites highly microclimatically suitable for this species. There are a growing number of long‐term studies of range change, and investigations into the mechanisms driving them, but still surprisingly few that explicitly make and test predictions with independent data. Our tests are a valuable example of how accurate predictions of distribution change can be, but also of the inevitable uncertainties. Improved understanding of how well models predict will be very important to plan robust climate change adaptation measures.  相似文献   

The Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio is a common rail that previously was little investigated in North Africa. From 2011 to 2013, its breeding ecology was studied at two natural wetlands in north-east Algeria, namely Garaet Hadj Tahar and Garaet Messaoussa. Numbers of Purple Swamphens at both localities peaked in late April and early May. Egg-laying started in early March, whereas hatching started in late March. Peak egg-laying took place in late March and early April, and peak hatching from mid-April to early May. There were significant differences in the size and weight of eggs between years and localities. The mean clutch size was 2.75 ± 0.70 eggs and it was not signifi- cantly different between localities and years. Mean hatching success was 51% and it was positively correlated to nest depth only at Garaet Hadj Tahar. Most nests were built in dense tufts of Typha angustifolia and Phragmites australis. The main nesting materials were Phragmites australis and Scirpus maritimus.  相似文献   

Moringa peregrina (Moringaceae), an economically important tree that occurs in arid desert mountains, is currently threatened in large part of its distribution range in the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula. We assessed the impact of topographic factors on population structure and performance of the species at its northwest range edge on the Hafit Mountain, UAE, where it faces harsh climatic conditions and human disturbances. Size structure, fruit production, and vitality were assessed on all 165 individual plants encountered in 12 gorges. The size distribution indicates that the population of M. peregrina is young; the proportion of small and medium-size individuals is high, but with few recorded juveniles. The frequency of plant occurrence and their performance were highest at middle altitudes. Large trees produced significantly more fruits than small and medium plants, with the larger trees of the population at middle altitude producing most fruits. M. peregrina facilitated the growth of grasses and small shrubs, but limited the presence of other big shrubs and trees beneath their canopies, compared to areas beyond. The study indicates that gorges play an important role in maintaining the M. peregrina population at its hyper-arid northwest range edge.  相似文献   

We studied determinants of breeding dispersal (the distance that an animal shifts its mean home range co-ordinate between reproductive events) in an individually marked population of sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) in south west Sweden during 1987–1991. Female breeding dispersal was not determined by age, size, body condition, or number of partners, and females and males that dispersed further did not experience a higher mortality. However, females with a low reproductive output dispersed further than females that reproduced more successfully, and males that lost in bodily condition dispersed further than males that better maintained body condition. We also looked for relationships between age-differences and band-sharing similarity (DNA fingerprinting = DFP) in three categories of lizards — all females, all males, and males and females — to establish whether males would be likely to mate with close kin. Age-difference was strongly correlated with band-sharing in only one category, males and females. When males were older than females this relationship was not significant. However, when females were older than males, age-difference was strongly correlated with band-sharing. Furthermore, females that were old enough to be the mothers of the courting males shared significantly more bands with these males than did the younger females, including the females of the same age as the males. Although parental-specific DFP bands necessary for establishing paternity among our adult lizards were inaccessible to us, we suggest that our circumstantial evidence strongly suggests that some males mate with their mothers. Males that were more closely related with their neighbours also moved further when we controlled statistically for age and mating success. We suggest that by mating with many partners males not only increase their mating success, but also increase the probability of mating with females with ‘good genes’: mean heterozygosity of parents (as revealed by micro-satellites) were strongly correlated with offspring survival.  相似文献   

Breeding ecology of the Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) was studied in a mono-specific colony in the Anzali wetland, Northern Iran during the breeding season of 2016. The breeding period lasted from mid-May to late July. The average clutch size was 3.1±0.6 eggs and the breeding success 77.6%. No significant differences were found between nests built on trunks and those built on branches of trees. The clutch size and breeding success appeared to be independent of the structural variables of the nesting site (diameter of trees, height from the ground, height of nests from the canopy, nest number per tree, location of nests on trunks and branches). No significant difference was found between the timing of the start of incubation and the height of nests above the ground. The average vertical and horizontal distances between nests was one metre. Fish, particularly Carassius gibelio, dominated the diet of the nestlings.  相似文献   

Habitat selection can be envisaged as a hierarchical spatial process, from choice of home range to choice of dietary item. The green woodpecker (Picus viridis) is described as being closely bound to cultivated land and deciduous forests, mainly due to its summer diet composed of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) found on meadows and pastures. To explore possible responses of this woodpecker to recent changes in land use practice, we studied home ranges, feeding habitats and food selection of a marginal population (four radio-marked males and five females) in a 30,000-ha conifer-dominated landscape at the northern edge of its distribution range in south-central Scandinavia. We asked: (1) Is the green woodpecker confined to areas with cultivated land and deciduous forest? (2) If so, are important food items (ants) particularly abundant or exclusively found there? (3) Can clearcuts and young plantations substitute for cultivated land as feeding habitat? Home ranges (mean=100 ha) were invariably confined to the parts of the landscape that contained cultivated land (<1% of the total area). In summer, birds preferred to feed in cultivated land, presumably due to a higher overall biomass of ants compared to forest habitats. They avoided clearcuts, but preyed extensively upon soil-dwelling ants in young conifer stands (16–30 years old). We failed to find preferences for particular ant groups (Lasius niger and L. flavus) associated with cultivated land. The principal summer food was Serviformica, an ant group that was equally abundant in cultivated land and forest habitat. A positive correlation between ant body mass and a preference index suggests that the birds selected the larger ant species independent of habitat type. In winter, birds fed exclusively on mound-building Formica rufa-ants in closed-canopy, older forest stands. Our results indicate that the green woodpecker successfully utilizes young conifer plantations as feeding habitat. At a larger scale, we hypothesize that green woodpecker populations fail to establish in managed forest tracts, not because of food shortage, but because the landscapes lack cultivated land serving as a key stimulus encouraging individuals to settle.  相似文献   

Under climate change, modifications on plants’ growth are expected to be the strongest at species margins. Therein, tree acclimation could play a key role as migration is predicted to be too slow to track shifts of bioclimatic envelops. A requirement is, however, that intra-population genetic diversity be high enough for allowing such adaptation of tree populations to climate change. In this study, we tested for the existence of relationships between genetic diversity, site environmental conditions, and the response of annual tree growth to climate of Pinus cembra at its southern limit in the Alps. Site-specific climatic and environmental factors predominantly determined the response of trees along the precipitation gradient. The growth-climate interactions were chiefly linked to mean annual precipitation and temperature, slope and tree-size, and less to genetic diversity. We show that genetic background of Pinus cembra has exclusively indirect modulating power with limited effects on tree-ring formation, and within the southern limit in the Alps, genetic variability is not necessarily well expressed in the patterns of annual tree growth. Our results may imply little adaptive capacity of these populations to future changes in the water balance.  相似文献   

1. The seasonal dynamics of body condition (BC), circulating corticosterone levels (baseline, BL) and the adrenocortical response to acute stress (SR) were examined in long-lived Black-legged Kittiwakes, Rissa tridactyla , breeding at Duck (food-poor colony) and Gull (food-rich colony) Islands in lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. It was tested whether the dynamics of corticosterone levels reflect a seasonal change in bird physiological condition due to reproduction and/or variation in foraging conditions.
2. BC declined seasonally, and the decline was more pronounced in birds at the food-poor colony. BL and SR levels of corticosterone rose steadily through the reproductive season, and BL levels were significantly higher in birds on Duck Island compared with those on Gull Island. During the egg-laying and chick-rearing stages, birds had lower SR on Duck Island than on Gull Island.
3. The results suggest that, in addition to a seasonal change in bird physiology during reproduction, local ecological factors such as food availability affect circulating levels of corticosterone and adrenal response to acute stress.  相似文献   

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