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Field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) is a winter annual that requires a cold treatment for the induction of stem elongation. An inbred line was selected in which no stem elongation was observed in plants grown for 6 months at 21°C regardless of the prevailing photoperiod. Increased exposure time of plants grown initially at 21°C to cold (2°C) induced a greater rate of stem elongation when the plants were returned to 21°C. Moreover, longer cold treatments resulted in a greater maximum stem height and reduced the lag period for the onset of measurable internode elongation. The optimal temperature range for thermoinduced stem growth was broad: rates of stem growth in plants maintained for 4 weeks at either 2° or 10°C were virtually identical. However, a 4-week thermoinductive treatment at 15°C resulted in a greater lag period for the initiation of stem elongation and a decreased growth rate. The rate of cold-induced stem elongation was greater in plants subjected to long days than for plants subjected to short days following the cold treatment. Thus, photoperiod does not control the induction of stem elongation, but does regulate stem elongation in progress. Exogenous gibberellin A3 (GA3) was able to substitute for the cold requirement, but elicited a greater response in plants maintained under long days than short days. This indicates that photoperiod influences the plant's sensitivity to GAs. The GA biosynthesis inhibitor, 2-chloroethyltrimethyl ammonium chloride, inhibited low temperature-induced stem elongation, and this inhibition was completely reversed by exogenous GA3. These results suggest that cold-induced stem elongation in field pennycress is mediated by some change in the endogenous GA status.  相似文献   

Petiole growth in Thlaspi arvense L. was stimulated when a basic 8 hour photoperiod (4.20 milliwatts per square centimeter) was extended with low intensity light (0.16 milliwatt per square centimeter) from incandescent lamps. The day length extension was effective only when the light contained high proportions of far red light. Exogenous gibberellin A3 (GA3) could partially substitute for the promotive effect of the extended photoperiod. Moreover, the GA biosynthesis inhibitor 2-chlorocholine chloride inhibited the increase in petiole growth induced by the extended photoperiod. However, evidence was obtained indicating that gibberellins do not mediate the effect of the extended photoperiod. First, petiole growth was greater in plants receiving both exogenous GA3 and a day length extension than the sum of the effects of the two treatments alone. Second, petioles were sensitive to exogenous GA3 only during the early stages of leaf development, whereas mature (but not senescent) leaves continued to respond to an extension of the photoperiod. Third, the cellular basis for growth induced by extending the photoperiod was different from that observed with GA3. It was concluded that light and gibberellins are both important in the overall regulation of petiole growth, but act through independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Eleven endogenous gibberellins (GAs) were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in purified extracts from shoots of field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.): GA1,9,12,15,19,20,24,29,44,51,53. Traces of GA8 and GA25 were tentatively indicated by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-selected ion monitoring. Comparison of the total ion current traces indicated that GA19 and GA44 were most abundant, while GA12,15,20,24,29,53 occurred in lesser amounts. Only small amounts of GA1,9,51 were present. The levels of GA8 and GA25 were barely detectable. Consideration of hydroxylation patterns of the ent-gibberellane ring structure indicates two families of GAs: one with a C-13 hydroxyl group (GA1,8,19,20,29,44,53) and another whose members are either nonhydroxylated (GA9,12,15,24,25) or lack a C-13 hydroxyl group (GA51). This suggests that in field pennycress there are two parallel pathways for GA metabolism with an early branch point from GA12: an early C-13 hydroxylation pathway, leading ultimately to GA1 and GA8 and a C-13 deoxy pathway culminating in the formation of GA9 and GA51.  相似文献   

This paper describes attempts to localize the site of perception of low temperatures (0-10°C) during thermoinduction in Thlaspi arvense L. Reproductive development (stem elongation and flower formation) was observed when shoots were cooled to 4°C for 4 weeks and then returned to 21°C while maintaining the roots constant 21°C. However, chilling the roots was ineffective for initiating reproductive development. The apparent site of perception of thermoinductive temperatures was further localized to the shoot tip (apex and immature leaves) by controlling the temperature of the shoot tip independently of the rest of the plant. Furthermore, excised apices regenerated flowering plants in organ culture only if they were subjected to a 4 week cold treatment. Grafting experiments also support the notion that the shoot tip or the apex is the site of perception of thermoinductive temperatures: noninduced shoot tips grafted onto bolting donors remained as vegetative rosettes. Paradoxically, it was found that the cells of the shoot tip are not the only ones capable of being thermoinduced. Shoots regenerated from leaf cuttings excised from thermoinduced plants exhibited all signs of reproductive development, while regenerated shoots from control leaves developed into vegetative rosettes. It is suggested that many cell types are capable of being thermoinduced and that the shoot tip may appear to be the site of perception of thermoinductive temperatures because structures associated with reproductive development originate from this tissue.  相似文献   

Field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) is a winter annual weed with a cold requirement for reproductive development. Previous work in this laboratory has demonstrated that the bolting aspect (rapid stem growth) of reproductive development is mediated by gibberellins (GA). The present paper describes the selection and characterization of a mutant lacking the capacity for thermoinduced stem growth. Seeds of an inbred field pennycress line (CR1) were treated with the chemical mutagen ethyl methane sulfonate, germinated, and allowed to produce seed. Plants derived from these seeds were screened for reduced stem growth. A mutant line, EMS-141, in which the lack of stem growth can be fully overcome with exogenous GA3, was selected for further analysis. Other phenotypic abnormalities exhibited by the mutant line include reduced petiole growth, slightly delayed floral initiation, and failure of flowers to develop fully. These are also reversed with exogenous GA3. Evidence is presented indicating that all of the alterations in growth and development exhibited by EMS-141 are conferred by a recessive mutation of a single nuclear gene. Through quantitative analysis of endogenous GA and GA precursors and a comparison of the abilities of various compounds to restore normal growth when applied to plants of EMS-141, the physiological basis for the mutant phenotype was determined to be the result of highly reduced endogenous GA levels. Moreover, the affected site in GA biosynthesis appears to be the accumulation of ent-kaurene, probably at the level of ent-kaurene synthase. The relative abilities of exogenous GA and GA precursors to restore normal growth of petioles and stems are compared, and the results are used to make inferences on the functions of the two different pathways of GA metabolism that exist in field pennycress.  相似文献   


Using a tumor cell line of the mouse anterior pituitary (AtT-20/D16-16), the various factors regulating ACTH release and the intracellular mechanisms mediating this response were investigated. CRF, catechola-mines and VIP stimulate ACTH release whereas glucocorticoids and SRIF block secretion. Glucocorticoids block both ACTH synthesis and release. SRIF acts through multiple mechanisms to prevent stimulated ACTH release. Cyclic AMP and Ca++ are important second messengers in the receptor mediated release of ACTH but other mediators may also be involved. The interaction of these various CRF-like substances and inhibitors of ACTH release may result in a fine-tune regulation of corticotroph activity Such regulation may be important in the organism response to stress.  相似文献   

Field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) is a winter annual weed with a cold requirement for stem elongation and flowering. The relative abilities of several native gibberellins (GAs) and GA-precursors to elicit stem growth were compared. Of the eight compounds tested, gibberellin A1, (GA1), GA9, and GA20 caused stem growth in noninduced (no cold treatment) plants. No stem growth was observed in plants treated with ent-kaurene, ent-kaurenol, ent-kaurenoic acid, GA53, or GA8. Moreover, of the biologically active compounds, GA9 was the most active followed closely by GA1. In thermoinduced plants (4-week cold treatment at 6°C) that were continuously treated with 2-chlorocholine chloride to reduce endogenous GA production, GA9 was the most biologically active compound. However, the three kaurenoid GA precursors also promoted stem growth in thermoinduced plants, and were almost as active as GA20. No such increase in activity was observed for either GA[unk] or GA53. The results are discussed in relation to thermoinductive regulation of GA metabolism and its significance to the initiation of stem growth in field pennycress. It is proposed that thermoinduction results in increased conversion of ent-kaurenoic acid to GAs through the C-13 desoxy pathway and that GA9 is the endogenous mediator of thermoinduced stem growth in field pennycress.  相似文献   

Summary This study examines the effect of different densities and the removal of all neighbours at different stages of development on all components of reproduction in the inbreeding annual Thlaspi arvense L. A 64-fold increase in density significantly reduced all repooductive components. The number of flower buds per plant was decreased most strongly; the order of decreasing plasticity among the other components was number of capsules per flower, individual seed weight, ovule number per capsule, flowers per flower bud and seeds per ovule. Removing neighbours at all stages of development increased seed yield of plants in comparison to the control without density reduction, but patterns of plasticity depended strongly on time of treatment. The main effect of the removal of neighbours at the vegetative stage was to increase the number of flowers per plant, but the number of ovules per capsule and seed weight increased also, and abortion of capsules decreased. Removing neighbours at the onset of flowering initially failed to affect flower number per plant, instead it resulted in a strong reduction of capsule abortion and an increase in seed weight. However, several weeks after flowering had initially ceased, fresh lateral inflorescences were produced, resulting in a second flush of reproduction. Removing neighbours at the stage of fruit ripening resulted at first only in an increase in seed witht, but later a second reproductive phase occurred. Fresh lateral branches were produced, but the apical meristem was also reactivated. The overall pattern of plasticity among all reproductive components in response to a removal of neighbours was the same as in response to density. The position of a capsule along the inflorescence influenced its number of ovules, the rate of seed abortion and the mean weight of seeds, with the type of effect depending on the developmental stage at which neighbours were removed. Significant negative correlations were found between the mean weight of seeds and the number of seeds in a capsule under all treatments.  相似文献   

We investigated the hypothesis that continuous water application allows favorable and steady water content and hydraulic conductivity in the root zone, thus enabling higher water potential in the soil–root interface (ψroot). Elevated ψroot increases transpiration (T) and prevents yield loss due to stomatal closure or to low root osmotic potential that develops in response to low ψroot. We assume further, that the advantage of continuous water application is more pronounced for young plants, where water uptake per root length and competition on resources in the root system is higher. We investigated this hypothesis by examining the average water content of the root zone and T as a function of time for sunflowers grown under varied irrigation frequencies experimentally and in a modeled simulations, and by solving for the necessary effective root length and ψroot for each case. High frequency water application was shown to positively affect root water uptake efficiency and yield, especially when plants were young. Irrigation frequency affected growth through the water content in the bulk soil (θsoil) which in turn affects ψroot. A low θsoil and coupled low hydraulic conductivity decreased T and yield. Moreover, a decreased θsoil caused low ψroot, inefficient allocation of energy and carbohydrates and eventual yield loss. It was likely that these phenomena were more pronounced with young plants due to higher water uptake per root length.  相似文献   

Differences in Cd accumulation and Cd tolerance between Thlaspi arvense ecotype Aigues Vives (AV) from a commercial grower in South France and ecotype Jena collected in the polluted urban area of Jena (Germany) were reported here. Ecotype Jena exhibited considerable Cd-tolerance. Shoot and root masses were unaffected and root elongation was even enhanced by exposure to 50 μM Cd. In contrast, growth of ecotype AV was severely affected by this Cd treatment. Ecotype Jena was much more efficient in excluding Cd from both roots and shoots than ecotype AV. Despite the efficient restriction of Cd transport from roots to shoots in Jena, this ecotype maintained high root to shoot transport of Zn and Fe under Cd exposure. Cd supply strongly decreased the activities of antioxidant enzymes in AV, while in the Cd resistant Jena these activities either remained unaffected (SOD, APX) or were increased (CAT) by Cd supply. In conclusion, naturally selected Cd-tolerance in Thlaspi arvense is due to efficient Cd exclusion. The mechanisms underlying exclusion of Cd from the shoots seem Cd-specific yet they did not affect the homeostasis of Fe and Zn in the shoots.  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞在不同的诱导条件下具有多向分化的潜能,多种胞内外信号途径参与其分化过程的调控。现就胚胎干细胞向血管内皮细胞分化的诱导条件及分子机制做一综述,并阐明不同阶段的内皮前体细胞所表达的不同分子标志,同时提出胚胎干细胞在再生医学中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Treatment of field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) leaves with the herbicide chlorsulfuron resulted in a decrease in the export of assimilate. Twelve hours after a spot application of 1 microgram, assimilate translocation was 70% of that in control leaves. In excised leaves treated with chlorsulfuron the total amounts of sugars and free amino acids were 150 and 170%, respectively, of the amounts in control leaves, 30 hours after herbicide treatment. The amount of sucrose was 247% of that in control leaves. The increase in the concentration of sucrose in the chlorsulfuron-treated leaves, combined with the absence of an effect of chlorsulfuron on carbon dioxide fixation, suggests that the decrease in assimilate transport is not due to an effect on the synthesis of assimilates, but rather to an effect on their movement out of the leaves. Supplying branched-chain amino acids to the field pennycress seedlings prior to the application of chlorsulfuron prevented the occurrence of the effects described.  相似文献   

Glucosinolates, amino acid-derived thioglycosides found in plants of the Brassicales order, are one of the best studied classes of plant secondary metabolites. Together with myrosinases and supplementary proteins known as specifier proteins, they form the glucosinolate–myrosinase system that upon tissue damage gives rise to a number of biologically active glucosinolate breakdown products such as isothiocyanates, epithionitriles and organic thiocyanates involved in plant defense. While isothiocyanates are products of the spontaneous rearrangement of the glucosinolate aglycones released by myrosinase, the formation of epithionitriles and organic thiocyanates depends on both myrosinases and specifier proteins. Hydrolysis product profiles of many glucosinolate-containing plant species indicate the presence of specifier proteins, but only few have been identified and characterized biochemically. Here, we report on cDNA cloning, heterologous expression and characterization of TaTFP, a thiocyanate-forming protein (TFP) from Thlaspi arvense L. (Brassicaceae), that is expressed in all plant organs and can be purified in active form after heterologous expression in Escherichia coli. As a special feature, this protein promotes the formation of allylthiocyanate as well as the corresponding epithionitrile upon myrosinase-catalyzed hydrolysis of allylglucosinolate, the major glucosinolate of T. arvense. All other glucosinolates tested are converted to their simple nitriles when hydrolyzed in the presence of TaTFP. Despite its ability to promote allylthiocyanate formation, TaTFP has a higher amino acid sequence similarity to known epithiospecifier proteins (ESPs) than to Lepidium sativum TFP. However, unlike Arabidopsis thaliana ESP, its activity in vitro is not strictly dependent on Fe2+ addition to the assay mixtures. The availability of TaTFP in purified form enables future studies to be aimed at elucidating the structural bases of specifier protein specificities and mechanisms. Furthermore, identification of TaTFP shows that product specificities of specifier proteins can not be predicted based on amino acid sequence similarity and raises interesting questions about specifier protein evolution.  相似文献   

Vernalization of Thlaspi arvense L. results in the alteration of gibberellin (GA) metabolism such that the metabolism and turnover of the GA precursor ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid (kaurenoic acid) is dramatically increased. This cold-induced change in GA metabolism is restricted to the shoot tip, the site of perception of cold in this species (J.P. Hazebroek, J.D. Metzger [1990] Plant Physiol 94: 157-165). In the present report additional biochemical information about the nature of this low-temperature-regulated process is provided. The endogenous levels of kaurenoic acid in leaves and shoot tips of plants were estimated by combined gas chromatography-chemical ionization mass spectrometry at various times after 4 weeks of vernalization at 6[deg]C. The endogenous levels in shoot tips declined 10-fold by 2 d after the plants were returned to 21[deg]C; this decline continued such that there was nearly 50-fold less kaurenoic acid by 10 d after the end of vernalization. No effect of vernalization on the endogenous levels of kaurenoic acid in leaves was observed. An in vitro enzyme assay was developed to monitor changes in the ability of tissues to convert kaurenoic acid to ent-7[alpha]-hydroxykaur-16-en-19-oic acid (7-OH kaurenoic acid). The activity of this enzyme rapidly increased in microsomal extracts from shoot tips following the end of vernalization. No thermoinduced increase in activity was observed in leaves. The enzymic oxidation of ent-kaurene to ent-kaurenol was also induced in shoot tips by vernalization. However, this reaction does not appear to be rate limiting for GA biosynthesis, because substantial amounts of kaurenoic acid accumulated in noninduced shoot tips. These results corroborate our hypothesis that the conversion of kaurenoic acid to 7-OH kaurenoic acid is the primary step in GA metabolism regulated by vernalization in Thlaspi shoot tips.  相似文献   

为了解药用植物菥蓂(Thlaspi arvense)在紫外线(UV-B)辐射增强下生长及响应规律,以2月龄菥蓂幼苗为研究对象,在自然光照基础上人工增补3.26μW·cm-2(T1)和9.78μW·cm-2(T2)2种不同辐射强度处理,以自然光照下生长的菥蓂幼苗为对照,研究菥蓂幼苗中光合指标和叶绿素荧光参数、光合色素(叶绿素a和b)含量、渗透调节物质(丙二醛、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖和脯氨酸)含量、抗氧化酶(超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶和抗坏血酸过氧化氢酶)活性和总黄酮、总酚和黑芥子苷等次生代谢产物含量对不同UV-B辐射强度的响应。结果表明:2种辐射强度下净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、胞间二氧化碳摩尔分数、最大荧光(Fm)、PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和PSⅡ潜在光化学效率(Fv/Fo)均随辐射强度增大而降低;叶绿素a和叶绿素b、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖和脯氨酸等渗透调节物质、超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶和抗坏血酸过...  相似文献   

The subalpine meadows of the Rocky Mountains, USA, are at the advancing front of global change; however, little is known about the sensitivities of high-elevation soil fungal communities to ongoing ecological changes. Soil fungi are sensitive to abiotic and biotic environmental stressors, including climate change, soil disturbance, and the presence of introduced, non-native plants. Invasive plants in the Brassicaceae (mustard family) are known to alter fungal community structure, suppress arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and change their relationship with native plant hosts in forest ecosystems, but these phenomena have not been studied in the subalpine zone where non-native mustard plants are becoming established. Here, we investigated whether the presence of the introduced mustard plant, Thlaspi arvense, is associated with distinct properties of the whole fungal and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in subalpine meadow ecosystems. We observed clear differences in the composition, relative abundance of core taxa, and mean taxon relatedness of soil fungal communities in plots with T. arvense relative to those with only native vegetation. A suite of novel fungi were associated with T. arvense, and overall patterns of AMF phylogenetic diversity were drastically reduced in association with its presence. Our results suggest that T. arvense introduction impacts the soil fungal community, with potential implications for native plant communities and soil nutrient cycling in high elevation meadows of the Rocky Mountains.  相似文献   

Genetic, physiological, and morphological studies of dwarf mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. from the collection of the Department of Genetics and Breeding, Moscow State University, showed that the NA and LE genes are involved in regulating elongation of internode cells and sensitivity to various hormones. The na mutation suppressed stem growth only in the presence of the active LE gene. The absence of the LE activity (in the lele homozygote) restored stem growth of the na mutant to the level characteristic of thele-2 mutant, and a decrease inLE activity (in LE/le heterozygote) almost completely suppressed the na phenotype. Phenotypic analysis of homozygous double mutants and heterozygotes obtained by crossing the na and le-2 mutants showed that the recessive le-2 allele has an epistatic effect on the semidominant na allele and that the genes possibly control consecutive steps of one biochemical pathway or one morphogenetic process. A hypothetical scheme was proposed for the interaction of the NA and LE gene products.  相似文献   

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